Table of Contents - Dylan's BattleTech Emporium Supplemental: Fan 0.5... · Table of Contents A Day...

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Transcript of Table of Contents - Dylan's BattleTech Emporium Supplemental: Fan 0.5... · Table of Contents A Day...

Table of ContentsA Day in the Life...


Blighted Sun (3058) – Unit

To Blight The Moon – Scenario

Wanderer's Hussars (3055) – Unit

WDR-1N Wanderer

Waste's Edge, Extermination – Scenario

Milliken's Marauders (3062) – Unit

Milliken's Folly – Scenario

Red Wings (3058) – Unit

Black Gryphons (3031) – Unit

Winter's Iron Stormers (3070) - Unit

Legion's Lament (3025) – Unit

Alchemist Gold
















I'd like to thank Ashley “Ash” Milliken and his wife Laura for their work in helping me choose a cover. Also for Ash's unit: Milliken's Marauders. Without which this book wouldn't feel complete.

“Syber” for her opinion on the cover, constructive criticism, and proof reading. Thanks.

Others who contributed to this short, but fun, work of fandom.

Mercenaries Supplemental:FanRevision 0.5

Preview ReleaseAuthor/Editor's Note: As a preview release, please be aware that there will be formatting errors and missing

sections. I am aware of these, so please do not report them.

A Fan WorkWritten And Edited By

Dylan MyersOperating Under The Aliases

Ralgith t'Mayasara Of Mordel's Bar & GrillAnd

Erian Hendvarden of Shrike Heavy Industries

Readers should note that this fan work, while laid out along the general lines of the official Mercenaries Supplementals, will also be different in many respects. Anyone who is interested in contributing their mercenary units

for future editions of the book is more than welcome to do so. I would also like to note that there will be very little artwork in the first edition of this work, as I am not an artist. If anyone would like to contribute art for use in future

revisions/editions of this book, or would just like to comment, you can email me at ralgith@gmail.comThank You

A Day in the Life...

With a whine the Clan-Tech autocannon in his modified Wolf Trap's right arm spat out a hail of cluster munitions. The deadly sub-munitions pitted the armor on the Capellan Dervish, but failed to take advantage of the hole punched in the armor by an earlier slug from the same weapon. Thumbing for his lasers, Lt. Daniel Suchovsky fired again at the Dervish, this time the ruby darts of energy piercing the other mech's right shoulder; immobilizing the limb.

Activating his throat mic, Daniel calmly says, “Major, they're pushing the left flank again. Hard. Request permission to enact 'Wheel 7'.”

“Permission granted.”, the voice of Major Lucien Shrike came over the tactical frequency from his Thunder Hawk. “All units, Wheel 7 in effect. I say again, Wheel 7 in effect.”

A series of acknowledgments flooded the frequency for a moment, then one by one the units on the left flank peeled away and headed towards the rear of center. Reforming a line at a forty-five degree angle to their previous formation, with a spacing slightly larger

than normal between each mech.Again the Capellan Guard mechs strode in,

wanting to take advantage of this seemingly forced retreat. Once within 400 meters of the new line formed by the Blue Lightning mechs, with weapons fire flying from both sides, the ground in the spaces between the mercenary mechs appeared to explode upwards as the buried Demolisher Heavy Tanks burst up from their concealment and unleashed the hell of the dual gauss rifles mounted in their turrets.

The now demoralized Guard mechs began to retreat. At first in an orderly line of battle, however that soon degenerated into an all out rout with a second and third salvo from the combined mechs and tanks of the Blue Lightning Mercenary Battalion.

“Well done people”, came the voice of Major Shrike over the unit wide tac frequency. “Lets return to the hangar for rearmament, these bastards aren't done yet.” With that his massive Thunder Hawk, and its 3 Clan-Tech gauss rifles, turned and headed home.

IntroductionLoving the Mercenary trade as I do, I've created

several mercenary commands in the 13 years I've been playing BattleTech. Eight to be exact. Of course, two of those have been “folded” together when one absorbed the other after both were decimated fighting side by side against a reinforced regiment of pirates. But that is still a lot of units. Sure, two of them I created for other people, but I wrote the fluff and initial unit disposition of these units.

After re-reading FM: Mercenaries (Revised), Mercenaries Supplemental, Mercenaries Supplemental II, and Mercenaries Supplemental Update recently, I thought to myself that I should publish my units. So, here I am.

While I plan on including the units of others as well, if anyone is willing to, the majority of this book will focus on the units I've created over the years.

Mercenaries Supplemental: Fan will follow the layout of the books that inspired it for the most part. I

have taken creative license to include more detailed force briefs (which consist of the traditional force brief, plus a full unit TO&E) where I could, and also to detail any “Custom” mechs fielded by the units in the form of a Record Sheet for that mech. Notably the WDR-1N Wanderer from Wanderer's Hussars. Also included with many of the units is a small scenario description. When included, this is where you will find the breakdown of any Clan-Tech equipment used by the unit.

Many of my units have fought the Clans, and all feature upgraded/customized mechs. I was unsure how best to represent this, as many of the customizations aren't on an equal weight or 1-for-1 basis. I've done my best to list this as a summary that wouldn't take entire chapters on its own to detail every single change. I'll save that for a TRO: Mercenaries... which I'd like to do as well. In fact I reference RS: Mercenaries & TRO: Mercenaries in most of the scenario descriptions.

And now... on with the BattleMechs!

Blighted Sun (3058) By Dylan Myers

Formed in 3027 by rich Northwinder Sean Flannagin, who for whatever reason did not have good relations with the rest of his home world and the famous Northwind Highlanders. The unit originally consisted of a short battalion of 28 mechs and 4 vehicles. From 3007 to 3029 Blighted Sun continued to grow, mostly by absorbing warriors from other mercenary commands that were torn asunder in combat. By the end of 3009 the Blighted Sun had grown into a full battalion of mechs, supported by 4 AeroSpace fighters, and a company of armored vehicles.

In 3031, during a mission to exterminate a pirate regiment on a blasted planet in the periphery with no name, only the designation of K-2279, Major Flannagin was wounded badly, losing most of his left leg. Bequeathing command of the unit to his 22 year old nephew, Ralgith t'Mayasara, Sean retired to Solaris VII to try and start a stable.

Upon taking command, one of Major t'Mayasara's first actions was to make a deal with a the shattered remains of the Dark Syndicate, another mercenary battalion sent to K-2279. Incorporating their mechs, vehicles, and AeroSpace assets into his own TO&E, Ralgith also took the rank of Colonel. With both his own command company and his 2nd company consisting of four lances of mechs, plus the extra 4th company, the battalion is eligible for consideration as a short regiment. More so with the company of armored vehicles, four AeroSpace fighters, and a combat shuttle. However, Ralgith prefers to keep them listed as a battalion.

By 3058, Blighted Sun had proven themselves against Clan Jade Falcon while under contract to the Federated Commonwealth. Fielding many advanced Inner Sphere designs, and with most of their mechs and armored vehicles being upgraded with Clan weapons, Blighted Sun also has a high technology rating. The 4th lance of the 1st company, “Ralgith's Renegades”, consists of new designs being tested under contract from Ground Zero Technologies.Dragoons Rating: A-

OfficersColonel Ralgith t'Mayasara is now 49 years old, yet he shows no sign of retiring. Having had his uncle's Thunderbolt shot out from

under him in the first battle against the Jade Falcons, he now rides a brand new Nightstar. Ralgith is an easy going man, who expects only the best out of his warriors. And he gets it, partly from the confidence he shows in them, and partly from the rigid discipline he insists be maintained while on station.

Master Sergeant Kiln Quo, the Colonel's personal bodyguard also drives a new Nightstar, purchased as a matched pair with the Colonel's. Sergeant Quo was originally a member of the Dark Syndicate, and Ralgith, then only a Captain, saved his life. Now Quo feels indebted to the Colonel and refuses to be separated from him in battle.

Major Seraph... well, no one really knows where he came from, or even what his real name is. He is however the Colonel's right hand. The Major is in charge of the Blighted Sun's training programs, and in addition to commanding his own mech company, “Seraph's Slaughter” he is also the overall commander of the armored company, and the infantry with their attached VTOLs.

TransportThe Blighted Sun possesses enough transport for the entire command. With a Merchant class JumpShip, and four Dropships, they

currently boast over 100% transport capacity. The Overlord carries the majority of the mechs, with one of the Unions having been refitted for vehicles. Another Union loads the Grunts in its modified hold, while the final Union carries the remaining mechs.

Blighted Sun Reinforced Battalion/Veteran/Reliable CO/1st Company: Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara XO/2nd Company: Major Seraph 3rd Company: Captain Jack “The Hammer” Ryan 4th Company: Captain Alan Freis

First Company is composed of mostly Elite & Veteran warriors however, the “Trick Lance” of mechs from Ground Zero Technologies are piloted by Green MechWarriors promoted from the training lances. The command lance is composed of assault mechs, the only four in the battalion other than the Longbow & Salamander in the fire support unit. Seraph's 2nd Company, like 1st Company, contains a 4th lance of mechs. This lance is where all the fire support missile mechs are located. Operating in conjunction with the lance of LRM Carriers from the Armored Company, they provide all of the unit's fire support. Both 3rd and 4th Companies are follow the pattern of one lance of heavies, one of mediums, and one of lights. Third Company, the “Blood Moon”, specialize in flanking maneuvers and exploiting holes in the enemy lines. Fourth Company, the “Dark Syndicate”, usually form the battalions reserve, moving up to cover any weak areas in the battle lines, or called forward to help press the advantage in a breakout situation.

Blighted Armor Company/Regular/Reliable XO: Captain Adam Walters Due to the arrangement of being permanently

integrated with the 2nd mech company, “Seraph's Slaughter”, the armor company's senior officer is considered the XO, and Major Seraph is considered the CO. Consisting of a pair of Demolisher II, a pair of Zhukov Heavy Tanks, four hovercraft with an attached VTOL for scouting, and four LRM Carriers for fire support, the armored company has a little of everything. Speed, firepower, and support capabilities.

Blighted Grunts Squad Gray Death BA/Elite/Reliable 2 Platoons Motorized Infantry/Regular/Reliable 5 Mobile Thumpers/Regular/Questionable With two tracked APCs and a Karnov VTOL per

Platoon, another Karnov for the Battle Armor, and an attached Yellow Jacket VTOL, the Blighted Grunts are very mobile. The five pieces of mobile field artillery complete this unique unit. As with the Blighted Armor, the Grunts are permanently attached to the 2nd mech company.

