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Splash Screen. Chapter Introduction Section 1: Immigration Section 2: Urbanization Section 3: The Gilded Age Section 4: Populism Section 5: The Rise of Segregation Visual Summary. Chapter Menu. Why Do People Migrate? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Splash Screen

Splash Screen

Chapter Menu

Chapter Introduction

Section 1: Immigration

Section 2: Urbanization

Section 3: The Gilded Age

Section 4: Populism

Section 5: The Rise of Segregation

Visual Summary

Chapter Intro

Why Do People Migrate?

European and Asian immigrants arrived in the United States in great numbers during the late 1800s. Providing cheap labor, they made rapid industrial growth possible. They also helped populate the growing cities.

• How do you think life in bigcities was different from life onfarms and in small towns?

• How do you think the immigrantsof the late 1800s changedAmerican society?

Chapter Timeline

Chapter Timeline

Chapter Intro 1


Why did Europeans come to America in the late 1900s?

Chapter Intro 2


What are some of the characteristics of cities?

Chapter Intro 3

The Gilded Age

What were the characteristics of the Gilded Age?

Chapter Intro 4


What is populism and how did it affect the United States?

Chapter Intro 5

The Rise of Segregation

What is racial segregation? Why is it inherently wrong?

Chapter Preview-End

Section 1-Main Idea

Big Ideas

Trade, War, and Migration Many people from Europe came to the United States to escape war, famine, or persecution or to find better jobs.

Section 1-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• steerage

• nativism

Academic Vocabulary

• immigrant

• ethnic

Section 1-Key Terms

People and Events to Identify

• Ellis Island

• Jacob Riis

• Angel Island

• Chinese Exclusion Act

A. A

B. B

Section 1-Polling Question

Did your ancestors immigrate to the United States?

A. Yes

B. No



Section 1

Europeans Flood Into America

Immigrants from Europe came to the United States for many reasons and entered the country through Ellis Island.

Section 1

• In the late 1890s—a period known as the “new” immigration—more than half of all immigrants in the United States were from eastern and southern Europe.

Europeans Flood Into America (cont.)

“Old” and “New” Immigrants tothe United States, 1865–1914

Section 1

• Europeans emigrated to the United States for many reasons:

− plenty of available jobs

− escape from poverty and the restrictions of social class in Europe

− to avoid forced military service

− high food prices

Europeans Flood Into America (cont.)

“Old” and “New” Immigrants tothe United States, 1865–1914

Section 1

− religious persecution

− Moving to the United States was an easy process.

− to live under a democratic government

Europeans Flood Into America (cont.)

“Old” and “New” Immigrants tothe United States, 1865–1914

Section 1

• The voyage to the United States was often very difficult.

Europeans Flood Into America (cont.)

− Most immigrants booked passage in steerage.

− At the end of the 14-day journey, the passengers usually disembarked at Ellis Island.

Section 1

• By the 1890s, immigrants made up a large percentage of the population of major cities, including New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Detroit.

• Jacob Riis, a Danish-born journalist, observed the large number of different nationalities in New York City.

Europeans Flood Into America (cont.)

Immigration Settlement Patterns

Section 1

• In the cities, immigrants lived in neighborhoods that were often separated into ethnic groups.

Europeans Flood Into America (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1


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About how many immigrants passed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954?

A. 2 million

B. 6 million

C. 12 million

D. 20 million

Section 1

Asian Immigration

Asian immigrants arrived on the West Coast, where they settled mainly in cities.

Section 1

• China was already overpopulated; then, in 1850, the Taiping Rebellion erupted and thousands of Chinese left for the west coast of the United States.

• Japanese immigrated due to economic problems at home.

• In January 1910, California opened a barracks on Angel Island for Asian immigrants.

Asian Immigration (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1


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In the early 1860s, which development led to further Chinese immigration?

A. Central Pacific Railroad construction

B. A gold rush

C. More land on the Plains became available.

D. A drought in China

Section 1

Nativism Resurges

Economic concerns and religious and ethnic prejudices led some Americans to push for laws restricting immigration.

Section 1

• Eventually, the wave of immigration led to increased feelings of nativism on the part of many Americans.

• Nativists opposed immigration for many reasons:

Nativism Resurges (cont.)

