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Symantec Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Collector

Installation and Planning Guide


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

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Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

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Legal Notices.............................................................................................................................. iiiLicenses and Trademarks .............................................................................................................. iv Open Source Software Copyrights........................................................................................... iv

Contents ...................................................................................................................................... vAbout This Book ........................................................................................................................ ix

Related Information.................................................................................................................. ix How this Book is Structured ..................................................................................................... ixNext Steps ....................................................................................................................................... x

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1Introduction to Discovery Collector ..................................................................................................1Key Steps for Using Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector ..............................................................1 Index .........................................................................................................................................2 Copy and Collect.......................................................................................................................3 Discovery Accelerator Analysis.................................................................................................3 Export........................................................................................................................................4Understanding the Discovery Collector Installation Process ...........................................................4 Planning ....................................................................................................................................5 Installation .................................................................................................................................5 Next Step: Operational Readiness............................................................................................6

2 Planning for Your Discovery Collector Installation ........................................................... 7Configuration Types.........................................................................................................................7Sizing Your Environment .................................................................................................................8 Questions for System Sizing .....................................................................................................8Planning Tab....................................................................................................................................9 Site Identification.......................................................................................................................9 Preparing the Templates...........................................................................................................9 Site Name ...............................................................................................................................10 Proactively Indexed Data Sources ..........................................................................................10 “As Required” Indexed Data Sources .....................................................................................10

Managed Discovery Load-File Requirements ..................................................................11 Other Considerations ..............................................................................................................12

Enterprise Vault Retention Requirements ........................................................................12 Desktop ............................................................................................................................12

Running Totals ........................................................................................................................13 Required Discovery Collector Systems...................................................................................13

3 Discovery Collector Installation ........................................................................................ 15About Installations .........................................................................................................................15Concepts and Definitions...............................................................................................................15Discovery Collector Hardware Prerequisites .................................................................................17 Server Hardware Requirements..............................................................................................17

ESX Server.......................................................................................................................17 VMware Server.................................................................................................................17

Network Requirements............................................................................................................18 Storage Requirements ............................................................................................................18

Supported NFS NAS Host Types .....................................................................................18 Controller and Full-Text Node Storage.............................................................................19 Compute Node Storage....................................................................................................19


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Discovery Collector Prerequisite Software and Settings ...............................................................19 VMware Software....................................................................................................................19

VMware ESX or ESXi Server ...........................................................................................20 VMware Server.................................................................................................................20 VMware vSphere Client....................................................................................................20 VMware vCenter Converter ..............................................................................................20

Network Settings............................................................................................................................20 ESX Server Network Configuration ..................................................................................21 Virtual Disks......................................................................................................................22

Cluster Storage .......................................................................................................................22 Controller and Full-Text Node Storage.............................................................................22 Compute Node Storage....................................................................................................23

Discovery Collector Preinstallation Tasks......................................................................................23 VMware Account Requirements..............................................................................................23 NAS Configuration ..................................................................................................................23

Netapp Filer ......................................................................................................................23 EMC Celerra.....................................................................................................................24 Generic NAS.....................................................................................................................25

Installation Tab ..............................................................................................................................25 Stand-alone Configuration ......................................................................................................25 Clustered Configuration ..........................................................................................................27Virtual Machine Procedures...........................................................................................................29 Deploying OVF Template to ESX Server ................................................................................29 Converting the OVF Template for VMware Server .................................................................30 Replicating a Virtual Machine on an ESX Server....................................................................31 Powering on a Virtual Machine ...............................................................................................31About the Configuration Wizard.....................................................................................................31Clustered Configuration Process ...................................................................................................31 Installing the Controller Node..................................................................................................31 Installing the Full-text Index Node...........................................................................................40 Installing the Action Node .......................................................................................................41 Installing Compute Node(s).....................................................................................................43Stand-alone Configuration Process ...............................................................................................45Federated System Configuration Process .....................................................................................48Viewing Discovery Collector IP Addresses....................................................................................51

4 Licensing ............................................................................................................................. 53Installation......................................................................................................................................53 About Licenses........................................................................................................................53

5 Connecting Discovery Collector to Enterprise Vault ...................................................... 55Prerequisites for Discovery Collector Archiving.............................................................................55Prerequisites for Enterprise Vault ..................................................................................................55

Server Information ............................................................................................................56 Vault Service Account Credentials ...................................................................................56 Microsoft Outlook Client ...................................................................................................56

Requirements for DCOM ...............................................................................................................56 Enabling Remote DCOM.........................................................................................................56 Allowing DCOM Traffic through the Windows Firewall............................................................57Validation Testing ..........................................................................................................................57

Defining a CIFS Volume as a Data Source ......................................................................57 Defining the Enterprise Vault Site.....................................................................................58 Defining an Enterprise Vault Retention Volume ...............................................................59 Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts ......................................................60 Creating and Executing a Job ..........................................................................................60 Inspecting Harvest Audit Trails.........................................................................................62


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Viewing the Owner’s Data Explorer..................................................................................63 Searching for an Owner....................................................................................................63 Creating a Published Classification from a Search ..........................................................65 Creating a Copy Policy to Enterprise Vault ......................................................................66 Creating a Job to Execute a Policy...................................................................................67 Inspecting Policy Audit Trails............................................................................................68


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide


About This Book

The Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide is intended for system administrators who will install Symantec’s Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector product. This guide provides procedural information regarding the planning, sizing, and installation of Discovery Collector. Once planning and installation have been successfully completed, system administrators should refer to the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector User Guide for additional operational-readiness configuration details.

The Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide should be read in its entirety before starting the installation process. This guide is designed to work with the companion Discovery Collector Installation and Planning template (located in the same directory as this guide) to facilitate the installation process. The Discovery Collector Installation and Planning template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that will aid in sizing your required Discovery Collector configuration. It provides a convenient place to record key system, network, and environment information that will be referenced throughout the installation process.

Related InformationThe Discovery Collector is generally deployed along with Symantec’s Enterprise Vault and Discovery Accelerator products.

• For information regarding those products, refer to the Enterprise Vault and Discovery Accelerator documentation.

• For a general overview regarding how these products interact, see "Introduction to Discovery Collector," on page 1 within this guide.

How this Book is StructuredThis guide is divided into these sections:

• Overview—Provides an overview of Discovery Collector to facilitate installation and planning. See Chapter 1, "Overview" for more information.

• Planning—Contains a detailed process description for sizing Discovery Collector configuration prior to installation. See Chapter 2, "Planning" for more information.

• Installation—Contains a detailed process description for installing Discovery Collector within your environment culminating with a validation


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

test to prove a successful installation. See Chapter 3, "Discovery Collector Installation" for more information.

Next StepsOnce planning and installation have been successfully completed, the system administrator should refer to the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector User Guide for additional configuration details. The section regarding operational readiness will be of particular use.


1 Overview

This section provides an overview of the Discovery Collector product and the complete installation and planning process to provide the Administrator with the necessary background to successfully complete the installation process.

Introduction to Discovery CollectorThe Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector addresses your eDiscovery needs during the Identification and Collection phases of eDiscovery. Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector can support a proactive approach to eDiscovery by providing the ability to identify and index potentially relevant sources of data in your enterprise. This allows for targeted analysis during the Identification phase when you are trying to understand and identify data that needs to be collected for an active matter.

Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector provides a number of features specifically designed to support proactive eDiscovery, including:

• Ability to identify and search all non-archived data using keyword or attribute searches. It can also build queries that can be used to understand custodian data that must be collected for a potential legal matter.

• Simple generation of a Query Analysis report and data topology map, providing the necessary insight and audit information needed to support a typical review of the identification and collection process using Discovery Collector.

• Ability to export data in standardized file formats compatible with common legal review tools, such as Concordance and Summation Enterprise, as well as the EDRM XML format.

• Ability to automatically collect all data identified by the legal team into Enterprise Vault. This collection process also creates detailed audit trails that can be used to demonstrate a repeatable process and assert a chain of custody.

Key Steps for Using Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector

Discovery Collector is primarily used to identify and collect data from data sources within your corporate IT environment. Collected data is then stored within


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Symantec’s Enterprise Vault for analysis and review by Discovery Accelerator. Once this data has been analyzed and reviewed by Discovery Accelerator and is ready to export to third-party discovery systems, Discovery Collector can also be used to export in commonly used third-party review-tool load-file formats.

There are four key steps in using Discovery Collector: "Index" , "Copy and Collect" , "Discovery Accelerator Analysis" , and "Export" .

Figure 1-1 Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Workflow

IndexDuring this first phase, the Symantec Discovery Collector Platform indexes information from non-archived enterprise resources. The platform leverages the existing network protocols available within the enterprise and does not require any agents or software to be installed on file or email servers.

With the ability to look at hundreds of different file types, the platform's harvester indexes information about data objects (files, emails, and containers) according to the rules and requirements you define. It identifies metadata attributes about each object and records them for analysis.

Discovery Collector can be used to index data sources either proactively (ahead of time, so that data is immediately available for analysis and collection when a


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

legal matter arises) or as required (after the duty to preserve occurs). Generally speaking, data sources that are the most complicated in terms of identifying custodianship, such as group file servers/shares, should be done proactively, and data sources that are less complicated, like desktops, can be done as required. Proactively indexing data makes it much easier to understand what data to collect and analyze during the initial phases of a legal matter.

