Syllabus for the Academic Year 2019 - 2020

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Transcript of Syllabus for the Academic Year 2019 - 2020

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Syllabus for the Academic Year 2019 - 2020

Department: Civil Engineering

Semester: III



Course and

Course Code Course Title L T P S C

1 BS 18MA301 Integral Transforms and Numerical

Technique 4 0 0 0 4

2 PC 18CE302 Applied Engineering Geology 2 0 2 0 3

3 PC 18CE303/


Applied Mechanics /

Elements of Civil Engineering 4 0 0 0 4

4 PC 18CE304 Fluid Mechanics 3 2 0 0 4

5 PC 18CE305 Survey Theory 3 0 0 0 3

6 PC/




Construction Technology and Building

Materials (other than lateral entry

students) / Fundamental Mathematics

(for lateral entry students)

3 0 0 0 3

7 PC 18CE3L01 Survey Practice - I 0 0 3 0 1.5

8 PC 18CE3L02 Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machinery

Laboratory 0 0 3 0 1.5

9 HS 18SK301 Skill Development-I 0 0 2 0 1

Total Contact Hours 19 4 10 0 25

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Integral Transforms and Numerical Techniques

Subject Code: 18MA301 L-T-P-C: 4-0-0-4

Course Objectives :



Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Introduce the concept of Laplace Transform and problems

on periodic function.

2 Introduce the concept of solving Linear Differential

Equations by the method of Laplace Transform.

3 Represent a periodic function as a Fourier Series and

Compute the Fourier coefficients numerically.


To develop the proficiency in Numerical techniques and

solving Ordinary Differential Equations arising in

engineering applications.




CO1 Understand the basic concepts of Fourier series and Integral transforms.


Apply Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform in solving

differential equation and integral equation arising in network analysis,

control system and others fields of engineering.


Demonstrate Fourier series and Integral transforms to study behaviour of

periodic functions, discrete/continuous functions arising in single and

system, field theory and system communication

CO4 Analyze and apply single step and multistep numerical methods in

engineering problems.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Laplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace transforms of elementary

functions and problems, periodic functions, unit step functions -problems.

Inverse Laplace transforms: Inverse Laplace transforms, problems. Solution

of linear differential equations by Laplace transform method.



Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet’s conditions. Fourier series of

periodic functions with period 2 and with arbitrary period .2l Fourier series

of even and odd functions. Half range Fourier series. Practical harmonic

analysis. Applications- frequency spectrum and examples from engineering




Fourier Transforms : Infinite Fourier transforms. Fourier Sine and Cosine

transforms. Inverse Fourier transforms, and simple problems.

Z-Transforms: Difference equations, basic definitions, Z-transform-

definition, Standard Z-transforms, Damping rule, Shifting rule, Initial value

and Final value theorems(without proofs) and problems, Inverse Z-transform,

Simple problems. Applications-solutions of difference equations using Z-




Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of first order and

first degree: Taylor’s series method, Modified Euler’s method, Runge- Kutta

method of fourth order, Milne’s and Adams-Bashforth Predictor and Corrector

methods (No derivation of formulae).



Numerical solution of second order ODE: Runge- Kutta method and

Milne’s Predictor and Corrector method (No derivation of formulae).

Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s thrd 83,31 rule,

Weddle’s rule, Romberg integration, Newton-cotes integration (without



SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Question paper Pattern:

1. Question paper consists of 10 questions of 20 marks each.

2. Each unit will be having two questions. Answer any one full question from

each unit.

Text Books:



Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Higher Engineering Mathematics B.S.Grewal 43rd Ed.,2015.

2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics E.Kreyszig

10th Ed.,2015.

Reference Book:



Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 A text book of Engineering Mathematics N.P.Bali and Manish


7th Ed.,2010.

2 Higher Engineering Mathematics B.V.Ramana 2006

3 Higher Engineering Mathematics H.K.Das and

Er.Rajnish Verma

1st edition 2011.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Applied Engineering Geology

Subject Code: 18CE302 L-T-P-C: 3-0-2-3

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

Sl.No Course Objectives


Engineering geology is an applied discipline that involves the collection,

analysis, and interpretation of geological data and information required for the

safe development of civil works.


Students are able to understand the internal structure and composition of the

earth, and comprehend the properties, occurrence and uses of minerals and rocks

in various industries and constructions of civil engineering structures.


This Course is to focus on the core activities of engineering geologists – site

characterization and geologic mitigation. Through lectures, labs, student will

learn the engineering properties of rock..


Also includes the assessment and mitigation of geologic hazards such

earthquakes, landslides, flooding; the assessment of groundwater remediation

and resource evaluation.

Course outcome



After successful completion this course students will be able to:

Describe index properties of earth dynamic and justify geological hazards.

