Student Activities Guide - Activities Guide...

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Transcript of Student Activities Guide - Activities Guide...


    Student Activities Guide2010 Edition

    Loyola Schools Office of Student Activites

  • Copyright 2010 Loyola Schools, Ateneo de Manila University

    Guidelines for Student Activities is published by theOffice of Student Activites (osa)Loyola Schools,Ateneo de Manila University

    Telephone No.: 426-6001 local 5050-52Fax: 426-0795Address: Office of Student Activities Ground Floor, Manuel V. Pangilinan, Center for Student Leadership Loyola Schools, Ateneo de Manila UniversityEmail:

    Design and Layout: Ivan Jacob A. Pesigan & Daniel T. Galvey

    In our desire to actively contribute to the imminent and urgent need for nation-building, the Office of Student Activities seeks to form students in organized groups to become leaders who will be key active citizens in the task of national development.

    osa aims to do this by making organized groups capable of formation and providing venues conducive for them to flourish.


    Formation in the Loyola Schools is gifted to the students in two forms academic and non-academic. Student Activities, as part of the non-academic arena, is where students practice, explore, develop, and share their talents and desires. It is through engagement in student activities that students get to live-out leadership in areas that cater to personal passions, that empower peers, and that uplift conditions of those in need.

    While in pursuit of these, significant support from the community is given to students and a strong sense of responsibility is expected of them. The contents of this guide present helpful guides that promote and ensure order and harmony, as well as identify various support systems that aid in the successful achievement of students aspirations.

    The LS-Office of Student ActivitiesMission Statement


  • Table of Contents

    Part I: Guidelines for Student ActivitiesSection 1: General ParametersSection 2: Classification of Student Groups

    I. Student groups officially recognized by the Loyola Schools (ls-recognized)II. Student groups with Applying StatusIII. Student groups unofficially recognized by the Loyola Schools (non ls-recognized)

    Section 3: Approval of ActivitiesI. General Approval ProcessII. Activities Form

    Section 4: Aspects of the ActivityI. Rationale of Forms and TemplatesII. PartnershipsIII. LogisticsIV. PromotionsV. Financial MattersVI. Partner Offices for Student Activities

    Section 5: Types of ActivitiesI. General ParametersII. Operational ActivitiesIII. Off-campus ActivitiesIV. Variety Shows / Concerts / PartiesV. Sales and Fund-Raising activitiesVI. Organization Week / Advocacy Awareness WeekVII. Sponsored ShowsVIII. Film ShowingsIX. Media AppearancesX. Collections for Fund-raising

    Section 6: ServicesFacilities and Equipment Related Services

    I. osaII. Office of Campus Ministry (ocm)III. Residence HallsIV. Physical Education ComplexV. University Physical Plant Administration

    Table of Contents


  • Table of Contents


    Section 7: Violations and SanctionsI. The CommitteesII. ProcedureIII. ViolationsIV. Possible Sanctions

    Part II: Moderator System1. Roles and Responsibilities of a Moderator to the Organization2. Roles and Responsibilities of an Organization to the Moderator3. Criteria in Selecting a Moderator4. Changing a Moderator5. Process For Recommending A New Moderator6. The Performance Management System Timetable for Moderators7. The osa Formator as a Partner af the Moderator8. Support from the Office of Student Activities9. Adult Supervision

    Part III: Student Activities - Related Services

    Food Quality AssuranceThe Loyola Schools Office of Health ServicesFood Quality AssuranceFood Quality Assurance GuidelinesFood Quality Assurance Packaging Guidelines

    Accounting Policies and ProceduresBudgetdcb AccountsDisbursement of Funds from the dcbPetty Cash VoucherOrder for a CheckPurchase RequisitionSponsorship

    LS Facilities and Equipment Guidebook (OAS)



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  • Part I:Guidelines for Student Activities

  • Section 1:General Parameters

    I. The Guidelines for Student Activities is set up to ensure smoother activities. Moreover, it primarily looks into the safety and security of the students while doing their activities.

    II. Activity Period. The Activity period is implemented to make room for student group activities and non-academic endeavors. No academic classes are held during this time. 4:30-6:00 PM on Mondays and Fridays are allotted as activity periods (except during moratorium period).

    III. Moratorium Period. The Student Activities Moratorium period is implemented to give the students time to prioritize academic requirements and prepare for their examinations. This happens two weeks before the week of final examinations each semester. During this period, non-academic activities are not allowed to be held inside or outside the campus.

    IV. The Loyola Schools Office of Student Activities (ls-osa) is the primary implementing and monitoring body of the Guidelines for Student Activities.

    V. These guidelines apply to activities inside and outside the Ateneo de Manila University campus.

    VI. All activities that use the Ateneo name and the organization name are considered school-sanctioned activities.

    VII. Responsibilities of all student groups in the Loyola SchoolsA. Ensure that the organization is conducive to student formationB. Uphold the values and integrity of the UniversityC. Abide by the policies and guidelines for Student Activities as well as

    those in the Loyola Schools Student HandbookVIII. Violations to these policies and guidelines are considered in the evaluation of

    the student group. IX. The University has the right to impose sanctions and/or stop activities that

    violate school policies.


    General Parameters

  • 10 11

    b. Participation in formation programs given by the officec. Opportunity for subsidy in member formation seminarsd. Occupancy in the mvp Center for Student Leadershipe. Other privileges given by the school

    II. Student groups with Applying Status

    A. Description. These are the organizations that have expressed their intention to be part of the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo (coa) so as to avail of the privileges given to accredited student organizations. These student groups undergo an observation period by osa to assess their viability and opportunity for student formation.

    B. Privileges. Applying organizations are given school support to aid in their activities.

    1. Advisement and assistance from ls-osa2. Use of ls facilities and equipment for approved projects and

    activities3. Other privileges given by the office

    III. Student groups unofficially recognized by the Loyola Schools (non ls-recognized)

    A. Description. This refer to the student groups composed of Loyola Schools students that have neither Accreditation or Applying status, nor affiliation with any Loyola Schools Office/department.

