SRS hardware sales and servicing information system

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Transcript of SRS hardware sales and servicing information system

Software Requirements Specification


Hardware Sales and Servicing Information System

Version 1.1 approved

Prepared by: Prashant Kumar



Software Requirements Specification for Hardware Sales and Servicing Information System Page ii

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... ii Revision History ............................................................................................................................ ii 1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................ 1 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ..................................................................... 1 1.4 Project Scope ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 References ................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................2 2.1 Product Perspective ................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Product Features ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics .......................................................................................... 3 2.4 Operating Environment ............................................................................................................ 4 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints ............................................................................... 4 2.6 User Documentation ................................................................................................................. 4 2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ............................................................................................ 5

3. System Features....................................................................................................................6 3.1 Sales ........................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Service ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 User Creation (by Admin) ........................................................................................................ 8 3.4 View Product Info ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.5 Enquiry by user ....................................................................................................................... 10

4. External Interface Requirements ........................................................................................11 4.1 User Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 11 4.2 Hardware Interfaces ............................................................................................................... 11 4.3 Software Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 11 4.4 Communications Interfaces................................................................................................... 11

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements ....................................................................................12 5.1 Performance Requirements .................................................................................................. 12 5.2 Safety Requirements .............................................................................................................. 12 5.3 Security Requirements ........................................................................................................... 12 5.4 Software Quality Attributes .................................................................................................... 12

Appendix A: Glossary .................................................................................................................13 Appendix B: Analysis Models ....................................................................................................14 Module Description: ....................................................................................................................14 Data Flow Diagrams ...................................................................................................................20 Entity Relationship Diagram ......................................................................................................22

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Prashant Kumar 2/4/2011 Created first SRS 1.0 Prashant Kumar 3/4/2011 Added Functionality of Admin user creation 1.1

Software Requirements Specification for Hardware Sales and Servicing Information System Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The project is concerned to develop a business application for "Coastal Computers" dealers of Zenith Computers in Guntur District in Andhra Pradesh. The company is mainly concerned with selling the Zenith systems and servicing of customers in both hardware and software problems. The company will require more manpower to maintain financial transactions, sales transactions etc.

The main purpose of this project is to automate the manual processing in the stock maintenance, financial transactions, and employee transactions etc. If these are done manually, it consumes large amount of time, more scope for errors, and cost of maintenance is also very high. So, in order to reduce all these problems associated with manual system. We developed a business application for the concerned company. The application will generate reports for the order status and service call status in order to place purchase orders and assigns duties to the employees for attending the service call. Automation will help in maintaining the accounts accurate and up-to-date reducing the risk of over burdening the accountant and arithmetic errors. 1.2 Document Conventions

The font family used for this document is Arial. Font size used for normal text is 12. The headings are marked in bold for the font size 14. The subheadings are marked with the font Arial font size 12 and in Bold. Main section headings are with font size 18. All the abbreviations are used with the respective conventions. The technical abbreviations are used in capitalized form.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audience for this SRS are the panel of faculty members for mid semester evaluation at the BBDNITM, Lucknow. The other audience would include the Faculty at CMC Noida Ltd and panel of expert of the organization for whom we are developing the system.

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1.4 Project Scope

The project is intended for the use of the concerned organization i.e.”Costal Computers”. It would help the organization to increase the growth of organization. It would be automating the whole process. This software is intended to increase the performance of the concerned organization. The project would be intended to serve the users using the World Wide Web for informational purpose and advertizing ourselves. The application would be able to provide information of the concerned users via World Wide Web. 1.5 References

o Java, The complete Reference, Herbert Schildt o J2ee, The complete Reference, Jim Keogh o Eclipse in Action, David Gallardo o Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL, Oracle Corporation o Beginning Apache Struts from novice to professional, Arnold Dorey o Head First Servlets & JSP, Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates o

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

<Describe the context and origin of the product being specified in this SRS. For example, state whether this product is a follow-on member of a product family, a replacement for certain existing systems, or a new, self-contained product. If the SRS defines a component of a larger system, relate the requirements of the larger system to the functionality of this software and identify interfaces between the two. A simple diagram that shows the major components of the overall system, subsystem interconnections, and external interfaces can be helpful.>

The Software described here is fully a new system for development. We are developing this system from scratch. It constitutes of the subsystems or the features of existing larger systems like sales system, servicing system and inventory management system. The features are included from the existing systems but they are being build from scratch to create it totally a new application.

