Square Table Knights

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Square Table Knights

I’m Pantilie Raluca

I’m 14 years old and I’m part of the team “Knights of the Square Table” from School 195, Bucharest, Romania.If I was a number I’d be 16 because it’s a practical number. If I was a shape I’d be a square because it looks the same in every direction and I don’t change my opinion very easy.

I am Paul Reincke and I’m 14 years old. My favorite subjects are English, Romanian, Math, Physics, Geography and Chemistry. I like to read adventure books and detective stories, to watch Discovery ID documentaries, to play PC video games, to play with my little sister, to watch films and to walk outside. I like the number five. It is a sacred number to many and has a rich symbolic signification in philosophical thinking. It is also one of the central numbers of the pythagorean thinking and the symbol of the unification, of the center. The figure I like is the square. The square is one of the fundamental symbols of the geometry. It appears as the symbol of the earth, in opposition with the triangle and circle. In the numeric code, it corresponds to the number 4, symbol of the stability. Because the square has 4 angles, it symbolizes the stop, the fixing in time and space, the endurance and permanence.

I am Paul Reincke

I am Mihnea RomanovschiI am Mihnea Romanovschi, I like to think that I am perfect, like the number 6 (which happens to be my lucky number). I am not so bad, and not so good; I think that if you split my in to pieces I will have the same amount of good and evil, like number six when you split it in 3 and 3. I like video games but I also like to spend most of the time with my friends and my family, as well as to read a lot of adventure and science fiction books. I am like a sqare, I am neutral and I also like to think twice before doing something.

I am Mihai Andrei

I’m Andrei from Bucharest and I’m studing at school 195. I’m 14 and my favourite number is 7 because it brings me luck. I think I’m like a circle because I like the normal life, not a famous one. I also like football, especially when I am playing with my friends.I like video games. My best friend is Toma and I really enjoy to spend time with him in the summer, we are doing a lot of things together.