St. John Brebeuf · St. John Brebeuf Parish...

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Page 1 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

St. John Brebeuf Parish

Page 2 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

Dear Parishioners, On Saturday, February 24, Bishop Andrew Wypych celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Over 56 stu-dents were anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, the same gift that the Jesus bestowed on his disciples. The gift of the Spirit was promised by Jesus to his disciples to be an abiding presence and assistance (Acts 1:8; Lk 24:49). In the power of that gift, received at Pentecost, the early church was strengthen to witness to the truth (Jn 15:26) and proclaim the mighty works of God. The Rite of Confirmation emphasizes the centrality of the Spirit throughout the rite of anointing. “The sacra-ment of confirmation is conferred through the anointing with chrism on the forehead, which is done by the lay-ing on of hand, and through the words: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit” (Document on the Liturgy, p. 770). The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude and fear of the Lord. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit strengthen the confirmed to be witnesses, by lives of faith and love before the world. Our 8th graders, all adolescents, are beginning to embrace the issues of life. School work? Curfew? Computer time? Driving? Dating? During this time of testing and maturation, the church supports the young person and their parents to face their responsibilities with maturity. Parents, Confirmation is not the time to back off from helping the adolescent with schoolwork and all the oth-ers decisions that come at their age. Unfortunately, some parents have the mistaken notion that when their child reaches a certain age; they scan shy away from their responsibilities. Psychologists remind us that there is no magic date when a person reaches emotional maturity. The Gifts of Holy Spirit guide our young people in a very real way when they grapple with these issues. They enable both parents and the young person to move away from deviance, indifference or laziness to spiritual and emotional maturity. Just as the disciples became more courageous in their witness of God’s mercy and love, so do our Confirmed. Through the Holy Sprit our life becomes joyful, full of meaning, rich and heroic and not at all limited or made dull. To help the Confirmed and to embrace the challenges of Christian Discipleship they choose a Saint’s name at the time of the conferral of the sacrament. The saint is a model and a source of encouragement to our young people and to all the faithful as they journey all through life. A Saint has embodied the challenge to “Do this in remembrance of me.” In an age when Christians must literally choose between life and death for the sake of the gospel, saints choose life though the cost is sometimes death. Perhaps a hundred years from now one of our Confirmed will be named a saint after living a sacrificial life for others like our patron, Saint John Brebuef! Special thanks to Mr. Mac Karaban, our Director of Religious Education/Pastoral Associate, Dr. Mary Malo-ney, our school Principal, and Mrs. Pam Perez, our Director of Youth Ministry along with our catechists, teachers and volunteers for all their dedicated ministry! Sincerely, Father Mike Meany

Page 3 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

Drodzy parafianie,

W sobotę 24 lutego biskup Andrzej Wypych celebrował Sakrament Bierzmowania. Ponad 56 uczniów zos-tało namaszczonych darem Ducha Świętego, tym samym darem, którym Jezus obdarzył swoich uczniów.

Dar Ducha Świętego został obiecany przez Jezusa swoim uczniom, aby byli trwałą obecnością i pomocą (Dz. 1: 8, Łk 24, 49). W mocy tego daru, otrzymanego w dniu Pięćdziesiątnicy, wczesny kościół umacniał się, aby świadczyć o prawdzie (J 15,26) i głosić potężne dzieła Boże.

Rytuał bierzmowania kładzie nacisk na centralne miejsce Ducha Świętego podczas rytuału namaszczenia. "Sakrament bierzmowania jest nadawany przez namaszczenie krzyżem na czole, które odbywa się przez nałożenie ręki, oraz poprzez słowa:" Przyjmij znamię daru Ducha Świętego"(Dokument o liturgii, s. 770). Dary Ducha Świętego to dar mądrości, rozumu, rady, męstwa, umiejętności, pobożności, bojaźni Bożej. Dary Ducha Świętego wzmacniają bierzmowanych, aby być świadkami w życiu wiary i miłości przed światem.

