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Transcript of T I Y A C H T C LUB CHILLS AND SPILLS -...

Chills and Spills Spring 2017 page 1

2017-2018 TIYC Board:


Dennis Sisung


Vice Commodore:

Lester Lashaway


Rear Commodore:

Mike Deye



Colin Mackay



P/C Jeff Phillips


Chills and Spills Editor:

Kelly Sisung

send questions or stories to:


Also for any contributions to tiyc.net please email


Race Committee

Tim Branson




The Commodore’s Corner

Toledo Ice Yacht Club Website: www.tiyc.net



Hi everyone, Now that the hard water season is over and the iceboats are almost put away, I have a question for the old timers. I was in the Turtle Club several times but I don't re-member if some smart aleck came up with a burgee for them. I was in Swan Boat Club a couple of weeks ago and spotted this hanging up. Is it a bona-fide Turtle Club burgee or is it from a real boat club somewhere? The Awards Banquet was a great time and if you missed it shame on you. Next up is the summer picnic, we have not settled on a date or location yet. If you have any suggestions let me know. At this point I have heard rumor of a one day wooden boat show at the same loca-tion as last summer. As I get more info I will let everyone know. With a little luck we will have more than one iceboat on display. I have heard from the Lakeside Boat Show. Strib and I set up there last year. I am considering going back again this year, if any one else wants to join me the information about the show is farther down in the newsletter. Hope to see all of you on the soft water this summer. With luck I will continue getting my 15 meter ready for next season. Think MORE Ice! Commodore Dennis Sisung

Greeting from the Vice Commodore,

To my fellow Ice Boaters,

Another year (a not so good one in the ice world) has come and gone and the loyal ice boat members still have enthusiasm. Being Vice Commodore I would like to have some feed back on the upcoming 100th year of this wonderful and some-time sport. Also the direction we would like to go in, more activities less activi-ties, I have a few new and different ideas, just for the fun of it. Looking forward to the next season and working with Commodore Sisung and a good friend Mike Deye. This club has been a large part of my life and look forward to serving the membership to the best of my ability. Even with no ice I have achieved something my wife has not been so enthusiastic about, another ice boat and this time a 10 me-ter nothing like one of every type, the older I get the more friends I need, to help me lug, lug, lug all these beauties. I think that will not be a problem I hope ha ha.

Everyone have a great summer and see you at the summer picnic.

Sincerely, R/C Les Lashaway

Chills and Spills Spring 2017 page 2

Greetings From The Rear Commodore


Hello Toledo Ice Yacht Club! I would like to start by thanking you for allowing me to be your 2017/18 Rear Commodore! I look forward to this opportunity and being involved with this fine organization. My first iceboat was around 2001 I believe. Vice Com-modore Lashaway had showed up to my garage with a DN, a Case of Beer and had told me that I need to iceboat and I now owe him one thousand dollars ! I was a member of the club soon after that and had started to attend the meetings. I had learned to sail iceboats on that first DN and soon realized that it was time to upgrade my pro-gram. Over another case of beer, Past Commodores Stange, Baker and Potcova had convinced me that I needed a new boat. Putting this boat together with the help of friends was a great time and it had shown me the talent that our club has. This club greatly separates itself from any other with the amount of talented people involved in this organ-ization and the projects that members take on. I have thought that this was always a unique attribute to TIYC. Traveling to other regattas and venues outside Toledo, many times I have heard from other sailors how impressed they are of the amount of classes and boats that they have witnessed on the bay. It’s great to be part of a strong club in the eve of its 100th year. Mike Deye

