Statement of intent

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Statement of intent

Statement of intent

Front cover  

I have chosen to name my magazine “KABOOM” this is because it sounds young, urban and hip. It also seems like a colloquial term therefore the target audience can relate to it.My music magazine will be about upcoming music artists, grime music updates and information about the next shows and opportunities. This is because I want the magazine to be useful to the reader and not just for entertainment purposes. I want to use black for the colour of my masthead font. This is because it is a simple colour and relates to the genre. I intend to place the masthead at the top left of the page and I intend it to be medium sized. I want to use an eroded type of text to enhance the representation of “street life.”The dominant image on my magazine cover will be of some people in the studio recording. I will be using this image because many grime artists tend to be in the studio a lot making mix tapes. I think this is the best way to represent the grime genre through the image. The main image should be recognisable to the target audience that it is a grime magazine and from that recognition they should hopefully understand the content of the magazine.My target audience should find my front page appealing because it is of an upcoming grime artist. They should be familiar with the artists and as a result, it should be a catalyst for them to buy the magazine. My potential target audience for my magazine is those who are interested in grime music. Preferably, they should be of the ages 15+ that are into grime and understand what is going on in the “underground scene.” I will include stories about the latest music artists, fashion and trends in grime. These articles don’t really relate to the title of my magazine however it’s all to do with grime music.I think I will limit myself to just using 1 or 2 different fonts for my front cover. This is because I want it to look professional and not tacky. My target audience will find this appealing because they will see that it is targeted for them because of the maturity, whereas if the front cover had 5 or more different fonts, the cover will look immature and childish. I don’t think my chosen font will depict the genre of my music magazine because it has no connotations that it is grime.

Logo I wanted to represent my genre in the type of

font I used for my title/logo. I experimented with different types of graffiti type fonts to help me come to a decision in how my logo should look like.

The first one I looks chunky and more on the animated side. This wouldn’t be appropriate for my magazine because I’m trying to appeal to a more mature audience.

The second one is more urban. It looks like graffiti and it can represent the genre perfectly .However, this type of font can confuse the target audience because it doesn’t look official

I prefer the last font because I like the acid dipped look of it. This is because it looks very street and relates to the genre very well.

I like the style of these two front covers and I would like to incorporate it into my magazine. I think the way the text is placed on the pages look funky and urban and it would go great with my choice of music genre. I also like the way the main images are placed on the page.

Magazine colours

I want to include these colours in my magazine because they resemble the colours of the union jack. This is symbolic to the fact that grime music was originated in the UK.

CONTENTS PAGE In my contents page, I would like my layout to include at least two columns. This is because I don’t want it to be detailed; I don’t want too much information in the contents page to lose interest in the magazine. From my contents page research I’ve discovered that contents pages use vertical columns and subheadings. These are the conventions that I’m going to use in order for my contents page to be successful. I’m also going to include images to make the page look more appealing.  I’m going to use boxes and borders to divide the contents into different sections. This will make my contents page easy to navigate around as the audience will be able to read what looks appealing to them first.  I will include stories form the front cover also with further stories and articles related to the genre.  I want the contents page colour scheme to be the opposite of the front cover. I think this will be a good idea because it shows a good link to the front cover. It also shows that it is still a part of the magazine by keeping to the same colour scheme but by putting it in different order. I will include reviews on the side from past consumers and I will like to include a subscription box. This is because I think that the audience will want to read more of the magazine if they’ve seen past commentary about it. I want to include links to Facebook and Twitter for those who would like to research more about the magazine company.  I will arrange the information on my contents page in a vertical manner. This is because it is a typical convention and it will be easier to read. I think it is important for my contents page to remain easy for the audience to find major cover stories. I will do this by making the font of those main cover stories slightly bigger and bolder than other texts. I want to use small font sizes on my contents page. This is because I think it makes it look neater and easy to read. Furthermore, I wouldn’t want to use complex fonts in my contents page. This is because I believe that the contents page plays a significant role in the magazine so the text should be easy to read.

I don’t really intend on using more that two grids for my contents page. As a result, I have come up with a few ideas of how I want my contents page to look like. My contents page can go two ways, it can either be jammed packed with information with a few images or have more images and less writing. I'm still contemplating on to weather I should feature a subscription box or not so I haven't included it.

This contents page has only one main image on it. Along with this image I might add article. This article will act like a blurb for the magazine to entice the audience into reading it more.

I'm still contemplating weather to add in a editors letter to the reader. This is because I usually see this in magazines and it makes me feel special reading the magazine.

Having the competition in the contents is like a bribe into reading the rest of the magazine.

All the images are going to be placed in one grid. Each image should be accompanied my a number to signal its page number.

All the contents list will be in one column, this will make it a lot easier for the consumer to scan through.

This is a contents page I found on the internet. Even though it isn't from a music magazine, the layout is very similar to one of my mock ups .This image helps in giving me a visual image of how it may look like.

This is another contents page I found on the internet. This also resembles one of my mock ups. This is because it features an article in the centre of the page. This also helps me visualise how my contents may look like if I do decide to feature an article on the contents page.

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD For my double page spread, I would like to include at least three columns for the double page spread. This is because I want to keep it brief in order for the audience to actually read the article and not lose interest. I’ve intended to use drop caps in the construction of my double page spread. This is a key principal because it indicates to the audience where the article begins. I’m also going to include pull out quotes in my double page spread. This is a principal component because it interests the audience to read more of the article. Furthermore, I am going to use a template within my construction. Using a template will speed up my production and it gives the double page spread an overall design cohesion. Another principle component that I need to include in my construction is the headline and heading. This is the most important principal component because it stimulates curiosity about the article and it tempts the audience to read on. I’m going to use borders on my double page spread to make it look neater and professional. I might include a box full of factual information of the person in the article. This will appeal to my target audience because it will make them feel as if they have more of an insight with the music artist. I am going to be using extended images from the front cover. This will make my double page spread appeal to my target because they should now be familiar and questioning who and why the person is on the front cover.  In my double page spread, I want to include the story of the rise of the music artist. It will be related to my images in order for the audience to see who the article is about.  The mode of address of the major story in my double page spread is to influence readers. I want the audience to feel that they can achieve their dreams and make a difference. As a result of my target audience being young; I want them to understand that working hard gets you places. The target audience are at that point in their lives when they have to start making decisions, by reading the article, it should inspire them to do well with whatever they are doing.  I want the colour schemes to resemble the colour schemes of the image. This is because it will make it a lot easier for the article to relate to the image. However, I will have words that stand out in order to catch the attention of the reader. There would be one main big image of the artist followed along with smaller ones around the spread. The article will begin with a brief introduction of the artist, then move on to an interview. I will use colloquial terms in the interview because this emphasises the genre of music and it relates to the young audience.  I want to use graffiti type font on my article because this will relate to the genre. Also I would like my font to be of a medium size. This is because I don’t want the audience to think that there is too much to read.  

This is an idea of how my double page spread out may look like. I’ve featured the basic conventions for a double page spread and I think this looks very realistic. I looked at various double page spreads on the internet and in shops. I think double page spreads look more successful when they have one big main image. This is because it looks more professional and unique.

I used this double page spread to get some inspiration of how my double page spread might look like.