Summer Edition 2015 Congregation Adat Reyim

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Transcript of Summer Edition 2015 Congregation Adat Reyim

Summer Edition 2015 Congregation Adat Reyim

Praise and Inspiration

Concert June 13th, 7pm

Coffee with

Rabbi Aft 6/22 9am 7/13 9am

Ice Cream Social &

Erev Shabbat Services 6/19 & 8/14

Shabbat Under the Stars Pot Luck & Folk Service


Big news in our Create a Jewish Legacy Program!

Pages 20- 21 __________________________

_ Preschool Updates and

Celebrations! Pages 10-11

Kitchen renovation details and completion

Page 5-6 ______________________________ Don’t forget to shop on Amazon for

Adat Reyim with this link:

Quarterly Kol

The content submission deadline for the next Quarterly Kol, Fall & High Holiday Edition is August 7th.

This is a hard deadline and there will be absolutely no exceptions made. Thank you!

A Message from Rabbi Aft Dear Friends,

As I walked around at the Israel Festival on Sunday, May 31 and saw a number of old friends, I realized how much our Jewish community had evolved in the 24 years that we have lived in Northern VA.

Congregation Adat Reyim has been a major part of the growth and development of the Northern Va. Jewish community. Our congregation has grown and we have accomplished a great deal. As an unaffiliated congregation with a part time rabbi, the opportunities and challenges were significant in 1991. Building upon the work of Rabbi Alex Pollack and Rabbi Tzvi Porath, the congregation wanted to hire a full time rabbi after the first part of our

building had been built in order to continue to build something special.

In the summer of 1991, Dan Ebert and Eileen Kugler chaired the search committee that brought the Aft family to Northern Va. from Detroit. August 1, I will begin my 25th year as the rabbi of Adat Reyim and I am overwhelmed by the prospect of reflecting on everything we have accomplished.

Recently, when watching Field of Dreams, James Earl Jones gives a speech to the main character that built the Field. He tells Ray Kinsella that the one constant in the midst of everything has been baseball. As we have built our Synagogue of Dreams, the one constant that I have noticed is the love and devotion of so many volunteers who have given of themselves in so many ways.

If I listed every volunteer who has made a difference in our congregation over the past 24 years, you would be reading this column for 24 years! I hope that throughout my 25th anniversary year and beyond, we will recognize and appreciate as many of our volunteers, past, present, and future as possible. I will be reflecting over the High Holidays about what is means to have given service to all of you over the last 24 years. I can only begin to tell you what an honor it is to have been part of so many lives at such important times and will talk about the rewards and challenges of being your rabbi.

I would guess that many of you who are reading this recognize what a special relationship we have had. I hope that those of you who are reading this with whom I have not developed a special relationship will find a way to reach out to me or let me know how I can reach out to you.

Many of you have heard the story about the child who tells his/her parents that (s) he is becoming a rabbi and the parents say this isn't a job for a nice Jewish child. Although there is significant truth to this story and the challenges of a rabbi, I still believe that the tasks of a rabbi are avodat kodesh, a holy occupation.

As I begin my 25th year this summer, I am grateful to all those who have volunteered at Adat Reyim and with whom I have worked over the years. We have had good times, challenging times, and most importantly, have made a difference in the lives of so many. I hope you have found and will continue to find your work to be rewarding.

May each of you enjoy a wonderful summer and if you have a chance, send me an e-mail at so that we can get together and share old memories of ways in which we have created a sacred community together or talk about ways in which we can create new memories for future generations.

Be safe and healthy over the summer! And... please participate in one or more of the many events throughout the next couple of months! People are working hard to create meaningful study, social, and worship opportunities to bring us together!


Rabbi Bruce D. Aft

A Message from the President

Dear Friends, I look forward to the glorious spray of peonies in my neighbor’s yard

each year. Light pinks, dark pinks – beautiful blooms that emerge

each spring in a burst of color and splendor, reminding me of the

beauty of the world and all of the surprises which it has in store.

Then, a few short weeks later, those blooms are gone, making room

for a new array of flowers – lilies, azaleas, roses . . .

The same can be said about the Jewish calendar. Sukkot, Tu

B’Shevat, Purim, Passover, Tisha B’Av – these holidays and so

many others each have their specific place in the course of a Jewish

year. Each time they arrive, we have the opportunity to enjoy them,

be enlightened by them, respond to them, and learn from them. And

then the holiday is gone, tucked away for another year.

The summer months – June, July and August -- are quiet, Jewish calendar-wise. They offer us time to relax and

recharge. During this quieter time, I hope that you will still include Congregation Adat Reyim in your summer

plans. Throughout the pages of this Quarterly Kol, you will find many opportunities to join us in worship,

conversation, learning, social action and fun. Please come and join us!! And if there is something that you are

interested in, and you would like to see it happen with the involvement of our congregation, please let me know.

One of the many benefits of belonging to an independent congregation such as ours is that, with an idea and a

little “people-power,” anything is possible.

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and enjoyable summer –

B’shalom, Andrea Cate, President


A Message from the Bookkeeper

The 4th Quarter dues have been added to all accounts. If you have not received an electronic

bill please call, (703)569-7577 or email All balances must be

paid no later than June 30, 2015. If you need to work out a payment plan please contact Liz

Bayer, Please remember that all billing is done electronically

unless you call and make special arrangements to continue to receive paper bills.

Marilyn Daniels

A Message from the Executive Director

Thank you so much to the “Sisterhood of Past”, especially Bev Nebel, Muriel Marcus and Lorraine Daxe for donating the funds from the sisterhood account to do some kitchen and gift shop renovations. Next time you are in the building check out all the changes that are taking place. We have stretched the funds far and wide so that we could do as much as possible. We have an entire new wall unit that houses the microwave and two new lower cabinets for our supplies and cutlery. In addition we have a new countertop dishwasher and a new cabinet to house our gift shop. The dishwasher is small but it will disinfect when we need it. The gift shop will reopen in the fall before the High Holidays so watch for our Grand Reopening! We have also moved the confirmation photos to the school wing, thanks to the Confirmation 2014-2015 families’ donation, so that the children can see their Jewish future. We hope that by seeing the photos the children will say “I want to be on that wall someday” and have aspirations to continue their Jewish education. Below you will see some of the before and after photos of the kitchen renovation. It was truly a team effort. Each staff member, along with Andrea and Tessa Cate, took a turn vacuuming, scrubbing and screwing the new cabinets together. We are so good at multi-tasking that we did all this in between doing our “Normal” synagogue duties. The staff takes great pride in the way our building looks, it is our “home away from home” and we hope it is yours too. When you have the opportunity to volunteer in our facility we hope that you will enjoy working here as much as we do and help us keep it looking and feeling great! If you would like to continue to see improvements in our facility please make a donation today! Liz Bayer, Executive Director

A Message from the Education Director

Hello Everyone!

Being that the 5775 Religious School just ended, it is a great time to reflect on

everything that occurred during the past year. We had quite a few changes during

this year from teaching staff to materials used in the classroom to even the look of

our classrooms and education wing. Through the cooperation of the religious school

and the preschool, we have culled through our supplies to ensure that everything we

have is appropriate and in working order. Heather Glick, Liz Bayer, Stuart Hill,

Shantel Davis and I along with many of our teachers have made great strides this past

year to bring a new and refreshed look to our school wing. If you have not seen it

recently, come take a look. It is a work in progress all year round.

Adat Reyim’s Religious School had a wonderful and exciting year filled with many special holiday learning

opportunities. We had many round-robin learning opportunities where our students traveled between

classrooms for different activities pertaining to the highlighted holiday. We also held a special Good Deeds

Day program in our school for the first time this year and then encouraged our families to attend the community

gathering in the afternoon.

Our Kindergarten class taught by Carla Richter had 17 students in it. By far the largest Kindergarten class

within the past few years in our religious school. Our upcoming B’nai Mitzvah class has 15 students in it.

