Students’ Perception of the Material Presentation ...

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Transcript of Students’ Perception of the Material Presentation ...





Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Rizky Dini Nugraeni











Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Rizky Dini Nugraeni








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Rizky Dini Nugraeni:



Students’ Perception of the Material Presentation Assignment in the Content


Rizky Dini Nugraeni


This study analyzed the students‟ perception of the material presentation

assignment which is one of the task requirements of the course in Faculty of

Language and Literature Satya Wacana Christian University. It is important for

the teachers to know about students‟ perception since it has been conducted for

several semesters without knowing the evaluation and students‟ voice. One of the

purposes of knowing students‟ perception is to show the students‟ learning

process and the teachers‟ teaching process. This study uses Descriptive

Phenomenology methodology to describe the students‟ perception itself. The

students‟ perception is influenced by students‟ needs and desires. Rao and

Narayana (1998) stated that needs and desires are internal factors that affect the

students‟ perception. The results of interviews with the students who have done

this material presentation assignment show that in doing assignment presentation

task, the students need to understand the course subject and meet the task

requirement of the course. The students also desire to achieve good grades and

explore the chapter.

Keywords: perception, the material presentation assignment.


Students of Faculty of Language and Literature Satya Wacana Christian

University are accustomed to do presentation. At the early semester, we have to

do oral presentation in speaking classes which aims to assess the students‟

speaking competence. Then, there are many kinds of oral presentation in every

course even in listening, reading, writing or other classes. Some courses also


assign the students to present new material in a group to other students. This

material presentation is to replace a lecturer by the class teacher.

Some courses have conducted the informative presentation in some

courses, such as Teaching Language Strategies course (TLS), English for Special

Purpose (ESP), and others. There are some assumed benefits for students in doing

this presentation assignment. First, the students can be active in learning new

materials. Simon (1991) argued that the students are rarely given much choice

about what they have to learn. The teacher gives the opportunity for the students

to explore their understanding about the new materials. Simons (1991) stated that

the active learning is important because it provides an opportunity for students to

learn by practicing how to do it. Thus, doing the material presentation assignment

is a good chance for the students to learn the new materials by presenting them in

front of class.

In this paper, I will discuss about the students‟ perception toward the

material presentation assignment in the content courses. The students‟ perception

reflect the students‟ learning and teachers‟ teaching in the classroom. Moreover,

the students‟ perception also can be used to improve the material presentation


Literature Review

Geoff Petty Sutton (2002) claimed that all research about using

presentation strategies in learning process show that students learn by doing. It is

proved that learning is active process that the students have to be active in


learning process. There are some ways how the students can participate actively in

the learning process.

According to Mick Healey (2004), one of the best ways to learn is to teach

someone else. The students are given an opportunity to do mini-lecture that they

have to teach the rest of the class. The mini-teaching activity provides a break

session in which the students are involved actively in the learning process (Mick

Healey, 2004). In the classroom the teacher has a role, that is teaching the

students, but now the teacher gives an opportunity to learn by doing mini-lecture.

In the content classes, the students have to do material presentation. They have to

teach the rest of the class about the material that they have not learned before.

Thus, they learn the material through presenting it.

Allen and Tanner (2005) argued that the faculty members can assign

projects and presentations to actively engage students in explorations of the

course materials. Therefore, the lecturers have conducted a kind of presentation

that assigns the students to do the presentation in some content classes. The

students have to explore their own understanding about the new materials. The

aim of the presentation is to make the students involve in the learning process


Fallows and Steven (2000) supported that doing presentation is seen as a

key skill in the learning process. The students get involved in the classroom

activity actively. Therefore, the lecturers design a syllabus which has a

presentation as class‟s assignment. It gives a sufficient opportunity for the


students to practice and improve their oral presentation skills. Some courses

conduct material presentation as one of the assessments. The lecturers give the

opportunity for the students to present the materials into the classroom. The

students can improve their oral presentation skills through presentation


Bonwell and Eison (1991) stated that the students have to engage in doing

things and thinking about what they are doing in the classroom. The material

presentation assignment gives the opportunity for the students to do presentation

and think about the new materials. First, the students have to think or learn about

the new materials by themselves in group. Then, the students have to present or

explain the new materials to other students.

One of the students‟ motivations of doing the material presentation

assignment is grades.WiedfieldandEccles (2001) agreed that the students have to

engage in this fundamental question: „Do I want to do this activity and why?‟

relate the students‟ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for doing the material

presentation assignment. The intrinsic motivation engages in an activity because

the students find working on the task enjoyable. The extrinsic motivation engages

in an activity when the students believe that working on the task will result in

desirable outcomes, such as reward, good grade, and parents‟ and teachers‟

approval. „What do I need to be successful in an activity‟ relates the use of

cognitive (i.e. rehearsal, elaboration, organization) and metacognitive strategies

(e.g. planning, monitoring, evaluation) in a learning activity that can be connected

to motivation and to learning achievement.


According to Eggen and Kauchak (2001) perception is the process by

which people attach meaning to experiences. In the material presentation, the

students have experienced about explaining new materials to other students.

Through their experiences, the lecturers are able to perceive what students‟

perception about the material presentation in the content courses. It is crucial for

the lecturers to analyze the students‟ perception in order to improve the material

presentation assignment.

Wittrock (1986) argued that research on the students‟ thinking and

perception functions as a mirror that can be used by both teacher and students to

reflect in their learning and teaching. In other word, the students‟ perception is

needed to reflect in the students‟ learning itself. The students learn about new

materials through the material presentation that is done by them. The students‟

thinking and perception about material presentation in the content courses can

represent how the material presentation is helpful for the students in the learning


There are some factors that influence someone‟s perception. Rao and

Narayana (1998) stated three internal factors that are needs and desires,

personality, and experience. Actually the students have their own needs and

desires about what they expect in the classroom. In the words Rao and Narayana

(op cit: 241) “People at different levels of needs and desires perceive the same

thing differently”. Furthermore, the expectations, motivations, and desires of

people also shape the students‟ perception of other and situations around them.

The students‟ perception also can be influenced by their individual characteristic


behavior. According to Maslow (1972:41-53, in Rao and Narayana, op cit 341),

the students‟ personality can be optimistic and pessimistic that really influences

the perception itself. The last factor is experience that has a perceptual impact on

the perception of an individual. Rao and Narayana (1998) argued that successful

experiences enhance and boost the perception and lead to accuracy in the

perception. The students that become the participants have experienced of doing

material presentation. Therefore, they can form the perception about the material

presentation accurately.

The Study

Context of the Study

The setting of the study is the faculty of Language and Education

Satya Wacana Christian University. It is located in the small town of Salatiga,

Central Java, Indonesia. This faculty has conducted material presentation

assignment in Sociolinguistics‟ course. In the material presentation assignment,

the students work in group to present the Sociolinguistics‟ materials that are given

by the lecturers. In group, the students have to take a role as a lecturer to explain

the new materials about Sociolinguistics to other students.

The study focuses on how the students‟ perception toward the group

presentation in the content classes that has been conducted by the lecturers. Some

students may get the benefits of doing group presentation, but some students may

think that doing group presentation is not appropriate for their learning. There is

not any study about this area and. Therefore the lecturers have not known what

the students‟ perception toward the group presentation.



The participants in the study were 20 students from 5 different

Sociolinguistics‟ classes. All of the students have done the material presentation

assignment as the task requirements in the course.

I use purposeful sampling because I select the participants who are taking

some content courses that conduct the material presentation assignment.

Purposeful sampling is a non-random method of sampling where the researcher

selects “information-rich” cases for study in depth (Patton, 2002). The benefit of

using purposeful sampling is that, as Patton stated, “Any common patterns that

emerge from great variation are of particular interest and value in capturing the

core experience and central, shared dimensions of a setting or phenomenon.”

