Sunrise Mountain Landfill Clark County Nevada EPA Order ... · R09: Trujillo, Susanna...

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Transcript of Sunrise Mountain Landfill Clark County Nevada EPA Order ... · R09: Trujillo, Susanna...

Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

Administrative Record File Index

Released: 06/20/2008

SEMS-RM DOCID # 1163129

About the Administrative Record

This administrative record file contains the documents that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has considered and/or relied upon in selecting the remedial activities for the Sunrise Mountain Landfill Site in Clark County, Nevada, that are incorporated into the Scope of Work for EPA Order Docket No. RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002. This Administrative Record is presented in Compact Disc (CD) format. The administrative record file may be supplemented. This 2008 administrative record file (which also incorporates by reference the documents in the Sunrise Mountain Landfill 1999 Administrative Record) will be available for viewing by appointment at both the U.S. EPA Region IX Superfund Records Center, 95 Hawthorne St., San Francisco, CA 94105 and at the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Field Office in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please contact the Project Coordinators listed below to arrange an appointment for viewing. EPA welcomes questions and comments on documents contained in the administrative record file. Please contact: Steve Wall Project Coordinator U.S. EPA (WST-7) 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105-3972 (415) 972-3381

or: Ann Murphy Alternate Project Coordinator U.S. EPA (WRT-7) 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105-3972 (415) 972-3640

or: Mike Moran

U.S. Bureau of Land Management Las Vegas Field Office 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive Las Vegas, NV 89130-2301 (702) 515-5053 (telephone) (702) 515-5023 (fax)

What is an Administrative Record?

An administrative record is a collection of documents which forms the basis for an agency's decision, in this case the selection of a response action. This does not mean that only documents which support a response decision are placed in the administrative record. Relevant documents that were relied upon in selecting the response action, as well as relevant documents that were considered but ultimately rejected, are included. The administrative record will be available for public review, by appointment, during normal business hours and should be treated as a non-circulating reference document. Questions regarding the maintenance of the administrative record file should be directed to:

Elaine Chan, Administrative Record Coordinator, U.S. EPA (SFD-7-B), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-3901, Phone: (415) 972-3128 How to obtain copies of administrative record documents:

Individuals may copy any documents contained in the administrative record file according to the procedures at the local repository or request a copy of the CD by calling the Superfund Records Center at (415) 536-2000. Sunrise Mountain Landfill Site

2008 Administrative Record

Acronyms and Abbreviations


1st First 2-D Two-Dimensional 2nd Second 3rd Third 4th Fourth 5th Fifth ACAP Alternative Cover Assessment Project app Appendix ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers attch Attachment BLM US Dept of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management CAA Clean Air Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and

Liability Act of 1980 CFR Code of Federal Regulations CSAMT Controlled Source Audio-Frequency Magnetotellurics CVs Resumes (Latin Abbreviation) CWA Clean Water Act dept Department DFX AutoCAD File Format div Division DRI Desert Research Institute DWG AutoCAD File Format E East ed Editor encl Enclosure EPA Environmental Protection Agency ET Evapotranspiration et al And Others (Latin abbreviation) fr From ft Feet

FY Fiscal Year GES Geotechnical & Environmental Services, Inc gINT Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Software HLA Harding Lawson Associates in Inches IP Induced Polarization ltr Letter memo Memorandum MOU Memorandum of Understanding mtg Meeting N North NE Northeast NMOC Non-Methane Organic Compound NUREG Documents Published by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NV State of Nevada NW Northwest p Page pp Pages RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act re Regarding rpt Report RSS Republic Silver State RSSN Republic Services of Southern Nevada RWMS Radioactive Waste Management Site S South SAP Sampling & Analysis Plan SDG Sample Delivery Group SE Southeast SOW Scope of Work SWANA Solid Waste Association of North America TL Transmittal Letter UNSAT-H Computer Code Used to Simulate the One-Dimensional Flow of Water,

Vapour, and Heat in Soils US United States USA United States of America USGS US Geological Survey v Volume VOC Volatile Organic Compound W West w/ With w/o Without

This administrative record is available for viewing at the Superfund Records Center in San Francisco and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Las Vegas Field Office, 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89130-2301.

Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

1110472 1/1/1979

Excerpt: Chapter 3 - Rockfill Dams (Rockfill in

Hydraulic Engineering, 1979, Elsevier

Scientific, pp 38-61)

R09: Stephenson, David (Univ of the

Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

2037665 12/1/1984Article: Hydraulic properties of stony vadose

zones (Ground water, v22, #6, pp 696-705)

R09: Bouwer, Herman (US Dept of

Agriculture - Water Conservation

Laboratory), R09: Rice, R (US Dept of

Agriculture - Water Conservation


2037696 1/1/1987Map: Geology of Las Vegas NW quadrangle,

w/TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy 8/30/04

R09: Matti, Jonathan (Univ of Nevada, Reno

- Bureau of Mines & Geology)

1110468 1/1/1989

Excerpt: Chapter 5 - Filter Design (Seepage,

Drainage, & Flow Nets, 2nd 1989, John Wiley

& Sons, pp 173-185)

R09: Cedergren, Harry (NONE)

1110470 3/1/1989Design of riprap revetment (Hydraulic

Engineering Circular #11, 3/1989)

R09: (US Dept of Transportation - Federal

Highway Administration)

1110473 6/1/1990

Article: Influence of uniformity on riprap

stability (Publications in Hydraulics, 1990

Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, 6/90,

pp 25-30)

R09: Wittler, Rodney (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Reclamation), R09: Abt,

Steven (Colorado State Univ, Fort Collins -

Dept of Civil Engineering)

2027676 10/1/1990 Hydrologic criteria & drainage design manualR09: (Clark County, NV - Regional Flood

Control District)

2037695 1/1/1991

Excerpt: ANSWERS user's manual, 2nd ed,

appendix A (pp 33-38), appendix B (pp 39 &

40), & addendum (p 55)

R09: Beasley, David (North Carolina State

Univ - Dept of Biological & Agricultural

Engineering), R09: Huggins, Larry (Purdue

Univ - Dept of Agricultural & Biological


2037697 4/1/1991

Article: Effects of ground fissures on

development in Las Vegas Valley, NV

(Proceedings of the 1991 Annual Symposium

on Engineering Geology & Geotechnical

Engineering, #27, 32-1-32-15), w/TL to S Wall

fr A Gaddy 8/30/04

R09: Stilley, Alan (Converse Consultants

Southwest, Inc), R09: Werle, James

(Converse Consultants Southwest, Inc)

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

1110469 8/1/1991

Article: Riprap design for overtopping flow

(Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v117, #8,

8/91, pp 959-972)

R09: Johnson, Terry (Nuclear Regulatory

Commission), R09: Abt, Steven (Colorado

State Univ, Fort Collins - Dept of Civil


2037702 1/1/1995

Article: Calcium carbonate effects on soil

textural class in semiarid wildland soils (Arid

Soil Research & Rehabilitation v9, #2, 155-


R09: Aguilar, Richard (Sandia National

Laboratories), R09: Francis, Richard (NONE)

2065259 4/20/1995Article: Alternative landfill cover


R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2072557 6/7/1995 Photos: Closure photos - erosion - 6/7/95 R09: (Harding Lawson Assoc)R09: Schmutz, Clare (Clark County, NV -

Health District)

2065261 8/1/1995

Fact Sheet: Waste burial in arid environments

- application of information fr field laboratory

in Mojave Dessert, Southern Nevada

R09: (US Geological Survey)

2065263 8/1/1995Bibliography - US Geological Survey studies at

waste site in Mojave Dessert near Beatty, NVR09: (US Geological Survey)

2065262 8/13/1995

Article: Soil, plant, and structural

considerations for surface barriers in arid

environments - application of results fr

studies in Mojave Dessert near Beatty, NV

(Workshop on Barriers for Long-Term

Isolation, 8/13/95)

R09: Andraski, B (US Geological Survey),

R09: Prudic, David (US Geological Survey)

2037707 6/12/1996

Article: Design of final covers systems for arid

& semi-arid regions of west (3rd International

Symposium of Environmental Geotechnology,


R09: Richardson, Gregory (G N Richardson

& Assoc), R09: Waugh, Joseph (Rust

Geotech Inc)

2073226 8/3/1996

Article: Groundwater variability at sanitary

landfills - causes & solutions (From Theory to

Practice - Proceedings of Uncertainty '96,

Geotechnical Engineering Div/ASCE, 7/31-


R09: Figueras, Debbie (Browning-Ferris

Industries, Inc - Groundwater Services Div),

R09: Oneacre, John (Browning-Ferris

Industries, Inc - Groundwater Services Div)

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2037709 2/12/1997Article: Prediction of long-term erosion fr

landfill covers in southwest, w/TLs

R09: Anderson, Clifford (Univ of New

Mexico - Dept of Civil Engineering), R09:

Stormont, John (Univ of New Mexico - Dept

of Civil Engineering)

2037711 8/1/1997

Solid waste fact sheet - alternative final

covers for low-risk municipal solid waste


R09: (NV Dept of Conservation & Natural

Resources - Div of Environmental


2029952 11/13/1997 Final cover evaluation R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Dynamic Corp)R09: (US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of

Land Management)

2031841 2/1/1998Photos (16): Site visit - ACAP conference, 6 X

4 in, color

2031777 2/24/1998Email: Applicability of CAA emission

guidelines to site

R09: Bowlin, Patricia (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037698 3/27/1998

Article: Simple method to help define fissure

hazard for sites in Las Vegas Valley, NV

(Proceedings of 33rd Symposium for

Engineering Geology & Geotechnical

Engineering, 3/25-3/27/98), w/TL to S Wall fr

A Gaddy 8/30/04

R09: Stilley, Alan (Converse Consultants

Southwest, Inc), R09: Werle, James

(Converse Consultants Southwest, Inc), R09:

Linnert-dunford, Lorraine (Converse

Consultants Southwest, Inc)

2040220 4/9/1998Newsclip: Senators tour Sunrise landfill, meet

with residentsR09: (Las Vegas Sun)

2040221 4/10/1998Newsclip: Officials still looking for Sunrise

landfill answersR09: Manning, Mary (Las Vegas Sun)

2040222 4/10/1998 Newsclip: Residents air worries over dumpR09: Rogers, Keith (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2065274 4/23/1998

Enforcement order #3520 to submit plan to

meet requirements for landfill gas collection

& control system

R09: Naylor, Michael (Clark County, NV -

Health District), R09: Ravenholt, Otto (Clark

County, NV - Health District)

R09: Manning, Martin (Clark County, NV -

Public Works Dept)

2040211 5/27/1998Draft Sunrise agreement, w/TL to A Stern fr M

Moran 5/28/98R09: (Clark County, NV - Public Works Dept)

2040212 6/3/1998 Ltr: Comments on draft Sunrise agreement

R09: Rosse, Verne (NV Dept of Conservation

& Natural Resources - Div of Environmental


R09: Manning, Martin (Clark County, NV -

Public Works Dept)

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2037712 7/1/1998Solid waste landfills closure/postclosure cost

estimate database

R09: (CA Environmental Protection Agency -

Integrated Waste Management Board)

2065258 9/1/1998 Construction costs of six landfill cover designsR09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2073374 9/11/1998Photos: Photos of 9/11/98 storm event, w/TL

to S Trujillo fr M Moran, 9/30/98

R09: (US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of

Land Management)

2031842 9/29/1998Photo: View down gully into valley, 12 X 8 in,


2040218 10/1/1998Article: New republic - one billion strong &

growing (Waste Age, 69-75)R09: Aquino, John (NONE)

2040244 10/2/1998

Ltr: Suggests that MOU between parties

would be appropriate mechanism to

authorize planned characterization & cleanup

of black lagoons area

R09: Dwyer, Michael (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2040213 10/5/1998

Finding of violation & order, w/TL to M

Manning & S Kalish fr D Emme & J Williams,

w/o mail receipt

R09: Emme, David (NV Dept of

Conservation & Natural Resources - Div of

Environmental Protection), R09: Williams,

James (NV Dept of Conservation & Natural

Resources - Div of Environmental


2040214 10/6/1998Ltr: Corrective action order, w/TL to S Trujillo

fr E Wojcik

R09: Schmutz, Clare (Clark County, NV -

Health District), R09: Kwalick, Donald (Clark

County, NV - Health District), R09: Wojcik,

Edmund (Clark County, NV - Health District)

R09: Dwyer, Michael (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management),

R09: Kalish, Steve (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Manning, Martin (Clark

County, NV - Public Works Dept)

2040245 10/26/1998Ltr: Discusses proposed workplan & need for

MOU between parties

R09: Dwyer, Michael (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2040246 10/26/1998Ltr: Discusses proposed black lagoon cleanup

& need for further site characterization

R09: Dwyer, Michael (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Walch, Gregory (James, Driggs,

Walch, Santoro, Kearney, Johnson &

Thompson (Attorneys))

2031838 11/19/1998Site photos - surface water conveyance &

exposed trash SE corner

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2030040 12/17/1998

Email: Transmits comments on 11/24/98

draft of proposed groundwater monitoring

plan, w/attch & forward to D Basinger, S Wall,

& others fr S Trujillo

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027694 1/1/1999Draft hydrologic & hydrogeological conditions

assessment, task 19, w/marginaliaR09: (Harding Lawson Assoc) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2040215 1/27/1999Ltr: Discusses findings of violation & orders

dated 10/5/98 & 10/16/98

R09: Rinaldi, Bonnie (Clark County, NV -

Office of County Manager)

R09: Biaggi, Allen (NV Dept of

Conservation & Natural Resources - Div

of Environmental Protection)

2067725 2/9/1999

Designing & implementing alternative

earthen final covers for waste containment

facilities, 2/8-2/9/99

R09: (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison)

2073375 4/22/1999 Site evaluation rpt, w/attchsR09: Bellamy, Kandice (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2029953 4/26/1999

Findings of violation & order for compliance,

w/attch 1 & TL to H Hudson, J Cosman, H

Huizenga, & M Manning fr A Strauss

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2029954 4/26/1999

Administrative order, w/attch A and TL to H

Hudson, J Cosman, H Huizenga, M Manning,

& J Anstett fr J Anderson

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2040223 5/13/1999Newsclip: Survey - South Nevadans happy

with trash serviceR09: (Las Vegas Sun)

2031778 5/28/1999

Ltr: Requests approval for landfill gas

production rate assessment workplan,


R09: Wilson, Glenn (Desert Research


R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027925 6/1/1999Landfill assessment workplan, w/o oversize

map, aerial photo, & scheduleR09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029889 6/1/1999Landfill assessment workplan (oversize map,

aerial photo, & schedule only)R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2030041 6/3/1999Ltr: Transmits landfill assessment workplan,

w/o attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2019139 6/9/1999Cleanup field investigation rpt (oversize map

only)R09: (P B S & J) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2019140 6/9/1999Cleanup field investigation rpt (oversize map

only)R09: (P B S & J) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027681 6/9/1999Cleanup field investigation rpt, w/TLs, w/o

oversize mapsR09: (P B S & J) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027689 6/10/1999

Draft interim plan for conducting repairs to

existing surface water control system &

additional storm water controls, w/marginalia

R09: (Harding Lawson Assoc) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2040224 6/15/1999 Newsclip: Deal on landfill cleanup on tableR09: Friess, Steve (Las Vegas Review-Journal


2031779 6/17/1999

Memo: Transmits comments on DRI's scope

of work (SOW) for landfill gas production rate

assessment, w/attchs

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040225 6/22/1999Newsclip: Company, county clash over

statistics on recycling

R09: Rogers, Keith (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2040226 6/24/1999Newsclip: Did county make the right move on

landfill cleanup?R09: (Las Vegas Press (Newspaper))

2040227 6/28/1999 Newsclip: Haste makes waste deal suspectR09: Zapler, Mike (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2040228 6/29/1999 Newsclip: Council holds off on waste contractR09: Zapler, Mike (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2030042 7/2/1999

Ltr: Transmits comments on RSS response to

EPA clean water act orders, comments on

proposed landfill assessment workplan, &

6/25/1999 law enforcement memo, w/attchs

R09: Dwyer, Michael (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040216 7/8/1999 Incident/investigation rptR09: August, Randolph (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2031843 7/9/1999Photos (25): Site photos showing erosion &

exposed waste, 4 X 6 in, color

2040229 7/13/1999 Newsclip: Trash contract extended R09: Neff, Erin (Las Vegas Sun)

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Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2030043 7/15/1999

Email: Has questions re landfill gas probes &

methods for groundwater characterization in


R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior

- Bureau of Land Management)

2025298 7/16/1999Ltr: Discharge rpt re storm event on

7/8/1999, w/enclsR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025299 7/26/1999

Ltr: Transmits comments re interim plan

received 6/11/1999 & ltr dated 7/16/1999,


R09: Meer, Daniel (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc), R09: Manning, Martin

(Clark County, NV - Public Works Dept)

2027926 8/1/1999Landfill assessment workplan, w/o oversize

drawings, map, aerial photo, & schedule

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029890 8/1/1999Landfill assessment workplan (oversize

drawings, map, aerial photo, & schedule only)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2037713 8/1/1999Depth-duration-frequency values for Las

Vegas Valley area

R09: (Clark County, NV - Regional Flood

Control District)

2030044 8/2/1999Ltr: Comments on landfill assessment

workplan, w/attch

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Johnson, Stephen (P H B Hagler

Bailly, Inc), R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic

Dumpco, Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark

County, NV - Comprehensive Planning


2025300 8/6/1999Ltr: Response to 7/26/1999 comments on

interim plan, w/enclsR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025301 8/27/1999

Ltr: Hydrology evaluation for eastern bypass

channel & conceptual blasting & armor

design interim plan, w/attchs 1-3 (Item E5 fr

8/6/1999 Republic Services ltr)

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers), R09:

Lamb, Steven (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025302 9/29/1999

Ltr: Additional comments re

hydrologic/hydrogeologic rpt, interim plan, &

clean up certification received 6/11/1999,

w/encls A-C

R09: Meer, Daniel (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark

County, NV - Comprehensive Planning


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Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2029957 10/1/1999 Mixed waste landfill design rpt

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National

Laboratories), R09: Anderson, Clifford (Univ

of New Mexico - Dept of Civil Engineering),

R09: Stormont, John (Univ of New Mexico -

Dept of Civil Engineering)

2027687 10/13/1999 Design storm event rpt, w/apps A-E

R09: Teaford, Bonnie (EMCON Assoc), R09:

Wall, Randall (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste


R09: (Republic Services, Inc)

2019135 10/14/1999

Ltr: Discusses & transmits response to

comments, revised task 19 & 20 HLA

submittals, interim action rpt, emergency

plan (oversize maps only)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019136 10/14/1999

Ltr: Discusses & transmits response to

comments, revised task 19 & 20 HLA

submittals, interim action rpt, emergency

plan (oversize maps & drawings only)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027678 10/14/1999

