Spot's Heart on a Silver Platter

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Spot's first collection presents initial examinations into his affections, offering himself up for all to read, with an accompanying caveat.

Transcript of Spot's Heart on a Silver Platter



on a

Silver Platter

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter is copyright © 2006 by Aaron Victor Steimle. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from that guy.

Published in the United States of America by Lulu Press, Inc. Seven-Year Edition - 2013







To she who made these verses possible…


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


In Between...

How do you describe

What makes you feel love For someone you don't know?

How can you say What blooms in your heart,

But you're not allowed to show? What do you do

To help step on in your life, But you're not allowed to start?

How do you act To hide how you feel And do all you can

To deny what is real; To strive to deceive,

Disclose the whole truth For fear of reprieve;

And denial of youth? What can you do

But hold it inside you And lock it away in your heart?

That is all…

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Do I love you? I don't know... I feel something grow from within whenever I see you; something which fills me with a warmth and comfort that I can get from nothing else. I have a yearning which pulls on me as I think of you. Few things I can think of would give me as much joy as spending time with and getting to know you. And yet... I don't know you. All I know of you is what I see, which is little.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


But still I feel more for you than those many others I don't yet know. To be honest, I am confused myself. Do I love you? I don't know... but I think I do.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


My Dream

Every few days I have a dream. Within this dream the circumstances change But the dream players are always the same: There is me And there is you; Reunited again after so many years. You are always as beautiful As you have ever been, And we are rather pleased To see each other again; Yet in my dream you push me away. We always together have a great experience Which should draw us closer together; But you push me away. You avoid me, Hide from me, And always turn away. In my dreams we are close, We are together. So why do you push me away? Why?

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


What is It?

'Tis not the sky

That make me smile, Nor it the roaring sea.

'Tis not the clouds Held aloft awhile,

No, that's not what it could be. 'Tis not the cats Or rats or bats

Nor it the maple tree. 'Tis not even

The small rose bush Which blooms so happily.

I must find out What this thing is

That makes my heart so free. It can be nothing

But one thing: My burning love for thee.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



The soft petal falls Upon the earth, Blessing all.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



In the barren desert Grows a single rose; Beautifully dressed in emerald, scarlet. A traveler wand'ring through It takes by surprise at its Grace amid the sands and heat. Kneeling, he smells of its sweet fragrance And revels in its joy. But the heat begins to wither its soft petals and leaves For lack of water. The traveler, too, thirsts; But he carries water enough For only one. Pausing a moment, He empties the water For the rose to drink; And watches with a smile As the rose is restored To its full beauty; Then he closes his eyes. The rose still blooms In the middle of that desert; It will now never wither away...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



A face.

A mask. It's all the same.

The charades we play Are just a game.

How long will we continue playing?

A scrim. A veil.

No matter how it's pictured, We only tell a tale.

But when will fiction give way to truth?

An image. A facade.

Still we keep it going. A "round about" approach will take us nowhere,

Yet we continue.

How long to play the game? To tell the tale?

To circle the bush? How long until we lift the facades and realize?

How long? How long?

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Upon the battlefields of war, Where men fight valiantly In the cause of their respective lords, Blades clash and sparks fly As fall victims to each other Many to the other side. Yet throughout this carnage A lone soldier pauses To contemplate upon his next motion. Whilst pondering, his wandering eye Spies out an unfamiliar color Amongst the shining armors of fallen warriors And those still engaged: Beautiful emerald-green leaves and stem Topped with scarlet petals. The combater smiles to see Such a visage of peace Amid so much conflict. Yet he notices the front of battling soldiers Moving toward and nearly upon This blessed flower.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


The warrior, wishing to preserve The tranquility offered by this source of joy, Dives to the earth surrounding the rose As immediately the fray overcomes this land. Using his body as a shield, He wards off the blows which could injure Its perfect petals and leaves and stem. And even as the wayward steel Digs into his flesh He is filled with the satisfaction Of preserving its radiance. As the heated front then departs, Moving elsewhere to continue, The soldier rises to his knees, Observing the rose. "What right have I to pluck it From its home of earth?" Says he in contemplation, "Were I to do so No better would I be than Those of my brethren Who would trample out such grace And perfection." So the soldier vows From this time forth until forever To protect and care for the rose With his entire being Even until death, if the need arise. And as the time passes by One can see the singular warrior: Always on guard, Aware of things about;

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Always taking care For the needs of the rose. The soldier alone In the desert battlefield of war. All for the rose...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



The great expanse;

All is a desert wasteland. The scorching heat makes everything

Lifeless. Barren.

