Suzanne Fisher Portfolio

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Suzanne Fisher Portfolio


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DO NOT USE Spine-Worx if you

suffer from SCOLIOSIS

(curvature of the spine).

DO NOT USE Spine-Worx if you

have sustained a severe back

injury or have undergone recent

surgery, bone fusion, or invasive


DO NOT USE Spine-Worx if you

are pregnant without first consult-

ing a physician.


Nature’s Country Store


The Portable



Nature’s Country Store

Aylett, VA 23009


before using Spine-Worx, as their skeletal framework may not be completely developed until they are 16-17 years old.

Spine-Worx is designed to apply pressure to the mid (thoracic) and lower (lumbar) back only. (Not designed for the neck (cervical).

Spine-Worx is portable and light-weight (2 lbs.) and can be taken on business trips, to the office or on vacation. (Product dimensions: 24x7x3).

Great for RVers and others who

travel a lot!

It could be the result of a misaligned spine.

Designed by a chiropractor, this natu-ral back support system uses your body's own weight to apply controlled pressure to the spinal vertebrae.


Spine-Worx helps to relieve mus-cular pain, pressure and irritation.

Spine-Worx is the best home ther-apy for the back in relieving ten-sion and stress.

Spine-Worx cradles and elevates the spine, isolating the vertebrae into a neutral position where gravi-ty takes over and allows the verte-brae to naturally and properly rea-lign.

Spine-Worx helps to relieve symp-toms common to misalignment problems, since the basic concept has to do with biomechanics and proper alignment.

Spine-Worx presents no chance of overdose or over-adjustment since the back conforms to its nor-mal and natural shape. (Our sug-gested use is ten-twenty minutes as needed.)

Any age group may be a candi-date for use of Spine-Worx. Chil-dren should seek medical advice


The central nervous system begins in the brain, courses into the spine and runs throughout the entire human body. If you shut down nerve supply, you shut down the body.

Do you have back pain?

Suzanne Fisher

Aylett, VA 23009 Phone: 804-769-8012

Fax: 866-826-1261 Email:

Telephone: 804-769-8012

Ask noted Pet Communicator

sion. You will need to give your

pet permission to talk with Su-

zanne. Pets, like some people,

do not always like to talk with


What kinds of things can I ask

you to find out?

You may ask any question for

which you want an answer. Just

bear in mind that many pets have

a wonderful sense of humor, so

you may get unusual answers.

Suzanne will ask as many of your

questions as the time for your

session allows.

How will I know you are actu-

ally communicating with my


While the answers to the ques-

tions asked during the consulta-

tion may surprise you, you will

know whether the answers are

valid or not because on some

level you are already communi-

cating with your pet.

Want to

know what

I’m thinking?

Want to

know why I

chew your


Call or email

to schedule your appointment today.


Get help with your pet problems

Suzanne Fisher is a talented Pet Com-

municator who has appeared as an en-

tertainer at cat shows from New Hamp-

shire to Florida and as far west as Indi-

ana, and pet expos in Ohio, Virginia,

Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,

West Virginia, and North Carolina.

Whether you simply want to get to know

your pet better or your pet has behavior-

al problems that need correcting, Su-

zanne can help.

She is also able to offer you nutritional

advice for your pets.

Suzanne first learned she could talk with

animals years ago when a chicken

spoke to her at the Virgiinia State Fair.

Since then she has talked with a wide

variety of animals, including a stink bug,

a raccoon, an iguana, cats, dogs, hors-

es, birds, goats, and many more.

Suzanne’s pet communication skills

helped save the life of a Maine Coon cat

in North Carolina a few years ago. His

Noted Pet Communicator Suzanne Fisher

What do you need to be able to

communicate with my pet?

For distance pet communication, Su-

zanne needs a picture of your pet

with your pet’s eyes looking into the

camera. She also needs your pet’s

name and a brief description of the

problem(s) you need resolved. You

may email the problem you are hav-

ing with your pet along with your pet’s

picture to:

Pay for your session in advance via

PayPal, cash, check, Visa, Master-

card, Discover or American Express

at or by

phone (804-769-8012).

For local ‘in-person’ pet communica-

tion consultations, please call Su-

zanne at 804-769-8012 to schedule

an appointment.

Does this always work?

Most of the time Suzanne can suc-

ceed in communicating with your pet

via a picture or an ‘in-person’ ses-

neutering surgery had been done im-

properly and he was just shy of going

septic when he was rushed to the vet

after his session with Suzanne.