Also, the largest in the past few years.

Consecration students, taught by Gloria Pioso, spoke about an influential person in their lives and the mitzvah

that is/was emulated by that individual.

It was the first time that Confirmation and a Shir Reyim service coincided. It was a great match with our

Confirmation students making us proud as they led the spoken prayers and taught us about how technology

influences their Judaism.

Building upon these experiences, this upcoming year of religious school promises to be exciting and full of

educational opportunities unique to our congregation. We are implementing a new Hebrew curriculum and

updating our Judaic curriculum. The description of these two programs are listed below. The Hebrew

Curriculum is based on the prayers in the siddur while the Judaic Curriculum is based on G-d, Torah, and Israel.

We will be meeting during June and July to strengthen and tighten our curriculum. We have an opportunity to

demonstrate through our curriculum our core values as a congregation. When we say that we are a community

of friends, we can now define educationally what that truly means. We welcome input from congregants with

and without children in our religious school. If you are interested in helping in either of these endeavors, please

let us know.

Having just completed my first religious school year here as the Rabbi Educator, I thank you for all your

support. May we go from strength to strength and may we fortify each other in our learning!

Have a wonderful summer and remember that there are plenty of opportunities to be involved in at Adat Reyim

year round!


Rabbi Jennifer Weiner

Hebrew Curriculum

The new Hebrew curriculum for the coming religious school year is called “Sarah and David’s Read Hebrew

Now!” It is a wonderful Hebrew curriculum that offers both books and on-line enrichment for school and


To preview the curriculum go to

The curriculum will be introduced in Kindergarten and will continue through 7th Grade with Conversational


The Sarah and David’s Read Hebrew Now System consists of four levels:

Part One: Aleph Bet

o From the Website: Part One offers a complete curriculum for learning and teaching the Hebrew

letters. With The Aleph Bet Story beginners of all ages learn and remember the Hebrew letters


Part Two: Read Hebrew

o From the Website: Using a systematic approach and proven skill-building activities, students

master the letter, vowel, and fluency challenges of Hebrew reading.

Part Three: Prayer

o From the Website: Students now advance to the next level examining meaning as they continue

to practice Hebrew reading skills.

o Students in 4th through 7th Grades will also use the siddurim (prayer books) presented to them

during 3rd Grade Consecration to learn the prayers of both Friday Night and Saturday Morning


Part Four: Speak Hebrew

o Once our students have become Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 7th Grade, they will advance to

conversational Hebrew in order to further their study of the language of our people.

Judaic Curriculum Adat Reyim Religious School’s Judaic Curriculum is based on the three-prong study of G-d, Torah, and Israel.

Our early grades begin their study of G-d with an introduction to G-d concepts found in the Torah stories of

Genesis. They learn that we are all created in the image of G-d and therefore must all emulate the Divine spirit

and become partners with G-d in creating a better world. Their study continues with mitzvot associated with the

rituals and customs of the hagim (holidays) of the Jewish calendar. As our students continue through the

school, they learn about life cycles, prayers, and values all being taught with G-d being central to their lives.

The goal of the Judaic curriculum is to have our younger students familiar with all the stories of Genesis so that

by the time they reach 3rd Grade and are studying with us two times-a-week, they are then able to learn about

the Exodus and continue their journey through the Torah to complete all Five Books of Moses by the middle of

Fifth Grade. In the middle of Fifth Grade, our students begin their study of the Prophets and Writings so that

they are familiar with all the books of Tanakh, especially the Prophets from whence their Haftarot are taken.

Our students are also introduced to Israel as both a nation and a people. The objective of the lessons with Israel

are to form a kesher (connection) between students and Israel. This year for Yom Ha”atmaut, our students

“took a trip” to Israel and learned about Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Eilat, the Negev, the Dead Sea, and kibbutz life.

We will continue to expand their connection to Israel with visits from our community’s sh’liach/sh’licha

(“Israeli cultural ambassador”). In this manner, when they are able to visit Israel for real, they will already have

a love for the land and an understanding that we are all one people.


Rabbi Jennifer Weiner

A Message from the Preschool Director

Our preschool year 2014-2015


Our preschool program has grown by more than 30% in the past year and we are

already receiving applications from people who want to guarantee a space in

September 2016! This growth has been due to our outstanding teaching staff as

well as the addition of some new programs and activities. The school now has a

dedicated space for small group work for STEM activities and art enrichment and we have also added a music

and movement program taught by Vivet Sparkes. In addition to being a licensed Kinder Music instructor, Vivet

is a former director of a Hebrew School and a licensed teacher. She adds Hebrew language and Israeli dancing

to the songs and movements she teaches the children and also incorporates holiday cooking as part her multi-

sensory approach.

We’ve added more programs and opportunities for families to be part of their child’s preschool experience.

First Friday Shabbats are a new monthly program where the students and teachers are joined by parents and

other special adults for blessings, songs and stories followed by a “light nosh.” We celebrate Chanukah with a

daily lobby lighting of candles and finish the week with a Chanukah celebration. We also come together at

Thanksgiving and Passover to share a traditional holiday meal. Next year we will be adding some evening

programs including “parent’s night out” and special Tzedakah projects that we work on as a community.

Teaching candle blessings Science experiment in the Imagination Studio

Measuring and pouring at the sensory table

Our school year program runs from September through June; over the summer months the preschool becomes a

science and arts-based summer camp for children 2 -8. You can keep up with all of our activities through the

education tab on the website or you can visit for more information.


Summer camp began June 1st and runs for 11 weeks. We’ve partnered with Ever Wonder Camps and will be

offering weekly themes that are designed to excite, inspire and educate students from two years old through

eight. Children will be grouped by age. Read more about summer camp and download the registration forms



The 2015-2016 school day runs from 9:30 – 1:30 for all ages and includes before care and after care options for

those families who need a longer school day or for those who want to use this service on an as-needed basis.

More information about our preschool program, fees and registration materials can be found by visiting:


By Vivet & Sandy Sparkes

Congregation Adat Reyim Preschool’s pre-k class celebrated its Graduation Day on May 22nd with an

incredible end of year event. The education team assembled by the school’s director, Mrs. Heather Glick,

provided the foundation for scholastic success through an amazing early learning period this past year. The pre-

K teachers, Mrs. Beth Weller and Mrs. Julia Turner, did a wonderful job prepping the children for the

challenges that await them in the next school year. The Congregation’s President, Andrea Cate, kicked the

event off with a warm welcome to everyone before turning it over to Heather who talked about the great

community that this school has become and the special day for those moving on to elementary school in the fall.

Heather then turned the program over to the school’s music specialist, Ms Vivet Sparkes, who led the

pre-k class into the sanctuary singing the “David Melech Yisrael” accompanied by the pre-k band of Winston’s

dad on Clarinet, Adam’s brother Jim on bongos, and Naomi’s dad on guitar. The children lined up at the front

of the sanctuary and filled the hall with enough energy to power a city as they sang amazing renditions of

Hevenu Shalom Aleichem and Am Yisrael Chai. Vivet then thanked Heather and the rest of the teaching staff

for making this education year so special for all the children before inviting everyone to join in as the children

broke into an energetic performance of Havva Nagila which filled the sanctuary with joy, smiles from ear to ear,

and applause.

Never afraid to follow a tough act, Rabbi Aft made his way to the front to thank all those involved in

developing the young minds of all the children over the school year. All the teachers and their assistants were

called forward to receive flowers after which the families watched a lovely presentation of all the students and

the times they spent together. The ceremony concluded with the families exiting underneath the tallits with

Hinei Matov Umanayim and proceeded to the classroom area to view the Imagination Studio where samples of

the children’s art were on display. Congratulations to Adam, Christian, Eli, Henry, Jacob, Katherine, Leo,

Malcolm, Naomi, Ryan, Tiffany, Winston, Yasha.

