STAFF - Amazon · Steve artlett • Rob Kirk...

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Transcript of STAFF - Amazon · Steve artlett • Rob Kirk...


AM Congregational Pastor—Mark Falson 0423 201 261 •

Breathe Congregational Pastor—Nicole Regan 0423 246 482 •

Children’s Pastor—Carolyn Schache 0416 084 413 •

Youth Pastor—Rachel Li 0410 687 723 •

Youth Intern—Tom Burton

Communications/Admin—Amanda Faase 0432 842 866 •

Community Support Coordinator—Matthew Pettett Concord West Public School


Web Email

Office/ASC 59 Arthur Street Homebush West

Phone 9029 3024 Mail PO Box 338 Concord West 2138


Steve Bartlett • Rob Kirk • Nathan Pearson Tania Tsang Ian Willis


Bayside Community Church

BSB 704-922 Account No. 100001094

Welcome to Bayside Community Church’s

‘Summer edition’ newsletter Whether you are new to Bayside, or have been around for a while, we hope that by reading you may continue to get a sense of the ‘flavour’ of our church community with a little of what’s been happening during 2013 as well as what we are looking forward to in 2014. 2013 has definitely been a year of transition for Bayside as both Steve and Louise Bartlett wound up their long term staff roles during the year—-Louise from her position as Children’s Pastor and Steve from his role as (founding) Senior Pastor. Thankfully they both still belong to and serve within the Bayside community but this has been a big adjustment for both them and for us. At the same time we’ve also been delighted to welcome Carolyn Schache as the new children’s pastor and after consideration and prayer have now approved a new pastoral team structure for 2014 and beyond. In the midst of all this, Bayside has continued to be on about what God has called us to be; to be a church, a community of followers of Jesus who exist to love God and love people; encouraging everyone to grow into passionately committed followers of Jesus. In other words to be a part of God’s Kingdom community in His world, as His children, empowered by the Holy Spirit, following in the footsteps of our Saviour, Jesus, loving people and making disciples. We look forward to where that will take us in 2014.

Mark Falson

Bayside AM congregational pastor

Podcasts of the messages can be downloaded at

1st December

Annual Celebration, Potluck Lunch and Annual General Meeting

Communion will be part of the celebration. Morning tea from 9:50am

8th December

Our Guest speaker will be Aaron Vaert who is Communications Manager for

the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT and Editor of Together magazine. He was

the founding pastor of CityWest church, Leichhardt

15th December

It’s the Kidzone Christmas service with guest puppeteers Quiz Worx.

Sung worship will be lead by our KidsBand

22nd December

It’s going to be a carols-singing kind of service. Louise Bartlett will be our


25th December Christmas Day

The morning starts at 9am with our Community Breakfast. There’ll be some

carol singing and a short message from Mark Falson.

29th December

Steve Bartlett will be speaking on thankfulness

KidZone and Priorty One will resume when school commences in 2014.

Activity Sheets suitable for all the KidZone ages will be available during the

services over the holidays

10AM @ Concord West Public School

5th January Nicole Garrahy, Pastor of our breathe congregation brings a message on someone she admires. 12th January Carolyn Schache, our Children’s Pastor will be speaking on listening to God, from the lesson of Samuel. 19th January Mark Falson, Pastor of the AM congregation will be speaking. 26th January Look out for enews with details of the service. KidZone and Priority One will resume when school commences in 2014.

Activity Sheets suitable for all the KidZone ages will be available during

the services over the holidays

Coming Up 10AM @ Concord West Public School

Our Story Bayside Community Church began in 2000 to serve the growing population in the suburbs around the Sydney Olympic site. We wanted to be a fresh, relevant expression of the Christian faith, based on the teaching of Jesus

It started in a lounge room in Liberty Grove with Steve and Louise Bartlett and 2 other families, moved to Newington Community Centre and then to Concord West Public School as our congregation grew.

Our second congregation called “breathe” began in the Gloria Jeans cafe at North Strathfield in 2006. A couple of years later it was replanted into the Waterfront estate at Wentworth Point.

In 2009 we were given the church building in Arthur Street where Strathfield-Homebush Baptist Church met until it closed down. We now call it the Arthur St Centre. We’re privileged to continue their legacy of ministry into the Homebush/Flemington district. Our Crosseyed Youth group meets at the

Arthur St Centre on a Friday night and it’s also the Bayside office.

Bayside Community Church is part of the NSW & ACT Baptist Association

Even though we don’t have Baptist in our name that doesn’t mean we don't value the fact that we are a Baptist church. Being part of a movement connects us with many other churches with similar heart to see people impacted across our nation and world for Jesus

“Being Baptist’ is not only (or even most importantly) about how much water you get baptised with. Our whole movement started just over 400 years ago by people who were committed to the capacity of every follower of Jesus to know God’s presence and guidance and to be free to worship in the way they wanted to. Our heritage is also one of energetic commitment to mission. These emphases were in responses to the mainline church of the day in England which did not value these things. And they are the emphases that have been a key thread in the story of what is now one of the largest movements in the church worldwide.