Nasi 8 klasisci, wszyscy nastolatkowie, zaczynają zajmować się kwestiami życia. Praca w szkole? Godzina policyjna? Czas na komputerze? Jazda? Randki? Podczas tego okresu testowania i dojrzewania kościół wspiera młodego człowieka i jego rodziców, aby z dojrzałością sprostali swoim obowiązkom.

Rodzice, bierzmowanie to nie jest czas, aby oderwać się od pomagania młodzieży w nauce i wszystkich in-nych decyzjach, które pojawiają się w ich wieku. Niestety, niektórzy rodzice błędnie uważają, że gdy ich dziecko osiąga pewien wiek; skanują ucieczkę od swoich obowiązków. Psychologowie przypominają nam, że nie ma magicznej daty, kiedy człowiek osiąga dojrzałość emocjonalną.

Dary Ducha Świętego kierują naszą młodzieżą w bardzo prawdziwy sposób, kiedy zmagają się z tymi prob-lemami. Umożliwiają one rodzicom i młodym ludziom odejście od dewiacji, obojętności lub lenistwa do du-chowej i emocjonalnej dojrzałości. Tak jak uczniowie stali się bardziej odważni w swoim świadectwie o Bożym miłosierdziu i miłości, tak samo czynimy z naszym bierzmowaniem.

Dzięki Duchowi Świętemu nasze życie staje się radosne, pełne znaczeń, bogate i bohaterskie i wcale nie ograniczone lub zmyte.

Aby pomóc bierzmowanym w podjęciu wyzwań związanych z chrześcijańskim uczniostwem, wybierają imię Świętego w czasie udzielania sakramentu. Święty jest wzorem i źródłem zachęty dla naszych młodych ludzi i dla wszystkich wiernych, którzy podróżują przez całe życie. Święty uosabiał wyzwanie "czyńcie to na moją pamiątkę". W czasach, gdy chrześcijanie muszą dosłownie wybierać między życiem a śmiercią w imię Ewangelii, święci wybierają życie, chociaż kosztem jest czasami śmierć.

Być może za sto lat jeden lub jedna z naszych bierzmowanych zostanie nazwany świętym po tym, jak żyje się ofiarnie dla innych, takich jak nasz patron, św. Jan Brebuef!

Specjalne podziękowania dla pana Macieja Karabana, naszego dyrektora ds. Edukacji religijnej oraz duszpas-terza świeckiego, dr Mary Maloney, dyrektora szkoły i pani Pam Perez, naszego dyrektora ds. Duszpaster-stwa Młodzieży wraz z naszymi katechetami, nauczycielami i wolontariuszami za ich oddaną posługę.

Z poważaniem,

ks. Mike Meany

Page 4 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

VIRTUS TRAINING Per Archdiocese policy, all employees and volunteers working with children, in any Catholic Parish and/or School must attend a Virtus Training Session, before beginning their service to their faith community. We will be offering this training, here at St. John Brebeuf on: All candidates must pre-register online at Select "First Time Registrant" and fol-low the directions provided to register your session. Sign-in at the session begins at 6:30pm, and the session starts promptly at 7:00pm. Late arrivals will not be al-lowed into the session!

Monday, February 26, 2018

PMC-A 7:00 pm—10:00pm

Page 5 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018



1. TEENS do you want to make your summer unforgettable? Join St John Brebeuf YouthMinistry for our Summer Service Trip “ALIVE IN YOU 2018”! We are going to St Louis to do service in the

2. local community. The dates are July 17 through July 22, 2018. SIGN UP NOW! Registra tion Fee is $180. DEADLINE TO REG ISTER COMING SOON! Contact Mrs. Pam Perez at 847-239-2379 to get more information and to register for this life-changing experience!

