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New Product Release – Package 11.01 Nov 2012

IPDirector Release 6.0

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EVS Video Servers Systems & Software Package 11.0111

Table of content

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2

New Operational Features of IP Director 6 ...................................................................... 2 Mix on 1 channel ................................................................................................................................. 2 Protect File clips – Clip Management................................................................................................ 3 Create Subclip on all ganged channels – Clip Management .......................................................... 3 New Functionalities in the Control Panel ......................................................................................... 4 Auto Complete Function .................................................................................................................... 4 New Functionalities in the Playlist Panel ......................................................................................... 6 De-rush Mode in VTR Panel ............................................................................................................... 7 IPBrowse .............................................................................................................................................. 7 IPNotes ................................................................................................................................................. 8

Modules in BETA Release ................................................................................................. 9 Director’s Cut ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Xedio IPD Plugin ................................................................................................................................ 10 IP Clip Logger .................................................................................................................................... 10 IP2Archive .......................................................................................................................................... 11 IP Web Browse .................................................................................................................................. 12

Video Tutorials About IPDirector 6 ................................................................................ 12

Software Downloads and Manuals ................................................................................. 12

Alerts through EVS’ Website .......................................................................................... 13 My EVS section .................................................................................................................................. 13 My Alerts area .................................................................................................................................... 13


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Introduction This newsletter provides some information about the latest release of the IPDirector. The main features included in this new version of IPDirector are related to the support of all EVS servers currently on the market which integrate with IPDirector: such as the possibility to manage eight logical channels (with a maximum of six recorder or six player channels), or the integration with the new Multicam configuration screens. Another drastic change relates to the layout and colours used for various windows. Most of the functionalities from the previous versions have remained. Here a some new ones described below.

New Operational Features of IP Director 6

Mix on 1 channel With the mix on one channel option, we can now use one single playout channel to play a series of clips, a playlist or a timeline with transition effects. This functionality is indicated in the Channel Explorer beside the name of the playout channel. If there is a ‘mix’ indication (as shown on the screenshot hereunder), the functionality is supported and enabled. Otherwise we still have to use 2 physical output channels in PGM/PRV mode to be able to apply transitions between clips or playlist elements.

The Mix on one channel functionality can be checked as the information is displayed in the title bar of the Control Panel the channel has been assigned to.

• Channel not supporting "Mix on one channel":


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• Channel supporting "Mix on one channel":

Important Note: The functionality is not supported on every EVS server hardware and must be enabled through the settings of the machine. For more information on these limitations, please refer to the IPDirector manuals available on the EVS website.

Protect File clips – Clip Management Until now we only had the possibility to protect clips located on an EVS server. Now we can also protect files that are managed by the IPDirector Database. These files can be located on a nearline storage or on a drive managed as an IP Drive storage. When the file is protected, the clip will have a separate icon that indicates the protection of the file through IPDirector. When both clip and file have been protected, 2 protect icons are of course displayed in the Database Explorer window.

Create Subclip on all ganged channels – Clip Management When we create a subclip from a clip that was ganged with other clips we will automatically create the other subclips related to the other ganged channels. This improves and speeds up the clipping process but the original channels still need to be ganged otherwise the function will not work. This function is enabled through the ‘Create sub clips on all ganged clips’ setting from the Clips General Settings window which is accessible through the Tools menu. If this setting is not enabled a sub-clip will only be created on the selected clip.


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New Functionalities in the Control Panel E/E Contextual Menu – Growing Clips It is now also possible to load a Growing Clip (recording ingest) directly from the Control Panel. This function is accessible through the contextual menu (right-click) of the E/E button. The menu displays beside the recorder channels of the available EVS video servers, the list of clips being currently ingested. Scheduled ingests are not shown.

Auto Complete Function With the release 6 of IPDirector a new feature will be introduced that suggests keywords, playlists and clip names when a search is performed in the Database Explorer. When the first letters are typed into the Quick Text Search field, a drop-down list will display suggestions based on information stored in the IPDirector database. Suggestions can be keywords or words indexed in the database.

The system will also remember the last words we have searched on; this is indicated with a small icon, the magnifying glass. There are also other icons representing a question mark, a key and a small man to indicate which kind of media the search will be applied on. Key stands for a keywords and the small man stands for a participant keyword.


