Surah Fatiha

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Surah Fatiha

Surah Fatiha

Surah Fatiha

Ayahs: | 1-7 |

AlHamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen

Ar Rahmanir Raheem

Maliki Yawmid deen 123

About Allah

, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


Ehdinas siratal Mustaqeem56

Siratal Lazeena An amta alaihim Gairil Magdubi alaihim walad daaleen , ,

Iyaaka nabudu wa iyaaka nastaeen 4

About UsConnector7


It is the introduction of Allah. Describes the Greatness of Allah. 56+

It is our prayer to Allah for guiding us to the right path4

This is the connector between above two sections. First part of Ayah 4 is like the conclusion of first section which is like our submission to Allah after having his introduction. Second part of ayah 4 is the introduction of second section which is our prayer to Allah for showing us the right path (And Allah guided us throughout the Quran) 7+

AlHamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen Al 'Hamd; [ Hamd praise and thanks ]Lillaah; [ Lillaah Li + Allah To (Preposition Li) + AllahNote that the two words were fused together, thus middle "A" is cancelled]Rabb; [Rabb Lord]

Al 'Aalameen; [ Al'Aalameen the universe] Praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe1

Al 'Hamd; [ Hamd praise and thanks ]

Hamd is from ha-meem-daal and it is to mention the good attribute of a person. Hamd is based on mahabbah (love) and tadheem (greatness).

The al before hamd is called istighraaq in Arabic, and when al comes before this phrase its means that entire praise, all kinds of praise and all the time, hamd is due to Allah(like the in english). The li (lillah, meaning To Allah) implies limitation which is known as ikhtisaas in Arabic and it means that Allah is the only One who deserves the hamd.

Praise VS ThanksAl Hamd means that both praise and thanks be to Allah.

Praise: When we see something so beautiful or amazing, we praise but dont thank. (i.e. when we see an new iPad pro)

Thank: We thank to someone only when we get something and being pleased. (i.e. when we receive gift from someone).

Verb VS NounThis ayah doesnt say We praise Allah because then Hamd will be like a verb. And a verb is dependent on two things : Subject or doer and time or tense. Instead this ayah say Praise belongs to Allah, then Hamd is like a noun. Meaning that either anyone praise or not all praise belongs to Allah regardless the time.

Ar Rahmanir RaheemBoth are names of Allah and been mentioned in the Quran many times. Interestingly RAHMAAN has been mentioned 57 times and RAHEEM 114 times [114 is double of 57]The word RAHMAAN and RAHEEM comes from the word RAHAM. RAHAM in the Arabic language (does not mean mercy) is the womb of the woman when she is pregnant.

Rahmanir;Al Rahman General term used to describe Allahs mercy to all of his creatures whether muslims or non-muslims

Raheem;Al-Raheem denotes specific mercy for the believers alone. Allah says: And he is merciful (raheem) to the believers. [Srah al-Ahzb: 43] Most Gracious, Most Merciful2


Maliki Yawmid deenMaalik; [ Maalik master ]Yawm; [ Yawm day ]Al Deen; [ Deen recompense, the day of recompense refers to the day of judgment ] Master of the Day of Judgment3

Iyaaka nabudu wa iyaaka nastaeenIyyaak; [ Iyaak is a composite pronoun that emphasizes the word "You alone ]

Na'ubud; [ Na'ubud N + Abudu We (Preposition Na or N means We when added before a verb)+ verb Abudu derived from Aabada which means to worship ] Wa; [ Wa the vowel "Waaw" is a preposition that means "And ]

Nasta'een; [ Nasta'een N + Astaeen We (Preposition N means We when added before a verb) + verb Astaeen derived from "Ista'aan" which means to seek help ]

[ Note that the verb endings change when adding different pronouns to it ] We worship only to you and We ask for help only to you4

Ehdinas siratal MustaqeemEhdina; [ Ehdina Ehd + Na Ehd ( Guide, a request ) + Us (Postposition Na or N means Us when added after a verb) ] [ Note that Arabic pronouns added before the verb to denote a subject or are added after the verb to denote an object]Al Siraat; [ Siraat Path ]

Al Mustaqeem;[ Mustaqeem an adjective that means straight or right ] Guide us to the right path;5

Siratal Lazeena An amta alaihimAl Siraat; [ Siraat Path ]

Allazeena;[ Allazeena a pronoun meaning "those who", male plural][Note that different pronouns are used for two male/female and many male/female] , The path of those whom You blessed;6An'amt; [ An'amt An'ama + T Blessed + You (Postposition T means You when added after verb][ It is a composite of the verb "An'ama, he blessed, or he granted and the pronoun "T" denoting a subject "You.

Alayhim;[Alayhim Alaa + Him Upon or on (Alaa) + Them (him is a pronoun means "them)

Gairil Magdubi alaihim walad daaleen

Ghayr;[ Ghayr Not ]

Al Ma'ghdoub;[ Al'Ma'ghdoub adjective that means "who deserved anger or wrath ]

Alayhim;[Alayhim Upon or on (Alaa) + Then (him is a pronoun that means "them)

, Not of those who have deserved wrath, nor of the strayers7Wala; [ Wala Wa + laa and( "Waaw" is a preposition that means "And) + not (laa) The whole word Wala means "Nor ]

Al Daaleen; [ Daaleen Strayers ]

AlHamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen

Hossain Md ShakhawatResearcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology