SPM Biology Analysis 2015P1

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Answering Paper 1 in SPM Biology

Transcript of SPM Biology Analysis 2015P1

SPM Biology Analysis 2015

In Papers 4551/1 (P1), there are fifty questions. Students need to choose

one correct answer for each question from the four options. (Total marks

= 50) All the questions are evenly distributed, so there are not chances for

you to skip any chapter. So work hard on these important chapters! Read

the question and all the options carefully. Write any rough workings on the

question paper if you need to. Cancel off the options that you consider as

definitely wrong. Then, choose the most suitable answer among the 4


Chapter 2 – Cell Structure and Cell Organisation

Chapter 3 – Movement of substances across the plasma membrane

Chapter 6 – Nutrition

Chapter 8 – Dynamic Ecosystem

Chapter 9 – Endangered Ecosystem

Chapter 10 – Transport

Chapter 12 – Coordination and responses

Chapter 13 – Reproduction and Growth

Chapter 14 – Inheritance

Not so important topic with the average 2 questions every year.

Chapter 4 – Chemical Composition of the Cell

Chapter 5 – Cell Division

Chapter 7 – Respiration

Chapter 11 – Support and Locomotion

Chapter 15 – Variation

Totally not important

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Biology (0 question in every year)