SwordFerret Rough Storyboard

Post on 06-Dec-2015

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An old storyboard from an animation project. The story of swordferret has since changed, but it still has some cool material.

Transcript of SwordFerret Rough Storyboard

Interior. Sailcart-Day

Izzy is sleeping soundly in a cloth hammock. He is awkwardly twisted but seems totally comfortable.

Vi (from outside)- Izzy! wake up Izzy!

Izzy stirs slightly but is still asleep.

Vi- Theres another one of those monster things,it’s chasing someone around the square!

Izzy perks his ears up, and slumps out of the hammock.

Izzy- I'm Up!

Izzy- I'm Up!Izzy puts on his sword harness and walks over to a rack with a bunch of swords hanging on it. He seems con�icted as to which sword to use against the monster.

Vi- It’s crazy big!

Izzy smirks then grabs a huge longsword from the rack.

Izzy pops up onto the outer deck of the Sailcart.

The Sailcart is parked on the side of a road in a large city. This city looks luxurious from afar, but is actually mostly shanty and slum style houses, just stacked on top of one another.

Dale- you ready Izzy?

Izzy- are you?

Dale-(to the band) alright lets give Izzy a song to kill that beast! Thunderfoot in 1,2,3,4!

Music begins to play as Izzy dashes o� towards the monster.

The monster busts out of an alleyway roaring and chasing Grum It is breaking through walls and absolutely trashing everything in its path.

While chasing Grum the monster busts up a sandwich cart, sending sandwiches �ying everywhere.

Intense �ying sandwich

Intense �ying sandwich

As Izzy is running towards the beast a sandwich hits Izzy in the mouthHe has it in his mouth,chewing on it as he leaps into the air to attack the beast.

Izzy- Lunchtime!

The beast gets distracted by Izzy and takes a sword blow to one of its large twisted horns. Izzy lands after his attack and �nishes his sandwich in one bite.

The monster brie�y mourns the loss of a horn.

Grum- (breathless) thanks

Izzy- no problem.

Grum- cool sword

Izzy turn his head, he never gets to talk about his swords, so this is a big deal

Izzy- oh man thanks, ya know it’s like this super high grade steel, and see this handle, full tang, �ve bolts and perfect -

Izzy is interrupted by a �erce head-butt from the beast which sends him �ying into the road.

Monster- nasty snarling roar

Izzy gives the monster a growl of his own, it is not at all intimidating, mostly cute,maybe a little deranged.

Izzy then beings doing his weasel war dance, hopping and twisting on all four legs, clicking and squeaking.

(If you’ve ever seen this, it is a real thing ferrets do and is completely ridiculous and hilarious).

Izzy- Lunchtime!

The beast gets distracted by Izzy and takes a sword blow to one of its large twisted horns. Izzy lands after his attack and �nishes his sandwich in one bite.

War dancing intensi�es

The beast begins to sway, stumbling from the hypnotizing e�ects of the war dance.

Izzy takes this chance to get �nishing blow on the beast.

Izzy takes this chance to get �nishing blow on the beast.

Izzy- (relieved) woooh.

The beast vanishes into a vapor leaving no trace of its existence.

Grum- that was awesome

Izzy- don’t mention it..Swords are kinda my thing ya know, I just swing em at stu�

Grum- well you did..good,my names Grum .

Izzy- Izzy, of that cart over there, formerly of Orrv

Grum- Orrv?

Izzy- it’s a ..tiny village in the forest, no one's ever heard of it

Grum- thats true I haventIzzy- yeah, it’s thier biggest attraction

Their conversation is interrupted by a horn blowing like a siren through the city.

A passerby tugs on Izzy

A passerby tugs on Izzy

Passerby- you must leave the city at once, they are coming, they will hurt you for this

Izzy- we’re not leaving we just got here

Passerby- go now before its too late

As they �nish speaking several large �gures drop down behind them. They land, fabulously, matching ponchos �owing in the wind

Passerby- what did just say!

Pack Leader(to the passerby)- step aside citizen

The passerby slinks away making hand gestures to Izzy, ones he completely does not understand.

Pack Leader- ferret! are you the one responsible for this damage?!

Izzy- yeah..sorta

Grum- well you did..good,my names Grum .

Izzy- Izzy, of that cart over there, formerly of Orrv

Izzy- yeah..sortaIzzy- I fought a..thing

Izzy points to where the monster was, but it has vanished.

Pack Leader- a thing?

