sphnare - Science€¦ · und bisberigen Ergebinisse," Leipzig (Weigel, publisher), pp. xxC. and...

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Transcript of sphnare - Science€¦ · und bisberigen Ergebinisse," Leipzig (Weigel, publisher), pp. xxC. and...


Wants.A ny fierson seeking a.,hosition for which he is q?uali-

fied by his scientific attainmen-.s, or anyfiersonw seekixgsomze one to fil a fiosition of this character, be it thatofa teacher ofscience, chemist, draug4tsmax, or wuhatnot, may have Shte ' Want' inserted uder this headFREE1! OF COST, if he satis.fes the fiublisher of the suit-able character of his a.Ailication. Axyfierson seekinginformatiox on any scientific q!eestion,. the addNress ojany scie*tific man, or ?who cax in axy qway use thiscol-umx for a hu?wriose consonant with the mature of tlheAa,6er, is cordiallji invited to do so.

DDRESS WANTED.-Will some one please sendA the address of the Secretary of the AmericauPhilological Society. Also that of Herbert Spencer."ADDISON," Room 84, 164 MIadison St., Chicago, lll.

Exchanges.[Freeofcharge to all, if ofsatisfactorycharacter.

Address N. D. C. Hodges, 874 Broadway, New York.1Finished specimens of all colors of Vermont marble for

fine fossils or crystals. Will be given only for valuablespecimens because of the cost of polishing. GEO. W.PERRY, State Geologist, Rutland, Vt.

For exchange.-Three copies of " American State.Papers Bearingon Sunday Legislatiol,"18gr, $2.50,newancd unused, for "The DSabbath," by Harmon Kingsbury,I84o; "The Sabbath," by A. A. Phels "82 Historyof the Institution of the Sabbath Da,IsUses and-Abuses," by W. L. Fisher', 1859- ' Humru Phases ofthe Law," by Irving Browne; or other works amounting-to value of books exchanged, on the question of govern-.mental legislation in reference to religion, personal liberty,.etc. If preferred. I will sell "American State Papers,"and buy other books on the subject. WILLIAM AD-DISON BLAKELY, Chicago, Ill.


Women's Anthropological Society of-Amerlica, Washington.

Feb. 6.-Child Life.





W=ith thirty-two Illustrations and a Map.12°. $1.50.

"The story is a piquant, good-humored, entertain'Dg narrative of a canoe voyage. A neater, prettierbook is seldom seen."-Literary World.

"This is sprightly narrative of personal inci-dent. The bookr will be a pleasant reminder tomaniy of rough experiences on a frontier whichisrapiaiy receding."-Boston Transcript.

"The picture of our desolate North-western terri-tor twenty-fve years ago, in contrast with itscivilized aspect to-day, and the pleasant features ofthe writer's style, constitute the claims of his littlebook to present attention."-T`he Dial.

N. D. C. HODGES, 874 Broadwlay, N. Y.

THE A-MERICAN RACE:-Byr DANIEL G. BRINTON, M.D."The book is one of unusual interest and value."-'

Inter Ocean.II Dr. Daniel Gl. Brintonwritesasthe acknlowledged

authority of the subject."-Philadelphia Plress."1 The work will be of genuine value to all who

wish to knDow the substanlce of what bas been foundout about the indigenous Americans."-Nature."A masterly discussion, and an example of the

successful education of the powers of observation."-Philadelphia Ledger.

Price, postpaid, $2.


VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY.For use in Colleges and Normal Schools. Price so centsSent free by post byN. D. C. §{ODGESs 874 Broadwayg N. Y.,


ID1DRESSES of Old Book Dealers wanted.-Wish-Aing to obtain a number of old books out of print,

I very much desire the addresses or catalogues of.rare second-hand bookr dealersi. If,there is adirec-tory or list of such dealers I should like to obtainpossession of one. W. A. BLAKELY, Chicago, Ill.