Paul Jeffers is finishing up his 7th grade year at Lanier Middle School in

Fairfax. His parents are Russell Jeffers and Claudia Dwass, and his older

brother is Meyer Jeffers. Paul has been a student in Adat Reyim’s religious

school since first grade. Some of his interests include basketball, fencing,

and mountain biking. He also plays percussion with his school band, and has

played with the Washington Balalaika Society orchestra.

Paul has enjoyed working with Gary Lefkowitz and Carolyn Kaplan

preparing for his bar mitzvah, and is looking forward to sharing his day with

many friends and family. Paul’s family thanks Rabbi Aft and the many

teachers and classmates who have helped Paul reach this point.

For his mitzvah project, Paul is working to support a program at his former elementary school, Daniels

Run. Paul enjoys cooking and trying new foods, and wants to share the gift of food with other kids. The

Food4Thought program works with volunteers and staff at participating Fairfax County Public Schools to

provide healthy meals, drinks and snacks over the weekend to children who receive free or reduced-price meals

during school days. For many of these children, school meals might be the only ones they receive. This

program provides food that children can prepare and eat themselves while their parents may be working. Paul

is asking those who wish to donate single-serving foods such as individual cups of macaroni and cheese,

microwaveable meals, shelf-stable milk boxes, individual servings of applesauce or other fruit, granola bars,

instant oatmeal packs, etc. A bin is available in the Adat Reyim lobby. Paul will deliver the food to Daniels

Run, which will be preparing large summer packs for kids to take home. It is also possible to make a donation

online through the Our Daily Bread website.

You may select which school you want to support through the website, and a monetary amount.


Julia Rose Pioso will become a Bat Mitzvah on August 15, 2015 at Congregation

Adat Reyim in Springfield, VA. Julia is the daughter of Buzz and Gloria Pioso and

the younger sister of Benjamin and Rebecca.

Julia was named at Congregation Adat Reyim and graduated from the Adat Reyim

Preschool. She recently completed 6th grade in the Advanced Academics Program

(AAP) at Willow Springs Elementary School in the Fairfax County Public School

and is now a rising 7th grader at Rocky Run Middle School.

Julia devotes much of her time to gymnastics and diving. She is a Level 9 gymnast

at Chantilly Academy Gymnastics, where she competes in the Junior Olympics

program with USA Gymnastics. Julia has qualified for State Championships since

the age of 6 and in 2015 she won 1st place on the beam and was a regional qualifier.

Julia also trains with Mason Dive Academy at George Mason University. She has

competed in National Championships for Junior Olympics in diving for the past three years.

Julia wants to thank Rabbi Aft and Gary Lefkowitz for helping her to prepare for her Bat Mitzvah. She is

looking forward to celebrating this simcha with family from coast to coast and many friends, classmates and


Julia will be twinning with the Dutch Jewish gymnasts from the gold medal Olympic team from 1928 and their

children. In the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam, the Dutch women gymanasts won the gold medal in team

combined exercises. Four of the ten team members were Jewish. Helena Nordheim, her husband, and 10-year

old daughter were killed by poison gas at Sobibor in Poland on July 2,1943. Anna Polak and her 6-year old

daughter died July 23, 1943, also at Sobibor; Estella Agsterribe, her 6-year old daughter and 2-year old son

were murdered at Auschwitz on September 17,1943. Alternate Judikeje Simons, her son, and daughter, were

also killed at Sobibor. Elka de Levi was the only Jew on the women's team who survived. Because these

Olympic gold medalists in gymnastics did not live to celebrate the Bnai Mitzvot of their children, Julia is

sharing her special day with the children of these gymnasts. Contributions in honor of Julia’s Bat Mitzvah can

be directed to the American Diabetes Association.


Ethan Kaleb Bayer will become a Bar Mitzvah on September 5, 2015 at

Congregation Adat Reyim in Springfield, VA. Ethan is the son of Jeremy and

Elizabeth Bayer and the older brother of Karley, Ellie (his dog) and Freddie (his

bird). Born in Chicago, but raised in Virginia, Ethan attended Adat Reyim preschool

and continued his education through the Religious School. Ethan recently finished

7th grade at IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida. Ethan started at IMG in January

after he was recruited to play for their Under 14 United States Development

Academy soccer team.

When not cheering for the Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago Bulls and Chicago Bears,

Ethan devotes all of his time to soccer. Starting out as a recreational player when he

was 7, Ethan has dedicated himself to working hard and using soccer as a way to

learn about culture, teamwork and helping others. Prior to his time at IMG, Ethan played with DC United’s Pre

Academy team and last summer was selected by AC Milan – Americas to participate in a tournament in

Medellin, Colombia. During the tournament, Ethan was one of two English speaking players on his team, but

was still able to captain his AC Milan teammates to a third place finish. In addition, Ethan has guest played

with teams from New York and California and was selected to play in a tournament this summer in Italy as well

as play with a team from Brazil in an international tournament. Most recently Ethan was the youngest player

selected to represent IMG Academy at the Cayman Airways Invitational Under 15 Youth Cup in Grand Cayman

where his team finished second.

For Ethan’s Mitzvah project, he is collecting new and used soccer equipment to donate to underprivileged kids

in Latin America, South America and Africa. A box will be placed in the lobby over the summer to collect the


Ethan would like to thank his teachers for helping him with his Bar Mitzvah and his family for all of their



Gershon Nathan Price, son of Rachael and Jonathan Price will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, September 12, 2015. Gershon is a rising 7th grade honors student at Key Middle School who loves to read. He is a Black Belt in Taekwondo, an avid soccer player, a top runner, and a great swimmer. Gershon loves all athletics and is the best big brother to 7 year-old Dalia.

Start collecting not too used sports equipment for donation. There will be a collection box in the lobby at the end of the summer.

Quarterly Chailights!

There’s always a lot going on at Congregation Adat Reyim! Here are some Chailights from the past quarter!

Israel Fest: On the last day of May, Congregation

Adat Reyim joined the JCCNV, other local synagogues, and

Jewish organizations for a day filled with all-things Israel! The

day included live entertainment, hands-on activities, community

art project, Israeli dancing, Israel-style shuk and more!

Congregation Adat Reyim hosted a booth to greet prospective

members, apply glitter tattoos, and make sand art. It was a REAL


C.A.R.-i-bbean Casino Night: Nearly 80 members of

Congregation Adat Reyim gathered for this wonderful FUNdraiser! The event began with an outdoor reception

featuring fire pits, tiki torches, Caribbean-themed refreshments, specialty drinks, and music of the islands!

The reception concluded with Havdalah and then we moved the party inside for casino gaming featuring craps,

roulette, blackjack, poker, and money wheel with professional dealers. Guests sipped on specialty drinks

including the RAYMAN-go Margarita, the Sherman Shvitzer, and Jenn’s Jungle JEWce. Attendees won

fabulous prizes like an iPad Air from Sprint and vacation from Cruises, Inc. This event raised much-needed

money for our building fund!

Consecration: On Friday, May 8th, the 3rd Grade

religious school class celebrated their Consecration.

This is the time when the children are celebrated for

their accomplishments and begin studying to

become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The 3rd Grade students

were honored and given their own siddur, prayer

book. They prepared for this day by making covers

for their prayer books with Sue Aft and their

teacher, Gloria Pioso. The class also shared music

they learned while at Adat Reyim. We hope this

marks an exciting formal beginning to their journey to learn more about being Jewish. When we talk about the

holiness of being Jewish, we hope that as they grow, these students will realize how important it is to live

according to the teachings of our Torah.

