Step By Step Through the New Testament Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2013...

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Transcript of Step By Step Through the New Testament Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2013...

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  • Step By Step Through the New Testament Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2013 Lesson 1: New Testament Background (part 1)
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  • New Testament Background `The New Testament (NT) is the codification of Gods new covenant with his people. OTNT # of Books Span Christ Orig. lang.
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  • New Testament World I.How did we get here? Egypt Assyria Babylon Medo-Persia Greece
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  • New Testament World Greece (cont) Ptolemies & Seleucids Maccabean Revolt Hashmonean Dynasty Rome
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  • Roman Emperors During NT Times 1.Augustus CaesarJesus Birth 2.Tiberius Jesus Death 3.Gaius (Caligula)Pauls Early Ministry 4.NeroChristian Persecutions in Rome 5.DomitianPersecution, Writing of the Revelation
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  • Roman Oversight of Conquered Lands 1.Senate Provinces a) Senate ruled over these territories. b) Usually peaceful territories c) Locally governed by Proconsuls 2.Imperial Provinces a) Ruled directly by the Emperor b) Usually troublesome, hotbeds c) Locally governed by Procurators (governors)
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  • Roman Government in Judea 1.ProcuratorsPontius Pilate Felix Festus 2.Judean Vassal King:Herod the Great Archaleus Antipas Agrippa I (grandson) Agrippa II (great-grand)
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  • The Jewish Social World 1.Approximately 4 million Jews in the Roman Empire. Only 700, 000 were in Palestine. Thus, the majority were in the Jewish diaspora. 2.Multilingual: Hebrew (priestly language) Aramaic (common language) Greek (many spoke and read it)
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  • The Jewish Social World (cont.) 3.Social Classes a) Wealthy Aristocracy: mostly Sadducees. Controlled businesses linked with the temple. b) Poor Majority: farmers, craftsmen, businessmen. c) Plebs: the virtually non-existent middle class who often found themselves group along side the poor. d) Slaves: largest group. Often well trained professionals placed in labor because of birth, debt or war.
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  • The Religious World A.The religious landscape during the NT times was pagan. There were a number of different faith systems being practiced at the time. 1. Family Gods 2. Greek Gods 3. Emperor Worship (Imperial Cult) 4. Mystery religions 5. The Occult
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  • The Religious World (cont.) 6. Gnostic Religion 7. Epicurians 8. Stoics 9. Cynics 10. Skeptics
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  • The Religious World (cont.) B.The Jewish Theology: Judaism 1. Monotheisticone Godavoided idolatry 2. Based on the historic acts of God, not myth, philosophy or speculation. 3. They looked forward to the coming of a Messiah who would be a political/military deliverer. Q: How does the Jews Messianic Expectation clash with the Jesus of Scripture?
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  • The Religious World (cont.) C.Worship 1. The chief center of worship with the Temple. The development of Gentile Christianity severed the connection of the temple with Christianity. 2. The destruction of the temple if 586 BC, gave rise to the synagogue.
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  • The Religious World (cont.) Purposes of the Synagogue 1.A place for studying and teaching the law. 2.A place for the instruction of children. 3.A social center for fellowship. The Jews rejection of Jesus as Messiah led to the complete rupture between Christians and the synagogue. Q: Any resemblance to the Christian church?