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This Auto complete function is also available when creating a clip for instance. If we create a clip and want to add keywords to it, we can click in the keyword grid as we did before but we can now also start typing the word in the free text field and the system will automatically display the possible keywords that are available. This enables to allocate keywords without having to open several keyword grids on the screen. Keywords can now also be removed directly from the Keyword area without having to find them, as previously, in the Keyword grids. They can be removed simply by clicking on the small cross beside the respective keyword.


Various improvements have been made in the IPEdit module amongst which the Live to Tape workflow. Live to Tape In this specific workflow, the director’s cut and ISO cameras are recorded live on XT / XS series servers and IPEdit’s timeline. IPEdit corrects any error in the director’s cut during or following the event. Once the recording session has ended, the operator can quickly fix all errors and transfer the edit for playout or to post-production equipment. IPEdit fixes all mistakes allowing to access the final clean program at a tremendous speed without wasting time spooling tapes as well as an entire reshoot of bad takes.

For more information about the other improvements you can refer to the Release Note or to the User Manuals available on the website.


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New IPLogger functionalities

A couple of improvements have also been brought to the logging function within IPDirector. Retentive Keywords This new function enables to keep keywords allocated to each new log created. This is done by ticking the check box ‘Follow previous logs keywords’. Each time logs will be created the three keywords selected (in our example) will automatically be applied to the new logs. Additional keywords can of course also be applied manually in that case. This function will disappear once the check box has been ticked off.

Larger Free Text Field The Free Text field has been increased in size enabling to enter longer descriptions for scenes to be logged.

New Functionalities in the Playlist Panel Add Cut / Split Element A functionality implemented recently with the Multicam 11 release enabled to split a clip inside a playlist with the Multicam LSM remote control panel. This function is now also available from the Playlist panel in IPDirector. Procedure Go to the place in the playlist where we want to split the element, right-click and select then “Split Element” from the contextual menu. The playlist element is split at the selected timecode. A second element is created in fact in the Playlist grid with the same name as the first one. The transition between the two elements is automatically set as "Cut". This would enable for instance to remove a part of a clip in a playlist by splitting the clip and modifying the In point of the new element. Other use is to define a part of a playlist element by inserting two splits and playing that part out afterwards at a reduced speed in the playlist. The shortcut for this function is the “Y” key. As the “Y” key was the shortcut used to change the Play mode in the Control panel, this shortcut has now been changed to the “B” key.


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Super Slow Motion Clip A super slow motion (SLSM) clip can be inserted in a playlist with its own speed, which means 33% for "SLSM clips 3x" or 50% for "SLSM clips 2x". This will be applied if two conditions are fulfilled:

• The Insert SLSM Clips at Slo-mo Speed setting has been selected. If the setting is not selected, the default speed defined under the section "Default Transition Settings" is taken into account. • The SLSM clip is added to the playlist directly from the IPDirector interface.

De-rush Mode in VTR Panel A new functionality is offered in the VTR Panel, the Derush mode. When the media recorded on a tape presents several timecode jumps, ingesting the tape in this mode will create one clip for each timecode disruption. The naming convention will be based on the ‘Autoname Clip’ value in the settings menu of IPDirector. The value at the end of the clip name will be incremented every time the system creates a new clip.

IPBrowse IPBrowse is a standalone application designed for browsing all available content in the IPDirector database. For instance, it allows journalists and assistant producers to search for appropriate media via various search techniques and browse through it with the help of a video player. Selections of media can then be made and managed in user-defined bins where content can be sent to target destinations; such as post-production systems. The IPBrowse application is much simpler to use than an IPDirector workstation in the way that its layout is dedicated to the purpose of the application. It works on a basis of floating licenses and allows the application to be installed at several stations and be used with a maximum of flexibility.


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IPNotes IPNotes is an application made specifically for iPad that can be downloaded from the iTunes Store. It enables the logging process on a tablet with an on-the-go logging application that integrates with IPD through XML import and export. Users can prepare their work before leaving the facility by importing keyword grids and prepared logsheets to their iPad. They can then go on the field to log anything from an interview to a sports event. The Time Code used can either be the ‘Time of Day’ time code, or a custom time code. The custom time code can be either a time code that is entered manually, or it can be a time code that originates from an external time code source (VTR, camera, OB van, time code generator, etc.). When the logging process is finished, the logsheet can be exported into the IPDirector environment.