Blighted Flight 4 Fighters/Elite/Reliable CO: Major Ezmeralda Watanabe The four captured Jade Falcon Visigoth's currently

fielded by the Blighted Flight replaced their much older, and quite obsolete, Shilone fighters. Packing quite a wallop, and being OmniFighters, makes the Visigoths quite the windfall for the unit. Having 17 kills among the four of them, all four of the Elite pilots in the Flight are also Aces. Major Watanabe continually pressures Colonel t'Mayasara to purchase more fighters and hire some more pilots, however the Colonel resists, stating that the battalion has gotten along fine without them to this point, and should be able to continue to rely on their employers in the event they need more AeroSpace support. Needless to say, the Major isn't pleased with this decision, however there isn't anything she can do about it without purchasing new fighters out of her own pocket.

Blighted Transport 1 JumpShip/Regular/Questionable 4 DropShips/Veteran/Reliable Having never been forced to face combat, the

JumpShip crew has been rated as questionable. However, the Veteran DropShip crews make up for that by being reliable, on the verge of fanatical. The Merchant class "Adventurer's Quarry" is an older Merchant, and suffers from chronic lack of spare parts. This has twice caused the Blighted Sun to be temporarily stranded. The older Overlord, “Nine Tailed Fox” has been an excellent ship for the Blighted Sun. The three Unions, “Una Salus Victus”, “Red Frog”, and “The Seat of Her Panties”, are all upgraded models recently purchased to replace the wrecked pair of Fortresses previously fielded by the Blighted Sun's transport arm, as well as to allow for a higher percentage of transport capacity.

Blighted Sun TO&E

1 st Company “Ralgith's Renegades” King Lance (E) G/P SpecialsNightstar NSR-9J Col. Ralgith t'Mayasara 1/3 Tactical Genius, Edge 3, Gunnery: Ballistic & LaserNightstar NSR-9J Master Sgt. Kiln Quo 2/2Marauder II MAD-5A MW Justin Blake 2/3Zeus ZEU-9S MW Nol Crel 3/3

Fire Lance (V) G/P SpecialsCaesar CES-3R Lt. Lucien Hill 3/3Thunderbolt TDR-7M MW Linda Mein 3/3Shadow Hawk SHD-5M MW Johan Zefrain 1/2Centurion CN10-B MW Ashley Curtis 2/5

Hunt Lance (V) G/P SpecialsNightsky NGS-5S Lt. Simon "Shadow" Cade 2/3Centurion CN9-D MW Serge Volkov 3/3Wolf Trap WFT-1 MW James Henry Flannagin 1/4Komodo KIM-2A Corporal Niveko Yeklum 4/3

(Prototype Test Unit for Ground Zero Technologies)Trick Lance (G) G/P SpecialsHidalgo GZT-HLD-4C Lt. Shawn Clemons 3/4Valiant GZT-VLT-2D 3/4Scimitar GZT-SCT-3R 4/5Scimitar GZT-SCT-3R 4/5

2nd Company “Seraph's Slaughter”Angel Lance (V) G/P SpecialsVindicator VND-1R Major Seraph 2/4 Tactical Genius, Edge 2Bandersnatch BNDR-01ASgt. Dylan Flannagin 3/5Wolverine WVR-6R Cpl. Michael Jodocus Schwerfer 3/3Wolverine WVR-6R MW Samuel Franklin 3/4

Bull Lance (V) G/P SpecialsCenturion CN9-D Lt. Abgail Warder 3/3Trebuchet TBT-7K MW Sandra Lewis 3/4Scarabus SCB-9T Sgt. Andrea Wantanabe 3/4Locust LCT-3V MW Jasmine Coleman 3/5

Ace Lance (V) G/P SpecialsPhoenix Hawk LAM PXH-HK2 Lt. Quentin Lawrence 3/4Wasp LAM WSP-105-M Corporal Jason Williams 3/2Stinger STG-5M MW Lance Villstrum 3/5Tarantula ZPH-1A MW Fred Williams 3/6

Vital Lance (R) G/P SpecialsLongbow LGW-OW-SM Captain Matt Howell 3/4 Iron ManSalamander PPR-5S 4/4Archer ARC-2S Cpl. Sleeping Dragon 4/4Dervish DV-6M 3/6

3rd Company “Blood Moon”Titan Lance (V) G/P SpecialsWarhammer WHM-6R Captain Jack Ryan 2/3Dragon Fire DGR-3F Cpl. Cadmus Darrow 3/3BSW-X1 Bushwacker 4/6HCT-5S Hatchetman 3/6

Gnome Lance (V) G/P SpecialsENF-4R Enforcer 4/4WVR-7D Wolverine 2/3PXH-3S Phoenix Hawk 3/5PXH-3S Phoenix Hawk 3/4

Griffin Lance (V) G/P SpecialsAssassin ASN-21 Lt. Tempus Thales 3/4Jenner JR7-D 2/3Firestarter FS-90M 3/4Spider SDR-5V 3/4

4th Company “Dark Syndicate”Diciple Lance (V) G/P SpecialsMarauder MAD-5S Captain Alan Freis 3/3Marauder MAD-3R Erik White 3/4Thunderbolt TDR-5S Fiona Almain 3/3Archer ARC-5S Hans Luther 2/3

Fell Lance (V) G/P SpecialsWolverine WVR-6K Lt. Masha Clemons 2/3Enforcer ENF-4R Rufus "Wind" Horlan 3/2Centurion CN9-A Sgt. Lisa White 3/4Sentinel STN-3K 3/6

Mole Lance (R) G/P SpecialsMongoose MON-67 Lt. Freddie Simmons 2/4Jenner JR7-F Sgt. Joshua Mercer 4/4Firestarter FS-90M 4/4Valkyrie VLK-QA 4/3

Blighted Armor

1 st Company “Blighted Thunder” Lucifer LanceDemolisher II 3/4Demolisher II 3/6Zhukov 4/6Zhukov 4/6

Seek LancePegasus Scout Hovertank (3058) 4/4Pegasus Scout Hovertank (3058) 4/4Saracen Medium Hover Tank 4/4Saladin (LB-X) 3/4Sprint Scout Helicopter 4/4

Wall LanceLRM Carrier 4/6LRM Carrier 4/7LRM Carrier 4/7LRM Carrier 5/6

Blighted Infantry

Infinity TroopsSquad of Grey Death scout suits 2/NA2 Platoons of Infantry (Motorized with 2 10 ton tracked APCs and a Karnov per Platoon) 4/55x Mobile Thumpers 3/5Yellow Jacket 3/5

Blighted Flight

1 st Squadron “Heresy's Revenge” Sufferance Lance (E) G/P SpecialsVisigoth Prime Major Ezmeralda Watanabe 1/2Visigoth Prime J.G. Franklin Barret 2/2Anguish Lance (E) G/P SpecialsVisigoth Prime Lt. Yasmine Florence 2/3Visigoth Prime Ensign Jacob Umar 3/3

Blighted Transport

JumpShipsMerchant Class “Adventurer's Quarry”

DropShipsOverlord Class “Nine Tailed Fox”Union Class “Una Salus Victus” (The One Hope Of The Damned/Doomed)Union Class “Red Frog”Union Class “The Seat Of Her Panties”

Author's Note: I apologize for the incompleteness of this TO&E. This was a unit I worked on while a very active member of Mordel's Bar & Grill. When I took a break from BattleTech, and thus from the B&G, I left this unit unfinished. This is where it will stay as well.

To Blight The MoonThe year is 3059. The Star League is contracting for Elite & Veteran Mercenaries for a special contract. The Blighted Sun has picked

up one of the support contracts for Operation Bulldog. Assigned as part of the strategic reserve, part of their job is to reinforce any planetary assaults that take place, and the other part is assignment to detached duty.

In this scenario, the Blighted Sun Battalion has been chosen for detached duty tying down the forces on a Smoke Jaguar held Moon base on the second largest moon orbiting one of the target system's gas giants. The base is garrisoned by a solhama cluster, and the fact that they still have mechs and elemental armor is the only intelligence available.

The Solhama Cluster should be randomly generated using the following guidelines:Trinary Alpha

1st Star: 1 Heavy, 4 Mediums2nd Star: 2 Heavies, 2 Mediums, 1 Light3rd Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums

Trinary Beta1st Star: 3 Heavies, 2 Mediums2nd Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums3rd Star: 1 Heavy, 2 Mediums, 2 Lights

Binary Delta1st Star: 2 Assaults, 3 Heavies2nd Star: 1 Assault, 2 Heavies, 2 Mediums

Trinary Echo1st Star: Elementals2nd Star: Elementals3rd Star: Elementals

I leave it up to the Players/GM, but to reflect the fact that this is a solhama unit, which however must be good since they still have equipment, I would roll skills with an additional +1 modifier. The players or GM should choose appropriate mapsheets from their collection to accurately reflect the fact that this is the surface of a moon. The six maps should be laid out in a 2x3 pattern, short edges on the 2 side and long edges on the 3 side. The home map edges will be the long edges of the maps. Also, Vacuum rules are in effect, as are the low gravity (0.44g) rules.

The Blighted Sun have a lot of Clan Technology. At least one weapon on every mech is replaced with the clan tech equivalent. However, due to the size of the units, this presents somewhat of a challenge to accurately relfect here. The GM/Players can choose how they want to handle this, or they can download my RS: Mercenaries or TRO: Mercenaries, referencing the Blighted Sun section in those books.

Game Setup, the GM or Smoke Jaguar player should choose how to deploy his forces among the 3 installations on the moon. This choice should be written down and hidden from the Blighted Sun player. Once it is chosen, the Blighted Sun denotes aloud which of the three installations he is attacking. This determines which Jaguar forces deploy during the deployment phase, and which arrive during subsequent turns.

Travel Time (For reinforcements to arrive at each location from the other.) The locations are all fairly close together, however the troops cannot start out until the target installation has been identified.

Location 1 to/from 2: 5 TurnsLocation 1 to/from 3: 3 TurnsLocation 2 to/from 3: 4 Turns

If the GM chooses, or the Players agree, the Jaguars can choose to pre-deploy ¼ of their forces as hidden units. This reflects the fact that the Jaguars have detected the dropship burning in and are ready for the attack. These hidden units must deploy in craters that block line of sight, and can be detected if the Blighted Sun player gains line of sight to them during, or after movement.