2. Our LIFETEEN MASS and LIFE NIGHT is this Sunday, February 25th. Join us in Church for the 6:00PM Mass, and enjoy our evening activities in FLANAGAN HALL until 8:30pm. We will gather for a meal, for Scripture Study, Lectio Divina prayer, and more! Invite your friends. ALL TEENS ARE WEL COME! 3. COMING IN MARCH! Join SJB

Youth Ministry for our OVER-NIGHT LENTEN RETREAT held in the Youth Ministry Office and Extended Day Area from Saturday March 17th to Sunday March 18th. Our theme “I Am Third” will explore our relationship with God, Others, and Self. Activities will include Games, Prayers, Midnight Reconcili-ation and Adoration, Service Project, and more! PERMISSION FORM RE-QUIRED TO ATTEND plus an $8.00 donation. Contact Mrs. Perez for more information and to sign up. ALL TEENS ARE INVITED!

Find us on Facebook! Search for St. John YM or our group St. John Brebeuf YM. Contact Pam Peres, Youth Ministry Director, 847-966-9815.

Check out our Youth Ministry’s upcoming events at: Check out our calendar of events and our photo gallery!

Page 6 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018


Please plan on joining us for our Parish’s Lenten Mission with on

March, 3, 4. 5 and 6 at 7:00 p.m. Theme:

The Three Questions: Guideposts for our Personal Spiritual Growth, Our Relationships, and our Service to

the Church and World.

What does it mean to be a People of God in our day? How does our Catholic Christian faith inform our understanding of ourselves, God, and the world? And how does our growing un-derstanding of what it means to be a human person in today’s context facilitate our growth in holiness? Brother Bede will explore these and related issues with us during the up-coming Lenten Parish Mission. Through presentations, discussions, handouts and take-home questions, this mission will provide a framework for exploring our personal and spiritual growth, and nurturing our relationship with God and others. In additions, specific concrete ideas about the continuing of the process started here will be offered. Please come: Brother Bede Healey, OSB Cam, PhD is a Camaldolese monk of New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur, currently residing at the order's house in Berkeley, Incarnation Monastery. He has served in various capacities including For-mation Director, Oblate Chaplain, Treasurer, Vice Prior and Council member. He provides spiritual direction and offers a limited retreat ministry. Br Bede is also a clinical psychologist, the Director of the Division of Religion and Psychia-try, and held the Ishak Ramsey professorship at the Karl Menninger School Psychiatry and Mental Health Sciences. He has written and presented widely on psychological growth throughout the lifespan, treatment of religious professionals, working with religious issues in therapy, provided psychological assessments for religious and ministerial candidates, and consulted with religious communities and dioceses. He has a keen interest in the relationship between spirituality and psychology, as well as in exploring the contemplative dimension in everyday life. Weekend Masses at 03/3-4/2018 preaching on masses and also Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (03/4-6/2018) 7PM Para-liturgy with Preaching on Spirituality for Today.

REKOLEKCJE WIELKOPSOTNE 14-18 marca 2018 r Fr. Marek Duran M.Div., S.T.L., S.T.D Fr. Marek Urodził się w Jaśle, jako czwarte dziecko w rodzinie Stanisława i Stefanii Anny. W latach 1986-93 uczęszczał do Szkoły Podstawowej w Racławicach, którą ukończył z wyróżnieniem. Maturę zdał w Liceum

Ogólnokształcącym im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Bieczu. Następnie wstąpił do Wyższego Seminarium Du-chownego im. bł. Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara w Rzeszowie.

W 2000 r. ks Marek został przyjęty do Seminarium w Mundelein od razu na drugi rok, ponieważ przed wyjazdem do Stanów ukończył rok teologii w Seminarium w Rzeszowie. Został wyświęcony na kapłana 22 maja 2004 r. W katedrze Najświętszego Imienia przez jego Eminencję Francis Cardinal George. Ksiądz Marek Duran posługiwał na parafiach jako wikary Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Gwiazdy Morza (na południu Chicago) w sierpniu 2004 r. a także w parafii Matki Boskiej Nieustającej Pomocy w Glenview. Następnie został wysłany do Rzymu na doktorat w Pontificium Institutum Joannes Paulus II Studiorum Matrimonii ac Familiae (Papieski Instytut Jana Pawła II dla Studiów nad Małżeństwem i Rodziną) i otrzymał tytuł S.T.D. Teraz ks. Duran uczy teologii moralnej na Uniwersytecie St. Mary the Lake / Mundelein Semi-