Devoid of even the smallest speck of beauty; Save for the Oasis.

The Oasis:

A splendid bloom of life Amidst the miles of death.

Lifegiving. Lovegiving.

Pouring out with joy enough for all. A refresher of beauty.

Seek the Oasis.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Thine sight is such I cannot bear Nor taste of thine sweet lips; For when thou dost come near to me, Out from my brow, sweat drips. I cannot call, I cannot speak, Nor can I a word e'er utter. When looking upon thy face, I cease; My heart begins to flutter. It blindeth me; it deafens me; It closes off my mind. For without a thought I sit and stare And look until I find That thou art gone away from me; But yet I do not notice, For still within mine heart I see Thy beauty as a Lotus'. No matter how I cry and pray, No matter how I've fasted, When time has passed and thou art gone Thou leav'st me flabbergasted.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Thirty-one Zero Nine Four...

Thirty-one zero nine four: The first sight of such To grow nearer to peace, Tranquility. Brief only, But fulfilling enough. Seventy-one two: Another, A second brief touch. This less impacting Than the first. Eighty-four: A basis for planting established As returning nest-wise Does it all fall, But to obscure, standing upward, Various near such: In variety. Dismaying is to be done, And sifted slowly apart.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Ninety-one: Final blind removing dons an image To grow within Happily. Such is as was will be To shine outward, but falling Beyond horizons to shine elsewhere. Looks such to pass through And over times. Eleven: To record plights or glories Again, but not, Too. Waves of such to cheer But uncomfort and move Onto lines of empty. Finalities of words; Memories returning full circle, Joyous. Perfection.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


The Tongue that Left

A bright and shiny day it was And all the sky was clear; Neither bugs nor pests did pester me Nor buzz around my ear. It was nearly perfect, I had thought, And now this was my chance; But my tongue would always disappear If she gave me but a glance. I'd kick and scream inside my mind, And howl and cry and yell, But still my tongue would not return, And so I could not tell... Tell her how I really feel; How I love her so. I'd explain it all out loud to her, But my tongue did go. I came upon my tongue one day When I was in the Mall. It hid within the men's restroom; Inside the far-left stall.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


It had flushed itself down the drain, So I could not grab it. I heard the BOOFS and BIFFS and BONGS From every pipe it hit. So when you hear something speak From inside your toilet bowl, Please do not flush my little tongue, But mail it to me whole. For I've not seen my little friend That lets me say "fer sure"; That tongue left me forever when I tried to talk to her.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Encounter with an Angel

There she is! O joyful heart, look at her! How can such grace, Such perfection, Exist upon this earth With flawed mortals such as I Also upon 't? Every step she takes upon the grass Lifts my soul From my crevice Of depravity.

Wait! She's turning... and coming In my direction! O saints and angels above, Art thou sending to me One of thy own? What shall I do? What shall I say? Shall I flow with words of love And romance to win her heart? Shall I stand bold And remove my fellowmen To prove my superiority?

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


What shall I do? What shall I say?

She's here, Standing mere feet away! Her paradisiacal face smiling brightly. O how my heart pounds within me! That petalsoft skin; Those crystalblue eyes; That long, soft auburn hair. And that smile; Were I not striving to control myself I'd scarce be standing In her presence, But be completely overcome By her beauty.

