Studio Lighting A ssignment

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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by: Niki , Sarina , N egar , Makiya , J et . Studio Lighting A ssignment . 1-Straight lighting with contrast none reflector . What is the mood ? Depressed , try to be happy Lighting? bright , contrast What would this method be used for? Use for natural- looking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Studio Lighting A ssignment

Studio Lighting Assignment

by: Niki ,Sarina , Negar , Makiya, Jet

1-Straight lighting with contrast none reflector

What is the mood? Depressed , try to be happy Lighting? bright , contrast What would this method be

used for?Use for natural-looking dramatic picture Effect?Niki : thinks it’s a very good picture because the vocal point its on her face Negar : really like her picture

2-Strong light with silver shiny reflector

What is the mood?Happy , tired , calm Lighting? bright lighting on her face , not a lot of contrast What would this method be

used for?Use for natural-lookingEveryday look

Effect?Niki: don’t like her own picture because her face iys not straightNegar: she feels good when she look at the picture.

3-Soft light no reflector

What is the mood?Angry , tired Lighting? the lighting is soft What would this method

be used for?Use for natural-looking

Effect? I personally like this soft light with no reflector because it has different funtions to be used Opinions of others? serina: This picture could be lighter too Jet: Liked the effect

4-soft light silver reflector

What is the mood?Happy, warm Lighting? the light is soft and bright What would this method be

used for?Use for natural-looking

Effect? I personally like this effect , warm light shines in all the right places making it more natural Opinions of others? Niki :I like the bright that focuses on her face .Negar: it could be less light on her face

5-soft light white reflector

What is the mood? satisfied, calm, peace

Lighting?even lighting, and little contrast.

What would this method be used for?appropriate for portraits and people photography.

Effect?It offers the perfect combination of even light, and little contrast. The resulting effect is a natural look with slightly shadows.

Opinions of others? Niki: The light could be softer.Sarina: Likes the resulting effect

6-soft light gold reflector

What is the mood?Happy, warm

Lighting? the light is warm and soft

What would this method be used for?

Use for natural-looking

Effect? I personally like this effect , warm light shines in all the right places making it more natural Opinions of others? Makiya: This picture is kind of bright, and it could be softer.Jet: Liked the effect because it has a warm effect.

7-strong light gold reflector

What is the mood? This photo has very strong lighting, but overall the photo is calm.

Lighting? I feel there is a lot of light on this photo, the photo really bright, but the reflector works really well in this photo.

What would this method be used for?

I feel this method can be used as a self- portrait,

Effect? I personally like this effect a lot, it brightens up the image, the light shines in all the right places

8-strong light diffused

Mood? Gloomy because there not a lot of light.

Lighting? The lighting overall is very dim, you can tell where the reflectors shining on.

which is the right side of his face Uses

This can be used for any id, such as health card, passport, even a mug shot.

Effect? This photo is not my favourite, there is not a lot of light on the photo and I feel really sad when I see it, because it's so dim it doesn't stand out.

9-strong light reflected using white matting

*Mood? warm, sunny*lighting? the perfect even lightning on every spot of the picture .*effect? almost no shadow of this picture and creates a good intensity.

10-soft light with dull silver reflector

*mood? happy, funny*lighting?as we can tell from the picture, the lights was shooting from the right side and that creates the shadow on the left behind the person. *effect?the soft light and the silver reflector makes the picture more natural unlike the strong lights.

Thank you for