CO2 Determine minerals and rock mass properties and its suitability in engineering


CO3 Estimate and evaluate the ground behavior and conditions of rocks

CO4 Delineate the interactions between groundwater systems and change detection

of thematic layers through geo-informatics techniques..

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Introduction-scope of geological studies in various civil engineering

projects.Mineralogy: definition.Rock forming minerals and ore minerals,

Physical properties of minerals, Special properties of minerals.

Lab Exercises: Identification of minerals: Silica group: Quartz and its

varieties: Feldspar group:Orthoclase, Plagioclase; ; Carbonate group:

Calcite;Dolamite. Element group: Graphite; Pyroxene group: Talc; Mica

group: Biotite.,Muscovite; Amphibole group: Asbestos, Olivine, Hornblende,

Corundum, Kyanite, Gypsum. Garnet, Ore minerals: Magnetite,

Hematite,limonite,Pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrolusite, Galena,Bauxite.Chromite.

Igneous petrology- Various forms of rocks. Texture and its types. Structures.

Classification of Igneous rocks .

Lab Exercises: Identification of Igneous: Granite, Diorite, Gabbro,Syenite,

porphyries, Dolerite, Pegmatite, Basalt and its varieties.



Sedimentary petrology: Mode of formation, Mineralogical Composition.

Texture and its types, Structures, Gradation of Clastic rocks. Classification of

sedimentary rocks and their characteristics. .

Lab Exercises: detailed study and Identification and uses of Sedimentary

rocks: Conglomerate,Breccia, Sandstone and its varieties , Laterite,

Limestones, Shales.

Metamorphic petrology- Agents and types of metamorphism, structures &

textures in metamorphic rocks.

Lab Exercises:Detailed study,Identification and engg uses of Metamorphic

rocks;Gneiss,Schistand its varieties. Quartzite, Marble,




Geomorphology and Geodynamics : Geological agents and their processes in

restructuring the earth's surface, Weathering of rocks, Kinds of weathering,

Formation of soil and its classification, Soil profile, Soil erosion and its

conservation; Geological work of rivers; Concept of Plate tectonics, Geological

hazards such as landslides and earthquakes, Causes, Effects,



Structural and Engineering Geology: Definition - Outcrops, Dip and Strike,

Compass clinometers; Description of folds and its types; Faults and its types;

Joints and its types; Recognition of folds, faults in the field and its consideration

in Civil Engg projects; Geological site investigation, Surface and subsurface

explorations by Geological and Geo-Physical investigations; Selection of site for

Dams, Reservoirs, Tunnels, Bridge sites and Highways; Rock as a Engg material

in construction of foundations, Concrete Aggregate, Road metal, Railway ballast

with reference to Engg properties.

Lab Exercises:Out crop problems,Dip and Strike problems, Borehole

problems,Study of topographical features from Geological maps. Identification

of symbols in maps.


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department


Hydrogeology and Geoinformatics: Hydrological cycle, Water bearing

properties of Rocks and Soils, Aquifers and its types, Geological factors for

selecting a site for sinking wells and Electrical Resistivity survey for Ground

water explorations, Artificial Recharge of Groundwater by different methods,

Effect of ground water on various Civil Engg structures. Study of Topographic

maps and Contour maps; Remote Sensing – Concept, Application and its

Limitations; Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning

System (GPS).


Question paper Pattern:

-The question paper will have ten questions, each full question carrying 20 marks.

-There will be two full questions with a maximum three sub-divisions, if necessary from each


-Each full question shall cover the topics under a unit.

-The student shall answer five full questions selecting one full question from each unit.

-If more than one question is answered in units best answer will be considered for the award of

marks limiting one full question answer in each unit.

Text Books:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Text book of Engineering and General


Parbin Singh Katson publishing

house, Ludhiana,

2009.2nd Edition.

2 Text book of Geology Mukherjee, P. K World Press Pvt. Ltd.,


3 Principles of Engineering Geology Gokhale, K. V. G. B S Publication,

Hyderabad, 2011

4 Engineering Geology for Civil


Venkata Reddy, D. Oxford and IBH

Publishing company,

New Delhi, 1997

5 Engineering Geology.


B. S.

DhanpatRai& Co

Reference Book:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Principles of Petrology Tyrrell, G. W Chapman & Hall Ltd,


2 Groundwater Hydrology Todd, D. K John Wiley & Sons,

New York, 1980.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

3 Structural Geology Billings, M. P Prentice Hall, 1972.

4 Remote sensing and GIS Anji Reddy, M. B S Publlications, 2008

5 Remote sensing Geology

Ravi, P Gupta Springer Verilag, New


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Applied Mechanics

Subject Code: 18CE303 L-T-P-C: 4 – 0 – 0 - 4

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

Sl. No. Course Objectives

1 To make the students to know about the various fields of Civil Engineering, basic

concepts of mechanics, analysis of coplanar systems, concepts of centroid, Moment of

inertia ,friction and their applications in engineering field.

Course outcome


CO1 Gain the knowledge of various fields of Civil Engineering.

CO2 Analyze coplanar force systems.

CO3 Compute the centroid and the moment of inertia of plane figures.

CO4 Apply friction laws to analyze the problems on friction.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Introduction to Civil Engineering

Scope of major fields of civil engineering-Surveying, Geotechnical

Engineering, Structural Engineering, Hydraulics & Water Resources,

Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.

Infrastructure: Types of infrastructure, Role of Civil Engineer in the

Infrastructural development, Effect of the infrastructural facilities on socio-

economic development of a country.

Roads: Types of Roads and their functions,

Dams: Different types of Dams based on Material, Structural behaviour and

functionality with simple sketches. Materials of Construction: Properties & applications of PCC, RCC, PSC and steel.



Introduction to Engineering Mechanics

Basic idealizations - Particle, Continuum and Rigid body, Introduction to SI

units. Force- Definition, classification of force systems, composition and

resolution of forces. Numerical Problems on composition and resolution of

forces. Principle of Transmissibility of forces. Resultant of coplanar

concurrent force system. Numerical problem on Resultant of coplanar

concurrent force systems. Couple, Moment of a couple, Characteristics of

couple, Moment of a force, Equivalent force - Couple system; Numerical

problems on moment of forces and couples, on equivalent force - couple

system. Varignon's theorem, Resultant of non-concurrent force systems.

Numerical problems on Resultant of non-concurrent force systems.



Equilibrium of concurrent force system

Equilibrium of coplanar concurrent system of forces, free body diagram,

Conditions of equilibrium. Definition of Equilibrant, Numerical problems on

equilibrium of coplanar concurrent force systems.

Equilibrium of non-concurrent force system

Equilibrium of non-concurrent system of forces, Types of loads, supports for

beam, statically determinate and indeterminate beams, Numerical problems on

statically determinate beams subjected to concentrated load, Uniformly

distributed load, Uniformly Varying Load and their combinations Problems on

equilibrium of different force systems.




Definition of Centroid & Centre of Gravity, Axes of Symmetry, Location of

Centroid of Rectangle,Triangle,Semicircle,Quardrant and sector of a circle by

method of integration. Numerical problems on Centroid of Composite


Moment Of Inertia

Concept of Moment of inertia, perpendicular axis theorem, parallel axis

theorem, and moment of inertia of Rectangular, Circular, Semicircular,

Quadrant of a circle Triangular sections by method of integration. Numerical

Problems on moment of inertia of composite section.


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department



Definition of Friction and its applications, angle of friction, angle of repose,

coefficient of friction. Types of Friction, laws of static friction, Description

and application of friction on blocks on horizontal and inclined planes.

Ladder friction and problems.


Question paper Pattern:

1. Question paper consists of 10 questions of 20 marks each.

2. Each unit will be having two questions. Answer any one full question from

each unit.

Text Books:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 ‘Elements of Civil Engineering and

Engg. Mechanics’

M.N Shesha Prakash,

Ganesh B. Mogaveer

3rd edition, 2014

2 ‘Elements of Civil Engineering and

Engineering Mechanics’

B.K Kolhapure 3rd edition, 2018

Reference Book:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 ‘Engineering Mechanics’

Stephen Timoshenko

& D H Young,


5th edition, 2017.

2 ‘Engineering Mechanics-Statics and

Dynamics’ A Nelson 1st edition, 2009

3 ‘Elements of Civil Engineering &

Mechanics’ H.J. Sawant & S.P.


2nd edition, 2016

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Elements of Civil Engineering

Subject Code: 18CE307 L-T-P-C: 4-0-0-4

Course Objectives :

Course Outcomes

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 In recognizing the good materials to be used for the

construction work.

2 To Know the application and to select the suitable

materials for specific purpose.

3 To acquire the knowledge about the sources, availability,

quantity and quality aspects of the materials.


To impose standardization to material manufacturing

industries to produce strong, cheap and environment

friendly building materials




CO1 Predict the properties of building stones & it’s classifications

CO2 Understand the Classification & Manufacturing of Lime

CO3 Understand the Qualities, Defect , Preservation of timbers and other


CO4 Understand the importance of modern materials for construction.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Stones: Classification of rocks, Sources of stones, Rock-forming minerals-

Texture or structure of a rock, Fracture of a rock , uses of Stone, Natural bed

of stones, Test for stones, Qualities of a good building stone, Stone quarrying-

process of blasting, Precautions in blasting, Dressing of Stones, Deterioration

of stones, Preservation of stone.