Ltr: Discusses & transmits response to

comments, revised task 19 & 20 HLA

submittals, interim action rpt, emergency

plan, w/encls, w/o oversize maps & drawings

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025303 10/21/1999

Ltr: Grants extension for completing

stormwater pollution prevention plan

(SWPPP), & inspection & maintenance plan

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2040230 10/28/1999 Newsclip: Trash transfer sites approved R09: Koch, Ed (Las Vegas Sun)

2030045 11/1/1999

Ltr: Transmits Republic DUMPCo's response

to 9/14/1999 preliminary comments on

revised landfill assessment workplan, w/attch

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031845 11/17/1999

Photos (13): Site photos showing runoff

system, 4 X 6 in, color, w/o negatives &

computer disk

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Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2031846 11/17/1999Photos (13): Site photos showing runoff

system, 4 X 6 in, color (negatives only)

2031847 11/17/1999Photos (13): Site photos showing runoff

system, 4 X 6 in, color (computer disk only)

2031785 11/22/1999

Ltr: Requests approval to remove waste in NE

canyon area within flow path of stormwater,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030046 12/1/1999Ltr: Grants partial approval of landfill

assessment workplan, w/encl

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2025304 12/9/1999Ltr: Request for re-activation of stormwater

permit, w/attchsR09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Saunders, Robert (NV Dept of

Conservation & Natural Resources - Div

of Environmental Protection)

2030032 12/9/1999Ltr: Discuses sampling protocol for clean up of

NE canyon area, w/o oversize mapR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031538 12/9/1999Ltr: Discuses sampling protocol for clean up of

NE canyon area (oversize map only)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031786 12/9/1999Memo: Transmits NE canyon relocation

drawings, w/attchs (waste removal)R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010532 12/13/1999 Monthly progress rpts (6/1999-12/1999) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030047 12/13/1999

Ltr: Provides notification that CSAMT surface

geophysical work will begin on 12/15/1999,


R09: Vercoutere, Tom (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030048 12/13/1999Ltr: Receipt of partial workplan approval &

notification of project startupR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025305 12/21/1999Ltr: Specifications for north off-lease interim


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

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2030049 12/21/1999

Ltr: Transmits revised landfill assessment

workplan (1st EPA approval 12/2/1999), w/o


R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025306 12/22/1999Ltr: Design rpt for eastern bypass channel

reconstruction, w/attchs

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers), R09:

Lamb, Steven (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027927 12/22/1999

Landfill assessment workplan (1st approval,

12/2/1999), w/TL to S Trujillo fr S Smith

12/21/1999, w/o oversize drawings, map,

aerial photo, & schedule

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029891 12/22/1999

Landfill assessment workplan (1st approval,

12/2/1999), w/TL to S Trujillo fr S Smith

12/21/1999 (oversize drawings, map, aerial

photo, & schedule)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2030050 12/22/1999

Ltr: Gives written approval of modifications to

CSAMT surface geophysical work, w/ltr dated


R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2031780 1/1/2000

Landfill gas emissions & energy production

potential rpt, w/TL to Distribution List fr M

Jones 7/12/2000

R09: (Desert Research Institute)R09: (US Dept of Energy - Nevada

Operations Office)

2025307 1/3/2000Ltr: Transmits comments re 10/14/1999 ltr &

rpt, w/attch

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2025308 1/3/2000

Ltr: Requests extension for submittal of

document described in 12/21/1999 ltr re

removal of solid waste fr NE canyon area

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025309 1/10/2000Ltr: Response to 1/3/2000 comments re

interim actions, w/enclsR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025310 1/11/2000

Ltr: Grants extension for information

requested in 12/21/1999 ltr (Response to fax

dated 1/3/2000)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2025311 1/12/2000Ltr: Comments on EMCON design storm event

rpt dated 10/13/1999

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

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2027703 1/18/2000

Draft general waste removal workplan,

including NE canyon, E perimeter & W burn

pit, w/attchs & TL to S Trujillo fr S Lamb & S


R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029887 1/18/2000

Draft general waste removal workplan,

including NE canyon, E perimeter & W burn

pit (oversize map only)

R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2040231 1/18/2000Newsclip: Silver State contract challenge for

councilR09: Neff, Erin (Las Vegas Sun)

2025312 1/19/2000Ltr: Comments on stormwater inspection &

rpt dated 12/16/1999

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2040232 1/20/2000Newsclip: Groesbeck satisfies orders of plea


R09: (Las Vegas Review-Journal


2019137 1/26/2000Drainage mitigation facilities rpt (oversize

map only)R09: (P B S & J) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2019138 1/26/2000Drainage mitigation facilities rpt (oversize

maps & drawings only)R09: (P B S & J) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027680 1/26/2000

Drainage mitigation facilities rpt, w/TL to A

Gaddy fr M Sorenson, w/o oversize maps &


R09: (P B S & J) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2025313 1/27/2000Ltr: Response to 1/19/2000 comments re

stormwater inspection & rptR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030051 1/28/2000

Ltr: Grants final approval of landfill

assessment workplan, subject to

modifications, w/encl 1

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2065257 1/31/2000Revised title/abstract page fr mixed waste

landfill design rpt dated 10/99

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National

Laboratories), R09: Anderson, Clifford (Univ

of New Mexico - Dept of Civil Engineering),

R09: Stormont, John (Univ of New Mexico -

Dept of Civil Engineering)

2025314 2/1/2000

Ltr: Response dated 1/10/2000 re interim

actions acceptably addresses comments

dated 1/3/2000

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

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2029955 2/1/2000Ltr: Discusses salt content in soil & its effect

on choice of final cover

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Stephen F Dwyer


2065255 2/1/2000

Landfill cover revegetation using organic

amendments & cobble mulch in arid


R09: Aguilar, Richard (Sandia National


2025315 2/2/2000

Ltr: Comments on design rpt for eastern

bypass channel reconstruction dated


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2025316 2/4/2000Ltr: Response to 1/12/2000 ltr re design

storm event rpt

R09: Bowers, Garth (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services), R09: Wall, Randall

(EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025281 2/8/2000

Ltr: Transmits updated interim action rpt,

interim action map, & photos (17), w/o

oversize map

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2028230 2/8/2000

Ltr: Transmits updated interim action rpt,

interim action map, & photos (17) (oversize

map only)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031788 2/8/2000

Ltr: Approves proceeding with general waste

removal plan, exhibit 1 for NE canyon off-

lease interim action

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2031787 2/10/2000

Ltr: Notification of waste characterization &

stockpiling (NE canyon off-lease interim


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030052 2/11/2000Email: Transmits final draft of sampling &

analysis plan (SAP), sections 1-4, w/attchR09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2031789 2/15/2000Ltr: Notification of discovery of unexpected or

unusual waste within NE canyon

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030053 2/16/2000

Ltr: Finds SAP inadequate & does not approve

work starting on landfill assessment tasks,

w/encl 1

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

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2030054 2/17/2000

Ltr: Will provide electronic version of revised

SAP on 2/18/2000 & electronic version of

revised workplan on 2/29/2000

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031790 2/17/2000Ltr: Update on drums discovered during NE

canyon waste removal project

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030055 2/18/2000Ltr: Discusses and transmits update to SAP in

landfill assessment workplan, w/o attchR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065270 2/18/2000

Ltr: Transmits unprocessed plots of Cagniard

resistivity & impedance phase data fr Line 6

of CSAMT survey, plus 2-D smooth-model

inversion results with preliminary

interpretation, w/attchs

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040233 2/20/2000

Newsclip: Getting what they want - Silver

State officials defend benefits of garbage


R09: Neff, Erin (Las Vegas Sun), R09:

Kanigher, Steve (Las Vegas Sun)

2027702 2/24/2000

Final general waste removal workplan,

including NE canyon, E perimeter & W burn

pit, w/attchs & TL to S Trujillo fr S Lamb & S

Smith, w/o oversize drawings

R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029886 2/24/2000

Oversize Drawings (2): Final general waste

removal workplan, including NE canyon, E

perimeter & W burn pit - Existing conditions

plan (1 of 2) & proposed conditions plan (2 of


R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2040234 2/24/2000Newsclip: Silver State maintains lock on

sludge contractR09: Neff, Erin (Las Vegas Sun)

2027928 2/28/2000

Landfill assessment workplan (2nd approval,

1/28/2000), w/TL to S Trujillo fr S Smith & S

Lamb 2/29/2000, w/o oversize drawings,

map, aerial photo, & schedule

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

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2029892 2/28/2000

Landfill assessment workplan (2nd approval,

1/28/2000), w/TL to S Trujillo fr S Smith & S

Lamb 2/29/2000 (oversize drawings, map,

aerial photo, & schedule only)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2031791 2/28/2000

Ltr: Approves proceeding with NE canyon off-

lease interim action waste removal based on

modifications to general waste removal plan

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2031792 2/28/2000

Ltr: Asks for approval of revised general

workplan & transmits summaries of NE

canyon waste characterization samples,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025283 3/1/2000

Ltr: Approves of 2/4/200 design storm event,

& stormwater pollution prevention plan

(SWPPP) is due 3 weeks after approval of off-

lease waste in upper canyon area

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2031844 3/1/2000Photos (24): Site photos showing work being

done, 3 1/2 X 5 in, color

2040235 3/1/2000Newsclip: Silver State Disposal starts moving

waste fr old landfill

R09: Rogers, Keith (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2030056 3/2/2000 Memo: Transmits p37 of SAP, w/attch R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030057 3/2/2000 Memo: Transmits p38 of SAP, w/attch R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030058 3/2/2000 Memo: Transmits revised p38 of SAP, w/attch R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040236 3/2/2000Newsclip: McDonald backtracks on Silver

State contractR09: Neff, Erin (Las Vegas Sun)

2025284 3/3/2000

Ltr: Responds to 2/2/2000 ltr re eastern

bypass channel reconstruction, w/ltr dated

2/2/2000 (Addendum 1 to 12/22/1999 design


R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers), R09:

Lamb, Steven (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2030060 3/3/2000Ltr: Grants approval to commence work on

remaining landfill assessment tasks

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2025292 3/5/2000

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP), w/TL to

D Basinger fr A Gaddy 3/6/00, w/o oversize


R09: (Converse Consultants) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027626 3/5/2000

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP), w/TL to

D Basinger fr A Gaddy 3/6/00 (oversize map


R09: (Converse Consultants) R09: (Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc)

2032883 3/6/2000 TL: Stormwater monitoring plan R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040237 3/6/2000Newsclip: Hauling trash - officials moving

waste on government ordersR09: Manning, Mary (Las Vegas Sun)

2065256 3/8/2000TL: Revised title/abstract page fr mixed waste

landfill design rpt dated 10/99

R09: Allen, Sr, George (Sandia National


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031511 3/16/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-5A (3/13-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2030059 3/20/2000Memo: Discusses revised SAP for perched

water zonesR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031502 3/20/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-2A (3/17-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031495 3/23/2000Daily borehole summary for GH-6A


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031506 3/28/2000Daily borehole summaries for LB-3A - eastern

burn pit (3/23-3/28/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031524 3/28/2000 Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for 2A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031525 3/28/2000 Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for 3A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

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2031526 3/28/2000 Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for 4A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031527 3/28/2000 Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for 5A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031496 3/29/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-6B (3/23-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2040238 3/29/2000Newsclip: Pollutant detected in N Las Vegas


R09: Rogers, Keith (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2027691 3/30/2000

Ltr: Response to 3/1/00 design rpt comments,

eastern bypass channel reconstruction,


R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers), R09:

Lamb, Steven (S C S Engineers)

R09: Parrish, Steve (Clark County, NV -

Public Works Dept)

2030061 3/31/2000Standard operating procedure (SOP) - sample

documentation & trackingR09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2031498 4/4/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-1A (3/30-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031781 4/5/2000Initial design capacity rpt & tier 1 NMOC

emission rate rpt, w/o oversize mapR09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2032105 4/5/2000Initial design capacity rpt & tier 1 NMOC

emission rate rpt (oversize map only)R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2066444 4/5/2000

Email: Documents agreement for

modification of sample procedures in Landfill

Assessment Workplan

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2066445 4/5/2000

Email: Revision to agreement for modification

of sample procedures in Landfill Assessment


R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2031530 4/7/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

2AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031751 4/7/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

5AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031756 4/7/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

6BR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031528 4/8/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

1AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

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2066446 4/11/2000Ltr: Location GH-5B drilling recommendation,

hydrogeologic evaluation, w/attchs

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066447 4/11/2000Email: Discusses GES GH-5B drilling

recommendation, w/history

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Baylor, Katherine (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030062 4/12/2000Memo: Geotechnical soil testing & slope

stabilityR09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2031770 4/14/2000

Ltr: Notification that field assessment of

existing final cover soils is scheduled to start

on 4/17/2000

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2066448 4/17/2000

Ltr: Location GH-2B & GH-3B drilling

recommendation, hydrogeologic evaluation,


R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025285 4/20/2000Ltr: Comments on 3/5/2000 stormwater

monitoring plan, w/attch A

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2031514 4/20/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-7A (4/18-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2066449 4/20/2000

Ltr: Proposed conductor casing methodology

for hydrogeologic evaluation, w/attch & TL to

S Wall fr T Gardner 4/25/00

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2066450 4/24/2000Ltr: Percussion hammer drill rig methodology

for hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030063 4/26/2000

Ltr: Provides written documentation of

approval to workplan modifications &

documents verbal directives provided on

hydrogeological & cover evaluations

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2030064 4/26/2000Ltr: Discusses changes to workplan re

hydrogeological evaluation of site

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2030065 4/28/2000

Ltr: Outlines verbally approved field

modifications to workplan (technical memo

#1 for field modifications)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066451 4/28/2000Ltr: Anticipated drilling sequence for

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025286 5/4/2000TL: Final mylars of construction plans for

eastern bypass channel reconstruction

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers), R09:

Lamb, Steven (S C S Engineers)

R09: Parish, Steve (Clark County, NV -

Public Works Dept)

2029956 5/5/2000

Cover characterization - field observations

(4/17-4/21/2000 & 5/1-5/5/2000),

w/appendix A (draft)

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Stephen F Dwyer


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2066452 5/8/2000

Ltr: Additional sampling method during air

core system drilling & sampling for

hydrogeologic evaluation, w/TL to S Wall fr D


R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027895 5/9/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

3A, soil samples for volatile organic

compounds, collected 5/9/2000, w/TL to T

Gardner fr S Van Wagenen 5/12/2000

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031505 5/9/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-3A (3/20-

3/21 & 5/1-5/9/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031771 5/9/2000Ltr: Proposes changes to workplan for final

cover study, w/marginaliaR09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2066453 5/9/2000

Ltr: Anticipated drilling sequence &

advancement rate, revision 1, for

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027711 5/10/2000 Ltr: Lagoon boring analytical results, w/attchs R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2030066 5/10/2000Ltr: Has questions re verbal directions

described in fax requested on 5/5 & 5/8/2000

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030067 5/10/2000

Memo: Suggests need to develop procedure

for management of change fr approved


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030068 5/10/2000Memo: Transmits draft copy of workplan

change request, w/attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031501 5/10/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-2A - field

draft (5/1-5/10/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031772 5/10/2000

Ltr: Asks that equipment for trenching &

potential sampling be provided at location

directed by EPA representative

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2066454 5/10/2000 Email: Transmits drilling problems, w/attchR09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027712 5/11/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits data sheet

correction, lagoon boring analytical results,


R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2031531 5/11/2000Boring data - gamma ray/induction log for GH-

2AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031534 5/11/2000Boring data - gamma ray/induction log for GH-

3AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2040159 5/11/2000

Email: Concurs with recommendations re

method used to obtain geotechnical samples

for field assessment of final cover soils

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc), R09:

Schlegel, John (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2040160 5/11/2000

Email: References for 2 slope stability analysis

methods in proposal dated 6/2/00,


R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

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2030069 5/12/2000

Ltr: Repeats requests for information &

provides time frame for submitting


R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2066455 5/15/2000Email: Plan for management of changes at


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc), R09:

Schlegel, John (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2040239 5/16/2000Newsclip: EPA blasts Silver State, county on

slow cleanupR09: Manning, Mary (Las Vegas Sun)

2027902 5/17/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

5A, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, non-metals, & inorganic non-

metals, collected 5/17/2000, w/TL to T

Gardner fr S Van Wagenen 5/19/2000

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2040240 5/17/2000 Newsclip: Editorial - cleanup delay is terrible R09: (Las Vegas Sun)

2040241 5/17/2000Newsclip: EPA gets tough with landfill's

hazard-monitoring company

R09: Rogers, Keith (Las Vegas Review-

Journal (Newspaper))

2019180 5/18/2000Electromagnetic conductivity (EM) raw data

& oversize drawings set (computer disk only)R09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2025293 5/18/2000Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP), w/o

oversize mapR09: (Converse Consultants) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2025317 5/18/2000

Ltr: Transmits stormwater monitoring plan

(SWMP) & responds to comments in

4/20/2000 ltr, w/o monitoring plan

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027627 5/18/2000Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP)

(oversize map only)R09: (Converse Consultants) R09: (Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc)

2031535 5/18/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

4AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

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2031752 5/18/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

5AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031817 5/18/2000

Electromagnetic conductivity (EM) raw data

& oversize drawings set, w/TL fr D

Mezzacappa, w/o oversize drawings &

computer disk (geophysical survey)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027706 5/19/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits soil sample

analytical results, semi-volatile organic

compounds, collected 5/10/00, w/marginalia

& TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy 7/7/00

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027754 5/19/2000

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH

135A, collected 5/17/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2030070 5/19/2000Ltr: Responds to 5/12/2000 ltr re requests for

information, w/attch 5R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2056774 5/19/2000

Ltr: Transmits raw data & plots of CSAMT & IP

geophysical surveys, w/index & drawings

(compact disc only)

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2056775 5/19/2000

Electromagnetic conductivity (EM) raw data

& preliminary EM survey, (computer disk


R09: (S C S Engineers)

2065271 5/19/2000

Ltr: Transmits raw data & plots of CSAMT & IP

geophysical surveys, w/drawings, w/o

compact disc

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065272 5/19/2000

Ltr: Transmits raw data & plots of CSAMT & IP

geophysical surveys, w/index & drawings,

w/o compact disc

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065273 5/19/2000Electromagnetic conductivity (EM) raw data

& preliminary EM survey, w/o computer diskR09: (S C S Engineers)

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2066457 5/19/2000Email: Confirmation of 5/12/00 clarification re

hydrogeologic assessment

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030033 5/23/2000Ltr: Requests extension for submission of all

verified off-lease waste delineation data

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030071 5/23/2000Ltr: Responds to 5/12/2000 ltr re requests for


R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031503 5/23/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-2B (5/18-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031839 5/23/2000 Ltr: Requests copies of site photographsR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Morse, Mark (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2031532 5/24/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

2BR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2030034 5/25/2000 Ltr: Analysis of topographic mapsR09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2030072 5/25/2000