We are part of a heritage that is worth celebrating, and though it is seldom ‘front and centre’ in our minds at a local level, who we are and what we are part of impacts our values and vision as a church. Have you ever checked out the movement we are a part of? Go to and have a squiz.

Our Mission

We exist to love God and love people; encouraging everyone

to grow into passionately committed followers of Jesus

Our Vision 2012-2014

We see a church

Building people, raising up and releasing disciples to live out their

God-given calling. We envision a church that develops an excess of leaders to spearhead new things. And we see a church that also champions the missional impact of each person in their own relationships and spheres of influence. Mark 4:8: “Some seed… produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty or even a hundred times.”

Expanding its influence across the district, deepening its current ministry

footprints and adding new ones. We envision an agile, flexible and impacting church, not centralising our ministry in one location but expanding in response to God given opportunities. We see both our current congregations increasing significantly in size and capacity. We see a church that plants new congrega-tions across our local area and beyond. Matt 5:13-14: “You are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world.”

Transforming the next generation, championing ministries to children,

youth and families. We see disciples raised up from every generation and fami-ly heritages transformed for good. Ps 87:4: “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.”

Impacting globally, deeply engaged in making a difference for Christ in

mission across the world; thinking and acting globally as well as locally. John 20:21: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

Our Values

Vibrant Faith connected to God, living in His power Expectant for what God will do in our lives and in His church Leading a life of worship that pursues intimacy with God Believing prayer expressed together and individually Kingdom Living changing our world with Jesus Relentlessly seeking to connect people with Jesus Intentionally biasing our time and resources towards those who are yet to enter the Kingdom Actively making a difference in the world, promoting God’s compassion, justice and peace Community sharing life deeply Practicing inclusiveness and acceptance Serving one another, sacrificially as needed Honesty and integrity in relationships Transformation becoming more like Jesus Consistently seeking opportunities to grow our faith Lifelong growth into Christlikeness in the power of the Holy Spirit Practicing appropriate accountability Empowerment developing, releasing, multiplying Developing—intentional apprenticeship to facilitate the growth of new leaders Releasing of people to new levels of discipleship and leadership Multiplying—an expectation of the birth of new disciples, leaders, ministries, congregations and churches

A snapshot of 2013 We kicked off 2013 with the Bayside Camp at Kiah Ridge. Not only was it a

great time for the whole church —Breathe, AM people, youth, kids to hang out together but family and friend were invited to come and share community with us over the weekend. It was the start of

taking a look at The Real Jesus—his radical love for

people and God, his disruptive honesty, the scandalous way he spoke about and lived a life of grace, his authentic humanity and his extraordinary claims about himself. By seeing Jesus for who he really is we can grow in our understanding of who God is and how he relates to us.

After 13 years Louise Bartlett stepped down as founder and leader of Bayside’s ministry to children and families. Our vision of transforming the next generation continued with Carolyn Schache taking up the reins of Children’s Pastor.

Tom Burton stepped up to be a Youth Intern

A change in venue for Breathe from the function centre at Wentworth Point was an opportunity to process how to do church simply, missionally, authentically and meaningfully in Wentworth Point’s unique environment of apartment living.

As part of our ongoing commitment to equip every person to live out their God-given potential ‘The Hub’ was launched—a place of input, equipping, support and fun. The evenings were open to anyone involved in some way at Bayside and committed to what God is doing here.

We gathered together for a special time of prayer each term to seek God’s guidance and direction for Bayside; in Terms 2 and 4 these prayer gatherings were dedicated to praying in and for our footprint areas of Newington, Sydney Olympic Park, Rhodes, Liberty Grove, Wentworth Point, Concord West and Homebush West.

Breathe joined with its local community to bring the Annual Easter celebration to Wentworth Point.

The ‘Following and Fishing’ discipleship workshop was offered for the first time. Participants worked through how to connect with people who are far from God, how to share their story and the gospel in a contagious way, how to make disciples using a simple method of discovery bible study and the basics of forming new disciples into new groups that reproduce

We took first steps in exploring a partnership with Shoalhaven Aboriginal community Church and joined them for a service in Nowra. Since then both Bayside and SHACC have been through a few changes but both churches desire to continue to pursue the relationship so this presently happens through regular dialogue and prayer for each other.

The Dunne family stepped out to follow the 2000 year old model of Jesus to provide hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor by serving on board The Africa Mercy hospital ship. They’e doing this as volunteers and have even paid for the privilege to do so!

A new Women’s Lifegroup was launched in Term 4

Steve Bartlett stepped back from his role as Senior Pastor mid-year. This marked a significant time in the life of Bayside as Steve (and Louise) planted Bayside church.

Breathe continued to raise awareness of homelessness with their Annual Winter Sleepout at Wentworth Point

Our response to The End of Greed series and taking steps towards a Christ-shaped way of consuming included holding our first Stuff Swap and downsizing our consumption to increase our generosity for our Missions Offering Challenge

Our Party Day one Sunday morning in Term 3 was an opportunity to connect with children and families from our local areas, with parents and teens participating in a resilience workshop while kids got to be creative making musical instruments from recycled materials and caring for the planet at the same time.

