Starbucks Corporate Culture

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Transcript of Starbucks Corporate Culture

Starbucks Corporate CultureKatie Brindley, Michelle Grant,

Evangelita Nez, Ryan Scalmanini

and Robin Tigler

University of Phoenix

PSY428 – Organizational Psychology

May 18, 2009


› The following topics will be discussed:

– Diversity and Customer Focus– Organizational Structure– Networking– Organizational Ethics– Employee Relations– Corporate Citizenship

Diversity and Customer Focus

› Starbucks is not a “franchise”› Customer base includes all nationalities› Repeat customers include business

professionals, healthcare professionals, students

› Store locations are international› Sites include schools, malls, hospitals,

airports, grocery chains

Diversity and Customer Focus

› Management execs regularly visit stores to ensure quality

› Strategies are implemented to enhance benefits for customers and employees

› Customer ownership and loyalty are key to success

› Customer feedback regularly solicited

Organizational Structure

› Howard Schultz – CEO› Restructuring has created new positions for

flatter organization:

– Global Real Estate Design Mgr– Global Strategy Mgr– Human Resource Strategy Mgr– Customer Experience Mgr– Marketing & Brand Strategy Mgr– Store expeditors at all locations

Organizational Structure

› Flatter organizational structure will:

– Lead to more efficient and more effective business strategy

– Streamline information flow from customer and low-tier employee to corporate level

– Keep customer and bottom line a priority to Starbucks business strategy

– Utilize new employee manual to streamline production and increase employee efficiency

Starbucks Networking

› “My Starbucks Idea” social networking site launched in March 2008:

– Customers play role in shaping company’s future – Re-ignites emotional attachment with customers – Builds a network of loyal and dedicated clientele – Allows open forum for ideas and discussion – Provide customers the ability to provide ideas on

products and service –

Organizational Ethics

› Supports six point mission statement › Mission statement is guiding principle and

holds it up as a filter for decision making› Employee training includes review of mission

statement, customer service theory and corporate culture

› Starbucks New Partner Training Plan includes training on ethics, ergonomics, safety, legal compliance, hands-on training

Employee Relations

› Starbucks promotes frequent visits to store locations from regional/district mgrs

› Encourages open employee communications › Starbucks values each employee as “partner”› Employees provided medical, vision/dental,

401k/stock options, tuition reimbursement, vacation

Effects of Organizational Ethics and Corporate Culture

› Employees share in “Starbucks Experience “› Reduction in employee turnover rate

– 20% Management– 80% Lower tier (Avg retail turnover rate + 200%)

› Results in more satisfied/happy employees› Results in value oriented ethics

Corporate Citizenship

› Developed the Shared Planet™:– Reflects company’s desire to conduct business in

responsible manner

› Long-term plans include improving corporate ethics by 2015 by:– Ethical sourcing– Environmental stewardship – Community involvement.

› Created International Youth Foundation, Give2Asia, China Education Project


› Starbucks has become the most successful company in gourmet coffee by integrating:

– Restructuring of organization– Social Networking– Focus on Diversity and Customer Service– Global promotion of ethical business practices– Strengthening employee relations– Promoting corporate citizenship

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