    B. These student groups are not allowed to carry the Ateneo name with the organization name in any of its activities and/or dealings with groups inside or outside of the school.

    C. Privileges. These student groups may also use ls facilities and equipment for their operational activities.

    Section 2:Classification of Student Groups

    I. Student groups officially recognized by the Loyola Schools (ls-recognized)

    A. Description and Types. These student groups are recognized and affiliated with offices and departments of the Loyola Schools.

    1. Student groups mandated by lawa. Student government, known as the Sanggunian,

    and its unitsb. Student publications of the Confederation of

    Publications of the Ateneo (cop)2. Accredited organizations of the Council of Organizations

    of the Ateneo (coa)3. Student arms of offices and departments

    B. Privileges. ls-recognized student groups in good standing are given school support to aid in their activities.

    1. General Privileges are privileges received by all ls-recognized student groups.

    a. Recognition as an official Ateneo student groupb. Right to carry the Ateneo name and identityc. Advisement and assistance from the supervising

    office or departmentd. Priority use of ls facilities and equipment for

    approved projects and activitiese. Other privileges given by the supervising office

    or department2. Additional Privileges are also received by student groups

    that are part of the Sanggunian, coa and cop (group types 1 and 2).

    a. Semestral budget from the Student Activities Fund

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Student groups unofficially recognized by the Loyola Schools (non ls-recognized)

  • 12 13

    Section 3:Approval of Activities

    I. General Approval Process.

    All activities of student groups must be implemented in light of fulfilling the groups vision, mission and goals. Approval of activities is given by the office supervising and monitoring the student group.

    A. For student groups supervised by ls-osa, the project proposal should be submitted and approved by ls-osa before implementing the activity.

    1. The student group president and moderator must sign the proposal as proof of their knowledge and endorsement of the activity. If the president and/or the moderator is unavailable, the duly appointed Officer-in-charge can sign on their behalf. A letter explaining the unavailability of the president and/or the moderator should be attached to the project proposal.

    2. Processing of project proposals by ls-osa takes a maximum of three (3) working days. In determining the number of working days, fixed or regular holidays are not counted whereas sudden suspension of classes is counted. Saturday is not considered a working day.

    3. Once approved, proceed with the next steps of the activity. If pending or disapproved, the student group must act on the remarks, comments, suggestions, and additional requirements needed as stated on the retrieved document. The student group may consult with the osa Professional assigned to the student group if necessary.

    4. In cases when proposals are returned for clarifications, the activity will be approved only after the concerns are addressed.

    B. For the other student groups, the approval process will depend on the supervising office. The project proposal form may also be used to present more details about the proposed activity.

    Classification Complete Name DescriptionSupervising

    Officels-recognized student groups

    Sanggunian and its units

    Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Paaralang Loyola ng Pamantasan Ateneo de Manila

    The Student government is the sole autonomous governing body of the students. It is composed of the central board, 4 school boards, committees and sectors


    coa Council of Organizations of the Ateneo

    coa is the largest Sanggunian sector composed of the central board and accredited organizations distributed into 9 clusters


    cop Confederation of Publications of the Ateneo

    cop is composed of the 3 student publication groups in the ls, namely The Guidon, Matanglawin and Heights


    Office / Department student arms

    Different student groupsOffice-affiliated student groups

    These groups depend on the nature of the office they are part of

    Various offices and departments

    Applying organizations Organizations with Applying Status

    Student groups that have expressed their intention to be part of coa and are undergoing observation period by ls-osa


    Non ls-recognized student groups

    Various student groups

    Student groups not affiliated with any Loyola Schools Office/department. These are usually the interest groups.


    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities General Approval Process

  • C. Approval of the activity does not automatically translate to approval of the other aspects of the activity i.e. marketing, promotional materials and logistical arrangements.

    II. Activities Form.

    The Activities Form serves as a guide for the student group to practice prioritization and year-long planning. Approval of activities indicated in the Activities Form is subject to the alignment with the goals and vision-mission of the group.

    A. For student groups assisted by the ls-osa Performance Management System (pms), activities shall be approved before the first semester classes begin.

    B. The student groups shall submit the planned activities that will help them achieve their goals for the year.

    1. The student groups must complete the following information about each activity:

    a. Target date of implementationb. Name of Activityc. Nature and Description of Activityd. Objectives of the Activitye. Goals addressed by the Activity

    2. Student groups must adhere to the set deadlines of ls-osa with regard to the submission of the Activities Form.

    C. All activities included in the Activities form will be categorized in three (3) levels:

    1. Pre-approved Activities. These activities skip the project proposal phase and can proceed with the other aspects of the activity (i.e. approval for logistics, promotions, and marketing). These activities are in nature:

    a. For Organization operations (i.e. meetings, general assemblies, recruitment, elections cycle, etc.)

    b. On-Campusc. And Non-Fund Raising Activities

    2. Pending Activities. Activities are classified as pending when more details about the activity are needed before approval can be granted. These activities are in nature:

    a. Student Entrepreneurial Initiativesb. Sponsored Activitiesc. Fund-Raisingd. Off-Campuse. Collaborations with Other Groupsf. Umbrella Activities (i.e. week-long activities)

    3. Disapproved Activities. These activities do not abide by the parameters of the Loyola Schools Student Handbook and the Guidelines for Student Activities.

    D. Results of the Activities Form shall be released by ls-osa within a maximum of ten (10) working days.

    1. In determining the number of working days, fixed or regular holidays are not counted whereas sudden suspension of classes is counted. Saturday is not considered a working day.

    2. Appointments will be set with the student group if necessary. In cases when the student group is consulted for clarifications, the results of the form will be released only after the concerns are addressed.

    3. For pre-approved activities, the student group can proceed with the next steps of project implementation.

    4. For activities given pending or disapproved status, the student group can consult with the osa Professional assigned if necessary.

    5. For pending activities, the student group will submit a project proposal form and undergo the general approval process for activities.

    E. Activities that were not included in the Activities Form shall go through the process of the project proposal form.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Activities Form

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    Section 4:Aspects of the Activity

    I. Rationale of Forms and TemplatesA. The different administrative offices have developed various forms and

    templates to give systematic and efficient services for the students in implementing their activities.