Clay Products and Refractories: Ceramics, Clay products, Tiles, Terra-cotta,

Earthenware, Stoneware, porcelain, Glazing, Clay blocks, Refractories

Lime: Some definitions, Classification of binding materials, Sources of lime,

Constituents of lime stones, Classification of lime, Comparison between fat

lime and hydraulic lime, Manufacture of Fat lime, Manufacture of natural

hydraulic lime, Test for Limestone



Timber: Classification of tress-Soft woods and hard woods, Structure of a

tree, Felling of tree, Defect in timber, Qualities if good timber, Decay of

timber, preservation of timber, Fire- resistance of timber, Seasoning of timber,

Conversion of timber, Storage of timber, Advantage of timber construction.



Steel: General, Manufacture of steel, Uses of steel, Factors affecting physical

properties of steel, magnetic properties of steel, Defect in steel, Mechanical

treatment of steel, Properties of mild steel, Properties of hard steel, Corrosion

of ferrous metals.

Non- ferrous Metals and Alloys: Non –ferrous metals, Aluminium, Cobalt,

Copper, Lead, Magnesium, Nickel, Tin, Zinc, Alloys, Aluminium alloys,

Copper alloys, Magnesium alloys, Nickel alloys, Steel alloys



Glass: General, Classification of glass, Composition of glass, properties of

glass, Types of glass, Manufacture of glass, Treatment of glass, Coloured

glass, Glass industry in India.

Paints, Varnishes, and Distempers: General, Painting, Varnished,

Distempering, Preparation and application of paints to new and old Plastered

surface, wooden and steel surface.


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Question paper Pattern:

1. Question paper consists of 10 questions of 20 marks each.

2. Each unit will be having two questions. Answer any one full question from

each unit.

Text Books:



Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Engineering Materials Rangwala 43rd Ed.,2017.

2 Building Materials Duggal.s.k

4th Ed.,2008.

Reference Book:



Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Alternative Building Materials


Jagadish.k.s 2007.

2 Building Materials, products, properties

and system

Gambhir.M.L &

Neha Jamwal


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics

Subject Code: 18CE304 L-T-P-C: 3-2-0-4

Sl. No Course Objectives

1 To Introduce The Concepts Of Fluid Mechanics Useful In

Civil Engineering Applications

2 The Course Provides a First Level Exposure to the

Students to Fluid Statics and Kinematics

3 The Course Provides a First Level Exposure to the

Students to Dynamics and Measurement of Pressure


The Course Provides a First Level Exposure to the

Students about Computations of Hydrostatic Forces on

Structural Components and Flow Measurements

Course outcome

Descriptions: Students will be able to

CO1 Possess a Sound Knowledge of Fundamental Properties Of Fluids And

Fluid Continuum.

CO2 Compute and Solve Problems on Fluid Pressure Measurement and

Hydrostatics, Including Practical Applications.


Apply Principles of Mathematics to Represent Kinematic Concepts

Related To Fluid Flow and Apply Fundamental Laws of Fluid Mechanics

and the Bernoulli’s Principle For Practical Applications and In Flow

through Open Channel.

CO4 Compute the Discharge through Pipes and Over Notches and Weirs.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Introduction: Scope and importance of subject, Definition of Fluid,

Distinction between solids & fluids, Distinction between liquid & gas, fluid


Fluid properties and classification of fluid: Mass density, specific volume,

Specific Weight, Relative density, Definition, units and Dimensions,

Viscosity, Newton's law of viscosity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian

Fluids, Ideal and Real fluids, Vapour pressure, Surface tension, Definitions,

units and dimensions, Equation for stability of bubble, Capillarity, theory and




Fluid Pressure And Its Measurement: Definition Of Pressure, Units And

Dimensions, Pressure At A Point, Pascal's Law, Hydrostatic Pressure Law,

Absolute And Gauge Pressure, Measurement Of Pressure, Simple

Manometer Theory And Problems, Differential Manometer Theory &

Problems, Mechanical Pressure Gauges.

Hydrostatics: Definition Of Total Pressure, Center Of Pressure, Centroid,

Centoidal Depth, Depth Of Center Of Pressure, Equation For Hydrostatic

Force And Depth Of Center Of Pressure On Plane Surfaces (Vertical And

Inclined), Problems On Hydrostatic Force- Vertically Submerged Surfaces,

Problems On Inclined Submerged Surfaces. Pressure Diagram Problems.

Hydrostatic Force On Submerged Curved Surfaces



Kinematics Of Fluids: Description Of Fluid Flow, Lagrangian And Eulerian

Approaches, Classification Of Flow, Steady & Unsteady, Uniform And Non-

Uniform, Definition Of Path Line, Streamline, Streak Line, Stream Tube, One,

Two Three Dimensional Flows, Rotational And Irrotational Flow, Acceleration

Of Flow, One Dimensional Flow, Derivation Of Continuity Equation In

Differential Form. Definition Of Velocity Potential, Stream Functions, Stream

Line, Equi-Potential Line, Relation Between Velocity Potential And Stream

Function ,Laplace Equation, Problem On Continuity Equation, Problem On

Velocity potential And Stream Functions.