Instrument of Data Collection

The data was collected through semi-structure interviews (see Appendix

for the complete interview questions). Semi-structure interview aims to gather the

data flexibly. Patton (1990) stated that semi-structures interview or “interview

guided approach” changes the order of the questions to provide opportunity for

follow – up questions. This interview also provided richer data from the

participants. The interview was conducted from March 18, 2013 to March 22,



Data Collection Procedure

The study used of qualitative data. The data was analyzed by making clear

transcription. From the interview‟s transcription, I planned to find the data of the

students‟ perception of the material presentation assignment. I used clean

transcription to make the data easier to analyze. The transcription was analyzed

using content analysis (McKay, 2006). Content analysis is the way to analyze the

data by focusing on the contents or themes across the participants. It begins by

assigning emerging themes to the participants‟ transcript.

Data Analysis

A semi-structure interview was designed to reveal students‟ perception of the

material presentation assignment. A content analysis based on the research

questions was done by generating emerging themes and then the themes from the

answers given by the participants. According to McKay (2006), content analysis

involves identifying and coding theme in your data. One way to begin to analyze

the data is read the data over a variety of times to look for key ideas or topics. My

overall goal is to categorize the data and capture the ideas in the data. There are

four key ideas that will be discussed relate to students‟ needs and students‟

desires. They are students‟ needs of understanding the course subject, the

students‟ needs of meeting the task requirement of the course, students‟ desires

for grades, and students‟ desires for exploring the chapter.


Discussion and Analysis

In some courses, the students are required to do material presentation

assignment. The students have to present new materials to other students. Before

the students do the material presentation assignment in front of class, they have to

understand the new materials by reading the books and other references. They

also have to make detailed examples to support their explanation. Then, the

students have to explain clearly in order to make the other students understand

about the new materials.

It is important to know about the students‟ perception of doing the material

presentation assignment, because evaluation needs to be done about such

assignment considering students‟ point of view. Moreover, the students‟

perception also can assess what things should be improved by the lectures in the

learning process because the material presentation assignment is not only an

assignment but also students‟ learning process. According to Douglas and Barnes

(2006), the students‟ perception is useful to assess the teaching and learning

environment. Thus, the lecturers can improve the teaching and learning

environment from the students‟ perception of the material presentation


In this study, the students‟ perception is categorized into two main topic

discussions, which are the students‟ need and desire. According to Rao and

Narayana (1998), two of internal factors that influence students‟ perception are

needs and desires. The students have their own needs and desires about what they


expect in the classroom. In the course, the students have the same responsibility to

do the material presentation assignment. Thus, the students have their needs and

desires of doing their task requirement which is the material presentation


This data will explain the students‟ needs and desires of doing the material

presentation assignment in the course. Rao and Narayana (1998) stated that

students at different level of needs and desires perceive the same thing differently.

The students‟ needs of doing the material presentation assignment are to

understand the new materials and meet the task requirement of the course. The

students‟ desires of doing the material presentation assignment are to get good

grades and explore the chapter given for their presentation.

Students’ Needs of Understanding the Course Subject

One of the students‟ needs of doing the material presentation assignment

in a course is to understand the course‟s materials. The students have a

responsibility to make the other students understand about the course‟s materials

presented in front of class. Therefore it is essential for the students to understand

the course‟s materials before they try to explain the course‟s materials to other



The material presentation assignment is one of classroom activities that

require the students to get involved actively in the learning process. According to

Fallow and Steven (2000), doing presentation is seen as a key skill in the learning

process. The material presentation assignment is a kind of the learning process for

the students. In addition, Fallow and Steven argued that the students have to get

involved in the classroom actively. Thus, the students, who do the material

presentation assignment, are involved actively in the classroom activity.

The interviews results about their opinion on the material presentation

assignment, the students tend to think that it is helpful and interesting for the

students to understand about the course‟s materials. Student 8 said “The

presentation is really helpful because we have to understand the materials and

then present them to the others.” Student 9 also supported “It is interesting

because we act like a lecturer that know more about the materials then explain the

materials well.” The material presentation assignment also makes the students be

active in the classroom activity. Student 19 agreed “It is challenging because I

have to present new materials. It aims to make me active in the classroom.”