\lANTED.-Books on the Magic Lantern. WillVV exchange, "How the Farm Pays," by Cozie'rand Henderson;* " Culture of Farm C)rops." byStewart; "4American Agriculturist," 1890 and 1891.I. SLEE ATKINSON, 43 Wallace St., Orange, N. J.-

Wanted, in exchange for the following works, anystandard works on Surgery and on Di,eases of Children:Wilson's "American Ornithology,' vols. Coues"'Birds.of the Northwest " and " Birds of tie ColZrado Valley,"2 sVOIS.; Minot's " Land and Game Birds of New En-land-" Samuels"' Our Northern and Eastern Birds;" atithe Reports on the 'Birds of the Pacific R. R. Survey,bound in 2 voIs., morocco, and a complete set of tfieReports of the Arkansas Geological Surirey. Please giveeditions and dates in corresponmng:. R. ELLSWORTHCALL, High School, Des Moines, Iowa.

Wanted to bus or exchange a copy of Holbrook's-North American lerpetology, by.Jobn Edwards. 5 vols.Philadelphia, I842. G. BAUR, Clark University,Worcester, Mass.

IFor sale or exchange, LeConte, "Geology, Quain,"Anatomy," 2 vols. FEoster, "Phvsiology, En'g. e Iitin

Shepard, Appleton, Elliott, and Stern, "Chemisty'Jordan, "' Manual of Vertebrmtes-" " InternationlalSentists' Directory-" Vol. I. of IrSfMrpooy a-four, " Embryology," 2 vols.,-CLeidy, i'Rhizopods-"Scienc,e, I8 vols., unbounid. C.T. McCLINTOCk',Lexington, Ky.

For sale.-A 6,X x 82j Camera- a very fine instrument,with lens, holders and tripod, ail new; it cost over $4;oprice,$25. Edw. L. Hayes, 6 Athens street, Cambridge,.Mass.. _

96 [V/OL. XIX. No. 471tbe beast, it was as still as if cut from stone. The bird quivered,treinbled, looked fixedly at the ca-t. and finally, with a feebleshlake of the wings, fell towards the cat, which bounded to seize

A lady tells me that sbe does inot believe tbat cats can ebarmbirds, because she has seen a cat try to charm a parrot, and thebird, greatly alarmed, scolded loudly." This proves notbing, theparrot in general, or, more probabuly, that particular parrot, didnot prove a good subject for the mesmeric power. I liave seenpeople who cannot be hypnotized; they resent the effort, and ner-VOUs action beconmes intensified. J. MCNAI:R WRtIGHT.

AMONG THE PUBLISHERS.TH1E W. J. Jobnson Co., limited, hav?e ready 11 The Electric

Railway in Theoryr and Practice," ,a complete treatise on the con-struction and operation of electric railways, by O. T. C rosby andDr. Louis Bell, fully illustrated and wbolly practical.

-Henry Holt &; -Co. will shortly publish a translation ofit Gescbicbte der Philosophie," by Dr. W. Windelh)and, professorin the University of Strassburg.-Tbomas Nelson's, Sons have ready an entirely new atlas by

J. G#. Bartholomew, entitled "1 The Grapbic Atlas and Gazetteer ofthe World," with over two hundred and twventy maps, charts,plans of cities, etc., all revised to present date, and a gazetteer ofnearj_v 55,000 places and results of new census. Tbroughout the

atlas the.countr-ies of tho wr,rld have been treated with fulness inproportion to their commercial importance and interest. In theUnitedl States section a separate. msp is given of each or tbe Statesa-nd Terri ories. The Canadian provinces atre, treted in similardetail. The maps bave been specially compiled from the latestand best government surrey maps, and have undergone local re-vision for the verificeation of new c'ounties, townships, and rail-ways. Consid-ering the v-ast amount of information given, the atlasis a marvel of compactness and practicability.

