Stress Management Program & Prevention Guide

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Transcript of Stress Management Program & Prevention Guide

KAPLAN UNIVERSITYHW410 Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

Stress Management and



Program Resource Guide



Stress Management and Prevention Program Resource Guide


Alba Tovar

Kaplan University

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

March 8, 2016

Table of Contents

U N I T 1 T H E N A T U R E O F S T R E S S

Information to Remember............................................................4Self-Assessment Exercises...........................................................4Journal Writing.............................................................................5

U N I T 2 T H E P H Y S I O L O G Y O F S T R E S S

Information to Remember............................................................6Self-Assessment Exercises...........................................................6Journal Writing..........................................................................7-8

U N I T 3 P S Y C H O L O G Y O F S T R E S S

Information to Remember............................................................9Self-Assessment Exercises...........................................................9Journal Writing........................................................................9-10

U N I T 4 P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S A N D T H E H U M A N S P I R I T U A L I T Y

Information to Remember..........................................................11Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................11Journal Writing......................................................................11-13

U N I T 5 D E A L I N G W I T H S T R E S S : C O P I N G S T R A T E G I E S

Information to Remember..........................................................14Journal Writing......................................................................14-15

U N I T 6 R E L A X A T I O N T E C H I Q U E S 1 : B R E A T H I N G , M E D I T A T I O N , A N D M E N T A L I M A G E R Y

Information to Remember..........................................................16Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................16Journal Writing......................................................................16-17

U N I T 7 N U T R I T I O N A N D S T R E S S

Information to Remember..........................................................18Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................18

U N I T 8 P H Y S I C A L E X E R C I S E A N D A C T I V I T Y

Information to Remember..........................................................19Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................19Journal Writing......................................................................19-20

U N I T 9 A P P L Y I N G S T R E S S : C R I T I C A L I S S U E S F O R M A N A G E M E N T A N D P R E V E N T I O N T O Y O U R P R O F E S S I O N A L L I F E

Information to Remember..........................................................21

A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N 2 2

R E F E R E N C E S 2 3

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Unit 1: The Nature of StressInformation to Remember:

Key Learning Point: One key learning point that really impacted me was knowing that there was such a thing called eustress. I believe I experienced this every time I go to the gym which funny enough it’s my time to unstress. I learned that eustress is good stress; according to Seward it is a stressor that motivates a person toward an optimal level of performance or health. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: The second key learning point is regarding the stages of general adaptation syndrome. I think that it is so amazing how the body tries to heal itself even when stress hits the body. Hans Selye called this the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). He explained that this was a process where the body tries to accommodate stress by adapting to it. He identified three stages that the body goes through. Stage one is the alarm reaction; this is where a threat is perceived and the nervous system is on survival mode. The second stage is resistance; this is where the body tries to recover. Lastly, the third stage is exhaustion; this is where one or more target organs show signs of dysfunction (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: The third key learning point that really impacted me was mindfulness. I learned that mindfulness is about being completely aware of what is going on in the present moment without any judgment. Being mindful is definitely important in enhancing the psychological and physical well-being of someone (Stahl, 2010).

Self-Assessment Exercise:My Mandala… the components of mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional well being is what makes up a person and everything about them. The spiritual component is important to balancing my wellness and stress levels because to me it is the foundation of me. It is important for my mental well being because if not I would not be able to make sound decisions. My emotional well being is an important area to balancing my wellness and stress levels because it will depend on the attitude I have towards whatever life throws at me. Lastly, my physical well being is only a reflection of my spiritual, mental, and emotional well being. So the importance of all components makes up who I am. (US Department of Mental Health).




Journal Writing:

Situation Start Midway End

Waiting on a call for my husband to get hired with the bank or Miami Dade County.


Being able to pay all the bills this month on time! 9

Be able to move out of my parent’s house within the next couple of months.


Making the right decision on whether I should home school my daughter or put her in school.