We chat a little; Very little; For my tongue is all but bound As to the words to say To gain her love for me. Instead, menial matters are discussed; Matters of humor; Matters only of frivolity. All the while I stand Entranced by her radiant beauty; Constantly battling the desire To fall at her feet And worship her; For a goddess she truly is.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


The conversation finishes And, with an overpowering smile, A smile that raises me up a mile high And nearly thrusts me From my footing, She turns And begins to stride away. I can only squeak out A friendly, but bashful, "Goodbye." As she floats from my presence. She turns once more And smiles back in response; A coup de grace of sorts.

I stand still, Watching her departure, Being still overcome by her lasting presence. O heavens, upon my knees I thank thee For sending her to this world. To thee I give praise, For she, thy creation, Is truly a wonder! Is there anything upon this earth More lovely than she? I firmly tell you: There is not.

She is away. O how I long to see her.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


To touch her hand. To hear her nightingale voice Would be such joy, Even to the fulfilling of mine existence! The chance to know her I would immediately grasp, For in her mind must lie The secret intelligences of humanity; And of the gods.

I long, For her joy; Her compassion; Her love.

And yet, I cannot have it. For it is forbidden To even attempt the gaining of it. But by some means, By some device, Shall I strive to do so.

What greater prize is there Than her love? What more precious jewel is there Than her spirit? What greater fulfillment can be achieved Than the gaining of a smile From her face, And a kind word From her lips?

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


I tell you, There is none. She is the greatest of all...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spirit and Beauty

A calm summer's morning

Sun glittering through the leaves; A soft breeze cools away the seasonal heat.

I lean upward upon a trunk Marveling at all the beauty

And serenity nature provides For us upon this earth.

Then you arrive; Nature's beauty pales To your radiant light.

All you touch is blessed forever, For your contact fills them with such spirit

They glow in appreciation. Slipping upon my feet,

I fall, taken back by Your extraordinary spirit and beauty.

As you float to me, Extending a hand to help me rise,

I can only watch, awestruck And completely overcome.

I take your hand And literally am lifted

From the ground to my feet By your spirit which fills my heart.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


You grant unto me A smile;

A smile that almost flings me from my feet once again. Looking into your eyes a moment I see all the glories of the heavens,

Which are opened to you. And watching your silky hair flow

As moved by the breeze I am filled with the reality

That angels do walk upon the earth, for one stands before me now.

You say a few words Which upon your voice I hear

The endless concourses of angelic choirs In the heavens singing celestial praises.

Again you smile; A reassurance of your divine creation.

Then turning, you walk away Taking all but our memories with you.

I try to follow, stretching my arms outward, But am unable to move

Into the paths which you do tread; So helpless am I as I watch you leave,

Slipping away from my presence. And I am left with nature;

Which is nothing in beauty and spirit, To you.

How I long To return to you; To see your face,

To hear your voice, To feel your spirit.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Will the time come When once again I shall be

Opportuned to reenter your presence, And feel of all the joys of heaven

Which pervade your being? Please...

Let it be so.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Unknown Touch

The strangest sensation have I felt From across the crowded room; An odd pull in a direction different from my own. The feeling alters my course Into a not yet familiar path. Slowly I seem to approach the source of this warmth, Of this joy I cannot explain. It pulls me; no, it drives me toward itself; Yet the physical source itself Seems unaware of its influence. Having quickly realized my unpreparedness For this new direction into which I head, I do utilize the will to return To the path upon which I first did stride. But still does it pull, Unbeknownst to us its method and manner. Perhaps it is something not of here; Not of this world, but another. Perhaps two voices calling out to each other; Voices from the distant past, now unheard by mortal ear. Calling, beckoning to each other, to renew a commitment Made a myriad years before; In another time, another place.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


And coming closer to each other, They reach to each other, Stretching out, almost touching fingertip to fingertip, Then turning away; for "It is too soon," is heard, "Too soon; the time has not yet come." So they separate, still feeling the pull; The pull of another world within this one. The strangest feeling have I felt From across the spacious room. An odd pull...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Walking along the path of life We reach many intersections; Places of crossing paths Where we meet each other Once, or twice, Pausing only a bit To greet and salute. We continue to follow our paths Whithersoever they lead us. Yet we find, for a time Our road do parallel. And we walk near enough To interact with each other; And as we relate our thoughts and experiences Among the two of us, Our discussion is suddenly interrupted As your path turns askew And departs from mine Into a direction I cannot go, For my path does not follow.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


But still continue we upon our paths, Ever persistent in our journeys. Will our paths ever meet again? Shall they ride neighbors to each other For another period of relation? Shall the paths unify into one? Or shall we run apart, Greatly separated? We shall see...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


What Kind of Woman Makes a Goddess?

