Study smarted not harder

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Transcript of Study smarted not harder

  • 1. 1 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag

2. STUDY SMARTER NOT HARDER By: Fathy Alhallag 2 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 3. OBJECTIVES 1. Time Management. 2. Study Skills. 3. Day-Night Worksheet. 4. Note Taking & Active Listening. 5. Mind maps & flow charts. 3 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 4. TIME MANAGEMENT Definition: best result in minimum time with least effort. : 4 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 5. TIME MANAGEMENT Obstacles I well Disruptions Random 5 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 6. TIME MANAGEMENT 6 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 7. TIME MANAGEMENT Main Needs stu dy Religi on health soci al 7 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 8. TIME MANAGEMENT 8 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 9. TIME MANAGEMENT 9 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 10. TIME MANAGEMENT 10 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 11. 11 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 12. STUDY SKILLS 1. Basic Learning Styles. 2. Study Environment. 3. Study Rules. 12 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 13. WHAT IS A BASIC LEARNING STYLE..? A learning style is the way a person learns best. 13 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 14. know my learning style why..?! 1. HOW to learn and study more effectively. 2. WHY you like some instructors and courses better than others. 3. HOW to use what you have learned in other situations at home, at school, and at work. 14 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 15. Visual Learners raise your hand! 1.Take notes during class, so you can see the material. 2.color-coded highlighting. 3.Draw pictures and create charts. 4.Make flashcards. 15 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 16. Auditory Learners raise your hand! 1.Talk to yourself out loud. 2.Record yourself and listen to it in your car. 3.Make up a song using subject material, the crazier the better. 4.Join a study group, discussion will help you learn. 16 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 17. Tactile Learners raise your hand! 1. Hold your book while you are reading or talking. 2. Sit in the front of the classroom to avoid distractions. 3. Use rhythm to memorize or explain something. 4. Use computers to reinforce learning using your sense of touch. 17 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 18. STUDY ENVIRONMENT 1. Create a good study environment. 18 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 19. STUDY ENVIRONMENT 1.Study when you are most alert. 19 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 20. 20 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 21. STUDY RULES 21 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 22. STUDY RULES 22 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 23. STUDY RULES Work before play 23 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 24. STUDY RULES 24 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 25. STUDY RULES TWO FOR ONE Rule 25 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 26. STUDY RULES Difficult & Boring first 26 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 27. STUDY RULES The Magic Of VaRIETY27 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 28. STUDY RULES The Secret Of Quick Wins28 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 29. STUDY RULES The Power Of Regular Revision 29 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 30. STUDY RULES Finally reward your self 30 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 31. Note Taking & Active Listening 31 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 32. OBJECTIVES 32 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 1.Stages Of Listening. 2.Develop A Learning Attitude. 3.Note Taking Symbols & Abbreviations. 33. 33 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear. 34. The Stages of Listening (Communication Cycle) 34 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 1. Sensation: Hear the message with ears. 2. Interpretation: Attach meaning to the message. 3. Evaluation: Judge message against personal values. 4. Reaction: Provide feedback through questions and comments. 35. Instructors are generally consistent in their order of presentation as well as in what they present. LOOK Identify why what the instructor is saying is important to you. IDENTIFY Set up your situation to maximize the possibility of hearing and staying in touch with the lecture. SET UP LISTEN Method for Active Listening 35 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 36. Learn to increase your attention span by timing just how long you can last before you think of something else. TUNE IN Examine the context to determine the main points. EXAMINE Taking notes while you listen will improve your concentration. NOTES LISTEN Method for Active Listening 36 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 37. 37 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 38. Develop a learning attitude , be prepared to learn . . 38 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 1.Before Class. 2.During Class. 3.After 39. 39 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 40. 40 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag The responsibility for learning is yours, not the teachers. 41. BEFORE CLASS 41 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 1. Prepare your mind: Read all the assigned material. Review lecture notes from previous classes. Anticipate what is coming in class. Prepare your attitude (visualize). Relax and focus. 2. Prepare your body: Rested and fed. Exercised and oxygenated. 3. Prepare your learning materials. 42. TO DONOTWHAT BEFORE CLASS 42 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 1. Eat a heavy meal. 2. Drink a strong diuretic (coffee, tea, cola), better to have a fruit juice. 3. Waste time before class. 4. Expect to be taught (learning is not something that is done to you). 5. Expect to avoid required reading. 43. DURING CLASS 43 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag Attend -- 85% of success in life is just showing up. Sit in the front two or three rows: Easier to hear. Easier to see. Easier to concentrate. Easier feel part of class. Easier to ask questions. More difficult to leave early. More difficult to skip. 44. DURING CLASS 44 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag Listen actively: Pay attention to structure. Tie what you hear to what you already know. Silently question and attempt conclusions. Keep an open mind. Question -- patiently and thoughtfully. Watch for body language. Listen to your instructors voice. Learn to be an active information filter. 45. DURING CLASS 45 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag Take Notes: Do you want to use a system?... Forget..!!! Dont attempt verbatim records. Use keywords/reduce. Use shorthand or symbols. Try to find a pattern. Make your notes in your own words. Copy all diagrams and graphs. Dont be afraid to be nonlinear. Neatness doesnt count, but clarity does! Leave a lot of blank space. 46. AFTER CLASS 46 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag Immediately after class: Review your notes -- beat the forgetting curve. Take 10 to 20 minutes to: Fill in the blanks. Squeeze out the detail. Finish the sentences. Complete the diagrams. Write down your impressions. Put it in your own words!. 47. AFTER CLASS 47 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag Review -- keep beating that curve! within 24 hours, one week or before next class & one month. 48. 48 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 49. Note Taking Symbols & Abbreviations 49 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag Lrn 2 wrt fast b4 u go bananas ! 50. SYMBOL MEANING leads to, produces, causes, makes comes from, is the result of - increased, increasing, goes up, rises decreased, decreasing, lowering & and @ at / per p page pp pages paragraph ? question COMMON SYMBOLS 50 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 51. COMMON SYMBOLS 51 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag SYMBOL MEANING SYMBOL MEANING w/ with (something) min. minimum w/o without max. maximum w/i within wrt write i.e. that is rt right e.g. for example c. circa, about, around etc. et cetera, so forth vs versus, as opposed to b/c because ch chapter b/4 before Q, A question, answer re: regarding, about ex example esp. especially wd, wds word, words 52. 52 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 53. 53 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 54. REMEMBER The Eyes cant See What The Brain Doesnt Know54 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 55. Doctor Speaker Histor ian Hea ler ObserverInspector Decisio n maker Good planner 55 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 56. REMEMBER We must have the behavior of doctors Prof. Sobhy Alkafafy 56 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 57. .( 57 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 58. 58 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 59. 59 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 60. 60 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 61. 61 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag 62. THANK YOU 62 1-Apr-14 Dr.Alhallag