The Blighted Sun AeroSpace assets will not be participating in this scenario, as they are supporting the main assault. However, after turn 7, the Sun player has the option of calling them in to reinforce his position. They will arrive during the endphase of turn 8, with 40% fuel remaining, and roll 1d6 for each fighter. A roll of 6 means the fighter was destroyed. Otherwise apply the result of the roll times 3 damage to the fighter in 5 point clusters. Optionally use a D8, D10, D12, or D20 at the GM's discretion, with the highest number always meaning the fighter was destroyed outright unless a D20 is used. Then simply apply damage of roll times 3.

Wanderer's Hussars (3055) By Dylan Myers

In late 3032 a company of Davion mechs was ambushed by Liao raiders and utterly decimated. Only, then Sergeant, Arthur Wanderer and 2 other Davion Warriors escaped into the wilderness with two mechs, Wanderer's Thunderbolt and a Centurion. For almost seven months these three survivors ran in the southern wilderness. Barely escaping several attempts to capture or kill them by the Liao forces, it was only when another Davion unit landed and drove off the raiders that they returned to any semblance of normal life. The three men were discharged from Davion service with a small pension and a take of the Liao salvage. With this small sum, two mechs, and three warriors, Wanderer formed the core of a new mercenary command. Spending the majority of their c-bills on transport to Galatea, they spent the rest on a battered and abused Dervish.

Taking a contract with the Lyran Commonwealth for periphery garrison, the short lance that was Wanderer's Hussars saw little action other than a small pirate raid which they promptly squashed. When the 6 month garrison contract expired Wanderer returned to Galatea with his unit, now with three completely repaired and serviceable mechs. Hiring a down on his luck Marauder pilot to fill out his lance, Wanderer took another contract with the Commonwealth. This time as a support unit for a raid in force on the Draconis Combine world of Moore to verify intel about a new mech factory being built there. This contract, lasting only 2 short months, netted the Hussars a large payout in c-bills and decent salvage. The salvage included a wrecked Marauder for spare parts, a Shadow Hawk 2K, a serviceable Locust 1V, a Panther, and battered Jenner JR7-F.

Hiring pilots for the lance of captured machines, the now demi-company Wanderer's Hussars signed a long term Draconis March garrison contract with the Federated Suns. Performing well during the 3 year garrison contract Arthur Wanderer was awarded a Knighthood when it ended in 3037. The now Sir Arthur Wanderer had also by this time expanded his unit to a full company of Mechs, two lances of vehicles, and 3 platoons of infrantry.

Renewing their contract with the Federated Suns, this time for 10 years, the Hussars served with distinction during the Fourth Succession War. Not able to expand any more, due to combat losses and monetary limitations, the Hussars remain a single company of mechs backed by vehicles and infantry. They prefer combat contracts, such as raids and support positions for planetary assaults; however they will take medium length garrison contracts when they need time for rest an refit. The unit is now 45% upgraded with advanced IS weapons.Dragoons Rating: C-

OfficersCaptain Sir Arthur Wanderer is a minor Knight of the Federated Commonwealth nobility and has a small land grant in the Draconis

March on the planet Benet III. He is a quiet and unassuming man, often mistaken for a scholar instead of a warrior. Only his sure step and confident bearing give away his true profession.

His XO, Lieutenant Christina Estridge is an enigma of a woman. No one knows for sure where she is from, and she is very tight lipped about her past. Once, when jokingly asked if she had been convicted of murder by one of the unit's tankers, she beat the man severely before storming off for a two day AWOL. Sir Arthur tolerates her hidden past, because when not pressed about it she is a very amiable woman who gets along well with everyone. She is also a brilliant tactician.

Captain Evart Greene of the armor company is also the commander of the Hussars' infantry platoons. He is a bear of a man, and often bellows orders like a drill sergeant. Of course, that is to be expected as it was his profession before joining the Hussars.

TechnologyOf note is the new mech fielded almost solely by this unit; the Shrike Heavy Industries built Wanderer, which was designed by Sir

Arthur. The unit fields two of them, both of which are in the command lance, one piloted by Sir Arthur himself. Most of the designs fielded by the Hussars are older machines, however many have been refitted with modern weapons. The Hussars do not as yet have any Clan Tech, not having faced them and been eligible for salvage.

Wanderer's Hussars Company/Veteran/Reliable CO: Captain Sir Arthur Wanderer XO: Lieutenant Christina Estridge The Hussars' Command Lance features a pair of the new SHI design, the Wanderer. The remaining two

mechs are a Panther and a Shadow Hawk, making the lance fully jump capable. The Battle Lance consists of a Marauder, a Thunderbolt, a Centurion, and a Shadow Hawk. The Recon Lance consists of a Jenner, Locust, Javelin, and Stinger.

Wanderer's Armored Assault 2 Lances/Regular/Reliable CO: Captain Evart Greene XO: Lieutenant Thomas Franklin

The Armor lances consist of the Hell Lance, two Demolisher Iis and two Zhukov Heavy Tanks, and the Cheetah Lance, which is composed of fast medium hovercraft. The Hell Lance tanks have been upgraded to LB Autocannons in place of the standards AC they originally mounted. None of the hovercraft have yet been updated.

Wanderer's Security 3 Platoons/Green/Questionable CO: Captain Isabell Enders The three platoons of rifle infantry fielded by the

Hussars has yet to be battle tested. They primarily serve as basesecurity. This lack of experience has caused these green troops tobe rated as questionable.

Wanderer WDR-1N

Wanderer's TO&E

Wanderer's HussarsCommand Lance G/PWanderer WDR-1N Captain Sir Arthur Wanderer 2/3Wanderer WDR-1N Sergeant William Haskens 3/3Panther PNT-9R MW Francesca Tomar 3/4Shadow Hawk SHD-2D MW Jason Newberry 3/4

Battle Lance G/PThunderbolt TDR-5S Lieutenant Christina Estridge 3/3Marauder MAD-3R MW Roland Cross 3/4Centurion CN9-D MW Amelia Windward 4/4Shadow Hawk SHD-2K MW Luke Umbridge 4/5

Recon Lance G/PJenner JR7-F Lieutenant Lucius Hammerlee 3/2Javelin JV-10F MW Ingrid Wentz 4/3Locust LCT-1V MW George Avalon 5/4Stinger STG-3G MW Abigail Fox 4/4

Wanderer's Armored AssaultHell Lance G/DDemolisher II Captain Evart Greene 4/4Demolisher II Lieutenant Thomas Franklin 4/5Zhukov Heavy Tank Sergeant Joseph Taylor 4/5Zhukov Heavy Tank Sergeant Robert Nolan 4/5

Cheetah Lance G/DSaladin Hover Tank Lieutenant Josephine Renoylds 3/3Saladin Hover Tank Sergeant Harold Walker 4/3Fulcrum Hover Tank Sergeant Adam Hill 6/4Fulcrum Hover Tank Sergeant Yusef Gregorovic 5/4

Wanderer's Security G1st Platoon Captain Isabell Enders 52nd Platoon Captain Janus Thunder 53rd Platoon Captain Samuel Tillerman 6

Scenario: Waste's Edge, ExterminationIn 3056 Wanderer's Hussars have been transferred to the Lyran portion of the Jade Falcon border. Facing the Clans for the first time,

the unit's inexperienced liason officer has put the Hussars on the verge of extermination. Only with quick wit and the sheer strength of his will can Sir Arthur pull his unit back from the fire of the Waste's Edge.

In this scenario, the entirety of the Wanderer's Hussars are defending against a trinary of Jade Falcon mechs. The Jade Falcon unit should be rolled randomly as follows:

1st Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums – Regular2nd Star: 1 Heavy, 3 Mediums, 1 Light – Green3rd Star: 2 Mediums, 3 Lights – Regular

Choose 3 desert/mountain mapsheets and lay them narrow end to narrow end in a long row. The Hussars player deploys on the center map, within 7 hexes of the joint with one of the end maps. The Jade Falcons player deploys in the first 10 hexes from the narrow edge of the closest end map to the Hussars.

Victory Conditions:For each Jade Falcon mech destroyed, +25For each Hussars mech destroyed, -25For each Hussars vee destroyed, -18For each Hussars mech retreated off the far end of the map, +15For each Hussars vee retreated off the far end of the map, +10Sir Arthur Survives (Retreats or all Falcons destroyed), +20Sir Arthur KIA, -50

250 & up Great Victory for the Hussars150 to 249 Hussars Victory0 to 149 Pyhrric Hussars Victory-150 to 0 Pyhrric Falcons Victory-250 to -151 Falcons Victory-251 and under Great Victory for the Falcons

Special Notes:The Hussars have upgraded several of their mechs with advanced Inner Sphere technology. To reflect this, the Panther should be

given an ERPPC and double heat sinks, the Marauder should be given an LBX AC and double heat sinks, the Thunderbolt should be given extended range lasers and double heat sinks, and the Jenner and Javelin should both be given double heat sinks.

The Hussars have also upgraded the AC/s on all their Hell Lance tanks to LBX AC/s. The Hussars are detailed in the forthcoming RS: Mercenaries and TRO: Mercenaries books.

Further play:Should the Hussars win the day here, the players may wish to continue fighting with the rest of the Jade Falcon forces which have

landed on planet. These forces are a Binary of Heavy and Medium mechs with Veteran Experience, and a Binary of Mediums with Regular Experience. They can be rolled randomly. This is best done only of the Hussars player is able to destroy all of the attacking Falcon Mechs in the first scenario and use the salvage to make up for combat losses and perform upgrades with Clan Tech.

Milliken's Marauders (3062) By Dylan Myers & Ashley “Ash” Milliken (Note, this unit is currently in an alternate time line!)

Founded in November 3057 by Ashley “Ash” Milliken in the wake of the destruction of his AFFC regiment by Clan Jade Falcon during the Clan Invasion, Milliken's Marauders has become a proud Battalion in a short time. The core of the unit was formed around his family and friends; including many other former AFFC MechWarriors. Warriors from both the former AFFS and LCAF. Starting with just a company of BattleMechs and a lance of Vedettes; Ash has been able to greatly expand the unit. Participating in the opening stages of Operation Bulldog in the Draconis Combine, the unit was able to pick up several Clan Mechs, a Wolf Trap, and several hundred tons of Clan-Tech salvage. Between the captured Clan machines and new mechs purchased from the war chest, the unit was expanded to 2 companies of mechs, a 4 lance reinforced company of tanks, and an aerospace company. During the Bulldog campaign, they were also rewarded with a Clan Union dropship. In addition to which they purchased an ancient Fortress, which very nearly broke the unit then and there.