Women’s Seder: On Sunday, March 22nd, women of all ages gathered for

singing, special readings, and dynamic discussions with a focus on Lessons from

Moses’ Wife and Other (Often Ignored) Wives of the Bible. We enjoyed a

charoset bar, special foods shared by each woman, and received wonderful


Spring Grounds Clean-up: Many wonderful

volunteers joined us for our annual Synagogue Grounds

Clean up. Thanks to the Men’s Club and Social Action

committee for organizing this activity. In our clean up,

we found rusty street signs, PVC pipes, bottles, cans, and

more! A big thank you to: Phillip, Danielle, Matt Hyder,

David and Ben Richter, Vladimir Yakopson, Adam

Samuels, Steve Schwartz, Glenn Sherman, Jennifer

Regelman, Mark and Matthew Glaser, David Berkowitz,

Michael Halle, Rabbi Weiner, Jeff Sacks, and Aaron

Sacks, Andrea Cate, Mike Perel, and Jeanne Kadet.

Religious School Passover Progressive

Program: On March 22nd, the Religious

School was transformed into a Passover

Progressive Program! Students moved from

room-to-room and learned different parts of

the Passover Seder, the meaning and story of

Passover, and had something to share with

the family for Seder (Afikomen covers and

Seder plates)! They even received a surprise visit from Moses himself!

Good Deeds Day: On Sunday, March 15th, Congregation

Adat Reyim not only hosted series of Good Deeds Day

activities during Religious School, but also joined our Jewish friends and

neighbors at Gesher Jewish Day School for creative and fun Tikkun Olam

projects for all ages! Adat Reyim sponsored the Social Action Gift of Life

(GOL) table to swab and add volunteers to the National Bone Marrow bank. We

also had some wonderful volunteers help to defray the cost of the GOL swab

packets by selling popcorn and lemonade!

NOVA Jewish Film Festival Sneak Peek: On March 14th, Congregation Adat Reyim hosted

a sneak peek to the NOVA Jewish Film Festival film 24 Days. 24 Days tells the true story of a

23 year old Jewish young man’s kidnapping in France in 2006. The 2014 film is a thought

provoking and emotional journey which gives some perspective on the current environment

for Jews in France, and provides topical material for discussion in today’s Jewish communities

around the world. Following the movie, participants joined in a thoughtful discussion.

Megillah Reading and Purim Carnival: On March 8th, children from the Congregation Adat Reyim

Preschool and Religious School (and children from throughout the community) joined us for our annual family

carnival! What a festive way to celebrate the Purim holiday! The day started with a Megillah reading for

children and families with Lefkoman! We also were treated to a Purim spiel (skit) put on by our amazing 4th

grade class!

During the carnival, kids enjoyed games, a photo booth, face painting, holiday crafts, engraved name bracelets,

moon bounces, and hamantaschen! We also had activities for teens and a dedicated LEGO building room!

Children (and parents alike) arrived in festive costumes!

Hamantaschen baking and Mishloach Manot boxes: Several wonderful

volunteers including Rebecca Gibson, Michelle Lifshen, Lucy Connor, Ellen

Cowan, Jessica Hyde, and Jennifer Regelman got together to make

hamantaschen and prepare Mishloach Manot boxes for the Religious School


Member Profile – Maurice Mizrahi

Hi! My name is Maurice M. Mizrahi. I was born in Cairo, Egypt, in

1949. Forced out in 1967 after the Six-Day War, I came to the US as a penniless

refugee and obtained a doctorate in physics at the University of Texas at Austin

in 1975. I try to publicize what was done to the 850,000 Jews from Arab

countries, who have been harassed, persecuted, dispossessed, and finally forced

out after the creation of Israel; because no one seems to know about it -- only the

other side is publicized by the media. I talk about this and my background in

general at:

I then moved to the Washington, D.C., area where I worked in the Defense Department for 34 years, retiring in

2009. I advised the Secretary of Defense on matters of science and technology, defenses against weapons of

mass destruction, and arms control. In 2006 I received the Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the highest

award available to civilians. I live in Burke, Virginia, and have been married to pianist/psychologist Joan

Berman Mizrahi for 41 years. We have three adult children; Michael, Trina, and Jonathan; who live, with their

spouses and four children, in Wisconsin, Virginia and Maryland. So, we travel!

I have always been fascinated by the interactions between my two loves, Science and Judaism (second to Joan,

of course!). I created and led a monthly discussion group on the subject, which met for six years, from 1984 to

1990, and have been Scholar in Residence on the subject. I have been teaching Judaism to teenagers and adults

since 1984, and have developed Religious School curricula for Jewish teenagers. From 1988 to 1991, my eldest

son Michael and I have produced, exhibited, and marketed many Judaica computer programs. I have regularly

studied traditional Jewish sources almost every day, for many decades.

You'll find me at Adat Reyim mostly for services and Adult Education events. I frequently give the sermon and

lead Torah discussion (and/or services) when the rabbi is absent. I lead some Lunch and Learn events, Shavuot

eve "all night" study sessions, Tish'a B'Av study sessions, and the like. I also teach Judaica courses at the

JCCNV. The texts of the presentations I made at Adat Reyim can be found on our site at:

For the past three years, I have also regularly sent a video of myself delivering a d'var Torah on the weekly

portion to youtube, complete with captions (recorded on a weekday!). You'll find them if you put "Maurice

Mizrahi" in the search window of

Finally, I am a lover of Jewish music and know hundreds of Jewish songs. For many years I have concluded

our morning services with a Jewish Adon Olam melody from a different part of the world!

We thought sharing member profiles would be a great way for congregants to learn about the people they see volunteering in our congregation. Although it is always interesting to learn what people do, we wish to invite our members to share about why they volunteer their time to Congregation Adat Reyim. If you would like to share your member profile or have someone you wish for us to highlight, please email a paragraph and picture to Liz Bayer at Note that we reserve the right to edit each submission.

To ensure the continued vitality of Congregation Adat Reyim…

We are blessed with a community that supports the synagogue

through annual dues, Kol Nidre pledges, and generous donations.

This critical support helps sustain the present, but it does not

guarantee the future. A meaningful bequest program is

indispensable to the overall health of our synagogue.

Please join us in preserving Congregation Adat Reyim as a source of vibrancy in

Northern Virginia. You can help secure Congregation Adat Reyim’s solid financial foundation for years to come.

Your action today ensures that Congregation Adat Reyim thrives L’dor Vador – from generation to generation.

We leave our imprints through our families and we can also leave an imprint, a legacy, on the future of

Congregation Adat Reyim and the Jewish community as a whole. It is our duty and our obligation to ensure that

our tradition is embedded within our children, grandchildren, and future generations.

A Legacy gift to Congregation Adat Reyim will benefit generations to come by ensuring that Congregation Adat

Reyim and Jewish culture, customs, and education will survive! If you have not begun the process of leaving

Adat Reyim a Legacy gift, please call Steve Schwartz at 703-250-4030 and he will explain the Legacy Program

and how easy it is to participate.

Thank you to our Legacy Participants:

Arthur and Maurie Negrin

Bruce and Phyllis Kaplan

Laurie and Fred Rosen

David and Jacki Berkowitz,

Chana Freyesleben

Susan Kalmon

Marlon Feiger

David and Andrea Cate

Mark and Mindy Sklarow

Barry Newman

Michael and Susan Bigman

Steven and Randi Adleberg

Mark and Debbie Tollin

Glenn and Nancy Sherman

Steve and Valerie Schwartz

Russell Rayman

Eileen and Larry Kugler

Cecile and Barry Klayton

Carolyn Kaplan-Solomond

Dannie and Michael Halle

Lina and Jack Gould

Roy and Carol Eisenberg

*4 additional families have chosen to stay anonymous

*14 additional families have documented their intent to participate but are not full participants yet

Create a Jewish Legacy partnered with the Grinspoon Foundation in order to offer a grant program to those

organizations, including us, that reach specified goals. This past year Congregation Adat Reyim surpassed those

goals. We were tasked to enroll 22 participants in our Create a Jewish Legacy campaign and because we met that

goal we received a $7,500.00 grant. This year our goal is an additional 18 participants, and we are almost there.