− fear that the influx of Catholics would swamp the mostly Protestant United States

− Labor unions argued that immigrants undermined American workers because they would work for low wages and accept jobs as strikebreakers.

Section 1

• Increased feelings of nativism led to the founding of anti-immigrant organizations such as the American Protective Association.

• Enacted in 1882, a new federal law banned convicts, paupers, and the mentally disabled from immigrating to the U.S.

Nativism Resurges (cont.)

Section 1

• In the West, Denis Kearney organized the Workingman’s Party of California in the 1870s to fight Chinese immigration.

Nativism Resurges (cont.)

− In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act.

− The law was not repealed until 1943.

Section 1

• On October 11, 1906, the San Francisco Board of Education ordered all Asian children to attend a racially segregated school.

Nativism Resurges (cont.)

− Japan took great offense at the treatment of its people.

− In response, Theodore Roosevelt proposed a deal known as the “Gentleman’s Agreement”—he would limit Japanese immigration if the school board would end segregation.

Section 1

• Although Presidents Taft and Wilson both vetoed legislation to require literacy from immigrants, the legislation eventually passed in 1917.

Nativism Resurges (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1


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The American Protective Association vowed not to hire or vote for which type of immigrant?

A. German

B. Asian

C. Irish

D. Polish

Section 1-End

Section 2-Main Idea

Big Ideas

Government and Society The growth of and problems in major cities led to political machines that controlled local politics.

Section 2-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• skyscraper

• tenement

• political machine

• party boss

• graft

Academic Vocabulary

• incentive • trigger

Section 2-Key Terms

People and Events to Identify

• Louis Sullivan

• George Plunkitt

• William “Boss” Tweed

A. A

B. B

Section 2-Polling Question

Do you think that cities are still divided by classes?

A. Yes

B. No



Section 2

Americans Migrate to the Cities

Rural Americans and immigrants moved to the cities where skyscrapers and mass transit were developed to deal with congestion.

Section 2

• After the Civil War, the urban population of the United States grew from around 10 million in 1870 to more than 30 million in 1900.

• The physical appearance of cities also changed dramatically.

Americans Migrate to the Cities (cont.)

− Skyscrapers began to appear as demand raised for the price of land.

− No one contributed more to the design of skyscrapers than Chicago’s Louis Sullivan.

Section 2

• The following kinds of mass transit developed:

Americans Migrate to the Cities (cont.)

− horsecars

− cable cars

− the electric trolley car

− elevated railroads

− subway systems

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2


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Where was the first subway system built?

A. New York

B. Boston

C. Chicago

D. San Francisco

Section 2

Separation by Class

In the cities, society was separated by classes, with the upper, middle, and working classes living in different neighborhoods.

Section 2

• During the last half of the 1800s, the wealthiest families established fashionable districts in the heart of a city.

• The nation’s rising middle class included doctors, lawyers, engineers, managers, social workers, architects, and teachers.

• Few families in the urban class could hope to own a home.

Separation by Class (cont.)

− Most spent their lives in crowded tenements.

Section 2

• Within the working class, white native-born men earned higher wages than anyone else.

− Many times the entire family, including the children, worked.

Separation by Class (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2


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The largest source of employment for women was which of the following?

A. Teaching

B. Nursing

C. Domestic service

D. Factories

Section 2

Urban Problems

Major problems plagued the cities; political machines provided help for some residents but were frequently corrupt.

Section 2

• Crime, both major and minor, was a growing problem in American cities.

Urban Problems (cont.)

− Alcohol contributed to violent crime, both inside and outside the home.

− Disease and pollution posed even bigger threats.

Section 2

• The political machine came about partly because cities had grown much faster than their governments.

Urban Problems (cont.)

− In exchange for votes, political machines and the party bosses who ran them eagerly provided necessities.

Section 2

• The party bosses who ran the political machines also controlled the city’s finances.

Urban Problems (cont.)

− Many machine politicians grew rich as the result of fraud or graft.

− George Plunkitt was one of New York’s most powerful party bosses.

Section 2

• Tammany Hall, the New York City Democratic political machine, was the most infamous such organization.

Urban Problems (cont.)

− William “Boss” Tweed was its leader during the 1860s and 1870s.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2


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From 1880 to 1900, the murder rate jumped by how much?