Moving on from the Bulldog contract, the Marauders next signed on with the St. Ives Compact with a surety from the Federated Commonwealth. The battles with the Capellans went very well. Freakishly so. The unit's AeroSpace company was able to capture a CCAF Impavidio class Destroyer. This amazing stroke of luck, along with netting a couple of captured dropships, allowed the unit to assist in the retaking of St. Ives. The captured Capellan dropships were immediately sold to the St. Ives government with the exception of a single Gazelle.

Currently Colonel Milliken is shopping around for a new contract, as he isn't interested in continuing to be used as the lead element in planetary assaults while the Compact retakes its planets from the Confederation. He is most interested in testing his Battalion against the Jade Falcons, as they're the ones who destroyed his former unit.

In addition to its combat ready TO&E, the Marauders posses eight “reserve” mechs that are piloted by two of the Clan bondsmen and six of the Techs when need arises. Colonel Milliken is hoping to expand this to a third front line company to add to his TO&E.

Milliken's Marauders makes heavy use of the C3 systems it purchased, at a 150% markup, from the Combine during Operation Bulldog. Each of the two mech companies are fully equipped with C3, and negotiations are underway to purchase even more of the precious computers in order to equip 3 of the armor lances and an additional company of mechs.Dragoons Rating: A

Milliken's Own Company/Veteran/Reliable CO: Colonel Ashley “Ash” Milliken The first company of Milliken's Marauders is aptly named Milliken's Own. This company is skilled at overrun combat, and possesses a large number of heavy and

assault machines; including many captured Smoke Jaguar mechs. Colonel Milliken's brothers, Blake and Todd, are both members of the Recon Lance of Milliken's Own. Todd pilots a modified spider that wields a hatchet, while Blake pilots a former Smoke Jaguar Mongrel. Despite their brother being the overall commander of the unit, neither Blake nor Todd is given any special treatment.

Milliken's Armored Calvary Reinforced Company/Veteran/Reliable CO: Captain Kevin McDougall XO: Lt. Adam Young

Being comprised of three lances of heavy tanks, and one lance of hovercraft, Milliken's Armored Calvary is a force to be reckoned with. The first lance consists of 2 Demolisher IIs (refitted with Gauss Rifles) and 2 Demolisher (Gauss) Heavy Tanks, while the second lance consists of four more Demolisher (Gauss) Heavy Tanks. Third Lance, comprised of four Zhukovs provides close in security for the Demolishers as they pound away at ranged opponents. One Colonel Milliken is able to procure the necessary C3 computers from the Draconis Combine to outfit the tanks, all the Demolishers and the lance of four Drillson Heavy Hovertanks will be outfitted. This will allow the Drillsons to use their speed and agility to gather targeting data for the Demolishers to pound away with their Gauss Rifles very accurately. The Zhukovs will of necessity be left without the benefit of the C3 system.

Dell's Hussars Company/Regular/Reliable CO: Captain Korey Dell (XO of Marauders) Second company has only recently upgraded its command lance from a single assault, Dell's King Crab, and 3 heavy mechs to a full four assaults. This includes

the Stalker captured from the CCAF and piloted by Ash's wife Laura. A noteworthy mechwarrior in second company is Jon “Wheels” Wheeler, who pilots the Wolf Trap acquired from the combine during Bulldog. He has been wounded severely three times piloting the Wolf Trap, but walked unscathed out of situations that should have killed him. Because of this he refuses to part with the machine, even for one of the captured Clan mechs.

Security Platoon/Green/Questionable CO: Lt. Peder Hervik Providing base security, and having never faced serious combat, the infantry detachment of Milliken's Marauders

is rated as Questionable. This rating is expected to improve once data from their recent base defense on St. Ives is entered into the MRBC computers. While currently rated Green, Lt. Hervik and the other veteran and elite members of the platoon are working hard to train up the newest recruits.

Milliken's Aerospace Asswhuppers Company/Veteran/Reliable CO: Captain Matt Roberts Recently upgraded with modern Eisensturm and River

F-700a fighters, the Asswhuppers provide both cover during planetfall and ground support during missions.

Milliken's Lifters Dropships, Jumpships, Warships/Veteran/Reliable CO: Captain Gregg Shwartzenburg XO: Captain Matt Hamrik The Impavidio class Milliken's Truth is a beautiful destroyer captured during the recent campaign in the St.

Ives Compact. Her Captain, Gregg Shwartzenburg, is a former AFFC Assault Dropship Captain, and is very good at his job. Despite

operating the destroyer with only a partial crew, he has raised them to veteran status with daily drills. Matt Hamrik, who Captains the Union C Milliken's Gift, is second in command of the overall aerospace fleet fielded by Milliken's Marauders. Captain Sean Finn commands the Fortress class Invisible Might. Captain Logan Huxford, the junior Captain of the group, commands the Gazelle Class Calvary Horse. In addition to the Warship and Dropships, Milliken's Marauders also possesses a single Mark VII shuttle, commanded by Lt. Brandy Inman.

Milliken's Marauders TO&E

1 st Company “Milliken's Own” Command Lance (E) G/P SpecialsThunder Hawk Colonel Ashley “Ash” Milliken 2/2 Multi-Tasker, Sniper, TacGenius, GunSpec:Bal, Natural:Gun

Edge:3Atlas Master Sergeant Jason Howard 3/3Dire Wolf Sam Baer 3/3 WeapSpec:LargePulseZeus Warrant Officer Jeff Cameron 2/3 MeleeSpec, Pain Resistance, Iron Man, WeapSpec:ERPPC

Attack Lance (V) G/P SpecialsTimber Wolf “B” Lt. Jack Fisher 2/3Marauder Jekaterina (Former Smoke Jaguar) 3/2Timber Wolf Cpl. Marshall Harris 3/4Grasshopper Sgt. Amber Cameron 4/4

Recon Lance (V) G/P SpecialsViper Lt. Mike Reid 3/2 Maneuvering AceSpider Todd Milliken 4/4Mongrel Blake Milliken 3/4Shadow Hawk IIC Cpl. Bill Brandon 1/3

2 nd Company “Dell's Hussars” Command Lance (R) G/P SpecialsKing Crab Captain Korey Dell 2/3 WeapSpec:LB20XWarhawk Sgt. Dan Engo 4/5Stalker Cpl. Laura Milliken 3/5Atlas “B” Corwin Frank 4/4

Attack Lance (R) G/P SpecialsMad Dog Lt. Chris Powers 2/3Stormcrow Jeff Provencher 4/5Huntsman Chris Baker 4/5Summoner Barry Murphy 4/5

Recon Lance (V) G/P SpecialsRaven Lt. Garon Yamashita 3/4 Maneuvering AceWolf Trap Jon “Wheels” Wheeler 3/4Venom Mike Hightower 3/4Javelin John Asija 4/6

1 st Armored Company “Milliken's Armored Cavalry” Command Lance (R) G/P SpecialsDemolisher II Captain Kevin McDougall 2/4Demolisher II Sgt. Bobby Hayes 2/4Demolisher (Gauss) Adam Leclerc 4/4Demolisher (Gauss) Bob Emmons 4/4

Fire Lance (R) G/P SpecialsDemolisher (Gauss) Lt. Paul Milliken 3/4Demolisher (Gauss) Everett Milliken 3/4Demolisher (Gauss) Stephenie Perez 4/4Demolisher (Gauss) Austin Murphy 3/4

Security Lance (R) G/P SpecialsZhukov Lt. Adam Young 3/4Zhukov Chadd Grubb 3/4Zhukov Ben Milliken 3/4Zhukov Greg Milliken 3/4

Rush Lance (R) G/P SpecialsDrillson Lt. Courtney Milliken 3/4Drillson Sonia Leclerc 3/4Drillson Whitney Emmons 3/4Drillson Courtnet Emmons 3/4

1 st Aerospace Company “Milliken's Aerospace Asswhuppers” Command Lance (R) G/P SpecialsEisensturm Captain Matt Roberts 3/4Eisensturm Warrant Officer Nate Roberts 4/5

Second Lance (R) G/P SpecialsEisensturm Lt. Sam Bowden 3/4Eisensturm Warrant Officer Tyler Biddix 3/4

Ripper Lance (R) G/P SpecialsRiever Lt. Emily Dube 3/4Riever Warrant Officer Colton Jewel 3/4

Milliken's LiftersWarships (E) G/P SpecialsImpavidio class Milliken's Truth Captain Gregg Shwartzenburg 2/2

Dropships (V) G/P SpecialsUnion C class Milliken's Gift Captain Matt Hamrik 4/4Fortress class Invisible Might Captain Sean Finn 3/3Gazella class Calvary Horse Captain Logan Huxford 3/3

Small Craft (R) G/P SpecialsMark VII Shuttle Lt. Brandy Inman 4/4

Milliken's Reserves (Future 3 rd Company) Command Lance (G) G/P SpecialsTimber Wolf “C” Tech Sgt. Chester Hill 5/5Ebon Jaguar Cpl. Zukran (form. Smoke Jaguar) 3/4Pulsar Pvt. Tyrone (former Smoke Jaguar) 4/5Missionary Tech Zhi-xin Tieh 6/6

Battle Lance (G) G/P SpecialsWanderer Tech Chris Infante 5/6Mordertier Tech Sandy Jadis 7/7Nova Tech Ronald Biedermeier 7/8Cronus Tech Bart Raven 6/6

Milliken's FollyWishing to take the fight to the Jade Falcons, Colonel Milliken signed a contract with the Lyran Alliance for a series of raids on Jade

Falcon held planets. These raids were two fold: as a distraction for Lyran forces to size Clan materiel from warehouses and factories, and to probe the strength of the garrisons in preparation for an attempt to retake some worlds. These raids in force would often have to face off against front line Clusters of Falcon warriors.