It is hard to believe but of the original 22 organizations and congregations that were participating only 11 met the

goal and will continue on this year. We have been highlighted, specifically Steve Schwartz, for doing a

tremendous job with the Create a Jewish Legacy program. Steve was asked to speak at the recent annual

Federation Board meeting and below you will see the article that was written. Mazel Tov Steve on helping

Congregation Adat Reyim build its future.

A Small Congregation Paves Their Jewish Legacy

We would like to introduce you to Elizabeth Bayer (Executive

Director) and Steve Schwartz (CJL Volunteer) of Congregation Adat

Reyim in Northern Virginia. Despite its relatively small size, Adat

Reyim hassecured the most letters of intent of all participating

Create a Jewish Legacy (CJL) teams in the region. We visited Adat

Reyim to find the secret to their success.

Steve responds to our inquiry somewhat puzzled. He relays that he simply doesn’t understand why anyone

would not establish a legacy to support an organization that they care about. He remarked thaton hearing about

the CJL program, “I thought, this is the first time we’re going to ask someone to give money without writing a

check. Surely, folks would just jump on it.” He has personally solicited 50% of the 270 families who make up

the Adat Reyim community.

Many people respond to Steve’s approach by suggesting that they are leaving everything to their children.

Again, Steve in his jovial but incisive way responds by asking his prospects: “How much will aninheritance of

$95,000 instead of $100,000 truly affect your children? Yet, how much of an impact would the $5,000 per child

have on the small and caring Congregation?”

Within minutes, it is quite obvious that the essence of Adat Reyim’s success lies in Steve, himself. Elizabeth

notes that: “Steve is the mensch of our congregation. He is the support of theoffice, he is the Mr. Fix-It, he is the

Friday night baby walker, and he is the closest thing to a grandfather for most people.” It is clear that Steve’s

personal relationship and commitment to the Adat Reyim community has resulted in a range of CJL


Steve’s love for Adat Reyim started simply after his wife “dragged” him to Adat Reyim in the 80’s, when it

became time for their son to prepare for his Bar-Mitzvah. He attended a few events, a board meeting, and was

then asked to become president. Steve remarks of Adat Reyim, “This is Cheers to me. This is a place where

everybody knows my name.”

But how did Steve’s legacy asks get started? Steve shifts from his light-hearted predisposition, tears well in his

eyes and he relays the story of how the first legacy conversation he had was with his own children, when he

contacted them to let them know he intended to leave 10% of his estate to the Congregation. Their support

proved to be the biggest validation of Steve’s love for his community and it set him on the path to rallying

others to remember Adat Reyim in their final estate plans.

We take this opportunity to applaud Steve and thank him for his tremendous efforts. We also derive important

lessons about CJL from Adat Reyim’s example.


Book Club June 17th, 2015 The book club will meet on June 17th, 6:15 pm, at Adat Reyim and will be led by Rabbi Aft . We will be

discussing Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. The July selection is The Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline and the

August select is The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk. We meet monthly and for more information contact Sue

Kalmon at


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Stay connected on-line with Congregation Adat Reyim!

Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!



group provides you a place to interact with your fellow Congregation Adat Reyim members!

We also share invitations to upcoming events, announcements, photos, videos, and other

member contributions! Twitter provides you with quick reminders of upcoming events!

Follow us @adatreyim

In addition, you can always find the latest and greatest news on Congregation Adat Reyim’s

website at:

Also find Congregation Adat Reyim on:

Growing Jewish Families | JConnect | Burke Patch | Fairfax

Station Patch | Washington Jewish Week


Saturday June, 20th, 6:30pm Saratoga Pizzeria, 6357 Rolling Road Springfield, VA 22152 (703)455-0044

The Adat Reyim Dinner Club meets once a month on a Saturday for dinner from September through to June. Here’s how Dinner Club works:

An email reminder will be sent out approximately 2 weeks prior to the event. At that time the preliminary reservation will be made (if the restaurant accepts them).

Dinners start at 7:00 pm.

If you plan to attend, RSVP with a headcount to no later than two days prior to the event. RSVPs are requested so that reservations can be made to accommodate us.

If your plans change, please let us know ASAP.

Please note that all of the events are for adults only (over 18). Please let Cindy know if you wish to stay on this mailing list or would like to be removed


The Hebrew Nationals-

Adat Reyim’s Softball Team!

The Adat Reyim softball team aka The Hebrew Nationals season is well

underway. Currently we are in first place with only one lost. Look on the

website for our upcoming schedule, especially if you would like to attend and

Root - Root for the home team. All games are plan locally at Ossian Hall Park,

Annandale, VA 22003, below is the schedule for the rest of the season. Please come to the games to cheer us


Monday, June 15th 8:40pm

Monday, June 15th 9:50pm

Sunday, June 21st 3:40pm

Sunday, June 21st 4:50pm

Monday, June 29th 6:20pm

Monday, June 29th 7:30pm

Brad Cheney, Chris Davis (holding son Graham Davis), Sydney Packler and Gracie Davis in front, Artie Negrin, Jeff Schwab, Brian Malone, Andy Von Canon, Ralph Mosios, Larry Meinstein (not pictured Mark Packler, Debrorah, and David Berkowitz). We apologize in advance if we have overlooked anyone who has played on the softball team this year.

Men’s Club

The Men’s Club is a vibrant part of the social fabric of Congregation Adat Reyim. We consider all the men of Congregation Adat Reyim to be our members (and all the women are welcome as our associate members). The Men’s Club does not charge dues; rather we cover our costs on an event by event basis (occasionally

running a fundraiser to give us a little cushion for special events). Our primary function is that of a social arm of the synagogue. We meet regularly, at the synagogue, on the fourth Sunday of every month (with a few exceptions) for breakfast. Our usual menu includes, bagels, lox, whitefish salad, and coffee. Most months we have a guest speaker who informs us on some interesting topics. We have had talks on the Israeli Knesset, Chiropractic care, and, of course our favorite speaker, Rabbi Aft, has shared his thoughts on many topics. We also meet for dinner at various local restaurants on the second Tuesday of most months. Check the Congregation Adat Reyim calendar to see our upcoming events. The Men’s Club also provides an occasional labor force for events around the synagogue such as spring time grounds maintenance, ushering at the high holidays, and other tasks as requested by the board and/or staff. Come join us for a Sunday breakfast if you are looking for some good company, good conversation, and great food? __________________________________________________________________________________________

Religious Practices and Policies

The Religious Practices and Policies Committee (RPPC) has met a couple of times, over

the past few months, to discuss the format and length of the Shabbat morning service.

At these meetings, our goal has been to modify the service to make it shorter, but also

more meaningful. We first discussed “what people are looking for” at services, and, not

surprising, the responses varied considerably. Some of the comments included: having

quiet time to look into oneself, giving thanks, remembering those departed, being

meditative, singing, finding comfort in the ritual of the service, peacefulness, Torah

study, worshiping as part of a community, knowing that all Jews around the world are saying the same prayers,

and knowing that we are saying the same prayers and reading the same Torah portions as our ancestors. Based

on these responses, it became clear that people come to services for different reasons, and it also became clear

that no matter how much we modified the service, we would not be able to keep everyone happy!

Based on our discussions, we have come up with a two-hour service, from 9:30 - 11:30 am. We have followed

this format for a few weeks now, and it REALLY is a two-hour service (even though Rabbi Aft has jokingly

admonished us for “putting him on the clock”). We have even included a new custom, in which congregants

can come up to the bimah to offer a private prayer, while we sing Eytz Chaim and return the Torah to the ark.

We would love to see more congregants at our services, and we welcome your input on the new format.

Carolyn Kaplan, Religious Practices and Policies Committee Chair

Save the date for Greater Washington's very first Grand Slam Sunday: Jewish Community Day at Nationals Park!