A. 20 million

B. 55 million

C. 75 million

D. 100 million

Section 2-End

Section 3-Main Idea

Big Ideas

Past and Present Ideas about wealth during the last part of the 1800s continue to affect society today.

Section 3-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• individualism

• Social Darwinism

• philanthropy

• settlement house

• Americanization

Academic Vocabulary

• evolution • publish

Section 3-Key Terms

People and Events to Identify

• Gilded Age

• Gospel of Wealth

• Mark Twain

• Social Gospel

• Jane Addams

A. A

B. B

Section 3-Polling Question

Do you feel that people have total control over the direction of their lives or that outside forces play a role as well?

A. Total control

B. Outside forces



Section 3

Social Darwinism

Individualism and Social Darwinism shaped Americans’ attitudes toward industrial society.

Section 3

• In 1872, Mark Twain and Charles Warner wrote a novel entitled The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today.

− By calling this era the Gilded Age, they were warning others that something might appear to sparkle, but the inside is probably made of cheaper material.

Social Darwinism (cont.)

• Whether the era was golden or merely gilded, it was certainly a time of great cultural activity.

Section 3

• One of the strongest beliefs of the era was the idea of individualism.

Social Darwinism (cont.)

− Horatio Alger wrote more than 100 “rags to riches” stories.

• Another powerful idea was Social Darwinism.

− British philosopher Herbert Spencer applied Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection to human society.

Section 3

• For many devout Christians, however, Darwin’s conclusions were upsetting and offensive.

• Andrew Carnegie advocated a gentler version of Social Darwinism that he called the Gospel of Wealth.

Social Darwinism (cont.)

− This philosophy held that wealthy Americans should engage in philanthropy and use their great fortunes to create conditions that would help people help themselves.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3


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Andrew Carnegie helped fund the creation of which of the following in order to help people better themselves?

A. Museums

B. Schools

C. Public libraries

D. Parks

Section 3

A Changing Culture

Artists and writers began portraying life in America more realistically, and cities offered new forms of entertainment.

Section 3

• A new movement in art and literature called realism began in the 1800s.

− Artists and writers tried to portray the world realistically.

− Perhaps the best-known American painter was Thomas Eakins.

− William Dean Howells and Mark Twain are two famous writers from this era.

A Changing Culture (cont.)

Section 3

• Popular culture changed considerably in the late 1800s.

A Changing Culture (cont.)

− As a place for social gathering, saloons played a major role in the lives of male workers.

− Amusement parks and watching professional sports also became popular during the late 1800s.

Section 3

− Playing tennis, golf, and croquet became popular.

− Vaudeville and ragtime music echoed the hectic pace of city life.

A Changing Culture (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3


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Which sport was invented in 1891?

A. Soccer

B. Baseball

C. Basketball

D. Volleyball

Section 3

Politics in Washington

The two major parties were closely competitive in the late 1800s; tariff rates and big business regulation were hotly debated political issues.

Section 3

• When Rutherford B. Hayes became president in 1877, he tried to end patronage by firing officials who had been given their jobs under the spoils system.

Politics in Washington (cont.)

− His actions divided the Republican Party between “Stalwarts” (who supported patronage) and the “Halfbreeds” (who opposed it).

Section 3

• When James A. Garfield became president, his assassination turned public opinion against the spoils system and in 1833 Congress passed the Pendleton Act.

Politics in Washington (cont.)

− This marked the beginning of professional civil service.

Section 3

• In 1884, the Democratic Party nominated Grover Cleveland for president and the Republican Party nominated James G. Blaine.

• As the first elected Democratic president since 1856, Grover Cleveland faced a horde of supporters who expected him to reward them with jobs.

Politics in Washington (cont.)

− However, “Mugwumps” expected him to increase the number of jobs protected by the civil service system.

Section 3

• Many Americans were concerned by the power of large corporations, especially the railroads.

• Many states passed laws regulating railroad rates, but the Supreme Court ruled that only the federal government could regulate interstate commerce.

• In 1887, Cleveland signed the Interstate Commerce Act, which created the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC).

Politics in Washington (cont.)

Section 3

• In December 1887, President Cleveland proposed lowering tariffs, which became a major issue in the election of 1888.

