Stress management

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Transcript of Stress management

Session for YWCA HODsVenue: YWCA, Mumbai Central

On 22 Jan, 2012

ByDr. Nicholas Correa

Director, New Horizon Scholars School

What is Stress?

We generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us.

Stress is a feeling that’s created when we react to particular events.

We generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us.

Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well being is a stress.

Stress is often termed as a twentieth century syndrome, born out of man's race towards modern progress and its ensuing complexities.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN –The term "stress", as it is currently used was coined by Hans Selye in 1936.

He defined it as "the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change".

The events that provoke stress are called stressors.

The human body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones.

Physical symptoms of severe stress1.Headaches, dizziness, neck ache, back pain,2. High blood pressure, chest pain, palpitations,3. Heart Disease, Beware of the heart attack symptoms!4. Frequent colds, infections,5. Rashes, itches, hives,6. Fatigue and constant tiredness,7. Frequent stomach pain and heart burn.

Psychological Effects of stress1.Anxiety and nervousness,2. Insomnia, nightmares, bad dreams,3. Difficulty in concentrating,4. Difficulty in decision making,6. Feeling of loneliness and worthlessness.

Behavioral Signs of Stress1. Social withdrawal and isolation, 2. Increase in alcohol consumption, smoking or taking drugs, 3. Excessive gambling, 4. Excessive activities like exercise and buying, 5. Loss of interest in appearance, 6. Neglect of punctuality, 7. Not taking interest in work, not feeling motivated to do anything. 8. Not sharing thoughts with others, and decrease in social interaction.

Emotional Symptoms1.Loss of confidence2.More fussy3.Irritablility4.Anger bouts5.Depressions6.Apathy7.Alienation8.Apprehension

Which Is Your Leading Cause of Stress?

1. FinancesMost studies agree that finances are a leading cause of stress.

Because of major purchases one has to make, such as a house, car, etc.

Others are stressed by a loss of income. For some, financial stress will eventuate in bankruptcy.

Senior citizens find that retirement income can be a major cause of stress.

2.Career and WorkplaceClosely tied to finances as a cause of stress is work. Our jobs or careers seem to cause constant stress.

How is the workplace a cause of stress? We worry about getting and keeping good employment or get promotion.We worry about new types of work or new responsibilities. We struggle to climb a career ladder, overwhelmed by the demands. Work conditions may change, or we may have interpersonal trouble at work. Job insecurityBad bossLatest Technology

3. FamilyFamily, wonderful though each member may be, is also a leading cause of stress.

Arguments erupt with a spouse or other family member. Parents divorce. Daughter’s marriage. The ebb and flow of family life is filled with stress. A child moves out - an aging parent moves in.

Family health is also a leading cause of stress. A sick family member, a serious injury, pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion all cause stress.

Family changes of other kinds bring stress, too. Adoption, relocation, and job changes for just one family member can cause stress for all.

4. Personal ConcernsPersonal concerns that are only indirectly created by others are another top cause of stress. Lack of control tops the list of personal concerns. Every human has a deep-seated desire for control over his or her own life. When control is weak or missing in a given area, we experience stress. To many people, a lack of control over their own time is a leading cause of stress. We want to determine when we do tasks around the home, or at work. Holding a job, participating in the children's carpool to school, shopping, and scout meetings while trying to keep the household running can create major stress. You would like to control your time, rather than let others' demands control it, but that is not always possible.

5. Personal Health and SafetyMost people find that personal health is a leading cause of stress. Illness or injury, whether less or more serious, can be a leading cause of stress for many people. Incontinence can be an ongoing concern.

Personal health is more or less stressful according to the degree of seriousness and our personal outlook on health.Personal safety is also a leading cause of stress.

Women, more than men, tend to stress about their own and others' safety. Adults tend to stress more than young people, who may act invincible. Crime is a factor, as is

6. Personal RelationshipsWhether it is a friendship, dating, separation, marriage, divorce, or re-marriage, a relationship can be a leading cause of stress for many.

We all want love, and that is potentially available in relationships, but getting from A to B can be very stressful. Some resort to online relationships that are easier to handle. Others withdraw and become recluses.

Either way, the demands on time, finances, and emotions can cause ongoing stress.

7.Local PoliticsLocal politicians have typical way of creating issues or treating the NGOs and educational institutions.

7. DeathProbably the most wrenching cause of stress is the death of a loved one or close friend.

Even the death of a pet can be stressful. Children are always a source of stress for parents, but when a child dies, the stress is overwhelming.

The same is true when a lifetime spouse passes on.

8.Win or LoseCauses of stress change as we age. The stressed child who threw tantrums becomes a young student, stressed by the school bully.

The young student becomes a teenager, stressed by acne, hormones, and dating. The teenager becomes a young adult trying to handle the stresses of leaving home, adjusting to college life, and managing finances.

Life progresses to first jobs, marriage, children, and so on. Even if you move to a secluded cabin in the woods, stress will follow you.

Incorrect & Wrong Ways of handling Stress

The Three Eye Theory of Stress Management

We see the world with two eyes but an inner eye processes the input.  I call the inner eye perception.It is not surprising that two people gazing at a large sea swell can see it in quite different ways.  One sees the swell as excellent for surfing while the other sees it as a danger to be avoided at all costs.

This perception-variance is not produced by the two eyes in the front of the head but by the inner eye of perception. Information passing through our eyes is filtered by the brain.

If you would like to get a real feel for how the brain processes information that flows through the eyes look at the object below.  This object, called a Necker Cube, will involuntarily change from time to time as you study it.

Weird isn’t it!  If the brain flips a simple object around what does it do to more complex objects?Changing perception begins when you ask yourself this question:

“Is there another way of looking at this?“If you find it difficult to get a new perspective then ask others what they think – what they are seeing. Knowledge gained in this way will certainly give you some different views.

Effective personal stress management always involves the third eye of perception.

So take a daily hassle and get a new perspective on it and see if you can make it irrelevant.

If you look at these and they are not moving, that means you are relaxed.

If you look at these and they are moving slowly or even moderately, you are a little bit stressed.

If you look at these and they are moving fast, it means that you are seriously feeling the stress. Take a chill pill immediately.

The really crazy part is that when I relaxed and took a long deep breath, they stopped moving.

When I purposely thought about something stressful, they started moving fast.

Once again it goes to show how powerful our brain is, and how what you are seeing with your eyes may not be what the person next to you sees.

Labyrinth:Once you are in the labyrinth, there is only one way in and that way is the same way out.  You will follow twists and turns, but you never have to vary from your path, it is one long continuous path to the centre of the labyrinth.