States of TECH ED + Art Ed

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of States of TECH ED + Art Ed

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Thoughts on Digital Education

“We live in a visual culture. The Internet allows for that in dramatic ways.”  - William Lutz

“Your mobile phone has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969. NASA launched a man to the moon. We launch a bird into pigs.” – @George Bray

12 million addicted iPhone players.


“the shallows”

The shallows: What the Internet is doing to our brain” by Nicholas Carr ”Cult of the Amateur”

Texting Is Most Common Distraction for Bored Students

It’s no surprise that texting has become the top classroom distraction when students get bored in class. Most high school and college students can do it even without looking at their phone’s screen giving the impression that they are still listening in class. Students would usually pass out messages to another classmate, make plans with a roommate, or just chat with a girlfriend or boyfriend…. how rampant texting in class has become. Nine out of ten students say they do texting all the time while in class and that it can be easily done without being detected. What is more alarming is that among the students population, 10% admits receiving messages during exams and even using their phones to cheat.

Cyber bullying is the repeated use of information technology, including e-mail, instant messaging, blogs, chat rooms, pagers, cell phones, and gaming systems, to deliberately harass, threaten or intimidate others. Unlike physical bullying, where the victim can walk away, technology now allows for continuous harassment, from any distance, in a variety of ways.

The full scope of cyber bullying is difficult to measure.  However, according to a recent survey, 42% of children have been cyber bullied and 35% have been threatened online. Peer approval is very important to children. This means that cyber bullying can have a negative or even destructive emotional effect on victims, ranging from hurt feelings to intense anger. It can also result in significant depression and in the most severe cases has even resulted in suicide. Unfortunately, children rarely report occurrences to an adult.

Digital Natives…?

The ideal of using the present simply to get ready for the future contradicts itself. It omits, and even shuts out, the very conditions by which a person can be prepared for his future. We always live at the time we live and not at some other time, and only by extracting at each present time the full meaning of each present experience are we prepared for doing the same thing in the future. This is the only preparation which in the long run amounts to anything. - John Dewey, (1859 - 1952) American philosopher & educator

Informal survey last week: Number of KU art education students in my classes who maintain a blog, tweet, or have a personal website.

Data from an informal “raise your hands if…” survey given on March 24.




Back in 2001 when former Maine governor Angus King launched an initiative that funded the purchase of a laptop for every seventh grader in the state, he didn't promise higher test scores. Instead, King recognized that tech literacy is a must-have 21st century skill, and all students need it, regardless of economic background. Now 10 years later, every seventh- and eighth-grade student in the state, every secondary teacher, and 60 percent of high school students have their own laptop. The technology costs $18 million per year, but its an investment that's leveling the playing field and bringing in academic results.

Used properly, laptops make information incredibly accessible and can offer countless opportunities for skill and concept remediation. They also close the gap between students from low income backgrounds and their wealthier counterparts by equitably providing access to information. If a low-income student is assigned a research paper, without a laptop and internet access she has to rely on her school or local public library—which might not be stocked with the most up-to-date or relevant sources. Laptops circumvent those access issues.


Adobe Museum of Digital Media


Google Certified Teachers• Educators who attend a Google Teacher Academy

become Google Certified Teachers.

Google Certified Teachers are: • Exceptional educators with a passion for using

innovative tools to improve teaching and learning.• Creative leaders who understand their local needs

and can spread innovation as a recognized expert• .Ambassadors for change who model high

expectations, life-long learning, collaboration, equity & inclusion, and innovation.

• Etc.

GSPEDU-B PW the same

New AE digital class as a means to reinforce what is important (or missing, neglected)? Such as:

• Advocacy• Portfolio, branding, and graphic design • The art of presentation• 21c Research (plus ethics)• Writing – comprehension and composition• Making art in new media• Lifelong learning• Participation/Empowerment

Participatory culture shifts the focus of literacy from one of individual expression to community involvement. The new literacies almost all involve social skills developed through collaboration and networking. These skills build on the foundation of traditional literacy, research skills, technical skills, and critical analysis skills taught in the classroom.


the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving


the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery


the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes


the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details

distributed cognition

the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expandmental capacities

collective Intelligence

the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal

transmedia navigation

the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities


the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources


the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information


the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms


the ability to interpret and create data representations for the purposes of expressing ideas, finding patterns, and identifying trends