Suzanne believes we all have the capac-

ity to hear what our beloved pets and the

other creatures on this earth have to say

to us, that we have only to open our

hearts to be able to hear them. She

loves teaching people to hear what their

pets are saying to them.

Children find it especially easy to learn

pet communication because they are

more open to it than adults. Learning to

communicate with our pets, whether you

do it or you get Suzanne to do it for you,

enriches both our lives and theirs.



In Person


5 minutes


5 minutes


15 minutes


15 minutes


30 minutes


30 minutes



Research says that the more pages a

site has, the more form submissions,

requests for quotes, email opt-ins, and

leads a site has, the more sales a busi-

ness has.

Benefit 6:

By having us create an incredibly beauti-

ful website with solid marketing strate-

gies, you can level the

playing field between

you and the larger com-

panies doing business in

your area of expertise.

Benefit 7:

Having an active website is critically

important to a business.

According to a study done by Niel-

sen, 85 percent of consumers use the

internet to find local businesses.

Search engines like Google focus heavi-

Website and Blog Benefits,


Expressive Writers The very best in website content and design!

is a subsidiary

of Nature's Country Store



Business Visibility Your customers can find you and

know what you offer

Accessibility Customers can check in with your

site 365 days a year 24/7 to see

your new products, events, and blog

Sales Whether you want an e-commerce

site or you just want to increase

your business, a website and a blog

are your keys to success

ly on local results, so a website is even more

important if you are a local business and want

to attract more customers.

Help your customers find you by having a

website and a blog!

Benefit 8:

Blogging gives businesses a chance to have a

two-way conversation with prospective cus-

tomers who post comments, feedback and

even negative reviews.

From a business perspective,

learning what’s on the minds of

prospects as well as customers is

marketing gold.


Want more customers?

Expressive Writers can help!

A website for your business

and a blog for your website

will give you:

"If your business is not on

the internet, then you will be

out of business.”



ers use

the inter-

net from


PC’s or their phones to search

for the services and products

they want. Having a profes-

sionally designed website puts

your business in the forefront

of businesses without a web


We can create:

Exciting websites that your cus-

tomers will return to over and

over. They will send their friends

to your website, and they will

tweet it, post it, and Instagram it.

Ways your website and a

blog can help you grow

your business:

Benefit #1:

A website gives you a way to keep your

customers informed about new items

and services. Through your website,

you have an opportunity to showcase

each of your products and services,

showing prospective customers

the benefits

of each. This

gives them a

reason to


Benefit #2

You can skip

the charge for printing brochures. Your

online website is your brochure.

Benefit 3:

Over 2.4 billion people use the internet

every day according to the Culture-ist.

90% of those people:

have purchased something

contacted a company online

found directions to an online

business in the last 12 months.

Having a website brings you more


According to Hubspot, the overall

Return on Investment (ROI) for

companies who prioritize their blog

and have regular posts can be as

much as a 13 times increase in


Benefit 4:

A website and a blog give you an

opportunity to influence people,

educate them, and help people

make important life decisions.

Benefit 5:

When a company has good high-

quality information on their blog

with exceptional inbound links, it

contributes substantially to Search

Engine Optimization (SEO).

Optimizing your site for search en-

gines is critical to getting your site

listed high in the search engine rank- 804-769-8012

Your website is the best way for

Your website is your best adver-

From Bill Gates

5 Tips on Repainting Your

Home’s Interior

When it is time for repainting the interior of

your home, you can do it yourself with these

few simple tips rather than hiring someone.

Whether it is time to cover scuff marks, you

want to change your color scheme, or you

need to paint your walls a neutral shade to

help your house sell, these tips will help you

get your house looking like it was painted by

a professional house painter.

1. When repainting your home’s interior, opt

for low-VOC or no-VOC paint.

The healthiest solutions for repainting

your home is paint that has few or no

volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in it.

This is critical in a home where one of

the inhabitants has asthma, is sensitive

to chemicals or has a breathing disor-

der. If there are young children in the

house, you especially want to stick to

low-VOC or paitn with no VOCs in it as

their detoxifications systems for offload-

ing the VOCs is not fully formed and

they could be harmed by breathing the

VOC fumes.

Benjamin Moore’s has a Natura® paint

with zero VOCs, and many of the other

paint manufacturers offer a line of low-

VOC or no-VOC paint.

2. Preparing the walls before painting is a

very important step.

While this prepping step is time-

consuming and people often skip it, the

painting is much easier, faster, and

looks better when you first prep the

walls by:

Scraping or sanding the imperfections

from the walls, spackling holes, and

sanding to smooth the spackle

Cleaning the dust and other stuff off the

walls first makes the paint adhere bet-

ter. Use a vacuum for all but kitchen

and bath walls and scrub those.