Working bees at the Arthur St Centre were valuable not only for getting important maintenance done but also building connections amongst Baysiders; one special working bee was to care for one of our people and bless her with a new garden.

Leadership Structure with Senior Pastor

The Oversight Team

2013 has been a big year for the Oversight Team, praying through the directions to recommend to the church regarding our future leadership needs.

The model which was agreed to at our AGM at the beginning of December holds exciting possibilities for the next phase of our life as a church. It focuses us on our purpose of “Loving God and Loving people, encouraging everyone to grow with us into passionately committed followers of Jesus.”

How? It envisions a future staff structure with a senior pastor who’s role is all about focusing us on our mission, with time to give to encouraging our outward focus and developing our ministry and leadership potential. And in the intervening period it empowers our current staff with clear roles, including Mark and Nicole as congregational pastors, to continue to help us press into our vision as a church. It is a model that keeps us true to our vision of deepening the footprints we currently have and adding new ones in Newington, Wentworth Point, Sydney Olympic Park, Rhodes, Liberty Grove, Concord West and Homebush West

The incoming oversight team elected at the Annual Meeting will be Steve Bartlett (until appointment of a Senior Pastor), Rob Kirk, Nathan Pearson, Tania Tsang, Ian Willis. Thank you to Ken Burton and Daniel Debenedetti who have served on the team this year.

The Arthur St Centre

People new to Bayside may not be aware that Bayside owns a church building in Arthur Street Homebush West. We call it the Arthur St Centre (ASC).

This building was gifted to us a few years ago when Strathfield-Homebush Baptist Church closed down. This gift has been a real blessing for us and is getting a lot of use, and not only by Baysiders.

A Korean Presbyterian Church uses the ASC for their Sunday worship services and mid-week meetings. It’s also being used by Koala Kids before and after school care group and a self defence/fitness group. Bayside currently uses the ASC for office space, and as the meeting place for Crosseyed, our Friday night youth group, prayer gatherings and other midweek meetings.

Whilst the ASC is a blessing, we have the responsibility to maintain and care for the premises. This is why Working Bees are required!

We thank all who jump into action when the call for a working bee goes out. Those tireless people who scrape, laugh, paint, cook, laugh, hammer, talk, turn a screwdriver, wash walls, eat, talk, provide food, laugh, fix leaks, eat, laugh and do more talking. These times have been a real success, not only for getting maintenance done, but just as importantly getting people side by side, sharing experiences, building connections.

There will be more working bees in 2014. Watch for the ads. Everyone‘s welcome to get involved and we will always find a job that suits you. We also hope that 2014 will see needed renovation work completed at the ASC.

Ken Burton

Sunday mornings

There’s a whole lot that happens on a Sunday morning before 10am. There are venue managers, sound guys, AV techies, worship leaders and musicians (and often some little helpers too) who are around from 8.15am to prepare for our time together as a community. THANK YOU

Then there are morning tea providers, prayers and welcomers who are also arriving early to serve our community. THANK YOU Our music teams (affectionately called the blue and green teams) have continued to enjoy leading the community in worshipping our great God, exploring some new songs and re-vamping some old ones.

It’s been delightful to watch the ‘red team’ of under 12 year olds play passionately each term and grow in their confidence in leading musically.

The AM planning team and music teams have prayed and brainstormed about ways that we can significantly and creatively engage with God. Our focus is that we are God directed in everything we do in the service.

Perhaps in 2014 you could get involved in the morning service to serve our community? From setting up to doing the Bible reading to leading communion to sharing a testimony or a creative prayer idea – chat to Mark Falson, Amanda Faase or Melanie Wellings. There is a way to engage your gifts.

Mel Wellings

Breathe-ing Life into Wentworth Point 2013


2013 has been another amazing year for the Breathe community, our simple styled congregation that calls Wentworth Point home. We have had 2 marriages and 2 babies born, as well as more Breathers moving into Wentworth Point to be the hands and feet of Jesus there.

One couple moved into the suburb mid-year and quickly

got involved with Open Mic nights at one of the local restaurants where they have made new friends easily. Dave & Tash Brice moved into the suburb not long after they were married and began hosting our Sunday gatherings in their home, as well as continuing involvement with the English Conversation Group and getting along to the Friday night Community BBQs.

By being involved in everyday community life in Wentworth Point we enjoy building new connections, growing our network of friendships and finding ways to bless and serve our community. A great example of this is our English Conversation Group which has now been running for 3 years with Michael Villis and Jeffrey at the helm.

This year we also welcomed into our community 2 already residents of Wentworth Point- one has shared that he is getting to know who Jesus is better through sharing life with Breathe. Another has commented on how warmly welcomed into community she has felt. It’s great to share real friendship and spirituality that impacts all our lives with our new friends!

These are just some of the ways the Breathe community has sought to share life deeply with our neighbours and one

another in 2013.

How will you share life deeply with your neighbours and other Baysiders in 2014? Talk to Nicole Regan or Mark Falson for more


Kingdom Living Breathe has been strongly focused on changing the world with Jesus this year as we have explored topics such as God & the Environment, and various social justice issues throughout our gatherings. Bron Fraser, Nicole, Dave and Tash attended a pre-election rally in support of Asylum Seekers in an attempt to highlight the unjust policies put forth by some political parties. Most recently we marked Abolitionist Sunday by remembering those still in slavery around our world in 2013. Our prayers, advocacy and ethical action are all ways in which we hope to be impacting globally with God’s love and justice.

Closer to home we have continued to raise awareness, resources and help for the homeless communities of Penrith & Parramatta through our continued partnership with St Vincent de Paul’s Vinnies Van. By investing our energy, care and resources we truly hope to be building people who are amongst the most vulnerable and broken in our city. We are so blessed to have the ongoing leadership of Kath Simmonds in this work. Please contact her if you would like to be involved

Vibrant Faith

Breathe kicked off 2013 with a prayer night for the coming year where we sought God’s agenda and empowerment as highest priority beyond our own expectations, hopes and endeavours. This was a fantastic way to start the year and one we will be sure to repeat in 2014. Plus in Term 2 we again gathered together as a community in prayer for Wentworth Point, Bayside and our congregation. It was a powerful night with a sense of hope and that good things were on the horizon. We continue to prayerfully seek those good things as we look to 2014, prioritising our connection to God and seeking to live in his power. Make sure you join in the whole church and footprint area prayer nights in 2014- contact Mark or Nicole for more info.


This year has been a great year for developing and releasing the Breathe community to be all that they can be. We have seen all Breathers sharing during our weekly gatherings about things God is teaching and transforming within them, both the challenges of the spiritual journey and the great changes. It is so exciting to hear what is happening in people’s lives and spiritual journeys, and so wonderful that our highly participatory community provides safe space for everyone to contribute in their

own unique way.

It has also been wonderful to see Breathers grow in their maturity and capacity as leaders. Our leaders group will farewell Nath Pearson at the end of 2013, so he can take his spot on the Bayside Oversight Team for 2014. We are really happy to release him into this new growth and leadership opportunity.

Kim Shephard (along with the Breathe crew and friends from the AM congregation) stepped in with style this Easter leading our Wentworth Point Easter events. We have been so blessed by Kim’s enthusiasm and wonderful event management, and the day was a great success with her leadership. Many Wentworth Point families came to enjoy the annual Easter hunt, Easter story and other fun activities. It’s so wonderful to have the chance to positively influence the next generation.

It has also been encouraging and empowering for the Breathe community to connect in with the NSW Baptist Movement Simple Church events. We shared a great day of worship, workshops and sharing with other simple church communities in February and will be attending again in March 2014. So great to see what God is up to in Simple Church communities across our state and beyond, and to be encouraged and an encouragement to others in the journey that Breathe has now been on for a number of years. Interested in Simple Church or this annual event? Talk to Nicole for more info.

English Conversation Group

The English Conversation Group (ECG) has been running in Wentworth Point for 3 years now. Michael & Jeffrey have met and worked with about 20 people of many nations, languages and backgrounds this year alone, with consistent growth in the last 2 months especially.

The guys mainly help those who have a reasonable grasp of English, allowing them to practice in a safe and friendly environment. There are many courses out there for people to learn English as part of migration and citizenship, but not many opportunities to practice their speaking and listening of conversational language, as a normal classroom is too big to talk to all the students individually and work on any parts of conversational English needed. It is great seeing people’s confidence and connectedness to their community grow as we spend time with them and encourage them in the areas that they need.

Formal training is not needed to volunteer, but a willing heart to be patient, listen well and encourage participants to grow is essential.

If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more about the group, contact Michael Villis on 0402 908 147.

Vinnies Van Our Vinnies team consists of Baysiders and others who go to Penrith and Parramatta once a month to serve those who are homeless and have very little. We continue to connect and listen empathically.

Breathe hosted an annual sleep out at Wentworth Point in August to raise awareness of homelessness. During the night we heard the personal story of Dave who was once homeless. Dave also joined us at the sleepout and continues to advocate for those who are requiring assistance. Although numbers joining us for the sleepout were small, God was at work.

Perhaps you would consider joining us next year.

We had a training training night in October resulting in four people joining our team.

If you would like to volunteer and be a part of our team or want to know more about what’s involved, please let me know at

Kath Simmonds

The Dunnes

in Africa with Mercy Ships

Mick and Tammy

Jack, Mark & Harry

The Mission Team The mission team is about keeping our eyes wide open to what it means to be ‘world Christians’ – to see our world as Jesus sees it, to have his heart for it, and respond out of that.

So what has the team been up to in 2013?

We’ve been coordinating support for our mission partners; over $11,000 will be sent in 2013 from both within our budget and from our special missions offering, to support those we have made long term commitments to who are sharing Jesus in various contexts—The Cranes in Mozambique, Neale in North Asia, Chris and Bob Prouty doing cross cultural mission in Sydney and internet evangelism. And it’s about ongoing prayer and support, not just $$. Great stuff!

The End of Greed series was a challenge to us as disciples and we've taken up the challenge to 'downsize our consumption to upsize our generosity' and culled and swapped some of our 'stuff'.

We've had some times of advocating about global poverty through Micah Challenge actions and taking action around the abolition of slavery.

It was mixed emotions when we sent out the Dunne family to be trained up in Texas and then travel to the Congo with Mercy Ships. We've prayed and stayed updated with their adventures of serving God and this Christmas are aiming to cover the educational cost for the Jack, Mark and Harry for 2014

In the second part of 2014 we’re looking towards a short term mission trip .

We took first steps in exploring a relationship with Shoalhaven Aboriginal Community Church in Nowra and a number of Baysiders attended a morning service there earlier this year. It was a positive experience for both communities and the relationship is continuing to be built with regular dialogue about what is happening in each community and prayer for each other.

We've added some new members to the mission team and would love to add more! The team meets 6-8 weekly. Chat to Cas Jones, Mel and Matt Wellings, Steve Bartlett, Nicole Regan or Tom Burton if you’d like to get involved. Our City, Our World

Neale V.

in North Asia with Pioneers

The Crane Family

in Mozambique with Global Interaction

Jonno and Heather

Samuel, Caleb, Hannah, Micah, & Josiah

The Dunnes

in Africa with Mercy Ships

Mick and Tammy

Jack, Mark & Harry

Bob and Chris Prouty

Global internet evangelism

Campus Crusade for Christ in Sydney

The Dunnes in Africa with Mercy Ships Living on board this ship continues to be an amazing experience for all of us. In particular, for our three boys. I have already written about going to a baby orphanage on Friday afternoons. So when the family that leads this Mercy Ministry was unable to go one week, we decided to go as a family to let the boys see what an orphanage looks like in Congo. Bear in mind that we are in the economic heart of Congo as well – so these conditions are good. We were not sure how the boys would react and it is very confronting to have all these little hands wanting you to pick them up and cuddle them. However, after initially not knowing what to do, Jack, Mark and Harry started to play with the little ones; Harry blew bubbles, Jack gave cuddles and Mark helped little ones to get on and off the see-saw. It was good to challenge them and we hope to take them again soon either to this crèche for abandoned babies or to a different orphanage with older children.

School continues apace for all three boys. We are now in the 2nd quarter for the onboard school year (Tammy wrote this last month) and I wonder how our three will make it to Christmas holidays – it has been such a busy year of multiple transitions. However, God has brought us all thus far and I am sure He knows what He is doing, even when we don’t.

Before the 2 weeks holiday, Jack will have his second lot of exams – the last ones were only 45 minute class tests; these ones are two hour sessions. Please pray over this for him. Exams will be in the second week of December.

Mark continues in 3rd grade – a very happy chappy. He was Student of the Week recently – which cracked us up as he is in a class of 2! It is a once a quarter honour though and Mark has enjoyed every minute of it – from treats to Wearing Green day to having photos of himself and a special letter about him from Mum and Dad. Please thank God for how settled and happy Mark is here.

Harry had a morning off yesterday through exhaustion. No shrinking violet as you know, he is always wanting to be with people and there are over 400 to choose from on board and a never-ending supply coming and going. He is also enjoying school, with his latest thing being writing books.

Please pray that Harry will learn to balance rest, eating (rather than talking) and socializing in the dining room. I sometimes think he lives on love!

Finally for Mick and I, please pray for peace and clear guidance ahead. Mick has been asked to undertake his 2nd Engineers ticket and completing this training

will potentially extend our time onboard.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. It is wonderful to be lifted up like this and it makes a huge difference to us.


Around Christmas time we usually mozzie nets, water, chickens and other unusual gifts available to purchase through Baptist World Aid to bring hope to people around the world who have so little.

This year we’re offering something a bit different and the opportunity to support the education costs for Jack, Mark and Harry. The rising USD means the family’s savings aren’t going as far as they had originally budgeted

Gift cards are available if you would like to be part of this and purchase a gift of education on behalf of family or friends.

Youth at Bayside Bayside Youth is all about getting connected with each other and getting connected with Jesus. This year we have, though not unexpectedly, been on a rollercoaster ride with our youth attendance. Our year 12s have finally finished their big HSC and off to new adventures next year! A few committed friends moved out to another suburb and even to another country, which means they can no longer join us due to long travelling distance. We try to keep up with the long-distance relationship via Facebook though! With old friends moving away, we also have new friends joining us… and the youth cycle continues. We hope to continue to expand our youth group by encouraging our existing youth to bring their friends along.

At Crosseyed, besides the high-energy games we play and the low-key ‘chill nights’ we have, we’ve been trying to encourage the kids to explore their faith deeper. We encourage this by teaching them who God really is, why faith matters, and what does it mean to be a Christian in this world today. We finished our last Crosseyed night with a BBQ at Bicentennial Park. Special thanks to Tom, Bec, Matus, James Sinclair, Cass, Steve,

Ruby, Cristiana, and Chris Prouty for supporting and helping out throughout the year. Crosseyed will resume Friday 7th February.

Our Priority One kids continue to get an extra dose of the Bible. We have been through 1 Samuel, 1 John, Christian personalities, and Christian traditions. Every term we try to look at different topics, such as: an Old Testament book, a New Testament book, Christian influence, social justice, and Christian traditions. Special thanks to Tom, Simone, Rob, Chris Prouty, Matus and Bec for supporting and helping out throughout the year.

Our two youth services in 2013 were amazing and we will continue to put in our best efforts for future youths services in 2014.

Towards the end of term 4, 2013, CORE has started meeting on a semi-regular basis. CORE is a group for young adult leaders where we share life together and equip ourselves to become better leaders through studying God’s Word and worshipping together through songs and praying for each other. In 2014, we are hoping to launch a CONNECT group for young adults to share life together and explore faith.

We ask that you may continue to support us in prayers and encouragement. It takes a village to raise a child, so we need lots of support to raise many young and vibrant teenagers.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Formal youth activities may be on a break, but we encourage our youngsters to never take a break in their relationship with God.

from Rach and the Youth Team

Kids Ministry at Bayside

I love the words of one of our values, that we are changing the world with Jesus. This ‘kingdom living’ expresses the purpose of our lives in the broadest sense, the overall answer to the question we ask ourselves: why has God given me this gift of life? Surely it is so that we can know and love God, and in all the ways possible, change the world together with him, to fulfil God’s vision for our world.

For me it is a great privilege to work in a church that I love and in a role that so closely reflects God’s heart and centred on children. Children are loved and accepted at Bayside and involved in what we do in every way possible. It is so important that we pass on and inspire faith in our younger generation. It is a delight to see them invite their friends to church and to hear stories of their own faith growing in leaps and bounds as they face life’s challenges.

Also because of our connections as a church with children, we are sharing God’s love with so many people: through our scripture teaching at Newington and Homebush West primary schools we reach out to hundreds, through our mainly music community program to about 40 families in our footprint area of Newington. Considering our connection with school chaplaincy in Homebush West and Concord Primary schools , we are part of sending God’s love to many more.

Isn’t it remarkable that a church of our size and scope should have so many opportunities to demonstrate God’s love and to change our world with Jesus! It is in no small part because so many people in our church have a heart to reach out to children and indeed the world, and continue to give their time and energy for this value. I believe that we need to aim for long-term faithfulness in this as a value of our lives. If God has put a certain relationship on our heart, we need to be prepared to pray for that person for many years and be a true friend to them over time. Seeds need time to grow… but we know that God’s love really does change the world!

Carolyn Schache, Children’s Pastor

Parenting Toolbox at Bayside I love the saying “you can parent on purpose or you can parent by accident”. Such a great reminder to be intentional, to think ahead, to get resources and to seek answers.

Having 3 kids has made me realise how in lots of ways children are all the same but at the same time how different and unique every child is and I found what worked for one kid didn’t work for the next one. That’s part of why I got involved with Parenting Toolbox. Spending time with other parents at mainly music or in the playground at school I’ve also realised how every family has its own unique style and most parents at some point find themselves short on the tools they need to parent with joy and purpose.

In 2013 we have run two Toolbox courses one for the Middle Years through Concord West Public School and one for the Early Years through mainly music in Newington.

The feedback has been really encouraging!

“We really got so much out of it. We are putting into practice many of the strategies and boy have we noticed a difference in Lara.”

“All of it was great and I am so glad we participated!”

“I thoroughly enjoyed doing Parenting Toolbox, I learnt a lot of things about myself and a lot about David, hopefully I can continue to use some of the strategies I learnt to assist in building a better foundation for a good father/son relationship with David. I found the course to be very useful and I would highly recommend it to anyone.”

Parenting Toolbox is a great way to build into the Bayside vision of transforming the next generation. In 2014 we will definitely be running the courses again. And my dream is to get a teens and tweens facilitator on-board too for all of us wondering what to do with our tweenies and teenagers.

If you are interested in coming to a course or getting involved in supporting the courses in another way please let me know.

Louise Bartlett

Chaplain-Community Support At Concord West Public School

It has been another positive year working 2 days a week as the Community Support Coordinator (Chaplain) at Concord West Public School. My role involves caring for the school community through offering social, emotional and spiritual support to the teachers, students and parents. This may involve supporting a child/family that is experiencing loss and grief, or having trouble transitioning in to a new school environment. A teacher /parent may also refer a child on to the Community Support Coordinator (CSC) for assistance with social skills and making friends, making proactive decisions about their emotions and building resiliency in everyday life.

The beginning of 2013 was a valuable time of reconnecting back into the school community , getting to know new teachers/Principal, welcoming new families, and starting the Class Parents Program and the Cultural Community Program for the year. I then enjoyed spending more of my time with the students, both in the classroom, playground, in small groups and one-on-one. It was good fun taking a small group of

Kindy students out each week for interactive team building activities. It has also been encouraging to see the excitement on some students’ faces when it was time meet up one-on-one.

The main challenges of this role involve prioritising and getting everything done within the short amount of time, as well as being available for unexpected ‘drop-ins’ throughout the day, both from parents and students. I am very thankful that the school both supports and values the role of the CSC (an answer to prayer). However, as part of the National Chaplaincy Program it is important for me to help the school community see that my agenda is not to push a particular faith. My focus is to represent Jesus as best I can as a Christian in the work place by taking up the opportunities when they arise, and being available and approachable to care for those who may choose to see the CSC.

Highlights for the year have included; the Cultural Community gatherings, Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea, Father’s Day Breakfast (very encouraging to see nearly over 100 dads attending), Parenting Toolbox, the School Musical and time with the students.

It has been a privilege to be part of the Concord West Public School (CWPS) community over the last few years and I am thankful to God for the opportunity to serve the school community in this way. I am also super grateful for the many ways Bayside Church has served and supported me in this role.

Next year Matthew Pettett will be taking over the role of CSC/Chaplain as I am expecting our second baby in early February, then moving to New Zealand in May where my husband will begin pastoring a Baptist Church.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Prue Catto

At Homebush West Public School While Chris Prouty is unwell, Robyn Watson has stepped in to continue her great work with the families and children of the school.

Over the past five weeks my role has been to support the various aspects of school life. This has included working with the kindergarten and Year one students with their literacy and fine motor skills; coordinating the Playgroup with about 25 families in attendance each week; and assisting with swimming classes which I really enjoyed. It was great to see the students improve over the two weeks. There are Administrative duties to perform in the Library and coordination of the recently started 'walking bus'. Students wait in the mornings at the 'bus stop' on their route. Two adult volunteers walk them to school and two others on the roster walk them home in the afternoon. The children enjoy walking as a group and it is convenient for parents who have younger children . I have really appreciated this opportunity to be a part of the school community with all its joys and sorrows.

Kids Learning About God

Bayside is responsible for the Protestant Scripture teaching at Newington Public School. We have a great team, principally made up from Baysiders, but not exclusively. KLAG is the acronym used for it, which stands for "Kids Learning About God" and what a great name it is, as that is precisely what we have the privilege of doing- teaching kids about God and his amazing love expressed through Jesus.

This year KLAG teachers have taught about 240 kids about God. Many come from Christian homes and their parents are extremely grateful for the reinforcement that KLAG classes gives their children. Many others have no other taste of God. We are "it". What a huge responsibility, yet an awesome one!

This year one parent from our KLAG classes shared how her son had first heard about God through his KLAG classes. Now not just him, but the whole family have chosen to follow Jesus. And she has become a regular helper at KLAG. Another child shared at the very beginning of the year that his parents were atheists and had put him into KLAG purely to expose him to another viewpoint. That was a choice that we respected greatly; it also opened the door to an amazing opportunity. Now we pray for the Holy Spirit to water the seeds that

have been sown into that child's life.

The KLAG team would like to especially recognise the contribution Ruth Mann has made this year. Ruth has been battling sickness and treatments this last semester, yet she has continued to use her creativity behind the scenes with things like powerpoint presentations. We love & appreciate her.

Other Baysiders involved in KLAG are Carolyn Schache, Becky Tieng, Louise Bartlett, Amanda Faase, Mark Falson, Tania Tsang, Cas Jones, Sandra Graves, Rachel Li and James Sinclair.

Next year there will be further growth at Newington Public School, as has occurred every year. In fact, the principal is considering having split times for Scripture classes, due to the growth. Any people who may feel able to help as a teacher, or a helper, would be most welcome to contact Carolyn Jones (0433299108 or KLAG involves a half hour commitment each week, plus preparation time for teachers. I'm sure God multiplies this time investment in the "fruit" it produces.

Cas Jones, KLAG coordinator

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him

and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4 (NIV)

GIVE THANKS for the great involvements we’ve been blessed with this year in our local

school communities. Pray as the Name of Jesus and the love of God has been shared with so many children through SRE etc. that this will have real life impacts for the children who have heard and their familes, that ‘from little things, big things may grow!’

for the Lord’s hand and leading in our church community during what has been a year of transition and change. Give thanks for the go-ahead at our Annual meeting for a new Oversight team and a new pastoral leadership structure. Pray with anticipation and faith in a ‘big’ God for what he may have in store for us during 2014.

PRAY for breathe and AM congregations during December as they are involved

with Carols events, (Breathe at WP 15th Dec; Liberty Grove carols 22nd Dec.), special services (Kidzone Christmas with Quizworx 15th Dec; carols service 22nd Dec) the Christmas Eve gathering at WP hosted by Breathe and the Christmas day Breakfast at Concord West. That in the midst of putting on these events we may have our eyes firmly fixed on meeting people where they are at, on blessing our local communities and effectively sharing the love of Jesus with them!

for Neale, the Prouty’s, the Dunne’s and the Cranes all serving the Lord in their different contexts. Pray for them at this time of year as they are away from family and friends that they will know the support and love from home and that they will have what they need each day spiritually, emotionally and physically. Pray for patience, resilience and perseverance for each of them as they prepare for a new year of service in 2014

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Eph. 6:18 (TNIV)

PRAY on Sunday mornings at Concord West Public School

@ 1st classroom from 9.30am

PRAY on Wednesday mornings in Newington

@12 Wing Parade from 6.30am

Praying @ Bayside

Some things to pray for together

AM breathe

October 2013 $9,162 $1,900

November 2013 $9,257 $2,085

YTD Average (at Nov) $11,070 $1,710

Monthly budget $14,330 $1,570

Budget YTD (at Nov) - $35,863 + $1,544

Your financial giving provides the resources to live out our vision as a church. It empowers us to be impacting the next generation through crosseyed, KidZone, KLAG and mainly music, impacting globally through our mission partnerships, building people and seeing God’s Kingdom come in our community.

If you start off the new year by reviewing your weekly or monthly budget don’t forget to include your Bayside giving. If you would like to ensure you can do this regularly, a good option is to set up a direct debit. Bryce Armstrong can help you with this.

Our Average Monthly Giving

Giving is a critical part of growing in our walk with Christ.

When we give to God’s work, we do not just fund that work, we

align our hearts with what God is doing in the world today and

we increase the devotion of our heart to Him. That is what giving

is really all about.

(from Secure by Rick Dunham)

KLAG (Scripture) Each Tuesday 9-9.30am @ Newington Public School (school terms)

Contact Carolyn (Cas) Jones 0433 299 108

mainly music Each Thursday 10-11.30am @ Newington Community Centre (school terms)

Contact Carolyn Schache 0416 084 413

crosseyed youth group (Yrs 6-12) Friday nights during school terms.

Arthur St Centre, 59 Arthur St, Homebush West Contact Rachel Li 0410 687 723

Prayer Gathering each Wednesday 6.30am @ 12 Wing Pde Newington

Contact Mark Falson 0423 201 261

LifeGroups and Connect Groups Contact Mark Falson 0423 201 261

Breathe Sunday night 6.30pm (except last Sunday of the month)

@the Brice’s home, 214/4 Stromboli Strait, Wentworth Point Contact Nicole Regan 0423 246 482

10AM Sunday Service with KidZone & Priority One (Yrs 6-9)

Concord West Public School Hall, 378 Concord Rd (near Killoola Ave) Parking in Queen St

Vinnies Van run 4th Saturday of month

Contact Kath Simmonds 9890 5850 or

English Conversation group each Wednesday 7.30pm @ Wentworth Point Community Library

except last of the month

What’s Usually On?

Gatherings December: The Gift of Jesus

Each Christmas we celebrate the birth of the one we follow... Jesus. What is it we love about him? What are our favourite snapshots of his character and life? What has he taught and changed in us since we started to know him and follow him? During Decem-ber we will share freely our thoughts on why we love Jesus, and what we would tell others if asked the question, "Why do you worship and follow this guy?"

January: Who are our heroes?

January is always a great time to chill, relate, pray for one an-other and the year ahead. Its going to be a lot of fun.

In keeping with the kicked back vibe we each will have a chance to share about who our hero is and why. Each of us have people who have inspired us in word and action, and whose presence in history or in our lives has spurred us on in our life and spiritual journey. Who is it for you? How has knowing them or knowing about them changed you? How have they helped you get to know and follow Jesus better?

Let’s share their inspiring stories!

Check out all the breathe happenings on the Bayside website and at

Breathe meets on Sunday night at 6.30pm (except last Sunday of the month)

@the Brice’s home, 214/4 Stromboli Strait, Wentworth Point Contact Nicole Regan 0423 246 482

Christmas Eve Midnight Service

11:15pm Tuesday December 24 @ The Waterfront Function Centre

You are invited to come and share Christmas Eve Breathe style! We will be enjoying traditional

Christmas treats, as well as sharing why Jesus is worth worshipping at Christmas

but also all year round. Bring some of your favourite Christmas foods to

share, as well as your friends and family to join in the fun! Contact Nicole for more info.

Christmas Events at Wentworth Point

Wentworth Point Community Carols in the Piazza

7:30pm Sunday December 15

Kids Activities from 6:30pm: face painting, temporary tattoos, colouring competition, and puppets, plus the chance to have a photo with Santa!

Low cost BBQ and drinks, plus free coffee/tea and light supper available.

From 7:30pm we will enjoy the combined efforts of Breathe & Riversedge Church band. There will be free glowsticks available for night time fun as we sway and sing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the newborn King!

There will be road closures from late afternoon so park along Bennelong Parkway or Hill Road if possible.