Discovery Collector can perform two levels of indexing: full-text indexing and metadata indexing.

• Full-text indexing analyzes the entire content of the document so you can perform queries such as: “Find all of the documents that contain this product name.”

• Metadata indexing gathers only system information about data objects, such as the owner, size, last access, and modification dates, on a file server or desktop.

Metadata indexing provides some perspective on custodianship, but full-text indexing may be required to fully understand what data you might want to collect on behalf of a custodian. Full-text indexing requires more system resources than metadata indexing, both in terms of the system requirements for running Discovery Collector and the amount of storage necessary to maintain the indexes.

Copy and CollectOnce the harvesting is complete and the metadata and content indexes are populated with all of the attributes, Discovery Collector facilitates the analysis of unstructured data, allowing legal teams to evaluate which data should be collected and stored in Enterprise Vault for additional eDiscovery analysis and review using Discovery Accelerator. A member of the IT staff uses a copy policy within Discovery Collector to copy and collect all data identified by the legal team using the search, tagging, and classification facilities within Discovery Collector. The collection that results from the copy operation in Discovery Collector is ingested into a matter-specific archive created in Enterprise Vault. This matter-specific archive is included within the overall set of information subsequently analyzed and reviewed in Discovery Accelerator.

Discovery Accelerator AnalysisOnce the information has been collected into an Enterprise Vault matter-specific archive, the legal team will include that matter archive within a case in Discovery Accelerator. The team can then perform a more thorough review and analysis of the collected content as well as any additional archived content. The review and analysis in Discovery Accelerator determines what data should be exported (typically to the corporation’s external counsel) for case preparation and disclosure to opposing counsel or other third parties. Refer to the Discovery Accelerator documentation for additional details regarding setting up and managing cases in Discovery Accelerator.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

ExportWhen a set of data is available for export from Discovery Accelerator, a member of the IT team will run a Discovery Export policy from Discovery Collector that will copy, format and deduplicate the data from Discovery Accelerator producing the appropriate review load file format for your external counsel’s review platform.

Understanding the Discovery Collector Installation Process

The Discovery Collector installation process is outlined here and detailed in the remaining sections of this guide. This guide is designed to work with the companion Discovery Collector Installation and Planning template (which is located in the same directory as this guide) to facilitate the installation process. The Discovery Collector Installation and Planning template is a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet that will aid in sizing your required Discovery Collector configuration and provide a convenient place to record key system, network, and environment information that will be referenced throughout the installation process.

There are two main tabs in the Installation and Planning Template (planning and installation) that will be used during these two key phases of the installation process as described below. The installation and planning template is designed to help facilitate the installation process for a single site/location. If there is more than one site in your installation, then a copy of the master template should be made for each site. Having separate templates for each site will allow for the installation process to be conducted in parallel by potentially different Administration teams at each site.

The installation process is designed to get the core product up and running in your environment and proving the successful installation with a simple validation test. Once the installation process is complete, additional configuration steps must be included to fully activate Discovery Collector in your environment. These steps are


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

defined within the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector User Guide, specifically the section regarding operational readiness.

Figure 1-2 Discovery Collector Installation Phases

PlanningThe objective of the planning phase is to determine the amount of system resources that you'll need to have in place in preparation for the installation of the Discovery Collector. The template has a built-in configuration builder that generates the appropriate configuration based on your definition of the IT environment that must be managed. At the end of this phase, you will know how many system configurations you will need and the corresponding computer, network, and storage requirements necessary to support the installation and on-going operation of Discovery Collector.

InstallationOnce all system resources are in place, you install the Discovery Collector onto the allocated systems. The Installation tab of the Template contains a set of tables where you record the necessary network and storage addresses required for installation. Make sure that this tab has been completed before installing Discovery Collector. At the end of this phase, you will have installed the Discovery Collector and successfully executed a validation test to ensure the base product installation is complete.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Next Step: Operational ReadinessAfter successful installation of Discovery Collector, refer to the Operational Readiness section of the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector User Guide for additional configuration information (for example, backup and system management) that is necessary to activate Discovery Collector within your IT environment.


2 Planning for Your Discovery Collector Installation

This section acquaints Discovery Collector system administrators with the necessary context, enabling successful completion of all planning tasks necessary to stand up Discovery Collector.

Configuration Types

Figure 2-1 Configuration Types

Discovery Collector can be configured in the following ways:

• Stand-alone System—This is intended for small installations; often used for remote offices that have less than a terabyte of data. The stand-alone system configuration is supported and tested under the VMware ESX Server and VMware Server Environments.

• Clustered System—This load-balancing configuration can scale up from 1–90 terabytes of managed data, which is the actual amount of data on the


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

source volumes. The number of virtual machines required increases as the amount of data under management increases. Clustered systems are only supported within the VMware ESX Server environment and are NOT supported within the VMware Server environment.

• Federation Master—This is used to associate or federate multiple Discovery Collector systems (either stand-alone or clustered) together. The federation master aggregates the search and tagging capabilities of multiple Discovery Collector systems into a single federated experience. The federation master runs on a single VM, and the installation process is very similar to setting up a stand-alone virtual machine.

• Discovery Collector Desktop Client—A Windows MSI file that can be installed to collect data from a Microsoft Windows system. The client is deployed at the time of a legal matter, collects all necessary data, and then removes itself, so no ongoing system management is required.

Sizing Your EnvironmentWhen configuring a Discovery Collector system, the physical hardware resources required depend on the amount of data being managed by the system. During the planning process, the answers to a number of key questions determine the amount of hardware resources you will need to have in place at each installation site before beginning the actual installation process.

Questions for System SizingTotal Number of Sites?—How many physical locations will have a Discovery Collector system? Generally speaking, a physical location is defined as being connected by a high-speed Local Area Network (LAN). If there is a Wide Area Network (WAN) separating two different data sources to be managed, then each of the two locations are considered a separate site.

Total Number of Data Sources? —For each site, how many data sources must be indexed and managed?

Time of Indexing?— For each data source, determine whether to use proactive or “as required” indexing. (See the section entitled "Index" for additional information.) If you are using only “as required” indexing, you must estimate the amount of data to be indexed. This is a function of the number of custodians you have per matter, the amount of data per custodian, and how many matters will be indexed for a given data source.

Type of Indexing?—Is full-text indexing or metadata-only indexing required? (See the section entitled "Index" for additional information.)


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Planning Tab

Site IdentificationThe first step in determining the sizing requirements is identifying the number of sites that will have Discovery Collector installed. Generally, systems should be installed in each site containing data you want to manage. An exception is remote offices that only have desktop data. For these, the Desktop Client is used to collect data across the corporate WAN. For non-desktop data sources, indexing and collecting data across the WAN is not recommended due to latency and bandwidth issues.

If Discovery Collector is required in more than one site, consider whether or not a federated system is appropriate. It allows you to see all of the Discovery Collector systems from a single interface, and allows search across multiple systems at once.

To discuss whether or not it would be appropriate to install a federated system, contact your Symantec representative.

If you decide to use a federated system, consider the location in which the federation master will be installed, which is typically the location where the majority of the data and user activity exists. During the installation phase, follow the instructions for installing a federated system.

Preparing the TemplatesPrior to opening the template document, make a copy of the original and put it aside so that you always have an unedited copy of the original template available to you.

NOTE Excel version requirements

“Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Template.xlsm” was developed for and operates only in Windows Microsoft Excel 2007.

Once you have identified the number of sites and their locations, use the Save As capability in Excel to create a site-level template. Save the template as an Excel Macro-embedded workbook for each site. For example, the Template file is named “Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Template.” You might name the copies based on location, such as “Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Template_StLouis” or “Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Template_Chicago.” Having a separate workbook for each site allows for different individuals or teams to do independent, parallel site planning.

Open the spreadsheet for the site. Note that the spreadsheet requires macros, so be sure to enable them. Click on the Planning tab. Make sure you only add and delete rows using the provided buttons. The Planning tab has embedded macros


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

to calculate necessary resources, and using Excel’s copy/paste functionality in the worksheet may disable the calculation feature.

Site NameIn the Planning tab, enter the Site name.

Proactively Indexed Data SourcesIn this section, describe all of the data sources that must be proactively indexed. For each data source you will be required to provide the following information:

This image shows proactively indexed data sources.

Figure 2-2 Proactively Indexed Data Sources

“As Required” Indexed Data SourcesDescribe the data sources that must be indexed “as required.”

Table 2-1 Proactively Indexed Data Sources

Field Description

Data source name Friendly name used to identify the data source.Data source type Select from the drop-down menu of supported data sources. Total terabytes for this data source

The number of terabytes of data on the data source. You can manage the entire data source or only a portion of it. During the planning phase, you must decide only how much overall data from each data source you plan to manage.

Indexing mode Select from drop-down menu metadata or full-text indexing. Metadata indexing requires much less index storage within the NFS NAS environment than full-text indexing.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

This image shows “as required” indexed data sources.

