State%of%the%SmartCard%Alliance%Report 2104 ......• 2014 average satisfaction rating: 87.0 (out of...

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Transcript of State%of%the%SmartCard%Alliance%Report 2104 ......• 2014 average satisfaction rating: 87.0 (out of...

State  of  the  Smart  Card  Alliance  Report  2104  Member  Mee:ng  -­‐  Orlando  

Randy  Vanderhoof,  Execu:ve  Director  

Smart  Card  Alliance  Mission  Statement  •  The  Smart  Card  Alliance  is  a  not-­‐for-­‐profit,  mul:-­‐industry  

associa:on  working  to  s+mulate  the  understanding,  adop+on,  use  and  widespread  applica+on  of  smart  card  technology.    

•  The  Alliance  invests  heavily  in  educa+on  on  the  appropriate  uses  of  technology  for  iden:fica:on,  payment  and  other  applica:ons  and  strongly  advocates  the  use  of  smart  card  technology  in  a  way  that  protects  privacy  and  enhances  data  security  and  integrity.    

•  Through  specific  projects  such  as  educa:on  programs,  market  research,  advocacy,  industry  rela:ons  and  open  forums,  the  Alliance  keeps  its  members  connected  to  industry  leaders  and  innova+ve  thought.    

•  The  Alliance  is  the  single  industry  voice  for  smart  card  technology,  leading  industry  discussion  on  the  impact  and  value  of  smart  cards  in  the  U.S.  and  La+n  America.  


10  Principal  Benfits  of  Membership  

Benefits  of  Membership  in  the  Smart  Card  Alliance  1.   Visibility  2.   Networking  3.   InnovaDon    4.   Lower  research  or  implementaDon  costs  5.   Standards  support    6.   InformaDon,  research  and  learning  7.   Business  and  industry  outreach  8.   Public  opinion  influence  9.   Advance  knowledge  10.  Growing  the  pie    


Organiza:on  Picture  


168 members

175 members

43 members

386 Member Organizations

EMV  Migra:on  Forum  Ac:vi:es  •  170  member  organiza:ons  •  Mission  -­‐  to  address  issues  that  require  broad  coopera:on  and  

communica:on  among  many  cons:tuents  to  ensure  the  successful  adop:on  of  EMV  in  a  :mely  and  efficient  manner  


EMV  Migra:on  Forum  Working  CommiWees  •  Working  CommiWees  “carry  out  the  business  of  

the  Forum”  and  report  to  the  EMV  Migra:on  Forum  Steering  CommiWee  

•  Working  CommiWees  are  chaired  by  members  and  manage  one  or  more  projects  to  accomplish  their  goals  

•  Six  Working  CommiWees  are  currently  ac:ve  •  ATM  •  Card-­‐Not-­‐Present  Fraud  •  Communica:ons  &  Educa:on  •  Debit  •  Tes:ng  &  Cer:fica:on  •  U.S.  Coordina:on    

EMV  ConnecDon  Web  Site  


•  Resources  from  both  the  EMV  Migra:on  Forum  and  Smart  Card  Alliance,  plus  links  to  other  industry  resources  

•  Highlights  •  Webinar  recordings  •  EMV  FAQ  •  All  EMV  Migra:on  Forum  

white  papers  and  deliverables  

•  Smart  Card  Alliance  Payments  Council  Resources  •  “Card  Payments  Roadmap  

in  the  U.S.”  white  paper  •  “Card-­‐Not-­‐Present  Fraud  



Smart  Card  Alliance  –  La:n  America  &  The  Caribbean  (SCALA)  


Annual  Member  Survey  Highlights  

Ø Survey response: 140 members from 77 member organizations (45.8% of all member organizations)

Ø Overall satisfaction is good and improved from 2013 – 87.0 rating in 2014 vs. 85.7 rating in 2013 (on 0-100 scale)

Ø Value ratings (1-5 scale): Ø  Communications activities: 3.47 (vs. 3.39 in 2013) Ø Resources and deliverables: 3.53 (vs. 3.41 in 2013) Ø Events and meetings: 3.76 (vs. 3.46 in 2013)

Ø Satisfaction ratings (1-5 scale): Ø Activities and programs: 4.05 (vs. 4.03 in 2013) Ø Council activities: 4.26 (vs. 4.16 in 2013)

Smart Card Alliance Confidential 3

Overall  Sa:sfac:on  

Membership  Level  

#  of  Responses  in  


2014  RaDng  

2013  RaDng  

2012  RaDng  

2011  RaDng  

2010  RaDng  

2009  RaDng  

2008  RaDng  

2007  RaDng  

Leadership  Council   44   88.5   86.6   87.4   86.3   85.9   83.7   85.8   90.7  

General   59   84.7   85.3   86.3   86.5   86.5   81.6   84   87.5  

Government   13   91.5   83.9   81.3   82.4   90.6   85.3   88   87.1  

Associate   3   92   88   86.4   93.3   89.3   90.5   85.5   87.5  

University   1   90   n/a   n/a   94   94   90   95   90  

Unknown   2   82.5   n/a   80   n/a   n/a   n/a   n/a   n/a  

OVERALL   122   87.0   85.7   86.0   85.7   85.2   83.3   85.5   88.9  

Percent  of  members  clearly  saDsfied:  raDng  of  80  or  higher  

111   91.0%   88.6%   85.6%   87.6%   89.1%   82.8%   82.6%   n/a  

•  2014 average satisfaction rating: 87.0 (out of 100 with 122 responses), an increase from 85.7 in 2013 and the highest average rating since 2007

Smart Card Alliance Confidential 5

Most  Important  Industry  Issues  

Smart Card Alliance Confidential

Ø  Members were asked what they felt the most important industry issues and topics were that the Alliance should be working on.

Ø  50 members responded, with many different responses. •  Mobile: 25 varied responses

•  Mobile / NFC / HCE •  Mobile LACS, PACS, payment, transit, PIV-I •  Movement from cards to SE in mobile devices

•  EMV: 20 responses •  Transit: 10 varied responses

•  Open payments / standardization / EMV / mobile •  Identity & access control: 7 varied responses

•  Mobile / FIPS 201 / FICAM / GSA testing •  Future trends / new markets: 4 •  Healthcare: 2 responses


* See detail in full survey report

Communica:ons  Ac:vi:es  Value  (Scale  of  1-­‐5)  

Ø Highest value Ø Smart Card Alliance web site – members-only section (3.93) Ø Smart Card Alliance web site – public site (3.83) Ø Email announcements about Alliance events (3.73)

Ø  Least value •  Smart Card Alliance social media (2.89)

Ø No experience response: Communications activities with highest percentages of respondents who stated that they had no experience with the activity

•  Smart Card Alliance social media (26.8%) •  E-Yearbook (25.4%) •  EMV Connection web site (24.8%) •  Daily Smart Card Alliance Industry News Summary (15.0%)

Smart Card Alliance Confidential 14

140 responses

Events/Mee:ngs  Value  (Scale  of  1-­‐5)  

Ø Highest value •  Complimentary registration(s) to Alliance conferences (4.36) •  Speaking opportunities at Alliance conferences (4.23) •  Discounted registration fees at Alliance-sponsored events (4.14) •  Speaking opportunities at other industry conferences (4.1)

Ø  Least value •  Exhibiting opportunities (3.19) •  Sponsorship opportunities (3.13)

Ø No experience response: Events and meetings with highest percentages of respondents who stated that they had no experience with the activity

•  NFC Solutions Summit (48.9%) •  Member Meeting (42.7%) •  Government Conference (40.3%) •  Educational programs: Educational Institute and Workshops

(38.2%) Smart Card Alliance Confidential 19

Sa:sfac:on  with  Alliance  Ac:vi:es  and  Programs    

Ø Highest satisfaction •  Payments Summit (4.54) •  White papers and reports (4.31) •  Member Meeting (4.31) •  Smart Cards in Government Conference (4.27) •  Industry Council participation (4.18) •  EMV Connection web site (4.13) •  Public Smart Card Alliance website (4.13)

Ø  Least satisfaction •  Smart Card Alliance Yearbook (3.58) •  Smart Card Alliance social media (3.49)

Ø No experience response: Activities with highest percentages of respondents who had no experience with the activity

•  NFC Solutions Summit (62.7%) •  Member Meeting (59.5%) •  CSCIP (34.4%)

Smart Card Alliance Confidential 21

Industry  Councils  



Payments Council

Identity Council

Transportation Council

Access Control Council

Health & Human

Services Council

Mobile & NFC Council

v  570 individuals v  115 organizations v  69% of member


2014  Council  Accomplishments  


Jan  2014  ISC  LeWer  

Feb  2014  Changing  U.S.  

Payments  Landscape  Workshop  

2014  Member  Mee:ng  Planning  2015/2016  Steering  CommiWee  

Elec:ons  Nov  2014  

EMV,  Encryp:on  and  Tokeniza:on  White  


Aug  2014  Host  Card  Emula:on  (HCE)  101  White  


Apr  2014  NIST  SP  800-­‐157  


Jul  2014  FIPS  201  Evalua:on  Program  Comments  

Jan Apr Jul Oct Dec

Feb  2014  HIMSS  Symposium:  Privacy  and  Security  

in  Healthcare  Iden:ty  

Feb  2014  Card-­‐Not-­‐

Present  Fraud    Primer  

May  2014  NAHAM  Panel:  

Pa:ent  Access:  Best  Prac:ces  and  Standards  

Apr  2014  Mobile  Devices  and  Iden:ty  &  Access  

Control  Applica:ons  Workshop  

Jun  2014  NIST  SP  800-­‐73-­‐4  


Oct  2014  PIV  in  EPACS  Workshop  

Oct  2014  WEDI  Secure  

Pa:ent  Iden:fica:on  White  


Jun  2014  NFC  Mobile  Security  Workshop  

Jun  2014  Bluetooth  Low  Energy  (BLE)  101  White  Paper  



§  Lars  Suneborn,  Director  of  Training  Programs  

§  Cer:fied  System  Engineer  ICAM  PACS  •  GSA  Approved  -­‐  FIPS  201  Tes:ng  Program  •  60+  people  cer:fied  since  August,  ‘14  •  3  days  of  classroom  and  hands-­‐on  instruc:on  •  Trainers  –  Lars  Suneborn;  Stephen  Howard,  and  Bryan  Ichikawa    

§  Cer:fied  Smart  Card  Industry  Professional  •  CSCIP,    CSCIP/Government,  CSCIP/Payments  •  368  Applicants  –  218  cer:fied  •  109  new  applicants  in  2014    


Communica:ons  Ac:vi:es  


Web  Site  Resources  


Web  site  Highlights  


MOST POPULAR WEB RESOURCES•  Smart Card Alliance white

papers and publications •  EMV Migration Forum

information •  Smart Card Alliance

members •  Smart card technology

primer and application information

•  EMV frequently asked questions

•  Smart Card Alliance events

3  –  5  Year  Strategic  Planning  


Review  2013-­‐2014  SCA  ObjecDves  Proposed  Priority  Rank  

External  OpportuniDes  

AcDon  Items:  

1   EMV  MigraDon  Forum   Define  next  year’s  EMF  acDviDes  based  on  real-­‐Dme  market  condiDons      Investments  when  Dming  is  right  

2   Training   Create  a  Training  Services  Delivery  Strategy    SCALA  training  translaDon  CSCIP  training/  tesDng  delivery  MarkeDng  training  

3   Healthcare   Develop  Healthcare  Market  Strategy        -­‐  HIMMS  Workshop  

4   M2M   Research  M2M  market  and  define  SCA  role      

5   Transport   -­‐Further  brands  alignment  for  open  payments  -­‐Transit  and  EMV  -­‐Transit  and  mobile  credenDals  -­‐Prepaid    

6   Telecom   NFC  for  payments  and  non-­‐payments  

3  –  5  Year  Strategic  Planning  

Review  2013-­‐2014  SCA  ObjecDves  Proposed  Priority  Rank  

Internal  OpportuniDes  

AcDon  Items:  

1   OperaDonal  Efficiency  

Add’l  CommunicaDons  staff  Shie  to  Avectra  soeware  Training  manager  

2   Develop  Succession  Plan  for  SCA        

ED  and  Staff  succession  planning  OperaDons  manual  updated  

3   Develop  Plan  for  OrganizaDon  Policies  and  implement  plan  

ExecuDve  Commigee,  Board  Commigee,  and  Full  Board  decision  making  

4   Cross  Council  CollaboraDon  

Members  MeeDng  Cross  industry  webinars/workshops  

5   MarkeDng   Efficient/effecDve  communicaDons  Increased  downloads  and  open  rate  




2015 Events Calendar - Save The Dates!

Staffing  and  Support  –  SCA  &  EMF  Execu:ve  Director    Randy  Vanderhoof    

Director,  Strategic  Programs  Cathy  Medich    

Manager,  Communica:ons  Debra  Marshall    

Communica:ons  Consultant  Shelbey  Votapek    

Director,  Training  Programs  Lars  Suneborn      

Events  Management  Bill  Rutledge    

Manager,  Conference  Services  Jaci  Sauve    

Conference  Services  Coordinator  Kris:n  Krebs    

Councils  Coordinator  Michael  Strock    


Staff  and  Support  -­‐  SCALA  Director  Edgar  BeWs  ebeWs@sca-­‐    Opera:ons  Manager  Solmoraine  Guzman  sguzman@sca-­‐    Administrator  Itzel  Gumbs  igumbs@sca-­‐    


Thank  You  For  Suppor:ng    the  Smart  Card  Alliance