Many local organizations are pertnering with The Jewish Federation by hosting group ticket blocks. Check to find out who!

Activities for all ages begin 2 hours prior to start of game

Pre-game tailgate area Contests–win great prizes! Fun with the Jewish Food

Experience Arts & crafts/games

Sunday, August 30

Washington Nationals vs. Miami Marlins

1:35 p.m. first pitch


For group ticket info, contact Lauren Kessler, 301-230-7292 or


Social Action The HONOR FLIGHT Program honors veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam by flying them to D.C to see the war memorials dedicated to them. It is a wonderful way to thank our veterans for their sacrifices, and to show that their service has a lasting meaning. Veterans arrive at Dulles airport several times a week, from APRIL through SEPTEMBER. Join Arnie Daxe, and greet and thank our veterans when their Honor Flights land and leave from Dulles Airport!

Sunday, September 20

from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

at Lake Accotink Park

(7500 Accotink Park Road, Springfield, VA 22150)


Be part of the International Coastal Cleanup - the world's largest effort for our oceans and waterways! Join your fellow congregants, along with the Friends of Accotink Creek, to help protect our nearby watershed by spending some quality time cleaning up debris and learning how we can help prevent watershed pollution. Why is this important? Not only is litter ugly, but trash is a threat to wildlife, such as birds, turtles, and fish that depend on the river. All supplies will be provided. Wear long sleeves, pants and old shoes or boots. This is a great family mitzvah project, something for all ages, and teens are eligible for community service credit! Be sure to join us for ice cream afterwards! In just a few hours, we can make a difference! For more information, please email To participate in any of these activities, or if you have questions about the Committee, contact At CAR we have an ongoing commitment to not only help others in need, but also to strive to repair the world in any way we can. The Social Action Committee meets once a month, usually on the 2nd Tuesday. All are invited to join us.

We appreciate the generosity of our members and friends and recognize their contributions:

General Fund

Randi and Steven Adleberg

Mitch Bassman

Daniel Conti

David and Sonya Faison

Sharon Gershon

Michael and Danella Halle

Michael Howard

Tim and Dorie Johanns

Jeanne Kadet

Larry and Eileen Kugler

Allen and Louise Lawrence

Michael and Debra Linick (religious

school donation)

Lori Love via Paula Nichols’ Trust

Dorothy Maneri

Beth Markowitz

Nathan and Harriet Markowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazzetta

Arthur and Audrey Nachbar

Russell and Tara Nadel

Eugene and Terrie Lynn Rosengarden

Gail Shapkin

Fran and Bob Staiman

Rhonda Kay Suls

The Toobin Family

Jerry and Zelda Wiener

Pulpit Fund

Chana Freyesleben

Bob Kaplan

Carolyn R. Kaplan-Solomond

Stuart and Carol Kramer

Chuck and Arlene Movit

Richard and Donna Schutz

Ethel Schneider and Ellen Simonoff

Steven and Marjorie Somers

Mark and Debbie Tollin

Maurisa and David Versel

In Honor of Dan Ebert’s Bar Mitzvah Anniversary

Larry and Eileen Kugler, David and Andrea Cate, David and Amy Brener, Bruce and Sue Aft, Jennifer

Regleman, Ira and Lili Wainless, David and Jacki Berkowitz, Russell Rayman, Mark and Michele

Glago, Sue Kalmon, Barry and Renie Hollander, Carolyn Kaplan-Solomond, Hazel Solomon, Alan

Zinn, Rick and Donna Schutz, Glenn and Nancy Sherman, Bruce and Phyllis Kaplan, Maurice and Joan

Mizrahi, Steve and Valerie Schwartz

Yahrzeit Donations

Lorraine T. Daxe in memory of Arnold Daxe-Father of Arnold Daxe Sr., Sandra Ratthaus

Schwartz- Mother of Lorraine Daxe, Douglas Schwartz- Brother of Lorraine Daxe, Herbert

Schwartz- Brother of Lorraine Daxe, Roberta Prouder- Sister of Lorraine Daxe, Corine Freeman-

Cousin of Arnold Daxe Sr.

Religious School Donation:

Andrea Edelstein


The Rotem family welcomed a new baby girl, Lila. Rhonda Suls welcomed a new nephew, Jonah. Marcy and Mark Burkom welcomed a new baby boy, Max. The Sklarow’s welcomed a new grandson, Luca. Marilyn and Fred Kraus have a new home in North Carolina. Andrew Movit recently married Lisa Ruhl.

Mark Sawasky recently earned his BA degree from George Mason

Phyllis & Bruce Kaplan's son, Steven, is engaged to Shannon Rubenstein.

Phyllis & Bruce Kaplan celebrate their 33rd Anniversary

Lenny and Jinny Marsh celebrate 30 years!

Carolyn Kaplan-Solomond is retiring from the Naval Research Laboratory at the end of July.

Reva Fox and Don Sargent celebrated the Bar Mitzvahs of two grandsons Max and Joseph this spring.

Chip and Sunny Rome's daughter, Avi (Anna) Rome and Eli (Ozana) Kalman were married May 24th, 2015.

Mazel Tov to our B'nai Mitzvah students and their families -- Charlotte Rae Reing and Paul Jeffers.


Beryl’s Confections Celebration Cakes

and Pastries

Let us be your confection connection!

The following Yahrzeits occur during the months of June, July and August. The Congregation extends its sympathies to the loved ones of the deceased. May their memories be for a blessing.

Deceased Name English Date Hebrew Date Next Date Mourner

Bernard Watnik 6/12/2014 14 Sivan 5774 6/1/2015

Barry Freedenthal 6/1/2007 15 Sivan 5767 6/2/2015 Brother of Chester Freedenthal

Evelyn Levitz 6/17/1981 15 Sivan 5741 6/2/2015 Mother of Mark Levitz

Etta Simon 6/16/1984 16 Sivan 5744 6/3/2015 Mother of Beverly Nebel

Dennis Klayton 6/6/1995 18 Sivan 5755 6/5/2015 brother of Barry Klayton

Nathan Somers 6/5/1996 18 Sivan 5756 6/5/2015 Father of Steven Somers

Abe Stern 6/5/2007 19 Sivan 5767 6/6/2015 uncle of Richard Schutz

Ruth Spivak 6/27/2005 20 Sivan 5765 6/7/2015 Stepmother of Patricia Kaplan

Sofia Bergmann 6/5/1980 21 Sivan 5740 6/8/2015 Great Grandmother of Debra Zagalak

Jay Grodner 6/12/2012 22 Sivan 5772 6/9/2015 Brother of Teena Grodner

Albert Hyder 6/20/2014 23 Sivan 5774 6/10/2015 Uncle of Philip Hyder

Arthur Steckman - 23 Sivan 6/10/2015 Father of Carol Eisenberg, Grandfather of Alan Eisenberg

Dy Phan 6/30/2005 23 Sivan 5765 6/10/2015 Father of Anhtuan Phan

Abraham Frankenstein 6/26/2011 25 Sivan 5771 6/12/2015 Grandfather of Tara Nadel

Gussie Goldman 7/3/1986 26 Sivan 5746 6/13/2015 Mother of Neil Goldman

Louis Freeman 6/7/1983 26 Sivan 5743 6/13/2015 Father of Gail Freeman

Stephen Edward Beltz 6/13/1997 8 Sivan 5757 6/13/2015 Father of Lauryn Beltz-Member