Figure 2-3 “As Required” Indexed Data Sources

Managed Discovery Load-File Requirements

Table 2-2 Data Sources Indexed “As Required”

Field Description

Data source name Friendly name used to identify the data source.Data source type Select from the drop-down menu of supported data sources. Total terabytes for this data source

Number of terabytes of data on the data source. You can manage the entire data source or only a portion of it. During the planning phase, you must decide only how much overall data from each data source you plan to manage.

Average custodians per matter

Number of custodians that you plan to collect from on aver-age from this data source.

Average amount of data per custodian (gigabyte)

Amount of data you anticipate indexing for a legal matter from this data source for a given custodian.

Average parallel matters Total number of legal matters that will be indexed concurrently for this data source. Plan for the maximum number.

Total data required for the source (gigabytes)

Number of gigabytes in total data required for the source.

Indexing mode Select from the drop-down menu metadata or full-text index-ing. Metadata indexing requires much less index storage within the NFS NAS environment than full-text indexing.

Table 2-3 Discovery Load File Exports

Field Description

Average size of exported Discovery Accelerator matter (gigabytes)

This is the size in gigabytes for number of Discovery Acceler-ator matters you plan to export.

Maximum number of active managed Discov-ery Exports

The maximum number of active managed Discovery Exports managed at one time.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Other ConsiderationsWhen planning, consider other sizing information based on desktop collections and the amount of space required for litigation hold data.

Enterprise Vault Retention Requirements


In the worksheet, define the desktop collection requirements for this site. Discovery Collector does not store indexes when collecting data from desktops, and therefore, index space within the system is not consumed. Instead the Client conducts all the searches locally on the desktop. However, the Discovery Collector system does need to have enough available processing capacity to support the connection and data transfer requirements for all the Desktop Clients that will connect to each cluster.

Total managed data This is the total amount of managed data allowed. Indexing mode Select from the drop-down menu full-text or metadata. Meta-

data indexing requires much less index storage within the NFS NAS environment than full-text indexing.

Table 2-4 Enterprise Vault Retention Requirements

Field Description

Enterprise Vault Server Name Name of the Enterprise Vault serverAvailable Terabytes Amount of storage available in Terabytes

Table 2-5 Desktop Collection

Field Description

# of desktops to collect per matter at this site

Number of anticipated desktops to be collected from this site during a typical matter.

# of desktops to collect in parallel

Number of anticipated desktops to be collected in parallel. Up to 50 desktops can be collected per matter, but average col-lection timelines are met collecting 10 desktops at a time.

Required number of desktop connections

This field is calculated by the spreadsheet. The required num-ber of connections is a function of the number of parallel desktops to be collected and the connections per desktop.

Table 2-3 Discovery Load File Exports (Continued)

Field Description


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Running TotalsThis section keeps a running total of the data to be managed for this site. Enter a growth percentage that the calculator can use to generate the system requirements.

Required Discovery Collector SystemsOnce the Calculate button has been clicked, the spreadsheet recommends the Discovery Collector system configuration for this site. The spreadsheet builds the suggested Discovery Collector system and assigns the data sources that are to be managed by each system. Table 2-7 illustrates configuration results provided by the spreadsheet.

Once all the clusters (rows) have been added, you will create one instance of the Installation tab for each cluster identified in the Planning tab. You can copy and

Table 2-6 Running Totals

Field Description

Total data to be managed in terabytes

Total terabytes to be managed at this site.

Planned percentage data growth over the next three years

Anticipated growth (percentage) at this site over the next three years.

Grand Site total Total capacity value that the spreadsheet uses to calculate required systems

Table 2-7 Discovery Collector Configuration Spreadsheet Results

Discovery Collector System


Maximum Managed Terabytes

Physical ESX Servers

Virtual Machine Count

Stand-alone systema

a. Stand-alone systems can execute on either an ESX Server or VMware Server configuration.

1 1 1

Single ESX-Server 3 1 3

Multi-ESX-Server-2 10 2 4

Multi-ESX-Server-3 30 3 6

Multi-ESX-Server-4 60 4 8

Multi-ESX-Server-5 90 5 10


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

paste cell values from the Planning tab into the Installation tab to simplify the process of preparing the worksheets.


3 Discovery Collector Installation

About InstallationsThis section should be used when performing new installations of Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector as it provides detailed information on installing and configuring Discovery Collector. Prior to installing Discovery Collector, read Chapter 1, "Overview" of this guide in order to obtain a better understanding of its components and process.

To install and configure Discovery Collector, you must know how to administer these products:

• VMware vSphere 4 (ESX) or Server 2.x• Hardware-hosting VMware• Operating system–hosting VMware server• Hardware- and software-hosting storage allocated to Discovery Collector• Network equipment connecting Discovery Collector to the corporate and

private network segments

Concepts and DefinitionsVirtual Machine—A Virtual Machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine that will execute a single system component within the clustered system configuration. Many VMs can run on a single ESX Server.

Discovery Collector is packaged as a VMware VM and can be installed as a single Virtual Machine (VM) or as a clustered solution consisting of a number of VMs. Discovery Collector has been thoroughly tested and validated on the ESX Server Version 4.0 environment and as a hosted VM interfacing with the VMware Server Version 2.0.2 under Microsoft Windows and Linux.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Cluster—There are three different node types defined in a clustered configuration: Controller, Full-text, and Compute.

• Controller—VM within the cluster, one required per cluster, where Web application and the core application databases are managed.

• Full-text—VM within the cluster that manages the full-text indexes. One required per cluster.

• Compute —Nodes within the cluster that do all of the harvesting, indexing, and data migration, including desktop collections. The number of compute nodes will vary within a Discovery Collector system as a function of the data to be indexed and managed. At least one compute node is required per cluster.

The processing load is symmetrically distributed across all compute nodes. The first of the compute nodes is called the action node; it coordinates work load across the compute nodes. The indexes that are created during harvesting and data migration (when applicable) are stored/cached within the compute nodes until an index “load operation” is executed. At that time the cached indexes are merged into the NAS databases and managed by the Controller and Full-text node.

ESX Server—A computer system that meets the minimum requirements to run the VMs that comprise a cluster. A single ESX server hosts two or three cluster nodes depending on the configuration. The Planning tab in the Template helps determine how much VM storage is required for each ESX Server.

Private Network—A network that connects each of the VMs together for intersystem communication that does not need to be exposed or available to users. No IP addresses from your corporate network are required for this purpose.

Corporate Network—The network that allows users to access Discovery Collector using a Web browser. The data sources that will be indexed by Discovery Collector must be accessible through the network. You must provide the network addresses for the installation, including the DNS Server Addresses (primary and secondary) and a range of corporate network-routable IP Addresses that can be assigned to each required VM within the Discovery Collector system. The IP Addresses assigned to VMs within a cluster must be within the same subnet. The number of IP Addresses required varies by configuration; refer to the Template for details.

Virtual Switch—Within each ESX Server, you must define virtual switches to allow the VMs to communicate with the public and private networks, respectively.

VMNIC—Within each ESX Server, you must define two VM Network Interface Cards (VMNICS) to bind your virtual switch to the physical network.

Network Attached Storage (NAS)—The storage component for all application data, indices, temporary workspace, and index cache. Discovery Collector stores this data on Network Attached Storage (NAS) via the Network File System (NFS) protocol. Discovery Collector also uses APIs from the NAS to automate and integrate systems management and snapshots for backing up the NAS. You must


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

provide authentication credentials for the NAS so that Discovery Collector can authenticate itself using the NAS APIs. Each Discovery Collector configuration requires NAS storage; the amount is a function of the total amount of data to be managed and the type of indexing required for each data source.

Discovery Collector Hardware Prerequisites

Server Hardware RequirementsIn a production environment, a Discovery Collector cluster is normally installed on one or more VMware ESX servers dedicated to Discovery Collector. For pilot or demonstration configurations only, a Discovery Collector stand-alone configuration can be installed on a VMware Server or shared ESX server. This section describes the minimum hardware requirements for these servers.

ESX Server

ESX supported hardware platform: See "Compatibility Guides" at

• Number of CPUs: 4• Processor: Intel Xeon 55xx series or equivalent recommended• Memory: 32 GB for a multiple ESX server configuration; 48 GB for a single

ESX server configuration• Storage: 300 GB or 450 GB depending on the requirements of the

installation. Each cluster node requires 150 GB for its virtual disk.

VMware Server

Discovery Collector can generate a considerable volume of network traffic. As a minimum, we recommend an environment in which the connections support the expected response time of a 1000 Mbps switched Ethernet LAN.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

VMware Server should be hosted on a Windows or Linux Server operating system.

• Number of Processors: Two (2) quad-core processors• Processor: Intel Xeon 55xx series or equivalent recommended• Memory: Sufficient memory for the guest operating system and VMware

Server, leaving 4 GB available for virtual machine.• Storage: Sufficient storage for the host operating system and VMware

Server, leaving 300 GB available for the virtual machine.

Network RequirementsA Discovery Collector cluster requires a network segment for the private and corporate network. Connectivity between all physical ESX servers and hosted VMs to these segments is required.

A Discovery Collector stand-alone configuration requires only one network segment for the corporate network.

Storage Requirements• Discovery Collector requires storage for VMware virtual disks, metadata

indexes, full-text indexes, and temporary caches.• Storage for VMware virtual disks is supplied from VMware datastores. All

other storage requirements are satisfied by network attached storage (NAS) over the NFS protocol.