    B. After the activity has been approved by the supervising office, the student group can begin preparations for the activity.

    II. Partnerships.

    Student groups can engage individuals, groups and companies to be involved in their activities through collaborations, sponsorships and other forms of partnerships.

    A. Sponsors. These refer to individuals, groups, or companies that provide cash/x-deals in exchange for promotional exposure.

    1. Companies are allowed to sponsor official Ateneo student group activities if these are not in conflict with the values that the University promote and uphold. In this light, the University cannot allow the following products and services to be promoted in any student activity both inside and outside the campus:

    a. Products/companies that are sexually relatedb. Alcoholic beveragesc. Cigarettes and tobacco-based productsd. Pirated productse. Products/companies that promote violencef. Spa services and venuesg. Tutorial and Review centersh. Companies that promote gamblingi. Products/companies with questionable reputationj. Products/companies that advocate an extravagant/

    luxurious lifestyle

    2. Only direct sponsors are allowed in the Loyola Schools. Sponsoring companies cannot use the partnership with the student groups as a marketing tool to promote their own sponsors.

    3. Sponsors are not allowed to engage in any selling activity, and will only receive promotional and marketing mileage in exchange for their sponsorship.

    4. Sponsors are allowed to conduct activities (i.e. entry, product displays, sampling, etc.) inside the campus.

    a. Sponsors activities have to be approved by the office supervising the student group and the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    b. Approved activities of sponsors will be allowed in the campus for a specified number of days depending on the nature of the activity.

    Activity DurationMaximum Duration of

    Sponsor Activities10 working days 5 working days5 working days 3 working days1 working day During the activity only

    5. Company streamers and banners may only be displayed at the venue of the activity or event.

    a. Maximum of two (2) may be displayed prior to the activity date

    b. Maximum of five (5) during the activity/event itself 6. Fashion displays/shows (sponsored or not sponsored) will be

    allowed only if they satisfy four (4) conditions:a. displays are incorporated into a larger program of

    activitiesb. featured items do not interrupt the academic setting c. models are current Ateneo students d. Promotion representatives should dress in the manner

    appropriate to the Universitys academic nature

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Partnerships

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    B. Marketing Package. For smoother and efficient negotiations, student groups can put together marketing packages to present to their potential sponsors.

    1. The benefits to be given to potential sponsors should be within the parameters of the gsa and ls Student Handbook.

    2. The draft of the marketing package should be submitted and approved by the supervising office before being sent out to the companies.

    C. Memorandum of Agreement (moa). A moa enumerates the clear responsibilities of both the student group and the partner for the whole duration of their partnership.

    1. A moa is needed to ensure the security of the students when engaging with their partners and/or sponsors. Instances where a moa is needed:

    a. Exchange of money (through cash, check, x-deals)b. Exchange of resources (i.e. manpower, services, venues,

    etc) for major activities2. The draft of the moa should be submitted and approved by the

    supervising office before closing any deals with partners and/or sponsors.

    a. For activities initiated by the student group, the student group must follow the prescribed moa format.

    b. Approval of the moa will be indicated by the signature of the supervising office at back of each page of the moa. The student groups must use only the approved moas for signing with their partners and/or sponsors.

    3. A moa initiated by the partner should also be checked by the supervising office before closing any deals.

    D. Entry of Sponsors and Guests1. Student groups with sponsors and invited guests who are

    outsiders should inform their supervising office and oas of the entry of these guests into the campus.

    2. If the guests are dignitaries and/or vips, school protocol for welcoming these guests will be followed.

    a. The student group is advised to inform school officials

    through a letter with the details of the event and the arrival of the guest/s.

    3. The student group is responsible for the general welfare of the partners, whether sponsors or guests.

    a. The student group is responsible for making the necessary arrangements and coordinating with the other offices.

    4. The student group is also responsible for the behavior of the partners and guests while on campus.

    III. Logistics.

    These refer to the facilities, equipment, food and other materials needed for the effective implementation of the activity.

    A. Various facilities and other resources are provided for the students to implement their activities.

    B. Reservations of the facilities and equipment are coursed through the monitoring offices, which may have their respective guidelines for using the facility/ies. (refer to the services section)

    C. Other logistical arrangements must be arranged by the student group with concerned office/s.

    D. Equipment/facilities to be brought inside the campus should have a clearance from the oas, duly noted by the supervising office.

    IV. Promotions.

    These refer to the traditional and non-traditional avenues utilized by the student group to advertise their activities to the group members and the public.

    A. Student groups are encouraged to make use of print and not-print, traditional and non-traditional means to promote their activities.

    B. The promotional designs and plans should be submitted and approved first by the supervising office before these are released and implemented.

    C. Promotional materials should follow the parameters set in the gsa.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Promotions

  • 20 21

    1. These should not be in conflict with the values that the University promote and uphold.

    2. These should be aligned with the environment-friendly efforts of the school.

    D. The school reserves the right to disapprove and remove promotional materials that do not adhere to the set guidelines.

    1. The Sanggunian Department for Student Welfare and Services (dsws) is also authorized to remove promotional materials that do not follow the guidelines.

    V. Financial Matters.

    These refer to the acquisition, allocation, management and liquidation/accounting of funds for the activities implemented by the student group.

    A. The student group is encouraged to raise funds for their activities through sponsorships and other fund-raising initiatives.

    1. For the ls-recognized student groups, financial support may be provided by the school to implement their activities.

    B. The student group is responsible for the proper use and reporting of the funds spent for the activities of the group.

    1. The student group is to adhere to the guidelines set by the Central Accounting Office for the proper accounting and reporting of funds. (refer to Student Activities-Related Services - Accounting Policies & Procedures )

    VI. Partner Offices for Student Activities.

    Other offices also provide services to assist the student group in the preparations for the different aspects of the activity.

    A. General Approval Process. The diagram shows the complete process to be undertaken by the student group if the activity requires the policies and services provided by the partner office.