Dynamics Of Fluid Flow: Concept Of Inertia Force And Other Forces Causing

Motion, Derivation Of Euler's Equation And Bernoulli's Equation With

Assumption And Limitation, Modification Of Bernoulli's Equation, Problem On

Bernoulli's Equation Without And With Losses, Application Of Bernoulli's

Equation-Pitot Tube, Problems, Venturimeter, Problems, Momentum Equation


Flow Through Pipes: Introduction, Reynolds Number, Classification Of Flow,

Definition Of Hydraulic Gradient, Energy Gradient, Major And Minor Losses In

Pipe Flow, Equation For Head Loss Due To Friction (Darcy-Weishbach

Equation).Friction Factor For Commercial Pipes, Minor Losses (Types), Equation

For Head Loss Due To Sudden Expansion. Problems on Minor Losses, Pipes in

Series, Pipes in Parallel and Equivalent Pipe, Problems.


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department



Flow Measurements: Flow Through Orifices, Classification, Hydraulic Co-

Efficients Of An Orifice And Relation Between Them, Equation For Co-Efficient

Of Velocity, Problems, Flow Through Mouth Pieces, Classification, Equation For

Discharge And Pressure Head For An External Cylindrical Mouth Piece.

Flow Measurements: Flow Over Notches, Classification, Equation For

Discharge Over Rectangular And Trapezoidal Notches, Equation For Discharge

Over V-Notch, Problems, Cippoletti Notch, Types Of Nappe, Ventilation Of

Weirs, Broad Crested Weirs, Problems.


Question paper Pattern:

1. Each unit will be having two questions.

2. Answer any one full question from each unit.

Text Books:

Sl. No Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Including Hydraulic Machines

P.N. Modi and S.M.

Seth 20th Edition- 2015

2 A textbook of Fluid Mechanics and

Hydraulic Machines R K Bansal 9th Edition -2017

3 Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic

Machines K A Subramanya, 3rd Edition -2008

Reference Book:

Sl. No Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Elementary Hydraulics

Cruise, J.F., Singh,

V.P. and Sherif,


1st Edition -2007

2 Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic

Machines K A Subramanya 3rd Edition -2009

3 Fluid Mechanics

Douglas, J.F.,

Gasoriek, J.M.,

Swaffield, J. and Jack


5th Edition -2006

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Surveying Theory

Subject Code: 18CE305 L-T-P-C: 3-0-0-3

Sl. No Course Objectives

1 To make the students to know the importance of

surveying and its applications.

2 To know the usage of different types of instruments in

obtaining the field measurements.


To make the students to set out the curves and to

determine the angles and distances using various

surveying instruments.

4 To compute the capacity of reservoirs under particular

contours and areas in the field applications.

5 To incorporate the field measurements in developing the

solution for a practical problems.

Course outcome


CO1 Ability to understand the concepts of chain surveying for various types of

surveys along with compass and levelling instruments.

CO2 Able to learn about theodolite to measure horizontal and vertical angles and to

know the principles of trigonometric levelling and tacheometer.

CO3 To know about different types of curves and field applications of contours.

CO4 Ability to compute of area and volume by different methods and to know the

various Modern surveying techniques.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Chain surveying: Introduction to Surveying, Classification, Basic Principles,

Scales-plain and diagonal scales, Shrunk scale and problems on this. Chains

and its types, Tape and its types, Ranging of lines and types of ranging,

Measurement of distances over sloping ground, Numerical problems on Chain

and Tape corrections. Accessories required in Chain Surveying, survey

stations and lines, Offsets and its types, setting out of right angles using optical

square, prism square, cross staff and tape, Booking of chain survey work in the

field book.



Compass Surveying: Accessories for compass surveying, Principle, working

of Prismatic compass and Surveyor's compass, Meridians and bearings and

their types. Whole circle bearing and reduced bearings. Computations of

bearings and included angles for a closed traverse, Local attraction and its

determination, Closing errors and its direction for a closed traverse. Numerical

problems on balancing the traverse by Bowditch and transit rule.

Levelling: Introduction, basic definitions, parts of Dumpy level and its

fundamental axes. Temporary adjustments of a dumpy level, Methods of

Levelling-simple levelling, fly levelling, fly-back levelling, profile levelling

and cross sectioning. Booking of levels, height of instrument method and rise

and fall method. Arithmetic checks. Numerical problems on above.



Theodolite survey: Theodolite and its types, Temporary adjustments of

theodolite, Measurement of horizontal angles, Method of repetitions and

reiterations. Measurement of vertical angles.

Trigonometric levelling: Determination of elevation of objects when the base

is accessible and inaccessible by single plane method. Distance and difference

in elevation of an elevated object by double plane method.

Tacheometry: Basic principle, Types of tacheometric survey, Tacheometric

constants and equations for horizontal line of sight and inclined line of sight in

fixed hair method. Numerical problem on this.


