Symposium Info /Registration - Natnl Assoc Olmsted Parks

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Transcript of Symposium Info /Registration - Natnl Assoc Olmsted Parks

  • 8/13/2019 Symposium Info /Registration - Natnl Assoc Olmsted Parks



    Freder ick Law Olmsted J r. Symposium

    Symposium InformationandRegistration

    Program Schedule, March 2014

    Symposium Presentations and Videos,Octobe r 2013

    Corporate Sponsorships

    Nonprofit Partnerships

    Scholars hip & Fellows hip Opportunities

    Frequently Aske d Ques tions

    Background Information

    2013 Olmsted Legacy Award

    For m ore than half a century, Frederick Law Olms ted Jr. was o ne of Americas preemi nent landscape

    architects who pioneered comprehens ive planning and played a critical role in forming the nations

    county, state, and national parks. H e wrote the key language that establish ed the National Park

    Service, and for 30 years advis ed the Park Service on th e managem ent of land, water, and s cenic

    resources. In California, Olmsted helped es tablished the California State Park system and Eas t Bay

    Regional Pa rk District, and recommended a 160,000-acre park and pa rkway network for the Los

    Angeles region that still guide s park advocates. In Colorado, his work resulted in Boulders city park

    system and Denvers 4 0,000-acre mountain park s ystem.

    Join NAOP, the National Buildin g Mus eum, and our partners as we explore Olmsteds l asting influenon iss ues s pecific to the American West, including park managem ent, metropolitan growth, and the

    protection of the regions unique en vironmental res ources.

    The most comprehensi ve presentation to date of the full scope o f Olmsteds l egacy, the s ymp osium

    will dis cuss the continued relevance of, and ins pirations from, his visionary work as we se ek to

    address contemporary challenges in l andscape architecture, regional planning, and natural resourc


    Thursday, March 27, 2 014

    Symposium at Stanford University, Stanford, CA.8.0 LA CES (ASLA); 8.0 LU HSW (AIA); 8.0 CM (AICP

    Friday, March 28 , 2014

    Choice of symposium tours on the history, planning and d esign of the

    East Bay Regional Park Dis trict. 8.5 LA CES (ASLA); 8.5 CM ( AICP)

    Stanford U niversity Cam pus. 6.5 LA CES (ASLA); 6.5 LU HSW (AIA); 6.5 CM (AICP)

    The symposium is designed for practitioners, historians, public a gencies, instructors

    and students, elected officials, and the public with an interest in:

    home support NAOP become a member new sletter sign-up Search

    about NAOP advocacy research the Olmsted legacy membership donate news and publications events
  • 8/13/2019 Symposium Info /Registration - Natnl Assoc Olmsted Parks


    Prese nted by the National Association for Olmsted Parks and its partners the National Building

    Museum, American Society of Landscape Architects,East Bay Regional Park District,and the

    Stephen and Margaret Gill Family Foundation with support from the National Trust for Historic

    Preservation,Pacific Gas & Electric,Save the Redwoods League,and the American Planning

  • 8/13/2019 Symposium Info /Registration - Natnl Assoc Olmsted Parks


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