Page 7 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018


Pielgrzymka Autokarowa Join Fr. Przemek & Dcn. Mariusz on pil-grimage via deluxe motor coach to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John, Indi-ana and the Carmelite Father’s Monastery in Munster. Program includes: Sta ons of the Cross, Mass, Adora on, shrine tours, and lunch.


7:15am Departure with @6pm Return

Cost: $65 per person.

Ks. Przemek i Dk. Mariusz zapraszają na pielgrzymkę autokarową do Sanktuarium Męki Pańskiej w St. John Indiana jak I do Ojców Karmelitów Bosych w

Munster. W programie: Droga Krzyżowa, Msza, Adoracja, Lunch.

SOBOTA, 17 MARZEC 2018. Wyjazd 7:15rano, powrót około 6pm.

Koszt: $65 od osoby. Rezerwacje; Dzwonić na numer 847 738-3800


Page 8 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

SJB WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2018 Nominations are now open for our SJB Woman of the Year 2018. There are so many deserving, faith-filled women in our parish who may be nominated for this honor. The officers of the Catholic Women’s Club will

carefully review the nominations before voting, and their selec-tion will be announced in the parish bulletin in mid-March. Please include information about your nominee’s family, parish and community activities as well as your reasons for wanting to honor her. Profiles must be limited to 200 woDeadline for nom-inations is March 10th. Please send your nominations to Judi Stephens, 20540 N. Buckeye Rd., Barrington, IL 60010. If you have any questions, Judi may be contacted at (847) 842-9295.

Following is a list of women still active in our parish who have been honored in the past: Lois Kozeny, Clara Weiss, Charlotte Lindquist, Judi Stephens, Babara Bronder, Dorothy Mimp, Pen-ny Guerrieri, Lois MacAdam, Barbara Swift, Donna Ellwanger, Sandy Galassi, Shirley Koenigs, Sue Doczekalski, Connie Spar-kowski, Alice Koppensteiner, and Virginia Ryan. Our 2018 Woman of the Year will be honored at an Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) Vicariate II luncheon at Chateau Ritz on Saturday, May 12th. Reservations will be $35 for the luncheon with cash bar available..

The Catholic Women’s Club

Cordially Invites You to

The Feast of St. Joseph Saturday, March 3, 2018

Lone Tree Manor

7730 N. Milwaukee Ave.,Niles, IL Doors open 1:00 pm - Lunch 2:00 pm

Music by Eddie Tylka & One More Tyme - Tickets: $25.00 Will be sold at: The Parish Ministry Center—8305 N. Harlem Ave, Niles IL— 847-966-8145

Sue Schoenfeldt 847-583-0113 or or Jo-Jo Malinowski 773-914-4684

29tth Annual Lutheran/Catholic Morning of Dialogue and Prayer

March 10, 2018 - Edison Park Lutheran Keynote Speaker—Rev. Dr. Kelly K. Faulstich, Resurrection Lutheran Church.

Edison Park Lutheran 6625 N. Oliphant Chicago, IL 60631 773-631-9131

For information: Judy Stephens 847-842-9295

Page 9 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

Attention: High School Senior


Applications are now being accepted for the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) College Scholarship. This amount is for $1000 /per year for 4 years, and it is available to a senior girl in High School, (Catholic, public or home-schooled) who will be continuing her education at a college or university. Deadline to submit applica-tions is March 20, 2018. Please contact Judi Stephens for an applica-tion or for more details at:


April 8, 2018

All are invited to collectively make or renew their 33-day

St. Louis Marie de Montfort Total Consecra-tion to Jesus through Mary on The Annunciation of the Lord

Monday April 9th 6:30 AM Holy

Mass & Rosary following Mass

St. Louis De Montfort requests, "they shall go to confession and to Communion with the in-tention of giving themselves to Jesus Christ…

by the hands of Mary."