• All Discovery Collector installations require virtual disk storage for each installed virtual machine.

• A cluster installation requires additional storage supplied by a NAS system for its metadata indexes, full-text indexes, and temporary caches. NAS systems provide scalable storage to satisfy the requirements for cluster installation managing from 3–90 TB on data sources requiring 1.6–25.6 TB of Discovery Collector storage.

• A stand-alone installation requires an additional virtual disk for its metadata indexes, full-text indexes, and temporary caches. The additional storage requirements to manage up to 1 TB on data sources requires an additional 250 GB virtual disk.

Supported NFS NAS Host Types

Discovery Collector is integrated with NetApp and EMC to present system status information and manage checkpoint/snapshots of the file system for backup.

If neither a NetApp Filer or EMC Celerra NAS is available, Discovery Collector can use an NFS mount from a generic host. Any storage platform supporting NFS v3


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

is expected to work. Integrated system status and checkpoint/snapshot management are not available if this option is chosen.

Supported NFS NAS host types are listed here:

• FAS2020 or later• NetApp Filer• Celerra NX4 or better• EMC Celerra• Generic

Controller and Full-Text Node Storage

Discovery Collector controller and full-text nodes require external storage to store loaded metadata and content indexes.

The storage sizing includes required space for metadata and content storage plus 20% overhead for volume checkpoints/snapshots.

A minimum amount of storage is required for content indexes, even if full-text indexing is not performed.

Compute Node Storage

Discovery Collector compute nodes require external storage to use as temporary workspace while processing data objects, cache metadata, and content index information prior to executing a load operation.

The compute nodes require 1 TB of additional storage accessible using the NFS protocol.

Discovery Collector Prerequisite Software and Settings

Read this section for this type of information:

• Software prerequisites for Discovery Collector components• Tasks that you need to perform before installing Discovery Collector.

VMware SoftwareESX software supports multiple VMs implementing a clustered installation. To install Discovery Collector nodes, VMware Infrastructure Client is required to access ESX servers.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

VMware ESX or ESXi Server

ESX software supports multiple VMs implementing a clustered, stand-alone, or federation master installation in an Enterprise environment.

• Version: 4.x• License: Any license level supporting 4-way vSMP and the required

amount of memory. Required memory is 32 GB or 48 GB, depending on the requirements of the installation.

• Available CPUs: Eight (8) or twelve (12), depending on the requirements of the installation.

• Available memory: 32 GB for a multiple ESX server configuration; 48 GB for a single ESX server configuration.

• Available storage: 300 GB or 450 GB, depending on the requirements of the installation.

• Virtual switches: 2• Network interfaces: 2

VMware Server

VMware Server hosted on Windows or Linux servers supports a stand-alone installation in a remote or branch office environment.

• Version: 2.x• Available CPUs: 2• Available memory: 4 GB• Available storage: 300 GB

VMware vSphere Client

To install Discovery Collector, the VMware vSphere Client is required to complete the installation tasks.

• Version: 4.0.0

VMware vCenter Converter

To convert the Discovery Collector OVF image for use with VMware Server, VMware vCenter Converter is required to create the virtual machine files from the OVF image.

• Version: 4.0.1

Network Settings


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

The Discovery Collector user interface and access to data sources is provided through the corporate network segment. To complete the configuration of the Discovery Collector system, you must provide details of the corporate network routing and name resolution configuration.

The Discovery Collector cluster requires a private network connecting all nodes for intranode communication. The network address for the private network is identified during the installation process.

ESX Server Network Configuration

To add a virtual switch for the Discovery Collector Private Network:

1 In the VMware Infrastructure Client, select the VMware server.

2 Click the Configuration tab.

3 Under Hardware, click Networking.

4 Click Add Networking. The Add Network Wizard appears

5 Select Virtual Machine, and click Next.

6 Select Create a virtual switch.

a. If installing a configuration with more than one ESX server, leave the default NIC, vmnic1, selected. Otherwise, deselect the NIC.

b. Click Next.

7 In the Network Label attribute field, enter Private Network

8 Leave the VLAN ID blank. Click Next.

9 Review the configuration. If changes are required click Back to return to previous screens and make corrections.

10 To commit the addition of the virtual switch for the Private Network, click Finish.

Table 3-1 Required Corporate/Private Network Attributes

Attribute Corporate Private

Network address X XNetmask XDefault gateway XDNS search order XDNS: primary XDNS: secondary XDNS: tertiary X


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Virtual Disks

Each Discovery Collector cluster node requires 150 GB of storage for its virtual disk. This storage is allocated from a datastore configured on the ESX server. A Discovery Collector standalone requires an additional 250 GB virtual disk to be associated with the virtual machine. The virtual disk must be present to begin the installation procedure.

Cluster StorageDiscovery Collector stores metadata for managed storage on external NAS volumes mounted using the NFS protocol.

NFS protocol requirements

• Version 3• Transport over TCP

Controller and Full-Text Node Storage

The volume sizing includes required space for metadata storage plus 20% overhead for volume checkpoints/snapshots.

Three NFS volumes:

1 nfs_nindex

2 nfs_findex1

3 nfs_findex2

The volume sizing includes required space for metadata storage plus 20% overhead for volume checkpoints/snapshots.



Table 3-2 nfs_nindex Storage

Managed storage (TB) nfs_nindex (TB)

3 .1110 .3730 1.1160 2.2190 4.42


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

The size of the nfs_findex1 and nfs_findex2 volumes is a function of the total terabytes with an indexing mode of “Full” for a cluster.

Volume size (TB) = (Full indexing mode TB) * .078

• The minimum size for nfs_findex1 and nfs_findex2 is 10 GB.• If the computed volume size is equal to or less than 10 GB, allocate 10 GB

for nfs_findex1 and nfs_findex2.• If the computed volume size is greater than 10 GB, allocate the computed

volume size for nfs_findex1 and nfs_findex2.

Compute Node Storage

At a minimum, a single NFS export must be supplied for compute node storage. A single export can be used by multiple compute nodes. A single compute node can generate a considerable amount of disk activity. If performance is a concern, it is recommended that NFS exports map to an isolated set of physical disks that are dedicated for each compute node. It is recommended that 1 TB of storage be available for each compute node using a specific NFS export.

Discovery Collector Preinstallation Tasks

VMware Account RequirementsAn account with these privileges to deploy a virtual machine is required:

• vApp.Import• Datastore.Allocate space• Network.Assign network• Virtual Machine.Configuration.Add new disk

An account with these privileges to clone a virtual-machine image is required:

• On the Discovery Collector virtual machine: Virtual machine.Provisioning.Clone

• On the destination folder or datacenter: Virtual machine.Inventory.Create

NAS Configuration

Netapp Filer

A FAS2020 or later running a version of ONTAP 7.3.1 or later capable of allocating up to 16 TB per (NFS) file system is required.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Discovery Collector automatically creates snapshots that can be backed up directly from the Filer. To enable the restore strategy via snapshots, NetApp SnapRestore is required.

Striping the aggregates containing the Discovery Collector volumes across the maximum number of available disks is recommended to optimize performance.

The use of NetApp FlexVol is encouraged to support resizing of volumes as the data under management with Discovery Collector scales.

The NetApp Filer supports up to two controllers in an active/active configuration. The volumes can be split across the two available heads. The recommendation is to configure one head to serve the Nindex (metadata) volume and one head to serve the full-text volumes during normal operation.

A user assigned the predefined admin role is required for the Discovery Collector to manage snapshots and monitor a NetApp NAS.

NFS Export Configuration

All volumes must be enabled for read and write access. The Read-only export option for each export must NOT be checked.

The following export options must be enabled:

• Anonymous User ID• Read-Write Access• Root Access• Security

The anonymous User ID attribute value should be set to zero (0).

The hostname or IP address of the Discovery Collector Controller, the Full-text node, and the compute node must be specified in the following attributes for each NFS export.

• Read-Write Hosts• Root Hosts

The export should be configured for Unix-style security.

EMC Celerra

An EMC Celerra NX4 or later is required running version 5.6 software or later capable of allocating 16 TB per (NFS) file system.

Striping the LUNs allocated to host the Discovery Collector volumes across the maximum number of available disks is recommended to optimize performance.

A user assigned the nasadmin role is required for the Discovery Collector to manage Checkpoints and monitor an EMC Celerra NAS.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

NFS Export Properties

All volumes must be enabled for read and write access. The Read-only attribute for each export must NOT be checked.

The hostname or IP address of the Discovery Collector Controller and Full-text nodes must be specified in the following attributes for each NFS export.

• Read/Write Hosts• Root Hosts• Access Hosts

Generic NAS

The Discovery Collector is integrated with EMC Celerra and NetApp for management and backups leveraging file system checkpoints/snapshots. For all other NAS systems, Discovery Collector expects only the NFS volumes to be available. There is no management or backup features enabled for these environments.

NFS Export Configuration

The following options must be specified for the exported volume accessible to the Controller, compute, and Full-text Discovery Collector nodes.