    1. Processing days. Each partner office looks into different aspects of the activity and thus have different timeframes needed in processing the submitted documents. After initial dialogue

    with the supervising office about a particular project and accomplishment of the Project Proposal form, the processes below follow:

    B. Endorsements. Documents and forms needed by the partner office must be first endorsed by the office supervising the student group.

    1. For student groups supervised by ls-osa, documents should be submitted to the Office assistant. Documents will be stamped and signed according to the date received. Incomplete documents will not be accepted.

    2. To check on the status of the document/s, check the trays at the reception area labeled according to the type of document (e.g. Project Proposal, Reservation Slips, Other Documents, etc.)

    a. Take the document and sign in the logbook designated as Documents Logout for tracking purposes.

    b. Check the document for comments/remarks. Proceed according to these comments. If necessary, re-submit to the Office Assistant the document containing the revisions.

    c. For missing documents, courteously approach the Office Assistant and inquire about the status of the document submitted.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities

    SEIFor activities that involve sellingProcessing: max of 2 days

    ActivityApprovalApproval of the objectives and concept by office/dept supervising the student group. Processing: Max 3 days

    FQAFor activities that will be serving foodProcessing: max of 3 days

    OASFor facilities an equipment reservationsProcessing: 3-6 days


    Partner Offices for Student Activities.

  • 22 23

    3. Documents submitted to ls-osa require a maximum of three (3) working days to process.

    a. Reservation slips are released within one (1) working day. Slips submitted after 1:00 p.m. will be released on the next working day.

    b. In determining the number of working days, fixed or regular holidays are not counted whereas sudden suspension of classes is counted. Saturday is not considered a working day.

    Partner Office

    Description General Forms Services

    oas Office of Administrative Services

    oas is in charge of the general supervision of all administrative services involving buildings and facilities maintenance, infirmary, duplication, cafeteria, and security services for the Loyola Schools.

    Reservation SlipFacilities & Equipment Checklist

    Refer to oas section in Student Activities-Related Services

    fqa Food Quality Assurance

    The fqa Coordinator, under the ls-Health Services office, ensures that food establishments that operate within the Loyola Schools comply with mandated and generally accepted food safety and quality assurance standards. Together with the Office of Student Activities and the Office of Administrative Services, lshs also oversees the student-related activities that involve handling and serving of food.

    fqa Approval Form

    Refer to fqa section in Student Activities-Related Services

    uppa University Physical Plant Administration

    The University Physical Plant aims to maintain, secure and where possible improve physical fixed assets (buildings, grounds, road system, utilities, etc.) of the entire university. They also provide manpower and small-scale construction services upon request.

    Job Order Slip Refer to section on Facilities and Equipment

    sei Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives

    The sei coordinator checks for the feasibility of all fund-raising efforts to be done by the students inside the campus. S/he gives recommendations to assist the student groups in these activities.

    Incorporated into the Project Proposal Form

    Refer to section on Sales

    cao Central Accounting Office

    cao is responsible for providing financial information to all levels of University administration for use in planning, budgeting, evaluating the uses of funds, and other administrative purposes. The Office handles all the day-to-day financial transactions of the school, service and auxiliary units located in both Loyola and Makati campuses. cao services include processing of voucher payments, tax-related transactions, payroll, remittances, student accounts, preparation of budget summaries and financial reports.

    Budget Proposal Forms

    Statement of Receipts and Disbursements

    Petty Cash Voucher (pcv)

    Reimbursement Form

    Transportation Report

    Refer to cao section in Student Activities-Related Services

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Partner Offices for Student Activities.

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    Section 5:Types of Activities

    I. General Parameters

    A. All activities that use the Ateneo name or the organization name are considered official organization activities. As such, the organization is to abide by the ff:

    1. Loyola Schools Student Handbook2. Guidelines for Student Activities (gsa)3. Student Activities Moratorium

    B. The student group is to uphold the values of the Ateneo and thus expected to act responsibly and accordingly during their activities.

    II. Operational Activities

    A. Description and Types1. General Assemblies Activities that orient and address the

    general membership of a student group. 2. Internal Meetings Activities that have a specific agenda and

    involve smaller teams. a. Executive Board/Executive Committee/Leadership

    Committee/Council/Core meetingsb. Project/Committee team meetingsc. Other special/emergency meetings

    3. Member Development Activities Activities that are targeted to develop and form the members of a student group.

    a. Seminars b. Trainings c. Team building sessions d. Formation Sessions

    4. Special Gatherings Activities that enrich the community life of a student group life.

    a. Acquaintance partyb. Christmas partyc. Year-ender partyd. Induction rites

    B. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    C. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Type of Activities Off-campus Activity)

    D. If the activity will be held on-campus and requires the serving of food for 50 or more individuals, the student group must go through the Food Quality Assurance (fqa) process. (See Student Activities-Related Activities - fqa)

    E. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day.

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the event.

    F. For other needs, see Services section. Check with the concerned offices for the specific rates of the services, if any.

    III. Off-campus Activities

    A. Definition and Type1. Activities held outside the Ateneo de Manila University Campus.

    B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when organizing activities of this nature:

    1. Student groups may hold activities outside the Ateneo campus. 2. Rules and regulations stipulated in the Loyola Schools Student

    Handbook still apply to all off-campus activities.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Off-campus Activities

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    3. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description, the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (see sub-sections of Nature of Activity)

    4. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. An adult supervisor should be present for the whole duration of the activity.

    1. By default, the moderator is the official adult supervisor of the student group.

    2. If the moderator is unavailable, s/he should appoint an adult supervisor to

    a. current employee of the Ateneo in the following capacities: an Administrator, a full-time or part-time faculty or professional

    b. parent or legal guardian of one of the participantsc. alumnus of the student group

    3. The recommended ratio between the adult supervisor to the number of participants is 1:30. Activities that will have more than thirty (30) expected participants should look for additional adult supervisors.

    4. The organization must submit the Adult Supervisor Notification Form, duly noted by the moderator, two (2) days before the implementation of the activity.