St. Catherine Laboure 3535 Thornwood, Glenview

Page 10 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

CRS Rice Bowl is an annual Lenten program creat-ed for parishes, schools, and families to engage in global solidarity, raising funds for CRS' internation-al work, but more importantly, building bonds with, learning about and praying for people all over the world. CRS Rice Bowl is so much more than a sim-ple tool for almsgiving — it is a way to connect with the worldwide Church .

Join our parish community and nearly 14,000 Cath-olic communities across the United States —in a life changing Lenten Journey with CRS Rice Bowl.

Pick up your family’s rice bowl from the church.

Page 11 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

“MARCH MADNESS BINGO” Sunday, March 18, 2018

St. John Brebeuf Ministry Center – 8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles FREE Admission (Must be 18 & over to play)

(Hosted by Holy Name Men’s Club)

$15.00 for 15 Games Pay-Out’s determined by Attendance

Additional Chance to Win

PULL TABS AVAILABLE!!!! Doors Open at 2:30pm – Games Begin at 3:00pm

For Further Information Contact : Dennis O’Donovan at 847-744-2972 John Jekot at 847-651-7624

Bingo License #B-04157

Pull Tab License #P-02154 Refreshments to Be Sold

Page 12 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

WE PRAY TOGETHER Did you know that the lyrics of our hymns and songs are actually beautiful prayers selected specif-ically for that Mass? That makes our hymnal your prayer book! If you are self-conscious about sing-ing, participate by opening the hymnal and pray-ing the text of the hymn as others sing. The Church encourages our full and active participation in the Holy Mass. When you sing, you encourage others to do the same. Please use the hymnal!


Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36- 38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16- 21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19:8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25

Altar Bread and Wine will be offered For:

God’s blessings & Health for Dariusz Przybyl

Donated by: Mother

During the week of February 25, 2018.

The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayer daily, Monday through Friday, following the 8:30AM Mass; Saturday following the 7:30AM Mass; Sunday before the 7:30AM Mass. Praying the rosary together in front of

the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peace-ful.

Page 13 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

Easter Candle Memorial What a beautiful way to remember your loved ones, living or deceased with a donation to-ward the purchase of the large Easter Candle (approx. $750.00) and other small Easter can-dles (250.00). If you would like to make a do-nation, please call or stop in at the parish of-fice—847-966-8145.

Baked Goods Needed

We are going to have a St. Joseph Table on Saturday, March 3, 2018 at Lone Tree Man-ner and looking for baked goods. Items can be dropped off at the Parish Office on Satur-day, March 3rd. Please look threw your family recipes and share your luscious treats with us. Please contact JoJo Malinowski at:


St. John Brebeuf Parish Fish Fry Dinner

(Hosted by Holy Name Men’s Club / Cub & Boy Scouts)

March 2nd – March 9th – March 16th – March 23rd 5:00 - 7:00 PM - Parish Ministry Center

(8305 N. Harlem Avenue - (Niles)

Pre-Sale Tickets Per Person @ $12.00 Door Sale Tickets Per Person @ $14.00

Half Price for Children 6 to 12 Years Old (Children Under 6 Years Old Eat Free)


Purchase Pre-Sale Tickets at Parish Office 8305 N. Harlem Avenue – (Niles)

MENU White Fish - Three Sides – Soup – Light Dessert

Coffee – Lemonade Cheese Pizza (Children Only)

(Beer – Wine – Pop Will Be Available for Purchase) Catered By : Lone Tree Manor

For Additional Information Call: Dennis O’Donovan @ 847-744-2927, Andy Beierwaltes @ 847-966-6961

Page 14 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

February 25-Second Sunday of Lent: Lent is a call not just to “give up something” but more important to “give something for the poor.” Wherever you live in the parish, there are poor families within walking distance of your home. When in need, they ring the rectory bell. They are, in ef-fect, ringing your doorbell. Have you considered joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that to-gether we can help the suffering and poor.

All information will be strictly confidential. St. John Brebeuf Parish Office

Telephone: (847) 966-8145 EWTN to Feature St. Vincent de Paul Eternal Word Television Network will air a 10 week series titled "Our Faith in Action: Today's Society of Saint Vincent de Paul" running each weekend from March 4 through May 12. Tune in to learn more about the Society's work to help the needy. For more information on EWTN, visit and your local cable station.

Wspólnota Św. Wincentego a Paulo 25 luty - Druga Niedziela Wielkiego Postu:

Wielki Post jest wezwaniem nie tylko do "wyrzeczenia czegoś", ale ważniejsze bardziej jest "dawanie" czegoś na rzecz ubogich. "Gdziekolwiek mieszkasz w parafii, tam są biedne rodziny nawet w odległości spaceru od domu. Kiedy są w potrzebie, dzwonią do nas. W

efekcie dzwonią one do Ciebie.

Czy rozważałeś dołączenie do Bractwa Św. Wincentego a Paulo? Zadzwoń, jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy lub chciałbyś przyłączyć się do pomocy biednym. Czy jest rodzina, którą znasz, która potrzebuje po-mocy? Proszę zadzwonić do Towarzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo, aby wspólnie pomagać cierpiącym i biednym.

Wszystkie informacje będą ściśle poufne.

Biuro parafialne św. Jana Brebeufa

Telefon: (847) 966-8145

Telewizja EWTN o St. Vincent de Paul

Eternal Word Television Network wyda 10-tygodniowy cykl zatytułowany "Our Faith in Action: Today's So-ciety of Saint Vincent de Paul" w każdy weekend od 4 marca do 12 maja. Sprawdz, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o pracy Towarzystwa, aby pomóc potrzebującym. Więcej informacji na temat EWTN można znaleźć na stronie i lokalnej stacji kablowej.

Page 15 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

Devotions in the Church Rosary Monday through Friday

After 8:30 AM Mass After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday

Every First Wednesday of the Month Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass

(Including Benediction )

First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus

After 8:30 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

First Saturday Devotions

To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and

After 6:30 PM Polish Mass

Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group

Monday 7:00 PM

Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM

Hour of Divine Mercy Friday 3:00 PM (Includes Stations of the Cross)

Pray for priests every Thursday

Altar Server Schedule Feb. 10-11

Saturday: March 3, 2018 7:30— Sebastian Krupa, Maggie Prucnal,

Alina Prucna.

5:00— Patrick Jurkulak, Kaithlyn Maczek, Jessie Healy

6:30— Ian Duda, Alexksandra Duda, Maymilian Reguslski

Sunday: March 4, 2018 7:30— Ekira Edwards, Tavares Edwards,

Elylah Edwards. 9:00— Nate Caamoan, Billy Fabbri, Denise

Gomez 10:45— Suraj Mesquita, Nathaniel Sison,

Arabella Gomez 12:30— Maya Dorosz, Michelle Dorosz,

Adrian Anszczak 6:00 -- Allena Healy, Steven Sciwiarski,

Jeremy Ermilio.


Kevin Matthews At St. Juliana 7201 N. Oketo Ave Chicago, IL March 4th, 3:30 pm.

Please join us for “A conversation with Chi-cago Radio Legend Kevin Matthews’ legend-ary career and his spiritual journey7, featur-ing his new book, “Broken Mary”, followed by a Meet & Greet and book signing after-ward. All are welcome. For more infor-mation, visit

Page 16 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

Monday - February 26- Weekday 6:30 - Margaret Bade 8:30 - Romolina Alex (3 death aniv) Tuesday - February 27 - Weekday 6:30 - For All Parishioners 8:30 - Nestor & Augusto Tanghal, Michael Puacz, John Percovich, Warfield Duncombe Wednesday - February 28 - Weekday 6:30 - Robert Boller, All DeLorenzo 8:30 - Oliviero Baldassari, Sylvia Hanko 7:00 - (Polish) Mass - Fr. Przemek Lenten (Polish) Reflection Marian Grzebien, Frank Biewiek, Mieczyslaw Orzel, Stanislaw Kula, Jan Kula. Thursday - March 1 - Weekday 6:30 - Jeena & Tony Mathai 8:30 - Jim Kurtzer (12 death aniv), Paz Tanghal, Anastasia Masalsikala, Weronika Sajdak (Bday Blessings), Zofia uczkowska (God’s Blessings) Friday - March 2 - Weekday - First Friday 6:30 - For all Parishioners 8:30 - Rosemary Thariath, Special Intentions 3:15 pm - Stations of the Cross 6:00 pm - Reconciliation 6:00 pm Polish Reflection 7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross 8:00 pm - (Polish) Mass - David (Bday blessings & good health) Saturday - March 3 7:30 - For all Parishioners 12:00 - Mass - Fr. Przemek Rosary Group Mass 5:00 pm - Mass - Fr. Meany English Lenten Mission Fr. Theodore Stone, Barbara Mazur, Joan Bystrek, John Kuna MacAdam, Virginia Mary Ivers, Daniel Cichon (25th Bday. Blessings & health) 6:30 pm - (Polish) Mass - Fr. Maria Makuch (2 Death Aniv), Adela Wytaniec ( 4th Death Aniv), Stella Gajda, Bernard, Antoninia, & all deac’d family Members Kaszubski, Frances Popek, Jozef, Jan, Karolina, Bernard, Frances

Popek, Jozef (3 Death Aniv), Jan, Karolina, & Gienek Warzecha, Stanislaw Pudlo (17th death aniv.) Karolka & Kamilka (Special Blessings), Janina & Gerwazy Wawrzyniak (45th wedding aniv.)

Sunday - March 4 Third Sunday of Lent Seminarians at all Masses 7:30 - Mass - Fr. Przemek For all Parishioners 9:00 - Mass - Fr. Przemek Al DeLorenzo, Irena & Edward Mordell, Manuel Astudillo, Carolina Massimi, Lorraine Coteus, Alexander & Ma. Salutaris Bentain 10:45 - Mass - Fr. Meany Rosa Herminia Velez, Betty Martin, Michael Koseor, Chester Kiel (17 Death Aniv), Alfonso Izzi, Harold Lewis (27 Death Aniv), Philip Coranno, Lewis Family, Daniel Canales (Blessings), Mary Yaldivia, Ludovit Kollarill & Sylwin Kollarill (Blessings for Family) 12:30 - Mass - Fr. Samborski Maria Kropawa, Helena, Stanislaw & Wladyslaw Siwiec, za dusze, ktore najbardziej potrzebuja Pomocy, Jan Kubon (8th death aniv.) Andrzej Mucha, Janina Medvad Bovan, Aqnieszka Drozd, Kazimierz Krysztofiak, Helena Nowomiejska, Zbigniew Balcerzak, Wladyslaw Baczynski, Stefania Marian & Wladyslaw Tujaj, Bolestawa Samboski, Filomena Pawlica (6th death aniv.), Mieczyslaw Orzel, Kazimierza Chojniak (27th d/a) , Stanislaw Wroblewski, George Zalewski (13th death aniv.), Mike Puacz (9th death anv.) Zofia, Tomasz, Wladyslaw Boczar, Marzena & Adrian (Bday and God’s blessing) 6:00—Mass Fr. Meany

Requests for Mass Intentions: Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office two weeks in advance of your request date so they can be printed in the bulletin. Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. We appreciate your co-operation.

Liturgy Schedule

Page 17 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR DECEASED Albert Dominick, Mary Michoney, Mildred Simon Edwin Mirochna, Stanislaw Sliwa,

MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your opportunity. We are ac-cepting donations for the altar

breads and wine that are used at Mass each week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory of: Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered.

Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received.

Celebrating our SJB Military Remembrance St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the process of establishing a military remembrance presentation for all active and fallen since September 11, 2001. We are accepting family members names, branch of service and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, Attention: Legion of Mary. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard.

Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces:

Mark Honsa Timothy Casey Joseph Merkel Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Christopher Vick Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham Susanne Connolly Tutwiler CDR John Tutwiler Dominic Carrabotta SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Col. Barbara Jones (Wiltgen)

May they return safely to their families.

Pray for all our ill Members Randolf Abana Lorna Alba Madeline Albano Cajetan Almeida Janette Mendoza Atienza Jennifer B. Bassik Dave Beierwaltes Linda Bennett Kathy Berresheim Carmelita Balmadrid Bob Biewald Beth Boudin Jerry Brazkowski Virginia Brekke Stephanie Castleman Anna Chacko Robert Colangelo Bob Conal Christina Curtis Michael Curtis Marcelino de la Cruz Diana D’Costa Anthony D’Costa Barbara Donovan Caryn Drexler Colin Drexler Walter D’Souza Bill Elikman Noli Failma Lorraine Frederick Elaine Friedman Charlene Green Dolores Gruzynski Madeline Hendricksen Alex Hernandez Clem Juris Beverly Klein Keith Klein Michelle Klein Czeslaw Komosa Donna Kornovich Alma Kort Catherine Kosina K. Kozeny Margaret Lach Shahla Lahijani Mario Loraya Stella “Stasia” Magdon Cyril & Peg Maher Robert Majerowski Oscar Malabanan Eugene Mangan Patrick McDonagh

Lauren Mesikapp Donna Miller John Muniak Chris Drysen Navilio John Nawodylo Cathy Neff Joan Ofenlock Mary O’Toole Rosaura Pegan Virginia Penkala Souk Tha Phone Franciszek Policht Wladyslaw Policht Zdzislaw Puacz Wanda Romanas Maria Ramos John Peter Rolwes Ruben Reyes Lita Rosales Frank Rosienski Adam Rowel Cindy Ryan Nanette Sadorra Adelia Salas Gil Segundo Bernadyne Semmerling Patricia Severin Pamela Sobie Aidan Stotz Alvin Swenson Janina Szczepanski Anida Tadeo Steve Tatos Kim Travaglio Josephine Turner Patti Maher Tyska Kamillus Urban John Wiseman Shannon Wittum Stanislaw Wojtasik Virginia, Rolito Zabala Relita Zabala Henry Zajac Holly Zoernk Barbara Zonsius Grace Platt

Page 18 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

St. John Brebeuf Church Staff

Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany

Associates: Rev. Piotr Samborski

Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin

Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall

Deacons: Larry Skaja/retired, Andy Beierwaltes,

Mariusz Kosla

Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban

Music Director & Liturgical Coordinator:

Marek Rachelski

Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla

Children’s Choir Director: Ewa Fair

Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz

School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney

Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez

Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist

Bulletin Editor: Maria R. Garcia

Fr. Thomas May Ministry Center/Parish Office

8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

(847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014



School: (847) 966-3266

8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714


Religious Education: (847) 966-3269

Youth Office: (847) 966-9815

Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)

Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,

12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM

Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:30 AM

Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)

Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM

First Friday: 7:00 PM Mass (Polish)

See Bulletin for Holy Days

Reconciliation - Saturday 11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)

First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)

Baptisms Last Sunday of each month during

10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service

(Polish): First Weekend of each month:

at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &

Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM

Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.

Matrimony Four months notice is minimal.

Eucharistic Adoration In Parish Ministry Center Chapel

Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm Friday 7am-7pm

Saturday 7am-6:30pm -Sunday 7am-1:30pm

St. Vincent de Paul—

“We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through prayer, sacraments, life-long formation and service in light of the

Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

FEBRUARY 25, 2018

Page 19 Second Sunday of Lent February 25, 2018

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Wed. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION FEBRUARY 18, 2018 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 18 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS