Taha Answer

Post on 22-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Taha Answer

QUESTIONS:1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word brand?Answer: After hearing the word brand first thing come into mind is something of high quality.

2. What sort of an image does a brand create in your mind?Answer: Image created by the brand is something prestigious or of quality.

3. What does the term place branding imply for you?Answer: Branding imply me as a quality under one roof.

4. Do you think celebrities can be branded?Answer: Celebrities are brand and if they endorse any brand it can boost the quality of product in the customer mind.5. Which celebrity comes to your mind when you hear branding celebrities?Answer: Shahid Afradi is one of the examples of branding celebrity6. Why do you think that this celebrity is influential as compared to others?Answer: He can influence the general public7. What role does a celebrity play in branding any country?Answer: Minor role in order to represent whole nation in the world

8. What is the importance of their role in branding and how crucial it is?Answer: Branding is imp. For any new product for giving the product a recognition in the country9. What do you think which sort of celebrity support branding our Pakistan and what role they play?Answer: Their role is just to earn money because almost every celebrity endorse a brand10. How positively they perform their roles?Answer: Not efficiently11. What is the motivation of the celebrities in branding country?Answer: Encourage that community to buy product12. Does the familiarity of celebrities can influence the people perception about Pakistan?Answer: No

13. What are the main causes of negative image of Pakistan abroad?Answer: Terrorism 14. Do you think that our youth has awareness about Pakistan as a brand?Answer: Yes they are brand conscious15. Are they committed for branding it abroad? Answer:

Yes 16. How to motivate every individual in brand building?Answer: Providing them goods in their reachable price17. Is it fruitful to ask for government support to portray a positive picture across the borders?Answer: For brand not because its owners duty to provide quality

18. Do social media play a role in successful branding of a developing country like Pakistan?Answer: Yes they are playing vital role in the success of any .