Wanting to lose at least 15 lbs by mid February (latest). 8

Having the money to pay for my Personal Training Certification by midyear.


Finding a decent place to live that is in a safe area for my kids but also affordable.


Having money in my bank account. 10

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 2: The Physiology of StressInformation to Remember:

Key Learning Point: One physiological effect of prolonged stress is on the memory. One notable effect of stress is that repeated stress tends to shrink brain cells. This information definitely kept me with my




mouth open. We know that the bad stress is not really good for the body, but the fact that it will damage brain cells is definitely something to think about. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Stress and type 2 diabetes is definitely important to me because my mother in law has type 2 diabetes and suffers with stress. Knowing that during a stress response blood sugar levels increases as the demand for energy increases. This is very scary and delicate to think of because it can affect in a life and death matter (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: We have already established that being mindful is being able to be present at the moment in whatever situation life throws at you. Therefore practicing mindfulness can definitely lead you towards creating healthy changes in life. How? The number one way it can help is simply being completely present in that moment of stress. If we can do that we already have control of the situation, therefore not letting stress and anxiety take over. This way we will be able to make smarter and healthy choices for us and for those around us. Practicing mindfulness will help with not mixing situations, taking each as its own and as a result being able to deal with them. Although we know that life itself can and will bring stress and anxiety if one is mindful, one can accept that stress will come but we will be ready for it and not fear it. Like the Fifteen-Minute Mindful Breathing, experiencing greater awareness, compassion, and peace will help when stress comes our way and as a result have better quality of life.  (Stahl, 2010).

Self-Assessment Exercise:Neuroscience is extremely important when speaking about the brain because it entails how the brain influences behavioral and conscious mental activities. Neuroplasticity is important because as the brain starts to develop, the correlation between the cells in our brain rearrange as a reaction to our changing necessities. As a result of that process we are able to learn from and adjust to different experiences. Five diseases that occur when the nervous system is affected by stress are: bronchial asthma, tension headaches, migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and coronary heart disease. Lastly, a disease that occurs when the immune system is affected by stress is cancer (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?

As far back as I can think of to present times, people have never given me an amount of stress or anxiety that I can say “it was horrible.” I think people in general each other some type of stress or anxiety to some level. For example, I have two toddlers and they love to run around and be kids. So to some extent as a mother they give us stress or anxiety because we don’t want them to get hurt or to hurt someone else. Also, I have to say that the attitude or character that some people may have is what stresses me the most. But one think I have realized is that life is too short to let someone else have that much power over my life.How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?

I currently work with a landscaping company, I am the secretary so I do pretty much all the paperwork there is to do and more. I also take care of the owner’s mother, might I add that she is 84 years old and is constantly having to go to doctor visits. For the past two week I’ve had to take the owner’s mother to doctor’s appointments back to back. I have also had to do all the paper work having to do with proposals, paying bills and entering receipts. Thankfully I am a person that can prioritize and put what really matters first and the rest if it can be done then great but if it cannot then it’ll have to be for another day. Putting all that into perspective I of course took care of the 84 year old


lady, all her appointments, got all her medicines and in addition took her grocery shopping on multiple times. But what I found to be stressing the most was my boss constantly asking me when I would be able to be at the office to do the paperwork. I also realized that the fact that this 84 year old lady was helpless, it really affected me because I would compare her to for example my mother or grandmother. I realized that I would get home complaining to y husband about my boss (her son) and this has definitely given me something to stress about unfortunately. How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?

I have to tell you that this issue about the world used to affect me a lot and as a result there was not one day I used to think about the real issues of the world that are actually going on. But honestly it wasn’t until I was praying one day and obviously that prayer on that day was somehow different. But I realized that the world was going to be however it was going to be. That it was and it is up to each individual on planet earth to make this world a place of peace or a place of stress and anxiety. That is when I realized that I had to worry about my world and impact my world in a good and positive way and try as hard as I could to bring peace to it. That is when I stopped worrying about what was happening around me. Not that I don’t care of what is going on around me, but if I want to change the world I have to start with my world fist.How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?