    5. The form must contain the following information:a. Name, age and contact number of the representativeb. Relationship of the representative to the organizationc. Photocopy of an official id of the representatived. Original signatures of the president, moderator and the

    adult supervisor F. For each off-campus activity, the student group is expected to submit

    the waiver forms of the participants at least one (1) working day before the activity. Saturday is not considered a working day.

    1. The waiver forms includes the following documents: a. List of participants of the activityb. Waiver form with the signatures of those who are

    eighteen (18) years old and abovec. Individual waiver forms with the parents signature of

    those who are below eighteen (18) years oldd. Other forms/documents prescribed by the supervising

    office.2. The student group president and moderator must sign the

    waiver forms as proof of their knowledge and endorsement of the project/activity.

    a. Digital/scanned signatures will not be accepted. If the president and/or the moderator is unavailable, the duly appointed Officer-in-Charge can sign on their behalf.

    b. A letter explaining the unavailability of the president and/or the moderator should be attached.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Off-campus Activities

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    G. The student group may also submit other forms specified and requested by their supervising office.

    H. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may proceed with the process of approval for promotional materials:

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. PA system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use their own organizational board.

    3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and endorsed by the student groups supervising office.

    a. The organization name and activity name should be prominently seen in all the promotional materials.

    b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence, or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.).

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    IV. Variety Shows / Concerts / Parties

    A. Description and Types1. Activities that include different forms of entertainment in one

    program that require additional logistical set-ups such as lights and sound system.

    B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when organizing activities of this nature:

    1. Noise level must remain manageable.2. No academic classes should be disturbed by on-campus

    activities with this nature. 3. All on-campus variety shows, concerts or parties must end by

    11:00 p.m.4. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given

    description, the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity.

    5. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Variety Shows / Concerts / Parties

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    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    b. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Type of Activities - Off-campus Activity)

    F. If the activity will be held on-campus and requires the serving of food for 50 or more individuals, the student group must go through the Food Quality Assurance (fqa) process. (See Student Activities-Related Services - fqa)

    G. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the event.

    H. Communities within the vicinity of the venue (i.e. Jesuit Residence, Loyola House of Studies, eapi, Arrupe International Residence, San Jose Seminary, etc.) must be informed of the activity, through a formal letter endorsed by supervising office, 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. The letter must contain the following information:

    1. Contact persons full name and contact information2. Date, Time and Venue of the activity3. Program flow4. Date and time of set-up and/or rehearsals

    I. For other needs, see Services section. Check with the concerned offices for the specific rates of the services, if any.

    J. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may proceed with the process of approval for promotional materials:

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. pa system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use their own organizational board.

    3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and endorsed by the student groups supervising office.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Variety Shows / Concerts / Parties

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    a. The organization name and activity name should be prominently seen in all the promotional materials.

    b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence, or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.)

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    V. Sales and Fund-Raising activities

    A. Description and Types1. Activities that involve monetary transactions for either profit

    (sales) or non-profit (fund-raising) objectives. B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when

    organizing activities of this nature:1. Concessionaires approved by the sei and fqa (for food

    concessionaires) are only allowed to sell inside the campus every other week.

    2. Only businesses ran and operated by Ateneo students are allowed to sell inside the campus.

    3. Student groups and their partners are expected to abide by the provisions for food packaging and waste disposal set by the Ateneo Environmental Management Coalition (aemc) and the provisions of the Food Caterers Guidelines for Food Handling and Selling Practices set by the fqa.

    4. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description, the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (example: see Nature of Activity Variety shows, Concerts, Parties)

    5. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    1. If the activity involves partners selling on-campus, the student group must note that the endorsement of partners is done by the Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives (sei) Coordinator. Transactions with this office take a maximum of 2 days.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Sales and Fund-Raising activities

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    b. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Type of Activities Off-campus Activity Guidelines)

    F. If the activity will be held on-campus and requires the serving of food for 50 or more individuals, the student group must go through the Food Quality Assurance (fqa) process. (See Student Activities-Related Services - fqa)

    G. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues concerned office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. If the activity involves the entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo individuals and groups, the organization must submit a list of names and vehicle plate numbers to oas 3 days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. Only individuals/groups endorsed by the student groups supervising office will be accepted by oas and allowed to enter the Loyola Schools.

    2. Raffle and ticket selling may be done at designated selling areas (Kostka Extension and Doghouse) subject to venue availability.

    a. Student groups are allowed to reserve one (1) slot per activity. Student groups with sponsors are allowed a maximum of two (2) booths per activity.

    i. A slot may be used for five (5) working days or one (1) week.

    ii. In determining the number of working days, fixed or regular holidays are not counted whereas sudden suspension of classes is counted. Saturday is not considered a working day.

    3. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the event.

    H. For other needs, see Services . Check with the concerned offices for the specific rates of the services, if any.

    I. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may proceed with the process of approval for promotional materials:

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. pa system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use their own organizational board.

    3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and endorsed by the student groups supervising office.

    a. The organization name and activity name should be prominently seen in all the promotional materials.

    b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence, or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.)

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Variety Shows / Concerts / Parties

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    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    J. Other documents for submission due to the nature of this activity:1. The student group must accomplish the booth shift schedule

    and submit it at least one (1) working day before the actual selling activity.

    2. All sellers from outside Ateneo must wear an identification card approved and signed by osa.

    VI. Organization Week / Advocacy Awareness Week

    A. Description and Types1. These are typically a collection and series of activities featured

    within a specific week that highlight student groups and their respective niches.

    B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when organizing activities of this nature:

    1. Each of the sub-activities of an organization week or advocacy awareness week must seek the approval of osa. It is necessary to indicate that it is part of a bigger activity.

    a. The specific parameters and procedures for various activities apply to the sub-activities of an organization week.