In this scenario the Marauders bite off more than they can chew when they fail to issue a batchall to the Falcon defenders, allowing the Falcons to field everything available. This planet is garrisoned by an entire cluster of front line troops, as well as a trinary from a PGC. To reflect the fact that this cluster and the PGC are spread across the entire planet, not ALL the forces would be thrown at the player at once. However, a good sized portion will be. The objective will be to get off planet with as much of the unit as possible. The PGC trinary also has an attached star of armored vehicles.

Jade Falcon Front Line Cluster random generation guidelines:Trinary 1

1st Star: 3 Assaults, 2 Heavies2nd Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums3rd Star: 4 Mediums, 1 Light

Trinary 21st Star: 1 Assault, 3 Heavies, 1 Medium2nd Star: 1 Heavy, 4 Mediums3rd Star: 3 Mediums, 2 Lights

Binary (SuperNova) 31st Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums2nd Star: 3 Mediums, 2 Lights

Binary 41st Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums2nd Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums

Aerospace Binary 51st Star: Visigoth Fighters2nd Star: Visigoth or Sabutai Fighters (Roll 1d6 and do evens/odds)

PGC Trinary (Can make them all second line... marked some for sure though) 61st Star: 1 Second Line Assault, 1 Heavy, 3 Mediums2nd Star: 2 Heavies, 3 Mediums3rd Star: 1 Heavy, 3 Mediums, 1 LightAttached Vehicle Star: 5 Assault Inner Sphere Vehicles

To setup the scenario roll 1d6 and add three clan units based on the numbers in the far right column of the above chart. Reroll duplicates. Once you determine the forces the player will be facing, you should roll 1d6 for each of those forces. On a roll of 1 or 6, that force will arrive at the start of a later turn, roll 1d6 and that force arrives after that many turns have passed. If all 3 of the units facing the player are rolled as arriving late, roll 1d6 and on 1-2, the first unit starts on map, 3-4, the second unit starts on map, and 5-6 the third unit starts on map.

Milliken's Marauders has a lot of advanced Inner Sphere tech, as well as a lot of Clan salvage. They are also using C3 networks. In order to play this scenario you must also download TRO: Mercenaries or RS: Mercenaries when they are published. There are just too many changes to accurately represent here, in addition to the custom mechs used here.

Game setup: choose 9 map sheets and lay them in a 3x3 grid. Randomly choose home map edges. The Marauder's player deploys their dropships within 6 hexes of their home edge and their mechs on the center 3 mapsheets.. The Falcons player/GM deploys within 6 hexes of his/her home edge.

The Marauders player achieves a total victory if they: Retreat 90% or more of their units & Colonel Milliken Survives or they destroy all Falcon units and Colonel Milliken survives.

The Marauders player achieves a partial victory if they: Retreat 60% or more of their units, or retreat 50% or more of their units and Colonel Milliken survives.

The Marauders player achieves a Pyrrhic victory if they: Retreat 40% or more of their units and Colonel Milliken survivesThe Falcon Player achieves a Pyrrhic victory if they force the Marauders off planet and 40% or more of their units survive.The Falcon Player achieves a partial victory if they force the Marauders off planet and 60% or more of their units survive.The Falcon Player achieves a total victory if they force the Marauders off planet and 85% or more of their unit survives or they

destroy the Marauders utterly.NOTE: It is possible for both players to achieve a total victory or combination of victories.

Red Wings (3058) By Dylan Myers & Sage Myers

The Red Wings were formed, like so many other mercenary commands, in the crucible of the Clan Invasion. Remnants of several units, both house and mercenary, banded together to form the Red Wings. Many of the warriors in the Wings were all that was left of their units. In ones and twos these survivors of shattered companies, battalions, and even regiments straggled into the Red Wings base on whichever planet they happened to be one.

These warriors came to the Wings because of the knack for survival the unit boasted. During any given retreat the Wings would manage to get 80% or more of their people to the Dropships and off planet. This at a time when many other units were wiped out wholesale. In addition to the warriors from these many units, the Red Wings acquired several of the Dropships belonging to those units as well. At some point they also captured a Clan Union as well. This allows the Red Wings to boast more than 100% transport in terms of

dropships, as well as two Invader Class Jumpships, which can carry all four of the Wings Dropships.During their retreat from Clans Wolf and Jade Falcon the Wings acquitted themselves with distinction, capturing several Bondesmen

and ClanTech machines. They also reorganized their first company as a Clan style Trinary. This move angered a few of the mechwarriors who had joined the Wings enough to quit the unit, but those who left were the dregs and not missed.

The Wings tech support is also top notch, with many Clan technicians captured and elite inner sphere technicians eager to learn the workings of Clan machinery. This excellent support base allows the Wings to keep 99% of their unit battle ready at any given moment outside of combat. It also allows them to field more than 50% of their unit in Clan Mechs.

The Aerospace arm of the unit consists of 2 companies of fighters, including 2 captured Visigoths. The rest of the fighters are split almost evenly between Hellcats and Corsairs. In addition to the two companies, each of the Invader Jumpships keeps a single Mark VII and a single Transgressor in its Small Craft hangars.Dragoons Rating: A+

Red Wings First Trinary/Elite/Fanatic CO: Major Nicholas Lidstrom The first company (trinary) of the Wings consists of mostly heavy and assault mechs. Most of those are either Clan or are upgraded with Clan weaponry. In addition, 5

Clan pilots who have been released from bondsman status make up the recon star of medium and light mechs. This gives the First an added advantage in combat. Taking a page from the book of the Black Thorns, they often hide one of their stars and masquerade as an understrength company. This allows them to draw opponents into the waiting ambush laid by their assault or heavy star.

Red Wings Third Company/Veteran/Fanatic CO: Captain Gordie Howe (Overall XO)The third is comprised solely of heavy and assault chassis. This, combined with their clan-tech weapons and skilled pilots gives them an edge in overrun combat. When using

overrun tactics, Captain Howe prefers to send his third lance on a flanking maneuver, but he flips a coin to decide which direction to send them. Despite this tempting of fate, the Third had an excellent battle record.

Red Wings Second Company/Veteran/Fanatic CO: Captain Pavel Datsyuk While the Second possesses several elite warriors, it also possesses several green recruits. Because of this the unit has no specialty battle tactics as yet. Once the new

recruits are settled in and have the rough edges polished off the goal is to renew their specialty as fast raiders. Fielding only light and medium chassis, this is the only company to field no Clan mechs. Every one of their mechs has at least its primary weapon upgraded with Clan-tech however, while attempting to maintain the original look of the mech. This gives a nasty surprise to anyone who thinks of taking advantage of their lighter weight machines.

Red Wings Air 2 Companies/Veteran/Reliable CO: Captain Pat Verbeek The two companies of Wings Aerospace fighters

barely qualify for veteran status. This is mostly due to combat losses when over half the original aerospace pilots were killed in a drop port accident in 3056. Captain Verbeek has worked tirelessly to bring the new members of the unit up to a satisfactory level of training. Other than the two captured Visigoths, the Wings Air uses virtually no Clan-tech. They are also the only part of the unit not rated as fanatic, due to their relative lack of combat experience.

Red Wings Transport Command 2 JumpShips/Regular/Reliable 4 Union Dropships/Regular/Fanatic CO: Captain Scott Franzen XO: Captain Harold Zhukov The two Invader class JumpShips of the RWTC each possess a single Mark VII shuttle and a single Transgressor AeroSpace

fighter. This gives them some modicum of protection when the Red Wings Air is on planet performing ground support or air superiority missions. Of the four Union class Dropships, one is a Union C, and another is modified to carry six mechs and eight fighters. All the Unions except the Clan ship are of the obsolete version, but that doesn't slow them any during hot landings.

Black Gryphons (3031) By Brandon Bell

The Gryphons got their start on new years day 3025. Founded by brothers Arnold and David Gryphon, the unit also included some friends and their cousins, the Carbunkles. Initially they were a combined arms unit consisting of two lances of light mechs and a short company of infantry.

Through many hardships during the early years the Gryphon brothers managed to lead their unit through several successful contracts. Successful they may have been, but also costly. Losing good comrades in arms, including one of the Carbunkles, which toll was hard on the unit. Despite this, they persevered, and continued to build themselves up, slowly upgrading the mechs with heavier designs and expanding to a full company.

By 3031 the Gryphons have upgraded to a powerful company that includes a lance of assault and heavy mechs, a fire lance of medium mechs, and a recon lance of light mechs. In addition to the mech forces, the Gryphons possess four aerospace fighters and are supported by infantry.

3031 Sees them on the world of Epsilon working the for the Lyran Commonwealth against forces of the Free Worlds League. That is where we currently find them, fighting portions the Fusiliers of Oriente's 1st Brigade. Due to combat losses in this campaign, some of the warriors in the unit are temporarily dispossessed.

The Black Gryphons specialize in ambush tactics, and can remain hidden when other units would be detected. This also allows them to deploy hidden units when they would otherwise not be able to. Traditionally they deploy their light mechs hidden and use hit and run ambush tactics. Several times during their history they have used such tactics to overcome larger mechs with minimal losses.Dragoons Rating: B

Black Gryphon Company Company/Elite/Reliable CO: Colonel Arnold Gryphon XO: Lt. Colonel David Grypon The unit disposition of Black Gryphon Company has it classed as a Heavy Assault Company. This is due to the

lance structure, a lance of heavies & assaults, a lance of medium combat units, and a lance of light combat/scout units. The over-weighting of the lead lance gives the unit more firepower than traditional for mercenary units of this size. The Gryphons specialize in ambush tactics.

Black Gryphon Aerospace Demi-Company/Green/Questionable CO: Captain Robertson MacConnel The Gryphon's aerospace fighter company is too new and green to have any specialized tactics. This also

keeps them at a questionable rating for the time being. Only more combat experience will tell if these fighter jocks have what it takes.

Baigan's Bastards Company/Elite/Reliable CO: Major Samual Baigan XO: Lt. Kim Pane The bastards have proven their mettle in combat more

times than one would think possible. With a combination of daring

tactics, impressive leadership, and outright grit; the bastards have helped the Black Gryphon's seize victory from defeat on more than one occasion. Major Baigan has been wounded in combat several times, but has been able to return to command thanks to excellent medical care. Using the anti-mech tactics of Major Baigan to take down a couple of light mechs early in the unit's existence has earned him the gratitude of the unit's mechwarriors as well.