The only stress about food and my eating habits I get are the fact that I am constantly trying very hard to feed my body healthy foods. But I have learned and gotten educated about it so it is much easier now to make healthy choices. What I can say that stresses me the most is making sure my kids and husband eat healthy as well even when I am not with them. How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?

The day when my first daughter was born on November 11, 2010, I realized that my sleep was never going to be the same ever again. Although it took me a while to come to terms with it, I had to just simply get over it and enjoy even those sleepless nights. As they both got a little older because they are just 5 and 3, they became more independent. They usually don’t wake up in the middle night, the oldest one brushes her teeth all by themselves and they both know how to put their shoes and clothes on. Stress and anxiety became less part of me, but I do have to say that sometimes they just like to show off a little.How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting your life?

Stress about exercise or at times physical activity did affect me greatly. I used to be the type of person that had weight issues my entire life. While to some people that does not matter and they accept who they are and love who they are, I was not at all. I learned that no matter how I was I had to love myself. But, I was not going to accept it. Since I was 18 years of age I worked out and got into the shape I wanted to. Thanks to that exercise is a part of my daily routine as well as my families. But when I don’t do it, it does take a toll on my body as I am already used to it. But I have learned that the body does need rest, so when I don’t work out I do not let it stress me out. I realized that it is so much more important to have a balanced life, and that gives me results every day.

Stress and anxiety are real and if we do not take charge of it, it will ruin our lives, our relationships, our work, our sleep, our families and everything that we have and hold dear to us. I have learned that nothing or no one have the power to give us stress or anxiety unless we allow it. It is time to take back our lives and enjoy it to the max.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).


Unit 3: Psychology of Stress

Information to Remember:Key Learning Point: One thing to always be aware is the importance of communication. Even though

technology is good and it can be a huge advantage for example in a company, it can also compromise communication skills as well. Without a face to face communication in the workplace, the unity and teamwork needed to grow won’t simply be there because no one knows each other. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: There are three techniques to cope, manage, and resolve anger feelings according to Seaward. They are number one the expression of anger must be cast in the direction of the provocation. The second technique is the expression of anger must restore a sense of self-control. Lastly, the third technique is that anger must be expressed in understandable language. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: According to Seward five ways to improve communication styles are establishing healthy boundaries, maintaining polite eye contact, keeping personal issues private, attack the issues and not people and lastly avoid putting others on the defensive. Communication is the key to everything in life, from building relationships with family members, friends, and co-workers. If communication does not exist, we cannot grow as human beings. (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:Tibetan culture believes that stress is an outcome of desires that have something with them. As a result if one wants to have and live in inner peace they have to learn to get rid of those extra aspects or desires that come as an end result of those desires. Tibetans and theorist Carl Gustav have in common the fact that they are both looking for that thing that will help oneself bring peace within. You can also overcome fear with the following strategies; number one is behavioral therapy which is the practice of relaxation to slow down levels of stress. The second is systematic desensitization which it helps distress in very small stages. Lastly, the third strategy is called exposure desensitization which is distressing from a safe perspective. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:Five-Minute Mindful Breathing Journal

After practicing the breathing in and breathing out and really concentrating in my breathing, I was able to experience somewhat peace. I personally know that there is a lot going on in m immediate




family as well as in my mind. Like we all know, all that can transfer and turn into stress and affect one mentally, emotionally, and physically. But after trying a few times I learned that if one can really

concentrate and push aside all the noise and distraction, I can really become one with myself. From experience, as a family we are going through some rough financial situations. I have experienced firsthand how this has been very stressful mentally, emotionally, and physically. Not just for me but for my husband and my two daughters. Taking at least five minutes to do some mindful breathing exercises has helped at least in what has to do with feelings. I can even tell you that it has gone as far as helping us make smarter decisions because of our emotional state of being is not as stressed.