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Modules in BETA Release The following modules are available with IPDirector 6.0 but are not officially released yet. The modules cannot be used in live productions, but could be used for beta testing.

Director’s Cut With the Director’s Cut module of IPDirector it is possible to backup or stream the director’s cut, the ISO clips and metadata to the post-production. On one side all the ISO cameras are being recorded on EVS servers controlled by IPDirector. On the other side a hardware component, an EVS Switcher Gateway, is connected with the switcher and the IPDirector.

During the live show, the Director’s Cut will also be recorded on the servers and all the camera switching will be registered by IPDirector. This latter one will create an EDL file at the end of the show that will then be exported in NLE native format (Avid, Apple and Adobe). At the same time the clips can be streamed towards an NLE system or to a portable drive which can be connected afterwards to an editing station. The editor can then open the EDL and see all the cuts the director has made during the show. He can then start searching for the errors and replace or fix them.


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Xedio IPD Plugin The purpose of the Xedio IPD plugin is to integrate a file based editing tool, Xedio CleanEdit, with the IPDirector world. It will enable editors to easily find and use IPDirector content for editing with CleanEdit. This content must previously be shared between IPDirector and Xedio through a nearline storage or IPDrive. The edits, when finalized in Xedio CleanEdit, will be found in the IPDirector environment as Edit elements in the Database Explorer.

IP Clip Logger IP Clip Logger is a simple application designed for quick and easy logging of media, which adds reference points to a specific frame in a video sequence. It allows logs to be added to clips in just a few clicks. This new logging application is dedicated to two main workflows. The first aims at adding logs to existing clips. While the second one, aims at creating clips and adding logs on the fly to enrich the media. It is a simple windows stand alone application using the IPDirector framework and is based on floating licenses. The module can be installed on a standard computer and will have access to the media through the Gigabit network.


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IP2Archive IP2Archive is an add-on for IPDirector that facilitates the connectivity between IPDirector and a third party hierarchical storage management system (HSM) and LTO tape library. It allows easy archiving and (partial) restoring of video clips and makes it possible to keep track of the archive and restore progress and status (in cache, online, offline, on tape) of each video clip.

When installing IP2Archive, an Archive and Restore bin hierarchy has to be created in the Database Explorer of IPDirector. This bin hierarchy allows to archive clips to LTO, (partially) restore clips to the nearline storage and to search for archived clips.


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IP Web Browse IP Web Browse provides similar features as the IP Browse application. The difference is that IP Web Browse is a web client using a Silverlight technology and thus provides remote browsing and searching of the IPDirector DB. This means that all the media located in the IPDirector environment can be accessed and the same handlings as in IP Browse can be done: create bins, add clips and send them to destinations configured in IPDirector. Because the software is running in a web browser window it is possible to run IP Web Browse in Mac OS and Windows.

Video Tutorials About IPDirector 6 Several videos have been developed to provide an overview of certain IPDirector software applications and describe their basic operations. The advantage of tutorials is that they provide online training and information tools that can be consulted anywhere, anytime. Tutorials can also be used as a preparation to classroom training or as a refresher course for certain topics following a training. They can be found on the EVS website on the Training Page.

Software Downloads and Manuals Please refer to the Downloads Page of the EVS Website and the Technical area for manuals and software packages to download. Detailed information about this release can also be found in the release notes in this page.


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Alerts through EVS’ Website

It is now also possible to receive automatic alerts about different kind of topics through the website: technical updates, new jobs, new training sessions and newsletters.

The alerts can be defined through the “My EVS” section in the “My Alerts” area where the selection of the Resource type can be done. It is possible to select the type of resource (Whole Package, Software update, Manuals, etc.) and the product you are interested in.

Once the type of resource and the products are selected you will be informed when new information is made available.

My EVS section

My Alerts area

The resource type “Package” will automatically inform you when New Releases are available for the whole XT-XS Package. An e-mail will be sent when it’s the case with links to the Release Notes, Software packages and manuals of the download area.