• read-write (rw)• Turn off root squashing (no_root_squash)• Reply to requests only after the changes have been committed to stable

storage (synch)• No subtree checking (no_subtree_check)

Installation TabBefore installing any VMs, create and complete one copy of the Installation tab for each Discovery Collector system at the site, as calculated in the Planning tab.

Stand-alone Configuration

Table 3-3 Stand-Alone Configuration Fields

Field Definition

ESX server


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Hostname IP address The IP Address of the actual ESX Server that you'll need to use to copy the uninstalled Discov-ery Collector VMs onto the ESX Server where they will be decompressed, installed into the ESX server environment and then configured for use within the cluster.

Corporate Network Address Corporate network addressCorporate Network Netmask Corporate network netmaskCorporate Network Default Gateway Corporate Network Default GatewayDNS Primary Primary DNSDNS Secondary Secondary DNSVM-Type Stand-aloneCorporate Network Hostname Corporate network hostnameCorporate Network IP Corporate network IPNote that a stand-alone configuration does not require Private Network

Table 3-3 Stand-Alone Configuration Fields

Field Definition


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Clustered Configuration

Figure 3-1 Clustered System Configuration

Table 3-4 Clustered Configuration

Table Field Definition

ESX server ESX serverServer hostname IP address Server hostname IP address

Corporate Network—Network Address DetailsNetwork Address Network AddressNetmask NetmaskDefault Gateway Default GatewayDNS Primary Primary DNSDNS Secondary Secondary DNS

Virtual Machine Configuration


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Corporate Network virtual switch

For each ESX Server you'll need to identify the virtual switch name that you plan to use within the ESX Server to communicate to the public network for the Dis-covery Collector Virtual Machines.

Corporate Network VMNIC Name of the VMNIC you plan to use to bind your Corporate Net-work Virtual Switch to the corpo-rate physical network.

Private Network Virtual Switch For each ESX Server you'll need to identify the virtual switch name that you plan to use within the ESX Server to communicate to the private network.

Private Network VMNIC Name of the VMNIC you plan to use to bind your Private Network Virtual Switch to the private physical network.

NAS Configuration—Manage API Interface

Authenticates to the NAS to enable API access for the man-agement interfaces and snap-shot enablement.

IP Address IP AddressUser Name User name to authenticate to

the NAS to enable API access for the management interfaces and snapshot enablement.

Password Password to authenticate to the NAS to enable API access for the management interfaces and snapshot enablement.

NAS Configuration Mount Point Names

Names of the file systems that are required on the NAS for Dis-covery Collector to store appli-cation and index data. Discovery Collector requires three differ-ent file systems to be created. The size of the NINDEX (meta-data) file system is constant within a given Discovery Collec-tor System Configuration (e.g., Multi-ESX-Server-2). The FIN-DEX file system sizes vary depending on the amount of managed data that needs to be full-text indexed.

Table 3-4 Clustered Configuration (Continued)

Table Field Definition


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Virtual Machine Procedures

Deploying OVF Template to ESX ServerTo deploy the OVF template to an ESX Server using vSphere Client:

1 Connect to ESX server or vCenter server.

2 From the File menu, select Deploy OVF Template.

3 For the source:

a. Select Deploy from File.

b. Browse to and select Symantec_EVDC90.ovf from the \Server directory of the VMware ESX installation media.

c. Click Next.

4 For the OVF Template Details:

a. Click Next.

5 For the Name and Location, name the deployed template.

6 For the Resource Pool:

a. Select the resource pool where the deployed OVF template will run.

b. Click Next.

7 For the Datastore:

a. Select a datastore on which to store the deployed OVF template files.

b. Click Next.

NINDEX Name of the mount point for the application and metadata index.

FINDEX1 Name of the mount point for the first full-text index.

FINDEX2 Name of the mount point for the second full-text index.

ESX Server NameVM-Type Controller, Full-text, ComputeCorporate Network Hostname Corporate Network HostnameCorporate Network IP Corporate Network IPPrivate Network IP Private Network IP

Table 3-4 Clustered Configuration (Continued)

Table Field Definition


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

8 For Network Mapping:

a. Map the network to the configured Corporate Network.

b. Click Next.

9 For the Ready to Complete section:

a. Review the deployment settings.

b. Click Finish.

Converting the OVF Template for VMware ServerTo convert the OVF template for VMware Server using VMware vCenter Con-verter:

1 Specify the source.

a. Select Virtual appliance.

b. Click Browse and navigate to the \Server directory of the Discovery Collector installation media for VMware ESX.

c. Select the .ova file.

d. Click Next to advance to Appliance details.

e. Click Next to advance to Specifiy Destination.

2 Specify the destination.

a. Select VMware Workstation or other VMware virtual machine as the destination type.

b. Select VMware Server 2.x as the VMware product.

c. Specify a name for the virtual machine.

d. Click Browse to select the destination for the deployed virtual machine. Create a new folder on the destination file system, if desired.

e. Click Next.

3 View/edit options.

a. Click Edit for Devices.

b. Change the number of processors to two (2).

c. Change the memory of this virtual machine to 4096 MB.

d. Click Next.

4 At the Ready to Complete screen:

a. Review the selected options, using the Back button to return to previous screens to make corrections.

b. Click Finish to convert ovf into a virtual machine for use with VMware Server 2.x.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Replicating a Virtual Machine on an ESX ServerRefer to the VMware documentation for additional information.

To replicate a Virtual Machine on an ESX server:

1 Clone the uploaded VM image for each of the required number of VMs to complete the cluster configuration. The process should complete in approximately 30 minutes for each virtual machine copy.

a. Copy between folders and servers/datastore using the VMware Infrastructure Client (Datastore Browser).

b. Clone VMs using vCenter Server.

Powering on a Virtual MachineTo power on the Controller Virtual Machine for the first time:

1 In the VMware Infrastructure Client, select the VM.

2 Click the Summary tab, and then click Power on.

3 Select the I copied it option.

4 Click Ok.

About the Configuration WizardOn the first boot, the system launches a text-based configuration wizard. The wizard is used for all configuration types: Clustered, Stand-alone, and Federated. The screens are similar for all configurations. To work in the wizard, use the Tab button to navigate, the Space bar to select items, and the Enter key to commit choices.

Clustered Configuration Process

Installing the Controller NodeOnce the ESX server, network, and NAS storage requirements have been met, configure the Controller node. You must configure the Controller before attempting to install or configure any of the other Discovery Collector nodes.

To install the Controller node:

1 Click the Open Console link.

a. In the VMware Infrasturcture Client, click the Summary tab for the VM.

b. Click the Open Console link.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

2 Select the node type.

a. On the Select Node Type screen, use the Tab key to highlight Controller, and then press the space bar.

b. Using the Tab key, highlight Next, and then press Enter.

3 Review and either accept or decline the End User License Agreement (EULA).

a. Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the text.

b. If you chose to accept the EULA, use the Tab key to highlight Accept, and then press Enter to accept the agreement.

c. If you chose to decline the EULA, use the Tab key to highlight Decline, and then press Enter. The virtual machine will automatically halt, ending the installation process.

4 In the NAS Type Selection screen, use the Tab key to choose the correct NAS type, and then press the space bar.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

5 For NetApp NAS Configuration:

a. Enter the IP address of the first NetApp Controller.

b. If using dual-controllers, enter the IP address of the second NetApp Controller. Otherwise, leave blank.

c. Enter the user name for the Admin user.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

d. Enter the password for the Admin user.

e. Nindex volume configuration

(1) Enter 1 or 2 corresponding to the First or Second (Controller) head serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

(3) Enter the name of the volume defined on the NAS. This name is used to configure snapshots.

f. First Full-text volume configuration

(1) Enter 1 or 2 corresponding to the First or Second (Controller) head serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

(3) Enter the name of the volume defined on the NAS. This name is used to configure snapshots.

g. Second Full-text volume configuration

(1) Enter 1 or 2 corresponding to the First or Second (Controller) head serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

(3) Enter the name of the volume defined on the NAS. This name is used to configure snapshots.

6 For EMC Celerra Configuration:


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

a. Enter the IP address of the NAS Control Station.

b. Enter the user name for the Admin user.

c. Enter the password for the Admin user.

d. Nindex volume configuration

(1) Enter the IP address of the Data Mover serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

(3) Enter the name of the volume defined on the NAS. This name is used to configure checkpoints.

e. First Full-text volume configuration

(1) Enter the IP address of the Data Mover serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

(3) Enter the name of the volume defined on the NAS. This name is used to configure checkpoints.

f. Second Full-text volume configuration

(1) Enter the IP address of the Data Mover serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume

(3) Enter the name of the volume defined on the NAS. This name is used to configure checkpoints.

7 For Generic (NAS) Configuration:


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

a. Nindex volume configuration:

(1) Enter the IP address of the host serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

b. First Full-text volume configuration:

(1) Enter the IP address of the host serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

c. Second Full-text volume configuration:

(1) Enter the IP address of the host serving the volume.

(2) Enter the NFS export path for the volume.

d. Verify the volume settings. Press the Tab key to navigate between fields to make corrections.

e. Commit the settings. Press the Tab key to highlight Next. Press the Enter key.