From the responses given by the students, the material presentation

assignment can be interesting and challenging for the students because they have a

responsibility to explain the course‟s materials. The material presentation

assignment is also an activity to engage the students to be active in the

classroom‟s activity. Therefore, the students need to understand the course‟s

materials before they present the course‟s materials in front of class.


However, the students also think that the material presentation assignment

is difficult because the course‟s materials are new and difficult for them.

According to Eggen and Kauchak (2001) perception is the process by which

people attach meaning to experiences. Some students think that the material

presentation assignment is difficult for them because they have their own

perception from their experiences of doing it. Although they think that material

presentation is interesting and challenging, students admit that their experiences

have taught them a lesson that it is not easy. Student 14 supported “The

presentation is difficult because the materials are complicated.” Student 16 said

“This presentation is hard because the materials are new for us.”

So, when the students have done their material presentation assignment,

the students find difficulties because the materials are complicated to be

understood. The students also perceive that the material presentation assignment

is difficult since the materials are new and difficult to be understood.

Doing the material presentation is really helpful for the students to

understand the course‟s materials. As Geoff Petty Sutton (2002) claimed that all

research about using presentation strategies in learning process show that students

learn by doing. The students can understand the course‟s materials well because

they have to do the material presentation assignment. Doing the material

presentation assignment is also good strategy used by the students to get better

understanding about the course‟s materials.


The students tend to think that doing the material presentation assignment

is helpful for the students to make them understand about the course‟s materials

because they have to read the materials, look for other sources related to the

materials and make detailed examples about the materials by themselves. Student

3 said “It is helpful if we really understand about the materials before we present

it to others by reading the materials and other references.” Student 4 agreed “It

is helpful because before the presentation, we should read and understand the

materials; find other sources to make us understand the points of the

materials.”Student 16 also emphasized “Yes, as the presenter, we need to

understand the materials.”

The students agree that doing the material presentation assignment is

really helpful for them to understand the course‟s materials. The students need to

understand the course‟s materials by reading the book and other sources. When

the students have understood about the course‟s materials, they will help other

students to understand more by presenting the course‟s materials. In short, the

material presentation assignment can be a learning strategy for the students to

understand about the course‟s materials.

Listening to friends‟ presentation is also helpful for the students to

understand the course‟s materials. According to Mick Healey (2004), one of the

best ways to learn is to teach someone else. The material presentation assignment

requires the students to be lecturers who teach the other students about the new

materials. The students explain the materials using clear and simple words in

order to make the other students understand about the new materials. Sometimes


the lecturers explain the materials without giving the opportunity to the students to

explore the materials by themselves. Thus, friends‟ presentation can be really

helpful as long as the students can explain the new materials in simple sentence

that easily to be understood.

The students tend to think that friends‟ presentations are also helpful for

them to understand the course‟s materials. Student 2 said “My friends’

presentations help me to understand the materials well, because it seems difficult

if I just read the materials by myself without any explanation.” Student 5

supported “It is helpful because we can get clear explanation from friends’

presentations in simple words, but if we cannot understand some points, the

lecturer will explain more.”Student 17 said “Yes, it is very helpful. I can get the

point of the materials because my friends explain the materials in simple words

than the lecturer does. We also can learn more by asking some questions


From the interviews, the students who present the course‟s materials learn

by teaching other students. The students who listen to the presentation can learn

and understand about the course‟s materials through their friends‟ presentations.

Since the material presentation assignment provides clear explanation in simple

words, the other students will comprehend the course‟s materials. The students

also can ask some questions to get better understanding about the course‟s

materials to their friends without any reluctance. In sum, listening to friends‟

presentation shows that the students want to understand the course‟s materials.


Students’ Needs of Meeting the Task Requirement of the Course

As stated clearly in the syllabus, the students have a responsibility to do

the material presentation assignment as a requirement in the course. They need to

do this task requirement in order to pass the course. Thus, the students have to do

the material presentation assignment as a task requirement in the course.