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department


Curve setting: Simple curve and its elements, setting out of simple curves by

linear methods-offsets from long chord, Rankine’s deflection method,

Numericals on this. Compound curves and its elements, Design of compound

curves. Numericals on this.

Contouring: Introduction to Contouring, characteristics, methods of

contouring direct and indirect methods. Contour intervals, Interpolation of

contours. Uses of contours, Capacity of contours and its Numerical problems.



Areas and volumes: Introduction, Computations of area and volume by mid-

ordinate rule, average ordinate rule, trapezoidal and prismoidal rule, Numerical

problems on area and volume.

Electronic Distance Measurement: Introduction, Fundamental Principles of

Measurement - Pulse Method, Phase Difference Method, Classification of EDM

Instruments, Errors-Zero Error, Cyclic Error & Scale Error.

Total Station: Introduction, Terminologies, Characteristics of Total Station,

Fundamental Measurements, Errors in Total Station Survey, Types of Total Station

Instruments. Advantages and Disadvantages of Total Station Survey.

Geographical Information System: Introduction, Components, Types & Functions

of GIS, Types of Data-Spatial & Attribute, Maps in GIS - Types, Applications of

GIS in Civil Engineering. Global Positioning System: Introduction, Principle,

Satellite Constellation, Segments of GPS-Space, Control and User, Applications.


Question paper Pattern:

1. The question paper will have 5 units comprising of ten questions. Each full

question carrying 20 marks.

2. The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Text Books:

Sl No Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition


“Surveying”, Laxmi Publications, New


B C Punmia, Ashok

kumar Jain and Arun

kumar Jain

Volume 1, 17th

Edition, 2016


“Engineering Surveying”, Tata McGraw-

Hill publications, New Delhi

S K Duggal Volume 1, 3rd Edition,



“Surveying”, Laxmi Publications, New


B C Punmia, Ashok

kumar Jain and Arun

kumar Jain

Volume 2, 17th

Edition, 2016

Reference Books:

Sl No Text Book title Author Volume and

Year of Edition


“Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS”, Laxmi

Publications, New Delhi S Kumar 3rd Edition, 2019


“Remote Sensing and Geographical Information

Systems”, B S Publications M Anji Reddy

Volume 1, 4th Edition, 2019


“Surveying and levelling”, Standard Book

House, New Delhi K R Arora

Volume 1, 11th Edition, 2015


“Plane Surveying”, New Age International

publishers, New Delhi A M Chandra

Volume 1, 2nd Edition, 2016

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Construction Technology and Building Materials

Subject Code: 18CE306 L-T-P-C:3-0-0-3

Course Outcomes

Course Objectives

Students enable to find out the ways in which engineering materials can be used in the

best economic way in the field construction.

Course outcome



Understand various types of Building Materials.

CO2 Understand the concept of construction technology.

CO3 Develop knowledge to know the component parts of a building like footing,

plinth, column, beam, lintel, floors, roofs, balcony and staircase etc.

CO4 To understand the importance of foundations and the concept of green building.

UNIT Description Hours


Building materials: Introduction, Bricks, composition, classification, properties of

good bricks, tests on bricks and uses. Common building stones, classification,

properties and uses. Cement, types, properties, and uses (manufacturing not

included). Steel, types, properties and its market forms. Timber properties, defects,

uses. Tiles-roofing and flooring.



Masonry: Introduction, classification, definition and terms used in masonry. Brick

masonry, classification of bricks and brick masonry. Bonds in brick work- English

bond, Flemish bond and Reinforced brick work. Stone masonry, classification, joints

in stone work, composite masonry. Walls and its types- Load bearing walls, non-load

bearing walls, cross walls and partition walls.



Components of building: Introduction, different components of building and their

definition. Classification of arch and lintel. Functions of footing, plinth, walls, arch,

lintel, column, beam, chejja, slab, canopy and balcony. Doors, windows and

ventilators and their functions. Roofs-types, roofing materials, flooring- types, factors

affecting the selection of roofing materials. Stairs, definition, requirements of ideal

stairs, types.


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Question paper Pattern:

1.Question paper consists of 10 questions of 20 marks each

2. Each unit will be having two questions.

3. Answer any one full question from each unit.

Text Books:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Engineering Materials, Rangawala P.C. Volume 3,43rd 2017

2 Building Constructions Sushil Kumar Volume 1,20th 2017

3 Building Constructions Dr. B C Punmia, Er

Ashok K Jain,Dr Arun

K Jain.

