Table of contents analyze

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Table of contents analyze

Table Of Contents


Why a Table of Contents?A table of contents, usually headed simply "Contents"

and abbreviated informally as TOC, is a list of the parts of a book or document organized in the order in which the parts appear. The contents usually includes the titles or

descriptions of the first-level headers, such as chapter titles in longer works, and often includes second-level or section

titles within the chapters as well, and occasionally even third-level titles.

Editorial PillarsOn the Mix Mag Contents page there are several article head lines on the pages with little description under the headliner.Features:MixMag have added a title of Features to show the target audience what sort of Articles, Interviews and New up coming DJ’s or Artists est....VIPs:Because this magazine is mostly based on people who like to go raving they have put a competition to have a free back stage pass top any of your favourite club. Fashion:Even though this magazine is very man based it still has fashions trends. They show new trends for the new Spring collections for clubbers.Tunes:Most importantly they have added tunes which is mostly based on the whole magazine because its a clubby , music magazine. “the worlds greatest guide to dance music’ is the title under the headliner Tunes and it shows some bands that have been interviewed and upcoming new DJ’s extra.Tech:Including all the new gadgets that are new out for DJ’s including things like New mixers and the new Ipad and other things.Don’t Stay In:Because this magazine is for clubby ravy people they have a whole double page on which new places to go for clubbers and events that are taking place mostly all based in London.Regulars:Articles and other things which are normally in every issue of Mix Mag.

Editorial Pillars

The NME contents page outlines the main story’s that go on inside the magazine.

The NME magazine have different quotes of each page that they are pinning out on the table of contents. They have pictures and then quotes underneath saying if its an interview of some sort or something else!

They also have a ‘Plus’ column of just titles of other things that are featured in the magazine but that are not as important than the other information that have there own titles.


The writing and features are set out very neatly and the writing is yellow and white which suits the magazine theme very well as the main colour s white but then yellow people would say is very bright and clubby.

On the Mix Mag content pages they don’t use a lot of images no more than 3 on each pages carrying on with the theme of neatness and but it gives a great effect because they choose interesting images that stand out and fill the whole page so that you don't need lots of images to cover the page up.

At the bottom of the page the magazine have separated each information by straight thin white lines again making it look neatly set out and its easy on the eyes for where to look and see what's the same information.

The title of the contents is in a different font to the rest of the writing that is on this page. It makes it stand out but its not too different form the other text other wise it wouldn't match. They also have the data and their logo on the same line and they are all on the same level making it very neat looking as well as the rest of the page.


The page layout is quite messy compared to other magazine contents pages. They place a lot of the headlines around the page not having a pacific place

On the NME contents page, they mostly filled up the whole of the pages with loads of pictures as well with enough writing. Its kind of has a messy layout but effective as it looks good. The pictures are musicians performing or post for the magazine it self.

The font that is used on the page matches the front cover of the NME magazine and suit as its quite neat and some of it swirly to give it a sort of upper status look.


The images on both contents pages on the mix mags are very bright. They don't have that many pictures but they all stand out and make the page look good still because of the way they are laid out. There are only 5

images all together on both pages but they are quite big and filling the page which is effected. This magazine is neat so the images are as well as the text. The images have obviously been edited on Photoshop to bring the

colour out. Also it’s weird that Mix Mag would be advertising women's clothing because it seems to be more of a mans magazine because you don't hear or see much female DJ’s and Dj’s are one of the main subjects to this



The images on the NME contents page are all very bright and eye catching. They have used bands in there pictures either pictures of them live or ones that are self posed for a magazine shoot or Album cover. The images are all medium size and there are about 7 images on the one pages, making it look interesting and not having the audience get bored easily . They don't use anything other than musician’s photos emphasising that this magazine is only about music nothing else like fashion est.

House StyleThe main colour scheme for this mouths MixMag magazine is White, Gold, Black and Yellow. The Front cover has got the colours Gold, White and Black mainly. It mostly suite the contents inside the magazine because the font colours. The pictures don’t really suit the front cover of the magazine because they are pictures of night clubs and different bands that are featured in the magazine. Also there is a sort of black and white background going on in the front cover and the contents page. The contents page background is black which kind of gives the mood of a clubby feel. I think the reason the front cover of the magazine is gold is because its a special addition showing the greatest DJ’s of last year.

House Style

The NME magazine has always been white, red and black for the main logo and a lot of there colour themes in there book. The TOC font and layout are placed in a black and white set out. The theme on the front cover stands out a lot because of the band and the picture that is on the front of it. They don't have a colour theme of the pictures on the TOC which doesn't ruin the look but gives it a more fun , friendly feel to it. The picture fit the theme of the magazine with music and band ect.