• Harrison’s victory in the election of 1888 gave the Republicans control of both houses of Congress as well as the White House.

Politics in Washington (cont.)

− The McKinley Tariff lowered federal revenue causing a budget deficit.

Section 3

• In 1890, Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act; however, the law had little impact.

Politics in Washington (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3


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Who ran against Grover Cleveland in the election of 1888?

A. William McKinley

B. Benjamin Harrison

C. Chester A. Arthur

D. James A. Garfield

Section 3

The Rebirth of Reform

Reformers developed new methods and philosophies for helping the urban poor.

Section 3

• In 1879, journalist Henry George published Progress and Poverty, a book challenging Social Darwinism.

• In 1883, Lester Frank Ward published Dynamic Sociology, in which he argued that humans were different from animals because they had the ability to make plans to produce future outcomes they desired.

The Rebirth of Reform (cont.)

− Ward’s ideas came to be known as Reform Darwinism.

Section 3

• In 1888, Edward Bellamy published Looking Backward, a book about a perfect socialistic society.

• Criticism of industrial society also appeared in a new style of writing known as naturalism.

The Rebirth of Reform (cont.)

− Naturalists believed that some people failed in life due to circumstances beyond their control.

− Famous writers include Stephen Crane, Jack London, and Theodore Dreiser.

Section 3

• The plight of the urban poor prompted some reformers to find new ways to help.

The Rebirth of Reform (cont.)

− Their efforts gave rise to the Social Gospel movement, the Salvation Army, the YMCA, and settlement houses.

• Jane Addams opened a famous settlement house in Chicago—the Hull House—in 1889.

Section 3

• Public schools were crucial to the success of immigrant children.

The Rebirth of Reform (cont.)

− They were taught English and learned about American history and culture, a process known as Americanization.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3


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Which of the following worked to better conditions in cities according to the biblical ideals of charity and justice?

A. The Social Gospel Movement

B. The Salvation Army


D. Settlement houses

Section 3-End

Section 4-Main Idea

Big Ideas

Economics and Society The Populist movement and its presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan strongly supported silver as the basis for currency.

Section 4-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• populism

• greenbacks

• inflation

• deflation

• cooperatives

• graduated income tax

Academic Vocabulary

• bond

• currency

• strategy

Section 4-Key Terms

People and Events to Identify

• Farmers’ Alliance

• People’s Party

• William Jennings Bryan

• William McKinley

A. A

B. B

Section 4-Polling Question

Do you feel that presidential candidates must be eloquent speakers in order to run for office?

A. Yes

B. No



Section 4

Unrest in Rural America

Deflation, low crop prices, and tariffs hurt farmers economically.

Section 4

• Populism was a movement to increase farmers’ political power and to work for legislation in their interest.

• Some farmers thought adjusting the money supply would solve their economic problems.

Unrest in Rural America (cont.)

− During the Civil War the federal government issued millions of dollars in greenbacks.

− This increase in the money supply without an increase in goods for sale caused inflation.

Section 4

• To get inflation under control, the federal government stopped printing greenbacks, began paying off its bonds, and stopped making silver coins.

• As the economy expanded, deflation began and hit farmers especially hard.

Unrest in Rural America (cont.)

Section 4

• In 1867, Oliver H. Kelley founded the first national farm organization, the Patrons of Husbandry, better known as the Grange.

• Grangers responded to the recession in 1873 by pressuring state legislatures to regulate railroad and warehouse rates.

Unrest in Rural America (cont.)

Why Were Farmers Having Problems?

− They also tried to create cooperatives.

Section 4

− None of the strategies the Grangers employed improved farmers’ economic conditions.

• As the Grange began to fall apart, the Farmers’ Alliance began to form.

Unrest in Rural America (cont.)

− When Charles W. Macune became the leader of the Alliance, he announced a plan to organize very large cooperatives, which he called exchanges.

− Ultimately, the large cooperatives failed.

A. A

B. B

Section 4

In the case of Wabash v. Illinois which decision did the Supreme Court make?

A. States could regulate railroads and commerce that crossed state lines.

B. States could not regulate railroads and commerce that crossed state lines.



Section 4

The Rise of Populism

Farmers started the People’s Party to fight for their interests and attracted many supporters when a depression hit in the 1890s.

