Survey Results

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Survey Results

Survey Results

What is your gender?

As you can see my results show that the gender is prodomately males. This does not surprise me in any way. This shows that the show tries to target males, the way the show does this is by having the characters mostly male. But my results also show that some of the ausience are females aswell. Also the show has some sexual parts in there and that will attract more males than females.

What is your age?

As you can see my results show that the age is mostly 17 and some 18+. This does not surprise me in any way. This is because the showtargets people around this age. The way th show does this is by having the main charcters mostly being teenagers so the audience can relate to them.

Do you enjoy watching Bad Education and Why?

As you can see my results show that people enjoy watching the show and most of the reasons are because it’s funny. This does not surpirise me because people watch the show and it is funny so that is quite an understandable answer for the question.

Callum Young

Survey Results

How do you watch the show?

As you can see my results show that people watch Bad Education either through their TV or computer. This does not surprise me in any way because 17 year olds nowadays watch tv or their computers because it’s easier and is so heavily advertised.

How often do you watch Bad Education?

As you can see my results show that people watch Bad Education one a month. These answers so surprise because people said they enjoy so much I thought they would watch it more often, this shows that people don’t enjoy as much as I thought. I think that people don’t watch it as much Is because the series is over and the show is on at random times.

What is your favourite episode?

As you can see my results show that people enjoyed the first episode of the first series. These answers do not surprise me because

Callum Young

Survey Results

Who is your favourite character?

As you can see my results show that the favourite character of the show is a split between the head teacher and the main character Alfie Wickers. This does not surprise me in anyway because he is the main character and he is supposed to be the most popular because the show is all about his life and what he does.

Do you agree with how the show represents students at school and why?

As you can see my results show that most people agree with the way students. This does surprise because the show represents students in a negative way, so when people said they agree that surprised me. Most people said it was for entertainment purposes, which I agree however maybe they could have done it in a different way.

What are the Uses and Gratifications of Bad Education?

As you can see my results show that people agree with me that the uses and gratifications for Bad Education is entertainment.

Callum Young