8 In the Corporate Network Configuration screen, select Static IP (default). A static IP address ensures a consistent address to access the application through its Web interface and is the basis for permissions assigned for NFS volumes that will be mounted by the host.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

9 Configure the static IP address.

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Corporate Network IP

• Netmask

• Gateway

• Primary DNS host

• Private network address

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Hostname field.

c. Enter a fully qualified hostname and then press the Enter key.

d. Enter an IPv4 address on the Corporate network and press the Enter key.

e. Enter the Netmask for the assigned IP address and press the Enter key.

f. Enter the IP address of the default gateway for the IP subnet and press the Enter key.

g. Enter the IP address for a domain name server and press the Enter key.

h. Enter an IP network address for the private network. Possible values:,,


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

10 The configuration information is validated. If a validation step fails, navigate back and correct it in the wizard. If validation succeeds, the system automatically reboots.

• Give the appliance 7–10 minutes to complete the installation process and reboot. Monitor status using the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

To obtain IP using DCHP:

a. Gather the following information to complete the IP using DHCP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Controller IP

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Obtain IP via DHCP selection. Press the Space bar to select the option.

c. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the hostname field. Enter a hostname.

d. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Controller IP field. Enter the IP address for the Controller.

11 The configuration information is validated. If a validation step fails, navigate back and correct it in the wizard. If validation succeeds, the system automatically reboots.

Give the system 7–10 minutes to complete the reboot.

Monitor status using the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

To access the Controller Web interface:

1 Enter the http:// URL to access the system in a Web browser. Use the IP address assigned to the system:

http://<IP address>/

Optionally, use the hostname assigned to the system, assuming the hostname is resolvable by a local DNS server:


2 The log-in screen for the web browser appears.

To install the Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license:

1 Obtain a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license. See "About Licenses," on page 53.

2 Click the Install license link on the Login page.

3 Click Choose File.

4 Navigate to and select a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license file.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

5 Click Install.

6 After the license has been successfully installed, click Continue.

To complete Controller configuration in the application user interface:

1 In the Email address field, enter admin (the default account).

2 In the Password field, enter admin (the default password)

3 Click Log in. The system dashboard appears.

4 Click the configuration tab at the top of the page to display the System configuration page.

5 Verify network settings:

a. Click Network settings.

b. Click Controller settings.

c. Verify the primary network interface attributes.

d. Verify DNS settings.

e. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click Cancel to return to the system configuration page.

6 Verify system date and time settings.

a. Enter the local date and time.

b. Select the correct city representing the local time zone from the drop-down list.

c. Optionally, enable NTP by selecting the check box, and then enter an accessible NTP server IP address or hostname.

d. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click Cancel to return to the system configuration page.

Navigating away from the system date and time page after committing a change to the date, time, or time zone may result in the current user browser session timing out. The login page will be returned. Complete the login process to return to the web UI.

7 Reboot the system if changes have been made.

a. Click the dashboard tab.

b. In the appliance status section click About appliance.

c. Click reboot all nodes to initiate a reboot of the system. Note that only the Discovery Collector compute nodes are rebooted. The NAS node is not included in the reboot all nodes task.

d. In the dialog box, click ok.

The log-in page appears. Allow 3-5 minutes for the system reboot to complete before attempting to log in.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

To configure VM CPU and disk shares:

If you have a single ESX server installation or chose to share an ESX server hosting the Discovery Collector Controller with another application, it should have its CPU and disk shares configured as high to ensure that the application user interface is responsive for all workloads.

1 Shut down the Controller VM.

2 In the VMware Infrastructure Client, right-click the Controller virtual machine. Select Edit Settings.

3 In the Virtual Machine Properties dialog box, click the Resources tab.

4 Click the CPU setting. Under Resource Allocation change the Shares attribute to High.

5 Click the Disk setting. Under Resource Allocation change the disk Shares attribute to High.

a. If the VM is powered on, the disk Shares setting will not be available.

b. Click the Shares column for the disk. A drop-down box will be presented to change the Shares attribute value.

6 Click OK.

7 Power on the Controller VM.

Installing the Full-text Index NodeBefore installing the Full-text index node, verify the Controller node is up and available on the corporate network. You must be able to access the Web-based user interface.

To install the Full-text Index node:

1 Power on the Full-text index VM.

2 Launch the configuration wizard by clicking the Summary tab for the VM in the VMware Infrastructure Client, and then click the Open Console link.

3 In the Select Node Type screen, select Full-text. Click Next, and then press Enter.

4 In the Corporate Network Configuration screen, select Static (default).

5 Configure the Static address.

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Corporate Network IP

• Netmask


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

• Gateway

• Primary DNS host

• Private network address

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Hostname field.

c. Enter a fully qualified hostname and press the Enter key.

d. Enter an IPv4 address on the Corporate network and press the Enter key.

e. Enter the Netmask for the assigned IP address and press the Enter key.

f. Enter the IP address of the default gateway for the IP subnet and press the Enter key.

g. Enter the IP address for a domain name server and press the Enter key.

h. Enter a corporate network IP address for the Controller.

To obtain IP using DCHP:

a. Gather the following information to complete the IP using DHCP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Controller IP

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Obtain IP via DHCP selection. Press the Space bar to select the option.

c. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the hostname field. Enter a hostname.

d. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Controller IP field. Enter the IP address for the Controller.

6 Verify the network settings; use the Tab key to navigate between fields and make any corrections.

7 Highlight Done, and press Enter. The system automatically reboots.

Give the system 3–5 minutes to complete the reboot, and then monitor status via the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

Installing the Action NodeThe Action node is the first of the compute nodes to be installed. Before installing the Action node, verify that the Controller node is up and available on the corporate network. You must be able to access the Web-based user interface.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

To install the Action node:

1 Power on the Action node VM.

2 Launch the configuration wizard by clicking the Summary tab for the VM in the VMware Infrastructure Client and clicking the Open Console link.

3 In the Select Node Type screen, select Action Node. Click Next, and press Enter.

4 In the Database storage specification screen.

a. Enter the NFS Host IP address.

b. Enter the NFS Export name.

c. Press Tab to highlight the Next button, and then press Enter.

5 In the Corporate Network Configuration screen, select either Static (default) or Obtain IP via DCHP.

To configure the Static address.

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Corporate Network IP

• Netmask

• Gateway

• Primary DNS host

• Controller IP

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Hostname field.

c. Enter a fully qualified hostname and press the Enter key.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

d. Enter an IPv4 address on the Corporate network and press the Enter key.

e. Enter the Netmask for the assigned IP address and press the Enter key.

f. Enter the IP address of the default gateway for the IP subnet and press the Enter key.

g. Enter the IP address for a domain name server and press the Enter key.

h. Enter a corporate network IP address for the Controller.

To obtain IP using DCHP:

a. Gather the following information to complete the IP using DHCP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Controller IP

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Obtain IP via DHCP selection. Press the Space bar to select the option.

c. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the hostname field. Enter a hostname.

d. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Controller IP field. Enter the IP address for the Controller.

6 Verify the network settings; use the Tab key to navigate between fields and make any corrections.

7 Highlight Done, and press Enter. The system automatically reboots.

Give the system 3–5 minutes to complete the reboot.

Monitor status using the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

Installing Compute Node(s)Before installing the remaining compute nodes, verify the Controller node is up and available on the corporate network. You must be able to access the Web-based user interface.

Repeat this process for all remaining compute node VMs in the configuration.

To install a compute node:

1 Power on the compute node VM.

2 Launch the configuration wizard by clicking the Summary tab for the VM in the VMware Infrastructure Client and clicking the Open Console link.

3 In the Select Node Type screen, select Compute. Click Next, and press Enter.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

4 In the Database storage specification screen:

a. Enter NFS Host IP address.

b. Enter the NFS Export name.

c. Press Tab to highlight the Next button, and then press Enter.

5 In the Corporate Network Configuration screen, select Static (default). To configure the Static address:

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Corporate Network IP

• Netmask

• Gateway

• Primary DNS host

• Controller IP

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Hostname field.

c. Enter a fully qualified hostname and press the Enter key.

d. Enter an IPv4 address on the Corporate network and press the Enter key.

e. Enter the Netmask for the assigned IP address and press the Enter key.

f. Enter the IP address of the default gateway for the IP subnet and press the Enter key.

g. Enter the IP address for a domain name server and press the Enter key.

h. Enter a corporate network IP address for the Controller.

To obtain IP using DCHP

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Controller IP

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Obtain IP via DHCP selection. Press the Space bar to select the option.

c. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the hostname field. Enter a hostname.

d. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Controller IP field. Enter the IP address for the Controller.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

6 Verify the network settings; use the Tab key to navigate between fields and make any corrections.

7 Highlight Done, and press Enter. The system automatically reboots.

Give the system 3–5 minutes to complete the reboot.

Monitor status using the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

Stand-alone Configuration ProcessFor the stand-alone configuration of the Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector.

To configure a stand-alone version of Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector:

1 Install virtual machine.

2 Add second hard disk to the virtual machine with a size of at least 250 GB. See "Storage Requirements," on page 18.

3 Power on the virtual machine.

4 Launch the configuration wizard by clicking the Summary tab for the VM in the VMware Infrastructure Client and clicking the Open Console link.

