STS Group 1 Isaac Newton

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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STS Group report

Transcript of STS Group 1 Isaac Newton


Where was Sir Isaac

Newton born?

Isaac Newton was born

at Woolsthorpe Manor ,

a hamlet in the county

of Lincolnshire,


Instead of being a


scientist, Isaac

Newton’s mother

originally wanted him

to be a __________

Her mother wanted him

to follow the occupation

of his father, also named

Isaac Newton, a

prosperous farmer.

What was Isaac

Newton’s first major

public achievement,

earning him

membership in the

Royal Society?

In 1671, the Royal Society asked

for a demonstration of his

reflecting telescope. Their

interest encouraged him to

publish his notes, On Colour,

which he later expanded into

the work Opticks.

Who was Newton’s

eminent rival who

attacked his

methodology and

conclusion in his work

in optics and accused

him of plagiarism?

Robert Hooke criticised some

of Newton's ideas. Newton was

so offended that he withdrew

from public debates. Newton

and Hooke remained generally

on poor terms until Hooke's


Newton’s book in 1687

where he formulated the

laws of motion and

universal gravitation?

His book Principia or

"Mathematical Principles

of Natural Philosophy”,

first published in 1687, laid

the foundations

for classical mechanics.

How many years was

Newton president of the

Royal Society?

He became president of

the Royal Society in 1703

and served until his

death on March 27, 1727.

A total of 24 years.

Under whose reign was

Newton honored with a


On April 16, 1705, Queen

Anne and her court

travelled to Cambridge

where she conferred 23

doctorates and knighted 3

men, one of whom was


The Book II of Principia

by Newton, he

introduced ____

The second book

introduced the theory

of fluids. He solved

problems regarding the

movement of fluid and

movement through it.

While Newton held this

job, he drew an annual

income of as much as

2000 Great British


When Netwon moved to

London he became Warden

and Master of the Mint. He

launched campaigns to

battle London

counterfeiters. His salary at

the time was 2,000 GBP.

According to an article

in Discover Magazine,

Newton’s real life goal

was to discover____

Newton was also an amateur

alchemist. A manuscipt

discovered by Lawrence

Principe alleges that Newton

tried to discover a way to

create gold, which led him to

look for the Philosopher’s




Hall, A. R. (1998). Isaac Newton’s Life. Retrieved from

Staff, L. (2012, May 14). Isaac Newton Biography. Retrieved August 24, 2014, from

This Day In History: Isaac Newton Is Knighted. Retrieved August 25, 2014, from

BBC (2014) Isaac Newton, (1643-1727) Retrieved August 25, 2014 from Westfall, Richard S. Sir Isaac Newton, Encyclopedia Britannica Retrieved August 25,

2014 from Bosveld, Jane (July-August 2010) Isaac Newton, World’s Most Famous Alchemist

Retrieved August 25, 2014 from