    2. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description, the student group must go through the procedures

    and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (example: see Nature of Activity Variety shows, Concerts, Parties or Nature of Activity Film Showing)

    3. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    1. If the activity involves partners selling on-campus, the student group must note that the endorsement of partners is done by the Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives (sei) Coordinator. Transactions with this office take a maximum of 2 days.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    b. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Nature of Activities Off-campus Activity Guidelines)

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Organization Week / Advocacy Awareness Week

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    F. If the activity will be held on-campus and requires the serving of food for 50 or more individuals, the student group must go through the Food Quality Assurance (fqa) process. (See Services fqa)If serving food for 50 or more people, the student group must accomplish the fqa form and have it endorsed by the Office of Student Activities.

    G. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the event.

    H. For other needs, see Services section. Check with the concerned offices for the specific rates of the services, if any.

    I. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may now proceed with the approval of promotional materials process.

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. pa system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use their own organizational board.

    3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and endorsed by the student groups supervising office.

    a. The organization name and activity name should be prominently seen in all the promotional materials.

    b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence, or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.)

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    J. Other documents for submission due to the nature of this activity:1. The student group must accomplish the booth shift schedule

    and submit it at least one (1) working day before the actual selling activity.

    VII. Sponsored Shows

    A. Description and Types1. Sponsored Shows are activities that feature existing shows/

    programs generally available to the public which is showcased by the student groups for viewing or participation of its members and/ or the Ateneo community.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Sponsored Shows

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    B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when organizing activities of this nature:

    1. A sponsored show must be scheduled at least two (2) weeks before or after another scheduled sponsored show date. The schedules are set on a first-come, first-served basis.

    2. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description (i.e. selling of tickets on campus), the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (example: see Nature of Activity Fund-raising)

    3. moa/Contracts must be approved by osa before the student group closes the deal with the production company. Violations of this policy will mean a two-year suspension of the student group from holding any sponsored show.

    4. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    b. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Type of Activities Off-campus Activity Guidelines)

    F. If the activity will be held on-campus and requires the serving of food for 50 or more individuals, the student group must go through the Food Quality Assurance (fqa) process. (See Student Activities-Related Services fqa)

    G. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the activity.

    H. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may proceed with the process of approval for promotional materials:

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. PA system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Sponsored Shows

  • 42 43

    their own organizational board.3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and

    endorsed by the student groups supervising office.a. The organization name and activity name should be

    prominently seen in all the promotional materials.b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence,

    or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.)

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    VIII. Film Showings

    A. Description and Types1. Film Showings are activities that feature non-premiering films

    for viewing of its members or the general public.B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when

    organizing activities of this nature:1. Only films that have been officially released by its distributor

    can be shown.

    2. mtrcb guidelines for viewing audience requirements and copyright laws apply.

    3. For film showing projects that do not fall under those activities requiring project proposals (e.g. film showing for members during Tambay Week), the organization must submit a letter to osa informing the office about the film screening and the list of films before the activity.

    a. Equipment to be brought into and out of the mvp-csl must secure approval from osa first.

    4. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description (i.e. selling of tickets on campus), the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (example: see Type of Activities Fund-raising)

    5. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    1. If the activity involves partners selling on-campus, the student group must note that the endorsement of partners is done by the office of Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives (sei). Transactions with this office take a maximum of 2 days.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Film Showings

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    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    E. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Type of Activities Off-campus Activity)

    F. If the activity will be held on-campus and requires the serving of food for 50 or more individuals, the student group must go through the Food Quality Assurance (fqa) process. (See Student Activities-Related Services fqa)

    G. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the activity.

    H. For other needs, see Services section. Check with the concerned offices for the specific rates of the services, if any.

    I. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may proceed with the process of approval for promotional materials:

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. PA system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use their own organizational board.

    3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and endorsed by the student groups supervising office.

    a. The organization name and activity name should be prominently seen in all the promotional materials.

    b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence, or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.)

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    J. Other documents for submission due to the nature of this activity:1. The student group must accomplish the booth shift schedule

    and submit it at least one (1) working day before the actual selling activity.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Film Showings

  • 46 47

    IX. Media Appearances

    A. Description and Types1. On-campus2. Off-campus3. Just participating and not organizing

    B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when organizing activities of this nature:

    1. Media appearances (television, radio, print, etc.) may be done by students in order to represent the group and/or promote an activity or advocacy of the student group. During these appearances, the student group carries the name of the school and therefore reflects the schools values. It is therefore important to ensure that this is done appropriately and responsibly.

    2. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description (i.e. selling of tickets on campus), the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (example: see Nature of Activity Fund-raising)

    3. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    b. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. If the activity will be held off-campus, the student group must accomplish and submit the following forms to their supervising office 1 day before the activity: (See Type of Activities Off-campus Activity)

    1. The student group must submit a letter to be approved by their supervising office. The letter should contain the following details:

    a. Name of the media outfitb. Details of the appearance (date, time, etc.)c. Name(s) of students who will represent the

    student groupd. Description of the media appearancee. Copy of the moa

    2. Waiver and Adult Supervisor Notification forms should still be submitted.

    F. If the activity will be held within the Loyola Schools, the organization must submit a letter endorsed by their supervising office to the Office of Administrative Services (oas) at least four (4) working days prior to the shooting schedule. Saturday is not considered a working day. The letter should contain the following details:

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Media Appearances

  • 48 49

    1. Nature and reason for the shoot2. Details of the appearance (date, time, etc.)3. Name(s) of students who will represent the organization4. A description of the activity or advocacy the organization

    will promote5. Name of the media outfit6. Proposed schedule and venue of the shoot7. Names of the outsiders coming in and their vehicle plate

    numbers8. Sample id for the outsiders9. The equipment to be used and its wattage10. Copy of the moa

    G. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the event.

    2. If the activity entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups, the organization must submit a list of names and vehicle plate numbers to oas 3 days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. Only groups endorsed by osa will be accepted by oas and allowed to enter the Loyola Schools.

    H. For other needs, see Services section. Check with the concerned offices for the specific rates of the services, if any.

    X. Collections for Fund-raising

    A. Description and Types1. Collection of monetary donations such as circulation of

    donation containers or pledges

    B. The following considerations must be made by the student group when organizing activities of this nature:

    1. Maximum of five (5) student groups will be allowed to have such activities at a time.

    2. Student groups are not allowed to solicit money from the Loyola Schools offices.

    3. Reservation of slots is set to a maximum of ten (10) working days or two (2) weeks per activity. A week is from Monday to Friday, including holidays and sudden suspension of classes. Saturday is not counted a working day.

