Stop Making Pie Charts!

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Stop Making Pie Charts!

  1. 1. Stop Making Pie Charts! An opinionated guide to the craft of data visualisation Robin Gower Open Data Manchester 30.06.15 @robsteranium
  2. 2. Motivation Components Perception Guidance
  3. 3. Motivation
  4. 4. CC BY 2.0 Flickr Procilas Moscas Data raw symbols
  5. 5. CC BY 2.0 Flickr Procilas Moscas Information meaning from context
  6. 6. Copyright | Denise Schmandt-Besserat (1977) Visualisation representation of the abstract
  7. 7. CC BY SA 4.0 Robin Gower 2015 Encoding data aesthetics
  8. 8. How similar are these sets? Anscombe (1973) Graphs in Statistical Analysis
  9. 9. How similar are these sets? Anscombe (1973) Graphs in Statistical Analysis
  10. 10. How similar are these sets? Anscombe (1973) Graphs in Statistical Analysis
  11. 11. Components
  12. 12. Variables Trafford MBC 2015
  13. 13. Transformations Trafford MBC 2015 with Infonomics
  14. 14. CC BY-SA 2.0 Flickr Guian Bolisay Scales mapping to a common unit
  15. 15. Yahoo Finance via the Generalist Scales mapping to a common unit
  16. 16. Coordinates mapping to the display CC BY 2.0 Flickr Carsten Frenzl 2013
  17. 17. Coordinates mapping to the display DWP 2012 JSA Claimants in the North West,
  18. 18. Coordinates mapping to the display Distribution of Cultural Venues Infonomics
  19. 19. Elements aesthetic attributes this page is intentionally left blank
  20. 20. Guides to provide context Out-of-Copyright Ordnance Survey 1887
  21. 21. Perception
  22. 22. Pre-attentive Processing 3.14159265358979 3238462643383279 5028841971693993 7510582097494459 2307816406286208 9986280348253421
  23. 23. Pre-attentive Processing 3.14159265358979 3238462643383279 5028841971693993 7510582097494459 2307816406286208 9986280348253421
  24. 24. Decoding accuracy Cleveland, McGill (1986) An experiment in
  25. 25. Decoding accuracy Cleveland, McGill (1986) An experiment in
  26. 26. Ranking of Perceptual Tasks Mackinley 1986 Automating the Design of
  27. 27. CC BY 1.0 WikiMedia Commons Shutz 2007
  28. 28. CC BY 1.0 WikiMedia Commons Shutz 2007
  29. 29. Visualization: Using Computer Graphics to
  30. 30. Stephen Few
  31. 31. Aesthetics Position Copyright Christian Rudder, Dataclysm
  32. 32. Aesthetics Position Polish Central Examination Board Matura Test
  33. 33. Aesthetics Colour depends on context
  34. 34. Aesthetics Colour not the same to everyone
  35. 35. Aesthetics Colour limits to perception XKCD Colour Survey 2010
  36. 36. Aesthetics Colour reach for a palette Brewer Colour Palette
  37. 37. Gestalt laws of grouping proximity
  38. 38. Gestalt laws of grouping similarity
  39. 39. Gestalt laws of grouping closure
  40. 40. Gestalt laws of grouping continuation
  41. 41. 3D is bad (on 2D displays) CC BY SA 4.0 Robin Gower 2014
  42. 42.
  43. 43. Perspective Distortion CC BY SA 4.0 WikiMedia Commons SharkD 2007
  44. 44. Perception vs Perspective
  45. 45. GuidanceGuidance
  46. 46. Chart Junk 3d pies are a great way to deceive 2008 Macworld Expo via Engadget
  47. 47. Chart Junk you can lie with line charts too Florida Dept of Law Enforcement via Reuters
  48. 48. Chart Junk improves memorability Bateman et al (2010) Useful Junk? via
  49. 49. Data-Ink Ratio Tufte (1983) The Visual Display of Quantitative Data-ink Ratio Data-ink Total ink used to print the graphic 1 proportion of graphic that can be erased = = proportion of a graphics ink devoted to the non-redundant display of data-information =
  50. 50. Data-Ink Ratio - Example CC BY NC 2.0 Tim Bray
  51. 51. Data-Ink Ratio
  52. 52. Over-plotting Open Government License DataGM 2013
  53. 53. Over-plotting - smaller Open Government License DataGM 2013
  54. 54. Over-plotting - transparency Open Government License DataGM 2013
  55. 55. Over-plotting logarithmic scale Open Government License DataGM 2013
  56. 56. Over-plotting binning Open Government License DataGM 2013
  57. 57. Sparklines Robin Gower (2009) Infonomics AutoReporter
  58. 58. Oliver Byrne's Euclid 1847
  59. 59. Small Multiples IKEA discovered via Tufte twitter
  60. 60. Small Multiples 200 Calories
  61. 61. Jason Lockwood 2012 Perceptual Edge
  62. 62. Stop Making Pie Charts! An opinionated guide to the craft of data visualisation Robin Gower Open Data Manchester 30.06.15 @robsteranium