When asked about the students‟ feelings of doing the material presentation

assignment as a task requirement of the course, the students feel positively, such

as glad, encouraging, and challenging. Student 2 said “I feel glad if I take a

course that requires me to present the materials. It aims to make the presenter

understand more and vice versa the others get better understanding rather than

we have to listen to the lecturers’ explanation because of giving detailed

explanation and examples.”Student 18 also said “I feel challenging because I

have to present new materials and make others understand.”Student 20 said “I

feel encourage to do the presentation because I have to understand about the

materials by myself.”

From those interviews, the students like doing the material presentation

assignment as a task requirement of the course. Their perception of doing the

material presentation assignment has formed the outputs, such as students‟ feeling

of doing this task requirement. According to Rao and Narayana (1998), the

perceptual process consist of the perceived inputs such as the objects, events,

people, etc. that are received by the perceiver. Then they are processed through

selection, organization, and interpretation. Through the processing mechanism,


the outputs (feelings, actions, attitudes, etc.) are derived. Therefore the students‟

positive feelings make them aware of the purpose of doing this task requirement.

It aims to understand about the course‟s materials.

Meeting the task requirement of the course, the students have to know

what to do the material presentation assignment. Bonwell and Eison (1991) stated

that the students have to engage in doing things and thinking about what they are

doing in the classroom. When the students have to do the material presentation

assignment as the task requirement in the course, they need to know what they

exactly do. The students should think what they have to do in the material

presentation assignment.

All of the interviewed students have known about what to do in the

material presentation assignment Student 2 said “I have to prepare the materials

well, so I can understand the materials and explain them well. “Student 17

agreed “I have to prepare and understand the materials first, and then I have to

memorize them. Last, I have to present them interestingly, so the others will get

the point of the materials.” Student 20 said “I have to explain about the

materials as clear as I do.”

The students mention every details of what they do to this task

requirement. They have to understand the course‟s materials before they explain

to other students. The aim of doing the material presentation assignment is to

make the other students understand about the course‟s materials. So, the students

should present the course‟s materials interestingly and clearly. In short, it is


important for the students to know what they have to do in this kind of task


Students‟ need of meeting the task requirement of the course shows that

how the students differentiate the material presentation assignment from other

task requirements that the students have done so far. When the students think that

this task requirement of the course is different from other task requirements, it

means that the students recognize their needs to meet the task requirement of the

course. Simons (1991) stated that the active learning is important because it

provides an opportunity for students to learn by practicing how to do it. Thus, the

material presentation assignment is one of task requirement that gives the

opportunity for the students to learn actively.

The students tend to think that that the material presentation assignment in

the course differs from other assignments that the students have done before in

other courses, such as writing journal, making reflection, portfolio, final project,

making poster, and translating. Student 8 said “In this presentation we have to

explore the materials in other sources, so we can explain more than in book. In

the other assignments, such as presentation, we just explain what are in the book.

“Student 11 supported “This presentation assignment is different with other

assignments, such as making poster or translating because we have to understand

the new materials. “Student 14 also said “In this presentation, I have to explain

the materials in simple words and it is more difficult. In other assignments, such

as writing journal we just need our feeling.”


The students learn more actively in doing material presentation assignment

than other task requirements. They have to explain and understand the course‟s

materials to other students. The students‟ opinions about the differences between

the material presentation assignment and other task requirements indicate that the

students are conscious of their needs to meet the task requirement of the course.

Students’ Desires for Grades

The second topic discussion of the students‟ perception is students‟ desires

of doing the material presentation assignments. The students have desires when

they have to do the material presentation the course. One of the students‟ desires

is about the grades. The students want to achieve good grades in this task

requirement. According to Wiedfield and Eccles (2001), the extrinsic motivation

engages in an activity when the students believe that working on the task will

result in desirable outcomes, such as reward, good grade, and parents‟ and

teachers‟ approval. The percentage of the material presentation assignment is 20%

out of 100% from the total percentage in the course. Thus, the good grades are

one of students‟ desires of doing the material presentation assignment.

