Stanford University Design lab

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Design Thinking Action Lab : Assignment-> Prototype and Test @Stanford University

Transcript of Stanford University Design lab

Problem Statement & selected ideas from previous sessions

Problem Statement: Sachin who is smart, personable, outspoken, detail-oriented software engineering graduate student, needs to start his career as software engineer because he wants to be able to payback his student loan and establish himself financially to open his own company in future.

1. Get internship quickly Network with professionals in S/W industry

2. Network with professionals in S/W industry

3. Take courses aligned to S/W application development

1. Prototype: Get internship Rapid prototyping technique used : Skits

1. Student Sam (who provided problem set) participated in interview as student who needs a internship

2. I played a role of hiring manager

3. In the skit many questions were asked such as : tech related, long term goals, value of internship, why a particular company ?

4. We repeated same questions with Sam’s friend and make notes


+ • Many questions were asked as real

interview • Questions were real as collected from

senior students already secured I’ship • Many new areas were unfolded where

question may be asked.

We need more people to test prototype, especially when you are prototyping service.

? • Are we prototyping a product ? • Are we giving enough time required

for prototyping service? • How can we benchmark this?

! • Record the video and show some real

hiring managers and ask Good questions are being asked? would they hire Sam ?


• What you leaned by testing prototypes? Prototyping service is much more difficult than product.

Prototyping needs motivation, patience and right stakeholders

Prototyping unfolds many avenues which we might completely miss without prototyping

Prototyping is not a guarantee of success but one step forward toward that

• What we would do next if you were to continue working on the project?

Involve some hiring manager to supervise the service/process.

Test this prototype with more students.

Rapid prototyping technique used : Role-playing

1. Student Sam (who provided problem set) participated in a meet-up session where I played role of new graduate

2. In the role play I tried to network professional unknown to me before and shown how to align needs vs. supply.

3. We repeated networking session in college job fair.

2. Prototype: Network with professionals in S/W industry

Feedback + • Great sessions with great people. • Need to break the ice and rest is

smooth • Be yourself, do not shy • Reach out, the worst is people may

discard you but usually rare in professional world.

• Do not copy, take inspirations

• Should print business cards • Have online presence • Start some volunteer work

? • Do all people do this who get


! • List more meet-ups and attend

relevant to S/W development.


• What you leaned by testing prototypes? Professional networking works.

Not as difficult as it looked initially.

Professionals are there to hire people

Prove your viability and get the assignment

• What we would do next if you were to continue working on the project?

Involve more students and go to networking events regularly

Participate in public Hackathons organized by S/W companies