St Liturgy.pdf · in the PowerPoint. Sound track and sheet music...

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Transcript of St Liturgy.pdf · in the PowerPoint. Sound track and sheet music...

coloured fabric and boxes for a focus space

a rock or stone

a bowl of rice and a bible

an A3 laminated photo of Soko (see below)

an A3 laminated photo of Mengee (see below)

an A3 laminated photo of Oldoh (see below)

book holders to support laminated photos




data projector


computer and sound amplification

music for the song The Prayer of St Francis

Student one:

Student two:


Voice of Sr Clara:

Voice of Fr Matthew:

Voice of Fr Lobo:

First Reader:

Gospel Reader One:

Gospel Reader Two:


Reflective Talk Speakers





Prayers of Intercession Readers






Computer op:

Optional Reflective talk and dramatization of the St Francis of Assisi story:

St Francis:


Pica – St Francis’ mother:


Soldier 1:

Soldier 2:

Soldier 3:

Notes• Sound track and sheet music for recommended songs

by Richard Cootes can be downloaded at

• Reflective talk about St Francis of Assisi is a suggested option.

• If you want to use this Liturgy in the wider setting of a Mass, check

with your Pastor about how much can be retained and refer to the

‘sacred space’ as a ‘focus space’.

Student 1:Welcome to our Liturgy of the Word. Let us begin with an Acknowledgement of Country.

Together we say:We wish to acknowledge that we are in the Country of the people.

We pay our respect to their tribal Elders.

We acknowledge the memories of their ancestors and celebrate their continuing culture.

Student 2:The theme for our liturgy today is: Build My Church. To help us focus our minds and hearts on this theme together let us watch this specially prepared DVD ‘I will build my Church – Sock it to homelessness in Mongolia’.

(Play DVD. At the end of the DVD continue with the preparation of the focus space. As each is read aloud the rock, bowl, bible etc is displayed for all to see and then placed in the focus space)

Let us prepare our focus space.

Jesus said to St Peter, “You are the Rock upon which I will build my Church.”(Mt 16-18)

Today the Church is active throughout the world spreading the Good News of Jesus and caring for those in need as Jesus did.

One of the most recent activity of the Church is in Mongolia where the Church has only been in existence for the last 20 years.

We place a rock… a foundation stone.

Student 1:Jesus said to St Peter, “Feed my lambs.” (Jn 21:15)

Many poorer countries around the world depend on the Church for the services it provides to people who are both physically and spiritually undernourished.

We place a bowl of rice and a bible.

Student 2:Jesus said to his followers, “I have come to seek and save the lost.”(Lk 19:10)

We place an image of Soko.

Soko lives in the city of Ulaanbaatar. (Oo-lan-bar-tar) where the average temperature is 0 degrees.

When Soko was little her mother accidentally spilled boiling water on her face while she was cooking. Soko was badly burned.

Later her family could not afford to keep her, because they were so poor and she became a street kid.

Because it is so cold in Mongolia Soko had to live underground below street level where there were hot water pipes. She would lie against the pipes to keep warm.

Now she is being cared for at the Verbist Care Centre run by the Catholic Church. She is now receiving an education and wants to be a beautician when she is older.

Student 1:Jesus said to his Apostles, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10)

We place an image of Mengee.

Mengee lives in Mongolia.

She is 9 years old.

Mengee is a child with special needs.

She cannot use her left hand.

She needs help to feed herself… to dress herself… to go to the toilet… and to walk.

She is cared for by Sister Nimmy from the Rainbow Centre in Mongolia’s capital city.

Student 2:Jesus says to his followers, “Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me.” (Lk 9:48)

We place an image of Oldoh.

When he was a child he could not walk.

He had to be carried by his friends and carers.

When he was only 8 years old his family, because they were so poor, could no longer care for him.

They left him outside a hospital.

Now Oldoh is being looked after at the Verbist Care Centre where he has been given the treatment he needs that enables him to walk.

Oldoh loves to learn about Genghis Khan and Mongolian history.

He would like to be a teacher when he is older.

