svet\'s fight against melanoma

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of svet\'s fight against melanoma

Svet’s journey against melanoma

In Loving Memory of Svetislav (Svet) Mitrovic


May 2007-Fiji holiday There was something about that mole; that I didn’t like it. In order to shut me up and stop my nagging; he allowed me to cover it by band aid.

Sep 2007 Mater Hospital It took me 4 months to get him here. After, seeing our family doctor, the test came positive.

Sep 2007 Mater HospitalMalignant 2mm big and some affected lymph nodes.

Sep 2007 Mater Hospital

Nov 2007 Gavrilo Prncip Folk grop dancing in LiverpoolSvet is busy dancing, doesn’t want to think about what just happened

Nov 2007 Gavrilo Princip folk dancingEverything will be fine, just keep smiling.

Nov 2007 Gavrilo Princip folk dancingHave fun and appreciate every moment

Nov 2007 St Nicholas Blacktown church choirJust don’t think about it, just sing

Jan 08 XmasHope this year is better!

Jan 08 Gold Coast holidayPeter & Svet having fun

April 08 Easter So far, so good!

Apr 08 Easter Lunch with family

Aug 08 Bonno Fest Having fun with boys

Aug 08 Bonno Fest Approaching one year anniversary ,since the melanoma diagnosis.

Nov 08 Mater Hospital Back in hospital, found some more.

Nov 08 Mater Hospital Svet and food, forever hungry

Nov 08 Mater Hospital Another tumour taken along with all lymph nodes.

Nov 08 North Sydney Mater Hospital Before we went home, we had to learn how to change dressings, clean drainage and unblock the pipe. ???

Dec 08 Young-Talking about the strength and will power, hope and belief, regardless of his medical condition ,we had to drive all the way to Young for Divine Liturgy service.10 days after operation.

Dec 08 Darling Harbour Feeling much better , 4 weeks after the operation.

Boxing Day 08- 4th Annual Mitro Family day

Boxing Day 04th Annual Mitro Family day Svet and Petar

Boxing Day 0 08 4th Annual Mitro Family day Svet with the boys. A month after the operation

NY Celebration 08/09Having fun with family and looking forward to a better year!!

14/1/11 Radiotherapy treatment Driving to Mater hospital for 4 weeks.

Jan 09-radiotheraphy treatment Amazing, he still had a smile on his face.

Jan 09-St Sava FestivalDriving down to Canberra for youth festival.

Jan 09-St Sava FestivalSvet’s last time at the festival.

Jan 09-St Sava FestivalLast time camping...

Jan 09-radiotheraphy treatment Svet’s 3rd week of treatment

Feb 09-radiotheraphy treatment Friday, last day of treatment, lost the hair on some part s of his face, lost some his beard, skin is dry, lost of appetite, unusual taste in his mouth, so weak... With the tear in his eye, he wants to go out and have a glass of JB. The 1st time of strange thought , possibility of loss of life earlier.

Feb 09-so happy, no more treatment

Apr 09-different outlook towards the life.

Apr 09 Easter So far, so good.

Apr 09 Easter Relax! Chill out!

Apr 09 Enjoy!

Apr 09 Have Fun!

June 09 Treasure your life!

June 09 Just completed another follow up, removed some suspicious moles. Waiting for CT and PET scans results. On LS of his shoulder, is the scar from first removed malignant.

June 09 It looks good, it’s very tender, no hair but it’s good.

June 09 Peter’s birthday, waiting on some clarification. They found something on his left lung???

July 09 The result came back, possible melanoma tumour (9mm big). Strange, on last result back in Nov 08, it was just shadow on the lung.

July 09 It will be fine!!! We will defeat this together.

Sep 09 The Room 214A day after his left lung operation. One titanium staple and 70cm tube inside his body wrapt around his lung. Apparently, doctors cold not believe his speedy recovery and his resistance to pain.

Sep 09 What can I say, you do get tired and 5 mins nap makes a big difference.

Nov 09Two months later ,Svet is back and having fun again. Celebration thanks to good old Branko.

NY 10 CelebrationWith family, sitting in the park and having a picnic and watching 9pm fireworks.

Dec 09There is a lump on left shoulder but it’s not serious. A last photo of mom and son together.

4th Jan 10 A day before doing the scans again

7th of Jan 10- ChristmasSvet searching for present.

7th of Jan 10- ChristmasSvet & Zaccy having a extra special xmas hug.

7th of Jan 10- ChristmasOur last xmas together.

7th of Jan 10- ChristmasSvet with boys

Jan 10- ChristmasStefan & Svet.

Jan 10- Illawarra Folk FestSvet and Danica cheering to Gavrilo Princip Folk group performance

Jan 10- Svet with Stefan and Alex

Jan 10- workshopSvet supporting Alex, who is teaching others how do dance Serbian kolo.

Apr10- Svet dressed up in his favourite Disney character. Not to mention that he could imitate Donald Duck voice, it took him years of training.

Apr 10- Natalie’s30th Svet and his brother Slavko

Apr 10- Natalie’s30thSvet & Travis, a special bond.

Apr 10- Natalie’s30thWaiting for results from Melbourne research lab, new drug on the market, there is a hope for his saga.

Easter 10His immune system is getting very weak. Getting seek so easily. Lost of appetite. Decision made, will be going on special diet for the rest of his life.

Apr 10-The tumour is getting bigger , having operation again. Loosing weigh, starting to forget and becoming very stubborn and grumpy. This is not Svet, something is going on???

Apr 10-It’s so hard to take photo with him, no smile on his face.

17 of April 2011-no smile again

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes before the operation

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes before the operation

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes before the operation

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes before the operation

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes before the operation

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes after the operation

20th of May Mater HospitalFew minutes after the operation

21st of May Mater HospitalA day after the operation

21st of May Mater HospitalA day after the operation

21st of May Mater HospitalA day after the operation

22nd of May Mater Hospital2nd day after operation, so happy that he can go home

22nd of May Mater Hospital2nd day after operation, time to go home. Lost the count, there is too many.

22nd of May Mater HospitalSvet’s comment: “they butchered me!”

22nd of May Mater Hospitalskin graph procedure

July 10-Rookwood Cemetry.................and than couple days later,you deal with this.... last REST IN PEACE!!!