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2.2 Product Features

The main aim of this project is to automate the manual processing in the stock maintenance, financial transactions, and employee transactions etc. If these are done manually, it consumes large amount of time, scope for errors, and cost of maintenance is also very high. So, in order to reduce all these disadvantages we developed a business application for the concerned company. The application will generate reports for the order status and service call status in order to place purchase orders and assigns duties to the employees for attending the service call. Automation will helpful in maintaining the accounts accurate and up-to-date. The application would work on client-server architecture for providing the services to users. 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

We have categorized users into three categories

Administrator: Administrator is the user with full expertise over the application. He has the full control over the application. He would be monitoring all the ongoing process in the system and would be rectifying any faults within the system. Administrator is also responsible for maintaining and creating user accounts for the employees of the organization. Employee: He is the user who is trained for doing work on the respective system. The user is needs authorization to use the system. The user would be performing the functions like creating invoices, creating the AMC for the client, registering for the services required by different users, and so on. A category of employees called managers would be responsible for tracking the overall progress of the organization by the help of sales tracking and generating various kinds of reports. General user: He is the external element in the organization. He would be able to view the products online available in the organization. Enquire for a quote and would be able to leave any questions regarding the particular product.

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2.4 Operating Environment

Client Side : Client Side must be capable of running Internet Explorer 8.0 the Hardware requirements are:- Processor 300 MHz Pentium Processor or Above Operating System with Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher Memory (RAM) 512MB or higher Hard Disk Space 200MB or higher Display Resolution 800*600 with 256 colors or higher

Server Side : Server side machine should pass the following:- Processor 2.0 GHz Pentium Processor or Above JDK 1.6 or Above Operating System Windows XP/Linux (Capable of installing JDK 1.6) or above Memory (RAM) 2048MB or higher Hard Disk Space 10GB or above

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The application would be dependent upon the availability of network in case of network failure the application would not function. As an alternative the sales could be done by making manual receipts and data can be updated when the system comes online. Moreover the users would not be able to make any purchase via Ecommerce means he is needed to reach the point of sales terminal to make purchase. The Facility of ecommerce would be embedded in the upcoming upgrades of the software if needed by the concerned organization. The application is not being audited for security purpose this may be a negative point in the development of the application. 2.6 User Documentation

The following things would be delivered with the software. o Source Code and an executable working package: The source code of the

working system which is being developed and its package with the executable format so one could just click it and install it

o Software project Development manual: This would include all steps included in the software development process.

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o Installation and technical reference manual: This would include a guide to steps for installing the software and the requirement of the software in terms of software, hardware and other technical information.

o User manual: This manual constitutes of the steps to use the software. This explains how user could interact with the software including all the aspects of system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

The project is using the Database management software known as oracle 10g express edition the software has certain limitations. We are using this for development purpose only. While deploying we may switch to different Database management software probably the full version of the Oracle 10g Server edition that would cost to the client. Each and every Employee must have a user ID and password to operate the system. The server must be functional round the clock to provide uninterrupted services. The network bandwidth of the client-server connection must be enough to provide a proper communication and proper browsers must be installed to operate the system.

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3. System Features

3.1 Sales

3.1.1 Description and Priority

This Component of the system is responsible for making sales entries within the system. It creates invoices of the products being sold from the store. It’s vital for the organization and at the top priority.

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The Products available for invoice creation must be checked in database for availability before displaying.

REQ-2: The Data once saved to database must not be modified or tampered with


Create Invoice Add Products

Save to Database


Check for Products Not Available

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3.2 Service

3.2.1 Description and Priority

The component of the system is required to maintain service requirements. These requirements include creation of AMC, Registering for services of Annual Maintenance Contract and registering for services for temporary maintenance service

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

3.2.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Check for contract expiry before registering for AMC service REQ-2: Update the Registered services for status of work done upon them


Employee Service

Create AMC Register AMC Register

Temporary Service

Update Databases

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3.3 User Creation (by Admin)

3.3.1 Description and Priority

This feature is responsible for creation of users who are going to use the system. It also includes debarring the user who has left the organization. It also constitutes of high level priority.

3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

3.3.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Every Employee must have user login information REQ-2: The Employees who have left the organizations must be debarred

from logging in with immediate effect.

Login as Administrator

Create new


Update Existing Account

Add to Database


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3.4 View Product Info

3.4.1 Description and Priority

This feature would enable the users to view the product available with the store. This would enable the user to search the product by its name, view products by categories and view the latest products.