Well "chippers" the season is in the can! Pretty disheartening for most of us. Although for the skippers who traveled and did get to sail, it was short and sweet! Even the North West was a washout! No wonder this sport is fairly safe ya don't do too much of it! Oh well there's always next season. In away it was a blessing for this "ole" geezers body is getting pretty beat up. My get and go has got up and went. No wonder those "ole" timers quit when they did. Smarter than me or most. So it's time to carefully stow away all the gear an hope it doesn't get buried under the honey do projects! Oh "yeah" don't forget to "awl" up those runners. As we approach our "Centennial" this chipper can't remember a stretch like we have been experiencing. Oh you say! Well I'm one of the few who knew the "ole" timers and proud of it. Those guys were the inspiration and mentors to a lot us second generation chippers. Yes, a second bunch of chippers who shaped this club to what it is today. As I look back at over 50 plus years and at it for over half as long as the T.I.Y.C. been around I have seen pretty hair brain and zany things that would even make Prof. Erwin Corey seem bewildered and befuddled! Case in point, when I and others started, sharpening runners were time consuming chore such as "plow"! "Huh" you ask? Well don't cause it might be a little to stone age for you techies! It was pure love (or) hate of this sport. Hey it got the job done. Then somebody got the bright idea to use a belt sander. Whoa! What a leap in technology. Then came the internet. Everybody got "BOOK SMART"!!!!! It seem there are more theories than practical practice! Hey I'm not saying we go to backbreaking labor, I get enough of that with my boat. As most of you "Late" third genera-tion chippers age its time to help and tutor the next generation by putting down the damn phone and gadgets and start listening to your instincts! You’ll probably have more fun!!!!!!! Oh well that's some of my thoughts and this geezer will hopefully be creaking around next season to keep you young bucks inline. Till next season an those dreaded words, "HEY GUYS" could youse guys put your phone down an give little hand here, ah guys!! "STRIB" Low profile steering heads for DN's

Keyhole shape Limited amount. $25 Strib.

TIYC JR sailing Scholarship 2017 Once again as summer approaches it is time for soft water sailing. The time to inspire the next generations is upon us.

This year once again TIYC will provide 2 scholarships to the North Cape Yacht Club JR sailing camps these scholar-

ships are open to any family member of a TIYC member in good standing.

Please have your junior submit a letter to the Board in their own words why they would like to attend. These letters

will be reviewed candidates will be chosen on Memorial Day.

Please mail all correspondence by May, 22, 2017 to

TIYC Treasurer

4512 288th

Toledo, Oh 43611

Chills and Spills Spring 2017 page 3

A article from outgoing 2016-2017 Commodore Jason Hall Hello members and welcome to spring, the season that apparently now goes from January until May. Yes it was a dismal year as far as local sailing goes, but I feel confident in saying that we still had a great season as far as the enjoying ourselves goes. The Summer picnic, the Steak Roast, the Old timers party, Winterfest, the Potcova Roast, and finally our annual awards banquet. All of these events I named had one big thing in common, Participation! If we were to be doomed with a bad sailing year locally It was my goal to see good attendance at the meetings and good participation at our functions, and the membership delivered. But I cannot take all of the credit for these claims. Without my Wife, the board and the numerous other volun-teers that helped make this year worth a darn, I would just be the guy that had a crappy year as Commodore and broke that gavel a couple times. Also great job everyone that travelled this year and continues to put TIYC on the map as far as competitive ice racing goes, congrats to everyone that brought home hardware (trophies) and thank you also for everyone returning home safely. I hope to see you all at the summer picnic

and the antique boat show.

Sincerely, Past Commodore Jason Hall

1937-38 Toledo Blade 15 meter

regatta trophy, won by Fritz. In

1937 TIYC banded together to

build 20 15-meter ice yachts. Typ-

ical cost around $250 each. These

boats were far simpler to build

than their European counterparts

that were constructed like an air-

plane fuselage. The backbone and

basket was not only easier to

build, but gave more storage op-


2016-2017 Old

Timers Party

at Jolly Roger

Chills and Spills Spring 2017 page 4

14th Annual Lakeside Wooden Boat Show!