The students tend to think that the percentage of the material presentation

assignment which is 20% is quite much or fair. Student 7 also said “Fair,

because the presentation takes long time and big effort to do it.”Student 8 said

“It is quite big because what I have to do in the presentation requires big effort


too. “Student 11 supported “I think it is fair because I also have a big

responsibility to make the others understand about new materials.”

In short, the students argue that the percentage of the material presentation

assignment is quite big and fair because the students attempt a lot to do this task

requirement. The students‟ efforts are comparable with the percentage of this task

assignment. The students also think that doing the material presentation

assignment has big responsibility because they have to explain the course‟s

materials to the other students. Thus, the percentage of the material presentation

assignment which is 20% is equal to the students‟ efforts and responsibilities.

On the other hand, some students also think that the percentage of the

material presentation assignment is not fair and enough. It is because what they

students have done in this task requirement is not equal with the percentage,

which is 20%. According to Guskey and Bailey (2010), low grades do not

motivate the students. When the students think that the percentage of the material

presentation assignment is less than the students‟ expectation. Thus, less

percentage will influence their motivation to do this task requirement.

Some students think that the percentage of the material presentation is not enough

and fair. Student 17 mentions “It is not enough because I have worked hard in

the presentation. It does not really motivate me.”Student 18 said “It is too less

because the presentation is more difficult to do. So, I do not motivate myself to do



Therefore, when the students think that the percentage of the material

presentation assignment is small and not worthy enough with the effort, it will

give bad effect for them. The students do not motivate themselves to do this task

requirement because their intrinsic motivation is low. 20% is not equal with their

work hard and the difficulties that the students face in doing the material

presentation assignment.

The percentage of the material presentation assignment which is 20% can

motivate the students to do this task requirement of the course. Wiedfield and

Eccles (2001) argued that the good grades are one of the extrinsic motivation

engages in an activity in the classroom. The students‟ desires for good grades

motivate them to do the material presentation assignment as well as they can do.

The students tend to think that the percentage of the material presentation

assignment really motivates them to do this task requirement. Student 9 said “Of

course. It is because I want to get full point, so I motivate myself to present the

materials clearly.” Student 14 has similar opinion “Since the percentage is high,

so I have to motivate myself to present the materials well and make clear of what I

deliver. “Student 19 added “It really motivates me to do the presentation because

I want to get full percentage 20%.”

The students motivate themselves to do the material presentation

assignment in order to get full percentage which is 20%. They want to get full

percentage of this task requirement. Therefore, they try to present the course‟s


materials clearly so the other students will understand about the course‟s


The students also improve themselves to get good grades in the material

presentation assignment. They do some efforts to achieve the full percentage.

According to Wiedfield and Eccles (2001), the students need to answer this

question „What do I need to be successful in an activity‟ relates the use of

cognitive (i.e. rehearsal, elaboration, organization) and metacognitive strategies

(e.g. planning, monitoring, evaluation) in a learning activity that can be connected

to motivation and to learning achievement. It is important for the students to know

what they have to do in the activity when they want to be successful, especially in

doing this task requirement.

The students tend to think that they do some efforts to get good grades in

the material presentation assignment. Student 8 claimed “I just explain the

materials well. If there are some questions from others, I will explain the answers

well.” Student 17 said “Prepare and memorize the materials. Make an activity

that helps the others to understand about the materials. Deliver the materials

confidently. “Student 19 also said “I deliver the materials in my own way. It

means that I use simple words to explain the materials.”

It can be concluded that the students want this material presentation

assignment to be successful. They try to improve themselves to achieve their

desires of good grades. They prepare and explain the course‟s materials in order to


improve themselves. Therefore, the students‟ desires of good grades can be


Students’ Desires for Exploring the Course’s Materials

The other students‟ desires of doing the material presentation assignment

are to explore the course‟s materials that the students have to present in front of

class. In the material presentation assignment, every group of students has a

responsibility to present the course‟s materials given by the lecture. Allen and

Tanner (2005) argue that the faculty members can assign projects and

presentations to actively engage students in explorations of the course materials.