Use painter’s tape wherever paint

should not end up, such as wood trim.

Cover or temporarily remove door


Apply primer over a dark color and let it

dry before painting.

3. Paint the walls, not the furniture

No matter how hard we try, the reality

is that when we are working with a

paint roller, little speckles of paint fly off

in all directions. The best way to pre-

vent those speckles from getting all over

everything is to move the furniture out

entirely, but that often is not practical.

So, go to Family Dollar Store and get

lots of inexpensive plastic drop cloths

and cover everything including the floor.

Also be sure to take draperies, shades,

towel racks in the bathroom and kitchen

down. Remove wall hangings like mir-

rors, take up area rugs, and take off

switch plates and receptacle covers.

4. Get all of the materials for repainting

your home’s interior together

Gather you paint can opener, stirrers for

the paint, a paint tray and rollers, an ex-

tension pole for the paint rollers for the

ceilings, paint brushes, and gloves.

5. You are now ready to begin painting

Use an angled brush to paint into the

corners near the ceiling.

Use a small brush where the large

brush will not fit.

When you begin painting with the

rollers, paint walls with a roller in the

shape of a large letter W that

measures 3 feet by 3 feet. Then fill in

the blank spaces of the ‘W’ as you

are painting.

Repainting your home’s interior will go

smoothly with these simple tips.

5 Ways to Prevent Sitting Disease

Sitting Disease is not yet recognized by the

medical community as an official disease, but

to the people who end up with it, it is all too

real a malady. The term ‘Sitting Disease’ re-

fers to the negative physical symptoms such

as metabolic syndrome that a predominantly

sedentary lifestyle causes.

Sedentary lifestyles affect office workers, peo-

ple with conditions that preclude their being

able to exercise, and they especially affect re-

tired people.

What are the signs, symptoms, and warn-

ing signs of Sitting Disease?

Human bodies are not designed for prolonged

sitting, and when we sit for hours and hours at

our desks, we cause physical stress to our

bodies that even daily exercise cannot help.

Recent research has shown that we develop

problems with prolonged daily sitting:

People who sit for prolonged periods of

time daily are at a much greater risk of de-

veloping diabetes, heart disease, and of

dying prematurely.

Prolonged on-the-job sitting has been

linked to cancer and high blood pressure.

When you sit a lot, you are also a candi-

date for DVT, or deep vein thrombosis,

which means blood clots deep in your

veins, most often in the legs.

Sitting a lot can also be very detrimental to

your mental state and performance. The

reduced blood flow to your brain from a lot

of sitting means that your brain is receiving

a less than adequate amount of oxygen.

During prolonged sitting you metabolism

slows, and fat clearance also comes to a

halt, allowing weight gain and weight re-


When we sit a lot, our pelvis rotates back-

wards, putting pressure on our back’s lum-

bar discs, and forcing the head to move

forward and our shoulders to curve. This

results in back pain, shoulder pain, and

neck pain.

Osteoarthritis can also result from pro-

longed sitting.

Ways to prevent Sitting Disease

At first glance, you might think that going to

the gym at the end of the day is a good way to

protect your body from the ravages of Sitting


Unfortunately, though, studies have shown

that people who sit all day and then exercise

at the end of the day are subject to the same

physical problems from Sitting Disease as

those who do not go to the gym. Here are

some ways you can avoid Sitting Disease:

No matter how engrossed you are in the

task at hand, get up every 45 to 60

minutes and do some form of physical ex-

ercise that gets your blood pumping.

When you get a phone call, pace around

your office while answering it.

Stay well-hydrated.

Get a treadmill desk, a standing desk, or

an active chair such as an exercise ball.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

If your feeling about exercise is “Whenever I

think of exercise, I lie down and wait for the

thought to pass,” here is a suggestion. Get a

copy of the song “I Like to Move It” used in the

Madagascar movies, and play it several times

daily as a motivational affirmation to get up

and move often. Let it inspire you to create a

healthier work style and a healthier you.

Expand Your Future by

Learning Java

Java is a programming language developed in

1995 by Sun Microsystems that uses English-

based commands rather than numeric codes.

It was originally designed for use on cell

phones, but fast became an internet tool be-

cause it allowed developers to produce ani-

mated web pages.

If you want to see a Java app, just open your

Android cell phone, as all their apps are writ-

ten in Java. Many of the internet apps used by

financial institutions are also written in Java,

especially the ones that allow electronic trad-

ing. Java is also used on many e-commerce

web sites, and it can also be found on many

healthcare, government, education and insur-

ance sites.