-Tbe most important work on the general study of linguisticscience that has appeared in 1891 is that of ProfessBor Georg vonder Gabelentz, "1 Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Metbodenund bisberigen Ergebinisse," Leipzig (Weigel, publisher), pp. xxC.and 502. The wide-reaching and comprehensive scope of tbis~treatise is shown by the very title, and readers will sooin see tbat.the author fulfils what be promises. Through bis great practicalexperience the author, well known as a connoisseur of easternAsiatic languages, is enabled to give more hints about linguisticstudies and their scientific bearing tban such men as bave confinedtheir energies to inflective languages alone. The volume gives usthe views of a man familiar with all possible types of bumanspeecb, the monosyllabic as well as the inceorporating and agJgluti-native, and introduces us in the most fascinating way into all the.morphologic intricacies of the verb, nou-n-verb, and sentence. Inits make-up the book comes nearest the celebrated IIPrinciples ofLanguage History," by Paul, and supplements it in many different

WANTED.-(1) A white man versed in wood andWiron workitig, able to work from specifleationsand plans, suited for an instructor of boys; bis bus-iness to have charge of shops of school, outline anddirect the work for foremen and students; salary tobs $1,000 per annum (nine months). (2) A man(black preferred) to tea¢h the colored, iron *orkingand.forging, subordinate to the preceding; salary,$7~20. 3 man (white) competent to takre classesin engineering (assistant's position), but with tbeability to perform any of the work required in anyof the ordinary engineering courses of our universi-ties; salary from $1,000 to $1,500. A. H. BEALS,Milledgeville, Gka.

WANTED.-Two or three efficient computers withgood krnowledge of'Spherical Trigonometry and

ready use of logarithms, for temporary employmentin the office of the Coast and G)eodetic Survey. Ap-plicants should furnish evidence of their fltuess forthe work. Apply by letter to the Superintendent,Coast and G}eodetic Survey, Washington, D.Oi.

To exchange Wright's " Ice Age in North America "'-and Le Conte's "Elements of Geology" (Copyris ht x882).for "Darwinism " by A. R.Wallace, "Origin of gpecies,"by Darwin, "l5escent of Man." by Darwin, "Man'sPlace in Nature," Huxley, "Mental Evolution in Ani-mals," by Romanes, "Pre-Adamites," by Winchell. Nobooks wanted except latest editions, andl books in goodcondition. C. S. Brown, Jr., Vanderbilt University,Nashville, Tenn.

WANTED.-Science, No. 178, July 2, 1886, alsoWIndex and Title-page to Vol. VII. AddressN. D. C. Hodges, 874 Broadway, New York.

WANTED.-A position in the philosophical orWpedagogical department of a college or uni-versity by a young mall (30) who has had five years'practical experienoe in teaching, and wrho has donerour years' post-graduate work in philosophy, devot-ing his attention during the last two years espe-cially to study and oriia ivtiaon in scien-tifle psychology and it plctol neducation.Addres E. A., care Scec,84Boday, N. Y.City. '

For Sale or Exchange for books a complete pnvatechemical laboratory outfit. Includes large Becker bal--ance (200g. to i-iomg.), platinum dishes and crucibles,agate motors, glass-blowing apparatus, etc. For sale inpart or whole. Also complete Wie of Silliman's Yourxal,i862-i885 (62-7i bound); Smithsonian Reports, -x854-1883;.U. S. Coast Survey. x8-4-t869. Full particulars to en--quirers. F. GARDINER, JR., Pomfret, Conn.


SCIENCE.ways, as it does also the works of Friedrich Mulller and Whitney.There is no chapter in language-study which is not fruitfullyhinted at or fully treated by the author: the composing of gram-mars, the analytic coinpared with the synthetic system, the variousphonetic modes of recording languages, the medley languages,theory of roots, the tests of affinity, the possibility of composingscientific dictionaries, the analysis which is inherent in etymologicresearch, synonymic dictionaries, etc.- Dr. Andrew D. White will open the March Popular Science

Monthly withi a chapter on " Astronomy ' in his Warfare of Sci-ence series. The strenuous exertions made by both the Catholicand the Protestant clergy to suppress the teachings of Copernicusand Galileo are set forth in this article with such strong evidenceas to admit of no denial or shifting of responsibility. " The Or-gan " will be the subject of the article in the American Industriesseries. The author, Mr. Daniel Spillane, describes some of the