Volume 1,11th 2014

Reference Book:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Building Materials P.G. Varghese Volume 1,2nd 2015

3 Sustainable Construction; Green building

design and delivery

C.J.Kibert: John

Wiley, Hoboken,

Edition 2, 2008 John


IV Foundation: Excavation, Bearing capacity of soils. Classification of foundation-

Deep Foundation, Shallow Foundation. 8


Finishing work and form work: Plastering, purpose, materials used, methods and

defects. Painting, purpose and defects. Form work, components, types- scaffolding,

shoring and underpinning. Concept of Green building


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department


Subject Code: 18DIP300 L-T-P-C: 3 – 0 – 0 - 3

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

After the successful completion of the course, the students are able

Sl. No. Course Objectives

1 The purpose of this course is to make students to develop a

basic Mathematical knowledge required for higher

semesters with few examples of its engineering





CO1 to understand the basic concept of calculus like differentiation and


CO2 to understand the concepts of partial differentiation and differential

equations arising in a variety of engineering applications.

CO3 to understand the practical importance of Laplace transforms and their

utility in network analysis, circuit theory and convection problems.

CO4 to apply the concept of probability in problem solving and relate the

solutions to the various engineering streams.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Differential Calculus: nth derivatives of some standard functions (without proof), Leibnitz’s Theorem(statement),Polar curves –angle between the radius vector and the tangent pedal equation- Problems. Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions of one variable - Illustrative examples.


II Partial Differentiation : Partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous

functions of two variables. Total derivatives, Total differential, differentiation of

composite and implicit function, Jacobians.


III Integral Calculus: Statement of reduction formulae for sin

nx, cos

nx, and


nx and evaluation of these with standard limits-Examples. Double and

triple integrals-Simple examples.



Ordinary differential equations (ODE’s): Introduction-solutions of first order

and first degree differential equations, exact, linear differential equations . Higher order ODE’s: Linear differential equations of second and higher order

equations with constant coefficients. Homogeneous /non-homogeneous

equations. Solutions of initial value problems.



Probability: Introduction, Sample space and events. Axioms of probability.

Addition and multiplication theorems, Conditional probability-illustrative

examples. Baye’s theorem-problems.


Question paper Pattern:

1. Question paper consists of 10 questions of 20 marks each.

2. Each unit will be having two questions. Answer any one full question from

each unit.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Text Books:



Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Higher Engineering Mathematics

B.S.Grewal 43rd Ed.,2015

2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics E.Kreyszig 10th Ed.,2015

Reference Book:



Text Book title Author Volume and Year

of Edition

1 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Peter V. O’Neil 7th Edition

2 Advanced Modern Engineering


Glyn James 4th Edition, 2011

3 Higher Engineering Mathematics B.V.Ramana 2006

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Surveying Practice - I

Subject Code: CEL307 L-T-P-C: 0-0-3-1.5

Course Objectives: Enable the students to

Course Outcomes: Students will be capable of

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Use basic survey equipment.

2 Measure horizontal distance and angles between two points

3 Measure vertical distance and angles between two points

4 Draw profile of the ground



Descriptions: Students will be capable of

CO1 Projecting geometrical shapes on the ground using chain, tape and prismatic


CO2 Obtaining the profile of the ground using dumpy level

CO3 Obtaining the map of the area shown using plane table

CO4 Determine distance between 2 inaccessible points can be obtained using

prismatic compass and plane table

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Experiments Teaching


1.Survey by using Chain/Tape/Compass

a. To set out rectangles, pentagon, hexagon

12 b. To determine the angle between 2 points

c. To determine the distance between two inaccessible points

2. Survey by using Plane table

a. To locate points using radiation and intersection method of plane tabling

12 b. To solve 3-point problem in plane tabling using Bessel's graphical


3. Survey by using Theodolite/Total station

a. To determine difference in elevation between two points using fly

leveling technique & to conduct fly back leveling. Booking of levels

using both HI and Rise & Fall methods

16 b. To determine difference in elevation between two points using

reciprocal leveling and to determine the collimation error

c. To conduct profile leveling for water supply / sewage line and to draw

the longitudinal section to determine the depth of cut and depth of filling

for a given formation level

d. Demonstration of total station

Question paper Pattern:

1. All experiments are to be included in the examination except demonstration exercises.

2. Candidate to perform experiment assigned to the students.

Text Books:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Surveying B C Punmia, Ashok kumar Jain

and Arun kumar Jain

Volume 1, 17th

Edition, 2016

2 Engineering Surveying S K Duggal Volume 1, 3rd

Edition, 2009

3 Surveying B C Punmia, Ashok kumar Jain

and Arun kumar Jain

Volume 2, 17th

Edition, 2016

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Reference Book:

Sl No Text Book title Author Volume and

Year of Edition

1 Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS S Kumar 3rdEdition, 2019

2 Remote Sensing and Geographical

Information Systems M Anji Reddy

Volume 1, 4th

Edition, 2019

3 Surveying and levelling K R Arora Volume 1, 11th

Edition, 2015

4 Plane Surveying A M Chandra Volume 1, 2nd

Edition, 2016

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department


Subject Code: 18CE3L02 L-T-P-C: 0-0-3-1.5

Course Outcomes:

Sl. No Course Objectives

1 Calibrate Flow Measuring Devices

2 Determine The Force Exerted By Jet Of Water On Vanes

3 Measure Discharge And Head Losses In Pipes

4 Understand The Fluid Flow Pattern



Descriptions: During The Course Of Study Students Will Develop

Understanding Of:

CO1 Properties Of Fluids And The Use Of Various Instruments For Fluid Flow



Apply Dimensional Analysis To Develop Mathematical Modeling And

Compute The Parametric Values In Prototype By Analyzing The

Corresponding Model Parameters

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Experiments Teaching


1.Experiments on Open Channel Flow

d. Calibration of V-notch.


e. Calibration of Rectangular Or Trapezoidal Notch

f. Calibration of Ogee Weir.

g. Calibration of Broad Crested Weir.

h. Calibration of Venturi Flume.

2. Experiments on Closed Channel Flow

c. Calibration of Venturi Meter.

15 d. Determination of Darcy's Friction Factor for a Straight Pipe.

e. Determination of Minor Loss Constants (Bend, Sudden Contraction,

Sudden Expansion)

f. Determination of Hydraulic Coefficient of a Vertical Orifice.

g. Determination of Vane Coefficient for Flat and Hemispherical Vanes.

3. Experiments on Performance of hydraulic Machines

e. Performance Tests on a Single Stage or Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump

(Constant Speed).

10 f. Performance Tests on A Pelton Wheel.

g. Performance Tests on Francis or Kaplan Turbine.

h. Demonstration of Working of Rain Gauges.

Question paper Pattern:

3. All Experiments Are To Be Included In The Examination Except

Demonstration Exercises

4. Candidate To Perform Experiment Assigned To Him.

Text Books:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Experiments in Hydraulics and

Hydraulic Machines

M N Shesha Prakash 1st Edition -2011

2 Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics P.N. Modi and S.M.


20th Edition- 2015

3 A textbook of Fluid Mechanics and

Hydraulic Machines

R K Bansal 9th Edition -2017

4 Fluid Mechanics& Machinery Raghunath H.M, 3rd Edition 2008

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Reference Book:

Sl No

Text Book title Author Volume and Year of Edition

1 Flow in open channels K Subramnaya 3rd Edition -2008

2 Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic


S.C Gupta 2nd Edition -2007

3 Elementary Hydraulics James F Cruise, Vijay

P. Singh,Mohsan M.

Sherif, Thomson

1st Edition -2007

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

Subject Name: Skill Development-I

Subject Code: 18SK301 L-T-P-C: 0 – 0 – 2 - 1

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to

Sl. No. Course Objectives

1 Unique shortcut techniques for mental ability to improve speed and


2 Improve logical thinking to solve various questions and puzzles in


3 Excellent communication, time management and problem solving

4 Approach oriented training and interactive methodology

5 Create amicable relationships to meet professional objectives

6 To give better idea on different topics to increase the competency of the

students in the subject




CO1 Understand the basic concepts of quantitative ability, logical reasoning,

verbal reasoning and also soft skills

CO2 Inclusive and engaging environment for a dynamic campus community

CO3 Proficient use of qualitative and quantitative methods in problem solving

CO4 Critical and analytical thinking across a range of discipline

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Civil Engineering Department

UNIT Description Hours


Introduction, Training Objective Advantage of learning Aptitude, Importance

of Learning Aptitude, How to crack Aptitude Vedic mathematics, squaring,

cubing, one to one method ,two to one method Shortcuts, Basic Mathematics,

Square root method, Multiplication method



Number system,prime number concept,linear equations,age problems, HCF

and LCM, Factorial Concept, Last Digit Concept, Remainders Concept,

approximation and simplifications, inequalities Square root and Cube root,

Coding and Decoding- mirror image



Percentage-percent to decimal fraction conversion,percentage to quantity,

inverse case, percentage change , relative percentage, product constancy,

problems based on population, results on depreciation, Ratio and proportion,

Inverse Proportion, blood relation & family tree, Time speed and distance,

relative speed and conversions, train problems, Direction Problems,

Downstream and Upstream, direction sense.


IV Verbal analogies, Spotting errors, Antonyms, Synonyms, Spellings, Ordering

of words, Sentence improvement, Closet test, one word substitution



Introduction, Soft Skills, Communication Skills, LSRW, Team Building

and Leadership Building Skill Training, stress management, Behavioral



Reference books:

1. Arun Sharma – Quantitative aptitude for cat

2. R.S.Aggarwal- Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations

3. Arihant publications- Fast Track objective Arithmetic

4. R.D.Sharma- mathematics class 11th and 12th

5. Sarvesh K.Verma- Quantitative Aptitude quantum cat

6. R.S.Aggarwal-s chand publications -Verbal and non verbal reasoning

7. The power of soft skills- Robert A. Johnson

8. The 7 habits of highly effective people- Stephen R. Covey