Give your career a boost with Java

According to IT world, a review of tech listings

for jobs done by International Tech Careers

and Salary Index determined that JavaScript

and Java are the two most important program-

ing languages employers want their new hires

to have. The technological sector is booming,

and programming jobs, according to Masha-, are paying impressive salaries.

Java heads the list of most-wanted languages

by employers because of its ability to run not

only Windows systems but also on Mac OS X.

How to become a great Java programmer

1. Invest in your education.

Whether you are a beginner or already

have some coding skills, Java Develop-

ment Suite offers Java that teaches you

all you need to know to begin coding Java

programs. You can launch your career

with these skills.

2. Have fun with your coding.

Think outside the box. When you look at

code, consider ways you can make it

more robust. Coding is just as much an

art form as drawing or painting. Be crea-

tive with your coding.

Throw in whistles and bells and tweak

your code to the max. Truly great coders

are people who love coding and who live

to do it. Set your sights on being great

and do not settle for less.

3. Start small.

John Sonmex of

recommends once you have learned Java

that you start small. He suggests you cre-

ate a mobile app. Mobile apps are fairly

small and easy to deconstruct, add to and


4. Market yourself.

Andrew C. Oliver, writing for Java-, says you can command more

work and a higher salary by marketing


He recommends that you:

Create a blog and write on the subject

of creating Java script, ensuring that

your blog is well written and interest-

ing. (Before you post it, always ask

yourself if you would enjoy reading it.)

Write some open source code and

post it on the internet, as it shows peo-

ple what you can do.

Work up presentations explaining your

work, the facets of it, what it is de-

signed to do, and how it works

(without being too technical), and

practice delivering them until you are

proficient at explaining your work in

concise but understandable terms.

5. Hone your problem-solving skills.

The really great programmers do not just

write pretty code. They create solutions.

They bury their heads in a problem until

they come up with a solution to it.

Get a start on your exciting new career today

at with their exciting Java


The Plough Pose in Yoga

The plough pose is one of the favorites of all

the asanas for most people simply because do-

ing the pose feels good. It gives the entire

back side of the body a wonderful stretch, in-

creasing the flow of oxygen, blood and nerve

energy throughout the body. It also tends to

calm the mind and move people toward cen-


Many of the same benefits that the shoulder

stand offers are seen in the plough pose, alt-

hough the leg muscles and the lower back re-

ceive a more intense stretch in the plough

pose than they do in the shoulder stand. The

abdominal muscles are folded in during the

plough pose rather than extended, as in the

shoulder stand. In this position, they provide a

massage for the internal organs.

The plough pose helps to extend the neck’s

cervical curve and the lower back’s lumbar

curve. Lack of space between the vertebrae of

the neck and back can cause many problems,

so the plough pose can also be seen as a pre-

ventative measure. The plough pose helps to

relieve numbness, pain, and lack of mobility in

the lower back, pelvic area, hip joints, feet,

legs and toes.

The muscles of both the lower back and the

neck are usually tighter on one side than they

are on the other. The plough pose helps to

stretch and balance the two sides of the body

in these areas. This can relieve headaches,

neck aches, and back aches. The plough pose

also helps tone both the arm and leg muscles,

and loosen stiff shoulders, knees, elbows, and

wrists. This pose also aids the endocrine sys-


The plough pose is safe for a beginning yoga

student as long as care is taken not to over-

stretch the neck and lower back muscles. Ini-

tially it needs to be held for no more than 30

seconds. It is also recommended that begin-

ners do not bring their feet all the way to the


From author and editor Arthur Plotnik:

“You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what’s burning inside you."

And I edit to let the fire show through the smoke.

Mark Twain once said,

“The difference between the right word and the nearly right word is the same as the difference be-

tween lightning and the lightning bug.”

The lightning, the fire, and the beauty is what I bring out in your work.

Your ideas, your voice, and the essence of the story you have told with your words remain un-


As writers, we can get so caught up in creating that we neglect:


Sentence form

Paragraph structure

in order to continue the flow of the artistic thoughts tumbling out of us.

While writing like this quite often produces a spell-binding piece of writing, it leaves behind a wealth of distractions for the reader.

These errors detract from the story line, especially when the reader gets lost in them.

Unfortunately, in re-reading our own work, it can be difficult to see these errors because our minds tend to gloss over them as we

read. This is a very natural thing that happens for all of us.

Most writers cannot critically edit their own work. If this describes you, let me edit your work to uncover the lightning, the fire and the