Arthur Movit 6/21/1998 27 Sivan 5758 6/14/2015 Father of Chuck Movit

Dorothy Kaizen 6/11/1999 27 Sivan 5759 6/14/2015 Mother of Mark Kaizen

Shirley Labowitz Dwass 6/7/1994 28 Sivan 5754 6/15/2015 Mother of Claudia Dwass

Muriel Kramer 6/15/2007 29 Sivan 5767 6/16/2015 Mother of Stuart Kramer

Abraham Stein 6/14/1999 30 Sivan 5759 6/17/2015 Father of Debbie Tollin

Benny Mizrahi 6/12/2010 30 Sivan 5770 6/17/2015 Cousin of Maurice Mizrahi

Anna Berkowitz 6/10/1956 1 Tammuz 5716 6/18/2015 Mother of Dorothy Maneri

Harold Berman 7/1/2003 1 Tammuz 5763 6/18/2015 Father of Joan Mizrahi

Pearl Richter 7/3/2011 1 Tammuz 5771 6/18/2015 mother of Sheldon Richter

Selma Adleberg 6/13/2010 1 Tammuz 5770 6/18/2015 mother of Steven Adleberg

Steven Nachbar 7/3/2011 1 Tammuz 5771 6/18/2015 Brother of Arthur Nachbar

Ann Block 6/24/2009 2 Tammuz 5769 6/19/2015 mother of Arleen Root

Roger Casey 6/19/2007 3 Tammuz 5767 6/20/2015 Father of Laura Baker

Edith Zuckerman 6/16/2010 4 Tammuz 5770 6/21/2015 Mother of Susan Attas

Martha Pronin 12/10/2014 4 Tammuz 5775 6/21/2015 mother of Reva Fox

Scott Adler 7/12/2005 5 Tammuz 5765 6/22/2015 brother of Craig Adler

Florence Lummer 7/3/2006 7 Tammuz 5766 6/24/2015 grandmother of Dory Lummer

Harry Bonn 7/12/1997 7 Tammuz 5757 6/24/2015 Grandfather of Cindy Kahn

Samuel Perel 7/8/1992 7 Tammuz 5752 6/24/2015 Father of Michael Perel

Elayne Stein 6/30/2009 8 Tammuz 5769 6/25/2015 Mother of Alan Stein

Eva Cohen 6/16/2013 8 Tammuz 5773 6/25/2015 Grandmother of Rebecca Gibson

Walter Muller 6/20/2010 8 Tammuz 5770 6/25/2015 Father of Linda Gould

Milton Gale 7/11/2011 9 Tammuz 5771 6/26/2015 Father of Eileen Kugler

Sylvia Eisenberg 6/28/1993 9 Tammuz 5753 6/26/2015 Grandmother of Alan Eisenberg, Mother of Roy Eisenberg

Esther Grodner - 10 Tammuz 5775 6/27/2015 Grandmother of Teena Grodner

Barbara Mutterperl 7/1/1974 11 Tammuz 5734 6/28/2015 Sister of Audrey Nachbar

Harry Aft 7/5/1998 11 Tammuz 5758 6/28/2015 father of Rabbi Bruce Aft

Marian Fillion 7/7/2006 11 Tammuz 5766 6/28/2015 Cousin of Edward Weiner

H. Brill 07/04/1876 12 Tammuz 5636 6/29/2015 Grandfather of Beth Gormley

Muriel Aft 7/3/2001 12 Tammuz 5761 6/29/2015 mother of Rabbi Bruce Aft

Jules Guetta - 13 Tammuz 6/30/2015 Father of Michele Glago

Bella Kraus 7/12/1976 14 Tammuz 5736 7/1/2015 Mother-in-law of Harris Miller

Cantour Barney Mould - 15 Tammuz 7/2/2015 Father of Martin J. Mould

Herman Ebert - 15 Tammuz 7/2/2015 Father of Dan Ebert

Myra Goldberg 7/7/2009 15 Tammuz 5769 7/2/2015 Mother of Rhonda Suls

Eva Marshall 6/26/2002 16 Tammuz 5762 7/3/2015 mother of Valerie Schwartz

Herman Kraus 7/2/1950 17 Tammuz 5710 7/4/2015 Father-in-law of Harris Miller

Jakob Gottschalk 7/6/1985 17 Tammuz 5745 7/4/2015 Uncle of Renie Hollander

Sandra Gold 7/21/2008 18 Tammuz 5768 7/5/2015 Mother of Marla Peyser

Bernard levy 7/12/2009 20 Tammuz 5769 7/7/2015 Father of Louise Lawrence

Bessie Zussman - 20 Tammuz 7/7/2015 Aunt of Hank Zussman

Marian Hamby 7/10/2012 20 Tammuz 5772 7/7/2015 Mother-In-Law of Robin Hamby

Sara Hunger 7/11/2001 20 Tammuz 5761 7/7/2015 Mother of Marilyn Kraus

Dorothy Silver 7/12/2001 21 Tammuz 5761 7/8/2015 Grandmother of Maurisa Versel

Jack Marshall 12/10/2014 21 Tammuz 5775 7/8/2015 father of Valerie Schwartz

Lee Frank 7/24/2011 22 Tammuz 5771 7/9/2015 brother-in-law of Richard Schutz

Doris Goldstein - 23 Tammuz 7/10/2015 Mother of Jeffrey Goldstein

Robert Provder 7/13/2004 24 Tammuz 5764 7/11/2015 Sister of Lorraine Daxe

Herman Bergman 7/30/1997 25 Tammuz 5757 7/12/2015 Grandfather of Amy Josephson

Irene Hyder 7/7/2010 25 Tammuz 5770 7/12/2015 Mother of Philip Hyder

Harold Roet 7/28/2011 26 Tammuz 5771 7/13/2015 uncle of Michael Shunfenthal

Morris Lefkowitz 7/8/2010 26 Tammuz 5770 7/13/2015 Father of Gary Lefkowitz

Tressa Gurvin 7/5/1994 26 Tammuz 5754 7/13/2015 Grandmother of Andrea Cate

John Ruder 12/10/2014 27 Tammuz 5775 7/14/2015 father of Irene Schwartz

Harriet Novins 7/20/2009 28 Tammuz 5769 7/15/2015 Mother of Jan Moshinsky

Meyer Dwass 7/15/1996 28 Tammuz 5756 7/15/2015 Father of Claudia Dwass

Roy Brener 8/4/2005 28 Tammuz 5765 7/15/2015 father of David Brener

Ted Greisman 7/22/1998 28 Tammuz 5758 7/15/2015 brother of Ethel Schneider

Alex Rosenberg 7/29/2003 29 Tammuz 5763 7/16/2015 Uncle of Joanie Hunn, Brother-in-Law of Dorothy Maneri

Paul Rothenberg 7/29/1973 29 Tammuz 5733 7/16/2015 father of Lysa Rothenberg

Daniel Matlaw 7/16/2007 1 Av 5767 7/17/2015 In-Law of Dan Ebert

Mark Nebel 7/26/2006 1 Av 5766 7/17/2015 Son of Beverly Nebel, Son of Louis Nebel