What kind of woman makes a goddess?

How does she appear? Is it her beautiful face,

Her silken hair, Or her encompassing eyes

Which ascend her presence above all?

How does she act? Is it her graceful walk,

Her tender touch, Or her angel's voice

Which commands worship and adoration?

How does she feel? Is it her radiating joy,

Her peaceful heart, Or her calming presence

Which sets the standard of perfection?

What kind of woman makes a goddess? A woman like you.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Her Image

Silken hair of black Drapes down past crystal eyes And over slender shoulders. Precious tiny feet Float her quietly across The emerald blades of grass Blanketing the rolling hills, A soft silent breeze Breathing life Into the rainbow of flowers below And gently pushing along The cottony clouds above. But here, Here we have The elegance and beauty of her face, The shimmer and glitter of her eyes, The pleasure and grace of her smile, All within our view. The radiants of her image Imbue our beings with an unreignable affection, And an unexplainable love Which drives us,

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Motivates us. So we move on in our directions, Ever reaching out for the beauty of her image; Reaching out to touch she, Our source of this great love, And make our lives, finally, whole. Ever reaching. Reaching...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Out of Reach

You do not see me; You cannot tell How strong my love does bloom for you; I know you well. For you're raised high And cannot see Someone so insignificant, Someone like me.

But still I wish and hope to see Your eyes as they glance down to me And notice my small love so bright And lift me up to you... But you're out of reach And I can't get to you.

I'm standing in your shadow, I'm standing in your light. I try so hard to see your eyes; Oh, is this wrong or right? I long to see your pretty face From a frontal view, But you're so very far above me, I don't know what to do.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


But still I wish and hope to see Your eyes as they glance down to me And notice my small love so bright And lift me up to you... But you're out of reach And I can't get to you.

I don't understand why you can't see My love so great and strong for thee. It's probably 'cause I'm so small And not a bit important at all.

Now, I'm not rich And I'm not grand; In fact, I fit inside the palm Of your exquisite hand. But you're so great And I'm so small. It seems you'll probably never ever Notice me at all.

But still I wish and hope to see That you'll glance your eyes down to me And notice my love burning bright And lift me up to you... But you're out of reach And I can't get to you.

You're out of reach And I can't get to you.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Sent from Heaven

In your face I see a thousand words forbidden to speak. In your eyes I see a beautiful dream that is just out of reach. In your hands I see the soft white lily's grace. In your heart I see the meaning of the words in your face.

The peace and joy in you Out shines the brightest star; And ev'ry move you make Reminds me that you are

Sent from Heaven onto this earth To beautify this dreary land. Sent from God to us To comfort us, To bless us, To enrich our hearts.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


You're an angel to this earth, A blessing from above. And all the while You sojourn here The only things I can feel for you Must be love...

It's your look, Just a glance from your soul-piercing eyes. It's your face, And the heavenly blessing you just cannot disguise. It's your smile, That which makes us burn inside with joy. It's your heart, The heart which reaches out to this little boy.

And I reach my hand for you To feel your endless love; As I extend my hand I feel your power from above.

You're sent from Heaven onto this earth To beautify this dreary land. Sent from God to us To comfort us, To bless us, To enrich our hearts. You're an angel to this earth, A blessing from above. And all the while

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


You sojourn here The only things I can feel for you Must be love...

And the skies are enchanted With your glorious light. No darkness lies about you Your presence destroys the night.

And I cannot see The mystery Of why you descended Down to me. But do not go; Please stay close to me.

You're sent from Heaven onto this earth To beautify this dreary land. Sent from God to us To comfort us, To bless us, To enrich our hearts. You're an angel to this earth, A blessing from above. And all the while You sojourn here The only things I can feel for you Must be love...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


It's in your look; It's in your eyes; It's in your face; It's in your heart...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Less Than a Shadow...