Black Gryphon's TO&E

Black Gryphon Company (Mechs)Gryphon Lance G/PAS7-D Atlas Colonel Arnold Gryphon 1/1MAD-4A Marauder II Gerasim Alexeevsky 1/4Dispossessed Kennedy Caunce 1/1MAD-4A Marauder II Captain Abraham Carbunkle 1/1

Carbunkle Lance G/PENF-4R Enforcer Lt. Colonel David Gryphon 1/2CN9-A Centurion Hang Fu-Shu 2/3CDA-2A Cicada Jiri Theofilopolous 2/3CPLT-C1 Phil Kearny 2/3

Ullman Lance G/PVLK-QA Valkyrie Lt. Gustav Ullman 2/3Dispossessed Chris Hawk 2/3Dispossessed Nesrin Selaniki 1/2Dispossessed Ruslan Feindell 3/4

Baigan's Bastards (Infantry)1st Platoon, Flamer G1st Squad, Major Samual Baigan 32nd Squad Sgt. Reece Soper 33rd Squad Sgt. Byron Weatherhead 34th Squad Sgt. Przemyslaw Szarifijanowski 3

2nd Platoon, Rifle G1st Squad Lt. Senzo Kriz 32nd Squad Sgt. Chris Evenette 33rd Squad Sgt. Jacinta Moreira 34th Squad Sgt. Giana Bin Fahkiri 3

3rd Platoon, Rifle G1st Squad Lt. Lt. Kim Pane 22nd Squad Sgt. Deacon Zisimides 23rd Squad Sgt. Zeferino Kroner 24th Squad Sgt. Yunosuke Fukuoka 2

VTOL Transport G/PKarnov Lt. Cankravata Irani 3/4

Aerospace1st Lance G/PSYD-Z2 Seydlitz Captain Robertson MacConnel 4/7F-10 Cheetah Simao Cerquinho 6/7

2nd Lance G/PF-10 Cheetah Gasper Buffington 5/7TR-7 Thrush Rubin Um 5/5

Winters' Iron Stormers (3070) By Jayof9s

Winters' Iron Stormers werecreated in February of 3039 by Captain Damien Winters and several other soldiers previously of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, including Lucas "Iron" Flemmings and Catherine "Stormer" Daniels. Damien was the overall commander, Lucas commanded the armor forces and Catherine was the XO. At its inception Winters' Iron Stormers consisted of a single 'Mech lance supported by a light armor company. The unit’s first contract showed them brief combat as a support unit during the War of 3039 and in the following decade they continued to work for the Federated Commonwealth mostly conducting minor raids and garrison duty. In the 3040s Damien and Catherine married; their daughter Emily was born in 3048. During that time the unit was on a long term garrison contract in Federated Suns space and did not see any action against the

Clans until the mid 3050s when the Clans were no longer an unknown. By the 3060s the Stormers maintained an entire mixed Battalion comprised of a company of 'Mechs, an armor company with supporting VTOL, an infantry company with transports and two flights of aerospace fighters. During the 3060s the Stormers found work with the Draconis Combine and were stationed along the Ghost Bear border. Inadvertently this new contract let them avoid the ravages of the Civil War. Unfortunately, in 3062 Major Damien Winters was killed fighting Clan Ghost Bear during the Combine-Ghost Bear War. His Caesar, newly upgraded with clan tech was inherited by his daughter Emily for when she would eventually join the unit. In 3069 Emily Winters graduated from the Arc Royal Training Program and eventually convinced her mother, Major Catherine Winters, to add a 4th 'Mech lance which would include Emily. The new lance was filled by new recruits to the unit, only one of which had any real previous experience in battle. When the Stormers’ contract with the Combine ended they returned to Outreach and joined the Allied Mercenary Command. Supporting the AMC they fought against the Word of Blake Protectorate Militia on several worlds in the Chaos March before receiving intelligence suggesting a resistance movement in need of support on Epsilon Indi, they landed on planet in early April of 3070.

Officers Overall command of Winters' Iron Stomers fell to Major Catherine "Stormer" Winters in 3062 when her husband Damien was killed in action against the Ghost Bears. Major Winters is a skilled MechWarrior but at 51 she is starting to feel her age after 30 years of mercenary work. The main motivation to not retire is the fear that her daughter Emily, her only remaining family, will take over the unit if she were to retire any time soon. Captain Lucas "Iron" Flemming has been the armor commander for the Stormers since the unit was created in 3039. While Captain Flemming still shows remarkable finesse at the controls of just about any vehicle, he is over 50 years old and has vocally begun planning for his retirement. It isn’t exactly a secret that Captain Flemming has been grooming his XO, Lieutenant Vic "Victory" Hendricks to take over command of the armor company when he does finally retire. Captain Elvie Kirsopp is the commander of the Stormers infantry company, commanding all four squads of IS Battle Armor the Stormers acquired in 3068 as well as the several platoons of infantry the Stormers regularly deploy in battle. Captain Kirsopp has been commanding the infantry forces for nearly a decade and has been serving as infantry in the Stormers for over 20 years. Surprisingly she proved herself a natural with the Inner Sphere Battle Armor when Major Winters first purchased four squads worth. Lieutenant Emily "Angel" Winters is the daughter of Damien and Catherine Winters and commands the Stormers' untested Battle Lance. After finishing school Emily enrolled in the Arc-Royal Training Program against Catherine's wishes. After graduation Emily managed to convince her mother to expand the Stormers to include the Battle Lance commanded by Emily. While unblooded in combat, Emily is naturally gifted with 'Mechs after having grown up in and around them as a mercenary brat. Lieutenant Winters continues to feel as though the unit treats her like she's still a little girl, probably due to the fact that more than a few combat and non-combat personnel have been in the unit since before she could walk. Lieutenant Melissa "Seraph" Reynolds was hired on as an additional safety measure for Emily and to act as 'XO' of Battle Lance, however Major Winters didn't realize that Melissa was little more than a 'Social Officer' in her short service with the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces thanks to her family's ties. However, Melissa did encounter extraordinary luck when her unit stumbled across a Clan weapons cache on a secured planet and she was able to use the parts to upgrade her Penetrator similarly to Archer Christifori's custom design.

TransportWinters' Iron Stormers possess an ancient Overlord Dropship which is capable of transporting the majority of their forces but when available the Stormers tend to also hire some type of personnel transport to more comfortably transport the infantry and the unit's dependents. The Stormers have no Jumpship capabilities.

Unit Bios

Stormers' 'Mech Company The Stormers Mech Company is actually comprised of 4 lances and most of the MechWarriors in the unit are of Veteran or Regular skill. Overall the Stormers have a mix of medium and heavy ‘Mechs with a handful of lights and only a single assault ‘Mech. Other than the Fire Support Lance, all of the ‘Mechs are extremely mobile and the ‘Mech Company tries to avoid static combat. The Command Lance is a heavy lance with some of the best pilots in the Stormers and and is commanded by Major Winters. The Command Lance is capable of taking and dishing out heavy damage but favors mobile 'Mechs with three of the four ‘Mechs jump capable. The Fire Support Lance is commanded by Lieutenant Nicole "Thunder" McNeil and the lance excels at delivering LRM fire indirectly on targets. All of the 'Mechs are equipped with LRMs or are geared towards long range combat and providing direct or indirect fire. The ‘Mechs in Fire Support Lance have the unfortunate distinction of being the slowest among the entire company and only one contains jump jets. The Stormers' Recon Lance is commanded by Lieutenant Lauren "Pixie" Reyes in her Phoenix Hawk and is otherwise comprised entirely of light 'Mechs. The Recon Lance has traditionally been the training bed for new MechWarriors in the Stormers and Lieutenant Reyes was no exception when she joined the Stormers in 3061. However she and her aged (but upgraded) Phoenix Hawk found they enjoyed their place in the Recon Lance and she assumed command of the lance in 3065 when Lieutenant James "Jack Rabbit" Munroe retired. The final lance in the Stormers' 'Mech Company is the Battle Lance which was added in September of 3069. The Battle Lance is commanded by Lieutenant Emily "Angel" Winters and is full of MechWarriors as untested as Lieutenant Winters. The only exception being Corporal James MacClintock; he was assigned to the lance by Major Winters to act as Emily's bodyguard.

Iron Mobile Armor CompanyIron Mobile Armor Company has changed little since the inception of the Stormers when it was originally a light armor company.

The first big change was Captain Lucas "Iron" Flemmings' Command Platoon upgrading to all heavy tanks in order to hold the center line of battle in recent years. Some of the other changes include the addition of two flights of VTOLs and a platoon of transports for the Stormers’ infantry. Otherwise Battle Platoon has been upgraded to new variants of Vedettes, replacing their old tired Scorpion Light Tanks and the Support Platoon has upgraded their Striker Light Tanks to use C3 and swapped their Pegasus spotter to a Skulker hauling a C3 Master Computer; allowing for the Support Platoon to rain down extremely accurate fire on unsuspecting foes. Overall the Iron Mobile Armor Company is of Veteran skill.

Mobile Infantry CompanyWinters' Iron Stormers have made use of infantry in battle for more than 20 years, though usually only during defensive actions. The

Mobile Infantry are mechanized and have access to a large stockpile of Ultra AC5 and Ultra AC2 field guns. The most recent addition to the Mobile infantry came in 3068 when Major Winters purchased 16 Standard Battle Armor for the unit. While they haven't seen a lot of action as of yet, they have shown their worth thanks to the surprise of a mercenary unit having a full platoon of battle armor. The infantry in the Mobile Infantry Company average to Regular skill.

Mobile Aerospace SquadronWinters' Iron Stormers posses a single squadron of aerospace fighters. The Squadron is deployed primarily as a screen for their

Dropship but rarely in air-to-ground operations. The Air Squadron is of regular skill.

Stormers' BattleMech Company Reinforced Company/Regular/Reliable CO: Major Catherine Winters XO: Lt. Nicole McNeil The Stormers' BattleMechs consist of a wide array of Inner Sphere designs, as well assome captured clan

mechs. Arranged into four 4 mech lances, the Stormers have a Command Lance, Fire Support Lance, Recon Lance, and Battle Lance. The Command Lance is home to the unit's only assault mech, a Zeus, in addition to 2 heavies and a medium. Fire Support is a mixed lance of missile support mechs. Recon consists of lights and mediums, while the Battle Lance consists of heavies and mediums.

Stormers' Mobile Infantry Mixed Company/Regular/Questionable CO: Captain Elvie Kirsopp

The Stormers' Infantry is a mixed company of Battle Armor and field guns. Deployed primarily for

defensive actions only, the infantry has seen little direct combat. The results in their being rated questionable, despite most feeling they're a reliable unit.

Iron Mobile Armor Company Reinforced Company/Veteran/Reliable CO: Captain Lucas Flemmings XO: Lt. Vic Hendricks

The IMAC consists of three lances of tanks, four VTOLs, two Blizzard Hover Transports, and two Saxon APCs. The tanks provide a nice backstop for the mechs; often with the command lance holding the line and the others holding a flank while the mechs use a running firefight to take the pain to the enemy.

Mobile Aerospace Squadron 2 Lances/Regular/Reliable CO: Lt. Tyrone Richard The Stormers' “Mobile Aerospace Squadron” consists

of two Corsair and two Sparrowhawk fighters. Used primarily to defend the unit's dropship during orbital maneuvers, the MAS is rarely deployed for Air-to-ground operations. This could end up leading to trouble if the enemy force uses its Aerospace assets in a ground support role and the MAS cannot get to the battlefield in time to protect the mech and armor forces.

Winters' Iron Stormers TO&E

Stormers' Mech CompanyCommand Lance G/PSummoner Prime Captain Catherine “Stormer” Winters 2/3 Jumping Jack, Multi-Tasker, Tactical GeniusZEU-9T Zeus Master Sgt. Peter “Castle” McNeil 3/3 Pain Resistance, SniperCLN-7W Chameleon Sgt. Ronald “Stonewall” Jackson 4/3 Jumping Jack, Maneuvering AceLNX-9Q Lynx Sgt. Leanna “Raider” Croft 3/4 Sniper, Gunnery: Laser

Fire Support Lance G/PAPL-1M Apollo Lt. Nicole “Thunder” McNeil 2/3 Sniper, Gunnery: Missile, Oblique AttackerBJ-2 Blackjack Cpl. Bill “Blister” Zamoyski 4/5 Hot Dog, SniperYMN-6Y Yeoman Cpl. Kyleigh “Wolf” Wheatcroft 3/5 Oblique Attacker, Gunnery: MissileON1-K Orion Pvt. Tiara “Gem” Georgenes 4/5

Recon Lance G/PPXH-3PL Phoenix Hawk Lt. Lauren “Pixie” Reyes 3/4 Maneuvering Ace, Jumping JackBH-K305 Battle Hawk Sgt. Richard Bitschi 4/4 Maneuvering AceCOM-3A Commando Pvt. James “Pyro” Henson 4/5LCT-1E Locust Pvt. Wade “Pale Rider” Trovisca 4/5

Battle Lance G/PCES-3R(C) Caesar Lt. Emily “Angel” Winters 3/4 Natural Aptitude (Gunnery)Penetrator (C) Lt. Melissa “Seraph” Reynolds 4/4AXM-1M Axeman Cpl. James “Ripper” MacClintock 3/4 Jumping Jack, Melee SpecialistBSW-S2 Bushwacker Pvt. Patrick “Reaper” Faux 4/5

Iron Mobile ArmorCommand Platoon G/PRommel Tank (Gauss) Captain Lucas “Iron” Flemming 2/3 Sniper, Gunnery: BallisticManticore (LBX) Lt. Vic “Victory” Hendricks 3/4 Sniper, Gunnery: BallisticPatton (Ultra) Sgt. Brette Combs 3/4Po (Light Gauss) Curt Tokko 3/4

Support Platoon G/PSkulker (C3M) WO Christi Bains 3/3 Maneuvering AceStriker (3061 Update) Master Sgt. Diana Anderson 3/4 Oblique AttackerStriker (3061 Update) Sgt. Trey Kennedy 3/4 Oblique AttackerStriker (3061 Update) Sgt. Kaitlyn McNulty 3/4 Oblique Attacker

Battle Platoon G/PVedette (NETC) Sgt. Major Akina Kamimura 4/5Vedette (NETC) Sgt. Savitshri Veerasamy 4/5Vedette (Light Gauss) Sgt. Joe Raindl 4/5Vedette (Light Gauss) Sgt. Mohana Sornam 4/5

VTOL Squadron G/PYellow Jacket Gunship WO David MacMaster 3/3 SniperYellow Jacket Gunship Sgt. Hope Coupland 3/3Hawk Moth Gunship Sgt. Indu Veerender 3/3Hawk Moth Gunship Sgt. Deziree Merle 3/3

Transport PlatoonBlizzard Hover Transport Sgt. Benzair Osborne 4/5Blizzard Hover Transport Sgt. Roque Brigham 4/5Saxon APC Sgt. Bert Morcom 4/5Saxon APC Sgt. Widodo Layar 4/5

Mobile InfantryBattle Armor Platoon G/PStandard IS Battle Armor Captain Elvie Kirsopp 2/3Standard IS Battle Armor Master Sgt. Julian Aldous 3/4Standard IS Battle Armor Cpl. Charlie Duchene 4/5Standard IS Battle Armor Cpl. Odessa Constanderous 4/5

Field Gunners GField Gunners Ultra AC/5 Sgt. Ansey Ellicot 4Field Gunners Ultra AC/5 Sgt. Kaylie Davies 4Field Gunners Ultra AC/5 Sgt. Sam Strudwick 4Field Gunners Ultra AC/5 Sgt. Carl O'Solan 4

Mobile Aerospace SquadronAlpha Flight G/PCSR-V14 Lt. Tyrone Richard 3/4 Maneuvering AceCSR-V14 Cpl. Olympia Oleske 4/4

Beta Flight G/PSPR-7D Sparrowhawk Sgt. Mollie Burns 4/4SPR-7D Sparrowhawk Pvt. Claude Leclerc 4/5

Captain Winters delivering hell unto a Word of Blake fanatic

Legion's Lament (3025) By Jayof9s

Legion's Lament is the reformation of another mercenary unit with a sordid past; Legio XII Fulminata. Originally formed in 3015 with two lances and named after the 12th Legion of the ancient Roman Empire, the unit was forced to disband in 3020. The Legion was co-commanded by Captains Jomar and Vogun, and was a hard luck unit for its entire existence. Their first contract to hunt pirates along the Federated Sun's periphery border resulted in a 25% loss of personnel and brought the unit down to 7 functional mechs; including the salvaged pirate machines. They returned to Galatea in need of rebuilding and were forced to spend most of their available funds on parts and ammunition to keep

the remaining mechs armed, armored, and functional. At this time they also began building a light armor platoon to achieve “company” strength for as few c-bills as possible.

In an attempt to shore up funds, Legio XII Fulminata accepted a string of cadre and garrison contracts which resulted in very little action to train replacement hires; and even less salvage, but with a steady pay. Somehow, during this “gravy” time the unit still amassed further losses of personnel; but did slowly gain new hardware and always found new, if less well trained, personnel to fill their ranks. Most notably the unit's armor forces sustained heavy losses due to Captain Vogun's uncanny ability to leave the platoon in exposed, untenable positions which usually resulted in unnecessary losses. Eventually the unit earned such a bad reputation among tanker crews that none would sign on and the Legion was forced to scrap it's armor unit.

Finally, after nearly five years of light duty, the Legion was nearly at full company strength; comprised of mostly medium and a few heavy mechs. It was time for some “real” combat. They accepted a contract with the Capellan Confederation to hunt down the pirate band known as Drake's Dragoons, and unfortunately sealed their fate. The first battle against the pirate band saw Legio XII defending a city on New Roland from the Cobras, a former battalion in Drake's Dragoons that had been reduced in battle against Langston's Lancers to a company of mixed armor and mechs.

Unfortunately the Cobras succeeded in splitting Legio XII and then destroyed them piecemeal, taking on two or three mechs at a time. This allowed the to unleash mass fire on the Legionnaires. The majority of the Legion had ample opportunity to escape, however both Captains saw a slim chance at victory that would have swelled their coffers, and so continued to push their mechwarriors to continue fighting. In the end every Legio XII mech was destroyed or disabled. Five mechwarriors were killed in action, and the remaining six were captured.

The Cobras ransomed the six captured warriors back to the support personnel, which drained the unit's coffers completely. The trip back to Galatea left most of the unit's members in debt. With no money and the unit's name sullied by a defeat at the hands of pirates and a contract breach from the sacking of the city they had been tasked to defend, they were forced to disband. All of the unit members moved on to join other mercenary commands.

In 3025 several of the old Legionnaires met up on Outreach and thanks to their improved financial situations, decided to revive the old unit. Built around the six surviving warriors of the original Legion, plus two new warriors and some of the original support staff. Thus, Legion's Lament was born. While technically a new unit, the demons of their past still haunt them, and they are currently rated F by the MRBC along with having a bad reputation. The unit has no starting capital to speak of, and has taken a loan to cover the cost of repairs for their first contract. Luckily the eight warriors each own their current mechs.

With only Sub-par contracts being offered, the Lament have accepted a contract with the Lyran Commonwealth to assist in extracting the 7th Donegal Guards from the Free World's League planet Nestor. Pay is decent, and they will have transportation provided, but they are receiving next to no support pay and less than 1/3 of the contract salvage.

OfficersCaptain Kalegg Vogun, Call-sign McSlayer, is one of two commanders in Legion’s Lament. While both Captains have agreed to

share leadership, it has not always worked out favorably for the Legion and was partially to blame for the debacle on New Roland. Captain Vogun believes in decisive battles and often commands his lance into the thick of battle as would be expected of an assault lance, even when he is in command of nothing but lights and mediums. This led to a constant need for new recruits to refill positions in the TO&E of Legio XII. Captain Vogun is an elite MechWarrior and is currently piloting a Marauder.

Captain Jack “Storm Tiger” Jomar, is the second commander in Legion’s Lament. In the original unit, Captain Jomar often found his half of the unit needing to provide supporting fire for Captain Vogun’s lance. As a result he focused on amassing ‘Mechs with long range weaponry and this had the added benefit that the MechWarriors under Captain Jomar tended to survive campaigns while Captain Vogun’s lance suffered the high casualties. As a direct result Captain Jack Jomar’s demi-company was able to better retain talented MechWarriors and have pilots survive long enough to become veterans. Captain Jack Jomar is an elite MechWarrior and has managed to again acquire a Thunderbolt TDR-5SE after his last one was destroyed in the fighting on New Roland.