Thus, the material presentation assignment gives the opportunity for the students

to explore the course‟s materials.

The students tend to think that exploring the course‟s materials in the

material presentation assignment gives the benefit for them. Student 1 said “I can

understand more because I have read many sources for my topic.”Student 16

said “I can master my topic, so I cannot easily forget about that.” Student 19

added “I master my topic and I can explain more if my friends ask questions

outside the presentation.”

The students can master and understand the course‟s materials that they

have to present in the material presentation assignment. Exploring the course‟s

materials also help the students to remember the course‟s materials and answer the


other students‟ questions. The other benefits relate to the exploring the course‟s

materials is that the students can do the test and final project that include the

course‟s materials that they have presented in front of class. Student 6 said “I can

do the final project because I gave already understood more about my topic.

“Student 15 also said “I can do the test well because I master my own part than

the others.” Therefore, the benefits of exploring the course‟s materials make the

students aware of their desires for exploring the course‟s materials.

Exploring the course‟s materials makes the students learn more than other

students who just listen to the presentation. In the material presentation

assignment, the students learn to explore the course‟s materials by themselves.

The students try to teach the course‟s materials to themselves before they explain

the course‟s materials to other students. Race (2000) also promoted the idea that

one of the best ways of learning is to actually teach something yourself. Hence,

the students want to explore the course‟s materials before they present the

course‟s materials to other students.

The interviews with the students show that exploring the course‟s

materials in the material presentation assignment makes the students learn more

than other students who listen to the presentation. Student 7 said “When we

explore the materials, it means that we look for every detailed about the materials

in the internet rather than the others who just read the book. “Student 14 also

said “Of course, by doing the presentation, I have to master my topic to make

others understand. It can be said that I have learned more about the topic than my

friends learn by listening to the presentation. “Student 17 who has similar


opinion said “Of course I learn more because I understand my topic deeper and

then present it to my friends who have not learned or read it before.”

When the students explore the course‟s materials by doing the material

presentation assignment, they learn about the course‟s materials than other

students. The students learn more about the course‟s materials by looking for

detailed things about the materials. The students also think that they have

mastered the course‟s materials, so they learn more about the course‟s materials

than other students who just learn by reading the book and listening to the

presentation. Moreover, teaching themselves about the course‟s materials is a way

of the students to explore the course‟s materials deeply.

The students also expect that their presentation can be understood by the

other students who listen to the presentation. The students who present the

course‟s materials want to the other students understand and remember the

course‟s materials. The material presentation assignment is an opportunity for the

students to teach other students. Mick Healey (2004) stated that one of the best

ways to learn is to teach someone else. The students do mini-lecture that they

have to teach the rest of the class. When the students teach the course‟s materials,

they expect the other students will understand about the course‟s materials.

The students tend to think that they expect other students understand and

remember the course‟s materials that they have delivered in the presentation.

Student 3 said “My group has responsibility to deliver the materials as well as

we can and make others understand. “Student 8 also said “What I have explained


for the others makes the materials clear than they just read the book. “Student 19

said “The others will understand about the materials that I have presented and

remember my detailed examples.”

The students are aware of their responsibility to make the other students

understand about the course‟s materials. The other students who listen to the

presentation may read the course‟s materials in the book, but it does not really

help them to understand the course‟s materials. Therefore, the students who

present the course‟s materials have to explain more detailed about the course‟s

materials, so they can reach their expectation to make other students understand

and remember about the course‟s materials.

The students also have suggestion related to the consultation time with the

lecturers before they do the material presentation assignment. They suggest that

the consultation time with the lecturer has to be arranged in fixed schedule

because it helps them to understand more about the course‟s materials before they

present the course‟s materials in front of the class. Sometimes, the lecturers are

busy with other activities that require them to cancel the consultation time. When

it happens, the students are more difficult to understand the course‟s materials and

the material presentation assignment may not work well.

