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Transcript of Syllabus and - Mr. Brock's Computer Class - home · Web viewNSA 262 Implementing Windows Network...

NSA 262 Implementing Windows Network InfrastructureSyllabus and Course Outline

Course Title: NSA262 Implementing Windows Network Infrastructure

Course Schedule: Monday nights from 6:00pm until 9:40pm

Instructional Contact Hours: 44

Lecture Hours: 44

Lab Hours: None

Academic Credits Awarded: 4 Quarter Credits

Lab Requirements: None

Instructor: Stefen Brock

Instructor Contact Information: 615-260-7265


Class Description- This course is intended for new-to-product support professionals who are responsible for installing, configuring, managing and supporting a network infrastructure that uses the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Products. This course gives the students the tools and knowledge needed to prepare for the Microsoft Certification Exam 70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure.

Prerequisites: Administering Windows Client Operating Systems, NSA260 or Administering Server Operating Systems, NSA261.

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Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to: Configure the DHCP Server service. Configure the DNS Server service. Configure WINS. Configure network security protocols. Configure network security by using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Configure network security by using Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). Configure remote access to a network. Support remote access to a network. Extend remote access capabilities by using Internet authentication Service

(IAS). Configure Windows as a network router. Configure Internet access for a network. Configure a Web server. Deploy Windows Professional by using Remote Installation Services

(RIS). Manage a Windows network. Identify and resolve network connectivity problems by using Windows

troubleshooting tools and utilities. Enable network connectivity between NetWare, Macintosh, and UNIX


Course Text: MOAC 70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Network Infrastructure Pkg, ISBN# 0-470-06887-6

Instructional Methods: Learning activities are designed to foster the attainment of the course objectives. Classroom computer exercises, and lectures as well as weekly computer assignments outside of the classroom will all serve to enhance a student’s skills. Requirements for Successful Completion and Evaluation:

Grading Breakdown:In Class Participation & Professionalism 240 Pts (20 pts per class)Homework 200 Pts (20 pts per class)Exams 300 PtsHands-on FINAL EXAM 100 PtsFINAL EXAM 100 Pts

Class Total Possible Points 940 Pts

Your score: Total points earned/Total Possible Points Grading Scale: A: 90-100; B: 80-89; C: 70-79; D: 65-69; F: below 65

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LRC Information: Hours 7:45 AM-9:30PM Mon-Thurs 7:45AM – 6:00 PM Fri and Sat

Students with Special Needs: Any student who requires special accommodations should contact the instructor (during office hours) by no later than the second class meeting.

The Pacific Institute (TPI) Element: Daily WIIFM’s (What’s In It For Me) The instructor will use examples throughout each meeting to relate the class content to the student’s career field and everyday life.

Participation/Professionalism: A great deal of this class involves the student participating in and developing his/her own success strategy. Students are strongly encouraged to be here for every class. Participation and Professionalism constitutes 20% of each student’s final grade. In order to receive full credit in this category, a student must be present and participate in all sanctioned class activities for the entire class time.

Attendance Policy: As the principles of personal responsibility are at the foundation of this curriculum, a no fault attendance policy is in place for this class. The instructor will not decide if a student's absence from class is warranted.

It is, however, the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor in advance of any and all absences for which the student wishes make up privileges.

Any incidences where the instructor does not receive notification will be treated as a NO CALL/ NO SHOW. *NOTE: Letters from Doctors or Employers will not change this policy!

Internet Usage: There is to be no internet surfing during class unless instructed by the instructor.

Tardiness: Students arriving more than 20 minutes late or leaving early are responsible for notifying the instructor for the purposes of proper documentation.

Late Work: All assignments are due on the instructor’s desk at the beginning of each class period. Students will be allowed to turn in no more than two assignments beyond the due date.

1st late assignment will be assessed a 25% penalty per day late. 2nd late assignment will be assessed a 50% penalty per day late.