Student 1:Jesus says to us all, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (Jn 8:12)

We place a lighted candle.

Please join in singing our beginning song.

(Select an appropriate gathering song known by your community (‘All Are Welcome’ – David Haas would be especially good) or make use of the song ‘Gathered’ embedded in the PowerPoint. Sound track and sheet music provided).

Leader:We gather today to remember and celebrate the work of our Church as it strives to improve the lives of all people who are physically and spiritually needy.

We gather as followers of Jesus ready to commit ourselves to bringing hope and fullness of life to all God’s children.

We gather as a community ready to be nourished by God’s word.

We gather…

ALL: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Voice of Sr Clara: (Sr Clara’s photo is displayed on the PowerPoint)

My name is Sister Clara.

I work at the Marialaya Centre in India.

I try to rescue those children who have been stolen from their families and are forced to work as beggars.

Very often I pray. Very often I speak to Jesus like a friend.

So I try to be like Jesus… healing and helping the children.

In my own way I am answering the call of Jesus who said, “…build my Church.”

Leader: Lord, Jesus you are light for all, You guide us on our way. Lord, have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Voice of Father Matthew:(Fr Matthew’s photo is displayed on the PowerPoint)

My name is Father Matthew.

I work at the Verbist Care Centre in Mongolia where street kids are cared for.

It warms my heart to be able to see how each child at the Centre receives an education.

By being able to give these children healthy food and proper medical care we are bringing the love of Jesus into their lives.

In our own way we are answering the call of Jesus who said… “build my Church.”

Leader:Lord, Jesus you are hope for all, You take away our sins. Christ, have mercy.

All: Christ, have mercy.

Voice of Fr Lobo:(Fr Lobo’s photo is displayed on the PowerPoint)

My name is Fr Lobo.

I am the National Director of Catholic Mission in India.

We are working to save those children who have been sold by their parents to become domestic servants.

Some parents in India are so very poor that they sell their children for small sums of money.

They do this so that they can buy food for the other family members.

The child who has been sold will probably remain a servant for the rest of their lives.

We want to help these children to be free and provide them with shelter, medical care and spiritual formation.

In our own way we are answering the call of Jesus who said… “build my Church.”

Leader:Lord, Jesus you are strength for all, Your word is truth and light. Lord, have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy.

(‘Cry Out My Soul’ embedded in PowerPoint. Sound track and sheet music provided)

Cry out my soul! Cry out with joy! Cry out my God how great you are! Cry out my soul! Cry out with joy! Cry out my God how great you are!

The Lord is kind and merciful To the ones who are oppressed. His word goes forth to every land, “Let my hungry have their bread!”

It is the Lord who loves the just, Who sets the captives free, Who keeps from harm the orphan child, Who makes the blind to see.

Cry out my soul! Cry out with joy! Cry out my God how great you are! Cry out my soul! Cry out with joy! Cry out my God how great you are!

It is the Lord who raises high The ones who are held down. He stretches forth his mighty hand To release what has been bound.

This God of ours is a God who saves. Let us sing and dance for joy. The just make music to his name. In his presence we rejoice.

Cry out my soul! Cry out with joy! Cry out my God how great you are! Cry out my soul! Cry out with joy! Cry out my God how great you are!

©Richard Cootes

Leader: Let us greet the Gospel.

(The Gospel may be held aloft and processed to a lectern during a sung Alleluia. A Version of the Alleluia embedded in the PowerPoint. Sound track and sheet music to this version of Alleluia provided)

Alleluia (Your Word is Hope)Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia to our God! Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia to our God! Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia to our God! Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia to our God!

Your word is hope! Your word is life! Your word is hope! Your word is life!

Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia to our God! Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia to our God! Alleluia to our God!

©Richard Cootes 2012

Leader:Let us listen to God’s Word.

First Reader:(Acts 2:42 – 47)

A reading from the Acts of the Apostles.

The believers spent their time in learning from the apostles taking part in the fellowship, and sharing in the fellowship meals and prayers.

Many miracles and wonders were being done through the apostles, and everyone was filled with awe. All the believers continued together in close fellowship and shared their belongings with one another. They would sell their property and possessions, and distribute the money among all, according to what each one needed. Day after day they met as a group in the Temple, and they had their meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts, praising God, and enjoying the good will of all the people. And every day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.

The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Gospel Reader 1:A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.

Gospel Reader 2:Jesus called the twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases.

Gospel Reader 1:Then he sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick, after saying to them:

Jesus:Take nothing with you for the trip: no beggar’s bag, no food, no money, not even an extra shirt.

Wherever you are welcomed, stay in the same house until you leave that town; wherever people don’t welcome you, leave that town and shake the dust off your feet as a warning to them.

Gospel Reader 2:The disciples left and travelled through all the villages, preaching the Good News and healing people everywhere.

The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:Slide 35 In a region of Italy called Umbria there is an old town called Assisi.

It is built on the side of a mountain.

Slide 36 It is a medieval town with narrow streets. In the 1100’s it was a wealthy town with many merchants.

Speaker 2:Slide 37 One of those wealthy merchants was a man called Pietro.

He bought and sold cloth. The cloth he sold was called silk. Pietro would travel to France to buy his silk and when he returned to Assisi he would sell the beautiful cloth to the richest people of the town. He made a lot of money.

Speaker 1:One day when Pietro was away in France his wife gave birth to a baby boy.

Slide 38 She decided to call him Giovanni, or John. She named him after John the Baptist. But when Pietro returned he was angry that his wife had given the baby such a holy name. He wanted the boy to grow up to be a wealthy merchant like his father. Because Pietro

admired the people of France he decided to rename his child “the Frenchman”, which is pronounced “Francesco” in Italian, or Francis in English.

Speaker 2:Slide 39 When Francis grew to be a young man he led a carefree life. He had beautiful clothes to wear and a fine horse to ride. He loved going to parties to sing and drink lots of fine wine. If he had a care in the world it was this: he did not know if he was cut out to be a merchant like his father. One day when he was minding his father’s shop a poor beggar came in to beg for alms. Francis shooed the man away. But later he followed the beggar down the street and gave him all the money in his pockets. When his father found out he was very angry.

Speaker 1:Francis decided that he did not want to be a merchant. Instead he decided to win honour and glory for himself as a knight.

Slide 40 He fitted himself out in the finest armour and rode off with the army of Assisi to fight the army of Perugia. But sadly for Francis, he was captured by the enemy and taken away as a prisoner. They put him into a dark dungeon.

Speaker 2:At first Francis tried to keep his spirits up by singing. But the dungeon was dark and dirty and filled with rats and disease. He became very sick. After spending a year in prison, Francis was finally released.

Slide 41 Francis was so glad to be walking about in the sunshine he sang a song of praise to God. He praised God for the beautiful creation that was all around him. In time he would call the Sun his brother, and the Moon his sister.

Speaker 1:Francis found a tumbled down old church called the church of St Damien. At one end of the ruined church was an image of Jesus on the cross.

Slide 42 Francis fixed his eyes on the image and prayed deeply. In the deepness of his prayer he heard the voice of Jesus speak to him. The voice said…

Speakers 1 and 2 together:Slide 43 BUILD MY CHURCH!

Speaker 2:Francis wondered what the voice meant. Did Jesus want him to repair the church of St Damien with its ruined walls? Later Francis opened the book of the Gospels hoping that it would help him understand what Jesus wanted him to do with his life. When Francis opened the book his eyes fell on these words: “Jesus called the twelve disciples together…

Then he sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick, after saying to them, take nothing with you for the trip: no beggar’s bag, no food, no money, not even an extra shirt.”

Francis decided that he would follow these instructions from Jesus. He would devote his life to God. He would be poor like Jesus. He would preach the Kingdom of God like Jesus, and he would care for the poor and sick like Jesus.

Speaker 1:Slide 44 Francis returned to his father to tell him that he was going to spend the rest of his life in the service of God. His father was furious. He said, “If you disobey me I will take away your inheritance. If you leave this house you cannot take with you anything that I have given you.”

So Francis took off all his clothes that had been bought with his father’s money and left that place.

Speaker 2:Slide 45 Francis lived a simple life. He wore simple clothes. He rebuilt the ruined church. He prayed deeply. He composed beautiful songs of praise to God for God’s wonderful creation. When he preached the birds would stop their chattering as if to listen to him. He helped the poor. He helped the lepers.

He followed the command of Jesus to “build my Church” by caring for the physical and spiritual needs of those around him. Today he is one of the most beloved of saints. He is a fine example of what it means to be “living” Church.

Speaker 3:Slide 46 Early this year a new Pope was elected to be the leader of our Church. Whenever a new Pope is elected he takes a new name. After hearing another Cardinal say to him, “When you are Pope, don’t forget the poor,” he decided to choose the name Francis after St Francis of Assisi. Pope Francis has urged us all to be a Church that cares for the poor… a Church where each member lives the Gospel, as best they can like Jesus, in their daily lives.

Speaker 4:In World Mission Month 2013 Australian Catholic Schools have been asked to help support the Church in Mongolia and especially care for children who are homeless – ‘Sock it to homelessness’.

Slide 47 This picture shows a home in Mongolia. It is a simple home and is called a “ger”. Most of the homes look like this. They have no electricity, running water or sanitation facilities.

Speaker 3:Slide 48 This picture shows a Catholic Church which is also a “ger” building.

The presence of the Church is very important because Mongolia has a great lack of social

services. The Church is trying to build schools for children who would otherwise receive no education. The Church is also providing facilities for disabled children and homeless children.

Speaker 4:Slide 49 These pictures show the support given to children with special needs at a facility called the Rainbow Centre.

Speaker 3:Slide 50 The capital city of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar. It is the coldest capital city in the world. In the winter homeless children climb down manholes and live under the roads. They press their bodies against hot water pipes to keep warm.

Speaker 4:Slide 51 These pictures show children who were once street kids but are now being cared for by Catholic missionaries in a loving environment at the Verbist Care Centre.

Leader:Let us now commit ourselves to being a community which aspires to build God’s Church, supporting the spiritual and physical needs of all. Let us sing together The Prayer of St Francis.

The Prayer of St Francis lyrics available in…As One Voice Vol 2 – 126Catholic Worship (AUS) – 793Gather 3 – 828Gather Australia – 490Gather Comprehensive – 726Gather Comprehensive Second Edition – 721Gather Second Edition – 524Never Too Young – 136Ritual Song – 830Spirit & Song – 199

Leader:Let us now pray for the needs of all God’s children.

1. We pray for the Church in Mongolia. May it continue to provide spiritual and physical nourishment to those children who are most in need.

Lord of life, hear us.

All: Lord of life, hear our prayer.

2. We pray for all those families who are desperately poor. May they receive the support and comfort they need through the good works of caring people.

Lord of Hope, hear us.

All: Lord of life, hear our prayer.

3. We pray for all children who have no clean water to drink, that they may be saved from sickness and death through access to safe drinking water.

Lord of life, hear us.

All: Lord of life, hear our prayer.

4. For homeless children who are vulnerable to health risks, malnutrition, and substance abuse. May they find safe refuge through the good works of the living Church.

Lord of life, hear us.

All: Lord of life, hear our prayer.

5. For our own school community, that we may always share in the mission of Jesus in bringing fullness of life to all God’s children.

Lord of life, hear us.

All: Lord of life, hear our prayer.


Let us pray together the words that Jesus taught us.

All: Our Father…

Leader:Together let us say our final blessing: (on PowerPoint)

May God bless us with eyes that see the needy in our world.

May God bless us with courage to seek justice and peace.

May God bless us with generosity to share what we have.

May God bless us with love to see Christ in each other.

Leader:Nourished by God’s Word and moved by the Spirit of Jesus may we go forth to bring God’s saving love to all.

Final Song (Sing an appropriate recessional song – Michael Mangan’s ‘The Common Good’, Steve Angrisano’s ‘Go Make A difference’ or make use of the song embedded in the PowerPoint ‘We Go Forth’ – Sound track and sheet music provided)