5 In the Select Node Type screen, select Stand-alone. Click Next, and press Enter.

6 Review and accept the End User License Agreement.

7 Select Database Storage Specifcation, and then select either of the following options:

• No extra storage

• Virtual disk (if one is detected)

8 In the Corporate Network Configuration screen, select either Static or Obtain IP via DCHP


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

To configure the Static address.

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Public Network IP

• Netmask

• Gateway

• Primary DNS host

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Hostname field.

c. Enter a fully qualified hostname and press the Enter key.

d. Enter an IPv4 address in the Public IP field and press the Enter key.

e. Enter the Netmask for the assigned IP address and press the Enter key.

f. Enter the IP address of the default gateway for the IP subnet and press the Enter key.

g. Enter the IP address for a domain name server and press the Enter key.

To obtain IP via DCHP

a. Gather the following information to complete the DCHP IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Obtain IP via DHCP selection. Press the Space bar to select the option.

c. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the hostname field. Enter a hostname.

9 Verify the network settings; use the Tab key to navigate between fields and make any corrections.

10 Highlight Done, and press Enter. The system automatically reboots.

Give the system 3–5 minutes to complete the reboot.

Monitor status via the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

To access the Web interface:

1 Enter the http://URL to access the system in a web browser. Use the IP address assigned to the system:

http://<IP address>/

Optionally, use the hostname assigned to the system assuming the hostname is resolvable by a local DNS server:


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide


2 The log-in screen for the web browser appears.

3 In the Email address field, enter admin (the default account).

4 In the Password field, enter admin (the default password)

5 Click Log in. The system dashboard appears.

To install the Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license:

1 Obtain a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license. See "Licensing," on page 53 for more information.

2 Once a valid license is obtained, click Install license on the Login page.

3 Click Choose File.

4 Navigate to and select a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license file.

5 Click Install.

6 After the license has been successfully installed, click Continue.

Complete stand-alone configuration in the application user interface:

1 Click the configuration tab at the top of the page to display the System configuration page:

2 Verify network settings

a. Click the Network settings link.

b. Controller settings

c. Verify the primary network interface attributes.

d. Verify DNS settings.

e. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click cancel to return to the system configuration page.

3 Enter mail server settings

a. Enter a fully qualified hostname for a SMTP server accepting outbound email.

b. Enter an email address that will be used to address email originating from the system. The system originates email for user administration, reports, and monitoring.

c. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click cancel to return to the system configuration page.

4 Verify system date and time settings

a. Enter the local date and time.

b. Select the correct city representing the local time zone from the drop-down list.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

c. Optionally, enable NTP by selecting the check box, and enter an accessible NTP server IP address or hostname.

d. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click cancel to return to the system configuration page.

Navigating away from the system date and time page after committing a change to the date, time or time zone may result in the current user browser session timing out. The login page will be returned. Complete the log-in process to return to the web UI.

5 Reboot the system if changes have been made.

a. Click the dashboard tab.

b. Click the About appliance link in the appliance status section.

c. Click reboot to initiate a reboot of the system.

d. In the dialog that appears, click OK.

The log-in page appears. Allow 3-5 minutes for the system reboot to complete before attempting to log-in.

Federated System Configuration ProcessThis section provides procedural information for a Federated configuration of the Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector. Refer to the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector User Guide for more information about Discovery Collector federation.

To configure a federated version of Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector:

1 Install and power on the VM.

2 Launch the configuration wizard by clicking the Summary tab for the VM in the VMware Infrastructure Client and clicking the Open Console link.

3 In the Select Node Type screen, use the Tab key to highlight Federation Master, and then press Enter.

4 Click Next, and then press Enter.

5 Review and either accept or decline the End User License Agreement (EULA).

a. Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the text.

b. If you chose to accept the EULA, use the Tab key to highlight Accept, and then press Enter to accept the agreement.

c. If you chose to decline the EULA, use the Tab key to highlight Decline, and then press Enter. The virtual machine will automatically halt, ending the installation process.

6 In the Corporate Network Configuration screen, select either Static or Obtain IP via DCHP.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

To configure the Static address.

a. Gather the following information to complete the static IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

• Public Network IP

• Netmask

• Gateway

• Primary DNS host

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Hostname field.

c. Enter a fully qualified hostname and press the Enter key.

d. Enter an IPv4 address in the Public IP field and press the Enter key.

e. Enter the Netmask for the assigned IP address and press the Enter key.

f. Enter the IP address of the default gateway for the IP subnet and press the Enter key.

g. Enter the IP address for a domain name server and press the Enter key.

To obtain IP via DCHP

a. Gather the following information to complete the DCHP IP configuration for the system:

• Hostname

b. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Obtain IP via DHCP selection. Press the Space bar to select the option.

c. Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the hostname field. Enter a hostname.

7 Verify the network settings; use the Tab key to navigate between fields and make any corrections.

8 Highlight Done, and press Enter. The system will automatically reboot.

Give the system 3–5 minutes to complete the reboot.

Monitor status using the VM console in VMware Infrastructure Client.

To access the Controller Web interface:

1 Enter the http:// URL to access the system in a web browser. Use the IP address assigned to the system:

http://<IP address>/

Optionally, use the hostname assigned to the system assuming the hostname is resolvable by a local DNS server:


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide


2 The log-in screen for the web browser appears.

To install an Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license:

1 Obtain a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license. See To install a license: for more information.

2 Once you have obtained a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license file, click Install license link from the Login page.

3 Click Choose File.

4 Navigate to and select a valid Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license file.

5 Click Install.

6 After the license has been successfully installed, click Continue.

To complete Controller configuration in the application user interface:

1 In the Email address field, enter admin (the default account).

2 In the Password field, enter admin (the default account).

3 Click Login, and the system dashboard appears.

4 Click Manage federated system and select Network settings.

5 Verify network settings.

a. Click Network settings.

b. Click Controller settings.

c. Verify the prinary network interface attributes.

d. Verify the DNS settings.

e. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click Cancelto return to the dashboard page.

6 Click Manage federated system and select System date and time.

7 Verify the system date and time settings.

a. Enter the local date and time.

b. Select the correct city representing the local time zone from the drop- down list.

c. Optionally, enable NTP by selecting the check box and enter an accessible NTP server IP address or hostname.

d. Commit any changes by clicking OK, or click Cancel to return to the system configuration page.

Navigating away from the system date and time page after committing a change to the date, time, or time zone may result in the current user


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

browser session timing out. The login page will be returned. Complete the login process to return to the Web UI.

8 Reboot the system if changes have been made.

a. Click Manage federated system and select System management.

b. Click Reboot the federated master link to initiate a reboot of the system.

c. In the dialog box, click Ok.

The login page appears. Allow 3–5 minutes for the system reboot to complete before attempting to log in.

Viewing Discovery Collector IP AddressesIf you configured Discovery Collector to use an IP address assigned via DHCP, you can connect to the system console to view the assigned IP address.

To view the IP address assigned to Discovery Collector:

1 Using VM Infrastructure client, connect to the system console.

2 Log in to the console.

• login: util

• Password: util


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

3 The IP address assigned to the system is the eth0 IP address in the menu header. In this example,

4 Press the letter 'q' and press Enter to quit the menu. You will be logged out of the console and returned to the log-in prompt.


4 Licensing

InstallationOnce Discovery Collector has been installed, you cannot log into the system until a valid license has been installed. The login page indicates whether Discovery Collector has been licensed, and if so, whether or not that license is temporary.

After successfully installing a valid license file, you can then log into and begin using the system.

To install a license:

1 On the login page, click Install License.

2 In the License dialog, click Browse to upload the license file.

3 Click Install.

4 Once the license has installed successfully, click Continue.

5 Login using your system credentials.

To remove the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector license:

1 On the system configuration tab, click license information.

2 Click Remove license link.

You do not need to add a license each time you log into the system.

Once a license has been removed, you can continue to use the system until the session times out or you log out, however, a license must be installed prior to logging into the system again.

About LicensesA production license is permanent and does not expire. Once a production license has been installed, you will no longer see the Install license link on the login page. A license information link off of the configuration tab lets users view current license information.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide


5 Connecting Discovery Collector to Enterprise Vault

Once the installation of the system is complete along with the required licenses, use the procedures outlined here to validate that the installation functions properly with an existing Enterprise Vault setup. You will first be guided through the process of configuring the Enterprise Vault server(s) to ensure that Discovery Collector can communicate successfully with them. The latter part of this section walks you through a simple validation test using Discovery Collector.

Prerequisites for Discovery Collector ArchivingIn general, Discovery Collector communicates with the Enterprise Vault Server(s) using DCOM. DCOM is a proprietary Microsoft technology for communication among software components distributed across networked computers.

This section focuses on the following:

• Listing the ports and protocols required for the interaction between Enterprise Vault and Discovery Collector.

• Configuring Windows firewall to enable DCOM network traffic.

Prerequisites for Enterprise VaultGather the following information required to configure Discovery Collector to access Enterprise Vault.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Server Information• Names/IP addresses of all Enterprise Vault server(s) in the Site that you

plan to use for archiving.

Vault Service Account Credentials

The user name and password of the Vault Service account is used by Discovery Collector to:

• Login remotely to an Enterprise Vault server.• Perform DCOM operations over RPC .