I know a beautiful woman, With far more beauty than

A crystal sky, A golden sunrise,

A starry night. Her great beauty rouses The scalding envy from

Other ladies around. But me,

I am not a beautiful man, Not glamorous,

Not sophisticated. To her eyes I am unnoticeable;

Less than a shadow. Others catch her sight,

With their ways. They are blessed to receive

Her voice, Her caring,

All of the greatest gifts Which could ever be Blessed upon a man.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


But I ever remain Unseen,

And unheard. Try as I may

To attain those blessed gifts, I fear I shall In her eyes

Ever remain Less than a shadow...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Precious Jewel

When you have found A precious jewel, And have held it In your hand, You often do not value it As greatly as should be; For at any day It could be stolen Out, away from you If you do not secure your hold. Then, you can but only think And remember the joys You felt while within Its precious presence; The love had for its peaceful spirit. Only remember. Do not lose the jewel; For with it Your joy is everlasting.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Memories of a Presence

A soft rustle of the wind

Signals her presence. You turn,

Hoping to catch but a glimpse Of her face;

But she is gone.

Only memories remain Of her smile;

Of the look in her eyes; Of the scent of her hair.

Just facets of the mind now. Nothing more.

The feelings you must hold within

Wait still to burst forth From their captive dungeon

Of the heart. Only outward indifference

Is allowable.

An emptiness now rests; A vacuum;

Waiting to be filled. But nothing can fill it

As much as she. Nothing.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



You hold within, a secret; A secret love, A secret hope, A secret fear. This you have held for some time And never revealed its full truth outwardly. Then at one moment You chance a sharing of this With one in whom you trust And whom is close. But as you reveal only the iceberg's tip It is taken by that one And twisted And turned And made into something it isn't. This of yours is giggled at, And scorned And mocked And altered until it resembles not The original. You witness this in shame and frustration: Again you have shared yourself Without appreciation in response, But mockery. In turn responding, you pull within your turtle shell Even further than before.

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter


It seems almost always true When you reach out Your hand is snapped at; Sure motivation to act hermetic. Yet, at times you do still Attempt the reach, Hoping to touch a sympathetic heart In the world of coldness. Will you reach for that heart? Or will you remain within? The joy is in the attempt; So strive to do so That the joy may be yours; And the possibility open for that heart, That spirit. That spirit which can meet with yours in understanding; Which can together open new doors. And make possible anything...

Spot’s Heart on a Silver Platter



Poem Page

Confusion 10 Encounter With an Angel 32 Facades 19 Flabbergasted 27 Her Image 48 In Between… 9 Less Than a Shadow 56 Memories of a Presence 62 My Dream 12 Oasis 23 Out of Reach 50 Pathways 42 Petal 17 Precious Jewel 61 Protector 20 Sacrifice 18 Sent from Heaven 52 Spirit and Beauty 37 The Tongue that Left 30 Thirty-one Zero Nine Four 28 Unknown Touch 40 … (Untitled) 64 What is It? 13 What Kind of Woman Makes a Goddess? 47

Collect all seven of Spot’s Poetry Chapbooks:

Heart on a Silver Platter Reflection on Relations in Poetry and Prose

Angellic Visitation Lost in Thought

Finally Finished with Life, Lessons, and Love

Schooled Proddings Three Muses & Picking up the Pieces

…and the Complete Poetry Collection:

Spot’s All Together Now…

Or collect all three of Spot’s Storybooks:

Three Pigs When three pigs head out to build new homes, they find

themselves suddenly faced with all-too-familiar troubles standing in their way, leading to an ending that none of the pigs could foresee.

Bphlats What are the Bphlats, and where are they today? Discover the

secret behind these ancient animals and uncover their hidden connection to the longevity of the Chicken.

Three Bears and the Golden-haired Girl When a young blonde lady stumbles onto the abandoned

porridge of the Bear family, she soon finds her overpowering hunger to be more a burden than a boon.