Suitability of Seaweed Cultivation Areas on Serangan...

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Suitability of Seaweed Cultivation Areas on Serangan Island, Denpasar City, Bali.

IGEOS4th IGEOS: International Geography Seminar and PIT IGI 2020

Virgi Citra Nabila, Astrid Damayanti, and Muhammad Dimyati

Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia

IntroductionOne of the seaweed production areas

Based on Data in DKP 2018:2013


Spatial Planning for seaweed cultivation

Limited study information in determining the location of seaweed cultivation

Effort can be madeUtilize remote sensing

Estimation of a wider potential area

Pressured by the development

of tourism and human activities

Seaweed Cultivation

High capability & developmentof potential areas = wide opento be utilized










Located 8°43'42“South Latitudeand 115°13’59“ East longitude.

Landsat 8 OLI / TIRS imagery path 116/66

Method: Study Area & Data Collecting

4. Salinity

5. Total Suspended Solid

3. Dissolved Oxygen

DN into Radians Value

Lλ = ML*Qcal + A

No Parameters Criteria Score Weight

1 Sea Surface Temperature (°C)


26-32 Suitable 3



Suitable 2

< 20 & > 32 Unsuitable 1

2 Salinity (ppt)


32-35 Suitable 3



Suitable 2

< 28 & > 35 Unsuitable 1

3 Total Suspended Solid (mg/l)


≤ 20 Suitable 3

20 < x ≤ 8


Suitable 2

> 80 Unsuitable 1

4 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)


3-8 Suitable 3

1 ≤ x ≤ 3


Suitable 2

< 1 Unsuitable 1

Spectral Radians to Kelvin

Tb = K2/(ln(K1/ Lλ+1)

TCelsius = Tkelvin – 273

Kelvin to Celcius


Ts = BT10 + (2.946*(BT10 - BT11)) - 0.038

NST = (0.97*WST)

NSDO = (-0.19*NST)

Salinity=29.983 + 165.047(B2) + 260.227(B3) + 2,609 (B4)


2. Sea Surface Temperature

Data Processing

1. Preprocessing

6. Weighted Overlay

Suitable Area of Seaweed Cultivation


Figure 2. Sea Surface Temperature in Serangan Island Figure 3. Salinity in Serangan Island

Figure 4. Total Suspended Solid in Serangan Island Figure 5. Dissolved Oxygen in Serangan Island



Figure 6. Suitable Area of Seaweed Cultivation in Serangan Island

Conclusion▪ The season is one of the factors that influence oceanographic conditions.

▪ The sea surface temperature in the coastal waters of Serangan Island during the rainy season is warmer than during the dry season. The resulting salinity value is inversely proportional to sea surface temperature.

▪ Total suspended solids in the rainy season is more optimal for seaweed cultivation, while dissolved oxygen in both seasons is low for seaweed cultivation.

▪ The suitability of the seaweed cultivation area in the rainy season is dominated by quite suitable area of 616 Ha and suitable 1,52 Ha which is located in some northern and southern water areas, namely, grid G12, H13, I5, I13, and B2.

▪ In the dry season there are suitable areas covering an area of 223 hectares located in the northern, eastern, southern and southwestern parts of Serangan Island (31 grid), quite suitable for 392 hectares (72 grids), and unsuitable for 2,52 hectares located in part east and west grids B9, B10, E8, F9, and G6.

▪ The relatively clear and sandy water conditions also indicate that the waters on SeranganIsland are classified as suitable for seaweed cultivation.


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