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

3.4.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Freshly added products must flash upon loading screen


Open Web Site

Search for Products by name

View Products View Recently Added Products

View Products by Category

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3.5 Enquiry by user

3.1.1 Description and Priority

This is used to have any of the enquiries by the users. These are collected in order to give users answers to their queries about our products.

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Open Enquiry and file details

Save To Database


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4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

The various interfaces used in the system are as given under Index Page: This page contains the listing of various new products which are added in the organization. A user could access the details of the respective products by clicking on their respective images. Employee Login: This is the interface used for login of employees. Employees cannot do the tasks on the system until they login with their respective roles. If the employee has the administrator privileges he has access to every part of the system. Invoice Page: A page to create an invoice and add products to it. Print the invoice for giving to the customer for purchasing the product. Monthly Sales Reports Page: This page would be used to generate sales report either with the given schedules or as customized by the needs of the organization. Stock Addition Page: This page would be used to add the stock of products. This addition of products is used to maintain he stocks present in the store. Expense entering page: This page is intended for the entering of the expenses made on behalf of employee. This may include expenses for salary, travelling allowance etc. 4.2 Hardware Interfaces

The clients are connected to the server via a network connection provided by any internet service provider. The server connects with the database engine via application programming interface. The data at the server end could be read by the client and updated by him. 4.3 Software Interfaces

Hardware sales and servicing information system is a multitasking and multiuser environment support. It enables the employee to interact with the server and perform necessary steps required for the functioning of the organization. 4.4 Communications Interfaces

This system is using java server pages and java servlets for creating user interface to interact with the system thus HTTP protocol is used for the client server communication and the web browser displays the user interface.

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5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The system is very vital to the organization and requires performing its task without interruption. So the major concern for the system is the power requirement. More over for the accessibility of client server interaction the server the connectivity of the network should remain constant. 5.2 Safety Requirements

For The safety requirements we need a periodic back up of data so that the important and vital information could be restored in any calamity. Once the data updated in the database must retain its consistency. The system must be supplied with constant power supply so that the vital information in process must not be lost. 5.3 Security Requirements

For the security implementations no user must be allowed to access the internal functions of the system until and unless he logs into the system. Employee is advised to keep his/her password safe with him in case of any misuse the employee is responsible by himself. 5.4 Software Quality Attributes

The source code of the software would be close as it would be closed source software. It is reserved with us for modifications and improvements.

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Appendix A: Glossary

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages. JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content. J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the

Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

Eclipse IDE: It is an open source integrated development environment largely contributed by IBM and is the leading tool in the industry.

Oracle 10g express Edition (Oracle Database management software): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications. It’s free of cost and had certain limitations also.

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol between a web browser and a web server.

ORM (Object Relation Mapping): It is a technology that enables decoupling of relational data and object oriented applications.

XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to transport and store data.

Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create dynamic web pages.

Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

AMC: Annual Maintenance Contract

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Appendix B: Analysis Models

Module Description:

Sales Module: This module is designed to track all the transactions taking place at the organization. It constitutes of different sub modules

• Enquiry tracking: This module is responsible for tracking the enquiries made by clients regarding any product or any other request.

• Quotation Preparing: To prepare a quotation of the product for sales and service requests.

• Invoice Creation: To Create the invoice of the books being sold from the store.. Servicing Module: This module is designed such that to handle all the transactions related to service calls. This Module is further subdivided into two modules

• Annual Maintenance Contract service calls handling Module: This Module tracks the service requests asked by the organizations with which we have the annual maintenance contract signed up. • Temporary service calls handling module: This module handles the request for the temporary or individual costumers.

Financial Module: This module handles all the finance related information associated with the business. It mainly handles the ledgers, credit, debit etc. It also keeps a track of the employee expenses and other expenses done in the business Reports module: The final module which is responsible to track the organizations growth and monitor it. This module generated reports from the data collected from the above modules. This module is constituted of three sub modules

• Financial Reports module: These reports give all the general information of daily financial transactions in the organization daily, weekly and monthly reports in an efficient and simple manner.

• Sales Reports module: These reports give an important extract from the data, which will help to take decisions to improve the sales. These reports are enquiry reports, quotation reports and order reports.

• Servicing Reports module: These reports give the details of calls served according to given time period. Using these reports one can plan their calls to attend in an easy manner. These reports could also be used to decrease the service time for the better and fast service.