Mentally I was able to organize my thoughts and think clearly on what I had to do next to bring a solution to our financial situation or at least something that would ease the situation. Many times because we are thinking so much and have so much on our minds, we cannot think clearly. By taking the time to stop and breathe and help clear out my mind helps me function better. After the breathing exercise, emotionally I was calmer. Sometimes, what we all just need is to relax, and organize our thoughts to be able to make the proper decisions. Lastly, when doing this five minute mindful breathing exercise the way I felt physically was in control. A financial situation do not change in just five minutes, but taking a step back and being in control of the situation definitely helps ease the problem.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human SpiritualityInformation to Remember:

Key Learning Point: The Behavior Modification Model is a model that shows the steps to take to change a negative behavior to a positive behavior. The first step is awareness of the behavior to change. The second step is desire to change and the third step is cognitive restructuring. Finally, the fourth step is behavioral substitution and the firth step is the evaluation (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: There is a second Behavior Modification Model called the stages of change. The first stage is called pre-contemplation stage. The second one is contemplative stage and the third one is determination stage. The fourth stage is action stage, the fifth is maintenance and the sixth stage is called the relapse stage (Seaward, 2015).




Key Learning Point: There are three steps to mindfulness to chronic pain. The first step is doing a full body scan which will allow you to be fully aware. The second step is working with the emotions that come with the pain. Lastly, the third step is living in the present (Stahl, 2010).

Self-Assessment Exercise:Self-esteem plays an important role in the promotion and resolution of stress within us because whether its high self-esteem or low self-esteem it will cause stress within us. When communication is not part of a relation from every individual, stress starts to creep into the relationship and will for sure damage it. Values can also be affected by stress if one is weak minded. Values are something instilled in a person usually from a very young age or for a long time. Meaningful purpose can also be affected by stress but only when a person does not find purpose in life. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing: Identifying Emotions in the Body:

When something happens whether it’s bad or good emotions are going to overflow through the body in so many different ways. These emotions will reflect and appear in the body and manifest through pain, happiness, confusion, fear, anger, sadness, shame and love. Within these manifestations are many other emotions that can occur.

FEAR: Through the years when I have felt the feeling of fear which thankfully have been very little

times, I have experienced many different things. Some of those feelings or emotions are anxiety, panic, tenseness, worry and feeling overwhelmed. These emotions have come when for example one time my daughter was chocking on a piece of apple. I quickly panicked and started thinking of the worst thing that could have happened. The other time that I have actually tensed in such a way that I felt it in my body was two weeks ago. We had been waiting one month for husband to be called for a job. So the financial stress was so bad that last week I had to go to emergency and the diagnosis was tension headache. So the feelings that come with fear such as anxiety, tenseness or worry are very real and if not controlled it can quickly turn into a physical issue like it happened to me.

CONFUSION: These past three years until two weeks ago have been for my husband and I very confusing,

and as a result uncertain and chaotic. Uncertain because having a job then not having a job but at the same time having two little girls definitely leaves you in an uncertain position. Living at my parent’s house and not having our own personal space. It was definitely a time where we did not even know how we were going to be able to pay our bills or buy groceries. I can say that many times this confusion becomes so real that we even felt it in our bodies through headaches.

ANGER: The feeling of anger has manifested in my life through annoyance, frustration, irritation,

grouchiness and grumpiness. I consider myself a “clean freak.” I remember that in the beginning when all my nieces and nephews would come over and play with my daughters with all of the toys then leave a mess, not pick up and move on to the next activity, I would go insane. It wasn’t until I was able to understand that they were kids and kids make messes that I was able to completely


surpass those emotions. I also understood that if I wanted to teach them, I had to take a positive attitude and teach them instead of fighting and bickering. I also realized that I got a whole lot further taking a positive approach and so the negative feeling was able to be controlled.

SADNESS: Sadness is a feeling I experienced about two years ago when a much closed person which I

considered family passed. I definitely experienced disappointment, grief, unhappiness, and hopelessness. This was a moment in my life where many questions rose. In this kind of situations you realize at the very end that even death is not in our control. In this situation I was able to slowly heal because it is a long process. Even today I still think of her today I am no longer feeling the disappointment or unhappiness, I still miss her and have many questions.

SHAME: There is one occurrence that has happened only a few times but it definitely has left a mark. It

is when my husband or I have gotten stopped for speeding. This feeling of embarrassment comes on me that I literary cannot control. Obviously, guilt and regret come into play because I start thinking of what I could have done better. I think that if the feeling of guilt or regret does not get controlled, it can definitely destroy someone.

LOVE: When I think of the day I had my daughters Sidney Andrea and Kamila Andrea, the feeling or

emotion that came over me was falling in love all over again. I remember also feeling this compassion over me towards kids and how helpless they are. Another time that brings affection to my memory is when I got married nine years ago. The emotion of love, arousal, attraction, and desire I believe was manifested in me. I believe that the actual action of going to an altar and getting married completed the process of love for my husband and me.


The last emotion is joy. I was able to experience this joy which involved contentment, eagerness, enjoyment, excitement, hope, optimism, and satisfaction. One week ago my husband was called for the job that we had been waiting a month for. To finally receive this called was such a relief and honestly like my daughters say “best day ever.” Experimenting this feeling was something that we could even feel physically. I could literary tell you that I received such a rush of happiness inside me that I could not contain. But what was even better was the relief and hope that things were getting back in order little by little.

SummaryAfter writing this paper I was able to look back at every single feeling and emotion and think

of each experience that I shared and feel exactly the same feeling. Feelings and emotions are real and one thing that I have been able to learn is the importance of controlling them. It is important to let them play themselves out for a little bit because it is important to be able to express them as it brings peace. But it is more important to learn how to control them so we can say the right thing or we can act the right way.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).


Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies

Information to Remember:Key Learning Point: Toxic thoughts are repeated negative thoughts processing what pollutes our view of

our lives and ourselves. Negative perceptions are often the result of low self-esteem. Constantly telling yourself positive thoughts will have the power to make them real at some point (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: The steps to initiate cognitive restructuring are a process for implementing changes in lifestyle behaviors through cognition to promote health. The steps are awareness, reappraisal of the situation, and adoptions and substitution. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: The steps to initiate humor therapy are: learn not to take life too seriously, find one humorous thing a day. Work to improve your imagination and creativity, start a joke with a friend, learn to hyperexaggerate when describing a situation or a story, build a humor library, find a host of varied venues, improve your self-esteem, and access your humor network. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:I chose to write about the formal practice of walking meditation. After reading the instructions on how to be able to do the practice of walking meditation I found it so interesting and peaceful just reading about it. Once I tried it I was actually able to relax and gather myself again and take control again of myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions and even the situations that cause constant stress. I found it interesting how just walking can literary clear the mind and of course it doesn’t make the problems go away but it sure puts them in the back oven.

After doing the walking meditation my mental health I would say was much clear. I had been going through a few weeks of having so much on my mind. From my husband waiting to get called for a job, to having to apply for my girls schooling, to having to pay the bills and making sure there was enough money on the bank. After so many issues the mind can get cluttered to the point that even one can get actual headaches. It actually happened to me about two weeks ago, I had suffered tensions headaches of so much that was going on. But after doing the walking meditation my mind was relieved and relaxed and I was able to think more clear on the next steps of what we had to do for the better of our family.

In the aspects of emotions, with what I have just explained of what my family has gone through, our emotions were pretty all over the place. I have realized that if one cannot control these emotions, they will take control of you and play with your mind until it completely breaks you. Or at




least it was what I felt before in the situation. After doing the walking meditation a couple of times I was able to control my emotions. I realized that I cannot control everything that happens in this world.

