Stakeholder Perceptions of the Adoption of Continuous Integration – A Case Study

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Stakeholder Perceptions of the Adoption of Continuous Integration – A Case Study

Stakeholder Perceptions of the Adoption of Continuous Integration – A Case StudyEero Laukkanen (Aalto University),Maria Paasivaara (Aalto University),Teemu Arvonen (Ericsson)

What is Continuous Integration?

“Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.”

- Martin Fowler


Why This Study?

Continuous integration practices in the industry vary a lot and are not all really continuous, but more infrequent.“Automated Software Integration Flows in Industry: A Multiple-case Study” by Ståhl and Bosch, 2014.

Adopting continuous integration has social challenges, such as adopting the mindset and setting clear goals.“Challenges When Adopting Continuous Integration: A Case Study” by Debbiche et al., 2014.

Idea: Could we study individuals to understand these challenges better?


Maria Paasivaara
Miksi eivät ole really continuous? (selität varmaan puheessa?)Mitä social challenges? Kerro vaikka muutama esimerkiksi... (selität tämänkin varmaan puheessa?)


1. What actions were done to adopt continuous integration?

2. What challenges were faced during the adoption?

3. How was the adoption perceived by different stakeholders?

4. How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?


Ericsson Organization• Platform + Services• Early market lifecycle• 11 teams, >100 people• Releases every 8 weeks


Large-Scale & Distributed Complex Platform


Development site

Operations site

Business systemcomponent

Network systemcomponent

Site CSite B

Site A Site D

Maria Paasivaara
-hajautuksen ja sitet ja tiimit voisi selittää selkeämmin kuvana

Research Approach - Interviews


Site A Site B Site C Total

Team member 12 4 3 19

Product owner 2 1 1 4

Other 1 2 1 4

Total 15 7 5 27

• What does CI mean to you?• Why do you practice CI?• Experiences of adoption• Challenges of adoption• What should be done next?

Maria Paasivaara
Pitäisikö tähän laittaa vaikka muutaman teeman mistä haastateltavilta kysyttiin?

What actions were done to adopt continuous integration?


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Platform acquiredStarted agile

Started building CIon Site A

CI roadshows


CI experts planted


Maria Paasivaara
Voisiko tämän kuvan tehdä niin, että "tapahtumat" ilmestyvät yksi kerrallaan, niin niistä jokaisesta voi kertoa yksitellen

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“I don’t think we have the capacity in the both in the development organization to do this at the same time as we do everything else we have committed.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“[A component] has not been designed to be tested or version controlled.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“No, [the tests] are not working. It's, maybe 30 or something like that, that fails every time and no-one cares because we know that they fail.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“It's many hours now, the nightly build. It's running several hours and... I'm not sure how many more test cases we can actually add to that before it starts taking too long.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“There is a problem that, some of our, our test environments, like, I say staging for example, it doesn't have full connectivity at the moment.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“It's quite easy to write [test cases], but I experienced that the test framework was very buggy. So it was difficult to do the test cases.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

What challenges were faced during the adoption?Lack of Time

Difficult Components

Unstable Tests

Slow Tests

Insufficient Testing Environments

Disagreement on Tools

Global Distribution of the Organization


“So, we use video conferences, it's very hard to say what [the participants from Site A] say, they turn to each other, talk to each other within that little group, and eventually, we're, hey, we're here, could we say something.”

Maria Paasivaara
Näissäkin voisi ajatella, että kukin "challenge" tulee yksi kerrallaan ja sen selittää, ennen kuin ottaa seuraavaan. Lainaus-boxissa voisi tulla näkyviin aina kuhunkin challengeen sopiva lainaus, joka aina vaihtuu. Tosin aivan kaikille ei tarvita lainausta, että ehditään läpi, mutta muuta olisi kiva.

How was the adoption perceived by different stakeholders?Most were positive on Site A

Some were critical on Site B

How CI was adopted

Enforcement of automated test cases

No clear vision or strategy

Some were neutral on all sites

Not using product CI


“We have found quite many faults from the system, and also if some modification changes something unintentionally, then we notice that quite well with the cases we have at the moment.” Site CSite B

Site A Site D

Maria Paasivaara
Halutaanko tässä tuoda sitet esille? Ja niiden erilaiset mielipiteet? Ehkä halutaan. Silloin voisi ottaa tähän kuvan siteista, että näkee mikä nyt sitten olis site A ja mikä site B.Muuten sama kommentti, kuin edellisen kalvon suhteen ja lainauksia voisi olla tässäkin muutama.

How was the adoption perceived by different stakeholders?Most were positive on Site A

Some were critical on Site B

How CI was adopted

Enforcement of automated test cases

No clear vision or strategy

Some were neutral on all sites

Not using product CI


“I think it could have been done in a much more efficient way, if it had been driven in a more open-minded manner and if it had been, a communication rather than an idea which was imposed.”

Site CSite B

Site A Site D

Maria Paasivaara
Halutaanko tässä tuoda sitet esille? Ja niiden erilaiset mielipiteet? Ehkä halutaan. Silloin voisi ottaa tähän kuvan siteista, että näkee mikä nyt sitten olis site A ja mikä site B.Muuten sama kommentti, kuin edellisen kalvon suhteen ja lainauksia voisi olla tässäkin muutama.

How was the adoption perceived by different stakeholders?Most were positive on Site A

Some were critical on Site B

How CI was adopted

Enforcement of automated test cases

No clear vision or strategy

Some were neutral on all sites

Not using product CI


“I don't really see it. I just see meeting notes, I see focus area discussion in our employee meetings that we should focus on it, but I don't really see the results.”Site CSite B

Site A Site D

Maria Paasivaara
Halutaanko tässä tuoda sitet esille? Ja niiden erilaiset mielipiteet? Ehkä halutaan. Silloin voisi ottaa tähän kuvan siteista, että näkee mikä nyt sitten olis site A ja mikä site B.Muuten sama kommentti, kuin edellisen kalvon suhteen ja lainauksia voisi olla tässäkin muutama.

How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?Change the Architecture

Proper Testing Environments

Better Communication

Testing Strategy

Decide Who Creates Test Cases

Need Support for Creating Test Cases


“We should clean the vague signaling between the systems, such as databases. We should standardize the signaling between the systems.”

Maria Paasivaara
Sama kommentti kuin kalvossa 7, eli yksi kerrallaan näkyviin ja vaihtuva lainaus (muutama, ei kaikkiin)

How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?Change the Architecture

Proper Testing Environments

Better Communication

Testing Strategy

Decide Who Creates Test Cases

Need Support for Creating Test Cases


“I think the next step is to have of course this stage environment, that would be the first thing.“

Maria Paasivaara
Sama kommentti kuin kalvossa 7, eli yksi kerrallaan näkyviin ja vaihtuva lainaus (muutama, ei kaikkiin)

How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?Change the Architecture

Proper Testing Environments

Better Communication

Testing Strategy

Decide Who Creates Test Cases

Need Support for Creating Test Cases


“Looking at CI for its own sake, [people at Site A] need to open up and be much more perceptive of the overall system and the requirements the system have on ways of working.”

Maria Paasivaara
Sama kommentti kuin kalvossa 7, eli yksi kerrallaan näkyviin ja vaihtuva lainaus (muutama, ei kaikkiin)

How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?Change the Architecture

Proper Testing Environments

Better Communication

Testing Strategy

Decide Who Creates Test Cases

Need Support for Creating Test Cases


“When it comes to the verification I think we should really, really think through which nodes, which parts of the system we want to make automated test cases for.”

Maria Paasivaara
Sama kommentti kuin kalvossa 7, eli yksi kerrallaan näkyviin ja vaihtuva lainaus (muutama, ei kaikkiin)

How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?Change the Architecture

Proper Testing Environments

Better Communication

Testing Strategy

Decide Who Creates Test Cases

Need Support for Creating Test Cases


“We should probably also have dedicated resources, that are experts with the test framework.”

Maria Paasivaara
Sama kommentti kuin kalvossa 7, eli yksi kerrallaan näkyviin ja vaihtuva lainaus (muutama, ei kaikkiin)

How would different stakeholders proceed with the adoption?Change the Architecture

Proper Testing Environments

Better Communication

Testing Strategy

Decide Who Creates Test Cases

Need Support for Creating Test Cases


“The competence needs to be spread more. There has been some trainings, which are good, but if you don't start the work immediately then you forget it.”

Maria Paasivaara
Sama kommentti kuin kalvossa 7, eli yksi kerrallaan näkyviin ja vaihtuva lainaus (muutama, ei kaikkiin)

Implications for Practice

Architecture has a significant effect on CI adoption

Provide time to overcome the initial learning phase

Invest in distributed communication and ensure that every site has the competences needed


Maria Paasivaara
"separating competences" voisi vähän avata, muuten sitä ei tajua.

Thank you!