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Data Dictionary Product_info Name Type Constraint Description Product_ID Number Primary key Unique ID assigned

to product Cat_name Varchar2(20) Category of product P_Desc Varchar2(100) Not null Description of the

product C_price Number Not Null Cost of the product S_price Number Not Null Sell price of the

product Discount Number Discount on

Commodity (if any) Stock_Info Name Type Constraint Description Product_ID Number Foreign Key Unique ID assigned

to product R_level Number Not null Quantity after which

stock needs to be repurchased

Max_Stock Number Notnull Maximum stock to be kept in store

Added_on Date Not null Date on which product is added in store

Status Varchar2(20) Not null Current Status of product (available/ disabled)

Employee_details Name Type Constraint Description Employee_id Varchar2(25) Primary key Unique id to identify

all employees Designation Varchar2(25) Not null Designation of

employee in organization

Name Varchar2(30) Not null Name of employee Address Varchar2(100) Not null Address of

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employee Contact_no Number(15) Not null Contact number of

employee Salary Number Not null Salary of employee Qualification Varchar2(25) Not null Qualification of

employee Experience Varchar2(25) Experience of

employee E_status Varchar2(25) Not null Status of employee

(Active/ Debbared) Login_info Name Type Constraint Description Employee_ID Varchar2(25) Foreign key Employee unique

identification Password Varchar2(25) Not null Password of

employee Role Varchar2(20) Not null Role of employee Invoice_info Name Type Constraint Description Invoice_ID Number Primary key Unique identity for

invoice Date_Time Date Not null Date and time of

invoice creation Employee_ID Varchar2(25) Not null The Identity of

employee who created invoice

C_name Varchar2(30) Not null Name of Costumer C_address VArchar2(100) Address of

costumers C_Cont_no Number(15) Contact Number of

costumer In_Amt Number Not null Total Amount of the

invoice Invoice_Items Name Type Constraint Description

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Invoice_ID Number Foreign key Unique identity for invoice

Product_ID Number Foreign key Unique ID assigned to product

Quantity Number Not null Quantity of product purchased

Price Number Not null Price of commodity into units

AMC_info Name Type Constraint Description Amc_ID Number Primary key Annual

maintenance Contract Unique identity

Name Varchar2(50) Not null Name of company / person

Employee_id Varchar2(25) Not null Employee who created AMC

Con_no Number(15) Not Null Contact number of the company / person

Address Varchar2(100) Not null Address of the company / person

Start_Date Date Not null Start Date of AMC End_Date Date Not null End Date of AMC Amt Number Not null Amount charged for

the contrat Details Varchar2(100) Not null Key points of AMC Service_reg_AMC Name Type Constraint Description Amc_ser_id Number Primary key Unique service

identity Amc_ID Number Foreign key Annual

maintenance Contract Unique identity

Reg_date Date Not null Date when

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requirement of service is registered

Address Varchar2(100) Not null Address where service is to be provided

Completed_on Date Date when service is completed

Problem_reported Varchar2(100) Not null Problem reported for servicing

Employee_id Varchar2(25) Not null Assigned employee Id for service

Status Varchar2(20) Not null Status of service Service_reg_temp Name Type Constraint Description Service_id Number Primary key Unique id for

service Reg_date Date Not null Date on which

registered for service

Name Varchar2(30) Not null Name of the person asking for service

Address Varchar2(100) Not null Address for service Contact_no Number(15) Not null Contact no of the

person Sev_com_date Date Service completion

date Emp_id Varchar2(25) Foreign key Service assigned to

employee Status Varchar2(20) Not null Status of service Amt_charged Number Not null Amount charged for

service Notes Varchar2(100) Notes (If any) Expenses_info Name Type Constraint Description Employee_ID Varchar2(25) Foreign Key Unique Employee

identification code Date Date Not null Date of expense

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Amount Number Not null Amount expensed Purpose Varchar2(100) Not null Purpose of width

drawl ENQ_INFO: Name Type Constraint Description Enq_No Number Primary Key Serial no Enq_name Varchar2(30) Not null Person Name Date_Time Date Not null Date & Time of

enquiry Address Varchar2(100) Not Null Address Of enquire Phone Number(15) Not null Contact number Email Varchar2(50) Not null Email of person Query Varchar2(100) Not null Query of person Quote Info Name Type Constraint Description Quote_ID Number Primary Key Serial number E_ID Varchar2(25) Foreign key Employee Identity Enq_No Number Foreign key Enquiry number Response Varchar2(200) Not null Response in quote

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Data Flow Diagrams

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Entity Relationship Diagram