Lieutenant Tara “Blaze” Adams acts as Captain Jomar’s XO and was one of the original MechWarriors in Legio XII Fulminata. Lieutenant Blaze is a veteran pilot and an expert with all laser weaponry, she pilots her Centurion CN9-AL with uncanny efficiency.

Lieutenant Harry “Red Wolf” Vornn is another original Legio XII MechWarrior and is an expert at indirect fire. In the original Legion, Lieutenant Vornn piloted a Whitworth to great effect, unfortunately the best he has managed to capture since his time in the Legion is a Valkyrie. While he appreciates the added mobility he still misses the extra armor and ability to send twice as much ordinance down range at a foe. Currently Lieutenant Vornn is acting as the Legion’s scout lance commander and provides fire support for them.

TransportLegion’s Lament does not own any Dropships or Jumpships and is forced to rely on hiring transportation or receive transports from their employer. Luckily in their latest contract the Lyran Commonwealth was willing to offer them a ride on the ships being sent to retrieve the 7th Donegal Guards.

Unit Bios:

Crusher Lance PrimaryCrusher Lance Primary is commanded by Captain Vogun and like the other ‘lances’ in the unit is currently made up of only 2

‘Mechs. Crusher Lance Primary consists of Captain Vogun’s Marauder and B.D. “Thunder” Nestor’s Crusader. Crusher Lance is the muscle of the group and will likely find itself in the toughest fighting while the rest of the unit tries to take advantage of their charges.Crusher Recon Lance

Crusher Recon Lance is nominally commanded by Captain Vogun, however both pilots usually end up reporting to Lieutenant Vornn. The short lance consists of a pair of Firestarters piloted by veteran pilots.Storm Lance Primary

Storm Lance Primary is Captain Jomar’s Command Lance and consists of himself in his Thunderbolt and Lieutenant Adams in her Centurion. It is likely that Storm Lance Primary will act as both a flanking force and provide fire support for Crusher Lance.Storm Recon Lance

Another short lance, Storm Recon Lance consists of a Valkyrie and Locust and is commanded by Lieutenant Vornn. Crusher Recon Lance is likely to support Lieutenant Vornn so that the Legion has a single cohesive scout lance, with the Locust and Firestarters providing close harassment while Lieutenant Vornn uses his Valkyrie’s LRMs to best effect and provides support.

Legion's Lament Demi-Company/Veteran/Questionable CO: Captain Kalegg Vogun & Captain Jack Jomar XO: Lt. Tara Adams The Lament is a demi-company of four 2 mech lances.

These lances consist of two command lances for the two Captains, and two recon lances. Captain Vogun's command lance generally wades into the thick of things while Captain Jomar's command lance provides fire support and the two recon lances operate as harassers.

Legion's Lament TO&E

Crush CompanyCommand Lance G/PMAD-3D Maradauder Captain Kalegg Vogun 2/3 Natural Aptitude, SniperCRD-3K Crusader B. D. Nestor 3/4 Natural Aptitude

Recon Lance G/PFS9-M Firestarter Aryanna Carmichael 3/4 Jumping JackFS9-H Firestarter Janik MacCurtin 3/4

Storm CompanyCommand Lance G/PTDR-5SE Thunderbolt Captain Jack Jomar 2/3 SniperCN9-AL Centurion Lt. Tara Adams 3/4 Gunnery/Laser

Recon Lance G/PVLK-QA Valkyrie Lt. Harry Vornn 3/4 Oblique Attacker, Weapon Focus: LRM 10LCT-1E Locust Alissa Teague 3/4

Alchemist Gold (3017) By Jayof9s

Alchemist Gold was created on 13 May, 3015 by the unit's commander, Captain Pedro “Disco” Fernando; and was backed by a wealthy Federated Suns Noble. Most of the Mechwarriors and support staff hail from the Suns. The unit began as a single lance looking for work on Galatea.

Their first contract came from the Federated Suns to hunt pirates along the Suns' periphery border. With more than a little luck, the Alchemists were able to defeat the pirate band which had been harassing the planet Cohagen. They not only salvaged many pirate tanks and 'mechs, but also stumbled across a dilapidated Brian Cache; which found them in control of some valuable lostech.

News of their success preceded the unit back to Galatea, and they found more than a few recruits for the now materiel rich company. Newly geared up and at full company strength, the Alchemists looked for work and found offers flowing freely. Not wanting their good luck to disappear, they quickly signed with the Free Worlds League on a short term objective raid.

OfficersCaptain Pedro Fernando, call-sign Disco, is the commander of Alchemist Gold and is an elite MechWarrior with a reputation as a

master tactician. Captain Fernando is a patient fighter, always willing to let his enemies make a mistake and knows just how to place his people where they can be best utilized. Captain Fernando currently pilots a custom Hunchback which utilizes Star League tech to include double heat sinks, add a third medium laser, a third ton of auto-cannon ammunition, and upgrade the small laser to a pulse laser.

Lieutenant Johan Hutch, call-sign Paladin, commands the Alchemist’s Quick Silver Lance. As the unit’s recon lance the ‘Mechs in Quick Silver are the eyes and ears of the unit on the field and double as a flanking and harassing force in combat. Lieutenant Hutch is an extremely skilled pilots and he can make his Star League era Phoenix Hawk dance with a finesse few MechWarriors could match.

Lieutenant Diane Church, call-sign Seraph, commands the Alchemist’s ‘Iron’ Armor Platoon. Originally a member of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces, she was eventually bounced from service and became a mercenary after insulting the wrong Social General that happened to be ‘commanding’ her platoon. Lieutenant Church is a veteran tanker with a steady hand capable of pulling off amazing shots with her Myrmidon’s PPC.

Lieutenant Ryan Fitzpatrick, call-sign Hedgehog, is the ‘commander’ of the Alchemist’s Aerospace Flight, he is also the only member of the Alchemist’s Aerospace Flight. Hedgehog offered his service to the Alchemists after he heard about their luck in the Periphery, hoping the unit’s luck would brush off on him. Or that he could at least talk the commander into upgrading his aged Shilone with some of the Star League technology the Alchemists had captured. Lieutenant Fitzpatrick is a veteran pilot and owns his only Shilone SL-17, he previously served with Hanson’s Roughriders before joining the Alchemists.

TransportThe Alchemists do not own any of their own transportation and rely on hiring Dropships and Jumpships, they fought hard on their latest contract for the Free Worlds League to provide them with transportation.

Alchemist Gold2 Lances/Veteran/ReliableCO: Captain Pedro FernandoXO: ?

Alchemist Gold Lance is the Command Lance of the unit and personally commanded by Captain Fernando. The lance is comprised entirely of 3 medium and one heavy ‘Mech. All of the pilots are of veteran or better, and have seen action in other units. The Alchemist Gold Lance often takes the center of the battle line during combat with the Crusader, Blackjack and Vindicator providing heavy fire support while Captain Fernando slips his Hunchback into close range and opens up with his devastating close range arsenal.

Quick Silver Lance is the unit’s Recon Lance and comprised of a mix of highly mobile light and medium ‘Mechs. Commanded by Lieutenant Johan Hutch the majority of the Quick Silver Lance is made up of veteran MechWarriors experienced in the operation of light ‘Mechs. While the lance has limited experience working together the unit is adept at scouting, harassment and diversionary attacks.

Iron PlatoonPlatoon/Veteran/ReliableCO: Lt. Diane Church

Iron Platoon is a medium armor platoon that could easily be the match for any heavy or assault armor platoon. Lieutenant Church is an experienced tank commander and looks forward to showing any opponents a few surprises. The inclusion of a Star League era Demon and Chevalier tank give the platoon a much stronger punch than would be expected from a first look. The Iron Platoon works best as a direct support unit but has enough speed, armor and short range weaponry to hold a central battle line or to act as mobile cavalry and rush unsuspecting enemies.

First Silver VTOL1 VTOL/Regular/Reliable

Much like the Aerospace Flight, the Alchemists currently have just one VTOL, an old Warrior H-7. The

pilot Sergeant Lana Sulla isn’t quite as confident as Lieutenant Fitzpatrick but she has shown a remarkable ability to pilot the Warrior, even if she is just an average gunner.

First Golden Flight1 Fighter/Veteran/Reliable

Added to the unit on Galatea right before they accepted their latest contract, the Alchemist’s

Aerospace Flight is actually only a single Shilone SL-17. The sole pilot is Lieutenant Ryan Fitzpatrick and he does what he can to make up for the unit’s lack of numbers with bravado backed up by skill. So far the Alchemist’s Aerospace Flight is untested in combat.

Copper SpottersPlatoon/Regular/Reliable

Alchemist Gold maintains a platoon of scout infantry, primarily they provide security for the unit when

on most assignments but out in the field is where they really shine. Scouts in the truest sense of the word, the platoon often deploys to the battlefield before anyone else, finds a comfortable hill to hide on and spends the rest of the battle providing targets for any Alchemists with LRMs.

Alchemist Gold TO&E

Alchemist GoldAlchemist Gold Lance G/PHBK-5SL Hunchback Captain Pedro Fernando 2/3 Tactical Genius, Natural Aptitude (G)CRD-2R Crusader Cpl. Jim Stevens 3/4 Weapon Spec: LRM 15VND-1R Vindicator Sgt. Harold Reynolds 2/4 Oblique Attacker, SniperBJ-1 Blackjack Cpl. Megan Lucas 3/4 Natural Aptitude (G)

Quick Silver Lance G/PPXH-1b Phoenix Hawk Lt. Johan Hutch 3/3 Jumping Jack, Maneuvering AceJR7-D Jenner Sgt. Kayla Sutten 3/3 Hot Dog, MultitaskerVL-5TS Vulcan Cpl. Tara Adams 3/4 Gun/LaserMCY-99 Mercury Pvt. Alexi King 4/4

Iron PlatoonIron Platoon G/PMyrmidon Medium Tank Lt. Diane Church 3/4 Maneuvering AceMyrmidon Medium Tank Sgt. Angela Curtis 4/4 SniperDemon Tank (Royal) Sgt. Jewel Clarke 3/4 Gun/BallisticChevalier Light Tank Sgt. Brooke Akinitude 3/4

First Golden FlightSL-17 Shilone Lt. Ryan Fitzpatrick 3/3 Maneuvering Ace

First Silver VTOLH-7 Warrior Sgt. Lana Sulla 4/4 Maneuvering Ace

Copper SpottersJump Rifle Platoon Master Sgt. Michal Marek 3/4