97noted instruments in the Unite] States, an] shows that Americanorgan builders have made good use of the scope for individualitywhich their art allows. The article is fully illustrated. Underthe title " Social Statistics of Cities," the Marchl number will havea paper by Carroll D. Wright, comparing the area andl population,and the cost of each department of public works, in fifty cities ofthe United States. The comparison contradicts some prevailingopinions as to what cities have the most expensive governments." The Cotton Industry of Brazil" will he descrioedi by John C.Branner, formerly assistant geologiAt of the Brazilian GeologicalSurvey. Mr. Branner believes that the production and manufac-ture of cotton in Brazil is destined to increase, but that the coun-

try will not become a competitor of the United States in this indus-try.- Darwin after Darwin," is the title of a book that George

J. Ronmanes is preparing.


HopstodesAece PllesphnareA most excellent and agree-

able tonic and appetizer. Itnourishes and invigorates thetired brain and body, imparts re-

newed ernergy and vitality, andenlivens the functions.Dr. EPHBAiM BATEMAN, Cedarville, N. J.,

says:" I have used it for several years, not only

in my practice, but in my own individualcase, atnd consider it under all circumstancesone of the best nerve tonics that we possess.For mental exhaustion or overwork it givesrenewed strength and vigor to the entiresystem. "

Descriptive pamphlet free.

Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. 1.

Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.

CAUTION.-Be sure the word "'Hors-ford'se" Is on the label. All others are

spurious. Never sold in bulk.



This book is the result of an attempt tocollect the scattered notices of fossil resins,exclusive of those on amber. The work is ofinterest also on account of descriptions givenof the insects found embedded in these long-preserved exudations from early vegetation.


N. D. C. HODGES, 874 Broadway, N. Y.IDE-R ULE Perpetual Calendar.-This

novel application of the slide-rule\ IAprincdpleshoss,,lnaniwstant withoutstudyorcal-

j culation, a complete Calend:r for any month fromthe Year 1 till the end of rime. Sample, 2' CtS.


ACK NUM BERS and complete sets of leading Mag-B azines. Rates low. ABM. MAG. EXCHANGE.

Schoharie N V

A TEMPORARY BINDERfor Science is now ready, and will be mailedpostpaid on receipt of 75 cents.

This binder is strong, durable andANJG| | elegant, has gilt side-title, and al-lows the opening of the pages per.

fectly flat. Any number can betaken otit or replaced without dis-

turbing the others, and the papersare not mutilated for subseqtnentpermanent binding. Filed in this

ij1 i binder, Science is always convenientfor reference.

Temnporary binders of the same

description but without side title, toR fit any paper or periodical of ordi-nary size, will be mailed postpaid on receipt of price asgiven below. In ordering, be sure to give the name ofpaper or periodical and style of binder.

8 to 12 inches long, cloth. $o.5o; leather, So.6o.12'- 14 " 6o 75.14 17 75 " 00.

17 19 1.00 1.25.

N. D. C. HODGES, 874 Broadway, New York.



OF SUPERIOR AND STANDARD QUALITY.Leading Nos.: 048, 14,130, 135, 239, 333

-For Sate by att Stationers.THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO.,

Works: Camden, N.J. _626 John St., Newv York.


PATENTSFor INVENTORS. 40-page BOOK FREE. AddressW. T. Fitzgerald, Attorney at Law,Washington, D.C.


Course of Mineralogy for Young People.Conducted by correspondence; minerals and books

furnished.Collection and book, "First Grade," one do'lar-

postage. 25 cents. Send for circulars toGUSTAVE GUTTENBERG,

Central High School, Pittsburgh, Pa.

r u OPALSI Cut ready for setting. Havingpur-GE OASw u w no chased a large lot at the Mexican lo-cality, we are offering them at about one-fifth Jewelers'prices; Mc., $1, $1.50, $2, $3. This is a rare opportunity tosecure a fuise gem very cheap. 100 pp. Mineral Catalogue15c..incloth2Nc.,Supplemeint2c. GEO.L.ENGLISII&CO.Mineralogists, 733 and 735 Broadway, New York City.


These Gemstones are cut and polished ready forJewelry mounting, and are given free to each newsubscriber sending $1, price of yearly subscription.

Address THE GREAT DIVIDE,1516 Arapaitoe St., Denlver, Colo.

DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD?If you intend to build, it will be a mistake not to send for "SENSIBLE LOW-COST

HOUSES,99 now arranged in three volumes. In them you will flnl perspective views,floor plans, descriptions, and estimates of cost for 1 05 tasteful, new desig-ns forhouses. They also give prices for complete Working Plans, I)etails, and Specifcations,which enable you to build without delays, mistakes or quarrels with your build-er, and which any one ean understand. Vol. 1. contains 35 copyrighted designs ofhouses, costing between $500 and $1800. Vol. It. contains 35 copyrighted designs, $1800 to$3000. Vol. IIl. cotitains 35 copyrighted designs, $3000 to $9000. Price, by mail, $1.00each, or $3.00 for the set.

COLONIAL HOUSES," a volume showing Perspectives and Floor Plans ofhouses arranged in the inimitable style of the Colonial Architecture, and having all modernarrangements for comfort. Price, $2.00.

"6PICTURLESQCUE HOUSES FOR FOREST AND SHORE":-This showPerspectives and Floor Plans of new designs for Summer Cottages, which are romanticconvenient, and cheap. Price $1.00, by mail.

N. D. C. HODGES, 874 Broadway, New York



- 5 -~~~~~~~~~~~~PUBLICATIONS.




OF WHAT USE IS THAT PLANT?You can find the answer in


Sent postaid on receipt of $2.80. Publish-eris price, $3.50.

SCIENCIE BOOIK AGE-NCY,874 Broadlwayg Now York,

nuASOUTH BEND zlsrw urTACOMAl PUG6ETCITY lnINVESTMENTSX1 GUAANTrEE 12 lper cent per annumnin any of the above cities'. I have made from 40 toSO-e cent. per annum for non-residents. I alsomake frrst mortgage, improved real estate loans onunquestionable securities from 8 to :0 per ceDt. peranuum net. Also have choice bargains in Farm)Hop May anad Garden Lands. Correspond-ence !&olicited reigardirg Western Washington. AU1inquiries answered promnptly. AddressA. C. SICKELS, Tacoma, Washington

98 SCIENCE.. r,VoL. XIX. No. 471


New Method of Protecting Propertyfrom Lightning.-

Te Lihnin Dspeller.Price, $20 to $30.- According to size.

The Patent Lightning Dispeller is a conduc-tor specially designed to dissipate the energyof a lightning discharge,-to prevent itsdoing harm,-placing somethi4g inl its pathupon which its capacity for causinlg damagemay be expe~nded.No recorded case of lightning strokre has

yet been cited against the principle of theDispeller. So far as known, the dissipationlof a conductor has invrariably protected underthe conditioins employed.

Corresponde-nce solicited.


The American Lightning Protection CompanyUnited Bank.Building, Sioux City, Iowa.


"The book is good, thoroughly good, and wrill longremain the.best accessible eilementary ethnographyin our language."-The Christian Union."We strongly recommend Dr. Brinton's .,Races

and Peoples'I to both beginnlers and scholars. Weare not aware of any other recent workr on thescience of which it treats in the English language."-Asiatic Quarterly.

"4His book is an exceelent one, and we can heartilyrecommend it as an introductorwy mauual of ethnllo-ogY."-The M-onist."A useful and really interesting work, wvhich de-

serves to be widely read and studied both in Europeand America."-Brighton (Eng.) Herald.

IIThisvolume is most stimulating. It is writtenwith great cleamness, so that anybody can under-stand, and while in some ways, perforce, superficial,grasp very well thXe complete field of humanity."1-The Nlew York Times.

'*Dr. Brinton invests his scientific illustrations andmeasurements with an indescribable charm of nar-ration, sO that 'Races and -Peoples,' avowedly a rec-ord of discovered fSacts, is in reality a strong stim-ulant to the imagination."-Philadelphia PuzblicLedger." the work is indispensable to the student who re-

quires an intelligent gide to a course of ethno-graphic reading."-.Phi adelphia Times.

Price, lpoostpald, $1.75.

THEfv MODERN MALADY; or, Suf-ferers from I Neryes.1

An introduction to public cousideration,from a non-medical point of view, of a con-dition of ill-health which is increasinglyprevalent in all ranks of society. In thefirst part of this work the author dwells onthe errors in our mode of treating Neuras-thenia, consequent on the wide ignorance ofthe subject which still prevails; iu the sec-ond part, attention is drawn to the principalcauses of the malady. The allegory formingthe Introduction to Part I. gives a brief his-tory of ner'Vous exhaustion and the modes oftreatment which have at various times beenthought suitable to this most painful and try-ing disease.

By CYRIL BENN ETT.12°, 184 pp., $1.50.

N. D. C. HODGES, 874 Broadwav, NewYork.


TAYLOR & GUNSTONTitke full charge of property for the

EASTERN INVESTOR.City, Town, and Suburban Lots,

Garden, Fruit, Hop and Timber Lands.

IO0°lo Guaranteed on all layestments.Houses for sale on the;instalment plan, by which

the purchaser can obtain an incom'e sufficient tocover all payments, including taxes,insurance,etc.Information regarding any particular point in

the State of Washington gladly furnished uponapplication. Personal attention given to all loans.Correspondence solicited. Refer, by per'mission,to the Pacific National Bank, Tacoma, Wash.;Geo. H. Tilley, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer ofthe Southern Express Co., and Frederick C. Clark,of Clark, Chapin &k Bushnell, New York.

Address 504 California 131'k,Tacoma,Wash.Eastern Representative,

H. F. TAYLOR, 47 Lafayette Place, New York.

14)wa C410,



This property is a part of Northwest Wash-Ington, and Is situated opposlte the siterecently purchased by Bishop Hurst forthe erection of the new

American Unriversityon which 10,000,000 will be expended inere ing superb buildingLs. It is but 30 minutesd feromtheWhite nouse, and issituatedon one of the highest points in the. Distriot ofColumbia. The average size lots, 25%;150 costfrom 8i425 to 8750, one-fifth cash, &Mineein 2, 8 anId 4 years. Nio better or saf6r induce-menlts have ever been offered purchasers tomake a profitable investment. Values are rap-tdly increasing. Write for fvfl particulars, ref-erence, ilsrted maps and full Information.


TOO 14TH" 8T., M. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C'.

-~~~t I,

CORAHSs,UTnsurpased for durability and wear.

INDIA SILK SHIRTINGSStripes and Checks, new colorings and


I 9t 6t.


We shall show this week attractive line ofNew Spring Woollens, which have-just beenadded to our Dress Goods stock.

Large importations of the New Crepeweaves-over sixty varietie of this favoritefabric.An extra large assortment of medium price

dress goods, in styles diffiult to obtain.Special attention is called to an extensive

line of India Crepes (all silk)-2,500 yardsto be offered on Monday at 75 clents peryard; worth S 1.25. These goods are wovenin handsome colored Stripes and are a lead-Ing novelty.

James MeCreery-& Co.BROADWAY & 11th STREET,



127 pp. 8°.Professor Waldo says: " I heartily recom-

mend them to all workers in meteorology,and do not see how anly of our- Americanmeteorologists can afford to be without acopy.,"

Professor Symons of London says: Theyare unquestionably valuable helps, whichmus be kept handy, and replaced whenworn out."I

Pricee, postpaid, $1.

ADDREmSS N. D. C. HODG;ES,874 Broadwayg New York.WAST

Factory Ends at half price; one ounce in a box. Allsoo slk and good colors. Sent by mail. on receipt of

iDcents; 100 drazy stitches in each package. Latest andbest book on Art Needlework, only 10 cents. A beauti-fal assortment chenille and arrasene * 15 new shades ineach for50¢nSend postal note or stamps toTBE 1XARD & ARMS3TRON S3POOL

SIIXC. @ffiBroadway, New York, or 621 Market

Forthnamesandddresws of 10 ladies interested InArt Needlework we will send one book free.