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Dress: In accordance with the Student Handbook, students are required to dress in attire appropriate for a college classroom, and are to refrain from wearing clothing that might be considered “distracting” to others in the classroom. In addition, the curriculum has assignments in which a student’s professional appearance will be evaluated as part of the overall grade of the assignment

Decorum: The following are some behaviors inappropriate for a college classroom: *sleeping in class *children in class *unauthorized visitors *rude behavior * interrupting speakers *profane language

Cell phones: Cell phones provide no educational benefit to students or instructors, but have proven to be a major distraction in class. Therefore, cell phones should only interrupt class in the case of extreme emergency to human life or limb. Students receiving emergency cell phone calls will be immediately dismissed to handle any such emergencies.

Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism is defined as an act or instance of stealing or passing off the ideas or words of another as one’s own, or to use a creative production without crediting the source. Incidences of academic dishonesty will result in severe penalty up to and including a failing grade for the course, as well as being noted on the student’s permanent record. Additional incidences of academic dishonesty could result in a student’s permanent expulsion from Draughons Junior College.

Student Compliant/Grievance Procedure: A student may file a formal complaint by completing a complaint form designed for this purpose. A copy of this form is available from the Student Service Coordinator. The complete from must be signed, dated, and returned to the Student Services Coordinator. The complaint will be forwarded to the Director of Education for follow-up. A copy of the resolved or unresolved complaint is discussed with the Campus Director for final resolution. For student complaints or grievances not settled at the institutional level, the student may contact the Kentucky State Board of Proprietary Education, P.O. Box 1360, Frankfort, KY 406602. Students on all campuses may also contact the Accrediting Counsel for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), 750 First Street, NE, Suite 980, Washington, DC 20002-4241

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NSA 262 Course Outline:

Course OutlineMeeting Topics AssignmentsWeek 1 Overview of the Windows

Network Infrastructure Installing the DHCP Service

Creating and Authorizing a DHCP Server

Week 2 Integrating DNS and DHCP Maintaining the WINS Server Database

Maintaining and Troubleshooting a DNS Server Installing and Configuring WINS

Week 3 Configuring Active Directory for Certificates Implementing IPSec

Installing and Configuring Certificate Services Configuring TCP/IP for Secure Connections by Using IPSec

Week 4 Configuring Inbound Connections Examining Remote Access Policies

Configuring a VPN Connection Creating a Remote Access Policy and Profile

Week 5 Introduction to IAS Configuring Internet Authentication Service

Week 6 Enabling Routing by Using Routing and Remote Access

Configuring a Windows Based Router

Week 7 Configuring Internet Access by Using a Router

Configuring Internet Access by Using NAT

Week 8 Preparing for an IIS Installation

Install IIS.

Week 9 RIS Overview

Deploying Windows Professional by Using Remote Installation Services

Week 10 Windows Administrative Strategies Troubleshooting Network Problems

Managing a Windows Network Troubleshooting Network Problems by Using Network Monitor

Week 11 Final (Instructor reserves the right to change class agenda at any point and time.)

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Please Add Your Initials:_____ I have received a complete copy of my own of the syllabus for course NSA262 ____ I understand the correct contact information is important and agree to provide it and advise my instructor and the school (Separately)if it changes

______ I understand the grading system and understand anytime during the course I can ask the instructor where I stand Academically,

______ I understand in the event of my absence I should always call the school and if I want to know what I missed to contact the instructor thru email

______ I understand the importance of my attendance, that my attendance can affect my grade

______ I have been asked that even though the classrooms may or may not have internet connectivity that I do not check email, surf, download , or play games on the computers during class times

______ I understand if I miss a exam I have one week to make up that exam or I will receive a 0 for that grade. 20% will be deducted from the late exam score.

Signature: Date:

_____________________________________ _____________

Student Contact Information

First Name____________________ Last Name______________________________


Current Telephone # you can be reached at _____________________________

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Email Address_______________________________________________________

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