Microsoft Outlook Client

Microsoft Office email 2003 or later must be installed on the Enterprise Vault Server(s) to be able to properly index email archived by Discovery Collector.

Requirements for DCOM

Enabling Remote DCOMTo enable remote DCOM for Vault Service account:

1 Run dcomcnfg as a user with administrator privileges.

2 In the Component Services dialog box, click Component Services and Computers, right-click My Computer, and then click Default Properties. If it is not already enabled, select the Enable Distributed COM on this Computer check box.

3 Click the COM Security tab.

4 Under Launch and Activation Permissions, click Edit Limits.

5 In the Launch Permission dialog box, if the user name does not appear in the Groups or User Names list:

a. In the Launch Permission dialog box, click Add.

b. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, add the Vault Service account and then click Ok.

c. In the Launch Permission dialog box, select your user.

d. In the Allow column under Permissions for User, select Remote Launch and Remote Activation, and then click Ok.


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Allowing DCOM Traffic through the Windows FirewallTo allow DCOM traffic over the network on the target server, the DCOM TCP port (135) must be open on the firewall.

To open the firewall port to allow DCOM traffic as a user with administrator privileges:

1 In the Control Panel, double-click Windows Firewall.

2 Click Change Settings, and then click the Exceptions tab.

3 In the Exceptions window, select the DCOM check box to enable DCOM traffic through the firewall. If there is no check box:

a. Click Add Port.

b. In the Name field, enter DCOM.

c. In the Port Number field, enter 135.

d. Ensure that the TCP option is selected.

e. Click Ok.

Validation TestingThis section contains a series of steps that help validate the Discovery Collector installation. Refer to the Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector User Guide for additional information.

This validation test includes the following:

• Defining and indexing a Windows network share (CIFS volume) as a data source.

• Defining an Enterprise Vault volume and creating a matter archive.• Archiving objects into the Enterprise Vault matter archive.• Inspecting audit trails to ensure the actions were successful.

Defining a CIFS Volume as a Data Source

To define a CIFS volume as a data source:

1 On the data sources tab, click volumes. The primary volume list appears.

2 Click Add primary volumes. The Add volume dialog box appears.

3 In the Server type list, select CIFS.

4 In the Server, Connect as, Password, and Volume fields, enter the appropriate values.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

5 In Index options, select the Include system metadata for data objects within containers and Include content tagging and full-text index check boxes.

6 Click Ok.

Figure 5-1 Add volume dialog box

Defining the Enterprise Vault Site

To define the Enterprise Vault site:

1 On the data sources tab, click Enterprise Vault sites. The Enterprise Vault site list appears.

2 Click Add new Enterprise Vault site. The Enterprise Vault site editor page appears.

3 In the Site name field, enter an identifying name for the Enterprise Vault site.

4 In the Enterprise Vault site alias field, enter a DNS alias for an Enterprise Vault server on the site.

5 In the Enterprise Vault site user name field, the user name must be entered as domain\user. Enter the login name of the Vault Service account.

6 In the Password field, enter the password of the Vault Service account.


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7 Click Ok.

Figure 5-2 Enterprise Vault site editor

Defining an Enterprise Vault Retention Volume

To define an Enterprise Vault retention volume:

1 On the data sources tab, click Volumes. The Primary volume list appears.

2 Click Retention, and then click Add retention volumes. The Add volume dialog box appears.

3 In the Add volume dialog box, complete these fields:

a. In the Server type list, select Enterprise Vault.

b. In the Site list, select a site for this retention volume.

c. In the Vault store list, select the vault store where the matter archive will be created by Discovery Collector.

d. In the Matter archive name field, enter the name of this archive to create for this matter.

e. In the Default retention category list, select the retention category for this retention volume.


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4 Click Ok.

Figure 5-3 Add Volume dialog box showing an added Enterprise Vault retention volume

Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts

To create a folder to manage validation test artifacts:

1 On the data management tab, click New, and then click New Folder. The Create new folder dialog box appears.

2 In the Name field, enter the name for this folder.

3 In the Description field, enter a description of this folder.

4 In the Create in list, select the location for this folder to reside.

5 Click Ok.

Figure 5-4 Create new folder dialog box

Creating and Executing a Job

You can create and execute a job to harvest the primary CIFS volume.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

To create and execute a job:

1 Click the data management tab. The data management page appears.

2 In the folder list, open the Validation Test folder created in "Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts," on page 60.

3 Click New, and then select Job. The Create a job dialog box appears.

4 In the Save in list, select the folder created in "Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts," on page 60.

5 Click Ok.

Figure 5-5 Create a job dialog box

6 The Create a job confirmation dialog appears, notifying you that the job was successfully created. Click the click here link.

7 Click Add step, and then click Run harvest. The specify harvest and load options page appears.

a. In the Harvest these volumes list, select the CIFS volume created in "Defining a CIFS Volume as a Data Source," on page 57.

b. In the Harvest type, select the Run an incremental harvest option.

c. In the Harvest and load settings, select the Run harvest and load indexes and Load indexes when harvest completes options.

d. In the Harvest limits, select the Only harvest check box, and then enter 100 to set the number of data objects.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

e. In the Options, select the Synchronize classifications and user tags if needed and Generate explorers for published classifications if needed check boxes.

f. Click Ok, and then click Start job. Note the message of This job is running now in the job details page.

g. Navigate to the dashboard tab to watch the progress of the harvest and to wait for it to complete.

Inspecting Harvest Audit Trails

To inspect the harvest’s audit trail:

1 On the audit trails tab, click View all harvests.

2 In the Last harvested column, click the last harvest of the CIFS volume. The harvest overview page appears, which provides a summary of the harvest information for that volume.

3 Verify the count in the row Total system data objects and Fully processed is greater than zero.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

Viewing the Owner’s Data Explorer

To view the owner’s data explorer:

1 Click the data views tab.

2 In the data explorers area, click the owners tab.

Figure 5-6 Data Explorers view

Searching for an Owner

To view the owner’s data explorer:

1 Click the data views tab.

2 In the search area, click the attribute search.

3 In the Search in these volumes list, select the CIFS volume created in "Defining a CIFS Volume as a Data Source," on page 57.

4 In the When results include container members, show list, select the Container members option.

5 In the Attribute area, click Browse.... The Browse for attributes dialog box appears.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

6 Select the System metadata folder, and then select the Owner attribute.

7 The Configure a condition dialog box appears.

a. In the Operator list, select contains.

b. In the Value list, enter the name or part of name of the selected Owner for the search.

c. Select the option to Evaluate the members of containers and Evaluate all data objects.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

d. Click Search. The attribute search results page appears.

Creating a Published Classification from a Search

For this section, use the search results generated in "Searching for an Owner," on page 63.

To create a published classification from a search:

1 On the data views tab, review and then save the created query by clicking save query. The Save query dialog box appears.

a. Select the Classification rules option.

b. In the Classification type, select Published.

c. Select the Run the synchronizer after save is complete option.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

d. Click create a classification. The Create a new classification dialog box appears.

(1) In the Name field, enter the name for this new classification.

(2) In the Description field, enter the description for this new classification.

(3) In the Volume list, select the volume created in "Defining a CIFS Volume as a Data Source," on page 57.

(4) In the Save in list, select the folder created in "Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts," on page 60.

(5) Click Save.

e. Click Ok, and then wait for the synchronization to complete.

Creating a Copy Policy to Enterprise Vault

To create a copy policy to Enterprise Vault:

1 Click the data management tab.

2 In the folder list, navigate to the folder created in "Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts," on page 60.

3 On the New button, select Policy. The Policy Editor page appears.

a. In the Policy Name field, enter the name of this policy.

b. In Classification, click Browse to navigate to Validation Test Class.

c. In the Specify the action area, select Copy.

d. Click Ok. The copy policy editor page appears.

(1) In the Source volume field, select All volumes associated with current classification.

(2) In the Destination volume list, select the Enterprise Vault volume as its destination.

(3) For container options, select the Copy only responsive data objects option.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

e. Click Ok.

Figure 5-7 Copy Policy Editor page

Creating a Job to Execute a Policy

To create a job to execute a policy:

1 Click the data management tab.

2 In the folder list, navigate to the folder created in "Creating Folders to Manage Validation Test Artifacts," on page 60.

3 On the New button, select Job. The Create a job dialog box appears.

a. In the Name field, enter the name of this job.

b. In Save in field, select Validation Test.

c. Click Ok.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

4 In the Job completed successfully dialog box, click click here.

5 In the job details page, click Add step. In the choose a step type menu, select Execute policy.

a. In the Execute this policy field, navigate to the policy created in "Creating a Copy Policy to Enterprise Vault," on page 66.

b. Select the Update indexes when policy completes option.

6 Start the job and monitor its progress from the dashboard.

Inspecting Policy Audit Trails

To inspect policy audit trails:

1 Click the audit trails tab.

2 In the policies area, locate Browse by, and then click Name.

3 Click validation copy test.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide

4 Verify the counts in the columns Success count and Total data objects is greater than zero.

a. Select a policy name to view its execution results.

b. Select total successful to review details about successful objects.

c. Click View metadata to review metadata details for any given object.


Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector Installation and Planning Guide