The students tend to suggest that the consultation should be arranged in

fixed schedule. Student 8 said “The consultation is too flexible, so it is better to

make the day and time is fixed. “Student 15 also said “The consultation time with

the lecturer should be given in certain day.” Moreover, student 19 thinks that the


consultation time with the lectures is not really effective. When asked about the

reason, student 19 said “Because the lecturer does not give exact time for


From the interviews with the students, it can be generalized that the

students suggest the consultation time should be set up in fixed schedule.

According to doing the consultation helps the students to explore the materials.

Dempsey (2004) state the consultation time helps the students to explore their

thoughts about the course‟s materials. Therefore, doing the consultation time with

the lecture is important since it aims to explore the students‟ understanding about

the materials that they will deliver in the presentation.


In this paper, the students‟ perception of doing the material presentation

assignment aims to reflect the lecturers‟ teaching and the students‟ learning in the

classroom. The students‟ perception is influenced by their needs and desires. The

students need to understand the course‟s subject in order to deliver new materials

to other students successfully. The students also need to meet the task requirement

of the course. They have a responsibility to do this task requirement in an attempt

to pass this course. According to Mick Healey (2004), one of the best ways to

learn is to teach someone else. In other words, the material presentation

assignment is one of task requirements in the course that requires the students to


teach the course‟s materials to the rest of class. When the students are able to

teach the materials to the other students, it means that they have learned and

understood about the course‟s materials. Moreover, the students also desire of

good grades. Wiedfield and Eccles (2001) stated that good grade is one of

students‟ extrinsic motivations of doing the material presentation assignment. The

students motivate themselves to do this task requirement because they expect to

get good grades. The other students‟ desire is that they can explore the course‟s

materials. According to Allen and Tanner (2005), the faculty members can assign

projects and presentations to actively engage students in explorations of the

course materials. Thus, the students desire to explore the materials by doing the

material presentation assignment. The students also suggest that the consultation

time with the lecturer should be arranged in fixed schedule since the consultation

time with the lecturer is important to explore the materials.

However, this study analyzed the students‟ perception of doing the

material presentation assignment that is affected by students‟ needs and desires. It

is important for further study to explore the students‟ perception from other

factors. It aims to identify students‟ perception of this task requirement deeply

through different factors.



Praise my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ! Because of His love and blessings, I can

finish writing my thesis. I realize that I cannot do anything without Him.

I own my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Christian Rudianto,

M.Appling, for his guidance, patience, support, and encouragement for me to

finish writing this thesis. I have learned many things from you, Mas Rudi. Thank


I also would like to thank my thesis examiner, Rindang W. M.Hum. who was

willing to read and examine my thesis.

Besides, I would like to thank my entire family. Thank you my father, my mom,

Reza and Rizma for all the supports and prayer you gave to me. Especially thanks

to Arif for all the love and encouragement. Last but not least, thank you, NINERS

and my friends, Debby, Nita, Magna, Fitri, and Vivin for the kindness and

support. You are the best!



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APPENDIX :Interview Questions


Understand course subject

1. What is your opinion about a presentation where you have to present

new materials about Sociolinguistics to other students?

2. How does doing the presentation help you understand about the

Sociolinguistics‟ materials?

3. How does your friend‟s presentation help you understand about the

Sociolinguistics‟ materials?

Meet the task requirement of the course

1. What do you feel when you have to do this kind of assignment as a

requirement in Sociolinguistics‟ class?

2. Do you know what to do with the presentation assignment?

3. In your opinion, how does this kind of assignment differ from other


Desire to / expectation


1. What is your opinion about the assessment percentage of the

presentation in Sociolinguistics‟ class?

2. How does the percentage of the presentation assignment motivate you

to do the presentation?

3. How do you improve yourself to get good mark in this presentation


Exploring the chapter

1. What do you think of the benefits of exploring the given topic for your


2. How can exploring the given topic for your presentation make you

learn more about it than your friends learn?

3. What are your expectations for the presentation assignment in

Sociolinguistics‟ class?

4. What are your suggestions to improve this kind of presentation

assignment in Sociolinguistics‟ class?