Section 4

• Members of the Kansas Alliance formed the People’s Party, also known as the Populists, and nominated candidates to run for Congress and the state legislature.

• To get the Southern Democrats to support the Alliance, Charles Macune introduced the subtreasury plan.

The Rise of Populism (cont.)

− Macune believed the plan would enable farmers to hold their crops off the market in large enough quantities to force prices up.

Section 4

• The Populists nominated James B. Weaver to run for president in 1892.

• The Populist platform endorsed the following:

The Rise of Populism (cont.)

− a return to unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio that gave 16 ounces of silver the same value as one ounce of gold

− federal ownership of railroads

Section 4

− a graduated income tax

− proposals designed to appeal to organized labor

The Rise of Populism (cont.)

• Grover Cleveland won the election.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

Section 4

The People’s Party called for which of the following?

A. Free coinage of silver

B. An end to protective tariffs and national banks

C. Tighter regulation of railroads

D. A and B

E. All of the above A B C D E

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Section 4

The Election of 1896

Although William Jennings Bryan had the support of the Populists and the Democrats, Republican William McKinley defeated him.

Section 4

• The Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan as their candidate.

The Election of 1896 (cont.)

− He transformed the campaign for silver into a crusade.

− The Populists decided to support Bryan instead of possibly splitting the silver vote.

Election of 1896

Section 4

• The Republicans nominated William McKinley as their candidate.

The Election of 1896 (cont.)

− Due to McKinley’s reputation as a moderate on labor issues and as tolerant toward ethnic groups, he won the campaign.

• The Populist Party declined after 1896.

Election of 1896

A. A

B. B

Section 4

Which of the candidates launched a “Front Porch Campaign”?

A. William Jennings Bryan

B. William McKinley



Section 4-End

Section 5-Main Idea

Big Ideas

Individual Action Several prominent African Americans led the fight against racial discrimination.

Section 5-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• poll tax

• segregation

• Jim Crow laws

• lynching

Academic Vocabulary

• discrimination

Section 5-Key Terms

People and Events to Identify

• Ida B. Wells

• Booker T. Washington

• W.E.B. Du Bois

A. A

B. B

Section 5-Polling Question

Would you fight for your rights or earn your education first?

A. Rights

B. Education



Section 5

Resistance and Repression

Many African Americans fled the South, but some stayed and joined the Populist Party.

Section 5

• In the mid-1870s, Benjamin “Pap” Singleton became convinced that African Americans would never be given a chance to get ahead in the South.

• He urged African Americans to move west, specifically to Kansas.

• In 1886, African American farmers established the Colored Farmers’ National Alliance.

Resistance and Repression (cont.)

The Exodus to Kansas

Section 5

• Many African Americans also joined the Populist Party when it formed in 1891.

• To win back the poor white vote, Democratic leaders began appealing to racism, warning whites that support for Populism would return the South to “Black Republican” rule.

Resistance and Repression (cont.)

− In addition, election officials began using various methods to make it harder for African Americans to vote.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 5


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The African Americans who migrated to Kansas came to be known by which of the following names?

A. Nomads

B. Wanderers

C. Exodusters

D. Hebrews

Section 5

Imposing Segregation

Southern states passed laws that imposed segregation and denied African American men their voting rights.

Section 5

• In the late 1800s, Southern states began imposing restrictions that, while not mentioning race, were designed to make it difficult or impossible for African Americans to vote.

• In 1890, Mississippi began requiring all citizens registering to vote to pay a poll tax of $2.

• Mississippi also instituted a literacy test, requiring voters to read and understand the state constitution.

Imposing Segregation (cont.)

Section 5

• Other Southern states adopted similar restrictions, and the number of voters declined significantly.

• African Americans in the North were often barred from public places, but segregation in the South was far worse.

Imposing Segregation (cont.)

− Southern states passed Jim Crow laws.

Section 5

• In 1883, the Supreme Court set the stage for legalized segregation when it overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

− Southern states then passed a series of laws that established racial segregation in virtually all public places.

Imposing Segregation (cont.)

• In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court set out a new doctrine of “separate but equal” facilities for African Americans.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 5


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Whom did the “grandfather clause” allow to vote?

