Stop Racism in Soccer

Post on 09-May-2015

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Racism in Spanish soccer needs to end.

Transcript of Stop Racism in Soccer


Alyssa St.Pierre

Mia Baroni

The dark cloud of The dark cloud of racism appears to racism appears to

hang over soccer… hang over soccer… -

Greg Duke from CNN


The problem at European soccer games is that some fans that go to the games are being racist

to the minority players. The European soccer fans taunt and chant monkey noises and throw

bananas at the minority players. League officials and owners allow this to occur. It’s

not right!

The National Soccer Federation has the power to control the stands and on the field, but

most haven't taken any action. The players have had enough of being picked on for the

color of their skin.

It is not fair that the soccer players that are getting picked on to have to take the pressure from all the people

calling them racist things. They are entertaining them, so why do they have to be racist to them? The players

should be able do what they love freely, without people saying racist things about them.


The solution the racism at soccer games is if the fans are being racist then they should get their season tickets taken away. Any fan making racist statements or actions should be thrown out of the stadium.Another way to stop racism at soccer games is to have true fans and celebrities that care about the problem should speak out in a commercial, or an advertisement somewhere that people can see.


Get rid of racism at soccer games!!