Izzy- yes, it-

Izzy tries to pantomime how the monster evaporated because he is not good with words. He is also not good at pantomiming, so his explanation fails terribly.

Pack Leader- thats enough! You're coming with us, for..questioning

Izzy reaches into his harness, pulling out a small stone with a symbol carved on it. The stone �ashes a green light with a crackling noise.

Izzy- didn't your mother ever tell you it’s rude to point at people

Crackling intensi�es

The light settles, and Izzy is now holding an even larger sword(the jetsword), pointing right at the pack leaders face.

Pack Leader- are you crazy?!

Grum- Is he crazy? Dale- maybe

Haina- he’s something

Grum- I’ve seen those guards shake down a water tower just to catch a beehive, ya know, overkill status.

Dale- yeah but Izzy’s got two swords, he should be alright

Grum- Is he crazy? Dale- maybe

Haina- he’s something

Grum- I’ve seen those guards shake down a water tower just to catch a beehive, ya know, overkill status.

Dale- yeah but Izzy’s got two swords, he should be alright

Izzy- I've got two swords now what are you gonna do?

Izzy- I've got two swords now what are you gonna do?Pack Leader- punch you in your stupid rodent mouth!

The pack leader lands a solid punch in the middle of Izzy’s face

Izzy quickly regains his footing

Izzy- ferrets are not rodents you loser!

//Split screen to show an o�ended looking mouse looking up at Izzy

Izzy- not that there’s anything wrong with rodents

A closeup shot of the jetsword revving up its engine, with jet sounds

Izzy leaps into the air to strike back at the Pack leader

Dale notices that the �ght has begun!

Dale- Time to jam!

Grum- Is he crazy? Dale- maybe

Haina- he’s something

Grum- I’ve seen those guards shake down a water tower just to catch a beehive, ya know, overkill status.

Dale- yeah but Izzy’s got two swords, he should be alright

Vi- It’s the climax!

The entire band start playing an awesome rock song, raising Izzy’s �ghting spirit and spreading inspiration throughout the city!

Grum- Is he crazy? Dale- maybe

Haina- he’s something

Grum- I’ve seen those guards shake down a water tower just to catch a beehive, ya know, overkill status.

Dale- yeah but Izzy’s got two swords, he should be alright

Four way split to show the band members playing their instruments.

Grum- but I don't play anything.

Grum his struck by a barrel thrown at his head by Vi

Vi-bang on this you bum!

Izzy using the jetsword to perform awesome aerial sword moves!

Izzy is making his own sound e�ects for the swords. Because as a child Izzy always thought swords made loud swooshing noises when they were swung. To stave o� his disappointment, he makes the sounds himself.

Izzy- fwaaaash!

Izzy- shkiiiiing! ( a block).

In the background two guards hold hands to attack with mystic twin powers

A crowd has gathered below, cheering to the music and cheering for Izzy. They cheer swordferret because they do not know his name.

As the �ght intensi�es, the guards begin to gain an advantage.

In the background the other guards are using some strange �ghting maneuvers.

Before the Pack Leader strikes the �nal blow, a deep and menacing voice makes an announcement that everyone can hear. The band even stops playing.

Booming voice- stand down!

The Pack Leader raises his head in confusion, and sheaths his sword.

Booming voice- report back to the tower!

Izzy is confused and relieved at the same time.

As the guards turn to leave, the Pack Leader turns to address Izzy and the band.

One of the other guards fumbles around with his sword.

Pack Leader- you may keep your life today swordferret, but know this. You and your vagabonds will never be welcome here in this city.

The same mouse that Izzy may have o�ended earlier steps into the road.

Mouse- do not listen to them swordferret, you are welcome here, anyone who stands up to those mugs is welcome here.

Izzy is feeling loved

Izzy is feeling loved

The band comes in closer to Izzy.

Dale- what did he call us Izzy?

Izzy- Vagabonds

Dale seems stunned, a single tear rolls down his cheek. The tear pulls out a tiny guitar and plays some sweet shredding chord.

Dale- oh my gosh, thats our new band name

Vi,Haina, and Dale- YEEAAAH!

Dale is way more excited about this than the other two members.

The hooded passerby is sneaking away from the group.

The hooded passerby is sneaking away from the group.The passerby removes his hood. He is some kind of horned creature, unlike the animal citizens of the city.

While everyone is celebrating, Izzy goes to retrieve his swords.

When Izzy tries to pull it out of the ground it shatters and cracks in half, leaving Izzy with a stunned and heartbroken look on his face.