This year’s show will be held on Sunday, July 16th, from 12-4 p.m. We have unlimited space to display wooden boats on the lawn of the historic Hotel Lakeside. However, there is limited space at the dock. The dock is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. As always, registration is FREE, and each registered boat will receive two (one-day) Chautauqua Passes to Lakeside for the day of the show. To register, please contact Mame Drackett at mame@drackett.cc and provide the following


Exhibitor’s Name, Email Address, Phone Number (the best way to reach you), Address

Boat Information (year, length, make, model & boat name), Preferred Location (lawn or water)

The 1st annual Winterfest Corn hole Tournament


With the intent of having the games outside using lighted holes, the weather forgot to cooperate and delivered a 20 plus knot breeze. So the game moved indoors which turned out to work perfectly as spectators enjoyed the competition. 14 teams com-peted in a single elimination format that didn’t take long to complete, but when the corn filled bags stopped flying Team Hillbilly Deluxe ( TIYC Members Jim Herold and Sam Logan ) were our overall winners. Having learned some valuable

lessons I am looking forward to repeat the tournament for years to come.

PC Jeff Phillips

The Greenhead being refurbished

Chills and Spills Spring 2017 page 5

A Few Tips on Traveling with Iceboats

The members of Toledo Ice Yacht Club have certainly had some difficult sailing conditions over the past few years. For many, traveling to a favorable or colder region is a difficult option. Some get in a rut and simply do not want to leave the

home ice. You know who you are!

For those of us in the Toledo DN Fleet, traveling is always required. That was the essence of the DN iceboat and from day

1. DN owners have always explored options to get their equipment to favorable ice.

This brief article is mainly focused towards the non DN owners of our club. You’re the guys that never seem to get on the

home ice or travel elsewhere. Yes – you’re getting called out so here is your kick in the pants!

Here are a few options to get your boats to the ice next year. Start now so you’re ready this December.

1. Car Topping is the least expensive of the options but not ideal for the massive chunks of spruce we have in the club. A modified roof rack on a truck is a simple option but the lift on and off is the problem. And for some – everything needs to

come off Sunday night before work on Monday. Better bring some strong backs!

2. An open trailer is the next best idea. This is easier and cheaper than you think. Old boat trailers are everywhere and with a few modifications, you’re on the road. Cons are the road salt and grim you have to deal with. Pros are the ability to un-

hook and push out on the ice from a launch ramp. I have seen contraptions than do not require any lifting on or off.

3. Covered trailers are the best option for safety and security but at a cost. They are heavier than open trailers and fuel econ-omy will be often be reduced. If you have deep pockets, you can opt for a custom made aluminum trailer. Steel trailers with aluminum skins, similar to mine, are adequate but they are still heavy and there is the corrosion issue. A wood box works well too but these are susceptible to moisture, warpage and rot. Covered trailers free up that precious space in your garage

as well. Unloading on/at the ice is a bit more challenging than an open trailer.

There are many great examples of iceboat trailers on the road today. Call the guys in your class and have them send pictures

of their trailers. No need to re-engineer these things. And don’t forget the details for securing things down to the trailer.

Think Ice All the Time,

PC Richard Potcova

The Greiner Open was held on Wamplers lake this season on January 7th and 8th. They started out with two fleets but combined fleets on Sunday. The winners

of the fleets were

“A” fleet– Jim Grogan

“B” fleet– Jody Kjoller

Past Wing Memorial Trophy recipients

listening to 2016 recipient

Tim Branson’s acceptance speech. Before pre-

senting the award to this year’s recipient

P.C. Jeff Phillips

The winner of the Beamon

award Erica.

2016-2017 Awards


Potcova Roast and the Point Place PowerPoint to announce

the roast

Chills and Spills Spring 2017 page 6

K e l l y S i s u n g

2 0 7 4 S c o f i e l d - C a r l e t o n r d .

C a r l e t o n , M I

4 8 1 1 7


Whale’s Tale Tavern

5307 Summit Street

Toledo, OH 43611

(419) 727 0888


Matt Kern


Jockett’s Marina 6213 Edgewater Dr.

Toledo, OH 43611-2561

(419) 726-9443

Full Service Marina

Kelly Sisung

2074 Scofield-Carleton rd.

Carleton, MI, 48117

Greiner Sailmakers

5556 Edgewater Dr

Toledo, Ohio


(419) 350-5575