Ltr: Transmits revised work schedule for

landfill assessment workplan, w/o work

schedule, w/hydrogeologic schedule


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031773 5/25/2000

Ltr: Provides additional information re cover

thickness, delineation of waste for CWA

requirements, & revised schedule

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040217 5/25/2000

Ltr: Discusses cover thickness, delineation of

waste for CWA requirements, & revised

schedule, w/attchs (responds to 5/12/00 ltr)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031509 5/26/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-4A (3/21-

3/22, 5/11-5/16, & 5/25-5/26/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

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2031782 5/26/2000

Rpt of surface emission monitoring &

methane monitoring structures, w/o oversize


R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2032106 5/26/2000

Rpt of surface emission monitoring &

methane monitoring structures (oversize

drawings only)

R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2066458 5/26/2000 Email: Discusses drilling log & samplingR09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066459 5/26/2000 Email: Discusses drilling technology directiveR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2066460 5/26/2000Ltr: 5/24/00 telephone notification of delay

during hydrogeologic investigation

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010556 5/30/2000 Daily borehole summaries (5/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030073 5/31/2000Ltr: Asks for clarification of role of BLM in

remediation process

R09: Mcmahon, Sherri (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031840 5/31/2000

Ltr: Responds to ltr dated 5/23/2000 re

copies of site photographs, w/TL to S Wall fr

M Moran

R09: Chatterton, Mark (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2040242 5/31/2000Newsclip: Commentary - trash company

makes effort to clean up its reputation

R09: Smith, John (Las Vegas Review-Journal


2066461 5/31/2000Email: Responds to 5/26/00 email re drilling

technology directive

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066462 5/31/2000 Email: Discusses drilling issuesR09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019181 6/1/2000

Ltr: Transmits preliminary induced

polarization (IP) survey (oversize maps only)

(geophysical survey)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2025318 6/1/2000

Ltr: Proposed amendment to landfill

assessment workplan dated 2/29/2000 re

slope stability

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2025319 6/1/2000Ltr: Response to 5/12/2000 ltr re slope

stability waste delineationR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2031499 6/1/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-1B (5/23 &


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031512 6/1/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-5B (3/16,

4/11-4/13, & 6/1/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031812 6/1/2000

Oversize Map: Preliminary geologic map -

drawing 1, 43 1/2 X 34 in, 1 in = 800 ft

(geophysical survey)

R09: (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2031818 6/1/2000

Ltr: Transmits preliminary induced

polarization (IP) survey, w/o oversize maps

(geophysical survey)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2066463 6/1/2000

Ltr: 5/26/00 telephone notification of

possible delay during hydrogeologic


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066464 6/4/2000 Email: Discusses drilling equipment at siteR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025320 6/6/2000Ltr: Comments on 5/18/2000 stormwater

monitoring plan (SWMP)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2066465 6/6/2000 Email: Drilling agreement for siteR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066469 6/6/2000Ltr: Recommended borehole abandonment

procedures, hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Chaffee, Craig (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Burns,

Daniel (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066466 6/7/2000

Email: Discusses & transmits revised

schedule, w/attch, history, & forward to S

Wall fr T Gardner

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp), R09: Siems, Sandra

(P B S & J)

2031529 6/8/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

1BR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031536 6/8/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

4AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031753 6/8/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

5B3R09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

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2030074 6/9/2000

Ltr: Responds to ltr dated 5/31/2000 re

clarification of role of BLM in remediation


R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Mcmahon, Sherri (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2027903 6/12/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

5B3, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, non-metals,

& inorganic non-metals, collected 6/12/2000,


R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2025321 6/13/2000

Ltr: Request for information re slope erosion

stability evaluations, off-lease waste

delineation, & stormwater pollution

prevention plan (SWPPP)

R09: Huetteman, Tom (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County,

NV - Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2066471 6/13/2000 Ltr: Drilling air rotary - foam usage R09: Story, Steve (Layne Christensen Co)R09: Burns, Dan (Eagle Drilling Services, L

L C)

2066468 6/14/2000Ltr: Recommended borehole locations,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066470 6/14/2000Ltr: Conductor casing installation,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066472 6/14/2000

Memo: Transmits proposed abandonment

procedure & maps for new locations 2C & 5C,

w/o abandonment procedure

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2066473 6/14/2000Email: Discusses proposed new locations GH-

2C, GH-5C & GES's abandonment procedure

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2066474 6/14/2000Email: Approval of proposed locations GH-2C

& GH-5C for new borings

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2027885 6/16/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2C, water samples for inorganic non-metals,

non-metals, inorganics, & volatile organic

compounds, collected 6/16/2000, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2066467 6/16/2000

TL: Drilling air rotary - foam usage,

recommended borehole locations,

recommended borehole abandonment

procedures, & conductor casing installation,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031510 6/20/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-4B, p62-81


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031533 6/21/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

2CR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031755 6/21/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

5CR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2066475 6/22/2000Email: Discusses issue with groundwater

sampling at site

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management), R09:

Skinner, Sue (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

2027700 6/23/2000

Draft storm water pollution prevention plan,

w/attchs, apps A-F, & TL to S Trujillo fr D

Hullings, w/o oversize map

R09: (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029648 6/23/2000Draft storm water pollution prevention plan

(oversize map only)R09: (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2031759 6/28/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

11AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031764 6/28/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

12AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

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2040247 6/28/2000

Email: Need determination from federal

agency re exclusive federal jurisdiction before

any neutron logging can be done at site,

w/forward to M Moran fr S Wall 7/3/00

R09: Craig, Dirk (Welenco, Inc)R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2066476 6/28/2000

TL: Conductor casing installation & revised

recommendations for GH-11 & GH-12,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066477 6/28/2000Ltr: Conductor casing installation,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066478 6/28/2000Ltr: Revised recommendations for GH-11 and

GH-12, hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Rapoza,

Robert (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025322 6/29/2000

Ltr: Response to 6/13/2000 request for

information re off-lease waste delineation &

proposal for waste disposition, w/o oversize


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027713 6/29/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS061200,

collected 6/12/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027717 6/29/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project 10199007.01,

collected 6/13/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027718 6/29/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS-061400,

collected 6/14/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2030035 6/29/2000

Ltr: Response to 6/13/2000 request for

information re off-lease waste delineation &

proposal for waste disposition (oversize maps


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2030075 6/29/2000

Email: Comments on & approves of proposed

workplan modifications requested on 6/14 &


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2010549 6/30/2000 Daily borehole summaries (6/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027708 6/30/2000

Data Validation Rpt: Case R00R03, SDG

00133B, 00133C, soil samples for metals,

semivolatile organics, pesticides, anions,

volatile organics, collected 5/10/00, w/TL to S


R09: Bettencourt, Brenda (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027719 6/30/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS061500,

collected 6/15/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2066479 6/30/2000

Ltr: Drilling delays for week of 6/26/00,

hydrogeologic evaluation, w/TL to S Wall & S

Trujillo fr A Gaddy

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040243 7/3/2000Newsclip: At landfill, developer sees golf,

smells troubleR09: Illia, Tony (Las Vegas Business Press)

2027722 7/5/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS061900,

collected 6/19/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027723 7/5/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS062000,

collected 6/20/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2066480 7/5/2000Email: Discusses & transmits summary of

work on wells, w/attch

R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027720 7/7/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS061500,

collected 6/15/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027721 7/7/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits waste sample

analytical results, project WS061600,

collected 6/16/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


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2065252 7/7/2000

Site specific design rpt - alternative cover

demonstration project, Altamont Landfill &

Resource Recovery Facility (draft)

R09: (Harding Lawson Assoc)R09: (Altamont Landfill & Resource

Recovery Facility)

2067121 7/10/2000

Ltr: Use of sand during percussion hammer

drive casing installation, hydrogeologic

evaluation, w/TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy 7/13/00

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067123 7/11/2000Ltr: Recommendations for GH-13A,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067124 7/11/2000Ltr: Request for change in conductor casing

methodology, hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067125 7/11/2000Ltr: Recommended borehole location GH-14,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067122 7/12/2000

TL: Recommendations for GH-13A, request

for change in conductor casing methodology,

& recommended borehole location GH-14,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067126 7/12/2000

Ltr: Summary of observations related to

conductor casing installation at locations GH-

2C & GH-5B3, hydrogeologic evaluation, w/TL

to S Wall fr A Gaddy 7/19/00

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027919 7/14/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

11A, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

7/14/2000, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2030076 7/17/2000Email: Approves of proposed workplan

modifications requested 7/12 & 7/13/2000

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2067127 7/17/2000Email: Discusses & approves requested

workplan modifications dated 7/12 & 7/13/00

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2031537 7/19/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-4A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031749 7/19/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-4B R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031757 7/19/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-6B R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031758 7/20/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

7BR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031762 7/20/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-11A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031763 7/20/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

11AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031768 7/21/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-13A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2030078 7/27/2000

Ltr: Request for change in monitoring well

construction, hydrogeological evaluation,

w/TL to S Trujillo fr D Burns 7/29/2000

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067129 7/27/2000Ltr: Proposal for drilling services, w/TL to S

Wall fr T Roberts 8/11/00

R09: Roberts, Thomas (Layne Christensen


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Silver

State Disposal, Inc)

2010550 7/31/2000 Daily borehole summaries (7/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027909 8/1/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

7B, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, metals, non-metals, & inorganic

non-metals, collected 7/20-8/1/2000, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2067128 8/1/2000Ltr: Discusses Eagle Drilling's use of Thatcher

TF Foam

R09: Walch, Gregory (James, Driggs, Walch,

Santoro, Kearney, Johnson & Thompson


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031518 8/4/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-11A (MW-

11A) (6/22-8/4/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2065233 8/8/2000

Closure plan for corrective action unit 110 -

Area 3 RWMS U-3ax/bl disposal unit, Nevada

Test Site, revision 0

R09: (US Dept of Energy - Nevada

Operations Office)

2067130 8/15/2000Ltr: Additional drilling methods,

hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031523 8/16/2000Boring data - gamma ray/neutron log for GH-

13AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031760 8/16/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-11A R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031761 8/16/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

11AR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031765 8/16/2000 Boring data - neutron log for GH-12B2 R09: (Welenco, Inc)R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031766 8/16/2000Boring data - induction/gamma ray log for GH-

12B2R09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2067131 8/16/2000 Email: Discusses additional drilling methodsR09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067132 8/17/2000

TL: Use of lubricant for Barber Rig downhole

hammer & Layne Christensen dual wall

percussion hammer rill rig, hydrogeologic


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067133 8/17/2000Ltr: Use of lubricant for Barber Rig downhole

hammer, hydrogeologic evaluation, w/encls

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2067134 8/17/2000Ltr: Layne Christensen dual wall percussion

hammer drill rig, hydrogeologic evaluation

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2030077 8/18/2000Email: Comments on proposed drilling

modifications requested 8/16 & 8/17/20

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067135 8/21/2000 Email: Discusses VOC & nitrate analysisR09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067136 8/21/2000Email: Approves VOC & nitrate analysis


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031513 8/22/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-5B4, p56-74


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2067137 8/23/2000 Analytical summary, w/TL to S Wall R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2031515 8/24/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-7B, p60-65


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2067139 8/25/2000Boring sheet summary, w/TL to S Wall

8/31/00R09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2010551 8/30/2000 Daily borehole summaries (8/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019141 8/30/2000Ltr: Slope stability & erosion analysis (oversize

map only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019142 8/30/2000Ltr: Slope stability & erosion analysis (oversize

drawing only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019143 8/30/2000Ltr: Slope stability & erosion analysis (oversize

map only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2019144 8/30/2000Ltr: Slope stability & erosion analysis (oversize

drawing only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027682 8/30/2000Ltr: Slope stability & erosion analysis,

w/attchs, w/o oversize maps & drawings

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067138 8/31/2000 T4W pictures, w/TL to S Wall R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027898 9/5/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

4B2, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

9/5/2000, w/TL to D Reeve & D Faircloth fr S

Van Wagenen 9/12/2000

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2067141 9/6/2000Site oversight trip, w/TL to S Wall fr S Doty


R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067140 9/8/2000 Boring summary, w/TL to S Wall fr D BurnsR09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2067142 9/15/2000 Boring summary, w/TL to S Wall fr D BurnsR09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2031507 9/18/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-3C, p28-49


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2025323 9/19/2000

Ltr: Stormwater pollution protection plan

(SWPPP) work in progress, w/TL to D Basinger

fr A Gaddy 9/20/2000

R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Apex Regional Landfill)

2027923 9/19/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

12C, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

8/23-9/19/2000, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div) R09: (Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc)

2067143 9/20/2000Trip log (9/18-9/20), w/TL to S Wall fr S Doty


R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2031750 9/21/2000Boring data - gamma ray/neutron log for GH-

4BR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031754 9/21/2000Boring data - gamma ray/neutron log for GH-

5B4R09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2031767 9/21/2000Boring data - gamma ray/neutron log for GH-

12CR09: (Welenco, Inc)

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2067144 9/27/2000 Email: Discusses metals analysis, w/historyR09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2010552 9/29/2000 Daily borehole summaries (9/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067145 9/29/2000Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

fr J Knoell 10/2/00

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065254 10/1/2000Alternative landfill cover demonstration,

FY2000 annual data rptR09: (Sandia National Laboratories)

2027751 10/3/2000

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project LG-224-

3, collected 9/19/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic

Dumpco, Inc)

2027752 10/3/2000

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project LG-224-

3C, collected 9/19/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic

Dumpco, Inc)

2027753 10/3/2000

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project LG-224-

3E, collected 9/19/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic

Dumpco, Inc)

2067146 10/5/2000Email: Discusses potable water & sampling


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067148 10/5/2000Trip report (10/3-10/5/00), w/TL to S Wall fr S

Doty 10/6/00

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067147 10/6/2000Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

fr J Knoell

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

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2027882 10/8/2000

Groundwater analysis rpts for well 1B, water

samples for metals, dissolved metals,

inorganic non-metals, non-metals, & volatile

organic compounds, collected 9/25/2000-

10/8/2000, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2067152 10/11/2000

Ltr: Recommended borehole locations GH-8,

GH-9, GH-10 & GH-15, hydrogeologic

evaluation, w/attchs

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031519 10/12/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-11C (AB-

11C) (9/25-10/12/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2027724 10/13/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-13-

477, collected 9/27/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic

Dumpco, Inc)

2027725 10/13/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

13C-477, collected 9/27/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,


2027732 10/13/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-13-

E-477, collected 9/27/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic

Dumpco, Inc)

2067149 10/13/2000Email: Approves metal analysis methods

detailed in 9/27/00 email, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2029967 10/16/2000

Draft evaluation of final cover, v1 of 2, w/TL

to D Basinger fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o

oversize map

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031073 10/16/2000

Draft evaluation of final cover, v1 of 2, w/TL

to D Basinger fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith

(oversize map only)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031500 10/18/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-1C (PW-1C),

p32-69 (7/6-10/18/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

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2025324 10/19/2000

Ltr: Comments on 6/23/2000 draft

stormwater pollution prevention plan

(SWPPP), w/encl A

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2025325 10/19/2000

Ltr: Comments on 6/29/2000 ltr re off-lease

waste delineation data & proposals for waste


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2027736 10/19/2000

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

15A-281, collected 10/18/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Dumpco,

Inc), R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic

Dumpco, Inc)

2027749 10/20/2000

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project LG-223-

2, collected 9/8/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027750 10/20/2000

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project LG-224-

2, collected 9/8/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2025327 10/23/2000

Ltr: Comments on modification of timing in

10/19/2000 ltr re draft stormwater pollution

prevention plan (SWPPP) & off-lease waste


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2030036 10/24/2000

Ltr: Transmits analytical results of 2

composite samples obtained fr stockpiled drill

cuttings, w/attchs

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030037 10/24/2000Memo: Transmits waste limits map (drawing

4 of 10), w/o oversize mapR09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2031539 10/24/2000Memo: Transmits waste limits map (drawing

4 of 10) (oversize map only)R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2010553 10/31/2000 Daily borehole summaries (10/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067150 11/1/2000Email: Approves use of coated bentonite


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Silver

State Disposal, Inc)

2025326 11/3/2000Email: Asks for comments re soil erosion

model proposal, w/history

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

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2067151 11/3/2000Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

fr J Knoell

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2029968 11/7/2000

Draft evaluation of final cover, v2 of 2

(laboratory analysis backup), w/TL to D

Basinger fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o

oversize map

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031074 11/7/2000

Draft evaluation of final cover, v2 of 2

(laboratory analysis backup), w/TL to D

Basinger fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith (oversize

map only)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031508 11/7/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-3D (AB-3D)


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2067153 11/13/2000Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

fr J Knoell 11/14/00

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2031775 11/14/2000

Ltr: Transmits soil sample locations map for

inclusion in draft evaluation of final cover, v2

of 2, dated 11/7/2000, w/o oversize map

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2032104 11/14/2000

Ltr: Transmits soil sample locations map for

inclusion in draft evaluation of final cover, v2

of 2, dated 11/7/2000 (oversize map only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031521 11/15/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-14A (11/13-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2067154 11/16/2000Email: Discusses & transmits groundwater

chemical data, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031522 11/28/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-15A (10/13-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2025294 11/29/2000Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP), w/TL to

D Basinger fr K Goebel, w/o oversize mapR09: (Converse Consultants)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2027628 11/29/2000Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP), w/TL to

D Basinger fr K Goebel (oversize map only)R09: (Converse Consultants)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2010554 11/30/2000 Daily borehole summaries (11/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025287 11/30/2000

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/99-9/30/00), w/TL to S Wall fr K

Goebel, w/o oversize map

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2025328 11/30/2000

Ltr: Comments on ltr dated 8/30/2000 &

email dated 11/3/2000 re slope stability &

soil erosion analysis, w/attchs A & B

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2027462 11/30/2000

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/99-9/30/00), w/TL to S Wall fr K

Goebel (oversize map only)

R09: (Converse Consultants) R09: (Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc)

2067155 11/30/2000Email: Follow-up to data request dated


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2031497 12/1/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-6C (PW-6C),

p23-44 (3/23-12/1/2000)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2019179 12/4/2000

Memo: Transmits electronic copy of

preliminary geologic map - drawing 1

(geophysical survey) (compact disc only)

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031813 12/4/2000

Memo: Transmits electronic copy of

preliminary geologic map - drawing 1

(geophysical survey), w/o compact disc

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027710 12/5/2000

Data Validation Rpt: Case R01R01, SDG

00292A, 00292B, water & soil samples for

volatile organic compounds, semivolatile

organic compounds, general chemistry,

collected 10/18/00 & 10/20/00, w/TL to S


R09: Bettencourt, Brenda (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

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2029958 12/5/2000

Test pit/trenches rpt (1/2000-6/2000), w/TL

to S Trujillo fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o

oversize map

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2030838 12/5/2000

Test pit/trenches rpt (1/2000-6/2000), w/TL

to S Trujillo fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith

(oversize map only)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031504 12/6/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-2D (6/13-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031516 12/6/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-9A, p15-58


