SWANA Young Professionals Presentation

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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SWANA Young Professionals Presentation

Transcript of SWANA Young Professionals Presentation

Solid Waste Association of North America’s

Young Professionals GroupYoung Professionals Group

Connecting you with the future

of the solid waste industry.

The Young Professionals (YP) Group Young Professionals (YP) Group Young Professionals (YP) Group Young Professionals (YP) Group is comprised of

dynamic, incisive individuals who represent the future

of the solid waste industry.


What is the YP Group?What is the YP Group?

of the solid waste industry.

We are passionate about the environment, the solid

waste management industry and our careers.


Our Passion.Our Passion.

We are eager to offer advice, brainstorm ideas, develop

solutions and share in the struggles and triumphs

of working in this industry.


How we help each other.How we help each other.

of working in this industry.

We are energetic, motivated and want YOUYOUYOUYOU to join us.

Interested in learning more?


Sound interesting?Sound interesting?

Interested in learning more?

Let’s explore…

You qualify as a young professional (YP), if: AGE:AGE:AGE:AGE: You are 35 years or younger,


Let’s define a YP.Let’s define a YP. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCEINDUSTRY EXPERIENCEINDUSTRY EXPERIENCEINDUSTRY EXPERIENCE: Have less than 5 years of experience in the

solid waste industry, and/or LIFE EVENTLIFE EVENTLIFE EVENTLIFE EVENT: Have less than 2 years in a new position or just joined a

company within the solid waste industry.

The YP Group is a resourceresourceresourceresource to help you advance

professionally in the solid waste industry.


Benefits of joining.Benefits of joining.

There’s more…

By joining the YP Group, you will receive:

� Valuable networking opportunities networking opportunities networking opportunities networking opportunities at events, conferences and online;

� EEEE----sessionssessionssessionssessions to help you navigate the challenges of this industry;


What you get.What you get.

� EEEE----sessionssessionssessionssessions to help you navigate the challenges of this industry;

� Useful informationinformationinformationinformation and toolstoolstoolstools to help you succeed in your career;

� Opportunities to voice your opinion voice your opinion voice your opinion voice your opinion about the future of SWANA.

The YP Group is lead by a volunteer steering committee:

� Kyle ClampittKyle ClampittKyle ClampittKyle Clampitt, Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc.

� Dennis GuyDennis GuyDennis GuyDennis Guy, City of Hamilton


Meet the leadership team.Meet the leadership team.

� Sara KurovskiSara KurovskiSara KurovskiSara Kurovski, Metro Waste Authority

� Hanna K. RodriguezHanna K. RodriguezHanna K. RodriguezHanna K. Rodriguez----MoralesMoralesMoralesMorales, CHES Services Corp.

� Kathryn SandoeKathryn SandoeKathryn SandoeKathryn Sandoe, LCSWMA

� John WelchJohn WelchJohn WelchJohn Welch, Dane County Public Works

� Olivia WilliamsOlivia WilliamsOlivia WilliamsOlivia Williams, HDR

Ready to join? We are excited to have you!

Visit mySWANA.org mySWANA.org mySWANA.org mySWANA.org to sign up or contact Shelby Truxon


Join us.Join us.

at (240) 494-2223 or struxon@swana.org.

Know of any young professionals young professionals young professionals young professionals in your organization?

Share this presentation and encourage them to join.


Spread the word.Spread the word.