Sumant - M...m... Myths

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Sumant - M...m... Myths

Sumant M…m… Myths

M...m... Myths

Pop Quiz

Identify the subject based on the clues given on next slide

What is this subject ?

•  You don't have to be good with Numbers •  Even though its not science you can still earn a science degree in it. •  Lazy people tend to excel in this subject. •  To study you only need paper, pen and waste basket. •  One of the fastest growing field of study.

What is this subject ?

Any more Guesses ?


Correct answers is


You don't have to be young, good with numbers and have to memorize a lot of information

•  Kummer •  Weierstrass •  Sylvester

This is how we do Maths now


•  Lazy people tend to excel in Math •  Compared to other subjects Math requires lot of free time when you do nothing except think and play with the concept in your head

What is Mathematics ?

Guess the next term 2,4,8,16,..

What is Mathematics ?

2,4,8,16, 31...

Moser's Circle Problem

2 4




Number of of regions obtained by intersecting lines where no 3 lines meet at same point

Common myths about Maths

• Higher Math is doing long division, solving more difficult derivative and integral problems There is a Noble prize in Maths • If there is a hard problem you just have to try harder to solve it

Unsolvable problems


•  Being young, good with numbers and able to memorize a lot doesn't translate to being good in Mathematics. •  Mathematics requires lot more time thinking (being lazy) than studying. •  Field's medal is the equivalent of math noble prize. •  Mathematics is the fastest growing subject because they borrow from all subjects •  Mathematics is study of pattern and there can be problems which have no solution

Mathematical Mythys

Sumant Thank You!