Some things are going to be good and some things are going to be bad. It has nothing to do with good luck it is just life. I understood that even though not everything is still perfect or exactly the way I want it to be. By being able to control my emotions I realized that I was in control of myself. Therefore as a result I was able to accept what was going on and work with what I had. Now don’t get me wrong I was not accepting my situation for what it was and that was it. I was first coming to terms with the situation to then think with a clear mind and controlled emotions of what our next move was going to be to better our family.

In the physical aspect the walking meditation, I felt great physically. Even though it was only walking and it is considered a light workout, to me it felt great and actually renewing. Every time I workout even though the action puts the body in stress mode, it is actually the most relaxing thing I can actually ever experience. It even helps clear my mind to be able to think clearly and not react to situations. Summary

Overall walking meditation is a great tool for putting the mind at rest, control the crazy emotions that we provoke and life provokes and with the physical aspect it just puts the cherry on top of the ice cream. This exercise I can honestly say that it is complete and perfect for any situation that anyone might be going through, whether its mental, emotional, or physical it can help.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing, Meditation, and Mental Imagery Information to Remember:

Key Learning Point:  Exclusive Meditation is this type of meditation is focused exclusively on one object or thought to be able to become self-aware and be more relaxed. Exclusive meditation is also known as concentration meditation (Seaward). According to Seaward there are five actions that are used with exclusive meditation to help stay focused: mental repetition, visual concentration, repeated sounds physical repetition and tactile repetition.  (Seaward, 2015).




Key Learning Point: Inclusive Meditation is the second type of meditation is called inclusive meditation. Seaward states that it is also referred to as access meditation, insightful meditation, and mindfulness. In inclusive meditation all thoughts are invited into awareness without emotional evaluation, judgment, or analysis (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Three ways that imagery and visualization can be used for relaxation are: images that replicate peaceful scenes that promote relaxation, images that substitute a less desirable behavior with a healthier one and lastly, images that help to heal damaged body tissue (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:According to Seaward, diaphragmatic breathing is controlled breathing. It is said that this type of breathing is the most relaxed technique and it is not the same as regular breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is focusing on trying to enlarge the chest as it engages the lower part of the abdomen. One way that imagery and visualization can be useful for relaxation is: visualization needs to be idiosyncratic. The second way imagery and visualization can be useful for relaxation is that there must be a positive connotation to the imagery. The last and third way imagery and visualization can be useful for relaxation is maintaining constancy and a dialogue with oneself. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:After meditating on this assignment I have to be honest and say “yes” to the first question. I have been at fault of sending myself unkind messages and 99.9% of the time I know I shouldn’t have said it. I think it is easier to do such a thing rather than just lifting yourself up even in a negative situation. Of course I am not implying that one should go the easy route, it nothing good for oneself nor the people around. Even if someone was acting the wrong way or being negative I would not have the guts to tell some or sow someone and unkind message. I think words are so powerful; they can either build someone up or destroy them.

My pastor always says something funny but it does relate to the power of words. Now I can only go by what he says. My pastor is Dominican and he says that Dominican parents just like his parents were always telling their kids “stop inventing.” He is referring to when the kids are being trouble makers or being a menace. So he says that is why no one has ever heard of a Dominican inventor or why he did not invent anything. Now I know this is probably funny to anyone that reads this but it does show the power of words. In Proverbs 15:4 says, “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit” (Bible Gateway).

I know when I use unkind messages towards myself; it causes lot of stress, anger, anxiety and unhappiness. For example, when I tell myself “oh I feel fat” (I would never tell that to anyone), all of the above feelings rush inside me and it is completely agonizing. Then I start experiencing stress because I still weight the same as when I gave birth. I am angry at myself because they are just excuses and I know I can change the situation. I also feel anxiety because the clothes are not fitting the same and physically I don’t feel the same. Lastly, I feel unhappy with myself because I have not reached my goal yet and it just gets frustrating.

Now, regarding my body it definitely feels tired and tense. I have realized that when all you feel is negative feelings, it will reflect on your body negatively. But if you are full of positive feelings, it will also reflect on your body positively. I think it all depends on a decision that one has to make, and that is to be happy, to be positive and to learn to cheer oneself up. One thing I know is that if I


was positive from the beginning and stayed positive, I would have probably already gotten to my goal weight, which again it just goes to show you the power words have.

Now, when it comes to encountering difficult people and uncomfortable situations, I have learned to deal with them. I have very clear in my head that no one is perfect. That we are all going to make mistakes over and over again and that we all have walked different paths in life. I honestly think that once you realize that it is much easier to deal with difficult people as well as uncomfortable situations. I have had my moments of reacting towards a situation instead of thinking of what my reaction or the correct or proper reaction should be. To be quite honest, even if I wasn’t the one at fault, now I was for the way I reacted. So, I think thank God I have matured in that area and I don’t give people the joy of pushing my buttons. I understand that my peace of mind is so much more important.

Being a youth leader in my church from the age of 15 helped me learn that people are not intentionally bad. I have also learned that they come from different families, cultures, and situations and the only way I was able to judge them per say is if I was in their shoes and went through exactly what they went through in life. Now, I am not excusing anyone’s behavior including mines, but I also learned that much of people’s behavior is because of their past. Knowing all this has definitely made me a better and much peaceful person which has definitely worked to my advantage.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress Information to Remember:

Key Learning Point: Four stress dominos are: stress can deplete the body of the nutrients it needs; the American lifestyle under stress does not promote healthy eating habits, some foods increase physiological responses that keep the stress response elevated, and lastly processed foods add to cumulative toxic effects. Food is meant to provide nutrients and vitamins to the body so that it can be healthy. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Foods that trigger a stress response to the body are high in fat, high in sugar, caffeine, GMOS, food with hormones or antibiotics and even pesticides. It is important to look at our body as a temple and that whatever we do with the inside will show on the outside. (Seaward, 2015).




Key Learning Point: When the body is experiencing stress, digestion can shut down as blood is directed to the important areas such as your heart or lungs only for survival. As a result stress increases the

acid in the stomach preventing proper absorption of the food. (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:As part of the assignment we had to practice some lying yoga exercises and surprisingly I felt very good. I was able to experience a mental peace that I hadn’t felt in a while. I was also able to experience mindfulness and be completely in control of my thoughts. My emotional state after the exercise was definitely more relaxed. Lastly, my physical state after this exercise was no joke by far my favorite. There is nothing I love more than a great work out and what better work out than relaxing lying on the floor but yet demanding all of your focus to be able to obtain great results. After doing the exercise my physical state was strong. (Seaward, 2015).

Unit 8: Physical Exercise and ActivityInformation to Remember:

Key Learning Point: Back pain is one of the most common chronic pains that people have today. This has to do with poor sitting, standing posture, poor shoe support, weak stomach muscle and many more. As a result people that find no relief from doctors turn to Hatha Yoga. This type of yoga helps them stretch tight muscles and regain balance. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Another aspect of this unit that I really liked because I could relate to was the importance they put in getting physical activity. Doing any type of physical activity will help with the relief of stress and a quality of life that is more relaxed. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Another aspect of this unit that really was close to my heart was the qualities of interpersonal mindfulness. They are openness, empathy, loving-kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity. They each have a very close story to my heart which I experienced, which is why I can relate to them. (Stahl, 2010).




Self-Assessment Exercises:For this assignment we had to create a Mind/Body Wellness Program for a company that was just starting and had very little capital to invest. My program consisted of two 30 minute sessions in the morning and afternoon that consisted of yoga, Pilates or stretching. The purpose for this program is to create a healthy environment in the work place for the benefit of the company as well as the client. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:When I think of openness I think of when I first met my husband now, 14 years ago. I come

from a family where my parents are still married; we always went to church and always spent time with family almost every single weekend. My husband was husband was totally the opposite; he came from a broken home. By broken home I mean divorced parents right when he was born. He was child number three and always following his older brother, getting into trouble and with bad friends that influenced him into bad habits. If I did not have the quality of openness or at least practiced it, we probably wouldn’t be married today. I had to as well as him cultivate openness without judgment. Today I can tell you that I wouldn’t imagine my life without him.

I was blessed enough to experience empathy when my friend’s mother passed away. All my friend wanted at that time was for people to be there for her. She didn’t want so much for people to do stuff for her and in her pain she might have even not paid attention to everyone. But I realized that the pain she was going through wasn’t going to be understandable unless we actually went through it. So I understood and experienced the feeling or characteristic of empathy and I was able to be there for my friend. I also realized that if I was going through the same situation I would want exactly the same.

The third characteristic to creating a connection is compassion. I experienced compassion when I started working for my friend Celia. Celia is 84 years old and is very sick. She is constantly having a hard time because she is almost blind in one eye and can barely see on the other. Sometimes she would have a bad attitude or be pretty rude. I have learned to understand her and all her struggles. She cannot see well, she is very fragile, and is in constant pain and worst of all she is alone most of the time. Compassion is what I learned to have towards her because I knew that what she is going through is very difficult.

Loving-kindness is such a beautiful characteristic to have to be able to create a connection with someone. I think one way to show loving-kindness with is with kids that are not yours or family. Now don’t get me wrong, I love children but when a child is being a brat and is not your child, your patience is definitely being tested. This is a perfect time to show loving-kindness. That way you transfer to that child is nothing but love.

I have to tell you that I have been able to experience sympathetic joy with my friends that have been able to buy their first home. My current living situation is with my parents, my two daughters, and my husband. We had a rough financial situation which brought us to this point. At first it was so hard for me because I needed to have my home already and having my friends being able to buy their houses and not I was so hard for me. Don’t get me wrong we are slowly being able to find stability and soon we’ll have our home. But it wasn’t until I changed my attitude the great news I was hearing from my friends that I was able to live at peace. Knowing that I was genuinely happy for my friends and also knowing that I will be able to buy my home in the name of Jesus.


Lastly, I think everyone at some point in their lifetime has treated a person differently than another. But the reality is that although we are all different we are all humans. I have understood and I

firmly believe that when Jesus died on the cross for our sins He died for everyone in this world. Having that beautiful attitude of equanimity only makes us humans.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for Management and Prevention to your Professional LifeInformation to Remember:

Key Learning Point: Hobbies help individuals to reduce stress because they have their minds busy in doing something. Have you ever being bored? It’s usually because you are not doing anything. Hobbies are good to have because it can also help relieve stress which in turn is good for the body and mind (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Forgiveness is known as a coping technique for anger related stressors. In the book, Seaward talks about a HEAL method of forgiveness. They are HOPE, EDUCATE, AFFIRM and LONG TERM LEARNING (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Mindfulness is vital to people’s optimal physical, emotional, and mental well-being because it can change one’s thinking into a positive manner. Being mindful will slowly but surely lead to a healthy and well balanced life (Stahl, 2010).




Additional Information There is a book I found that I thought would be appropriate for this course as it has so much to do with being mindful or present at moment exactly where you are. I have learned to look at life one moment at a time, enjoying every moment and enduring every battle. Being mindful has helped me and taught me just that. I honestly try not to stress about anything that is out of my hands and those things that come my way that might be a challenge, I embrace them and use them as an opportunity to become a better person.

The book is called: “Wherever You Go There You Are”Author: Jon Kabat-ZinnPrimary Source



1. New International Version (NIV). Proverbs 15:4. Holy Bible, New International Version,

NIV. (1973). Biblica, Inc. Retrieved from:

2. Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being

(8th Ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

3. Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland,

CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

4. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. What is Mental Health? Retrieved from: