St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · PDF file04/04/2017 ·...

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Transcript of St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · PDF file04/04/2017 ·...


at 248-625-4644 or PASTOR DUCHENE

Cell Phone: 586.922.3539

Worship Broadcast Clarkston CATV 10 Sunday 2:00 p.m. & Thursday 9:00 p.m. Waterford CATV 10

Sunday 12:30 p.m. & Tuesday 2:30 p.m.

St. Trinity Lutheran Church News Supplement is a weekly publication of St. Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod), and is produced by the office staff.

Sunday Worship: 8:15 am Traditional 11:00 am Blended

Saturday Blended Worship: 6:00 pm Lenten Services : Wed. 7:00 pm

Adult Bible Classes: 9:45 am Children’s Sunday School: 9:45 am

Cry Room Available During Worship & Adult Bible Classes

Church Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Thursday and Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Telephone: (248) 625-4644 e-mail:



Pastor: Michael Duchene

D.C.E. Emeritus: Richard Schempf

Musician: Mona Bowmaster

Choir Director: Pam Boadway

Office Manager: Gretchen Goolsby

Office Assistant: Lisa Cooley

Mike Young: Building & Grounds



Preschool Director: Julie Schultz Preschool Assistant: Marilyn Lash

Telephone: (248) 620-6154


3 Year Old Preschool (Tu.-Th.) 4 Year Old Preschool (M-W-F)

9:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

7925 Sashabaw Rd. Clarkston, MI


April 2, 2017

Welcome to St. Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church

During this Lenten season, we praise God for His righteous Son, who perfectly kept all of God’s commandments for us and paid the full price of our disobedience. Let us praise Him with hearts filled with Christ’s spirit of obedience.



Wednesday at 7:00 pm April 5


Any confirmed member of St. Trinity who is 18 years or older can become a voting member by attending the April 17th Voters’ Assembly and register to become a voting member. You will then be eligible to vote at the NEXT Voters’ Assembly (regular or special).

Any voting member who has missed 4 consecutive regular Voters’ Assemblies shall be considered inactive until you attend a regular Voters’ Assembly. In order for an inactive voting member to become active, you must attend a Regular Voters’ Assembly, and sign-in. You will then be allowed to vote at the NEXT Voters’ Assembly (regular or special).

EASTER FLOWERS Order forms for Easter flowers for the Sanctuary on

Easter morning are available in the Narthex. You may order lilies, tulips, daffodils or hyacinths.

The order deadline is APRIL 12TH.


The youth of St. Trinity will be serving Easter Breakfast again this year. A sign up sheet will be posted in the Narthex. Please plan to attend, and sign up, so we will have an idea of how much food we will need. We are also looking for donations of food: eggs, juice, breads, etc.

Donation forms are available in the narthex and on youth table in the FLC Hallway. Please place donation forms in the basket provided in the narthex or give to a Youth Leader.

Page 2 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Serving the Lord this Week


April 1-2 Sat. 6:00 pm Lou DeMonaco Sun. 8:15 am Rich Trudelle Sun. 11:00 am Mark Koenig

April 5 7:00 pm Rich Trudelle Lou DeMonaco

April 8-9 Sat. 6:00 pm Alan Hahn Sun. 8:15 am Rich Trudelle Sun. 11:00 am Lou DeMonaco


April 2 Rich Karstensen, Capt. Paul Orler Joseph Ashley Kurt Schroeder

April 9 Bill Vratanina, Capt. Paul Rossi Charles Lusher Gary Lecznar


April 2 Al Lozano

April 9 Joseph Ashley

ALTAR CIRCLE FOR APRIL Jason & Julie Schultz

Judy Spresney


SUNDAY, APRIL 2ND 8:15 Traditional Worship Service w/ HC 9:45 Bible Studies/Sunday School 9:45 Confirmation Class 11:00 Blended Worship Service w/ HC 11:00 Board of Education Mtg. 6:30 AA Meeting MONDAY, APRIL 3RD

Announcements Deadline

8:30-11:00 Volleyball 5-6:30 Boys’ Basketball 6:00 All Boards Meet 6-8 Men’s Softball 6:30 Elders’ Meeting 7-9:00 Men’s Basketball TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH 9:30 Men’s Bible Study 9:30 Women’s Bible Study

1:00 Quilters 7:00 Men’s/Ladies’ Bible Studies WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH 8:30 –11:00 Volleyball 2-3:30 Boys’ Basketball 5:30 Lenten Dinner 6:00 Praise Choir 7:00 Lenten Worship Service 8:00 Festival Choir THURSDAY, APRIL 6TH 6:00 Bell Choir FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH Pastor’s Day Off 8:30-11:00 Volleyball 7:00 Family Fun & Fellowship SATURDAY, APRIL 8TH 9:00 Youth Candy Cross Making 9-11:00 Men’s Basketball 6:00 Blended Worship Service SUNDAY, APRIL 9TH 8:15 Traditional Worship Service 9:15-9:45 Sun. Sch./Stamp Sales 9:15 Confirmation Mentor Meeting 9:45 Bible Studies/Sunday School 9:45 Confirmation Class 11:00 Blended Worship Service 2 & 2:30 Nursing Home Services 6:30 AA Meeting


April 2 8:15 am n/a 11:00 am Owen Meyer

April 5 7:00 pm n/a

April 9 8:15 am Marek Drennan 11:00 am Kyle Evon


April 2 8:15 am Donna Reigle 11:00 am Stella Shepherd

April 9 8:15 am Jeff & Kathy Feldmeyer 11:00 am Mary Lou Schell


April 1-2 Sat. 6:00 pm Julie Schultz Sun. 8:15 pm John Schorsch Sun. 11:00 am Glenn Gehrke

April 8-9 Sat. 6:00 pm Bill Kolath Sun. 8:15 am Karen Smith Sun. 11:00 am Rich Meyer



9:00 am—1:00 pm




“I will be their God and they shall be my people.” (Jeremiah 31:33). What does it mean to be God’s people? It means we recognize that everything we have and everything we are belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything; we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given us. It means we are willing to use our gifts and our lives to care for our neighbors and the world, just as God cares for us.


*2016 Easter Sunday 2016 2017

Mid-week Lenten Serv. 32 40

Saturday 6:00 pm 29 26

*Sunday 8:15 am 129 67

*Sunday 11:00 am 91 56 TOTAL 281 189

Page 3 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Cost of Ministry for 2017 As of 2/28/2017

Offering Collected = $ 58,013.86

Actual Expenses = $ 61,113.16

SHORT — $ 3,099.30

2017 altar flower chart The 2017 Altar Flower Chart is posted in the narthex & THESE dates are still available for you to provide the Altar flowers

as a memorial to a loved one, to celebrate a birthday or anniversary:

Apr. 30; July 9; Aug. 13; Sept. 3 & 17;

Oct. 8, 15 & 29; Nov. 12; Dec. 3, 10, & 31

Just write your name & phone number on the date you would like. The cost this year is $30.00, which you may place in

the offering plate using your offering envelope (please note on ‘other’ line ‘altar flowers’ or drop off at the church office.

Today’s flowers have been placed on the altar

by Bob & Shirley Barnett To the glory of God

And in celebration of their 56th anniversary

******* flowers may be taken home after

the 11:00am service or can be picked up in the church office on

Monday morning.

St. Trinity received memorials In memory of

Janet Bergemann By

Dick & Phyllis Solmen Jake & Jan Ramig

Mary Williams Skip & Elaine Schultz

Richard & Marsha Karstensen And

Elaine Neff By

John Burby Jim & Diane Slater &

Arlene Schell

John Ehlke would like to thank everyone for the prayers and cards he received during his recovery from knee surgery.

From The Board of Human Care ……


We are now collecting trial-size personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and denture-cleaning tablets, in addition to writing supplies such as pens, pencils, and notebooks. Please no books and no magazines. There will be a box in the coat room for these items to be donated to the Veteran’s Hospital.


A basket of empty baby bottles will be available in the Narthex. Please take one or more home with you for the next couple of weeks and fill with coins and bills. A check is acceptable, too—Make checks payable to the Oxford Pregnancy Center. On MOTHER’S DAY, May 14th, please bring your filled bottle and place it back in the basket in the Narthex. The Oxford Pregnancy Center is a non-profit Christian agency that does not receive any state or federal funding. They rely on churches, local organizations, businesses and individuals for funding. They provide material, educational, spiritual and emotional support for women/teens facing an unplanned pregnancy. A M.O.M.S. program is available for these young mothers who keep their babies for continued support with child rearing during the baby’s 1st year of life. Thank you for your generosity and prayers.


The youth of St. Trinity are selling chocolate crosses before and after worship services from April 8th through Easter Sunday. This fundraiser will help defray costs for youth events this year. Please look over their great selection and make your purchases for your children and grandchildren for Easter.

Attention Confirmation Mentors and Students:

Meeting Coming Up

There will be another meeting for confirmation students and mentors. This is on April 9th following the 8:15 am Worship Service. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan to



Wed., April 5th — Baked Potato Bar Dinner is served from 5:30-6:45 pm

PLEASE, sign up in the Narthex, so we know approximately how much food to prepare. Also, dessert donations are needed for each dinner. There is a dessert donation sign up sheet also in the Narthex.


Stamps will be sold next Sunday. Come and save!

Look for the table in the Narthex.

Page 4 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Sunday Morning Bible Classes & Sunday School

9:45-10:45 am

Bible Classes during the Week

Weeknight Bible Classes

YOUTH CONFIRMATION CLASS Confirmation classes now meet every Sunday morning at 9:45 am in Pastor’s office. Confirmation is for students in 6th-8th grades. RETIRED MEN’S BIBLE STUDY New topic starting in April is “The Miracles of Jesus.” Leader: Karl Schneider. Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:30am-11:00 am. Next class is on April 4th. LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 9:30-11:00am and we will be starting a study of “I, II, III John”. We meet again on April 4th.

WOMEN’S BIBLE CLASS We will be starting a study of “The Lord’s Prayer” next time we meet. We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 9:30 am. Next class is April 12th.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Meets Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Family Life classrooms from October—April. Join us as we study of Luther’s Small Catechism.

LADIES’ LIFELIGHT BIBLE CLASS Meets Tuesday evenings from mid-September to mid-June at 7:00 pm in the FLC classrooms. Please join us.

SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDIES Meets at members homes the 4th Friday of the month from 7-9 pm. We are now doing the study, “Crazy Love”.

QUILT MAKERS The St. Trinity quilting group make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and American Veterans. We meet every Tuesday from 1-3 pm. We meet again on April 4th. See Annette Ashley for more information.

KNITTING GROUP Currently knitters are regrouping and planning their schedule for this year. We will have more information soon. For questions, speak with Carol Koenig or Judy Spresney.

Other Fellowship Opportunities

GOSPEL OF MATTHEW BIBLE STUDY meets in the FLC classrooms every Sunday morning. Please join us.


What am I doing with my time? Simple question or easy answer? It’s time you found out. In the current study “Time of Your Life,” Andy Stanley will help you discover the answer.

The Book of Hebrews is led by Phyllis Solmen and meets in the L-Room September through May.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is for Grades Preschool through 5th Grade. Join us in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday morning at 9:45 am.

JUNIOR HIGH BIBLE STUDY Grades 6th–8th grade. Meets in the Fellowship Hall throughout the school year.

SENIOR HIGH BIBLE STUDY Grades 9th-12th. Meets in the “Grace Haven” room.

Youth & Family Life Activities

Family Fun & Fellowship—every 1st Friday of the month in the gym and FLC classrooms at 7pm. Next Date: April 7th. Lenten Dinner—preparing and serving dinner from 4:30-6:45 pm on Wednesday,

April 5


Mission Statement: “To involve the youth of St. Trinity in the full life of God’s church with focus on sharing the Gospel Message, Fellowship with one another, & encouraging a servant heart.”

Publication Deadlines:

Weekly Church Announcements For Apr. 9—Mon, Apr. 3 at noon

Prayer Page for Worship Bulletin

Wednesdays at 9 am

Church Email Contact Information

Pastor Duchene

Gretchen Goolsby

Lisa Cooley

Habitat for Humanity’s Community Impact Weekend

April 29-30 If you are interested in volunteering for this opportunity to help local veterans and their families, improve our community, assist qualified low-income families and seniors, and collaborate on non-profit service projects, call 248-625-8055.

*This event sponsored by Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce.

For their spring concert series, the Detroit Lutheran Singers are presenting music based on the Psalms. Join us and enjoy the music of Bach, Mozart, Bernstein,

and others!

Sun., April 2, 3:00 pm Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church



Softball season is here. We are looking for males age 14 and older to join the team. There is a signup sheet in the FLC for those interested in playing with us. Contact Richard

Karstensen at with questions.


June 29 Tigers vs. K.C. Royals

St. Trinity is planning a trip to a Tigers game on June 29th. All St. Trinity members & friends are welcome to come. More details to follow in the coming weeks.