Strategic Planning Process. UWRC Strategic Plan Components Donor Survey Community Conversations 2014...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Strategic Planning Process. UWRC Strategic Plan Components Donor Survey Community Conversations 2014...

Strategic Planning Process

UWRC Strategic Plan Components

Donor Survey Community Conversations

2014 Community Indicators Report

SWOT Analysis (Board/Staff)

2014 UWRC Strategic Plan


UWRC Strategic Plan MilestonesNovember 2013 – March 2015

Date Milestone

November 2013 First session of Community Conversations begins

December 2013 UWRC Staff and Board complete SWOT Analysis

February 2014 Donor Survey is completed by Perspectives

July 2014 Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee Retreat

September 2014 Adopted new vision statement, mission statement and core values

October 2014 Board voted to adopt a single issue focus

October 2014 Strategic Planning Data Team formed

November 2014 Data Team presents single issue options and recommendation to Board

January 2015 UWRC Board of Directors voted and approved single issue

March 2015 Strategic Plan Strategy Teams convene




Mobilizing the caring power of Racine County to improve lives and transform our community.


UWRC envisions a community where individuals and families achieve their potential through education, income stability, and healthy lives.

Core Values

1. Commitment to community success

2. Leadership

3. Inclusiveness

4. Integrity and accountability

5. Innovation

Strategic Planning Teams

Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee

The Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee was involved in all aspects of UWRC’s strategic planning process. Committee members participated in two, half-day strategic planning sessions to determine the vision and direction of United Way of Racine County for the next three years.


Adopting an Issue Focus


Categories Issue

Issues Education, income and health issues


Goal Funding programs in education, income

and health

By 2025, reduce poverty by 50%

Success Education, income and health results of

funded programs

Reduced poverty

Role Prioritize resources for education, income

and health issues

Lead issue

Adopting an Issue Focus


Participants of the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee discussed whether UWRC should continue as a category-focused United Way or transform to an issue-focused United Way. After significant discussion, all of the participants agreed with the following statements:

• United Way of Racine County is a community impact organization.

• It is our responsibility to our community and donors to maximize our community impact.

• Adopting an issue focus provides an opportunity for greater community impact.

• We believe it is appropriate to adopt an issue focus at United Way of Racine County.

• Over the next year, we will research, plan and prepare for adopting an issue focus.

Strategic Planning Data Team

The Strategic Planning Data Team was charged with:

• Reviewing community condition data

• Discussing and ranking community issues

• Recommending issues to Executive Committee and Board of Directors for consideration as UWRC’s single issue


UWRC’s Issue

Building an Educated



Education Income Health

UWRC’s Issue


Building an Educated Workforce

Building an Educated Workforce

• Employment was the 1st most significant issue facing our community listed by donors and non-donors in the Active Community Investor Survey.

• Racine has the highest unemployment rate for any city in Wisconsin and continues to be well above the state and national averages according to the 2014 Community Indicators Report.


• Employability of Workforce was one of the major themes that emerged during our series of Community Conversations.

Building an Educated Workforce

• Poverty was the 2nd most significant issue facing our community listed by donors and non-donors in the Active Community Investor Survey.

• While the city of Racine had levels of poverty comparable to the state in the 1980 U.S. Census data, the percentage of Racine residents living in poverty has continued to rise, reaching nearly double the state level in 2013.


Building an Educated Workforce

• Education was the next 3rd most significant issue listed in the donor survey.

• Racine high school (legacy) graduation rate is 71.3%.


• No more than 62% (Waterford) and as few as 37% (RUSD) achieved ACT scores that indicate they had the reading and math skills necessary to be successful in college.

• For Higher Expectations, a collective focus on education is the method used to achieve a Racine County workforce that is fully capable and employed.

Next Steps

Strategic Planning Strategy Teams

The Strategic Planning Strategy Teams will:

• Research and analyze strategies implemented by United Ways in similar size/demographic communities

• Develop strategies that address the issue focus in each respective area

• Develop marketing and communications strategies

• Identify measures and evaluation methods for the strategies and draft scorecards

• Develop estimates and recommendations for costs and staffing necessary to execute the strategies


Strategic Planning Strategy Team Flow Chart


UWRC Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Data Team

Education Strategy Team

Income Strategy Team

Health Strategy Team

Marketing & Communications Strategy Team