Michael Graves 7/16/2007 1 Av 5767 7/17/2015 Friend of Dan Ebert

William Garvin 7/24/1998 1 Av 5758 7/17/2015 Father of Lee J. Garvin

Alan Forstein 7/17/2007 2 Av 5767 7/18/2015 Cousin of Susan Kalmon

Claire Ringer 8/3/2000 2 Av 5760 7/18/2015 Aunt of Dan Ebert

Etta Nerenstone 8/9/1997 6 Av 5757 7/22/2015 Mother of Marc Nerenstone

Glorian Katz 7/24/2004 6 Av 5764 7/22/2015 Mother of Jeffrey Katz

Herbert Frankel 7/19/1999 6 Av 5759 7/22/2015 Father of Noralee Frankel

Mildred Sager 9/5/1992 6 Av 5752 7/22/2015 Mother of Jinny Marsh

Solie Glass 7/20/1988 6 Av 5748 7/22/2015 Father of Jerry Glass

Annie Grossbart 8/5/2003 7 Av 5763 7/23/2015 mother of Donna Schutz

Elissa Scheinberg - 7 Av 7/23/2015 Sister of Noralee Frankel

Gerald Sobel 8/1/1968 7 Av 5728 7/23/2015 father of Michael Sobel

Leo Nebel 7/20/2010 9 Av 5770 7/25/2015 Brother of Louis Nebel

Flora Benveniste 7/29/2004 11 Av 5764 7/27/2015 Mother of Dinah Cohen

Bernard Adler 8/15/1997 12 Av 5757 7/28/2015 father of Craig Adler

Dorothy Hamelsky 8/13/2008 13 Av 5768 7/29/2015

Alfred Doniger 7/21/2013 14 Av 5773 7/30/2015 Father of Debra D. Porter

Homer Adleberg 8/10/1987 15 Av 5747 7/31/2015 father of Steven Adleberg

Tillie Bassman Goldway 8/12/1957 15 Av 5717 7/31/2015 Aunt of Mitchell Bassman

Edith Gale 8/16/2011 16 Av 5771 8/1/2015 Mother of Eileen Kugler

Helen Anspach 7/31/2007 16 Av 5767 8/1/2015 Aunt of Renie Hollander

Sylvia Schutz 8/21/2005 16 Av 5765 8/1/2015 mother of Richard Schutz

Joe Wasserman 8/20/2008 19 Av 5768 8/4/2015 uncle of Sherri Shunfenthal

Jordan Kadet 8/4/2002 30 Kislev 5775 8/4/2015 Father of Jeanne Kadet

Joseph Nachbar 8/4/1969 20 Av 5729 8/5/2015 Grandfather of Carolyn Goldstrom

Joseph Nachbar 8/4/1969 20 Av 5729 8/5/2015 Father of Arthur Nachbar

Maxine HIll 8/17/2014 21 Av 5774 8/6/2015

Maxine HIll 8/17/2014 21 Av 5774 8/6/2015 Mother of Stuart Hill

Fanny Weiner 8/14/1998 22 Av 5758 8/7/2015 Grandmother of Jennifer Weiner

Bailee Terman 8/27/2005 23 Av 5765 8/8/2015 Daughter of Lyzette Terman

Herman "Red" Bassman 8/3/2010 23 Av 5770 8/8/2015 Father of Mitchell Bassman

Ephraim Feldstein 8/21/1995 25 Av 5755 8/10/2015 father of Randi Adleberg

Jonah Pronin 8/7/1999 25 Av 5759 8/10/2015 father of Reva Fox

Mervin Kramer 8/4/1994 27 Av 5754 8/12/2015 Father of Stuart Kramer

Bette Brill 8/26/1973 28 Av 5733 8/13/2015 Grandmother of Beth Gormley

Jean Tannen - 28 Av 8/13/2015 Mother of Michael Tannen

Lillian Goldman 8/8/2010 28 Av 5770 8/13/2015 Aunt of Phyllis Kaplan

Gladys Sobel 8/13/1977 29 Av 5737 8/14/2015 mother of Michael Sobel

Joel Premack 8/12/1988 29 Av 5748 8/14/2015

Rose Blonder 8/13/2007 29 Av 5767 8/14/2015

Vivian Kramer 8/18/2009 29 Av 5769 8/14/2015 Aunt of Rhonda Suls

Wendie Becker 8/23/1968 29 Av 5728 8/14/2015 Mother of Beth Weller

Asher Caleb Freeman 8/7/2013 1 Elul 5773 8/16/2015 Son of Jane Klinger, Son of Jesse Freeman

Julius Novick 8/29/1984 1 Elul 5744 8/16/2015 Father of Zelda Wiener

Reba Rodoff 8/13/1999 1 Elul 5759 8/16/2015 Mother of Lois Korth

Sally Rosenthal 8/16/1969 2 Elul 5729 8/17/2015 Mother of Muriel Marcus

Frances Shulman 8/29/1995 3 Elul 5755 8/18/2015 Grandmother of Carolyn Goldstrom

Frances Shulman 8/29/1995 3 Elul 5755 8/18/2015 Mother of Audrey Nachbar

Ralph Schwartz 9/3/2008 3 Elul 5768 8/18/2015 Father of Ronnie Oppenheim

Edwin Zeitlin 8/30/1976 4 Elul 5736 8/19/2015 Father of Linda Braverman

Leon Benveniste 8/12/2002 4 Elul 5762 8/19/2015 Father of Dinah Cohen

Milton Zwang 8/21/2004 4 Elul 5764 8/19/2015

Leon Hack 8/15/2010 5 Elul 5770 8/20/2015 father of Carolyn Kaplan-Solomond

Joan Gilley 9/3/1992 6 Elul 5752 8/21/2015 Sister of Paula Nichols

Karolina Volynsky 9/6/2000 6 Elul 5760 8/21/2015 Grandmother of Gina Volynsky

Frank Altman 8/13/2013 7 Elul 5773 8/22/2015 father of Stephen Altman

Jacob Schwartz 8/31/2006 7 Elul 5766 8/22/2015 father of Stephen Schwartz

Ralph Mays - 7 Elul 8/22/2015 Father of Mary Zussman

Joan Weiner 8/18/2014 9 Elul 5774 8/24/2015 Mother of Jennifer Weiner

Irving Freedman 9/9/2011 10 Elul 5771 8/25/2015 Stepfather of Beth Weller

Frieda Anspack 9/6/1995 11 Elul 5755 8/26/2015 Mother of Renie Hollander

Frieda Ponczak 8/26/1996 11 Elul 5756 8/26/2015 Spouse of Samuel Ponczak

Martin Greisman 8/25/2007 11 Elul 5767 8/26/2015 brother of Ethel Schneider

Margie Hunn 9/13/2008 13 Elul 5768 8/28/2015 Aunt of Randy Hunn

Dorothy Sager 9/17/2005 14 Elul 5765 8/29/2015 Aunt of Lenny Marsh

Evelyn Finke 9/14/2000 14 Elul 5760 8/29/2015 Mother of Jacqueline Bookbinder

Martin Harmon 9/1/2004 15 Elul 5764 8/30/2015 Father of Mick Harmon

Rose B. Levin 7/13/1986 15 Elul 5774 8/30/2015 Grandmother of Andrea Cate

Carol Kurzman 8/9/2006 16 Elul 5766 8/31/2015 Mother of Myrel Umila

Emmanuel Czik 11/20/2007 16 Elul 5767 8/31/2015 grandfather of David Richter


Synagogue Liaison Program – Advice and Referral for Parents

Do you need help with parenting strategies or other family issues? JSSA can help you, right here at the synagogue! As part of Congregation Adat Reyim’s ongoing partnership with JSSA, we are pleased to offer parents this free and confidential consultation with an experienced JSSA clinician. Naama Malkesman, LCSW, LCSW-C is available to meet with parents by appointment or by telephone, at the synagogue or at JSSA’s Fairfax office. Naama has worked with families and children for more than fourteen years. She can offer parenting strategies and support with a variety of issues such as helping teens through adolescence, transitions, limit setting, behavioral challenges, sibling rivalry, family relationships and more. If more extensive assistance is needed, she can provide referrals to JSSA and other community resources. To schedule a confidential appointment, please contact Naama at (703) 896-7903 or To learn more about JSSA programs, visit us on-line at:


SPACE AVAILABLE IN OUR BRICK PATIO! Celebrate, honor, and recognize loved ones and members of Congregation Adat Reyim by purchasing a brick today and help ensure we meet our goal of having this lovely outdoor honor area completed for us to enjoy by the High Holidays! Have your brick inscribed for someone honoring:

a good deed a birth/birthday a marriage or wedding anniversary a bar or bat mitzvah a graduation or any other special event

You can also purchase a memorial honor brick in memory of a loved one. The area adjacent to the right of the parking lot (where the wooden benches are currently located) will be converted into four brilliant Stars of David made from the bricks you are inscribing. A personalized brick costs $118. If you buy more than one, each additional brick will cost $100! If you are interested in purchasing a brick honoring a loved one, please contact Liz Bayer at

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