Sustainable green community

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Sustainable green community

Plan  of  Sustainable  Green  Communi3es  

By    Aung  Kyi  (Ph.  D)  &  Ye  Tun  Tun  (Ph.  D)  

Ø Location - located between the

Bago Yoma and Shan

Yoma mountain ranges

Ø Area - 7,054.37 km2

(2,723.71 sq mi)

Ø Population - 924,608

Ø Climate - tropical savannah

v  Singapore only has about 27 sq miles

with almost concrete areas

Map of Nay Pyi Taw

Objec8ves  •  to  promote  environmental  sustainability  with  increasing  food  security  for  our  communi8es  

Environment  From  endangered  to  Greener,  Healthier    

Empowerment  From  green  ac3vity  to  

community  empowerment  

Food  Security  Local  security  to  world  


Equity  From  poverty  to  financial  

&  social  security    

Energy  From  hazardous  to  clean  


Features  of  Green  Communi3es  •  sustainable  produc3on  of  food  (organic,  biodynamic  

farming  and  sustainable  prac3ces  for  livestock  and  fisheries)  

•  the  conserva3on  and  sustainable  use  of  biodiversity;  •   sustainable  water  supply  systems,  water  and  sanita3on,  

and  waste  management;  •   low-­‐carbon  energy  (especially  renewable  energy  and  

resource  of  energy  efficient  technologies);  •  sustainable  transport  system  (e.g.  public  transport);  •   sustainable  tourism;  •  green  jobs,  sustainable  lifestyles  and  livelihoods  that  

provide  social  jus3ce  and  equality  and  establish  concrete  measures  in  order  to  progress  and  prosperity;  

•  Trees  and  green  space;  •  Green  Building;  •  Recycling  and  waste  reduc3on  •  Green  Educa3on  •  Innova3on  

Components  of  Green  Communi8es  

•  Mul8stakeholders  (Gov.,  NGOs,  Farmers,  Public)    

•  Forma3on  of  social  groups            e.g.  1.  Farmers  groups  (crop,  livestock,  fisheries)                            2.  Consumer’  groups  (commodity  specific)                            3.  Producers’  groups                            4.  Distributors’  groups                            5.  Conflict  resolving  groups    

         All  decision  making  process  will  be  based  on  community’  needs  

Micro  financing  (cri3cal  role)      Green  credit  will  be  divided  into  green  ac3vi3es            e.g.  normal  involvement,  major  contribu3on,  innova3ve              a.    Those  green  groups  with  more  contribu3on  and                        par3cipa3on  in  green  growth  will  be  provided  much                          more  finance.  

           b.  Those  who  gave  nega3ve  impacts  will  be  rolled  out                        by  green  standards/green  ethics  

Ac3vi3es  of  Green  Communi3es  

•  Mainly  based  on  agriculture  with  emphasizes  on    Mul3ple  crop  cul3va3on,    Food  produc3on,    Processing,    Distribu3on,  and  Accessed  to  consumers,  as  well  as        Food  waste  disposing  which  is          integral  to  a  well-­‐run  food  system    

Mul3ple  crop  cul3va3on  

•   Defining  green  zone  of  Nay  Pyi  Taw  including  small  farms,  gardens,    grower’  markets,  recrea3on  areas  

   -­‐  Crop  specific  zones  (agro,  hor3,  medicinal  plants)    -­‐  Mul3ple  cropping  zone    -­‐  Livestock  zone    -­‐  Fishery  zone    -­‐  Food  industry  zone  

•  Defined  based  on  soil  types,  clima3c,  socio-­‐economic,  cultural,  historical  condi3ons  

Food  Produc3on  •   Establishment  of  food  produc3on  industry  (small,  medium  &  large)  

           -­‐  Crop  based              -­‐  Livestock  based              -­‐  Fisheries  based    •  Based  on  PPP  approach  &  green  energy  

Food  Processing  industry    •   Post  harvest  technology  

•   Value  added  •   Quality  assurance  •   Green  standards  

Based  on  PPP  approach  &  energy  saving  

Distribu3on  •  supply  chain  •   short  range  •   rapid  and  efficient  •   low  cost  •   low  energy  consump3on  •   focus  on  green  areas  and  then  others  

Access  to  consumers    •  easy  access  

•   diverse  access  •   cheaper  access  •   quality  access  •   green  living  •   green  jobs    

Consumer  are  community  minded  and  respect  to  environments  

Food  waste    •  dispose  eco-­‐friendly  

•   low  pollu3on  •   clean  environment  •   recycle  •   green  ethics  

Consumer  are  community  minded  and  respect  to  environments  

Benefits  of  Green  Communi8es  Main  benefits;  •  s8mulate  economic  progress  via  agriculture  •  new  jobs  opportuni8es  •  reduced  the  risks  of  global  threats  such  as  climate  

change,  loss  of  ecosystem  services  and  water  scarcity.    

In  the  short  term              a.  "green  economy"  is  able  to  provide  GDP  growth,              b.  increasing  per  capita  income  and              c.    employment  in  the  same  or  even  higher  rates  

than  the  tradi8onal  "brown"  economy.    In  the  medium  to  long  term            "green  economy"  will  overtake  "brown"  and  also  

give  much  greater  benefits  for  the  environment  and  reduce  social  inequality.  

Outcomes  from  Green  Communi8es  Emergence of grower markets for their local products

It could enhance the local consumption via green standards (e.g. organic products) Growers Consumers links

Value added foods via agro-based industry

Flower shops

Cash Crops growing

Challenges  •  Leaderships  and  strategies  •  Policy  uncertainty  •  Planning  processes  •  Finance    •  Regula8on  •  Investment  •  Public  Private  Partnership  •  Construc8on  of  suitable  infrastructure