A. People over 70 regardless of race

B. Anyone whose ancestor could vote in 1867

C. Women

D. White men whose ancestorcould read before 1850

Section 5

The African American Response

Some African American leaders focused on practical vocational education, while others pushed for full civil rights and education opportunities.

Section 5

• Between 1890 and 1899, there was an average of 187 lynchings each year.

• In 1892, Ida B. Wells launched a crusade against lynching.

• Mary Church Terrell fought a lifelong battle against lynching, racism, and sexism.

The African American Response (cont.)

− She helped found the National Association of Colored Women and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Section 5

− She also formed the Women Wage-Earners Association.

• Booker T. Washington proposed that African Americans concentrate on achieving economic goals rather than political ones.

• Booker’s Atlanta Compromise speech provoked a strong challenge from W.E.B. Du Bois, who saw no advantage to giving up civil rights, even temporarily.

The African American Response (cont.)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 5


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Who wrote The Souls of Black Folk?

A. Ida B. Wells

B. Mary Church Terrell

C. Booker T. Washington

D. W.E.B. Du Bois

Section 5-End

VS 1

Effects of Industrialization

1. Immigration and Urbanization

• Rise of large factories greatly increases the demand for labor in the United States, encouraging immigrants to move to America in large numbers.

• The increase in industrial jobs encourages large numbers of Americans and immigrants to settle in cities.

• As cities grow large, pollution, crime, disease, and fire become serious problems.

VS 2

Effects of Industrialization

1. Immigration and Urbanization

• New industrial technology allows cities to grow even larger with the development of the skyscraper, the elevator, and the trolley car.

• Large urban areas change the nature of politics creating corrupt urban political “machines” such as Tammany Hall in New York.

VS 3

Effects of Industrialization

2. Farm Problems

• Industrialization and new technology increases farm production and creates the ability to ship farm products across the country.

• Farmers produce huge surpluses, driving down food prices, while a money shortage leads to high interest rates; farmers grow deeper in debt while income falls.

VS 4

Effects of Industrialization

2. Farm Problems

• High railroad rates in the West combine with high rents for tenant farmers in the South to create a crisis for farmers.

• Farmers form the Grange, the Alliance, and the Populist Party to help address their concerns.

VS 5

Effects of Industrialization

3. Changes in Culture

• Industrial society initially leads to a strong belief in individualism; Social Darwinism emerges as the idea that government should not interfere in society.

• Ongoing social problems caused by industrialization lead to Reform Darwinism and the emergence of reformers who want to use government to help solve society’s problems and regulate the economy.

VS 6

Effects of Industrialization

3. Changes in Culture

• New forms of realist and naturalist art and literature depict industrial life in serious and realistic ways.


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cramped quarters on a ship’s lower decks for passengers paying the lowest fares



hostility toward immigrants



one who enters and becomes established in a country other than that of their original nationality



relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background



a very tall building



multifamily apartments, usually dark, crowded, and barely meeting minimum living standards


political machine

an organization linked to a political party that often controlled local government


party boss

the person in control of a political machine



the acquisition of money in dishonest ways, as in bribing a politician



something that motivates a person into action



to cause an action that causes a greater reaction



the thought that no matter what a person’s background was, they could still become successful


Social Darwinism

based on Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection, states that humans have developed through competition and natural selection with only the strongest surviving



providing money to support humanitarian or social goals


settlement house

institution located in a poor neighborhood that provided numerous community services such as medical care, child care, libraries, and classes in English



causing someone to acquire American traits and characteristics



the scientific theory that humans and other forms of life have evolved over time



to make a document available to the general public



political movement founded in the 1890s representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other large industries



a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War



the loss of value of money



a decline in the volume of available money or credit that results in lower prices, and, therefore, increases the buying power of money



store where farmers buy products from each other; an enterprise owned and operated by those who use its services


graduated income tax

tax based on the net income of an individual or business and which taxes different income levels at different rates



a note issued by the government that promises to pay off a loan with interest



paper money used as a medium of exchange



a plan or method for achieving a goal


poll tax

a tax of a fixed amount per person that had to be paid before the person could vote



the separation or isolation of a race, class, or group


Jim Crow laws

statutes or laws created to enforce segregation



an execution performed without lawful approval



to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit


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