Stay Tuned in HR, Bucharest, Adapt or die! Ilie I. Dragan

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Stay Tuned in HR, Bucharest, Adapt or die! Ilie I. Dragan

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Ilie I. Drăgan DBAc, MBAs, PMP

new perspectives ?

idea is not invention

product means relationship (complexity)

markets redefinition

power of information

crisis as opportunity

Charles Darwin

"It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives;

it is not the strongest that survives;

but the species that survives is the one that is able best

to adapt and adjust to

the changing environment in which it finds itself."

Where does the progress come from ?

actual challenges



new business models

non-market forces


market as a jungle

is your organisation prepared?

new dynamic capabilities

digital solutions

consumer engagement

information processing

market dynamics

change as normality

digital solutions

synergic with operational excellence (SMACIT)

I/T - competitive advantage or the “new rule”?

who’s your CTO? what’s his/her responsibility?

target nodes, influencers & user communities

“digitally yours”

consumer engagement

more educated customers

sophistication - evolving needs & expectations

“consumers” easily targeted by competition, suppliers or substitutes

unpredictable or predictable behaviour

“no one survives without food”

information processing

data revolution

capturing data at the point of origin

research is a must

information is the real competitive advantage

open vs. closed innovation

“there is danger everywhere”

closed vs. open

Source: Chesbrough 2003

market dynamics

continuous pressures on markets

uncover needs and create markets

create, claim and preserve your new markets

disruptive innovations from other industries

“no one is safe in the jungle”

change as normality


shape your environment

embrace challenges

change process as “reinventing constant”

change actions develop your response capabilities

“no one sleeps in the jungle”

Source: D Kirsch, 2003; adapted by M. Ventresca & V. Seidel 2008

innovation ecosystem

PRODUCER vs. USER innovation


dependency - industries, markets, supply chains



innovation is everyone’s business

have the right attitude

identify and provide new skills to employees

improve processes

reinvent relationships on value chains

strategically integrate supply chains

innovation is everyone’s business

observe integration and disintegration of industries over time - momentum is an asset

adapt your governance (P-M-O-C system)

systematically look for it - bring it to operations

create synergies throughout the ecosystem

Advanced Program in Strategy & Innovation

Modul I - Strategic frameworks

Modul II - Markets’ evolution

Modul III - Innovation ecosystem

Modul IV - Developing innovation capabilities

Modul V - Innovation in action

Questions ?