    4. If the project has other aspects that do not fit the above-given description (i.e. selling of tickets on campus), the student group must go through the procedures and abide by the policies applicable to the said other aspects of the activity. (example: see Type of Activities Fund-raising)

    5. The Loyola Schools reserves the right to discontinue an activity due to non-compliance with policies regarding, but not limited to, project approval process, violation of agreements, and level of noise and duration of program.

    C. The student group must have the project approved by their supervising office. Student groups must note that the approval of the project by the supervising office does not automatically translate to approval of logistical, marketing and promotional arrangements.

    1. If the activity involves partners selling on-campus, the student group must note that the endorsement of partners is done by the office of Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives (sei). Transactions with this office take a maximum of 2 days.

    D. If the activity involves partnerships, the student group must accomplish the following forms, if applicable, and submit them to their supervising office for further evaluation:

    1. Marketing Letter and/or Package This form is used to present the benefits the partnership will bring to the student group and the other group involved.

    2. Memorandum of Agreement This form contains the final agreement on the exchange of benefits between the student

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Collections for Fund-Raising

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    group and the other group involved. Approval of this document is signified by the signature of the supervising faculty/professional found at the back of all pages of the document.

    a. Entry and/or participation of non-Ateneo students and groups require an office-endorsed moa to the Office of Administrative Services (oas).

    b. The student group must abide by what was approved by the supervising office and agreed upon with the partners/sponsors.

    E. The student group may go on to venue reservation once other forms for on-campus activities (i.e. fqa) have been accomplished and submitted to their supervising office. All documents must be received by their chosen venues supervising office at least 3 working days before the event. Saturday is not considered a working day. (See Services section for list of venues and their supervising offices.)

    1. The organizers of the event will be solely responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before and after the event.

    F. Once all necessary logistical concerns are in place, the student group may proceed with the process of approval for promotional materials:

    1. Examples of promotional materials are enumerated below. Promotional materials not mentioned/specified are subject to the approval of osa and/or dsws.

    a. Postersb. Teasersc. Company flyersd. Table-top advertisementse. Streamers and bannersf. PA system announcementsg. Electronic board announcementsh. Digipost plasma television announcementsi. T-shirtsj. Other ephemerals (i.e. tickets)

    2. The student group must note that promotional materials with contents specific to a particular organization must only use their own organizational board.

    3. A sample of the materials design must first be approved and endorsed by the student groups supervising office.

    a. The organization name and activity name should be prominently seen in all the promotional materials.

    b. Promotional materials should not promote sex, violence, or any other value that does not adhere to the Ateneo education (i.e. alcoholic drinks, etc.)

    c. Sponsors name, sponsors logo, and the like must only be included in the promotional materials after the Memorandum of Agreement (moa) between the student group and their partner has been approved by the student groups supervising office.

    4. Once the design has been approved, the student group may proceed with reproducing or printing these materials.

    5. The student group may then proceed with the reservation of slots where their materials will be placed. (see Services for procedures and guidelines of the different departments and offices)

    a. dswsb. misc. oasd. uppa

    6. The student group is responsible for removing the promotional materials by the last approved day.

    Part I: Guidelines for Student Activities Collections for Fund-Raising

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    Section 6:Services

    Facilities and Equipment Related Services

    I. osa

    A. Facilities1. Manuel V. Pangilinan Center for Student Leadership (mvp-

    csl) Home of the Loyola Schools accredited student organizations.

    a. Student groups are responsible for the proper usage and maintenance of the furniture and equipment inside the building especially those designated to their respective groups.

    b. Students must not tamper with any school furniture and equipment. The student group must report any damage to the Office of Student Activities (osa) to facilitate the pull-out and repair of equipment.

    c. Movement of furniture and equipment both in and out of the mvp-csl must be endorsed by the president of the student group through a formal letter for the approval of osa.

    d. Each student group is responsible for the personal items of its members. The school will not be liable for any losses that occur inside the mvp-csl.

    e. Posting of materials on any painted surface, walls, and windows is strictly prohibited. Vandalism is a direct violation to school rules.

    f. Each student group shall also make sure that the electric devices are switched off when not in use, and must not be left running at the end of the day.

    g. Student groups must keep their noise level to a minimum so as not to disturb the other groups.

    h. The mvp-csl is equipped with a number of safety mechanisms to protect the building from possible hazards. Tampering with these is strictly prohibited and will merit appropriate sanctions.

    i. Students are not allowed to loiter on the balconies especially on the designated emergency exits. These are strictly for emergency purposes only.

    2. Organization rooms Student groups with accredited status and the student arms of ls formation offices have designated organization rooms inside the mvp-csl. Two student groups are assigned per room.

    a. Students may stay inside the organization rooms following the building schedule specified by osa.

    Schedule TimeWeekdays (Mon-Fri) 8:00 am 6:45 pmSaturdays 8:00 am 11:45 amSummer and Semestral breaks 8:00 am 4:30 pm

    i. The keys to the respective rooms will stay with osa. Students may borrow the keys to their organization rooms during office hours (Mondays to Fridays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays 8:00 am to 12:00 nn).

    ii. On the first week of classes of each semester, all student groups must submit a list of ten (10) names of members authorized to borrow their respective room keys from osa.

    iii. When borrowing, authorized student group members must leave their Ateneo student id and log in their name, id number, and the time of borrowing in the osa logbook before getting the key. The key must be returned within fifteen (15) minutes.

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    iv. At the end of the day, student groups must leave their rooms unlocked. The maintenance personnel assigned to mvp-csl will be responsible for locking the rooms.

    v. Dishonesty and misrepresentation is a major offense in the Loyola Schools. Students borrowing room keys from osa without proper identification will be given the corresponding penalties. Violators will be sanctioned according to school rules.

    b. Student groups are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of their respective rooms.

    c. The student groups are responsible for the proper usage and maintenance of the furniture and equipment designated to their respective groups.

    d. All furniture and equipment originally assigned to a room is allocated for the organization/s assigned to that room. In the event that a student group needs to borrow certain furniture or equipment from another group, the request should be done through a formal letter addressed to osa and the concerned group.

    e. School furniture and equipment should not be brought out of the room.

    f. To report violators of any of the above stated guidelines, a formal complaint must be written describing the violation committed, the organization and person(s) involved, and the time and place of the said occurrence. The letter must be addressed to osa. All violations will be deliberated upon by the Office of Student Activities (osa) and the coa Central Board.

    3. Publication rooms primary office of the three student groups of the Confederation of Publications of the Ateneo (cop). The Pub Room is divided into three cubicles for the specific use of the three (3) student publications groups namely The Guidon, Matanglawin, and Heights

    a. mvp-csl guidelines for the use of the organization rooms also apply to these three groups.

    b. Students may use the Pub Room following the building schedule specified by osa.

    Schedule TimeWeekdays (Mon-Fri) 8:00 am 8:45 pmSaturdays 8:00 am 11:45 amSummer and Semestral breaks 8:00 am 4:30 pm

    i. Only members of the Editorial Board of the three publications may borrow the main Pub Room key from osa during office hours (Mondays to Fridays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays 8:00 am to 12:00 nn).

    ii. On the first week of classes of each semester, each publication group must submit a list of the members of the Editorial Board to osa. The list should include the names and id numbers of each member.

    iii. Authorized students must leave their Ateneo student id and log in their name, id number, and the time of borrowing in the osa logbook before getting the key. The key must be returned within fifteen (15) minutes.

    iv. The main Pub Room door should remain unlocked after it has been opened. The key can only be borrowed once within the day from osa.

    v. Each publication group is expected to be responsible for their own belongings. In case no one is left inside their cubicle, it is expected that the last person to leave will switch off the electrical devices and lock the cubicle door. The cubicle key-holder then is expected to be available to re-open their cubicle at any time.

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    vi. The Maintenance staff locks the main Pub Room door at 8:45 pm during weekdays and at 11:45 am during Saturdays. He also ensures that no one is left inside the Pub Room once it is locked.

    c. Only publication-related work (meetings, interviews, etc.) is allowed in the common area of the Pub Room. Individuals or groups who are doing activities unrelated to publications work are to transfer to other more appropriate meeting areas outside the Pub Room.

    d. Pub Room facilities and materials should only be used for official business of the publication groups. No Pub Room facilities, especially computers and printers, may be tampered with or brought out of the room without osas approval.

    e. Each publication group is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of their respective cubicle.

    f. Each publication group is responsible for the proper usage and maintenance of the furniture and equipment designated to their respective group.

    g. At the end of the school year, each publication group should submit a year-end inventory of the status of equipment, to be properly turned over to the next Editorial Board.

    h. Any violation or non-compliance to the Pubroom guidelines will undergo the procedures set by the violations and sanctions committee.

    i. Should any publication group need to use the Pub Room beyond 9:00 pm during weekdays and beyond 12:00 nn during Saturdays, a letter seeking permission must be submitted to the Director of the Office of Student Activities, duly noted and endorsed by their respective moderator and by the editors-in-chief of the other two publication groups, at least two (2) working days prior to intended use. The letter of request should contain the following details:

    i. scheduled date of extended stay,ii. specific time period of extension iii. purpose of stayiv. names of people who will be staying

    j. Some considerations to be made when extending usage of the Pub Room:

    i. Maintenance overtime fees are charged to the Pub Fund for osa-approved Pub Room use after 9:00 pm.

    ii. Maximum extension time is 10:45 pm during weekdays and 3:45 pm during Saturdays.

    iii. Only members of the publication group are allowed to stay in the Pub Room during extension hours. Non-members and overstaying occupants shall be asked to leave, noted and reported to the Security Office and osa.

    iv. The Maintenance staff locks the main Pub Room door at the end of the approved extension period. He also ensures that no one is left inside the Pub Room once it is locked.

    v. The last person to leave the Pub Room signs in the logbook held by the security guard at the mvp-csl lobby entrance.

    4. Activity rooms primarily serve as venues for meetings and small group activities.

    a. Academic classes will not be allowed to use the said venues as these are allotted for the use of student groups. Choir practices and theatrical rehearsals are not allowed inside the activity rooms. Priority of use will be as follows:

    i. Activities of accredited student organizations student groups with accredited status may reserve the rooms not more than thirty (30) days before the proposed date of use.

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    ii. Activities of applying organizations student groups with applying status may reserve the rooms not more than fifteen (15) days before the proposed date of use.

    iii. Activities of integrated non-academic formation (inaf) and ls-recognized unaccredited student groups other groups may reserve the rooms not more than five (5) days before the proposed date of use.

    b. There are five (5) available activity rooms in the mvp-csl:

    Activity Room # Room # Capacity1 mvp 211 30-402 mvp 212 203 mvp 213 204 mvp 210 205 mvp 209 20

    c. Activities may only be held from 8:00 am to 8:45 pm on Mondays to Fridays and 8:00 am to 11:45 am on Saturdays.

    d. The maximum use of the activity room is three (3) hours. Set-up and clean-up time are included in the three (3) hours.

    i. Each student group may use more than one (1) activity room provided that the combined use is only three (3) hours per day.

    e. Check the availability with osa and fill out the reservation slip. Have the form endorsed by the osa Professional assigned to the student group.

    f. Reservation will be on a first-come, first-served basis. g. To use the activity rooms, the student group can borrow

    the key from osa. He/she shall leave his/her valid Ateneo id and enter in a logbook what time he/she took

    the key and returned it. He/she can only claim his/her id after returning the key. The key should be returned within fifteen (15) minutes.

    h. Student groups must bring their own white board markers. Any writings on the board must be erased afterwards.

    i. Student groups using the activity room must make sure that the room is restored after use. If food is brought in, the garbage drums must be taken out of the room.

    5. Music