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2031520 12/6/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-13B (12/4-


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2029959 12/12/2000Review of draft evaluation of final cover


R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Stephen F Dwyer


R09: (US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of

Land Management)

2072538 12/12/2000Review of draft evaluation of final cover

(draft), w/TL to S Wall fr S Dwyer, 4/4/01

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2025329 12/14/2000Ltr: Responds to comments in 11/30/2000 ltr

re slope stability & erosion analysis

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010533 12/15/2000 Monthly progress rpts (1/2000-12/2000) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010555 12/22/2000 Daily borehole summaries (12/2000) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031517 12/22/2000Daily borehole summaries for GH-10A, p1-43


R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc)

2067158 12/22/2000 Email: Request for boring dataR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

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2025330 12/29/2000

Ltr: Request for clarification of 11/20/2000 ltr

re slope stability, triaxial testing, & erosion

analysis, w/ltr to D Mezzacappa fr J Boschuk,

Jr 12/21/2000

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2030038 12/29/2000Memo: Transmits proposed final waste limit

map, w/o oversize map

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031540 12/29/2000Memo: Transmits proposed final waste limit

map (oversize map only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040219 1/1/2001Article: Finding better cover (Civil

Engineering, v71, #1, 58-63)

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2067156 1/5/2001Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

& others fr G Desart 1/8/01

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2067159 1/5/2001 Email: Responds to request for boring data R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

2067160 1/19/2001 Email: Site visitR09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2073241 1/23/2001 Cement bond log/variable density logR09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

2067161 1/26/2001Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

& others fr J Knoell 1/30/01

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2010536 1/30/2001 Daily borehole summaries (1/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025331 2/9/2001

Ltr: Response to 12/29/2000 request for

information re slope stability, triaxial testing,

erosion analysis, & water erosion prediction

project (WEPP)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S

Engineers), R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S

Engineers), R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic

Services of Southern Nevada)

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2073254 2/19/2001Oversize Map: Geohydro boring locations, 36

x 24 in, 1 in = 500 ftR09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2010537 2/27/2001 Daily borehole summaries (2/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025332 2/27/2001

Ltr: Transmits comments on 11/30/2000 NE

canyon stormwater routing technical memo

submitted by EMCON/OWT Solid Waste

Services, w/attchs A & B

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027704 2/28/2001

Historical landfill assessment rpt, including NE

canyon, E perimeter, & W burn pits, w/attchs

& apps A-C, w/o oversize map

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2029888 2/28/2001

Historical landfill assessment rpt, including NE

canyon, E perimeter, & W burn pits (oversize

map only)

R09: (S C S Engineers), R09: (EMCON/O W T

Solid Waste Services)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2065229 3/1/2001

Article: Deployment of alternative closure

cover & monitoring system at mixed waste

disposal unit U-3ax/bl at Nevada Test Site

(Waste Management 01 Conference, 2/25-


R09: Levitt, Daniel (Bechtel Nevada), R09:

Fitzmaurice, Thomas (Bechtel Nevada)

2065230 3/1/2001

Article: Results of performance assessment

for classified transuranic wastes disposed at

Nevada Test Site (Waste Management 01

Conference, 2/25-3/1/2005)

R09: Cochran, John (Sandia National

Laboratories), R09: Crowe, Bruce (Los

Alamos National Laboratory), R09:

Colarusso, Angela (US Dept of Energy -

Nevada Operations Office)

2025333 3/4/2001Memo: Transmits storm event analyses for

2/26/2001 & 3/9/2001, w/attchs

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025334 3/5/2001

Ltr: Requests extension of time for erosion

analysis & best management practice (BMP)

evaluations after receiving 2/27/2000

response to NE canyon stormwater routing


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073242 3/5/2001 Cement bond log/variable density logR09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

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2067162 3/9/2001Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

& others fr J Knoell 3/13/01

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2030039 3/13/2001Email: Approves use of drill cuttings for

intermediate cover in NE canyon

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Services

of Southern Nevada)

2067163 3/13/2001

Email: Approval of requested use of

stockpiled soils for intermediate cover in NE


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Faircloth, David (Republic Services

of Southern Nevada)

2010538 3/29/2001 Daily borehole summaries (3/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025335 3/30/2001

Ltr: Grants extension of time for erosion

analysis & best management practice (BMP)

evaluations (Response to 3/5/2001 request)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037705 3/30/2001

Article: Investigation of salt micromorphology

& chemistry, Las Vegas Wash, NV

(Proceedings of 36th Annual Symposium on

Engineering Geology & Geotechnical

Engineering 3/28-3/30/01)

R09: Van Hoesen, John (Univ of Nevada, Las

Vegas - Dept of Geoscience)

2027699 4/6/2001

Slope stability analysis rpt, w/marginalia,

attchs, apps A-G, & TL to D Basinger fr D

Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o oversize map

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2029422 4/6/2001 Slope stability analysis rpt (oversize map only) R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc)

2031783 4/6/2001 Gas collection & control system plan R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2025336 4/12/2001

Ltr: Transmits response to 2/27/2001

comments re NE canyon stormwater routing

technical memo, w/attch

R09: Mounteer, Thomas (Paul, Hastings,

Janofsky & Walker (Attorneys))

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067164 4/13/2001Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

fr J Knoell 4/25/01

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2067165 4/25/2001

Email: Approval for requested use of air lifting

techniques at MW-5B4 & releasing AP1000

drill rig

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2010539 4/30/2001 Daily borehole summaries (4/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073240 5/10/2001

Ltr: Cement bond log for location GH-3C,

Sunrise Landfill hydrogeologic evaluation,

w/o encl

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Dugas,

Willis (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067166 5/18/2001 Email: Discusses well completion detailsR09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027693 5/24/2001

Ltr: Partial water erosion prediction project

(WEPP) model analysis, southern flats,


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066442 5/24/2001Email: Discusses & transmits lithography data,

w/attchR09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers)

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior

- Bureau of Land Management)

2025337 5/25/2001

Ltr: Proposes schedule for response to

10/16/2000 UNSAT-H rpt re cover analysis, &

submittal of erosion analysis & revised NE

canyon stormwater routing technical memo

(Notes fr 5/17/2001 meeting)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Barroll, Hugh (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

2025338 5/30/2001

Ltr: Comments on stormwater monitoring

plan (SWMP) dated 11/29/2000 & annual

stormwater discharge monitoring rpt (DMR)

dated 11/30/2000 submitted by Converse


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066404 5/30/2001Email: Requests written response re

abandonment of boreholes

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2010548 5/31/2001 Daily borehole summaries (5/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025339 5/31/2001

Ltr: Comments on NE canyon stormwater

channel routing schedule proposed in

5/25/2001 ltr

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2066416 5/31/2001

Ltr: Discusses abandonment of borehole

locations GH-7B, GH-13A, & GH-15A,

hydrogeologic evaluation, w/TL to S Wall fr D


R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Tidwell, Robert (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067167 5/31/2001Email: Discusses gINT project file


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067168 6/1/2001Groundwater wells summary, w/TL to S Wall

& others fr J Knoell

R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067169 6/1/2001Trip rpt (5/30-6/1/01), w/TL to S Wall fr S

Doty 6/2/01

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066443 6/6/2001Ltr: Discusses & transmits yield rates, well

diagrams, & Hakkali relogs, w/attchs

R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031821 6/7/2001Email: Transmits 13a & 13b analytical data,

w/attch (groundwater & well data)R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067170 6/7/2001Email: Has questions re CSAMT interpretation

contractor selection, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025340 6/8/2001Mtg Notes: 6/1/2001 meeting & site visit re

NE canyon stormwater channel routing

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073243 6/12/2001Email: Hope to review & comment on cement

seal by end of next week, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025341 6/14/2001Ltr: Comments on 6/8/2001 ltr re NE canyon

stormwater channel routing

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066417 6/18/2001

Ltr: Notice of violation & order for

compliance re abandonment of boreholes 7B,

13A, & 15A

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2030079 6/19/2001

Ltr: Transmits hydrogeologic workplan

modifications, hydrogeologic evaluation,


R09: Burns, Daniel (Geotechnical &

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Desart,

Gregory (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: Trujillo, Susanna (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025342 6/22/2001

Ltr: Response to 5/30/2001 comments re

11/29/2000 stormwater monitoring plan


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066418 6/22/2001

Ltr: Responds to notice of violation & order

for compliance re abandonment of boreholes

7B, 13A, & 15A, w/encls A & B

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066419 6/26/2001Email: Responds to 06/22/01 ltr re notice of

violation & order for compliance

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067171 6/26/2001Email: Requests extension to complete

revised schedule, w/history

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066420 6/27/2001Email: Will provide revised hydrogeologic

schedule on 7/6/01

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019132 6/28/2001

Ltr: Request for approval of additional

stormwater control measures to be added to

best management practice (BMP) evaluations

in stormwater pollution prevention plan

(SWPPP) (oversize map only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025343 6/28/2001

Ltr: Request for approval of additional

stormwater control measures to be added to

best management practice (BMP) evaluations

in stormwater pollution prevention plan

(SWPPP), w/o oversize map

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025344 6/28/2001

Ltr: Response to 5/30/2001 comments re

stormwater monitoring plan, w/rain

telemetry for 2000

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2029960 6/28/2001

Ltr: Comments on draft evaluation of final

cover & associated laboratory analysis

backup, w/encl

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2066421 6/28/2001

Ltr: Discusses & transmits submittal

requirements re 6/18/01 notice of violation,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067172 6/28/2001 Email: Approval of SCS EngineersR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2010540 6/29/2001 Daily borehole summaries (6/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066422 6/29/2001

Email: Requests extension until 7/10/01 to

submit proposal re hydrogeological work,


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2066423 7/1/2001

Email: Partial approval of EMCON/OWT Solid

Waste Services to perform hydrogeologic


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067173 7/2/2001Email: Discusses draft logs fr location 2,


R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067174 7/2/2001Email: Discusses & transmits upper portion of

GH-2d, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067175 7/5/2001

Email: Approves extensions for hydrogeologic

schedule & drilling proposal for locations 7,

13, & 15

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066424 7/6/2001

Ltr: Discusses & transmits revised schedule

for completion of hydrogeologic work,


R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067176 7/6/2001Email: Discusses & transmits cross-section of

GH-2, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067177 7/6/2001 Email: Requests approval for location 2E3R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067178 7/6/2001Email: Approves proposed location 2E3,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067179 7/9/2001Email: Approves replacing Welenco, Inc with

Layne Christian Co - Colog Div

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2066425 7/10/2001Drilling plan - geohydrologic drilling program,

locations 7, 13, & 15R09: (S C S Engineers)

2067180 7/10/2001Email: Partial approval of EMCON/OWT Solid

Waste Services

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2019134 7/11/2001

Ltr: Run-on control checkpoint memo #1,

storm water routing alternatives (oversize

drawings only)

R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027677 7/11/2001

Ltr: Run-on control checkpoint memo #1,

storm water routing alternatives,

w/marginalia & attchs, w/o oversize drawings

R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067181 7/12/2001Email: Forwards request for clarification to

EMCON/OWT Solid Waste Services

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073244 7/12/2001

Email: Have not seen response to proposal re

well GH-3C grout seal evaluation procedure,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073245 7/12/2001Email: Need more information on how GH-3C

was drilled & constructed, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067182 7/16/2001 Email: Discusses status of boringsR09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior

- Bureau of Land Management), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067183 7/16/2001Email: Discusses inconsistencies between

logging at location 13, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2025345 7/17/2001Ltr: Transmits 1st & 2nd quarter 2001

stormwater analyses, w/attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067185 7/17/2001Email: Discusses & transmits drawing of GH-

3c, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2066426 7/24/2001Memo: Transmits qualifications for Martin

Miele & Jason Kahlert, w/attchs

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067184 7/24/2001Email: Agrees with sending red-line copy &

clean copy of revised drilling plan, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2066427 7/25/2001Memo: Transmits 2001/2002 schedule for

completion of hydrogeologic work, w/attch

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

2066428 7/25/2001Email: Transmits redline & revised copies of

drill plan, w/o attchsR09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp), R09: Lewis, Brent

(US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of Land


2067186 7/25/2001 Email: Discusses drilling at GH-16a, w/attchsR09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073236 7/25/2001Email: Discusses requirements for well

completion evaluation

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067187 7/30/2001 Email: Discusses CSAMT modeling & well logsR09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010541 7/31/2001 Daily borehole summaries (7/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067188 8/2/2001Email: Discusses & transmits well logs

inventory, w/attch

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2066429 8/7/2001Drilling plan - geohydrologic drilling program,

locations 7, 13, & 15R09: (S C S Engineers)

2067191 8/12/2001

Email: Discusses CSAMT disk containing raw,

processed, & model files, w/forward to S Wall

fr B Lewis 8/14/01

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services), R09: Gaddy, Alan

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2066430 8/13/2001

Email: Needs approval on drill plan for wells

7, 13, & 15, w/forward to S Wall fr S Doty


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2067189 8/13/2001

Email: Discusses & transmits construction

drawing for well 16, w/attch & forward to S

Wall fr B Lewis

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp), R09: Lewis, Brent

(US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of Land


2066431 8/15/2001

Email: Approves drilling plan for locations 7,

13, & 15 subject to incorporation of attached

comments, w/attch

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067190 8/15/2001

Email: Approves qualifications of SCS

Engineers staff person, Jason Kahlert, &

conditionally approves 8/7/01 drilling plan for

locations 7, 13, & 15 subject to incorporation

of attached comments, w/attch

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073237 8/15/2001Saturated zones & screens, w/TL to S Wall fr T


R09: (Geotechnical & Environmental

Services, Inc)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2067192 8/16/2001Email: Discusses drilling at locations 16A &


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2067193 8/16/2001Email: Update re drilling at locations 16A &

16B, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2027883 8/17/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2A, water samples for metals, dissolved

metals, inorganic non-metals, non-metals, &

volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile

organic compounds, collected 5/9/2000-

8/17/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2027913 8/20/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location 8,

water samples for volatile organic chemicals,

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

8/17-8/20/2001, w/TL to D Reeve fr S Van

Wagenen 8/29/2001

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2066432 8/20/2001

Email: Discusses & transmits GES response to

6/18/01 notice of violation correspondence,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067194 8/21/2001Email: Thanks for update re comments about

well 16, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027908 8/22/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location 7,

soil samples for volatile organic chemicals,

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

8/20/8/22/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031784 8/22/2001

Title 5 permit application, w/revised initial

design capacity rpt, tier 1 NMOC emission

rate rpt, w/o oversize drawing

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2032107 8/22/2001

Title 5 permit application, w/revised initial

design capacity rpt, tier 1 NMOC emission

rate rpt (oversize drawing only)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027705 8/23/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits soil sample

analytical results, inorganic non-metals,

collected 8/14/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027916 8/23/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

9A, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, dissolved metals, & non-metals,

collected 11/7-8/23/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2066433 8/23/2001

Drilling plan - geohydrologic drilling program,

locations 7, 13, & 15, w/TL to S Doty & S Wall

fr T Gardner

R09: (S C S Engineers)

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2027744 8/27/2001

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, GH-16A & GH-

16B, collected 8/21/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2027739 8/28/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project

10.199007.01, GH-16A-71', collected 8/21/01,

w/marginalia & attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027740 8/28/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project

10199007.01, GH-16A-10', collected 8/16/01,


R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2066434 8/28/2001Email: Discusses revised drilling plan,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027891 8/29/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2E2, water samples for volatile organic

compounds & metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

8/29/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2010542 9/4/2001 Daily borehole summaries (8/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067195 9/4/2001 Email: Requests stopping of drilling at well 16R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2025346 9/5/2001Ltr: Comments on 6/28/2001 ltr re

stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025347 9/5/2001

Ltr: Comments on additional stormwater

control measures to be added to best

management practice (BMP) evaluations in

stormwater pollution prevention plan


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031814 9/5/2001

Ltr: Transmits set of draft final lithologic logs

with supplemental information, w/attchs

(geophysical survey)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2067196 9/5/2001Email: Data requirements for gINT cross

sections & groundwater data

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067686 9/7/2001Trip rpt (8/27-8/29 & 9/6-9/7/01), w/TL to S

Wall fr S Doty 9/24/01

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071768 9/7/2001Email: Discusses request for Schoeller plots,


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2071769 9/7/2001Email: Confirms Sandi took Schoeller plots

with her, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025348 9/10/2001

Ltr: Comments on 7/11/2001 checkpoint

memo 1 submitted by EMCON/OWT Solid

Waste Services re stormwater channel


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067197 9/10/2001Email: Discusses & transmits geophysics file

for well 2E3, w/o attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067198 9/10/2001Email: Would like packer test at 2E3 to

proceed as planned, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067199 9/10/2001Email: Questions re packer test at well 2E3,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067200 9/10/2001Email: Responds to questions re packer test

at well 2E3, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067681 9/11/2001Email: Discusses cover meeting & geophysics

fr well 2E3, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025349 9/12/2001

Ltr: Comments on 5/24/2001 partial water

erosion prediction project (WEPP) model

analysis submitted by SCS Engineers

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025350 9/12/2001Ltr: Comments on 4/6/2001 slope stability

analysis rpt submitted by SCS Engineers

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2027741 9/12/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

16A-261', collected 9/6/01, w/attchs & TL to S

Wall fr T Gardner 9/20/01

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2066435 9/13/2001Email: Approves 8/23/01 revised drilling plan

for locations 7, 13, & 15, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2066436 9/14/2001

Drilling plan - geohydrologic drilling program,

locations 7, 13, & 15, w/attch A & TL to S Wall

fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith

R09: (S C S Engineers)

2067682 9/18/2001Email: Discusses well screening at 16A,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2067683 9/18/2001Email: Discusses proposed monitoring well

construction for 16A, w/attch

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2071770 9/19/2001 Email: Additional data requests, w/historyR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2067684 9/20/2001Email: Discusses & transmits log plots of GH-

16a, w/attchs

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

2031793 9/21/2001

Ltr: Provides conceptual description of

proposed plans for western burn pits

mitigation & construction & demolition waste

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2067685 9/21/2001Email: Discusses & transmits draft logs for GH-

13c & GH-2e3, w/attchs

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

2027810 9/24/2001Ltr: Response to 9/5/2001 ltr re analysis of

potential culvert & basin removal

R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073246 9/24/2001Email: Discusses construction of well 3C,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067687 9/26/2001Email: Discusses GH-13C recommendations,

w/forward to S Wall fr A Gaddy, w/attchR09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2029961 9/27/2001Ltr: Responds to comments dated 6/28/2001

re draft evaluation of final cover

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067688 9/27/2001Email: Discusses & transmits plots of GH-13C,


R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp), R09: Moran, Mike

(US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of Land


2067689 9/27/2001Email: Concurs with proposed screening of

well GH-13C, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2067690 9/27/2001

Email: Approves field filtering of dissolved

metal samples & discusses data requests,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2067691 9/27/2001 Email: Additional data request updateR09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010543 9/28/2001 Daily borehole summaries (9/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067692 9/28/2001 Email: Discusses resistivity loggingR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2073247 9/28/2001Email: Approves steps 1-4 of well GH-3C grout

seal evaluation procedure, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027887 10/2/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2D1, water samples for metals, dissolved

metals, inorganic non-metals, non-metals, &

volatile organic compounds, collected

4/16/2000-10/2/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027905 10/2/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

5B4, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 8/31/2000-10/02/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027690 10/3/2001Ltr: Response to comments on slope stability

analysis rpt, w/attchs

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027900 10/3/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

4B, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, inorganic non-metals,

collected 9/21/2000-10/08/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027901 10/3/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

4C, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, & dissolved metals, collected

10/03/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027922 10/3/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

12B, water samples for metals & dissolved

metals, collected 10/2-10/3/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2027924 10/3/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

12D, water samples for dissolved metals,

collected 10/3/2001, w/TL to D Reeve fr S Van

Wagenen 10/5/2001

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031794 10/3/2001Ltr: BLM does not have authority to approve

conceptual plans in ltr dated 9/21/2001

R09: Chatterton, Mark (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers)

2027886 10/4/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2C2, water samples for metals, dissolved

metals, inorganic non-metals, non-metals,

inorganics, semi-volatile organic compounds

& volatile organic compounds, collected

7/31/2000-10/4/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027685 10/5/2001Ltr: Run-on control checkpoint memo #2,


R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027917 10/5/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

9B, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, dissolved metals, & inorganic non-

metals, collected 8/23-10/5/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027918 10/5/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

10A, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals & dissolved metals, collected

10/5/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027899 10/8/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

4A, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 6/12/2000-10/08/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2027906 10/8/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

6B, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 8/29/2000-10/8/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027907 10/8/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

6C, water samples for dissolved metals,

collected 10/3-10/8/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027921 10/8/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

12A, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals &, inorganic non-metals, collected

6/26/2000-10/8/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027904 10/9/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

5C, water samples for dissolved metals,

collected 10/9/2001, w/TL to D Reeve fr S Van

Wagenen 10/9/2001

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027914 10/9/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

8A, water samples for dissolved metals,

collected 10/9/2001, w/TL to D Reeve fr S Van

Wagenen 10/11/2001

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027920 10/9/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

11B, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals & dissolved metals, collected

10/9/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027811 10/10/2001

Email: Response to 9/12/2001 ltr re water

erosion prediction project (WEPP) modeling


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2029962 10/15/2001

Ltr: Responds to comments fr SCS Engineers

dated 9/27/2001 re draft evaluation of final


R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Stephen F Dwyer


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2072539 10/15/2001

Ltr: Responds to comments fr SCS Engineers

dated 9/27/2001 re draft evaluation of final

cover, w/TL

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Stephen F Dwyer


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027812 10/17/2001Ltr: Approves 9/24/2001 analysis of potential

elimination of existing culvert & basin

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027813 10/18/2001

Email: Approves request for additional time

to submit water erosion prediction project

(WEPP) modeling revision, w/history

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027814 10/23/2001Ltr: Comments on 10/3/2001 ltr re slope

stability analysis rpt

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2029963 10/23/2001

Ltr: Responds to comments fr SCS Engineers

dated 9/27/2001 re draft evaluation of final


R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027692 10/25/2001

Ltr: Comments on partial water erosion

prediction project (WEPP) model assessment,


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027815 10/26/2001Ltr: Requests extension of time to submit

final slope stability analysis rpt

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031774 10/26/2001Ltr: Requests extension of time to submit

final slope stability analysis rpt

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027816 10/29/2001Ltr: 3rd quarter 2001 stormwater analyses

(no samples)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010544 10/31/2001 Daily borehole summaries (10/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066437 10/31/2001Email: Discusses & transmits status of July

notice of violation requirements, w/attch

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

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2040161 11/1/2001

Email: List of items needed to be completed

in order to incorporate EPA comments &

complete final cover evaluation & slope

stability analysis requirements

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040162 11/1/2001Email: Approves request for extension on

final cover assessment rpt, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027726 11/5/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

13D-C-270', collected 10/29/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027727 11/5/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

13D-270', collected 10/29/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027731 11/5/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

13D-E-270', collected 10/29/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2067695 11/6/2001 Plots for GH-13D, w/TLR09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2027884 11/7/2001

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2B, water & soil samples for metals, dissolved

metals, inorganic non-metals, non-metals, &

volatile organic compounds, collected

5/23/2000-11/7/2001, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2066438 11/8/2001

Email: Discusses notice of violation status &

transmits revised schedule for drilling activity

& hydrogeologic rpt, w/attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067696 11/8/2001TL: Interim data summary for bolehole GH-

13D, & Schoeller plot for GH-13C & GH-13D

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

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2067697 11/8/2001Ltr: Interim data summary for bolehole GH-

13D, w/attch AR09: Carlton, Edmond (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067698 11/8/2001 Schoeller plot for GH-13C & GH-13D R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2073227 11/8/2001

Article: Innovative groundwater monitoring at

municipal solid waste landfills (Geological

Society of America Annual Meeting, 11/5-


R09: Figueras, Debbie (Browning-Ferris

Industries, Inc - Groundwater Services Div),

R09: Oneacre, John (Browning-Ferris

Industries, Inc - Groundwater Services Div)

2067699 11/9/2001Email: Approves recommendation for well GH-

13D, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067700 11/12/2001Email: Discusses & transmits drawing showing

fault traces at site, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019172 11/13/2001

Shallow boring & geotechnical sampling rpt,

w/TL to S Wall fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith

(oversize drawings only)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027696 11/13/2001

Slope stability analysis rpt (revised), w/attchs,

apps A-I, & TL to D Basinger fr D Mezzacappa

& S Smith, w/o oversize maps

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2028432 11/13/2001Slope stability analysis rpt (revised) (oversize

maps only)R09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2030028 11/13/2001

Shallow boring & geotechnical sampling rpt,

w/TL to S Wall fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith,

w/o oversize drawings

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2030031 11/13/2001

Soil sampling results (samples collected by

SCS Engineers & analyzed by Converse


R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2040163 11/13/2001Email: Extension has been approved for final

cover assessment rpt

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067701 11/13/2001

Memo: Screen placement recommendation

for borehole GH-13D, w/attchs & TL to S Wall

& others fr SCS Engineers

R09: Varljen, Mark (S C S Engineers) R09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers)

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2067702 11/13/2001

Email: Concurs with screen placement

recommendation for borehole GH-13D,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040164 11/14/2001Email: Need explanation for extension on

cover rpt

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066439 11/15/2001

Email: Comments on completing remaining

elements of hydrogeologic assessment & new

revised schedules for completion of wells at

7, 13, & 15

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027733 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project PW-

13C-E, collected 10/31/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027734 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project PW-

13C, collected 10/31/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027735 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project PW-

13C-C, collected 10/31/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027745 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

16B-330', collected 11/8/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027746 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

16B-C-330', collected 11/8/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


2027747 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project GH-

16B-E-330', collected 11/8/01, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Reeve, Derek (Republic Dumpco,


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2027748 11/16/2001

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project L-223-

3, collected 9/18/00, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco,


2067703 11/16/2001Email: Discusses & transmits near final fault

map, w/attch

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027817 11/20/2001

Ltr: Comments on 10/2/2001 checkpoint

memo 2 submitted by EMCON/OWT Solid

Waste Services re channel routing

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2019173 11/21/2001

Final cover evaluation rpt, w/TL to S Wall fr D

Mezzacappa & S Smith (oversize drawings


R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2030029 11/21/2001

Final cover evaluation rpt, w/TL to S Wall fr D

Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o oversize


R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2072541 11/21/2001

Draft comments after cursory review of

Sunrise Mountain Landfill final cover

evaluation rpt by SCS Engineers, 11/21/01,

w/TL to S Wall fr S Dwyer, 12/12/01

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2066440 11/23/2001Email: Additional response to hydrogeologic


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040165 11/26/2001

Email: Transmits input files for scenarios in

tables 6 & 10, & 15 years of climate data,


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2031815 11/27/2001Evaluation of relogging of 10% of lithologic

logs (geophysical survey)R09: (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037701 11/28/2001

Article: Soil responses to sodicity & salinity -

challenges & opportunities (Australian

Journal of Soil Research v39, #6, 1219-1224)

R09: Oster, James (Univ of California,

Riverside), R09: Shainberg, I (NONE)

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2031816 11/29/2001

Ltr: Transmits revised schedules for

completion of hydrogeologic work & drilling,

response to schedule change requests, &

evaluation of relogging of 10% of lithologic

logs, w/schedules & response, w/o evaluation

(geophysical survey)

R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010545 11/30/2001 Daily borehole summaries (11/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025288 11/30/2001

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/00-9/30/01), w/TL to D Basinger

fr K Goebel, w/o oversize map

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2025295 11/30/2001

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP),

revision 2, w/TL to D Basinger fr K Goebel,

w/o oversize map

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027463 11/30/2001

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/00-9/30/01), w/TL to D Basinger

fr K Goebel (oversize map only)

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027629 11/30/2001

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP),

revision 2, w/TL to D Basinger fr K Goebel

(oversize map only)

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2067704 11/30/2001

Ltr: Interim data summary for borehole GH-

16B, w/attchs & TL to S Wall & others fr D


R09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers), R09:

Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067705 12/3/2001Email: Approval of recommendation for

borehole GH-16B

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040166 12/4/2001Email: Concerns with final cover rpt make

12/10/01 meeting not feasible, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065275 12/5/2001Ltr: Contracts for landfill gas collection system

have been awarded

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Bowlin, Patricia (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2027818 12/6/2001

Ltr: Will discontinue further work on

acquiring Sunrise Landfill (in response to

11/21/2001 meeting re land acquisition)

R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

R09: Morse, Mark (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2027819 12/6/2001

Ltr: Response to 11/20/2001 comments re

channel routing & best management practice

(BMP) measures

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027820 12/10/2001Ltr: Response to 12/6/2001 email re channel


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066441 12/12/2001

Ltr: Revised schedules appropriately capture

tasks required to resolve violations detailed in

6/18/01 notice of violation & complete phase

1 hydrogeologic work

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040167 12/13/2001

Email: Need mass balance corrections in

order to complete review of final cover rpt,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2010534 12/14/2001 Monthly progress rpts (1/2001-12/2001)R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc), R09: (Republic

Services of Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031776 12/14/2001Final cover evaluation rpt (attchs A-E), w/TL

to S Wall fr D Mezzacappa & S SmithR09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2040168 12/14/2001Email: Will receive mass balance corrections

on 12/17/01, w/history

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027821 12/17/2001Ltr: Response to 12/10/2001 ltr re channel


R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073364 12/19/2001

Article: Field evaluation of alternative earthen

final covers (International Journal of

Phytoremediation, v3, #1, pp 105-127)

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,


2010546 12/20/2001 Daily borehole summaries (12/2001) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067706 12/20/2001Memo: Interim data summary for borehole

GH-15B, w/attchs & TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy

R09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers), R09:

Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2019174 12/21/2001

Landfill gas probe rpt, w/TL to S Wall fr D

Mezzacappa & S Smith (oversize drawings


R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027822 12/21/2001Mtg Notes: 12/19/2001 meeting & site visit re

channel design & scheme

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2030030 12/21/2001

Landfill gas probe rpt, w/TL to S Wall fr D

Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o oversize


R09: (S C S Engineers) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2067707 12/21/2001

Email: Concurs with recommendations for

placement of groundwater monitoring well at

GH-15B, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067708 12/21/2001Email: Discusses & transmits static water level

estimation, w/attchsR09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073238 12/27/2001 Memo: Review of GES well completion data

R09: Miele, Martin (I C F Kaiser Engineers,

Inc), R09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073239 1/2/2002Email: Comments on review of GES well

completion data

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067709 1/10/2002Email: Has concerns re hydrogeologic work at


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027823 1/14/2002Ltr: Response to 12/21/2001 ltr re channel

design, w/schedule

R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065266 1/14/2002Email: Responds to concerns re hydrogeologic

work, w/history, w/o attchs

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065267 1/14/2002 Ltr: Evaluation of CSAMT survey resultsR09: Easter, Dan (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040169 1/15/2002Email: Discusses progress re cover assessment

& repair

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067710 1/15/2002Email: Approves of approach for CSAMT &

fence diagrams, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2010547 1/16/2002 Daily borehole summaries (1/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2065269 1/16/2002

Memo: Responds to draft evaluation of

CSAMT survey prepared by IT/EMCON, w/o


R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031769 1/18/2002Ltr: Notice of violation re final cover

assessment rpts, w/attch

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Schlegel, John (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067711 1/25/2002Static water level graphs, w/TL to S Doty & S

Wall fr T Gardner

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2067713 1/25/2002

Ltr: Interim data summary for borehole GH-

3E, w/attchs & TL to S Wall, S Doty, & B Lewis

fr D Reeve 1/29/02

R09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers), R09:

Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067712 1/28/2002Email: Discusses & transmits broad lithologic

groupings file, w/attch & history

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027756 1/31/2002 Daily borehole summaries (01/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040170 1/31/2002Email: Suggests 2/14 or 2/15 as date for

meeting re cover issues

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067714 1/31/2002Email: Approves proposed well completion at

GH-3E, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027824 2/1/2002Email: 1/24/2002 ltr re 4th quarter 2001

stormwater analyses (no samples)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067715 2/1/2002

Ltr: Interim data summary for borehole GH-

7C, w/attchs, w/o alldata 7C, w/TL to S Wall &

others fr D Reeve 2/4/02

R09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers), R09:

Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071771 2/1/2002Ltr: Interim data summary for borehole GH-

7C, w/attchs

R09: Reeve, Derek (S C S Engineers), R09:

Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040171 2/6/2002Email: Suggests 2/13 as date for meeting re

cover issues

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040172 2/6/2002Email: Meeting re cover issues can be

scheduled whenever convenient, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067716 2/6/2002Email: Approves proposed well completion at

GH-7C, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2040173 2/7/2002

Email: Suggests days during last week in

February for meeting re cover issues,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067717 2/7/2002Email: Asks for approval re continuing at well

3 & starting at well 3F, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067718 2/7/2002Email: Approves continuing at well 3 &

starting at well 3F, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040174 2/11/2002

Email: Confirms 2/27 as date for cover

meeting & asks that C Benson be allowed to

collect cover samples on 2/12

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

2040175 2/11/2002Email: Has reservations re sampling before

meeting takes place. w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040176 2/11/2002Email: Will hold off on sampling until cover

meeting w/history

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027888 2/12/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2D2, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, inorganic non-metals,

collected 3/22/01-2/12/02, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027894 2/12/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2D2, water samples for dissolved metals,

collected 02/12/2002

R09: (Del Mar Analytical, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2040177 2/12/2002Email: Discuses possible sampling at site

during visit

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027825 2/13/2002

Ltr: Comments on 11/14/2002 ltr submitted

by EMCON/OWT Solid Waste Services re

channel design & schedule

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040178 2/14/2002Email: Understands reservations re sampling

& looks forward to upcoming meeting

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2019176 2/18/2002Limited aquifer test rpt - well location 2

(compact disc only)R09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031491 2/18/2002Preliminary groundwater elevation contour

mapsR09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031492 2/18/2002Limited aquifer test rpt - well location 2, w/o

compact discR09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2067719 2/19/2002 Email: Discusses status of well 3CR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Aluce, Gregory (Layne Christensen

Co), R09: Meyers, Keith (Layne

Christensen Co)

2040179 2/20/2002 Email: Best date for cover meeting is 3/4R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019171 2/21/2002

Evaluation of draft CSAMT fence lines, w/TL

to S Wall fr B Johnston & S Smith (oversize

drawings only)

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2030027 2/21/2002

Evaluation of draft CSAMT fence lines, w/TL

to S Wall fr B Johnston & S Smith, w/o

oversize drawings

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2040180 2/26/2002 Conceptual approach for final cover, w/TLR09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027826 2/27/2002

Email: Denies request for extension of time re

submittal of channel design & schedule,


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027757 2/28/2002 Daily borehole summaries (02/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027827 2/28/2002Email: Transmits message fr A Gaddy, &

revised channel schedule, w/attch

R09: Davis, Joyce (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040181 2/28/2002Email: Transmits annual precipitation data for

Las Vegas airport, w/attchR09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2091905 2/28/2002

Article: Evaluation of final cover performance -

field data fr alternative cover assessment

program (Waste Management '02, 2/24 -

2/28/02), w/email TL to S Wall fr C Benson


R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

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2040182 3/1/2002Email: Response to conceptual approach for

final cover

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040183 3/1/2002

Email: Transmits agenda for 3/4/02 technical

consultation meeting, & conceptual

discussion of land use plans & potential site

remedies, w/attchs

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027828 3/7/2002Ltr: Comments on & approves of revised

channel schedule

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037663 3/12/2002Email: Transmits notes fr 3/4/02 technical

meeting, w/attch

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2067720 3/12/2002 Email: Discusses status of well 3C, w/historyR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040184 3/13/2002Email: Discusses rock correction issue &

transmits Bouwer & Rice article, w/o attch

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067721 3/13/2002Email: Asks for approvals for wells 3C, 3F, &

7D, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067722 3/14/2002Email: Approvals for wells 3C, 3F, & 7D,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071772 3/14/2002 Email: Has questions concerning perfing at 3CR09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2067723 3/15/2002Email: Approves demobilizing Schramm drill

rig, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071773 3/15/2002

Drawing: Schoeller plot - major dissolved ion

concentrations, borehole groundwater

samples in area 16, w/TL to B Lewis & S Wall

fr S Doty

2040185 3/18/2002

Email: Have not received memo fr Republic

Services describing procedure used for soils,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

2040186 3/19/2002Email: Memo re procedure used for soils

should be sent out by end of week, w/history

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2027911 3/20/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

7D, water samples for dissolved metals,

collected 3/20/2002

R09: (Del Mar Analytical, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2070188 3/20/2002Oversize Drawings (6): Geophysics data plots

for GH-7D, 48 x 12 inR09: (Colog, Inc) R09: (S C S Engineers)

2027829 3/21/2002

Email: Request for approval of revised

inspection form & corrective action tracking

form in stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027890 3/22/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2E2, water samples for volatile organic

compounds & metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

3/22/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2067724 3/25/2002

Ltr: Interim data summary for borehole GH-

7D, w/attchs & TL to S Doty & S Wall fr T

Gardner 3/28/02

R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071774 3/25/2002 TL: Interim data summary for borehole GH-7DR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2040187 3/26/2002 Email: Should be able to finish site work soonR09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071775 3/28/2002

Drawing: Schoeller plot - major dissolved ion

concentrations, borehole groundwater

samples in GH-7C & GH-7D, w/TL to S Wall fr

S Smith

2071776 3/28/2002 TL: Geophysics data plots for GH-7D R09: Carlton, Edmond (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027758 3/29/2002 Daily borehole summaries (03/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027830 4/1/2002

Ltr: Comments on 10/25/2001 ltr submitted

by SCS Engineers re water erosion prediction

project (WEPP) model analysis

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2027889 4/1/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

2E, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, inorganic non-metals, collected

7/20/2001-4/1/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2040188 4/1/2002 Email: Memos should be sent off shortlyR09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071778 4/2/2002

Ltr: Completion of monitoring well TW-16B,

w/attchs & TL to S Wall & S Doty fr A Gaddy


R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073235 4/2/2002

Ltr: Draft correlation of CSAMT geophysical

data, w/TL to S Wall, A Gaddy, & T Gardner fr

N Carlson 5/12/02

R09: Carlson, Norman (Zonge Engineering &

Research Organization, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037664 4/3/2002

TL: Hydraulic properties of stony vadose

zones, gravel correction results, &

supplementary information re density testing

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2037666 4/3/2002

Memo: Addresses concerns re method used

to make gravel correction to hydrologic

parameters for cover soils

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers), R09:

Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering Consultants

L L C)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027915 4/4/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

8B, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 4/4/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037669 4/4/2002

Memo: Climate data for use in UNSAT-H

modeling, TL to S Wall & S Doty fr A Gaddy


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

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2027728 4/5/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project DPW-

13D, collected 3/26/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L

Laboratories)R09: Saines, Nick (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027729 4/5/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project PW-

13D, collected 3/26/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L

Laboratories)R09: Saines, Nick (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2027730 4/5/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project RPW-

13D, collected 3/26/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L

Laboratories)R09: Saines, Nick (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2071779 4/10/2002

Ltr: Interim data summary &

recommendations for borehole GH-3F,

w/attchs & TL to S Wall, S Doty, & B Lewis fr S


R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027831 4/11/2002

Email: Transmits cover ltr & maps to D

Basinger fr A Gaddy re channel construction

& cover issues, w/history & attchs

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9), R09: Doty, Sandra (Science

Applications International Corp)

2037670 4/11/2002Memo: UNSAT-H input for existing cover

assessment at landfill, w/TL

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037671 4/12/2002

Email: Comments on proposed input

parameters of UNSAT-H modeling & approves

climate data for use in UNSAT-H modeling,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040189 4/12/2002

Email: Have not been able to come to

conclusion re adjustment of conductivities to

reflect higher densities at site

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2037672 4/15/2002

Email: Responds to comments on proposed

input parameters of UNSAT-H modeling &

climate data for use in UNSAT-H modeling,


R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071829 4/15/2002

Email: Approves placement of permanent

monitoring well at depth of current

temporary well 16B, & requests results &

report fr Zonge Engineering & Research

Organization, Inc's CSAMT reprocessing


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037673 4/16/2002

Email: Asks if saturated hydraulic conductivity

values fr 10/2000 draft evaluation of final

cover are to be used in UNSAT-H modeling

protocol, w/attch & forward

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

2071830 4/16/2002

Email: Will send results & report fr Zonge

Engineering & Research Organization, Inc's

CSAMT reprocessing efforts

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071831 4/16/2002Email: Approves of placement of temporary

monitoring well at 3F

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037674 4/17/2002

Email: Discusses proposed input parameters

for UNSAT-H modeling & transmits evaluation

of final cover performance - field data fr

alternative cover assessment program,


R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037675 4/17/2002Email: Asks for clarification re which activity

logs are being requested

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037676 4/17/2002Email: Requests both sets of activity logs,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

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2037677 4/17/2002

Email: Will approve proposed input

parameters for UNSAT-H modeling memo

with incorporation of previous comments

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Jones, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Benson, Craig

(Civil Engineering Consultants L L C)

2037678 4/17/2002Email: Agrees to send both sets of activity

logs, w/history

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027896 4/19/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

3E, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 1/16-4/19/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037679 4/19/2002

Email: Will revise & send by end-of-day memo

on modeling approach & presentation, & will

finalize & send input parameters memo after

receiving feedback

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037680 4/21/2002

Email: Requests extension until Monday

evening to send memo on modeling approach

& presentation

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027897 4/22/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

3F, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 3/11-4/2/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037681 4/22/2002

Memo: Predicting percolation rates for

various cover thicknesses using UNSAT-H,


R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037682 4/23/2002Email: Activity logs are being sent out today,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2071832 4/23/2002

Email: Recommends approval of request to

add deionized water to temporary well set in

borehole GH-3F, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027912 4/24/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

7D, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 4/24/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031806 4/24/2002

Memo: Transmits field notes & logs for final

cover test pits/trenches, & field notes & logs

for t-trenches, w/attchs 1-4

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: (Distribution List)

2027832 4/25/2002Ltr: 1st quarter 2002 stormwater analyses (no


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027833 4/26/2002Ltr: Comments on 4/11/2002 ltr re hybrid

channel design

R09: Huetteman, Tom (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071833 4/26/2002

Email: Requests approval of Mr Oneacre to

join project, & approval to continue to

develop new or existing data in evaluation of

site, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2031807 4/29/2002

Email: Discusses and transmits spreadsheet

summarizing field logs/notes on cobble

screening at trenches, w/attch


R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027759 4/30/2002 Daily borehole summaries (04/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040190 4/30/2002 Email: Agrees with concernsR09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040191 4/30/2002Email: Asks about other issues besides

hydraulic properties re cover assessment

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040192 4/30/2002Email: No other issues besides hydraulic

properties re cover assessment, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

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2071780 4/30/2002

Ltr: Recommendation for abandonment of

borehole GH-2E3, w/attchs & TL to S Wall & S

Doty fr A Gaddy 5/1/02

R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071834 4/30/2002Email: Discusses statements by PRPs re

geochemical data, w/history

R09: Baylor, Katherine (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073248 4/30/2002Email: Requests approval to perforate,

cement, & drill out cement at well 3C

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2037683 5/1/2002Email: Clarifies concerns re current stance on

gravel content in cover soil, w/o attch

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037684 5/2/2002Email: Rock percentage for cover test pits,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031808 5/3/2002

Email: Discusses and transmits map &

spreadsheets re re-screen of cover samples,

w/history & attchs (trench & cobble data)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2027755 5/6/2002

Ltr: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project DI-

WATER, collected 4/26/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2071835 5/6/2002 Email: Asks if there are data results for 2E3R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071836 5/6/2002Email: Have found water chemistry results for

2E3, but still need information on 2D2

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073249 5/6/2002Email: Do not need puncture test performed,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Gardner, Tom

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2031809 5/7/2002

Email: Transmits comparison of cover test

pits/trenches data, w/history & attchs (trench

& cobble data)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

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2037685 5/7/2002

Email: Requests discrepancy rpt re soil data

recorded in 4/2000 field logs &

measurements conducted 5/1/2000

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073250 5/7/2002Email: Discusses work done at well 3C,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027742 5/8/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project PW-

16A-2", collected 4/29/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027743 5/8/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project DPW-

16A-2", collected 4/29/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2031810 5/8/2002

Email: Transmits comparison of cover test

pits/trenches data containing averages with

& without zeros, w/attch

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031811 5/10/2002

Email: Approves modeling of cover using

previously discussed parameters (trench &

cobble data)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering), R09:

Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037686 5/11/2002Memo: UNSAT-H input for existing cover

assessment at landfill, w/TL

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2071837 5/13/2002Email: Latest groundwater level

measurements for 2E & 3F

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071838 5/13/2002Email: Latest groundwater level

measurements for 2E & 3F

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2027834 5/14/2002

Ltr: Comments on 11/30/2001 stormwater

monitoring plan (SWMP) & discharge

monitoring plan (DMR) re ensuring that

tentatively identified compounds (TICs) are

properly reported & 40 CFR 445.21 and NV

administrative code (NAC) limits are included

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037687 5/14/2002

Email: Approves UNSAT-H input for existing

cover assessment at landfill & predicting

percolation rates for various cover

thicknesses using UNSAT-H, w/o attchs

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada), R09: Benson, Craig

(Civil Engineering Consultants L L C)

2071839 5/15/2002Ltr: Completion of hydrogeologic assessment

work at GH-3F

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071840 5/17/2002

Ltr: Responds to 5/19/02 ltr re completion of

hydrogeologic assessment work at GH-3F,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027737 5/20/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project PW-

15B, collected 5/9/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L

Laboratories)R09: (Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc)

2027738 5/22/2002

Memo: Discusses & transmits groundwater

sampling rpt analytical results, project DPW-

15B, collected 5/9/02, w/attchs

R09: Van Wagenen, Stan (N E L


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2073201 5/22/2002 Email: 3E & 3F coordinates & elevationsR09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2073202 5/24/2002Email: Explains why Republic would like to

include John Oneacre on project teamR09: Lundell, Clarke (Republic Services, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073203 5/24/2002Email: Approves of inclusion of John Oneacre

on project team

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Lundell, Clarke (Republic Services,


2073204 5/30/2002 Trip rpt, w/TL to S Wall fr S Doty 6/3/02R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

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2027760 5/31/2002 Daily borehole summaries (05/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040199 6/1/2002Article: Controlling erosion with compost &

mulch (BioCycle, v43, #6, 26-28)

R09: Faucette, Britt (Univ of Georgia,

Athens - Dept of Biological & Agricultural

Engineering), R09: Risse, Mark (Univ of

Georgia, Athens - Dept of Biological &

Agricultural Engineering)

2073205 6/3/2002Email: Conversation with Stuart Krause of

Wyo-Ben, Inc re acetone issues

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027835 6/4/2002Ltr: Comments on 6/22/2001 ltr re

applicability of 40 CFR 445 to site

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073206 6/4/2002Email: Evaluation of draft CSAMT fence lines,

dated 2/22/02

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073207 6/5/2002

Email: Asks for comments re plan to complete

all nonessential field activities & then allow

site to recover for static water determination

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073251 6/5/2002 Email: Asks approval to abandon well 3CR09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073252 6/5/2002Email: Approves of request to abandon 3C,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073208 6/6/2002Location 2 analytical data, w/TL to S Doty, S

Wall, & B Lewis fr T Gardner

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2073209 6/6/2002

Email: Requests approval to utilize Boss

International for evaluating groundwater flow

models, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073253 6/6/2002Email: Discusses abandonment of well 3C &

sending sample results for 2E3, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027836 6/7/2002Ltr: Response to 5/14/2002 ltr re stormwater

monitoring plan (SWMP)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037688 6/13/2002Email: Discusses problems with UNSAT-H


R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2031494 6/14/2002 Results of aquifer testing program R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2037689 6/14/2002Email: Expects data run with 3.01 version of

UNSAT-H model by 7/5/02, w/history

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

2031493 6/21/2002 Preliminary ground water quality rpt R09: (Ground Water Solutions, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2073210 6/26/2002Ltr: Recommendations re groundwater data,

w/attch & TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy 6/28/02

R09: Oneacre, John (Ground Water

Solutions, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2029706 6/28/2002 Daily borehole summaries (06/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073211 6/28/2002Ltr: Groundwater analytical data

discrepancies, w/attch A

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037690 7/5/2002Memo: UNSAT-H simulations for existing

cover at landfill, w/TL

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037691 7/5/2002

Email: Transmits input and output files for

UNSAT-H simulations for existing cover at

landfill, w/attchs

R09: Benson, Craig (Civil Engineering

Consultants L L C)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073212 7/5/2002Ltr: Hydrogeologic assessment borehole

locations 3, 15, & 17

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073213 7/5/2002

Ltr: Hydrogeologic assessment issues -

demobilization of Layne Christiansen drill rig,

abandonment of boring 2E3, & approval of

Boss International

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031819 7/10/2002

Email: Discusses & transmits updated

groundwater analytical data, missing results,

& reformatted spreadsheet with cover ltr,


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2073214 7/12/2002

Email: EPA does not see problem with

extension until 7/17 to submit revised

schedule for locations 3, 15, & 17, w/history

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys)), R09: Lundell,

Clarke (Republic Services, Inc), R09:

Kalish, Steve (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027837 7/15/2002Ltr: Requests initial technical design review

meeting re relocated channel

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2065277 7/17/2002

Ltr: Discusses & transmits landfill gas well

schedule & updated gas collection system

plan, w/attchs B & C

R09: Hullings, Donald (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Bowlin, Patricia (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073215 7/17/2002

Ltr: Responds to 7/5/02 ltr re hydrogeologic

assessment borehole locations 3, 15, & 17,

w/TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027838 7/18/2002Ltr: Response to 7/15/2002 ltr re eastern

bypass channel review

R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys)), R09: Barringer, Steve


R09: Barroll, Hugh (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073216 7/19/2002Ltr: Recommendation for construction of well

TW-2E3, w/attchs & TL

R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Saines, Nick (S C S Engineers)

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2073217 7/26/2002

Ltr: Additional comments for proposed

groundwater monitoring well TW-2E3, w/TL

to S Wall & S Doty fr T Gardner

R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Saines, Nick (S C S Engineers)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037692 7/28/2002Memo: Draft review of UNSAT-H simulations

submitted 7/5/02, w/TL

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Stephen F Dwyer


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027839 7/29/2002Ltr: 2nd quarter 2002 stormwater analyses

(no samples)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2029707 7/30/2002 Daily borehole summaries (07/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073218 7/30/2002

Email: Approves SCS Engineer's

recommendations for well placement &

procedures to reduce turbidity at 2E3

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031805 7/31/2002

Field geohydrologic boring logs for boreholes

GH-2E3, -3E, -3F, -7C, -7D, -13C, -13D -15B, -

16A, & -16B, w/TL to S Wall fr E Carlton & N

Saines 8/1/2002

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2073219 8/2/2002

Email: Would like to schedule hydrogeologic

technical meeting during week of 8/19, &

demobilization of drill rig is at your discretion,


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027707 8/5/2002Ltr: Hydrogeologic work drill cuttings usage,

stock pile soil sampled 5/7/02, w/attchs & TL

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2027840 8/7/2002

Memo: Transmits preliminary channel plan,

profile, & section drawings, drainage

subwatershed mapping, supporting

calculations, & model output (supporting

calculations & model output only)

R09: Bowers, Garth (EMCON/O W T Solid

Waste Services)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037693 8/13/2002

Email: Requests boundary files for UNSAT-H

modeling runs, 1992 precipitation data, 1983

meteorological data, latest static water level

measurements, & resubmission of year 2000

analytical file

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2031822 8/14/2002

Email: Transmits 2000 groundwater analytical

data & latest groundwater well data,


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2027841 8/15/2002Mtg Notes: 8/14/2002 conference call re

channel relocation

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037694 8/15/2002

Email: Transmits 15 years of data files used in

all UNSAT-H runs, 1983 climate data, & 1992

precipitation data, w/attch

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073220 8/22/2002Ltr: Well seal & grouting of annular space at

well TW-2E3, w/TL

R09: Carlton, Ed (S C S Engineers), R09:

Saines, Nick (S C S Engineers)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027842 8/23/2002

Ltr: Responds to 8/14/2002 conference call re

channel relocation, w/EMCON/OWT ltrs

dated 8/22 & 8/23/2002 re energy

management & channel lining alternatives,

hydrology & hydraulics design basis memo, &

model output

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073221 8/26/2002Ltr: Hydrogeologic assessment issues, w/encl

& TL to A Gaddy fr S Wall 8/27/02

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073222 8/27/2002

Email: Approves work outlined in ltr re well

seal & grouting of annular space at well TW-

2E3, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2072540 8/28/2002

Memo: Discusses performed additional

UNSAT-H computer simulations with altered

weather data, w/attch & TL (draft)

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior

- Bureau of Land Management)

2029708 8/30/2002 Daily borehole summaries (08/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

1110471 9/1/2002Design of erosion protection for long-term

stabilization, final rpt (NUREG-1623, 9/02)

R09: Johnson, Terry (Nuclear Regulatory


2037699 9/1/2002

Alternative landfill cover & monitoring system

for landfills in arid environments - project

closeout rpt, w/TL to S Wall & A Gaddy fr D

Hamilton 9/15/04

R09: (Bechtel Nevada)R09: (US Dept of Energy - National

Nuclear Security Administration)

2027849 9/3/2002

Email: Update on schedule for water erosion

prediction project (WEPP) & gas system,

w/forward to D Basinger & others fr A Gaddy

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037700 9/20/2002

Field hydrology & model predictions for final

covers in alternative assessment program -


R09: Albright, William (Desert Research

Institute), R09: Roesler, Arthur (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison - College of

Engineering), R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison - College of


2029709 9/24/2002 Daily borehole summaries (09/2002) R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065253 9/27/2002

Article: Use of class C fly ash for stabilization

of soft subgrade (5th International Congress

on Advances in Civil Engineering 9/25-


R09: Senol, Aykut (Istanbul Technical Univ -

Geotechnical Engineering Dept)

2040198 10/1/2002Article: Compost product performance

(BioCycle, v43, #10, 29-31)R09: Goldstein, Nora (NONE)

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2040200 10/1/2002

Excerpt: Compost as erosion control fr

SWANA landfill excellence award winners

(MSW Management, v12, #6, 44-46)

R09: Trotti, John (M S W Management)

2040201 10/1/2002

Excerpt: Compost as landfill cover fr smart

waste management makes dollars & sense in

mitigating climate change (MSW

Management, v12, #6, 64)

R09: Canterbury, Jay (Environmental

Protection Agency - Washington, D C)

2040202 10/1/2002Article: Composting biosolids, yard trimmings

& bark (BioCycle, v43, #10, 61)

R09: Runge, Karsten (Backhus Kompost-


2065234 10/1/2002

Excerpt: Site 10 - Nevada Test Site (pp 57-59)

fr Alternative cover assessment project phase

1 rpt

R09: (Desert Research Institute)R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2073367 10/1/2002Alternative cover assessment program - 2002

annual rpt, w/apps A & B

R09: Albright, William (Desert Research

Institute), R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison)

2065276 10/2/2002Ltr: Landfill gas system has been constructed

& is operating

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Bowlin, Patricia (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073223 10/2/2002

Ltr: Hydrogeologic assessment issues -

completion of drilling requirements detailed

in final landfill assessment workplan, & need

for wells at 3, 15, 17A, & 17B

R09: Hall, Heidi (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040193 10/10/2002

Ltr: Discusses reasons for using biosolids or

organic amendments for cover & responds to

questions re this approach, w/encls 1 & 2

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2019149 10/11/2002Ltr: Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment (oversize maps only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027686 10/11/2002

Ltr: Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment, w/encl, w/o oversize


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2065240 10/16/2002

Article: Interaction of surface & subsurface

processes - development of desert pavements

(2002 Subsurface Science Symposium, 10/13-


R09: Wells, Stephen (Desert Research


2031820 10/24/2002Email: Transmits groundwater well data for

10/7-10/9/2002, w/attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2027850 11/12/2002Email: Discusses 10/23/02 technical meeting

re channel project

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027851 11/19/2002

Ltr: Action items fr 10/23/2002 technical

meeting re channel relocation (cover,

erosion, & hydrogeologic issues)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027852 11/20/2002Email: Responds to question re water erosion

prediction project (WEPP) model, w/history

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040194 11/25/2002Ltr: Comments on UNSAT-H simulations for

existing cover at site

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027853 11/26/2002Email: Requests extension for submittal of bid-

level channel designs, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2040195 11/27/2002

Ltr: Will not be able to address comments on

UNSAT-H simulations for existing cover until


R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025289 11/29/2002

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/01-9/30/02), w/TL to D Basinger

fr K Goebel, w/o oversize map

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2025296 11/29/2002

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP),

revision 3, w/TL to D Basinger fr K Goebel,

w/o oversize map

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2027464 11/29/2002

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/01-9/30/02), w/TL to D Basinger

fr K Goebel (oversize map only)

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027630 11/29/2002

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP),

revision 3, w/TL to D Basinger fr K Goebel

(oversize map only)

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037714 12/1/2002NV administrative code, chapter 444 - solid

waste disposal (444.470-444.7499)

2040196 12/3/2002

Email: Timing for response to comments on

UNSAT-H simulations for existing cover will be

decided during 12/17 phone call with A


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

2027854 12/5/2002

Ltr: Does not consider water erosion

prediction project (WEPP) model assessment

complete & does not agree that current

conditions are acceptable re soil loss

(Responds to 10/11/2002 ltr submitted by

SCS Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040197 12/6/2002

TL: Compost product performance,

controlling erosion with compost & mulch,

compost as erosion control, compost as

landfill cover, & composting biosolids, yard

trimmings & bark

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027892 12/10/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

9A, water samples for volatile organic

compounds & metals, non-metals, &

inorganic non-metals, collected 12/10/2002,


R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027855 12/11/2002

Email: Agrees to change time of 12/17/2002

teleconference & requests additional

geotechnical data fr cover at site & hybrid

channel area

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

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2027893 12/12/2002

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

9A, water samples for volatile organic

compounds, inorganics, metals, dissolved

metals, non-metals, & inorganic non-metals,

collected 12/12/2002, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2040203 12/12/2002Email: Discusses request to obtain additional

geotechnical data, w/history

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2040204 12/12/2002Email: Has questions re request to obtain

additional geotechnical data, w/history

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073225 12/13/2002

TL: Innovative groundwater monitoring at

municipal solid waste landfills, &

groundwater variability at sanitary landfills -

causes & solutions

R09: Oneacre, John (Ground Water

Solutions, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010535 12/16/2002 Monthly progress rpts (1/2002-12/2002)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040205 12/16/2002

Email: Acknowledges receipt of papers fr J

Oneare & transmits field hydrology & model

predictions for final covers in alternative

assessment program - 2002, w/o attch

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040206 12/17/2002

Email: Explains how to get copy of field

hydrology & model predictions for final

covers in alternative assessment program -


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073231 12/17/2002 Groundwater flows dataR09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027856 12/19/2002Ltr: Summary of similar landfill sites


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2073228 12/20/2002

Email: Request for information to help

evaluate & respond to Ground Water

Solutions rpts, dated 6/21/02 & 11/21/02

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2040207 1/2/2003Email: Asks for meeting to discuss direction in

approach to site

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2040208 1/7/2003Email: Gives URL to download draft technical

guidance for RCRA/CERCLA final covers

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027857 1/9/2003

Ltr: Meeting notes fr 12/17/2002 conference

call re channel design, cover, erosion, &


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027697 1/10/2003

Ltr: Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment, w/attchs, w/o oversize


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027910 1/10/2003

Groundwater analysis rpts for well location

7C, water samples for volatile organic

chemicals, metals, dissolved metals, non-

metals, & inorganic non-metals, collected

12/23/2002-1/10/2003, w/TLs

R09: (N E L Laboratories - Las Vegas Div)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2028433 1/10/2003Ltr: Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment (oversize map only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2010531 1/13/2003 Monthly progress rpt, 1/2003R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2074240 1/14/2003 Potentiometric Map - 11x17 in, 1 in = 600 ft R09: (Ground Water Solutions, Inc) R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

2074881 1/14/2003Compact Disc: DWG & DFX files for

potentiometric mapR09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2073229 1/17/2003TL: Groundwater flow assessment &

groundwater flows data

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

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2073230 1/17/2003 Groundwater flow assessment R09: (Ground Water Solutions, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2019145 1/24/2003Site stormwater protection (oversize map


R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2019146 1/24/2003Site stormwater protection (oversize map


R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027683 1/24/2003

Site stormwater protection, w/attchs, apps 1-

6, & TL to B Welsh & S O'Rourke fr D

Patterson, Jr, w/o oversize maps

R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2065278 1/27/2003Surface emission monitoring rpt, 4th quarter

2002, w/attchs A & BR09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027858 1/29/2003Email: Transmits CVs of Exponent team,


R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys))

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065279 1/30/2003

Ltr: 2002 annual rpt for active collection

system & open flare gas control system, w/o


R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Gross, Barbara (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027859 1/31/2003

Email: Suggests that testing for additional

geotechnical data be postponed until after

meeting on 2/7/2003, w/history

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027860 2/4/2003

Email: Has questions re Exponent's 1/24/2003

stormwater protection rpt, w/forward to D

Patterson fr D Basinger (channel design)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027861 2/21/2003

Ltr: Comments on water erosion prediction

project (WEPP) modeling output dated


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027862 2/27/2003

Email: Requests timeline to develop & submit

final design for approval on Exponent

controlled flow plan (CFP) alternative by


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2027688 3/18/2003

Ltr: Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment, w/encls, w/o oversize


R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2028391 3/18/2003Ltr: Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment (oversize maps only)

R09: Mezzacappa, David (S C S Engineers),

R09: Smith, Stephen (S C S Engineers)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2066335 3/18/2003Analysis of final cover treatment alternatives

(Benson analysis) w/TLR09: Benson, Craig (NONE)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2073369 3/21/2003

EPA handouts - Provided to Republic Services

of Southern Nevada (RSSN) & Republic

DUMPCo, Inc at 3/21/03 cover mtg -

Preliminary assessment issues, process, &

potential costs

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: (Republic Dumpco, Inc), R09:

(Republic Services of Southern Nevada)

2066401 3/27/2003

Gas sampling results, 1st quarter 2003, w/TL

to D Basinger, S Wall, & S Doty fr T Gardner


R09: (Air Toxics Ltd)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2073361 3/31/2003

Progress rpt, project #5 - Evaluation of

hydrologic models for alternative covers at

mine waste sites for project period fr 11/1/02

to 10/31/05

R09: Shackelford, Charles (Colorado State

Univ), R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027863 4/1/2003Schedule for design of Exponent's controlled

flow plan (CFP)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065280 4/3/2003Ltr: Surface gas monitoring, 1st quarter 2003,


R09: Westmark, Jeremey (Westmark

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Salazar,

Ty (Westmark Environmental Services, Inc)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073368 4/9/2003Ltr: Comments on cover alternatives analysis

rpt by Craig Benson

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027864 4/10/2003

Ltr: Approves work to be performed and

proposed schedule for completing

geotechnical investigation & detailed design

of controlled flow plan (CFP) by Exponent

(Responds to 4/4/2003 ltr)

R09: Barroll, Hugh (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys)), R09: Barringer,

Steve (NONE)

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2027865 4/11/2003

Ltr: Comments on 2002 stormwater

monitoring plan (SWMP) & discharge

monitoring rpt (DMR) dated 11/29/2002

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065221 4/11/2003

Stormwater general permit #NVR050000 re

authorization to discharge stormwater

associated with industrial activity to waters of

the US

R09: (NV Dept of Conservation & Natural

Resources - Div of Environmental


2027866 4/16/2003

Ltr: Comments on 3/18/2003 water erosion

prediction project (WEPP) model assessment

submitted by SCS Engineers

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2025291 4/25/2003

Quarterly stormwater discharge monitoring

rpt (DMR) (1/1-3/31/03), w/TL to D Basinger

fr A Gaddy 4/30/03, w/o compact disc

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027465 4/25/2003

Quarterly stormwater discharge monitoring

rpt (DMR) (1/1-3/31/03), w/TL to D Basinger

fr A Gaddy 4/30/03 (compact disc only)

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027867 4/30/2003Email: Scheduling issues re channel design,

basin design, & pipeline investigation

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065250 5/1/2003Dissertation - Water balance measurements

& computer simulations of landfill coversR09: Dwyer, Stephen (Univ of New Mexico)

2073363 5/1/2003

Overheads: Evaluation of hydrologic models

for alternative covers (Project 5 -


R09: Shackelford, Charles (Colorado State

Univ), R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison)

2027868 5/5/2003

Memo: Progress & schedule update re

channel design, basin design, & pipeline

placement, w/TL to D Basinger & S Wall fr A


R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2037708 5/7/2003Erosional stability of proposed Lee Acres


R09: Stormont, John (Univ of New Mexico -

Dept of Civil Engineering)

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2027869 5/8/2003

Email: Responds to 5/5/2003 email & memo

re progress & schedule update re channel

design, basin design, & pipeline placement,,


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027695 5/14/2003

Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment, w/marginalia, attchs, & TL

to D Basinger fr D Mezzacappa & S Smith, w/o

oversize maps

R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2028431 5/14/2003Water erosion prediction project (WEPP)

model assessment (oversize maps only)R09: (S C S Engineers)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027870 5/15/2003

Email: Responds to 5/13/2003 email re

controlled flow plan (CFP) design schedule,

w/history (follow-up to 5/12/2003


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027871 5/15/2003

Email: Transmits map of new location of NE

canyon basin proposed location, w/attch

(follow-up to 5/12/2003 teleconference)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027872 5/15/2003

Email: Transmits statements of qualifications

(SOQs) for Ruen Drilling, Inc & Kleinfelder,

Inc, w/history & attchs

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065242 5/19/2003Alternative landfill cover project profile -

Monolithic ET cover at Apple Valley Landfill

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065231 5/20/2003

Alternative landfill cover project profile -

Demonstration monolithic ET cover at

Nevada Test Site

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065243 5/20/2003Alternative landfill cover project profile -

Monolithic ET cover at Phelan Landfill

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065244 5/20/2003Alternative landfill cover project profile -

Monolithic ET cover at Twentynine Palms

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

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2027873 5/28/2003Email: Transmits revised control flow plan

(CFP) channel design schedule, w/attch

R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys))

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027679 6/1/2003

Oversize Drawings(5): Controlled flow plan,

channel/pipeline plan, detention/retention

basin plan, 24 x 36", scales vary, preliminary

drawings #5,6,7,8,15

R09: (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services)

2027874 6/12/2003

Email: Comments on 5/28/2003 email re

revised controlled flow plan (CFP) channel

design schedule

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066406 6/16/2003Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 2nd quarter 2003

R09: Westmark, Jeremey (Westmark

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Salazar,

Ty (Westmark Environmental Services, Inc)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027875 6/18/2003

Ltr: Prefers final cap solution that would

accommodate multiple options for future use

of site

R09: Holmes, Richard (Clark County, NV -

Office of County Manager)

R09: Kalish, Steve (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027701 6/19/2003Landfill cover plan, w/attchs, w/o oversize


R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2029885 6/19/2003 Landfill cover plan (oversize map only)R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066402 6/19/2003

Gas extraction well monitoring logs (4/15-

6/19/03), w/TL to D Basinger, S Wall, & S Doty

fr T Gardner 7/1/03

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027876 6/20/2003Email: Transmits progress summary for

controlled flow plan (CFP) design, w/attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2027877 6/27/2003

Email: Notes fr 6/24/2003 meeting re channel

design, geotechnical rpt, gas emission data,

pipeline settlement, & controlled flow plan


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2027878 7/3/2003

Ltr: Discusses issues re hybrid channel,

controlled flow plan (CFP), & channel

schedule, w/TL to D Basinger, S Wall, &

others fr B Welsh

R09: Welsh, Blaine (US Dept of Justice - US

Attorney's Office, District of Nevada), R09:

Bogden, Daniel (US Dept of Justice - US

Attorney's Office, District of Nevada)

R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys))

2027879 7/9/2003

Ltr: Responds to 7/3/2003 ltr re pipeline,

hybrid channel, controlled flow plan (CFP), &

channel schedule

R09: Patterson, Jr, Donald (Beveridge &

Diamond (Attorneys))

R09: Welsh, Blaine (US Dept of Justice -

US Attorney's Office, District of Nevada)

2027881 7/11/2003Pipe load test data, w/TL to D Basinger &

others fr J Lyle (controlled flow plan (CFP))R09: (Exponent, Inc)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027674 7/18/2003Ltr: Comments on documentary support,

concern re pipeline differential settlement

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027880 7/19/2003

Email: Comments on 7/9/2003 ltr re schedule

changes for completion of controlled flow

plan (CFP) design, satisfactory submission of

pipeline settlement testing results, & delivery

of expanded pipeline rpt

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073232 7/21/2003

Email: Requests electronic copy of DWG &

DXF files for Potentiometric Map (Figure 1 of

1/14/03 rpt)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100633 7/22/2003Email: Discusses & transmits greater than 3 ft

thickness map, w/attch

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2100634 7/23/2003 Email: Discusses cover depth calculationsR09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2019147 8/1/2003Expanded pipeline investigation rpt (oversize

maps only)

R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2019148 8/1/2003Expanded pipeline investigation rpt (compact

disc only)

R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027684 8/1/2003

Expanded pipeline investigation rpt, w/attchs

& apps A-C, w/o oversize maps & compact


R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc),

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2027673 8/7/2003

Ltr: Comments on water erosion prediction

project (WEPP), geotechnical engineering &

engineering geological rpt, expanded pipeline

investigation rpt

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073371 8/21/2003Email: Discusses cover soil cracking at site,


R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073372 8/21/2003Email: Discusses cover soil & vegetation

conditions per Jody Waugh

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2027675 8/22/2003

Email: Discusses & transmits response to

8/7/03 comments, pipeline geotechnical

basin design settlement, w/attchs

R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2073370 8/31/2003

Ltr: Preliminary comments of cover plan for

site, 6/19/03, submitted by Exponent, Inc on

behalf of Republic Services of Southern

Nevada (RSSN), w/TL 8/4/03

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066407 9/8/2003Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 3rd quarter 2003

R09: Westmark, Jeremey (Westmark

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Salazar,

Ty (Westmark Environmental Services, Inc)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073373 9/8/2003

Ltr: Comments on cover plan for site,

6/19/03, submitted by Exponent, Inc on

behalf of Republic Services of Southern

Nevada (RSSN)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065232 10/9/2003Alternative landfill cover project profile -

Monolithic ET cover at Nevada Test Site

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065245 10/10/2003

Alternative landfill cover project profile -

Monolithic & capillary barrier ET covers at

Sandia National Laboratories

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2065222 10/17/2003

Email: Discusses erosion control & transmits

excerpt fr Guide to Revegetation &

Environmental Restoration of Closed Landfills.


R09: Rosenbaum, Steve (CA Regional Water

Quality Control Board - Central Valley


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2027672 10/21/2003

Ltr: Comments on EMCON design drawings

8/03, Exponent email fr J Lyle 8/22/03,


R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065223 10/31/2003

Email: Responds to request for quantitative

method for design of armored/cobble

sidewall erosion control measures, &

transmits excerpt fr Title 27 regulations,


R09: Walker, Scott (CA Environmental

Protection Agency - Integrated Waste

Management Board)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2025290 11/26/2003

Annual stormwater discharge monitoring rpt

(DMR) (10/1/02-9/30/03), w/TL to D Basinger

fr K Goebel

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2025297 11/26/2003

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP),

revision 4, w/TL to D Basinger fr K Goebel,

w/o oversize map

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027631 11/26/2003

Stormwater monitoring plan (SWMP),

revision 4, w/TL to D Basinger fr K Goebel

(oversize map only)

R09: (Converse Consultants)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037706 12/1/2003

Technical & regulatory guidance for design,

installation, & monitoring of alternative final

landfill covers

R09: (Interstate Technology & Regulatory


2072554 12/5/2003

Guide to revegetation & environmental

restoration of closed landfills, 10/99 -

Chapters 1-7 & 12

R09: (CA Environmental Protection Agency -

Integrated Waste Management Board)

2066408 12/9/2003Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 4th quarter 2003

R09: Westmark, Jeremey (Westmark

Environmental Services, Inc), R09: Salazar,

Ty (Westmark Environmental Services, Inc)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2027698 12/17/2003

Geotechnical engineering & engineering

geologic rpt, proposed stormwater detention

basin, w/attchs & apps A-G, w/o oversize

maps & compact disc

R09: (Exponent, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2028434 12/17/2003

Geotechnical engineering & engineering

geologic rpt, proposed stormwater detention

basin (oversize map only)

R09: (Exponent, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2028435 12/17/2003

Geotechnical engineering & engineering

geologic rpt, proposed stormwater detention

basin (compact disc only)

R09: (Exponent, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2028436 12/17/2003

Geotechnical engineering & engineering

geologic rpt, proposed stormwater detention

basin (oversize map only)

R09: (Exponent, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2027669 12/19/2003Sunrise Mountain Landfill pipeline stress

analysisR09: (Exponent, Inc)

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2037710 1/1/2004Solid waste fact sheet - summary of landfill

final cover requirements

R09: (NV Dept of Conservation & Natural

Resources - Div of Environmental


2065241 1/1/2004

Excerpt: Stream terraces & older surfaces fr

Desert land forms & surface processes in

Mojave National Preserve & vicinity (USGS

2004-1007), w/slide presentation

R09: Stoffer, Philip (US Geological Survey)

2073365 1/1/2004

Article: Field water balance of landfill final

covers (Journal of Environmental Quality,

2004, pp 2317-2332)

R09: Albright, William (Desert Research


2091907 2/2/2004

Executive summary - Chemical conditions in

primary producing aquifers & portions of

shadow groundwater system of Las Vegas

Valley in 2000

R09: Leising, Joseph (Southern Nevada

Water Authority)

2091908 3/7/2004

Chemical conditions in primary producing

aquifers & portions of shadow groundwater

system of Las Vegas Valley in 2000

R09: Leising, Joseph (Southern Nevada

Water Authority)

2065264 3/10/2004Mtg Summary - Designing, building, &

regulating ET landfill covers, w/o attchs A-V

R09: (Remediation Technologies

Development Forum)

2065265 3/10/2004

Designing, building, & regulating ET landfill

covers meeting - speaker & poster abstract


R09: (Remediation Technologies

Development Forum)

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2027671 3/18/2004

Ltr: Comments on EMCON design drawings

12/03, geotechnical engineering &

engineering geologic rpt, pipeline stress

analysis, w/attch

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2066409 4/21/2004Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 1st quarter 2004

