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Appendix 4

Kinloch Castle Community Survey Results

Robin Patel, SKS Scotland CICVersion 1



Methodology & response rates.........................................................................................................................1

Survey results....................................................................................................................................................1

Q1: locations of respondents.........................................................................................................................1

Q2: Age of respondents.................................................................................................................................2

Q3: Have you participated in dialogue regarding the future of Kinloch Castle?............................................2

Q3: If "No" tell us why not.............................................................................................................................3

Q4: Is Kinloch Castle important to you?........................................................................................................3

Q4: Comments (tell us why)..........................................................................................................................3

Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?..................................5

Q6: Is Kinloch Castle important to the local community on Rum?.................................................................6

Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?.............................8

Q7: Comments (tell us your reasons for your response)...............................................................................9

Q8: What would encourage you to get involved in the future development of Kinloch Castle?.................11

Q9: Do you have knowledge / records related to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?.........................12

Q10: Do you have personal memories / connections to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?...............12

Q11: Are there any other points that you would like to make about the future development of Kinloch Castle?.........................................................................................................................................................12

Appendix I: open-ended responses.................................................................................................................14

Kinloch Castle – proposed plans (feedback forms)..........................................................................................36


Previous visitors to Rum have a close affection for Kinloch Castle and would like to see it preserved / restored for future generations.

Future uses: respondents generally favoured mixed types of accommodation suitable for different types of groups, the development of community facilities and as a centre for broader, outdoor activities.

Respondents indicated that the value of Kinloch Castle could be realised through its potential contribution to the local economy, including developing employment opportunities and supporting local enterprise. However, respondents also indicated that the future development of Kinloch Castle is not necessarily the top priority for the island. This suggests that Kinloch Castle could be used as a vehicle for broader socio-economic change rather than being developed in isolation.

People would be encouraged to get involved in the future development of Kinloch Castle if there was something in it for them, including skills development and if the project would provide positive outcomes for the local community.

Methodology & response rates

An online survey (SurveyMonkey) was distributed via KCFA and social media and a paper copy was handed to residents. 173 responses were submitted between 21st June and 21st July 2018.

Survey results

Q1: locations of respondents

173 responses were submitted. The majority of responses (62%) were from general visitors to the island. 11 responses were from residents of Rum.

‘Other’ responses were analysed, with 18 being former residents, 7 being relatives of residents and the remaining being made up as former workers, volunteers or residents of the broader area.


Q2: Age of respondents

172 responses were submitted. 38% of responses were from those aged 44 or under, with 60% being over 44. This presents further opportunity to engage with younger demographics as proposals are developed.

Q3: Have you participated in dialogue regarding the future of Kinloch Castle?

146 responses were submitted. The majority of respondents (65%) had not been previously engaged with regarding the future of Kinloch Castle, however this changed if the respondent was a resident of Rum, with 82% being previously engaged.


Q3: If "No" tell us why not.

70 comments were submitted. The majority of these responses indicated that they were unaware of any consultation taking place or cited other reasons such as lack of time.

Q4: Is Kinloch Castle important to you?

145 responses were submitted. The vast majority (88%) indicated that Kinloch Castle was important to them, demonstrating that the survey sample attracted responses from people who had previous, valued contact.

Q4: Comments (tell us why)

98 comments were submitted. Respondents often indicated a strong personal affinity with the castle and the island. Respondents also highlighted its historical significance, particularly by its “time-capsule” nature, the stories represented by its heritage, and its overall contribution to understanding Scottish history.


Top 5 terms: castle (32); history (25); island (22); rum (22); building (20)

The complete set of responses can be found from p.14 onwards.


“It's an amazing time-capsule of the Edwardian age.”

“My grandfather used to holiday at the castle as a child, he was also a Bullough and it is part of our family history. It is also a stunning and interesting site.”

“Historical. In fact, I think the contents are more important than the building.”

“I would love the castle to survive in its splendour but not be an anchor around the necks of the community. My feelings say it must survive though as it’s such an important part of the history of Rum and a prospective draw for visitors in the future.”

“I think it is a bit part of Rum's heritage and if we lost it we might lose tourists. I think

people come to Rum to see the castle.”

“I have many great memories of the castle, from playing in it as a child to attending a wedding and later having my own wedding there.”

“It is a unique historic place, in a remote area of Scotland where there is little else of comparable value.”

“A very special place, its location, its history; it's

intrinsically linked to the island and vice versa.”

“To me the building is ugly, and symbolises

the feudal past.”

“As a resident of Skye this important piece of cultural heritage the castle is important to me. It tells us what happens when the power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a small elite. It contains beautiful artefacts and is a good day trip for me and visitors to Skye.”

Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?

135 comments were submitted. Comment themes included different types of accommodation, corporate / conference facilities, outdoors activity centre, community uses and a museum / interpretation centre.

Top 5 terms: castle (59); accommodation (48); museum (42); hostel (41); hotel (37)

The complete set of responses can be found from p.17 onwards.


“A hostel/hotel for visitors to the island, a working museum would be fabulous with opportunity to stay for food lover’s weekends or art/craft/gardening courses and the like.”

“A comfortable, affordable hotel with community space.”

“A venue for people to stay, for events such as weddings, parties that the community can use to put on events that could be promoted such as cinema nights, yoga, murder mystery, ghost tours etc.”

“Anything that secures a viable, self-financing future for the castle.”

“…I think staffing issues and funding have held the castle back in terms of offering visitors a service that is on a par with other cultural attractions in Scotland.”

“I think that the castle has potential to continue / be revitalised in it's incarnation of museum and high end accommodation provider. It could also be a perfect venue for events, weddings, corporate, training, retreats, courses and parties.”

“Mixed use, attraction, hostel, hotel, housing.”

“It was a magical place to stay and cook for guests in the front of the castle I think it could still be used for that, with the preservation of the antiques.”

“Part museum, part conference centre, part centre for outdoor activities, part community centre. Diversifying is the only way forward.”

“Something for the community to benefit from.”

Comment themesCommunity spaceConference facilitiesHousing / private accommodationMixed-type visitor accommodationMuseum / interpretation centreOutdoor activity centreWedding venue

Q6: Is Kinloch Castle important to the local community on Rum?

144 responses were submitted. 79% felt that Kinloch Castle was important to Rum’s community.

Comments (tell us why)

101 comments were submitted. Comment themes included the potential for Kinloch Castle to make a substantial contribution to the local economy, including providing employment opportunities and supporting the growth of local business.


The complete set of responses can be found from p.22 onwards.


“It presents an opportunity for economic development.”

“It is the heart and provides so much history and great interest and could be a hub for the community.”

“I would think it's vital for the community as it not only brings in visitors to the island but also provides employment opportunities for islanders.”

“The castle draws visitors to the island”

“It’s the key to establishing a sound economic future for the island with the potential to draw in many tourists and possibly residents.”

“It is important as the focal landmark within the village, and undoubtedly is the main draw for day visitors. However, at present, many tourists only come to rum to visit the castle, with no real interest in the rest of the island. Any future developments should be there to promote Rum as a whole, and not to isolate tourists even further…”

“Important visitor attraction. Used to be social gathering point, bar, snooker.”

“As a source of income for the community.”

“It makes Rum unique.”

“It brings visitors to the island and is a vital piece of history.”

Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?

141 responses were submitted. The highest proportion of comments fell under the ‘undecided’ category. Whilst just under half (41%) felt it to be the most important priority. This provides an interesting contrast to the responses provided in question 6 which highlighted the potential for Kinloch Castle to develop the local economy.


Q7: Comments (tell us your reasons for your response)

117 comments were submitted. In general people felt Kinloch Castle to be a high priority, but not the solution to all of the island’s challenges. Examples under each category of response have been selected as follows:

Yes (44 responses)

No (19 responses)


“I feel the castle has great potential to support the future of the island.”

“I work selling tickets to the island and I know the castle a big selling point of the island.”

“The castle is Rum's unique selling point.”

“Securing the future of the castle maintains it for enjoyment by future generations and retains its historical importance. It has great potential to increase tourism to the island and bring much needed income and employment.”

“Once the castle is restored and re-opened it will attract many more visitors and provide a platform for the revival of the economy and growth of the population.”

“The overall community structure, infrastructure and sustainability of the island outside the current NNR structure needs significant focus.”

“…it would be a shame for it to crumble but it is certainly not the most important feature of the island. As a community… we have bigger and more key priorities such as improved housing, infrastructure, increasing the size of our population and creating diverse opportunities for businesses and individuals.”

“The community is the most important priority, but it would be very sad for the potential of the Castle to be ignored and for it to sit amidst all around in decay.”

Undecided (50 responses)

The complete set of responses can be found from p.24 onwards.


“I think nature conservation is most important for Rum but the castle is next on the list and of great importance to the moral of the permanent residents of Rum.”

“It should be a high priority but not sure if it would be every islanders most important one.”

“Deer and human population are more important, keeping the school open.”

“Looking after the amazing natural world of the island is also hugely important, but I think one could benefit from the other.”

Q8: What would encourage you to get involved in the future development of Kinloch Castle?

101 comments were submitted. Comment themes included ensuring that a firm plan was in place to the advantage of the community, the community taking a firm steer in the development of the project and the offer of skill development opportunities for participants / volunteers.

The complete set of responses can be found from p.28 onwards.


“Some clear, good options with community support, which I could support/assist, directly or indirectly.”

“A positive restoration plan.”

“Evidence of sound investment with the community at heart rather than just a business.”

“If its hands on, accessibility is a minor but real problem.”

“I would be interested in buying community shares if such a thing arises. I don’t think I would get involved hands-on.”

“The community leading the project.”

“A clear objective, a clear strategy, a clear plan.”

“Being able to help the project in some way. Offering skills, support, fundraising.”

“If there was a need of help for renovations of the castle or any sort of voluntary work I would try to help where I could.”

“More communication on what’s going on. Would happily volunteer for work parties etc, as I’m sure others would too.”

Q9: Do you have knowledge / records related to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?

Few comments were submitted to this question, including an anecdote regarding Hermione’s tricycle being left in the garden and knowledge from a former tour guide.

Q10: Do you have personal memories / connections to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?

There were a few comments submitted regarding previous family connections with the Bullough’s which could be extracted as part of future research. There were also few memories submitted regarding previous visits and experiences of Kinloch Castle when it was fully operational.

Q11: Are there any other points that you would like to make about the future development of Kinloch Castle?

71 comments were submitted (after subtracting “no”, 52 remained). Comment themes included ensuring that future developments are sympathetic to the character and charm of its heritage, future-proofing and catering to a wide variety of individual and group interests.



“Be pragmatic, forward thinking...... it's had it's era.....make something for the future generations to be proud of...”

“Any future development should be sympathetic to the history, landscape and community values of Rum and the castle, but as mentioned before in order to secure it's longevity it will also have to become a sustainable business - a good balance between these two factors is vital in my opinion.”

“Enhance the true character of the castle. It's rich opulence in such a remote location is the primary interest of the castle. Don't hollow out its soul with bland accommodation. Make it a modern version of what it was built for. Rich, opulent, full of fascinating stories, a place to socialise when you want but with your own room for peace and quiet.”

“I am excited to see that something may finally be happening, I really hope this opportunity is not missed!”

“For a small community, I think it's more millstone round the neck, than asset in its current "time capsule" form…”

“I do hope that it's possible to keep it and the fantastic eccentric interior.”

“I do hope that it's possible to keep it and the fantastic eccentric interior.”

“Should be done in the most environmentally friendly and sustainable way e.g. green energy, solar panels etc.”

“The castle should be available for different types of group to visit and experience. The historic fittings should be kept.”

“It obviously can't survive on visitor income alone at the moment and as a hotel it failed, the way forward must be multi priced accommodation from self catering to bed and breakfast to medium cost hotel and possibly small tourist business use.”

“I would like to be involved with the restoration of the walled garden and with documenting the restoration of the castle.”

Appendix I: open-ended responses

Q4: Is Kinloch Castle important to you? (tell us why)A key piece for rum interestA piece of history on a remote island which is a time capsule which should be saved.A really cool piece of history, I have temp lived in the castle and it has fallen into a bad state of repairA unique building in a spectacular locationA very special place, its location, its history; it's intrinsically linked to the island and vice versa.All such historic architectural delights are important to the wider societyAn important part of the history of Rum that should be preserved for future residents & visitors.As a resident of Skye this important piece of cultural heritage the castle is important to me. It tells us what happens when the power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a small elite. It contains beautiful artefacts and is a good day trip for me and visitors to Skye.Beautiful historic building that should be preserved and protected. Was a much loved and wonderful hostel. Many happy memories there. Beautiful place to visit. Extraordinary building. In a very beautiful setting of the island. Because I lived there for six yearsbecause it is a lovely building and deserves a futureBecause of its beauty and historyDespite many visits to Rum have never found it open.Great resource.Have many happy memories involving the castle and time spent in and around it. It is important in that aspect, however, taking a realistic view, the building is nothing more than an ostentatious show of wealth from an absentee landlord that used the island as a playground. The tales of the castle are legendary and the parties that occurred, however this did nothing to support the population living on the island and the banishing of any visitors. Although a listed building, its historical value to the island is arguably minimum, and cultural heritage even less.Have stayed in the old hostel, it is such a memorable place, and the ability to do this is one of the things that makes a visit to Run so special. Rum is still an amazing place of course but staying in the new bunkhouse is just not quite the same. I miss sitting in the reading room or using the radio to get a drink in the bar.Have stayed there in the past on a few occasions. It has a unique atmosphere and is linked to happy family memories.Have stayed there. Also believe it and its contents to be a unique and valuable national assetHistorical. In fact, I think the contents are more important than the building.Hugely important as part of the history of the islandI do not live there, it's a cash cow of no real historical importanceI first saw Kinloch on the BBC Restoration programme and fell in love with it and Rum. Finally got to visit in 2017 and the place is magical!I first visited Kinloch Castle in 1996 and am a founder member of the KCFA. I have had many happy days on Rum and think the castle is pivotal to the future of the island community as well as a gem in its own right.I grew up with annual trips to the island, staying in the castle. Its part of my family history as my mother grew up playing in the castle when she lived on the island.I have a lot of memories of stays there and care about it’s futureI have an affection for the castle as part of the landscape and history of Rum. I have many great memories of the castle, from playing in it as a child to attending a wedding and later having my own wedding there.I have spent many long summer holidays with family on Rum. The castle is as much part of the Rum landscape as is Askival and Hallival. I have visited the castle on several occasions. My first visit as a child left me with incredible memories of an extraordinary place. I lived and soothed in the castle so have fond memories of it. It's an important focal point for the ideas and one of Rum's major visitor attractions.I lived on the island and worked in the castle over 20 years ago and I love itI stayed in this beautiful castle when my parents managed as a hotel. I adore it. Every stunning individual room with interesting, crazy artefacts. I have amazing memories of grand dinner parties and castle tours. It is truly unique.I think it is a bit part of Rum's heritage and if we lost it we might lose tourists. I think people come to Rum to see the


Q4: Is Kinloch Castle important to you? (tell us why)castle.I visited a few years ago and thought it was fabulous, one of the most memorable houses i have visitedI visited on holiday, and stayed in the castle. It is very special to me. I love history, and architecture and would love to see Kinloch Castle protected for the future. I visited Rum in 2010 and stayed in the castle - what an experience! It's such a gem and others should have the opportunity to experience the castle for themselves.I worked there some 35 years back when it was run as a very good place to stayI would love the castle to survive in its splendour but not be an anchor around the necks of the community. My feelings say it must survive though as its such an important part of the history of Rum and a prospective draw for visitors in the future.I’m a member of the KCFAI’m on the fence because although it’s an iconic building I think it should only be saved if it will deliver socio-economic benefits for the island and for rural Scotland. I don’t wish to see it become a burden for the community or for the tax payer I’ve visited and been amazed. It’s a wonderful piece of heritage that must be preserved for future generations I'm not sure where it is I’ve never seen it.Important period piece for Hebridean IslandIn a general sense - culture, history, architecture.1Integral part of RumInteresting unique place. Amazing artefacts. Reminder to us all about how the other half lived.It brings tourists to the island and is an interesting building.It brings visitors to the islandIt is a beautiful building and worth savingIt is a great attraction for day visitors It is a great focal point and untapped visitor attraction. Needs to be upgradedIt is a great tourist attraction and has an interesting background.It is a notable building, and would be good if it can be used and conserved, but it isn’t the main reason I would visit RumIt is a relatively new structure and poorly built. A rich English man's playground. Not necessarily something that requires preservation for future generations.It is a unique historic place, in a remote area of Scotland where there is little else of comparable value.It is an asset to Rum, a beautiful building that needs protection.It is an astonishing, fascinating place.It is of historic value to Rum, Scotland and will help to draw more visitors to the island. Myself—I’ve always liked old buildings big or small—they all have historic value and tell a story.It is part of our heritage It is part of the history of Rum. Brings tourists which helps the residents run small businesses. Before the castle closed, the bistro and bar were very popular with residents and tourists. My son was married in the castle.It is such beautiful old girl of a building. It's so wasteful given that accommodation to visitors is limited. I have bern throughout the castle and I love the whole feel of it. It has so much potential. It would be terrible for Rum to be seen as "the island that once had a castle".It’s a stunning building full of treasures that should be preserved for the future if possible. Part of the Islands history. It’s an amazing beautiful and important time capsule with a fabulous story behind it. It’s an important part of history and adds further interest to an already special island.It’s an important piece of history and very interesting to visit!It’s crumbling away and worth restoring .It’s has a unique place to fill in telling Scotland’s history.It’s national heritage. The orchestrion is unique and it’s a brilliant, unique destination.Its a beautiful building and a very important part of history It's a historic buildingIt's a piece of historyIt's a unique part of the heritage of the island and after the scenery and the wildlife, the castle is the islands biggest


Q4: Is Kinloch Castle important to you? (tell us why)asset It's an amazing time-capsule of the Edwardian age.It’'ts one of a kind that needs to be preserved.It's original and unusual.It's part of my family history. I spent so much time there, and I love it. It's unique.I've visited rum many times and the house, it would be nice to stay in it or visit again, it has a history which should be available to future generations.Looks magnificent and any historical building should be saved to allow history to be retoldMy grandad and my family worked and lived on the island has huge sentimental value to me My grandfather used to holiday at the castle as a child, he was also a Bullough and it is part of our family history. It is also a stunning and interesting site.Not personally but i do care about the welfare and happiness of the island folkNot to me but important for the islandPart of the local areas history Stayed in Castle and been on the tour, sad if it was lostStayed in it, and knew some lovely people who ran the place, or worked in it in the past. Extraordinary and eccentric place - unique, and wonderful to see, However, it's really a kind of folly, built by people with more money than sense. Maybe unsustainable drain on anybody who'd try to run it?The building and it’s contents are w of considerable historical significance.The history of the castle is a deep part of Rum and if lost it would be devastating! Grandad had a big part in the works with wild life on Rum so it’s a big part of me.Things of beauty should be used not mothballedTo keep resident sustainable life on a remote Island.To me the building is ugly, and symbolises the feudal past. Unique amazing historical building whose part of Rums history needs to be restored.Unique in the Scottish islandsUnique part of our countries heritage which must be kept as part of our national identity, which is sadly being eroded over recent yearsVery interesting place to visit. Great stories of the family there. We have been coming to Rum for 20 years and of course at first we stayed in the castle. For my 2 young children at the time, it was pretty exciting!When I see the magnificent castle from the ferry I know my son will be waiting for me.


Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?1.) High-end accommodation. 2.) Volunteer accommodation. 3.) Bar / bistro - or gastropub 4.) A living history exhibit A comfortable, affordable hotel with community space A guest house as well as it's present useA hostel again.A hostel and hotel and museumA hostel/hotel for visitors to the island, a working museum would be fabulous with opportunity to stay for food lovers weekends or art/craft/gardening courses and the like. A hotelA hotel/accommodation. Or a museum. A museum. Somewhere visiting choirs could sing. Murder mystery weekends. Gardening weekends Something that is accessible for all and not just the richA museum. Educational purposes. Possibly up market accommodation and / or wedding venue. Possibly up market holiday apartments (only for part of the building)A prison for naughty childrenA tourist attraction but open when people actually come of boats from Arisaig and MallaigA tourist destination. A venue for people to stay, for events such as weddings, parties that the community can use to put on events that could be promoted such as cinema nights, yoga, murder mystery, ghost tours etc.A visitor attraction with tours, talks, a shop and tea room. A venue for wedding ceremonies. Hired out for films and tv production. Self-catering accommodation or office space for island businesses on the top floor.A visitors centreA well-advertised day trip for tourists which included the castle tour, informative walk maybe to Kilmory and/or Harris with a hefty push from the Scottish Tourist Board. Possible residents (short to medium term) for ramblers/nature lovers/artists/authors and generally people seeking the peace and tranquillity for more than a few days and thereby giving greater stability to income generated. Also worth looking into bonding time for businesses looking to asses people and test their personalities. AccommodationAccommodation - it was a totally unique place to stay and I loved it!Accommodation (to suit a range of budgets), events, heritage preservation and education Accommodation and an excellent music venue and bar Accommodation for all budgets as Well as a cafe/restaurant and heritage centreAccommodation for visitors with self-catering facilities. Tours of the castle. Bar Bistro. Social care for residents. Themed events. WeddingsAccommodation is desperately needed on Rum. Not everyone is willing to camp or stay in a hostel. Part of the Castle could be renovated, retaining the ambience of the era, and run as a Bed and Breakfast. Have a communal kitchen for evening meal prep. Retain the ambience of the rest of the Castle and offer tours and a bit of history about the place. Explore the possibility of film crews coming in to shoot a movie......a good money maker. Have some entrepreneurial person take on Wedding Planning and advertise it as a romantic place to have your wedding. Apply for grants for renovations and just do one section at a time as you have the money. Accommodation whilst preserving and researching the contents and structure. It could also become a site for training traditional skills. Accommodation, events, tours, residential courses.Accommodation, field studies centre, events (e.g. weddings, conference). Local entertainment e.g. bar, bistro, restaurant, snooker. Accommodation, visitor attraction and event venue which supports local community An affordable hostel with provision for weddings.An asset to the community, that will draw in visitors who will spend money locally Anything that secures a viable, self-financing future for the castleAnything that will keep it open and maintained. Hotel or bunkhouse accommodation as well as a tourist visitor centre. Kinloch Castle should be the central hub of Kinloch and Rum.Basic self-catering holiday apartments on the periphery would provide income for the whole of Rum and maintenance of the main house.Broadly, I'd like it to remain the same. I'm disappointed that it's no longer possible to stay at the castle as a hostel. I appreciate there is a sparkling modern hostel - but there are lots of those in Scotland - a stay at the castle, for all it's


Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?ricketiness, was special and unique. I certainly would not like it to become an 'up-market venue' of any kind. Cannot be a hotel as no private grounds. . Need more glamping linked to the Castle. Tea room? Gift shop National trust,?Community run not for profit enterprise. Focusing on its history and importance. Tourism and voluntary group working parties to be involved in upkeep and maintenance. Continue to have it as living museum and hostel bring it back to use. Difficult question. How about weddings? Or ‘live like a laird’ experiences?Don't know. Education centre and hotelEducation/outdoor pursuits centreEvents such as weddings and functions and high end accommodation. Film set, upmarket hotel, base for eco-Tourism on the islandFirstly, it's an incredible museum with an amazing collection of artefacts and a fascinating history, but it's special as there have been (and could be in the future) opportunities to stay overnight in the castle and experience it in a different way. I think staffing issues and funding have held the castle back in terms of offering visitors a service that is on a par with other cultural attractions in Scotland, but Rum has the enviable position of having such an incredible resource that makes it a destination for visitors. If the castle is closed, or cannot offer visitors tours or additional facilities then the island will suffer as a result.For its fantastic history as a museum with accommodation available For touring purposes allow people visiting to see the history of the castle, also revert back to a place to stay and cafe put in, this will help increase visitors. Before it was closed it was popular and talked about lots High end accommodation, bistro, bar.High-end accommodation, weddings, parties, conferencesHistoric house tours. Either restore the excellent hostel or if this is not possible create a self catering apartment/apartments plus a restaurant.Historically, Kinloch Castle has been a symbol of privilege; first because it was built by the wealthy Bulloughs, and later on because only well-to-do visitors were able to stay in the front of the Castle. This has been a source of great discord between those running the Castle and the local community, as I experienced myself when I worked there. I therefore think that this should not be perpetuated. The Castle needs to be a place for community-building, accessible to all. While the front needs to be safeguarded due to the treasures stored there, the old servant quarters / hostel should be a place which promotes community, not a place for big business conferences. I’d like it to be a place for people who want to go on a retreat, take classes (painting, cooking, yoga) or a place where disadvantaged children could be taken to. The Castle is nothing without people.Hostel Venue for small weddings Hotel , self catering or accommodation of some sort so the public can enjoy it Hotel and events - conferences, celebrations and weddings. Outdoor pursuits. Perhaps a trail running event in the glens/up the mountains. It’s such a unique setting.Hotel/ venue for weddings as well as preserved areas for exhibition I believe it should be taken apart; contents and fabric of the building sold accordingly (auction/salvage/reclamation). I think the site should then be used as the location of a large, modern outdoor facility which could be a hub for education (labs/lecture spaces/proper ranger space) & associated accommodation or a range of accommodation depending on community opinions on the matter. I believe a modern building would be more suitable for Rum as a national nature reserve; a 'future proof' building that can be designed to stand up to the climate and promote efficiency and sustainability. I believe this would be far more beneficial to Rum than throwing money at a building that is arguably unlikely to ever become a sustainable venture.I brought school trips of 40 to the castle hostel for ten consecutive years from 1996. At that time there was space for self catering and a large enough classroom and common room. I would love to see this hostel facility restored, as well as the castle itself maintained as a museum.I don't know what the future of the castle should be - I see lots of FB comments saying open up the hostel again. But the Bunkhouse is great, and I'd hate to see business being taken away from that. Having no idea what demand is like I can't really comment. It's a really tough question - it would be a travesty to see the castle just fall into disuse, and of course it is stuffed with valuable historical material. It is so like Mountstuart on Bute in many ways - and that has become a hugely successful concern - but there you have an easily accessible day-trip destination. There are many uses such a wonderful building could be put to - if only it were easier to reach. My only useful contribution here would be to try talking to Mountstuart, ask them how they transformed a private building into a very successful business. bearing in mind that they started with a well-maintained private residence rather than a damp and crumbling building. We need a


Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?very rich person with a vision!I liked when the castle was a hostel. Perhaps the hall could be open to visitors during the day for small fee. Could conferences be encouraged to come?I think it should be deconstructed to the state of a stable and sustainable ruin and the contents relocated to a museum on the island. Fascinating though it is the castle should never have been built on the island - it's a rich man's folly and white elephant - so decommissioning seems appropriate. Sadly, I can't see any viable use for the building given its location and the vast sums required for any degree of restoration.I think it should be returned to a hostel or a community hub of some description for the locals, maybe some rooms let out with different activities put on in the house, all profits for the community.I think it should be run as a hotel.I think it should be used as a visitor centre for the island. Incorporating budget accommodation as well as some more luxury rooms. The Oak rooms are stunning and I'm sure certain visitors would pay a premium to stay within the castle. I think it should be used rather than falling into disrepair. It would be good as accommodation. I think it should also be used for events.I think parts should be preserved as a museum much as the parts on the tour are now. For the other parts either to restore some of them to add to the tour or luxury hotel. There is scope for provision of sports, sailing or land rover tours of the island from this base for visitors. A decent cafe and restored gardens would be nice too. I think that at least part of the castle should be a professionally run museum. The rooms for the museum, once fully restored, could also be used for other purposes, maybe a wedding or film set venue. The remainder of the castle could be restored to be a hostel/hotel which could also off an ‘Edwardian Experience’ where guests could sleep in one of the museum bedrooms. I think that at least part of the castle should be renovated to provide decent tourist accommodation.I think that the castle has potential to continue / be revitalised in it's incarnation of museum and high end accommodation provider. It could also be a perfect venue for events, weddings, corporate, training, retreats, courses and parties.I think the castle would be best used and most appreciated as a luxury wedding & event venue. Particularly offering exclusive use of the 'museum' side of the castle. While booked for exclusive use the other rooms in the castle could be used as self-catering accommodation for guests who are not part of the 'exclusive use group', they would have access to all areas that used to be the hostel. The castle is already well set up for this purpose. The rooms of course would need to be modernised and made more luxury. Luxury cruise ships already visit, why shouldn’t they have somewhere to stay. It is becoming more common for couples to have weddings that last a whole weekend. The castle could cater for this with space for the ceremony, space for the welcoming of guests, space for a sit down meal or buffet, space for the reception dancing. Beautiful surroundings for photographs. Other aspects of the castle could be developed such as the games room, improve the squash courts, finish the swimming pool and add a sauna/hot tub with spectacular views. This use would allow the castle to be appreciated in all its splendour and rich opulence. High paying guests would improve the island economy and there would be more jobs for the local community. I do not think self catering apartments will bring the money or jobs the island needs. Adjusting the layout of the castle would be far more costly than upgrading the current layout. The necessary practicalities of self-contained apartments would also destroy much of the historical interest of the castle. The castle would be degraded to a soulless and empty skin, filled with clinical uninteresting accommodation. The guests would not appreciate the building and its contents as they should.I think the upkeep costs and preservation of the building are too high. I'd preserve the artefacts of the building, then take the castle apart, similar to how it was erected. Use the stone to create a modern 'recycled' dwelling to house the artefacts and History... Then create new smaller sustainable accommodation for future residents, on the same site.I would like to see the best of the artefacts kept in a smaller museum section and the rest used as accommodation both for visitors and residents.I would like to see the hostel returned to use, but with the addition of some more private rooms available on a more hotel/B&B basis. The bar should certainly reopen in the evenings too. Tours of the public areas should continue. With this as the basic setup I would think there should be opportunities for occasional whole-house booking e.g. for weddings.I would love to see it come alive again as a hotel, wedding venue, film set. The castle and grounds renovated. The walled garden re- established. I’m not sure what would be practical and welcome to the island. I would think perhaps some combination of visitor accommodation and museum / visitor facility? Perhaps even a combined hotel / outdoor activity / heritage centre following a similar model to Raasay House?If can be economically maintained use as a public access building.If converted, it should be there to support the development of the community on Rum, with jobs on offer to support the local economy. Whereby this is either through a private individual transforming it back into a personal lodge, or KCFA returning to a hostel. The amount of public money already spent on the building is ridiculous, and for any future


Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?development, it should not rely on any more public funds. Ideally more accommodation is needed, however it should offer more self-contained apartments than a bunkhouse as that is already catered for. Many visitors are older and prefer to have their own space. The castle space as a ‘museum’ takes in minimal money, and ideally should not be the main focus is this a trick question?It has the potential to be a multi-use building providing amenities for both the local community and for visitors. Accommodation, educational, meeting rooms to name a few.It should be a walkers hostel, inn and social space for locals and tourists. With some parts kept as a museum.It should be and is big enough to be more than one thing: museum, exhibition space, a very special conference venue, field study centre, discovery centre for history, science and nature; accommodation for visiting students, researchers and naturalists; accommodation for people living and working on the island and a halfway house for those who consider moving there; reactivate the gardens, become a centre for permaculture and off-grid, alternative technologies; have an artist or writer or historian in residence to work with the rangerIt should be conserved and people should be able to visit for a reasonable fee. And please let Ross be tour guide, he is very good at it.It should be demolishedIt should be restored and used as a visitor attraction. If this needs financing then parts of the building could be used as a hotel or other visitor accommodation.It should be stripped of its class preservation category, made structurally safe, and turned into accommodation for visitors, which is much needed.It should definitely be preserved in tact if possible. It needs to be cared for and run by people who care about it. The fabric of the building and its contents should be preserved. When my parents ran the hotel and it was used as a country house venue people loved to come and stay and appreciated the castle and its contents. Unfortunately Scottish natural heritage didn’t have sufficient money to invest in the hotel to enable its rooms to be restored fully. That said my parents did their best to try and preserve the castle, and did lead some restoration/refurbishment projects.It should definitely benefit the people that live on Rum and also be a tourist attraction. I'd love it to be restored to how it was in the Bullough's day but also be suitable for people/ groups to stay. It would be great if that could happen. It should still be a museum. A wedding and event venue would also be good.It was a magical place to stay and cook for guests in the front of the castle I think it could still be used for that, with the preservation of the antiquesIt would be great to restore the Castle to its former glory with tours still operating, the hostel reopen and potentially do something to the grounds so they can be used by visitors It would make a beautiful hotel wedding venue , restaurant and bar.It's history is fantastic and important artefacts of a bygone era Mixed use accommodation/food/visitor information/" museum"Mixed use, attraction, hostel, hotel, housingMixture of heritage attraction, hotel and shooting lodge.Multi use, hotel (income generator) community building/events/housing Museum , Museum and hostel as was. Could be a venue for corporate and wedding events Museum and hostel with rooms available to singles couples and familiesMuseum, hotel/hostelNeeds to be a tourist attraction, advertised ore with Calmac and provide accommodation in the form of a guest house/ hotel. Or could be marketed as a retreat, needs to have events held there.No idea. It needs more money than can reasonably be justified, I think, to repair. Even basic conservation/preservation seems impracticable. Hotel - unlikely to pay. Conference Centre - just maybe. Natural history/nature study centre - interesting but viable? Community accommodation (housing association) - unlikely ever to pay back costs. Museum - interesting but financially disastrous. Perhaps some synergistic combination of all these and more might fly?Not one set thing in particular but an activity/outdoor learning centre facility could work, something like Outward Bound for e.g. Castle Toward, near Dunoon, is a good example of how to utilise such a building for outdoor educational purposes but also serves as a warning for long-term sustainability. Open the hostel and bistro back up. Keep the rest as a museum.Open to paying visitors for tours. Plus, open bedrooms to stay in overnight. The island needs more accommodation. Open a tea room too during the summer.


Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?Part museum, part conference centre, part centre for outdoor activities, part community centre. Diversifying is the only way forward.Preserve the museum, reopen the hostel or use the hostel section for accommodation for visiting scientists/researchers/educational groups. Potential to renovate the hostel section as a hotel and attract more visitors and wealthier tourists. Greater promotion of tourism to the island with sufficient accommodation to host more visitors would draw more income to the castle. Never ever demolish the castle. Probably the only viable options would be a) an upmarket hotel or apartments; b) some sort of residential centre linked to a public service, or c) sell to a very rich person, with caveats on what they do with it. The question needs to be around the needs of the island and not around whether the building should be saved. Re-open the hostel, a great affordable way to stay in a castleresidence, visitors events, celebrations, seminars, trainingRestore the bunkhouse in the servants quarters and open the rest as a museum with corporate /private hire good quality pop up restaurant for team build groups and yacht charters. Commission a company to design client or corporate entertainment.Returning back to part hostel, part museum. With possibly a self catering apartment or two. Reopening the bar and possibly cafe too.Several things ... As a museum . As a venue for events As an expensive place y to stay (in part of it )Should be restored to its former gloryShould continue to be used as a hotel/museum but it needs to be continued to be used in a hotel type fashionSmall museum, partly community hub for enterprise - encourage people to live and work on the island by providing studio premises. Creating Inexpensive residential accommodation would allow the community to develop and enable residents to live and thrive there.Something for the community to benefit from. The castle has lot of potential and if funding could be gathered to keep it open for tours and to increase the accommodation options on island, that would be great. The castle is an unique portal into the past Edwardian life of the island so there should be every effort made to save it. It could combine a working museum with use made of part of it for hostel/self-catering accommodation. Would also make a fabulous wedding venue. This is too important a building to be left to disintegrate further.The castle needs to be sustainable and pay for itself whilst utilising the resources it has. Options could include: using part of it as visitor accommodation (private rooms, communal self-catering facilities?); an arts and historical event venue; wedding venue; guided tours The clear priority should be to stabilise the building, and for this there needs to be a certain degree of realism: the government will not simply give the community or the Friends a pile of cash to fix the castle, and then let them get on with it. In order for there to be any realistic prospect of saving the structure a realistic business plan has to be put in place, incorporating mixed use (hostel, holiday apartments, catering of some sort, museum) that can attract investment (from public or private sources) on its own merits rather than purely on sympathetic or sentimental grounds.The past purposes of the castle of it being a place for visitors to stay was a great idea and it was great to stay in. But if it wasn’t working out as accommodation then it should really be a museum Tourism Tourism and education, and great PR for our lovely Scottish islesTours could continue as is bringing in some revenue but part of the castle that was the hostel could be brought back up to standard for reopening as a hostel again. Also Bistro could start again.Visitor accommodation, cafe / bistro, bar, social space for locals, esp. in winter. Accommodation for caretaker / manager and family. Also suitable accommodation for any seasonal staff.Visitor attractionVisitor attraction, museum and heritage value. Visitor centre museum , restaurant, conference, hotel, Visits for tourist, museum. Sometimes used for private parties, leisure games...We need more beds on the island, so a hostel should be a first priority. The castle bar and bistro would be another asset if they were to reopen but they must provide different amenities to what is already provided by the shop and tea shop as to not interfere with local initiatives. I would also like to see more amenities for locals and tourists, for about a games room with table tennis (billiards!) snooker etc? A laundry? An internet hub area with printer, photocopy etc? A library and lecture area for visiting students. A tv / movie lounge? An outside fun area with giant chess sets, boules, crazy golf? I would also like pleasant free space to be provided for local crafters to display and sell their work- how about niches in the courtyard area near where the old castle bar used to be? How about


Q5: What do you think Kinloch Castle should become, or be used for, in the future?encouragement to other artists and musicians to come? A launch festival? I personally would not encourage the reinstatement of the posh rooms (as hotel accommodation.) I don’t think it would sit well with local opinions regarding the history of Rum. However, more variety of rooms in the hostel would be a compromise , e.g. singles, ensuites, family rooms and less bunk beds! I think people really enjoy the castle tours so this should be kept more or less as it is obviously with maintenance. Weddings, holidays, researcher's accommodation.Well i think they should open it up as a hostel or some sort of hotel maybe. Not sure how feasible that would be though. What it has been used for in recent past—hostel, bistro, museum and part hotel where guests could have guided tours around parts of the island.Whatever the residents on the island decide... Would like to see it as a travel destination, perhaps as a hotel, but with access for day visitors.Would love to see it used, in part, for high standard hostel type accommodation.

Q6: Is Kinloch Castle important to the local community on Rum? (tell us why)A real draw for tourism and could provide employmentAdds to interest; historical, complementing nature importance, National treasureAn attraction to the Islandanything that brings future business and interested to rum should be classed as vitalAs a source of income for the community As above and hopefully jobs. As above really. Brings people to the island, helping local businesses and providing islanders with employment.As I've not had much opportunity to talk to locals or island inhabitants, I'm not sure what opinions are in regard to the castle and/or its future use. Ask themBecause it is part of historyBiggest potential source of income on the islandBring more visitors to Rum. Brings tourism to the island.Clearly it has a certain amount of draw to visitors, however I don't believe it is the only reason people visit Rum. I wouldn't panic if it suddenly vanished. Definitely brings visitors to the island though the arrangements at the moment regarding guided tours leaves no opportunity for visitors to spend time elsewhere on the island.Don't know anybody on Rum these days - I can't claim to know what you think...Don't know but imagine it is bringing visitors to the island.Doorstep heritage and prideEmployment and tourism. Great venue for day visitors.Focal point of the island, income generator, big part of the history of RumGenerates some income, direct or indirect, by attracting tourists there?Gives a focus for a short visit to Rum. History and attractionI am afraid I don’t know whether or not it is important to the local community as I am not part of the community.I believe it to be an important attraction and could also be a community hub.I believe it was in the past, now I don’t know, but it is a striking landmark!I cannot speak for that community, but I expect it has potential value for the economic benefits it could bring and to keep living on the island viable and sustainableI can't comment on behalf of othersI can't speak for the community as I am not part of it. I don’t feel it’s for me to say, but I would think it is importantI don’t really know the answer to this but would think that the Castle could be a valuable tourist attraction for the Island.


Q6: Is Kinloch Castle important to the local community on Rum? (tell us why)I haven't discussed the issue with any locals therefore cannot comment would I would think that they do care about it a lot!I imagine any and every employment opportunity is important.I imagine so - it is the public draw to the island and provides employment and housing for visitors. I presume it is a potential asset but also a financial headache.I should imagine such a resource would be important.I think Kinloch Castle has the potential to be an asset to the community on Rum, creating employment opportunities, attracting more visitors to the island and adding another provider of services for residents and visitors to what already exists here on the island. However, in its current state I feel the castle is more of a liability than an asset and I am aware of the huge level of financial and time investment required to realise any potential.I think so for reasons above. Brings visitors to the islandI would think it is important it draws visitors to the island, who provide a small income.I would think it's vital for the community as it not only brings in visitors to the island but also provides employment opportunities for islanders.I would think the identity of Rum is still fairly entwined with the castle and its story, even if the daily run of things doesn't involve interaction. I'm not a resident, wouldn't presume to say what any of them thinkImportant tourism draw, potential source of employment and accommodation. It offered greater capacity for visitor accommodation that is now limited with the new hostel reducing potential generation of income for the island and money for maintaining the castle. The local community is often very insular, resistive to outside influence and certain individuals polarise the rest of the community against newcomers- a significant factor in the high turnover of new people and wardens for many years and a less welcoming visitor experience than on Muck, Eigg or Canna. Important visitor attraction. Used to be social gathering point, bar, snookerIt always provided a hubIt attracts visitors and it provides employment.It brings in tourists. It provided accommodation. It is part of the island's history. It was used by the residents on social occasionsIt brings tourists. I would not consider it very important though.It brings visitors and benefits to the local economy.It brings visitors to the island and is a vital piece of historyIt can provide jobs for Rum residents It could attract more visitors to Rum, therefore spending on island would increaseIt does bring visitors to the island, but I think the community is established enough that it is not everything to us. We are better for having it but it is not everything.It has much potential for good It has so much potential to bring much needed income to the island. It is a dominant physical presence and a reminder of the extraordinary Bullough years.It is a focal point and could be used by the community It is a tourist attraction and part of the islands history.It is a vital part of the islandIt is an iconic building and important to Rum’s historyIt is an important reason why people visit the island, an important part of its identity; it has potential to transform the community and attract more peopleIt is important as the focal landmark within the village, and undoubtedly is the main draw for day visitors. However, at present, many tourists only come to rum to visit the castle, with no real interest in the rest of the island. Any future developments should be there to promote Rum as a whole, and not to isolate tourists even further. Rum is a progressive community with plans of its own for the future, but a very seasonal economyIt is the heart of kinloch and provides so much history and great interest and could be a hub for the community It is the main building on Rum and could be used by the communityIt is u our to the island. No other islands have this opportunity. It is. Focal point on the islandIt makes Rum unique It presents an opportunity for economic development.


Q6: Is Kinloch Castle important to the local community on Rum? (tell us why)It should beIt should be but it appears not to be due to The disrepair and general decline in condition over the years.It was the heart of the island and could be again.It will bring in tourists. It would be great if the castle could function again but it ist not important to the Rum community overall compared to other projects and opportunities. It is noted that a possible reduced number in day tourists might have an effect on some of the businesses on island though. It’s a huge draw for tourists, plenty of cruise ships came solely to visit the museum on day trips. The hostel was important for student study groups too. It’s an important asset and needs to be reinstated.It's a draw for visitorsIt's a landmark, people would come to see it as it's so unusual within the landscape, it's remarkable that it was built in a rural location and could be used to profit the lives of the locals.It's a readymade source of income if managed properly.It's part of Rum's history - Scotland historyIt’s the key to establishing a sound economic future for the island with the potential to draw in many tourists and possibly residents. It's the largest building by far.Losing this wonderful building would be a tragedy Mainly for jobs.Part of the heritagePotential income generator.probablySame as question 4. And for income of the community of rumShould provide income to the island and jobs.SNH no longer allow residents use of the building. The castle brings in tourist visitors. The local community form a part of the castles future history.The castle draws visitors to the islandThe castle is a large reason for the existence of the village. Anyone who visits the island knows of the castle, the castle is the key landmark everyone uses when talking about the island.The castle is a treasure to the locals and is part of Rum!The castle will bring more people to Rum—more people means more money spent on whatever the Rum community have to offer.The future of the community depends on visitors. Visitors need somewhere to stay and something to see. Not everyone is a walker or a climber. Day troopers must contribute a big chunk of income to the island The most iconic and historic building on the island. As the foremost point of interest on Rum it is perhaps a big reason why many people visit. This heritage building could be an important part of the Rum Community being economically viable.Tourism, history, culture, community Whilst I'm not a current resident the castle attracts tourism to the island which has an effect on the community. Also, if well run and supporting the community, the castle should be a source of pride and provide jobs to locals.With the correct castle management, the castle provides a strong magnet to Rum. This would provide employment opportunities in the castle itself as well as more visitors to other community businesses.Yes, it’s should be and is a real asset to the community. With the ability to provide employment as a unique visitor attraction.You need to ask the local community.

Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?(tell us your reason for your response)Again, it would be nice if the castles future is resolved but it is not at all a huge priority for the growth of the community. Already said. A fantastic heritage, part of the history.Already stated


Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?(tell us your reason for your response)Although the natural beauty of the island speaks for itself the castle should be used as a main attraction people like to see history in the present As above.As above. If the castle goes people will miss out on a unique opportunity.As I don't live there I couldn't be specific one way or other.As it is quickly becoming dilapidated and if someone doesn’t act soon it could all go to wasteBecause it’s beautiful and amazing. It’s an attraction and it has history.Because the castle is in need of work to save it from crumbling further. Can you imagine the island without the Castle??? What would that view be like as you sail into Loch Scresort? Having a diamond (albeit a rusty one) in your midst has huge potential. It just takes a strong community (working together) to grab the bull by the horns and get on with it before it deteriorates to the point of no return.Creating sustainable employment and jobs and living spaces is more important to remote communities.Currently the castle is just wasting into ruin due to sheer inaction. The castle needs an intensive investment of repairs and adjustment for a new purpose that is valuable to the community. The castle is the primary attraction for day-trippers to the island, without it there will be a gaping hole in the interest and fascination for the island.Deer and human population are more important, keeping the school open.Do something or risk it going to a state that is beyond economic repair.Don't know enoughFor me it, as it is in danger of being lost if action is not taken soon. It is major asset to the island, and a successful future will provide an important economic boost to the island, bringing in more visitors (potentially higher spending visitors than the current visitor profile too I would guess).Housing for new residents is the most important priority for the island - any development of the castle will create jobs, and in order for them to be 'real' jobs people are going to have to have the opportunity to relocate themselves and their families.I am unsure if the residents want the island to become a mainstream tourist location. I think it’s an important part of the islands history.I am unsure of the other priorities for the island, but I would assume that Kinloch castle must be high up on the list of priorities as it's such a star attraction.I can’t say nowI cannot speak for the people of that communityI can't imagine it's the most important priority over people being able to continue their daily lives and work, but I suspect it matters more than people realise. However, I can also say that while we think the castle is very important I also know that it is the island itself that is important and what binds people to it is incredibly powerful but also quite unidentifiable. I don’t know enough about island dynamics, culture, community, finance...I don’t have detailed info about the situation, but I guess that an important, big possible asset like this determines to a large extent what happens on Rum. It must be an important attractor of visitors.I don’t know because I don’t live on the island.I don’t know enough about life there to say.I don't know enough about itI don't know enough about other issues such as ecology, economics, business end to make a relative judgement. I don't know enough about Rum to answer this but I would say it's an asset that should be used to benefit the island.I don't know what the current priorities of the community areI don't like on the island - so I lack a resident's perspective.I don't live there so it's not for me to say.I feel the castle has great potential to support the future of the island. I have been to the island several times and most things seem to chug along, but the castle needs care and attentionI think nature conservation is most important for Rum, but the castle is next on the list and of great importance to the moral of the permanent residents of Rum.I work selling tickets to the island and I know the castle a big selling point of the island. I would be guided by the views of the local community on this. I would think it’s important, but to be the most important issue the basic necessities of island life would need to be secure (and preferably working well). It seems like it might be the most important development opportunity / potentially the most ‘at risk’ asset (if you discount the risk


Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?(tell us your reason for your response)to natural heritage from climate change, which can’t be resolved by the local community alone)I wouldn’t say the single most important, however I would say it is important along side further occupational opportunities and housing. If it decays it is useless to them. Once gone it is lost forever. If it is restored it is a community asset.If the full potential of the castle isn’t realised, I believe that of the island won’t be either.I'm not sure I would even think of it as a priority, in my opinion I would much rather see plans for a better, modern village hall/shop/cafe which would make visiting Rum as a nature reserve a more enjoyable experience as well as improving conditions for residents.I'm sure there are other, equally important, issues on the island but it must be kept open/maintained.I'm unsure of other island issuesIncrease in beds for visitors and restore an iconic building.It could provide employment and attract more visitors who will spend in community cafe, crofts, etcIt has bumbled along in its present state for years now, without detriment to the island.It is certainly an important issueIt is my impression the maintenance costs would dwarf any other costs.It is one of the of important pieces of the Rum jigsaw.It is one of them but depends if it is feasible. The existing small businesses must be protected. Residents to have input into the futureIt is too amazing to lose to time and weatherIt makes the island unique and differentit must be important if you are prepared to spend/waste money on this survey. Why don’t you just go and ask people - there cant be that many of them?It probably is but i feel the castle and the island are in desperate need of people who have skills to run businesses professionally and therefore help Rum to compete with the other islands for visitors.It should be a high priority but not sure if it would be every islanders most important one. It takes up a lot of time and energy which could be better spent on other important aspects of Rum. Get the castle sorted and it will revitalise the whole island It will give Rum a stronger economy through drawing more visitors to the island. More visitors = more money spent on Rum.It’s a diverse island , there are up and coming initiatives coming our way now eg marine harvest and local businesses. It’s a money spinner for the island It’s one of the things that need to be attended to also agriculture is an important feature of the island along with encouraging people to live on RumIt’s the main attraction.It's a destination. It's a fantastic castle and the centre of the villageIt's a huge drain on public finance (drainage, heading, essential repairs).It's deteriorating rapidlyIt's part of the history and once gone can't be replaced. It's probably the highest-profile problem for the island, but probably not the most important. Rum is much more than this weird structure: the people, permanent and visiting science communities, school/shop, geology, biology, landscape all matter much more in the big scheme of things. Maybe Castle is casting too big a shadow over these other things? Whichever way you look at it, all courses of action (e.g. letting it fall down, stripping out/selling the good stuff and letting it fall down, stripping it and completely repurposing it (e.g. as housing), repairing/restoring it and turning it into a viable sustainable operation, selling it as a private residence) all look very hard/impossible. Having such a big/insoluble problem hanging over you must be depressing and distorting.Kinloch castle is a big part of Rum's history but doesn't have to necessarily be a big part of the future. We need houses and more people which all could happen without the castle.Looking after the amazing natural world of the island is also hugely important, but I think one could benefit from the otherMaintenance of nature reserve and its wildlife most important priority.Maybe not THE most important, but a key dossier. Can hardly imagine Rum without its castle. Natural plus cultural significance.


Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?(tell us your reason for your response)Most of the islanders priority is getting drunk and stonedNot being a resident, I don't know the current priorities of the island community.Not much else happeningNot the most important feature, which is NatureOnce the castle is restored and re-opened it will attract many more visitors and provide a platform for the revival of the economy and growth of the population.Only the residents can answer that with the knowledge of the island Perhaps not the most important, but certainly very important. Priority setting is up to to the residentsProbably not main priority, but important.Probably not! But to me, as a visitor the castle and its grounds are important... If the castle can be a useful asset meshing in with the life and survival of the tiny island community, good all round!Retaining the population and increasing it so the whole island and castle has a sustainable future Rum has a lot to offer without the castle but only too a small percentage of visitors, more come to visit the castle than to explore the island.Rum has a rich and very varied history, the castle and its story are certainly a part of that in more recent history and it would be a shame for it to crumble but it is certainly not the most important feature of the island. As a community building on the work already being done by residents in creating a sustainable future we have bigger and more key priorities such as improved housing, infrastructure, increasing the size of our population and creating diverse opportunities for businesses and individuals. Continuing to attract manageable visitor numbers to the island and providing the services to accommodate them while recognising that Rum is home to the people who live here and not just a tourist attraction is our priority. The development of Kinloch Castle into one of the many puzzle pieces which will make this happen would be great but is certainly not the most important priority and any development of the castle must be complementary to this vision rather than competing or side-lining it.Securing the future of the castle maintains it for enjoyment by future generations and retains its historical importance. It has great potential to increase tourism to the island and bring much needed income and employment. Similar reasons to above question. Someone has to do something.Sorry unaware of other priorities as I don't live there, but do commend this effortSuch a big waste of moneySure there are many priorities to ensure sustainability of island of which this is one. Sustaining jobs and a viable community on the island should always come first.Thanks to the existing of the castle, many people are visiting the island. That question is best asked of the residents of the island but I would imagine it plays a very important part to most of them. The castle could be a great source of employment and also visitors hate seeing the decay. The castle could potentially become a ‘hub’ again, however the community has many other priorities to spend time and effort on at present, like improving village facilities for visitors, without getting tangled up in a massive financial risk of the castle. The castle is a huge financial liability for the island, but also is an opportunity. The nature and the community are far more of an important priority on rum. The castle is Rum's unique selling pointThe castle is the jewel in the crown on the island. It’s a lovely island but it is fairly tough for walkers and the castle offers a wonderful attraction for the less active visitors. If gone it can never be got back so its survival is critical whereas other projects can continue at their own pace and when funds allow. The castle is the key ingredient for Rum. It is such a beautiful place and the castle is the key to more people being able to enjoy Rum.The community and natural environment is most important, but the castle can helpThe community is the most important priority, but it would be very sad for the potential of the Castle to be ignored and for it to sit amidst all around in decay. The island is a nature reserve. However, it was given to the NCC with the proviso that Kinloch Castle should be kept in good order, if I remember right. There is probably a moral imperative to stick to that agreement. Unless one contends that it was an immoral stipulation to make in the first place. But I doubt it's the most important priority ... the nature reserve and its management are more important.


Q7: Is resolving the future of Kinloch Castle the most important priority for the island?(tell us your reason for your response)The island is running well, and this seems to be the biggest problem raised that I’m aware of. The castle is so important to the people and the history of Rum.The most important priority for any island community is survival, Kinloch Castle could certainly play a part in this.The most important priority is providing employment and housing along with essential services and infrastructure to make the island sustainable. If this can be done using the castle, then that’s great.The overall community structure, infrastructure and sustainability of the island outside the current NNR structure needs significant focus The wildlife on the island should remain the priority.There are other issues, such as housing and jobs that effect the community more.There are other more important things.There has been too much uncertainty for too long. The castle used to bring in new faces and prosperity. Now it does neither.TOURISUIMUnaware of other priorities Undecided but reopening the hostel would definitely help boost its profile to visitors with more places to stay alongside the new bunkhouse Unique heritage also provides a reason to go there.Would bring more prosperity to the island.

Q8: What would encourage you to get involved in the future development of Kinloch Castle?A clear objective, a clear strategy, a clear plan.A good viable and realistic plan for a secure accessible to all and guarantee for future maintenance funding.A little bit impossible because of living Netherlands A positive restoration planA realistic achievable goal which saw equal responsibility between residents, involved government agencies and historical trusts, possibly through the establishment of a steering group involving these plus outside stakeholdersAble to stay in the castle? Happy to volunteer assistance. Need accommodation and meals.Already feel a drive to helpAm already interested in being involved. Not local or at present able to visit however.An opportunity An opportunity for more working parties - always wanted to go on one but they are so few and far between. Being able to help the project in some way. Offering skills, support, fundraising.Difficult as I live a long way away Difficult as I live in Brighton. Difficult from my circumstances Don't really know what you mean - I am not a millionaire, I live in Greenock. I am extremely interested in the future of the castle, but don't imagine I have much to offer - as is clear from the waffle above!Employment opportunities or a role which made use of my skills or was otherwise attractive to me may encourage my participation.Evidence of sound investment with the community at heart rather than just a business.Financial gainFree or reduced price accommodation while I do hands-on work. I'm no good on committees. Happy to do physical work and to pay for my own food.Fundraising Having more time! Specific ways to help that can be done from a distance as well as work parties. I already amI am happy to help from afarI am not interested in any involvement.I don’t live on Rum so I’m not sure how I could be involved.I feel well up to date from the KCFA but barriers of time and distance prevent me getting more involved at the


Q8: What would encourage you to get involved in the future development of Kinloch Castle?moment.I have recently joined the KCFA. I have long despaired of seeing anything happen, so some concrete progress would definitely see me get more involved.I live a very long way away so not much I can do.I live in Australia so my contributions would be at a distance. I live some distance away near Leicester, my father has passed away, but I would be sad to see it fall into disrepair and I know he would be too. I am not sure how I could help...although I am an architect.I might be interested in employment opportunities.I stay on Rum for over 3 months of the year, so would love to get involved in some way.I would be interested in buying community shares if such a thing arises. I don’t think I would get involved hands-on.I would be very interested in being kept up to date with developments and opportunities to get involved. I'm sure there would be a lot of interest in residential courses concerned with the restoration/conservation/development of Kinloch castle and its associated history.I would be very interested in helping on a marketing/promo/social media front to spread the word and help gather support.I would need the free time of which I have little at the moment. Maybe would be willing to get my hands dirty for a couple of weeks sometime.I’d love a trip back to the Isle of Rhum I'd make a better effort to visit and share info about it .... Wish I had time to helpIf food & board was provided I would consider a working holiday to help develop the castle. If approached I would happily contribute my skills and ideas to help the castle development be the best it can be.If I felt I could contribute to something I believed in like it being restored I'd be there!If I knew work was being done I would volunteer to help if I could.If I moved to Rum!If I saw some initiative and progress from the local community.If I was a resident to the island it would be a focus for me. But it's something I would be willing to help with if I could If its hands on, accessibility is a minor but real problem.If there was a need of help for renovations of the castle or any sort of voluntary work I would try to help where I could.If was younger with less ties, free board and lodging in return for work would appeal. Or would pay as guest for budget accommodation. Would pay for musical weekends / mini festivals.I'm 62 and a bit unsteady on my feet due to a back injury so I couldn't physically be involved but I could support maybe in other ways . . . my daughter and granddaughter go to rum to stay at the hostel sometimes . . maybe they would be of more help Information / understanding of what kind of involvement is needed. I would like to visit in the futureJob opportunities and also new people coming to live and work on RumJob opportunities. Funding opportunities.Keeping me informed Kept informed of any potential plans. Given a voice to contribute to potential changes. Knowing that my time would not be wasted. I have seen people help with the castle in the past only for it to get ruined and fall into disrepair again. If I thought putting my time and effort into the castle would make a difference then I would do it.Learning about opportunities and how it could benefit specific interest groupsLive in work parties.Living closer! I am in London but have been sharing posts to make the project known. Living in England and only very occasionally visiting the island, I don't feel it's my place to get involved, other than as an interested observer.MoneyMore ‘hands on’ on the practical side of work to be carried out.More communication on what’s going on. Would happily volunteer for work parties etc, as I’m sure others would too.More frequent comms about it.More ideas of developments and fundraising etcMore information about the possible use of the castle


Q8: What would encourage you to get involved in the future development of Kinloch Castle?More information, easier access.More time in life.N/aN/A we live in NZ now.NoNo encouragement needed I would help in any way possible Not much! I love the island, and the castle and would love to see a return to how it was.Not practical, I fearNot sureNot sure.Not too much to be honest, as a Director on the board of the community Trust, I do not have much time for other projects and my experience regarding old buildings, funding etc is limited. NothingNothing would encourage meNothing. I am too far away and too busy to be involved.Offering room and board in exchange for labour. Give people a chance to volunteer and learn new skills. Opportunities to go to the island and stayParadoxically, if there were no 'development' but just conservation.Perhaps volunteering.Removal of its protected status.Sadly, living quite far away, but if it was easier to visit more frequently I’d love to be more involved.Seeing some positive substantial feedbackSome clear, good options with community support, which I could support/assist, directly or indirectly.Some volunteer job? Also participating in discussions about Castle future, like right now.Sorry, sticks and mobility scooter restricts me totally these days.The community leading the project.The opportunity to visit and stay in the castle. The opportunity visit the island more. The possibility of staying overnight there for a cheap rate and being involved in bringing it back to life.To be invited to become a friend of kinloch castle and assist in renovation on a voluntary basisTo be offered work there. To re-create something modern, out of the raw materials you have in front of you.Too old!Volunteer weekends on the island What would you offer.Winning the lottery to fund it!Would come back next year to help with some work on the castle.

Q9: Do you have knowledge / records related to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?I am a trained tour guide for the castle.I have many photographs of the castle in use as a hostel if these would be useful?I have no physical records of Kinloch Castle. Only happy memories of times spent there over many years.I have photos and memories and storiesI think I have some but they are buried somewhere in a box! It takes an awful lot of fuel oil to heat the castle, and it leaks like a sieve. Knowledge - previous tour guide :)My grandmother is one of the few living people to remember the Bullough's days at the castle, my grandparents wedding reception was in the castle and my mother grew up on the island. I have many childhood memories exploring the castle and imagining the old glass conservatory and glasshouses filled with curiosities among many other treasures. No just a family connection to the Island.


Not really apart from photographs from my years going to the islandOnly from visiting and a book on Rum by Magnus MagnussonOnly my own experience of my first visit in early 2002 (pre-Calmac pier) versus the current conditionOnly photosOnly the knowledge of working in it for a season Participated with Rhodry Evans in a short film for a BBC 2 program. In 2003. Just a great remembering, one more to add to this magnificent island.Possibly - can't remember.Possibly.....from recollections from my late father who lived and worked on the island from 1938-1961Records all held by SNH and NTSThere is the issue of Hermione’s tricycle. Allegedly, she bumped into a tree when she was riding it and hurt herself. The tricycle was left there and she never rode it again. Over time, the tree grew around and into one of the wheels. It was hidden in the walled garden for a long time, but then passed on to a member of Kinloch Castle staff in the late nineties. The last time I asked about it, staff didn’t know of it.Yes, I used to help out with the castle tours when younger and worked in the bistro for many years. you can’t prove anything

Q10: Do you have personal memories / connections to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?5 minutes you said! Just coming to the castle for a one-night stay with my Dad and my 2 children 20 years ago and coming back every year since because we love the island so much. One of the early years the people looking after the castle had children and my 2 were allowed into the private quarters, which was exciting for them. We were decamped from a leaky room one year to a bedroom - such luxury! We sat by a roaring fire in the common-room one year in October and we tumbled back down Hallival to our beds in the early hours one year after a magical night waiting for shearwaters to come in. We were shown where Lady Monica's tricycle is in the garden one year and have never been able to find it since - etc. Many happy memories, but truthfully - we are very happy now coming to the bunkhouse. As a 9 year old child moving to the Isle of Rum and living in the castle while our house was being finished was an amazing experience. We used to look after it when the curators would go on holiday. It was such a huge part of my childhood influence, to the point where I am now a medieval reenactor and love historyAs a child, staying at the castle was amazing! Even the food was great. As Grandad was the first Rum ranger about 55-60 years ago, he would tell me everything about the history of the castle and the island as Rum and it’s wildlife was a huge passion of his.As a local to the area I did not visit the castle until I had moved to Edinburgh. I don’t feel it is advertised enough.Deerstalking courses, amazing fishing, Sherewater heaven.... eco systems and rock formations.Enjoyed staying at the hostel in 2009Fond memories of some of the hotel operators in the early 1980s, who generally looked very kindly on dirty and impoverished geologists, and were always happy to offer us a drink and a chat, and even let us use the showers and other facilities occasionally. Rod, James and Laura - fond memories...Greatly enjoyed the snooker room.Had a right laugh staying their and working on the castle around summer 2005Have visited several times, with friends and family. Particularly interested in the musical instrument which is unique. I do, but I don't want to share them as I fail to see how memories help us to move forward.I have been going to the island since 1988, when my sister worked as the housekeeper in the Castle for the season. I held the same job in 1994. The island and the Castle are embedded into my family history. I used to take my children there when they were young. My mother, my husband, my sister, a cousin and friends have all visited with or without me. It’s my favourite place in all of Scotland. In 1990, I met a couple there whom I stayed in touch with. We met again on Rum and elsewhere, including on Jura in 2016. I have met other people there whom I’m still in touch with. I have many memories of happy times associated with the castle. During it's hostel incarnation my family and I stayed in the castle when we first visited Rum and when we first arrived to live here for a few nights each time. Visiting family and friends have also stayed in it. I have worked as a tour guide in the castle during the summer season and learned more about the building and the people who lived in it. Showing people around this unique building with it's fantastic stories and weird and wonderful collection of furniture and decor is part of my story here on Rum too now.I know the facts from the castle tour. When we first came to Rum we stayed in the castle and I have fond memories of that.I like the alligator tanks, totally madI liked the castle bar and I liked to see the gardens, parks flower tubs looking well maintained.


Q10: Do you have personal memories / connections to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?I lived in the castle before the hostel was moved/closed. It’s a wonderful place with a beautiful and fascinating story. I might.I stayed in one of the oak rooms in June 2008 - 10 years ago this June! It was a very special holiday, the castle felt so homely! The island is very peaceful and offers a lot for people who like to be outdoors, a hidden gem - I can see why George Bullough chose Rum to build his holiday home.I think a useful connection to make would be with Hebridean Pursuits Ltd / The Roses Project. They were the company who provided our mountain instructors and who still work out of Oban.I used to practice on the grand piano in the hall and always be exploring it with my siblings. My dad also got married in the white room so it holds a lot of special memories for me. I visited it this year for the first time and loved the place the history of it. Have always wanted to visit it for years. I visited the castle in May 2018 and I was blown away by its magnificence.I visited with university friends in 1991 when it was run as private hotel by one if our group’s parents. We had the most memorable long weekend swimming walking and playing billiards. We even saw a stag on one of our walks.I worked in the castle for 5 years, as a general assistant and then a short stint as the hostel manager while we were in-between “official” managers. I'm a writer and intend to use the castle as the basis for a future story. In the early years we used to have movies there, we used to have Sunday School there. As mentioned before, I was married there, had my wedding reception in the great entrance hall and later dancing in the ballroom. (I lived in the White House). The organ played the "Wedding March"! It was a magical day. Since then I have visited many times and stayed in the "hostel" part as well as once when the castle was open for delightful several course dinners in the dining room. All wonderful memories.Just some happy memories of visiting the castle for a tour and the pub! Lots of memories, two wedding receptions, we played in and around it as children Magical memories of hundreds and hundreds of bats emerging from one of the turrets at dusk; a hugely interesting tour of its history, especially the socio-historical aspects captured in objects and furniture - the showers are just awesome! The personal history of Lady Monica, a strong and enigmatic woman.Many as I have previously said. My sister married in the Great Hall, that was one of my happiest memories. Many happy memories, but nothing of any great interest to others.Many! We would ring the gong in the front hall when dinner was served and play the organ before dinner. Too many to share! Mountaineering club weekends staying at the hostel in the castle. Days walking the hills, evenings Ceilidh in the hall.My father does.My grandad has stories from his time of the island, we are still sorting through them My grandmother lived on Rum for many years and has memories of the castle during the Bullough’s time and was told off for using the road in front of the castle when Lady Monica was in residence. My grandfather met my grandmother on Rum and my mother and aunts grew up there and have many happy stories of their childhoods there. Our family has visited almost every year but the loss of the castle as a hostel and the more welcoming attitudes to visitors on the other small isles have attracted us there instead in recent years. My great grandfather used to work in the Bullough’s factory in Accrington .My great, great grandad was a supervisor for the Bullough’s in Accrington.My husband and I visited Rum a few years ago to do some walking and we very much enjoyed a visit to the castle.No more than I have stayed there and have used the showers and snooker room.Not really.Nothing I’m afraidNothing than to say the old hostel had lots of character.One Christmas the castle manager had a carols and mulled wine party around the piano in the great hall. Lots of the community were there singing.Only as a visitor to the hostel.Only that I have stayed in Lady Monica s bedroom Only that of a child in the 1950's (age 5 to 8), I do remember the wedding of Jessie Smith to Peter Wormell but as I believe Jessie is still with us there are better sources than my memories. The Sunday school was allowed to be held in one of the downstairs rooms during my time but other than the wedding residents were discouraged from any use of the castle facilities to the extent the island Christmas party was held in the garages at the farm which was really a disgrace. Garages were whitewashed and very clean but shameful it was not held in the castle. I did live in the castle


Q10: Do you have personal memories / connections to Kinloch Castle you would like to share?for two weeks when Rock Cottage was being renovated and was warned not to go wandering which of course I did and spent some fascinating hours peering into the glass cages of the stuffed birds and opening doors for a quick look in the rooms.Only visited 3 times but the memory remains, let’s hope that is not all that remains.Regular visitor from 1968 until 1995See answer to question 9. Too many to share in a short survey. On this particular topic, one of the principal attractions and treasured memories of my times on the island was getting to stay in a castle and enjoying its rich character and treasures. I visited the island almost every year, however since the castle hostel closed I have not chosen to holiday on the island. The new hostel is soulless and lacking basic interest and privacy.Snooker nights going back to 1995. Murder mystery evening c.1996. various events. I got married to my wife in the great hall in 2007. Sorry noStayed in a hostel on Rum while there for hill walking. The castle wasn't for the likes of us!! What I remember most about Rum was the lack of community. So anything that gives a sense of community would be a vast improvement. Stayed there twice, visited the castle on both occasions.Staying in the Oak Room for a night (and also in the hostel) was a great experience, and touring the castle, learning about the history of the castle and the Bullough’s was fascinating. After hearing about George's car races round the island my partner and went to the bay to find the submerged car and walked to Harris to find the remains of the original mosaic tiled mausoleum. Rum is an island that has stayed long in the memory and I would love to revisit again in the future.There could be someToo many to list We visited with my mother, it was one of the last holidays we went on with her. She couldn't walk far by then but managed to get to the castle. She thought the meadow was beautiful. the ancient shower was a revelation. I remember it being really hard to get anything to eat which was puzzling with so many visitors yes and noYes my time at the castle evokes memories and my mother who is now 73 Kathleen MacArthur would have even more.Yes, married in Great Hall in 2008. Also attended other marriages - all great!Yes-vividly remember staying there as a child visiting my aunt and uncle-so many memories.


Q11: Are there any other points that you would like to make about the future development of Kinloch Castle?Any future development should be sympathetic to the history, landscape and community values of Rum and the castle, but as mentioned before in order to secure its longevity it will also have to become a sustainable business - a good balance between these two factors is vital in my opinion.Be pragmatic, forward thinking...... it's had its era.... Make something for the future generations to be proud of...Do not demolish it under any circumstances. Do whatever it takes to keep it going.Enhance the true character of the castle. It's rich opulence in such a remote location is the primary interest of the castle. Don't hollow out its soul with bland accommodation. Make it a modern version of what it was built for. Rich, opulent, full of fascinating stories, a place to socialise when you want but with your own room for peace and quiet.For a small community, I think it's more millstone round the neck, than asset in its current "time capsule" form. Unless some deep-pocketed outside body (National Trust? Fairy Godmother?) will take it on, I think it will need to partly, or wholly, become a new kind of working building, with perhaps only small bits preserved as now. Funding needs to focus on the structure ie the sandstone degradation and amelioration to halt that, before restoring and replacing interior fittings. The current interiors need preserved or possibly removed and replaced by a replica or slideshow video, until the exterior is fixed. This should be done room by room or in segments with local and nationwide fundraising to bolster future fund applications and awards.Has SNH confirmed that the castle will continue to receive power from the Hydro for free - if not, then at what cost?Hope all goes well for the islanders but that its viability can be ensured without major changes to its character. Hurry up before it rots away. I am excited to see that something may finally be happening, I really hope this opportunity is not missed! I do hope that it's possible to keep it and the fantastic eccentric interior.I hope it continues to be kept aliveI just hope it doesn’t become a elite holiday home...I personally have my doubts as to whether a secure financial future can be found, in view of the major structural issues with the castle. But I hope that it does happen. I really think that it would be great if each room could be restored to its former glory and used to its full potential as a beautiful castleI think expert castle management in terms of both historical objects and hostel services will be essential. Someone needs to live in the castle and have the knowledge and expertise to drive the project forward.I think it's a lovely building with a nice atmosphere, would really like it to be preserved.I think it's important that any development provides jobs for the islanders and also provides an excellent service to visitors. Kinloch castle is a star attraction and so not only must be able to compete with offerings from other islands (e.g. Mount Stuart on Bute) but also attractions on the mainland e.g. Kelvingrove and the National Museum of Scotland - it's what people expect. These are the benchmark against which to measure.I think the exterior should be given preference with the roof and lime pointing to the fore after that the inside can be safely improved as and when finance is available. I would think that is fairly obvious though. I will say again that I think longer term residents for the castle would be a good thing and if a reasonable monthly rent could be asked and the advertising aimed at the correct customer base a more stable income could be achieved. i think were done hereI wish you well with any ventures you may have to save this precious building.I would hate for any future use to keep the public at bay.I would like to be involved with the restoration of the walled garden and with documenting the restoration of the castle.I would like to see the grounds restored as well as the buildingIt has to be preserved It is important to the community and to Rum that the media, social media and general coverage of what happens with Kinloch Castle is in no way damaging to the reputation of the island. I feel that better care should be taken to protect the story that is told about the island and where Kinloch Castle fits within the past, present and future of the island.It obviously can't survive on visitor income alone at the moment and as a hotel it failed, the way forward must be multi priced accommodation from self-catering to bed and breakfast to medium cost hotel and possibly small tourist business use.It will be worth the money and effort to save and use it for the community and visitors.It’s not just about the castle, it’s also about the walled garden, squash court and surrounding grounds all need working on — all part of the Castle’s charm.


Q11: Are there any other points that you would like to make about the future development of Kinloch Castle?It's an important venue for leisure users and heritage preservationI've never been to anywhere like it before. Quite spooky but definitely memorable. Just that if/ when it is restored, it’s important that it should be re-opened to the public.Memories - this is what you are selling when the Castle gets developed. The experience of staying in a castle is what people talk about, as long as it is done right.... people talk to each other spreading the word and they should be all good words.Must be developed and retained.Must be sympathetic to needs / businesses etc. of existing residents.Needs more resources for conservationNo just please don’t let it become a ruinPlease don’t let it get any worse before it’s too late. Please, please keep this jewel in public hands with access for the public xPower Supply – The hydro is already reaching maximum capacity, and with community developments such as the housing project, the energy demands of such a big building with push it beyond its sustainable level. What is KCFA plans to power the building, and will any money go into helping upgrade the system and towards maintenance/diesel costs? Transparency – There has to be a clear open dialogue from the beginning of long term future plans, costs, employment opportunities and timescales Been Realistic – the castle involves spending a huge amount of capital to get it into a fit state for accepting guests, and ongoing capital costs for fuel, repairs and staff costs. There is a very fine balance and the majority of accommodation is seasonal. Rum as a nature reserve – The castle may well be a focal point, however it cannot be forgotten that the island is a nature reserve. Any project involving the castle will have to take this into account and promote the island as a whole. Preserve restore and preserve, educate our history, I'd buy a book on it if that supports fundsRemember the Do Nothing option. If a sustainable business model is unrealistic, please don’t be afraid to say no!Should be done in the most environmentally friendly and sustainable way e.g. green energy, solar panels etc.Something should be done to stop the decay of building and contents. Once conserved it should be run in a financially sustainable way and not sold off to a private owner. The beauty of it is it’s original flavour The castle needs to support, and be supported by, the community to prosper. The castle should be available for different types of group to visit and experience. The historic fittings should be kept.The contents are more important than the building. If the building is going to be saved then it needs to be done soon and will cost £millions.The obvious one that it must be addressed urgently, or it will simply fall down. This castle/island could benefit from more promotion (if a professional end product is there waiting). When walking around Mallaig /Fort William I’ve never seen any promo saying ‘Why not visit Rum and see Kinloch Castle’ Would make a wonderful place to share and study music if was viable to encourage that.


Kinloch Castle – proposed plans (feedback forms)

Two feedback forms were submitted.

What I think about the proposed Kinloch Castle project

Response 1

I think the high-end heritage oak rooms will take less effort to restore as they are in fairly good condition. Maybe these rooms should be a priority?

Overall, the plan is good. I would love to see the ballroom’s ceiling painted midnight blue again and the star lights repaired. Dancing under a starry sky after getting married would be an unforgettable experience for newly-weds.

Response 2

I think the KCFA are doing a good job to re-invigorate the castle. I approve of the plans for Kinloch Castle, but would wish that particularly in the first instance there is no conflict with existing Rum businesses, such as the café / bistro, shop / bar and existing accommodation providers.

I hope that decent accommodation can be factored into the castle renovations for the caretaker / manager, with provision for a family to help increase our island population. I also hope there will be adequate accommodation for seasonal staff, if any.

It will be great to see people enjoying the use of the castle, both locals and visitors. Sean and I were married in the castle. It was a great venue, even 10 years ago with all its problems!