Student Protest against UCTV Rape Video

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Student Protest against UCTV Rape Video

Power to the Internet User!

Traditional protesting and petitions have changed with the development of an online community of activists and social media networks. (Photos courtesy of user “I don’t know, maybe” via flickr)

The protest against the originally named “Evil Blue Light” skit that first aired on the UConn television network, UCTV, was organized through a student Facebook group.

Student supporters held signs as speakers, like Collin Neery, spoke out against rape and violence towards women.

“We pay the bills, and we determine the policies,” said Neery, an 8th semester English student at the protest.

One of the signs distributed at the rally.

Student protest organizer Emily Pizzale, a psychology major, used the internet site to gather signatures for the petition.

State Representative Gregg Haddan joined the protest. “Simply testing boundaries about what can be said or depicted should not be part of the mission,” said Haddan to UConn students about the right to expression.

A central location is still important for a protest, whether online with Facebook or in public area like the front of the Student Union.

With online resources, student concerns and activism seem to be gaining strength on campus. Curious students stopped by as the protest went on.