R09: Westmark, Jeremey (Westmark Group,

Inc, The), R09: Salazar, Ty (Westmark

Group, Inc, The)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100630 5/7/2004Email: Requests comments re design criteria

& thickness calculations, w/attchs

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2027670 5/12/2004

Ltr: Comments on 2003 storm water

monitoring plan, 2003 discharge monitoring

rpt, 1st quarter 2003 stormwater discharge

monitoring rpt

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100631 5/13/2004Email: Discusses evaluation of cover thickness

& erosion protection

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2100628 5/18/2004Email: Comments on proposed cover ltr,

scope of work, & draft administrative record

R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Williams, Laurie (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2100632 5/27/2004Memo: Cover thickness & erosion protection

(draft), w/email TL

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

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2029964 6/2/2004

Ltr: Transmits proposed scope of work (SOW)

& draft administrative record (AR) index for

amended orders, w/attch A, w/o proposed

SOW & draft AR index

R09: Strauss, Alexis (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Scott,

Jeffrey (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Zimmerman, Doug (NV Dept of

Conservation & Natural Resources - Div

of Environmental Protection), R09: Palm,

Jon (NV Dept of Conservation & Natural

Resources - Div of Environmental

Protection), R09: Gould, Les (NV Dept of

Conservation & Natural Resources - Div

of Environmental Protection), R09:

Morse, Mark (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management), R09:

Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management), R09:

Ginoulias, Barbara (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept), R09:

Kalish, Steve (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2029965 6/2/2004

Ltr: Transmits proposed scope of work (SOW)

& draft administrative record index for

amended orders (proposed SOW only)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2029966 6/2/2004

Ltr: Transmits proposed scope of work (SOW)

& draft administrative record (AR) index for

amended orders (draft AR index only)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2100629 6/14/2004Email: Comments on 6/2 cover ltr & proposed

scope of work

R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Williams, Laurie (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2072549 6/30/2004

Ltr: Informs of deadline extension to 7/26/04

for comments by all parties to be submitted

& comments will be given careful

consideration when issuing requirements for

action at site

R09: Strauss, Alexis (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Scott,

Jeffrey (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

R09: Kalish, Steve (Republic Dumpco, Inc)

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2072542 7/1/2004

Memo: Comments on EPA proposed scope of

work for amended orders, Sunrise Mountain

Landfill, dated 6/2/04

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2075733 7/2/2004Email: Administrative Record project time &

cost projections re indexing & scanning

R09: Gookin, Patrick (A S R C Aerospace


R09: Williams, Laurie (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Wall,

Steve (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2066410 7/15/2004Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 2nd quarter 2004

R09: Saia, Ann (Westmark Group, Inc, The),

R09: Salazar, Ty (Westmark Group, Inc, The)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2072553 7/15/2004Email: Clarifies basis for 200-year design

storm event, w/history

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: French, Richard (Desert Research

Institute), R09: Albright, William (Desert

Research Institute)

2072551 7/16/2004

Memo: Provides clarifications re best designs

for terrace drains & best method to address

eastern perimeter run-on, w/TL to D French fr

S Wall

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: (Desert Research Institute), R09:

(Univ of New Mexico - Dept of Civil


2072552 7/16/2004

Memo: Provides information to consider re

slope grade of top deck cover (area D), w/TL

to D French fr S Wall

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: (Desert Research Institute), R09:

(Univ of New Mexico - Dept of Civil


2072543 7/19/2004Memo: Observations made fr 6/24/04 field

visit to site

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2072544 7/20/2004Email: Transmits Steve Dwyer observations fr

6/24/04 site visit, w/history & w/o attch

R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2072545 7/21/2004

Email: Comments on 6/2/04 SOW for site -

Water level gaging & additional groundwater

monitoring well development, w/forward to S

Wall fr M Moran

R09: Lewis, Brent (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2072550 7/21/2004

Email: Transmits EPA memo re how EPA

selected erosion controls in its 6/2/04

proposed scope of work

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Albright, William (Desert Research


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2037657 7/26/2004Ltr: Comments on proposed scope of work

(SOW), w/TL to L Williams fr A Gaddy

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Strauss, Alexis (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Scott, Jeffrey (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

2072546 8/18/2004

Email: Review comments on draft Desert

Research Institute (DRI) rpt & draft Anderson-

Hydro rpts, dated 7/04, for site, w/attch

R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2072547 8/25/2004

BLM responses to groundwater issues in

7/26/04 ltr fr RSSN to EPA, w/TL to S Wall fr B


R09: (US Dept of the Interior - Bureau of

Land Management)

2037662 9/1/2004Draft review of documents related to final

closure of landfill

R09: French, Richard (Desert Research

Institute), R09: Albright, William (Desert

Research Institute)

R09: (Science Applications International


2072548 9/8/2004

Memo: Comments on Republic Services of

Southern Nevada (RSSN) response to EPA

proposed scope of work, w/TL

R09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


R09: Moran, Mike (US Dept of the

Interior - Bureau of Land Management)

2037659 9/9/2004Review & evaluation of proposed landfill


R09: Anderson, Clifford (Anderson-Hydro),

R09: Stormont, John (Anderson-Hydro)

R09: (Science Applications International


2037658 9/17/2004

Ltr: Additional comments on proposed scope

of work (SOW), w/attch 1 & TL to D Basinger,

S Wall, & L Williams fr A Gaddy

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Strauss, Alexis (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Scott, Jeffrey (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

2066411 10/18/2004Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 3rd quarter 2004

R09: Saia, Ann (Westmark Group, Inc, The),

R09: Salazar, Ty (Westmark Group, Inc, The)

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2072555 11/1/2004

Technical guidance document - Construction

quality management for remedial action &

remedial design waste containment systems

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Office of Solid Waste & Emergency

Response), R09: (Environmental Protection

Agency - Office of Research &


2065236 12/10/2004Excerpt: Desert pavement fr Today's Desert

Hiking Guide

2065237 12/10/2004 Theories of desert pavement R09: Alden, Andrew (About, Inc)

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2065238 12/10/2004 Summary - desert pavementR09: (US Army Corps of Engineers -

Engineer Research & Development Center)

2065239 12/10/2004 Deserts & desert processesR09: Stimac, John (Eastern Illinois Univ -

Dept of Geology/Geography)

2065235 12/20/2004 Excerpt: Desert pavement R09: (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc)

2066412 1/24/2005

Ltr: 30-day retesting rpt, surface gas

monitoring rpt & analytical rpts for 4th

quarter 2004

R09: Cromwell, Iii, Robert (Westmark

Group, Inc, The), R09: Salazar, Ty

(Westmark Group, Inc, The)

R09: Tidwell, Robert (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065268 1/25/2005

Email: Discusses CSAMT data & fence

diagrams, & transmits Zonge Engineers

response to EMCON's evaluation of CSAMT

data, w/o attch

R09: Gardner, Tom (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09: Doty,

Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

2072559 1/26/2005

Health & safety plan for sampling & analyses

of soil cover samples & soil crust stability

tests, (final), 1/26/05, w/apps A-E

R09: (Science Applications International


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2091906 1/26/2005

Article: Gravel admixtures for erosion

protection in semi-arid climates (Geo-

Frontiers 2005 Congress, 1/24 - 1/26/05)

R09: Anderson, Clifford (Univ of New

Mexico - Dept of Civil Engineering), R09:

Stormont, John (Univ of New Mexico - Dept

of Civil Engineering)

2072558 1/27/2005

Quality assurance project plan - Field

sampling & analysis of cover soils at site,

revision 2 (revised final), 1/27/05, w/apps A-E

R09: (Science Applications International


R09: Reisman, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - National Risk

Management Research Laboratory)

2065224 2/8/2005

Email: Responds to question re states that set

performance standards for erosion control,


R09: Bohn, Ralph (UT Dept of

Environmental Quality - Div of Solid &

Hazardous Waste)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065225 2/9/2005

Email: Responds to question re states that set

performance standards for erosion control,


R09: Graves, Paul (KS Dept of Health &

Environment - Bureau of Waste


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073233 2/9/2005

Groundwater elevation update &

comparison, w/TL to S Wall fr A Gaddy


R09: (Ground Water Solutions, Inc)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


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2065226 2/14/2005

Email: Responds to question re states that set

performance standards for erosion control,


R09: Tillotson, Steven (ND Dept of Health -

Div of Waste Management)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2100624 2/24/2005Email: Gives proposed schedule for technical

exchange on cost assumptions

R09: Jones, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Coyle, Bob (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100635 3/3/2005Email: Discusses revised waste areas for cover

depth calculations, w/map

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2065246 3/6/2005

Newsclip: Capping 6,000 tons of waste -

Covering a landfill means more than dirt, it's


R09: Ramage, James (Desert Dispatch


2100626 3/8/2005Email: Discusses & transmits comments on

cover cost assumptions, w/attchs

R09: Jones, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Coyle, Bob (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100625 3/14/2005

Email: Retransmits email fr 2/24 re proposed

schedule for technical exchange on cost


R09: Jones, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Coyle, Bob (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100627 3/14/2005Email: Retransmits email fr 3/8 re comments

on cover cost assumptions, w/o attchs

R09: Jones, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

R09: Coyle, Bob (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2071777 3/27/2005Map: Wells in proximity to CSAMT line 1,

w/TL to S Wall & S Doty fr A Gaddy 3/29/02

R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2066403 3/31/2005Gas extraction well monitoring logs (8/1/03-


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2091913 3/31/2005Compact Disc - Aggregate stability test (DVD-


2100622 4/7/2005Email: Discusses using soils fr Beazer Homes

residential development, w/attch

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9), R09:

Moran, Mike (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management), R09:

Pinkerton, Alan (Clark County, NV -

Comprehensive Planning Dept)

2066405 4/8/2005

TL: Surface gas monitoring rpts & sampling

results for 2nd quarter to 4th quarter 2003, &

1st quarter to 4th quarter 2004

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Tidwell, Robert (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2066415 4/12/2005

Ltr: 30-day retesting rpt, surface gas

monitoring rpt & analytical rpts for 1st

quarter 2005

R09: Cromwell, Iii, Robert (Westmark

Group, Inc, The), R09: Salazar, Ty

(Westmark Group, Inc, The)

R09: Tidwell, Robert (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2065247 4/18/2005 Excerpt: Landfill Covers - performanceR09: (US Air Force - Center for

Environmental Excellence)

2065248 4/18/2005Email: Responds to question re ET cover,


R09: Rock, Steven (Environmental

Protection Agency - National Risk

Management Research Laboratory)

2066414 4/25/2005

TL: 30-day retesting rpt, surface gas

monitoring rpt & analytical rpts for 1st

quarter 2005

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: (AZ Dept of Environmental Quality -

Air Quality Div)

2066413 5/6/2005

Email: Transmits condensate soils cleanup lab

analysis & gate ticket for dirt & debris,

w/history, w/attchs

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2073234 5/10/2005 Groundwater evaluation data, 4/05, w/TLs R09: (S C S Engineers)R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2066456 5/24/2005Technical Memo #2 - Fault characterization

borings, w/attch 2R09: (EMCON/O W T Solid Waste Services)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2100623 5/25/2005

Email: Follows up on previous discussion re

using soils fr Beazer Homes residential


R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073362 6/2/2005

Abstract - Project #5, Evaluation of hydrologic

models for alternative covers at mine waste

sites for project period fr 10/1/02 to 9/30/05

R09: Shackelford, Charles (Colorado State

Univ), R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison)

2070196 6/3/2005

Analysis of cover performance during 2004 -

2005 rainfall season, #OC10290.001, 6/3/05

rpt (oversize map & aerial photo only)

R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2070197 6/3/2005

Analysis of cover performance during 2004 -

2005 rainfall season, #OC10290.001, 6/3/05

rpt (photos only)

R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

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2072537 6/3/2005

Analysis of cover performance during 2004 -

2005 rainfall season, #OC10290.001, 6/3/05

rpt, w/o photos & oversize map & aerial


R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2073224 6/20/2005

Ltr: Technical response to EPA ltr dated

10/2/02 requesting additional groundwater

monitoring wells, w/figures & TL to S Doty & S

Wall fr T Gardner 11/20/02

R09: Oneacre, John (Ground Water

Solutions, Inc)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2073366 6/20/2005

Web Page: Technical rpts - Waste

management - Field water balance of landfill

final covers (Journal of Environmental


R09: Albright, William (Desert Research


2072556 7/7/2005

Web Page: Industrial waste management -

Guide for industrial waste management,

EPA530-R-03-001 - Part 5, Chapter 11,

Performing closure & post closure care, w/TL

to S Wall fr P Cassidy, 5/26/05

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency)

2091911 7/25/2005Ltr: 2nd quarter 2005 gas monitoring rpt,


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: (AZ Dept of Environmental Quality -

Air Quality Div)

2091910 8/29/2005Gas extraction well monitoring logs (4/28 -


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


2091912 1/24/2006Ltr: 4th quarter & annual 2005 gas

monitoring rpt, w/attchs

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: (AZ Dept of Environmental Quality -

Air Quality Div)

2091909 1/27/2006

Review of rpt - Analysis of cover performance

during 2004 - 2005 rainfall season

(OC10290.001) by Exponent, Inc

R09: Anderson, Clifford (Anderson-Hydro)R09: (Science Applications International


2091915 3/16/2006 Soil crust sampling & analysis rpt (final)

R09: Rawe, Jim (Science Applications

International Corp), R09: Oster, James (Univ

of California, Riverside)

R09: Reisman, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - National Risk

Management Research Laboratory)

2091914 3/23/2006Memo: Preliminary soil depth calculations for

flux control

R09: Doty, Sandra (Science Applications

International Corp)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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2100619 4/13/2006Ltr: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 1st quarter 2006, w/attchs

R09: Depetro, Joel (Westmark Group, Inc,

The), R09: Hallee, Mark (Westmark Group,

Inc, The)

R09: Tidwell, Robert (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

2100621 4/14/2006

Proposed scope of work for amended orders,

revised 4/12/06, w/reviewer's notes &


R09: Anderson, Clifford (Univ of New

Mexico - Dept of Civil Engineering)

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2100620 4/25/2006TL: Surface gas monitoring rpt & analytical

rpts for 1st quarter 2006

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: (AZ Dept of Environmental Quality -

Air Quality Div)

2155129 6/26/2006 Draft hydrogeologic assessmentR09: (Science Applications International


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2155130 7/31/2006

Email: Ground Water Solutions, Geosyntec, &

Republic Services of Southern Nevada will

comment separately on draft hydrogeologic


R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Services of

Southern Nevada)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2155131 10/5/2006Ltr: Comments on draft hydrogeologic

assessment, w/attch

R09: Pinkerton, Alan (Clark County, NV -

Dept of Air Quality & Environmental


R09: Jones, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

1110467 12/8/2006

Conceptual design for top deck - Area D,

including slope correction to 3% & surface

water controls, w/attchs (Task 4.1.7)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

2157324 1/19/2007Email: EPA concerns with using existing main

channel alignment

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)

2157325 1/25/2007

Email: Discusses & transmits figures showing

channel alignments & waste depth, w/history

& attchs (Figure 7.pdf & Figure 11.pdf)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Betley, Dave (Clark County, NV -

Regional Flood Control District)

1110474 1/29/2007 Graph - Draft erosion layer gradationR09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

1110476 2/22/2007Graph - Erosion layer gradation acceptance


R09: (Republic Services of Southern


R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2157327 4/25/2007 Email: Gives information re earthen bermsR09: Weber, Layne (Clark County, NV -

Development Services)

R09: Williams, Laurie (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

2157326 4/26/2007Email: Discusses & transmits figures re

earthen berms, w/attchsR09: Anderson, Clifford (Anderson-Hydro)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2155125 5/4/2007Email: Transmits rock crushing test results,

w/attchsR09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2157328 6/22/2007Email: Discusses & transmits revised

spreadsheet for less than 10% slopes, w/attchR09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Anderson, Clifford (Anderson-


2157329 7/5/2007Email: Discusses & transmits draft exhibits re

erosion layer gradations/thickness, w/attchsR09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Williams, Laurie (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2157330 7/10/2007

Email: Discusses & transmits draft > 10%

gravel-soil veneer spreadsheet tool for

review, w/attchs

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)

2157331 7/11/2007Email: Discusses & transmits Las Vegas paving

sample analysis, w/history & attchs

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)

2155126 8/3/2007Email: Transmits T-Wash gradations, w/attchs

(native cover soil properties)R09: Lyle, Jene (Exponent, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2157323 9/26/2007

Email: Discusses & transmits mark-up for

draft SOW attch 4 - concentrated flow &

channel map, w/history & attch

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)

2157332 12/4/2007

Email: Discusses & transmits spreadsheet re

gradation ranges for the < 10% gradations,

w/history & attch

R09: Hamilton, Douglas (Exponent, Inc)R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2155127 2/25/2008Email: Wishes to discuss T-Wash gradations,

w/attch (native cover soil properties)

R09: Gaddy, Alan (Republic Silver State

Disposal, Inc)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2155128 2/28/2008Email: Discusses T-Wash gradations, w/attch

(native cover soil properties)

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

R09: Lundell, Clarke (Republic Services,


2155124 4/22/2008

Email: Background calculation methods &

spreadsheets used to establish gradation

ranges shown in attchs 9a-h for consent

decree scope of work, w/attchs

R09: Wall, Steve (Environmental Protection

Agency - Region 9)

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Sunrise Mountain Landfill Superfund Site

Clark County, Nevada

EPA Order Docket # RCRA-7003-09-2008-0002

2008 Administrative Record, 06-20-2008

Final Index


Document ID Document Date Title Author Addressee

1110475 5/20/2008 2008 SOW cost estimateR09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2156500 6/6/2008

List of US EPA guidance documents consulted

during development & selection of response

action for site

R09: (Environmental Protection Agency -

Region 9)

2031837 UndatedMemo: Transmits aerial photos & map of site,


R09: Morris, Tom (US Dept of the Interior -

Bureau of Land Management)

R09: Basinger, David (Environmental

Protection Agency - Region 9)

2037667 Undated Supplementary information re density testing

2065249 Undated Alternative landfill cover demonstration R09: (Sandia National Laboratories)

2065251 Undated

Presentation - Fact or fiction: Can we predict

the water balance of alternative covers using

numerical models?

R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of Wisconsin,

Madison - College of Engineering)

2065260 Undated Article: Landfill covers for dry environmentsR09: Dwyer, Stephen (Sandia National


2072560 UndatedEvaluation of hydrologic models for

alternative covers at mine waste sites

R09: Ogorzalek, Aaron (Colorado State

Univ), R09: Benson, Craig (Univ of

Wisconsin, Madison)

2155123 UndatedConsent Decree - USA v Republic Dumpco,

Inc, et al (app A - scope of work only)

R09: (US Dept of Justice - Environment &

Natural Resources Div)

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